Saturday, February 28, 2015

Sex education - the sacred becomes secular

Rev. Eric Strachan
Maybe I missed it, maybe I overlooked the mention of His name, but I scrolled methodically through 244 pages of Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne's revamped 'Sex Education Curriculum' for public schools scheduled for introduction in the fall of 2015, and couldn't find the 'God' word!

Isn't that strange? After all, didn't He invent sex? Or was it someone else? Liberal-minded reformers would have us, in this post-Christian society, believe that those male and female designations given to us at birth, based on our God-given anatomy, are merely a 'social construct.' In other words our genders are something that society has unwisely foisted upon all of us, and we ought not to pay any attention to these male and female labels, but rather choose our own sexual identity. Sadly, that is the ungodly mantra that is being preached today by many, and the signs of it are clearly evident In the Ontario Liberals new 'sex-ed' curriculum.  (more...)

Sam Sotiropoulos Podcasting the Revolution

On social media:

'Fix Our Schools' parent group draws attention to TDSB disrepair

When the temperature in a classroom at Runnymede Public School recently dropped to just 10 C, someone snapped a photo of the thermometer as proof.

Now, a group of concerned parents is sharing that image on Twitter and Facebook to draw attention to problems with Toronto District School Board buildings.

Krista Wylie, one of the parents behind the group Fix Our Schools, says the province should provide more funding.

“Our kids are attending schools in states of disrepair,” she says.  (more...)

Educrats can't find their own privates -- and they want to teach sex ed

Blogwrath: Brainwashing Children with the New Sex Curriculum in Ontario

A reader I know wrote the letter below, which was sent to the Premier of Ontario Kathleen Wynne. It presents the point of view of the parents, which is routinely ignored in the forming of the government policies in the area of education. It is very unlikely that Frances would receive a response. Our distinguished Premier has a tested way of dealing with the criticism of her catastrophic policies in Ontario – the critics are always branded “bigots” or “homophobes” unable to see that the walking disaster named Kathleen Wynne is God’s gift to our province.  (more...)

On social media:

Tony McSweeney found guilty of abusing boy at Grafton Close

Priest Tony McSweeney was today found guilty of sexually abusing a boy at a children’s home in the London borough of Richmond.

McSweeney, 68, was convicted of one charge of indecently assaulting a 15-year-old boy at Grafton Close children’s home between 1979 and 1981, but cleared of three further counts. He was also convicted of three charges of making indecent images of children.  (more...)

Cops: Teacher Warned Teen Of ‘Mafia Ties’ When He Tried Blackmailing Her Over Mind-Blowing Sex

The case of one of the most recent female public high school teachers who was arrested for allegedly having sex with an underage student has taken an incredibly bizarre turn.

The teacher is Allison Marchese. Until her arrest earlier this month, she taught at Daniel Hand High School in Madison, Conn., a genteel coastal suburb.

Marchese, 37, performed an unspecified sex act on a 17-year-old male student, according to court records obtained by New Haven ABC affiliate WTNH.

The incident unfolded in the teacher’s classroom right in the middle of the school day, court records say. Marchese asked the student to stop by. He did. She locked the classroom door behind him. She closed the blinds.  (more...)

Yes, we have Mafia in Canada

Friday, February 27, 2015

Co-Parenting with the Government

Last Friday, Waterloo Region schools were closed because the temperature fell below -35 degrees Celsius, a decision which was justified on the grounds that some children might be inappropriately dressed for the conditions.

This is yet another example of educational decisions, for example the new Ontario sex education curriculum, that are said to be necessary because some parents won't do the right thing. I suppose these parents exist in small numbers, but I wonder whether this fact justifies the use of blunt instrument policy decisions that affect everyone. How far is the government's role to extend? Will it institute school-based eating centres to provide children with three nutriitious meals a day because some parents feed their children poorly? What about bedtime checks to make sure every child is sent to bed early enough? And standardized snowsuits with regulation hats, mitts, and boots that every child must wear?  (more...)

A letter to the editor from a retired teacher:

And the story you'll never see in polite media:

Resist: Archdiocese of Toronto reponds to the new sex education curriculum

Ontario's Sex education curriculum 2015
This week, the Archdiocese of Toronto has sent out to parishes a question and answer guide in response to the government's release of the Health and Physical Education Curriculum (2015) for all public and Catholic schools. Sections of the curriculum include the much debated sex education. Former premier Dalton McGuinty withdraw it in 2010 after many parents criticized the graphic contents. The controversy has not gone away as many groups and parents continue to be critical of the curriculum's explicit sexual topics and its age inappropriateness. Cardinal Thomas Collins has also issued a statement saying that the curriculum can be taught in Catholic schools once it's modified.

Parents can make their own conclusions after reading this diocesan guide. We believe it fails to address how Catholic schools will be able implement the parts of the curriculum that contradict the faith and do it without compromising Catholic teaching. For example, how do you teach the "gender" theory in a Catholic context? Are children in Catholic schools going to be taught that the Church recognizes "same-sex marriage," sexual orientation and the new "family structures?" And what about the concept of "consent" when it comes to sex and children? Why have parents not been widely consulted on these important educational issues?  (more...)

Peter Hayman and John Henniker linked to paedophile scandal

Two former UK ambassadors led parallel lives that each link to the unfolding scandal of the ‘Westminster paedophile network’.

Sir Peter Hayman, who rose to become a senior spy, and Lord Henniker, who also had a background in intelligence, were two peas in a pod, although how far they shared interests remains unclear. But the Queen certainly liked them both.  (more...)

And while we contemplate the world of espionage:

Tory MP slams Ontario sex-ed plan: says it must be recalled to prevent kids ‘from being groomed for exploitation’

Conservative MP Cheryl Gallant
OTTAWA, February 27, 2015 ( – A Conservative Member of Parliament from Ontario is raising concern that the graphic nature of Kathleen Wynne’s new sex ed curriculum risks putting children in a position to be “groomed for exploitation.”

Cheryl Gallant, MP for Renfrew—Nipissing—Pembroke, says the program underscores the need for quick passage of a federal bill designed to protect children from predators.

“Mr. Speaker, if anything demonstrates the need for the House to quickly pass Bill C-26, our Conservative legislation for tougher penalties against child predators, it is the decision by the Liberal Party in Toronto to introduce sweeping changes to how grade school children are taught sex education,” Gallant told Parliament in a members’ statement yesterday.   (more...)

We are Israel

At a super-secret conservative confab last week a long-time friend and ally said that after 30 years of giving lectures and speeches to conservative groups there was only one event where he could show his true colors, and it wasn’t the one we were attending.

I asked him what colors he could not show at the conference we were attending. First was his opposition to the war in Iraq, which he believes was one of the worst foreign policy blunders in the history of our country, one that has ruined our reputation all over the world and given us nothing in return. Then he said, “Israel.”

Among political conservatives there is a reflexive support for Israel, one that I share. Israel is a democracy, the only one in the Middle East, standing like a beacon in the midst of chaos and danger. And Israel defends our national interests almost alone in whole world.

We also understand that if Israel ceased to exist, the stated goal of various Islamic actors, it would not be the end of our Islamic troubles. For Islamists, the continued existence of Israel is a rallying point but not much more than that.

For Evangelicals, though, support for Israel goes far beyond geopolitics. For them there are also theological reasons; chiefly, that the state of Israel is somehow tied to the End Times. What flows from that is the tacit belief that the State of Israel can do no wrong.

It is surprising for Evangelicals to learn that the State of Israel is one of the worst when it comes to such important matters to Christians as life and family issues. They are as bad as it gets, as bad as the UK, worse than France and Germany. The State of Israel routinely tries to block pro-life Christian NGOs from getting UN accreditation.  (more...)

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Paedophile linchpin Peter Righton ‘carried out sadistic murder’

Thornham Magna estate, a bolthole for Peter Righton
Police are assessing allegations that paedophile Peter Righton carried out a sadistic murder while living in hiding in a country estate.

A survivor of child sex abuse, known as “Darren”, told how he witnessed the assault by a man named in Parliament as being behind a paedophile ring that linked to Downing Street. Darren believes that the attack left the victim dead.  (more...)

More gruesome details:

How It'll Play Out in Ontario

Sex ed concerns continue as Catholic board looks for faith-based input

WATERLOO REGION – Before the provincial government released its new health and physical education curriculum, Cambridge Catholic parent Camilla Gunnarson tried to add her two cents while filling out an online survey.

However, the portion of the survey that offered space to provide feedback comments only allowed 30 characters.

Gunnarson, who unsuccessfully ran for a seat on the Waterloo Catholic District School Board during the municipal election this past fall, was literally at a loss for words.

“Honestly, how was that consulting parents?” she questioned. “It was unbelievable.”

The Cambridge mother and director of Cambridge Right to Life is one of many parents who have voiced concern regarding the Ministry of Education’s newly updated health education curriculum, which includes new information on sex-related issues.  (more...)

School board dealing with pointed parent questions on sex ed

PEEL – A parent worried about how teachers would deliver the sensitive material in Ontario’s revised sex education curriculum had some pointed questions for public school trustees Tuesday (Feb. 24) night.

The Mississauga mother – with two of her children in tow – showed up for public question period at the Peel District School Board’s regular meeting.

Sumera Naqvi wanted to find out if she’d be forewarned about the topic of sex education classes and whether children could be pulled out of a class if parents considered the subject matter inappropriate.

Ontario’s Liberal government publicly revealed its update of the province’s health and physical education curriculum Monday. Parents and religious groups consider some material ­– which open the door to discussion of subjects that include anatomy, masturbation, oral and anal sex, contraception, gender identity and sexual orientation – too graphic and inappropriate for young children.  (more...)

Anyone with a brain can get this: In Sex Ed, One Size Does Not Fit All

(TORONTO, ON) – This week, Ontario’s Education Minister, Liz Sandals, released a long awaited update to the Ministry’s Health and Physical Education curriculum, which provide teachers with guidelines for nutrition, overall physical wellness, and sexual education.

It’s the first update on sexual education since the invention of Google in 1998 and, the Ontario Libertarian Party (OLP) agrees, that is a long time ago. The details around body parts, and their functions, certainly have not changed, however social norms, values, laws, and technologies have.

The sexual education part of the new curriculum has been met with considerable resistance from parents and organized groups. The major areas of concern, centre on the grade level at which sex subjects are taught, and their age appropriateness.

That is completely understandable.  (more...)

Even the revolutionaries realize it just isn't attainable:

Why rush when it comes to teaching kids about sex?

Wow, whatever happened to the three Rs?

In Ontario, it seems, learning about masturbation in Grade 6 and anal sex in Grade 7 is now right up there with reading, writing and arithmetic.

School trustees of old must be rolling in their graves.

This week, Ontario's provincial government rolled out its new and some might say too liberally aggressive sex education program for elementary school students, to the dismay of a vast number of parents.

Childhood, with all its inherent magic and innocence, is already far too fleeting a phase in life. But the Ontario government is poised to cut that fragile run of innocence even shorter under its regime of ill-thought-out social engineering.  (more...)

Jimmy Savile: How Margaret Thatcher assured paedophile's 'unrestricted' access to Stoke Mandeville Hospital

The report says Jimmy Savile's charitable work with Stoke Mandeville was
encouraged by Margaret Thatcher
Jimmy Savile was given "unprecedented" power at Stoke Mandeville hospital because of endorsements and fundraising from former prime minister Margret Thatcher.

An independent report reveals how Savile abused 63 patients at the Buckinghamshire hospital, including one girl aged as young as eight who he raped up to 10 times and an 11-year-old cancer sufferer.

The report stated how Savile had "virtually unrestricted access" to the hospital 24 hours a day, with his behaviour seemingly "tolerated" by staff because of his contribution to the organisation. This was despite it being an "open secret" that Savile acted inappropriately towards patents and visitors at the hospital.

One member of staff, Sister Cherry [now dead], is reported to have told one victim who was screaming after being assaulted by Savile how he "would do not do such a dreadful thing and that he raised a great deal of money for the hospital".  (more...)

A Cynic's View: Parents should raise their kids

Most weeks after I write this column I ask the Saint to read it before I send it in to the Examiner, and many of the times we just argue about it and I send it to the newspaper anyway.

She disapproves of the way I put things in a negative way and she tries to get me to change it.

Be more positive, be nicer and my favourite one is when she says "geez I wonder why we have no friends," and 100% of the times the Examiner agrees with her.

I don't mind if the Saint gets angry and I don't get upset with the newspaper when it gives feedback on my column, but I never listen and just go with the column as is.

Well this week I'm putting my big mouth and bigger ego on the shelf, and I will listen to the Saint and the Examiner.  (more...)

Sometimes a little cynicism can be good for the soul.

On the Sandals Slur: MPP says Liberals being 'very defensive'

Monte McNaughton
Accusations of making a homophobic comment about Premier Kathleen Wynne is not causing an area MPP to back down in his fight against the new sex-ed curriculum.

Lambton-Kent-Middlesex MPP Monte McNaughton was accused by Education Minister Liz Sandals of making a homophobic remark when he stated Tuesday it's up to parents and not the premier – “especially Kathleen Wynne” – to decide what children are taught about sex in school.

Wynne is the first openly gay Premier of Ontario.

McNaughton continued to take shots at Wynne and the Liberal party when asked about the homophobic accusation by The Chatham Daily News on Wednesday.

“I have said that's complete nonsense,” he said. “I don't trust any premier to tell parents what's age appropriate for their children, especially Kathleen Wynne.”

McNaughton said he doesn't trust Wynne because she and her government are under four OPP investigations, and because the former deputy minister of education, Ben Levin, who helped write the 2010 curriculum, is facing child porn charges.  (more...)

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Ontario Catholic leadership meekly accepts Wynne Sex-ed while 70,000+ citizens oppose it

Cardinal Collins reaction to media over public introduction of sex-ed program details
While tens of thousands of Ontario parents are opposing the Liberal government’s updated sex-ed curriculum, the Archdiocese of Toronto headed by Cardinal Thomas Collins has stated that schools have a “responsibility to teach the curriculum set out by the Ministry of Education.” It has also been revealed that a Catholic organization in the Archdiocese has been involved in the development of the program by providing “feedback and advice.” These Catholic establishment reactions are in stark contrast to the January 31 statement of Ottawa Archbishop Terrance Prendergast regarding the program.

Education Minister Liz Sandals told LifeSiteNews in a Toronto press conference at the sex-ed’s unveiling this week that the controversial Institute of Catholic Education (ICE), established by the Bishops of Ontario in 1986, is standing firmly behind the update.

“Right from the beginning of that conversation the Institute of Catholic Education, which has all the Catholic education stakeholders, has been involved in the conversation, right from the very beginning,” she said.  (more...)

The Best Conspiracy Theories Are Crazy Ones

Ukraine boys pedophilia internet pornography Toronto Canada crime corruption homosexuality

The Toronto newspaper most likely found on subway and streetcar seats is Metro, serving commuters as protection from spilled coffee and vomit for many years. One story caught my eye recently that set my mind wandering:
The socially conservative Campaign Life Coalition has a theory: The new sex-ed curriculum is one giant conspiracy to “groom” Ontario’s children to be victims of pedophilia. 
“That’s wild,” said University of Toronto political science professor Nelson Wiseman. “A lot of people feel (sex ed) should be strictly the purview of the family, and it’s not something that should be incorporated into the education of children — but the idea that this grooms kids for pedophilia is crazy.”
Now, I love a good conspiracy theory, so I juxtaposed Kathleen Wynne, sex ed, University of Toronto, OISE, Ben Levin, pedophilia, internet pornography... and employed my trusty search engine to uncover:

Blackmail? Now, maybe I'm onto something. The linked article begins:
Azov-Films reportedly produced child porn. 
Azov-Films' headquarters was in Toronto Canada, but its films were made in Crimea, Russia and Romania, by people including Igor Rusanov. 
Brian Way and his mother Sandra Waslov, of Staford VA USA, were the owners of and Way has been in custody since 2011. 
On 14 November 2013, Police in Canada announced that 348 people have been arrested and nearly 400 children rescued during their three-year investigation into Azov-Films and child pornography.
Now, one of the men swept up in the Canadian operation was Ben Levin. So I continued reading coming to this passage:
Igor Rusanov, from the Ukraine, made most of the 'child porn'films for Azov-Films. 
After university, Rusanov was in the Soviet military studying "covert command and control, secrecy and encrypted communication. 
"He graduated with honors and had the highest form of access to state secrets." 
In other words, Rusanov was most likely a spy.
A spy named Igor? Now, we're in proper conspiracy territory. The tale continues into a further article:

Woah! The plot sickens:
Beginning in 2002, he began working in collaboration with the American-influenced Christian Center for Science and Apologetics, which runs camps for children. 
The Christian Center for Science and Apologetics may, or may not, be a front for the CIA. 
Rusanov became involved in making child porn films, and organising tours for VIPs.
And the action crashes on:
There is a battle for control of the Ukraine. 
"There are pedophiles in Ukraine’s high offices," said PresidentYushchenko. 
In early October 2009, supporters of the frontrunner in the Ukraine elections, ex-premier Viktor Yanukovich, alleged that members of Prime Minster Yulia Tymoshenko's competing party were implicated in a child abuse case at a kids' summer camp in Crimea.
"The pedophile scandal, from the start, demolished the lives of two children and cast doubts on the honor and career prospects of several adults, including some parliament deputies... 
"The horrific accusations against a journalist, three parliamentarians and managers of the Crimean children’s camp, Artek, proved believable to many people." 
So Canada's arming and training Ukrainian troops. What Canadian interests are there in Ukraine? Wait...

Good golly Molly, get me the tinfoil hat! My brain's melting.

Tip of the hat to Canada's foremost conspiracy site:

But a conspiracy just doesn't seem complete without some old Nazis:

Some Rebel Video on Ontario's Politico-Education Complex

REAL Women of Canada: Ontario Sex-Education Curriculum

by C. Gwendolyn Landolt, February 25, 2015

Education Minister Liz Sandals has released the controversial sex education curriculum.  It is essentially the same as the unacceptable curriculum released in 2010.  The latter caused so much controversy that it was withdrawn.

Anyone who knows and understands children is aware that children in grade 3 (age 8) should not be burdened with information about “gender identity” (e.g. male, female, two-spirited, transgender, transsexual, and intersex) and sexual orientation and same-sex families; in grade 6 (age 11) about masturbation and the rejection of words such as “husband” and “wife”; or in grade 7 (age 12) about anal, oral and vaginal sex. It is significant that this curriculum addresses “gender identity” 35 times through a child’s development from grade one to eight.  What is its message?  To encourage children to question their gender?

The curriculum appears to be a programme to indoctrinate children rather than to educate them.  (more...)

Open Letter to Minister Sandals and Premier Wynne

Queen's Park rally against the new
sex education curriculum
Dear Minister Sandals and Premier Wynne:

If, as you have said publicly, parents have the right to withdraw their children from sections of the sex education curriculum that contradict their beliefs and values, then why is this Hamilton father still in court after nearly two years legally battling to get this right? The Education Act does give parents the right to direct their children's education. However, we believe that in this case there has been a gross violation of parental rights and freedoms.

As Chair the Parental Rights in Education Defence Fund (PRIEDF), we hope you reach out to this family and help resolve the issue that has cost the family money, criticism and much suffering.

You may wish to get more details here or go to our website for more information.  We believe the government should move quickly to instruct the Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board to correct this injustice.

Please do act on the message you have been giving to Ontario's parents and children. We hope to hear from you.

Thank you,
Lou Iacobelli


Witness: Ontario's new sexual Education program is based on perverted Gender Ideology

Fr. Darius Oko
Gender ideology is more insidious and evil than Marxism. So has written and spoken Fr. Darius Oko, the world's leading expect on this grave evil.  A brief examination of the Appendix of the Ontario Government's (in truth a totalitarian regime) proposed "sexual  education" program reveals that the entire program is based on gender ideology. Such a program is blasphemy because it says that children are to be taught morality contrary to the Gospels. This is blasphemy.  (more...)

Hundreds of upset parents rally against graphic sex-ed curriculum at Queen’s Park

TORONTO, ON (LifeSiteNews) – Several hundred upset parents converged on the Ontario legislature earlier today, February 24, to protest the Liberal's new sex-ed curriculum, which was released the day before.

While speakers at a makeshift podium faced a huddle of media cameras, and fought to keep their papers from blowing away in the sharp wind, people on the edge of the rapidly growing crowd turned spontaneously to face Queen’s Park and began chanting vigorously “We say no! We say no!”

Many carried signs with messages such as, “Math not masturbation” and “Teachers don’t teach it,” all in keeping with a rally that was a genuinely grassroots response to the Liberal’s sex-ed curriculum.

According to emcee and organizer Sam Sotiropoulos, a former trustee with the Toronto District School Board, the rally’s genesis was one parent, Sandra Hamill, who advertised it on Facebook several weeks ago, and “it just exploded.”  (more...)

Catholic board trustees consider two options to tackle $16.9 million deficit

No decisions were made at the special meeting to discuss the deficit budget the Toronto Catholic District School Board is running, but trustees raised some key questions.

The Monday, Feb. 23 meeting was called after the board became aware of accounting errors totaling a $9 million deficit in the 2014-2015 school year budget. Currently, the board is running a $16.9 million deficit budget, and if cuts aren’t made – fast – the deficit will increase to $22 million by the next school year.

“We were spending money we did not have,” said Michael Del Grande, the chair of the board. “Adjustments need to be made.”  (more...)

Liz will help cut you down to size.. and banish any homophobia.

Sex-ed curriculum opponent accused of homophobia

Ontario Tory leadership candidate Monte McNaughton is defending himself from allegations he was being homophobic when asserting it was the role of parents and not that of the premier — “especially Kathleen Wynne” — to decide what children are taught about sex in school.

Wynne, the province’s first openly gay premier, demanded McNaughton explain why she was unqualified.

“What is it that especially disqualifies me for the job that I’m doing? Is it that I’m a woman? Is it that I’m a mother? Is it that I have a master’s of education? Is it that I was a school council chair? Is it that I was the minister of education? What is it exactly that the member opposite thinks disqualifies me from doing the job,” Wynne said Tuesday.  (more...)

First principle at OISE: When you don't have a good argument, victimhood's the ticket.

CIA Reality Check: catholic organizations selling out the souls of #Catholic children!

Just 3 weeks after Archbishop Prendergast came out SHARPLY against the new Ontario Sex Ed program (knowing that ICE would be able to add a little commentary to it), ICE and Cardinal Collins are fine with it!

ICE is going to take money from Wynne to develop a little commentary around the evil curriculum which a DIAMETRICALLY opposed to Catholism!  Wynne won’t pay for anything she disagrees with! It will just be a few words about “social justice” and Catholic graduate expectations. ICE’s statement is insulting edu-babble.  (more...)

Ontario PC Leadership Candidate Statements On New Sex-Ed Curriculum

On Sex Ed curriculum: Parents must be respected

Notes for Remarks by Patrick Brown, M.P.
Leadership Candidate, Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario

Good morning everyone. It’s fantastic to see so many people out today – to express our collective concern for the well being of our children and the importance of our families.

My good friend Gurdev Gill once told me that God gave us two ears and one mouth for a reason, and that politicians should learn how to listen more than they talk. That’s why I am here today: to listen to you, and to put this government on notice that the way it has handled the issue of Sexual Health Education in our schools is not acceptable to any of us.  (more...)

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Ontario's revised sex ed curriculum sparks debate, rally at Queen's Park

Liz Sandals plays the dyke card -- gay good, straight bad
TORONTO -- Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne strongly defended the province's revised sex-education curriculum Tuesday as she faced Opposition criticism that was branded as "homophobic."

Wynne, who is openly gay, took issue with a comment from Progressive Conservative Monte McNaughton, who has frequently criticized the premier's "sex-ed agenda."

"It's not the premier of Ontario's job, especially Kathleen Wynne, to tell parents what's age-appropriate for their children," McNaughton said Monday following the release of the new document.

Wynne demanded that McNaughton explain why he feels she is not qualified to set education policy.

"Is it that I'm a woman? Is it that I'm a mother? Is it that I have a master's of education? Is it that I was a school council chair? Is it that I was the minister of education?" Wynne said Tuesday in the legislature.

Education Minister Liz Sandals said after question period that McNaughton has made remarks "that are quite homophobic."

McNaughton said Wynne's suggestion that he's homophobic is "the lowest thing a premier of Ontario could say about any other legislator."  (more...)

Actually, a degree from OISE should be a disqualifier. Cultural marxists need therapy, not political power.

More media parroting of Sandals' slur:

A grade-by-grade breakdown of Kathleen Wynne’s graphic new sex-ed program

Hundreds of Ontarians rally at Queen's Park on February 24, 2015, to oppose
Kathleen Wynne's new sex ed program
February 24, 2015 ( -- While the Ontario Liberal government under lesbian Premier Kathleen Wynne would have parents believe its newly unveiled sex-ed program is an unbiased presentation of fact, a detailed look at what kids in grades 1-8 are expected to learn reveals something entirely different.

Passing the baton of the 1960s sexual revolt to today’s up-and-coming generations of youngsters, the 2015 Health and Physical Education program states in its earliest pages that sexual health “is more than simply teaching young people about the anatomy and physiology of reproduction,” but includes the relatively recent inventions of “sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression” as well as “gender roles and expectations.”

From the earliest ages, children are taught that they have the “right to enjoy their sexuality” as long as they don’t hurt others and avoid getting an STD or becoming pregnant.

Here are the highlights from the curriculum, broken down by grade.  (more...)

Schools to teach sex ed through Catholic lens?

About 500 people gathered outside Queen’s Park Feb. 24, many with signs in hand,
voicing concerns about Ontario’s revised sexual education curriculum which was
unveiled slightly more than 24 hours earlier.
OTTAWA - Ontario Catholic authorities believe Catholic teaching is protected in the province’s new sex education curriculum, though pro-family groups don’t share in that optimism.

The Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Ontario (ACBO) and groups representing Catholic school board educators say they are confident they can teach the new curriculum, released Feb. 23, through a Catholic lens.

The new curriculum will, among other topics, introduce potential online dangers, as well as same-sex marriage, in Grades 1 through 3, “sexting” to students beginning in Grade 4, progressing to learning about risky sexual behaviours in later years.

“While Catholic schools have a responsibility to follow the curriculum set out by the Ministry of Education, they have always sought to do so in a way that conveys, respects and models Catholic Christian principles to our students,” said Toronto Cardinal Thomas Collins, president of ACBO, in a Feb. 23 statement. “They will continue this tradition.

“A group of Catholic educators will produce resources that support Catholic teachers so that the new curriculum is implemented in a way that is consistent with our Catholic teachings and appropriate within the context of a Catholic classroom.”  (more...)

Schools to teach sex ed through Catholic lens?

Here's a reality check from CIA:

@TrusteeSam Tweets the #sexed Rally

Insurers accused of hampering child abuse inquiries

A BBC investigation has found evidence that some local authorities in England and Wales may have allowed fear of losing insurance cover to alter their approach to child abuse inquiries.

File on 4 has also been told of cases where insurers attempted to suppress information about abuse allegations.

An ex social services chief called the behaviour of one company "disgusting".

The Association of British Insurers said the investigation "raised a number of serious matters".

When Colin Lambert, then leader of Rochdale Council, proposed an investigation last year into a possible cover-up of child abuse in the town, he was shocked by a response from council officers.  (more...)

Should a sex education curriculum be examined from an insurance perspective?

Former MP Sir Nicholas Fairbairn wanted reporters banned from investigating politicians’ private lives

Sir Nicholas Fairbairn
Efforts by former Perthshire MP Sir Nicholas Fairbairn to hide his private life from his constituents have been uncovered.

In newly revealed documents Sir Nicholas, who died in 1995, demands reporters be banned from investigating his private life and that of other politicians.

In the correspondence to the Commons standards watchdog which has been placed in the National Archives, the maverick MP called for press freedom to be “restricted”.

Fairbairn, who is the subject of child sexual abuse allegations in England and Scotland, claimed politicians should be protected from having their sexual behaviour exposed.

“Adultery and fornication have been the habit of most of humankind since Adam and Eve first committed the latter,” he wrote a few months before his death.

“Is there some ethical reason why those in public life should be holier than thou? Should they have the piety of monks and nuns?

“The House of Commons has already been diminished by the increasing habit of party organisations selecting candidates who are ‘squeaky clean’.”

The revelations come hard on the heels of an accusation by a woman who said Fairbairn raped her when she was four.  (more...)

The Liberals' sex-ed, Sudbury scandal shell game

Here's the big question after the Liberal government of Kathleen Wynne rolled out their revamp of the sex-ed curriculum Monday.

Did they release the controversial new curriculum to deflect attention from bribery allegations concerning the Sudbury byelection?

Or are they using the uproar about the bribery allegations as cover to sneak in controversial changes to the sex-ed curriculum?

Either way, Wynne's government, that now faces three police probes and an investigation by Elections Ontario, is rapidly losing the credibility to do anything.  (more...)

Liberals impose sex-ed curriculum

You only get one chance to make a first impression and the Ontario Liberals blew that in 2010 when they first tried to introduce their new sex-ed curriculum.

They were so arrogant and dismissive of the concerns of many parents, they created a firestorm of opposition.

That led to then premier Dalton McGuinty cancelling its implementation mere hours after his own cabinet ministers had been praising it to the skies.

Now, five years later, Premier Kathleen Wynne is re-introducing the same curriculum into classrooms this fall, with minor changes and little meaningful participation by parents.  (more...)

Consent curriculum: What do you think of Ontario’s new sex ed?

TORONTO – Lobbyists and opposition politicians are worried concerned parents didn’t get enough input into Ontario’s revamped sexual education curriculum.

The provincial government released an outline of the new sex ed curriculum Monday morning; the first revamp since 1998.

“Smartphones, Snapchat and sexting were not familiar to anyone, let alone students,” education minister Liz Sandals said during a morning press conference.
But some parents are concerned about the apparent lack of consultation.

“We want that to be modified with the consultation of parents,” Jotvinder Sidhu, a father of two kids and president of the Homeowners Welfare Association said.

“Let the parents review, digest the information, and let them come back to you with proposed changes.”  (more...)

New court date set for PM's former bandmate

Phillip Ian Nolan walks out of the Ottawa Courthouse on Thursday February 6,
2014. Nolan, an Ottawa teacher, is charged with five counts each of sexual assault,
sexual interference and sexual exploitation involving two under-age girls.
Prime Minister Stephen Harper's former bandmate may be considering a guilty plea to child sex raps.

Phillip I. Nolan, 44, was arrested and charged with five counts each of sexual assault, sexual exploitation and sexual interference in February 2014.

Nolan, an award-winning music teacher, was to have appeared in court Monday for a long-scheduled preliminary hearing. That's a hearing in which the Crown has to convince an Ontario Court judge that the prosecution has a plausible case. If the Crown can meet this low burden, the accused is then committed to stand trial in Superior Court.

But Crown prosecutor John Ramsay told the court the prelim wouldn't be going ahead, and that he was hoping to schedule a date where Crown and defence could meet in private before a judge "to enter into resolution discussions."

A resolution may mean a plea or pleas of guilty, but it could also signify that the Crown is considering withdrawing charges.

At this stage, Nolan remains innocent. None of the criminal allegations have been proven or admitted to.

Nolan taught at Avalon Public School in Orléans; his teaching role is at the centre of allegations of inappropriate contact with two underage complainants that allegedly took place between 1998 and 2000.  (more...)

Cardinal Collins speaks up on the new sex education curriculum

Cardinal Thomas  Collins
Parents will be happy to learn that the Archdiocese of Toronto's Cardinal Thomas Collins made a public statement yesterday saying that Catholic schools will not implement any new teachings that aren't consistent the Catholic faith. The media statement was made in response to the release of the government's new sex education curriculum for Ontario schools. Catholics have the constitutional right to do so. We thank him for speaking out and share the message with our readers:

On Monday, February 23, 2015, the Ontario government released its revised Health & Physical Education curriculum. The Ministry of Education has indicated the curriculum will be implemented in schools across the province this September. Below is a statement from Cardinal Thomas Collins, Archbishop of Toronto and President of the Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Ontario:  (more...)

The Catholic Civil Rights League (CCRL) objects to aspects of the newly released curriculum for Physical and Health Education in Ontario

TORONTO, ON February 23 2015 – The Catholic Civil Rights League (CCRL) objects to aspects of the newly released curriculum for Physical and Health Education in Ontario. Much of the curriculum addresses shared expectations on personal hygiene, physical fitness, and healthy living, without dispute. But, certain propositions seek to raise explicit issues at earlier ages or the discussion of sexual practices that are sinful to Catholics prior to the time when most children reach puberty. Examples abound, such as the introduction of gender identity in Grade 3, sexual orientation in Grade 6 or anal and oral sex and use of condoms in Grade 7. Parents are the first educators of their children and should retain vigilance over the age appropriateness and explicitness of certain concepts being taught at school. The forced exposure to references to sexual practices that are sinful to Catholics at a premature time to children will be of significant concern to parents of all faiths or no faith.

The CCRL rejects the notion that true parental consultation occurred. The phony consultation referred to by the Minister of Education consisted of a short questionnaire comprised of overly simplistic generalized questions, which is no substitute for a real exchange with the actual curriculum available. The Ministry knew that a real consultation would have met with serious objections to forced sex education at a premature age.   (more...)

TCDSB trustees meet over multi-million dollar deficit

Toronto Catholic District School Board learned Monday night just how bad their bookkeeping has been at a special meeting to discuss their multi-million dollar deficit.

An estimation error saw the board go from a $5 million dollar surplus to a $43 million shortfall in just four months.

“It wasn’t a one plus one equals three error, it was an estimate of how much we need to put out for benefits coming in,” education director Angela Gauthier explained.

Trustee Maria Rizzo said she feels ‘totally betrayed’ by the error.

“I trust our staff to do their job and I don’t feel they did their job in giving me the goods,” she said.

Documents obtained by CityNews on Saturday showed that not only is the TCDSB currently addressing a structural deficit of $16.9 million, but it also is facing reduced funding from the Ministry of Education of over $25 million.

The estimation error accounted for $10 million of the board’s current predicament.

Trustees met on Monday to discuss two possible plans which they hope will balance the budget in three years. The board finalize a financial plan by June or risk the province appointing a supervisor.

Every school board in Ontario is required to operate on an annual balanced budget and the board will be working with finance experts from the Ministry of Education to formulate a special three-year financial recovery plan.

In order to meet the June deadline, staffing levels have to change and fast.

The board’s biggest source of spending is staffing and redundancy notices must go out by the end of March and mid April for primary and secondary staff respectively.  (more...)

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