Monday, March 31, 2014

Kenyan bishops call on Catholics to stop funding contraception-providing Free the Children clinic

NAIROBI, Kenya, March 31, 2014 ( – Kenya’s bishops have called on Catholics in Canada and the USA to cease funding a clinic in their country run by secular charity Free the Children, which frequently partners with Catholic schools, because the clinic provides contraceptives.

The bishops also contest Free the Children’s claim that the government mandates health facilities to provide contraceptives.

“Considering the evil caused to families and society in Kenya by the use of contraception, Catholic Bishops in Kenya through Catholic Health Commission of KCCB request that donors in Canada and the United States direct their generosity to Catholic health facilities and not to contraception-distributing institutions and programmes such as Free the Children’s Baraka Medical Centre,” the bishops state in a March 26 letter addressed to one Ottawa resident and other “Christians of good will.”

The letter, published on the Socon or Bust blog, was written by Bishop Paul Kariuki Njiru, chairman of the Catholic Health Commission of Kenya.

The letter comes as concerned Catholic parents in Ottawa have been urging the Ottawa Catholic School Board to end its partnership with Free the Children because of abundant evidence that the charity offers and promotes “family planning” in its clinics and programs.  (more...)

Commentary at Socon or Bust:

Adoption Has Become a Conservative Sacred Cow

It is often called “a beautiful choice.”

Single mothers who relinquish their babies are commended as selfless and heroic: their biological children described as loved and wanted. Sometimes there is no mother in the scenario, but only an orphaned child in a foreign country who is taken to America for a new start.  Sometimes the situation involves a toddler whose parents are incarcerated or drug-dependent, and the State looks to find her “forever family.”

What all these scenarios have in common is this: They represent modern American adoption, and much like American Exceptionalism or capitalism, it has become one of those topics that many conservatives, particularly religious conservatives, do not dare criticize. In fact, many conservatives, especially Christian pro-lifers—and I am one—may not even realize that the subject of modern adoption warrants reflection.  (more...)

Woman 'has intercourse with student,' gets no jail

An Oklahoma high-school teacher charged with raping her 17-year-student is getting no jail time, leaving the parents of her victim stunned and outraged.

Erin Kathleen Queen of Sand Springs, Okla., was arrested March 17, 2012, after she was found at the Candlewood Suites hotel in Tulsa with the teen son of Shasta and Adam Belty. Queen was a 27-year-old English teacher at Charles Page High School at the time.

Although Queen was originally charged with second-degree rape and contributing to the delinquency of a minor for supplying the boy with vodka, the case was dismissed this month when Queen pleaded guilty to a different felony count of contributing to the delinquency of a minor.

She received three years of probation, was fined $600 and ordered to surrender her teacher’s license.  (more...)

Big Battle Brewing!

We lost the battle on contraception. We cannot lose the battle on marriage.

Well, we can, but it won't be pretty:

The Rich and Famous Love the Commercialization of Childbearing

Don’t believe me?  Check out this conference, to be held in a few days, at UCLA.

Actress Elisabeth Rohm, “Guncles” Scout And Bill Masterson, Brenda Strong, Actor Jason Patric Share Journey To Parenthood 
Fertility Planit LA 2014 is the first event of its kind, helping people explore all of their options for having children and finding the right partners — April 4th and 5th, 2014 in Los Angeles, AT UCLA. 
Millions of same sex couples and singles are creating families through donors, fostering, adoption, surrogacy and co-parenting. They are inspired by the 200+ experts and celebrities speaking out and sharing personal stories at Fertility Planit.
The organizers, naturally, promote the conference by promoting the celebrity speakers. But the list of topics and speakers don’t sound very child-focused to me.  The sense of adult entitlement just jumps off the page.  (more...)

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Socon or Bust: Michael Coren’s Fake Rose of Civil Unions

It’s not easy being a Catholic activist today.  When you stand up for what Jesus and the Church teach against our opponents and  even against misinformed and confused prominent Catholics (like Michael Coren), you risk being labelled as a “bigot” or a “homophobe” or “angry” or in “darkness”.    This occurs even when you take great pains to explain the Catholic position over and over again to attempt to convince your opponents that their objections are totally baseless and without merit.   But in the end, it really does not make any difference to them.  You can bring up all of the facts you want, it’s simply not going to change their opinion.  They will simply label you a bigot in order to “win” an argument, even if that label is completely bogus.

It’s part of the sexual narcissism of our age which has gripped and enslaved many people into believing that they are sexually autonomous beings who can define and redefine sex at their leisure.  Please note, gentle reader, that this is indeed the very crux of the issue:   whether sex is for leisure or whether sex is for sacrifice.  Those 11 words basically sum up the entire battle that is being waged right now.  (more...)


“Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves.” – Matthew 10:16

Ira Reiss, a sociologist and professor emeritus at Minnesota University, was a charter member of Alfred Kinsey’s Sex Cult. His papers, articles, and audio and video recordings already are housed at the Kinsey Institute, 57 years of his work so far. Reiss, like other Kinsey disciples, advocated the production of pornography and its display for “training” purposes to prepare students entering the new sexuality fields spawned by Kinsey’s supposed revelations on sex. Kinsey gleefully promoted this type of material, which during the late ’60s started to be called Sexuality Attitude Restructuring (later renamed Reassessment), or SAR, sessions.

These training sessions are promoted as sexual desensitization seminars, pornographic extravaganzas of all manner of enthusiastic sexual activities presented to groups of men and women as training to become certified therapists, counselors, educators or researchers. In addition to desensitizing sexologists to the images of heterosexual activities, sado-masochism, group sex, sodomy, the use of sex “toys” and homosexual behavior, the sex leaders also hold small group discussions to explore the participants’ attitudes and biases in order to neutralize any “negative” views.

But the stated purpose of these sessions is not the whole story, or even the real story.  (more...)

Canadian economist never knew he would become centre of a U.S. firestorm over his research on same-sex parenting

In a Detroit courtroom this month, a British Columbia economist was called to the stand to help build the State of Michigan’s case that overturning its ban on gay marriage would be a mistake.

For four and a half hours, Douglas Allen was grilled by prosecuting attorneys on his small body of research on same sex parenting. Specifically, he was there to defend a trio of statistical studies purporting to show that same sex parenting does not compare to its heterosexual equivalent.

Then, in the final 30 seconds of the cross-examination, attorney Ken Mogill threw Mr. Allen an unexpected theological question: “Is it accurate that you believe the consequence in engaging in homosexual acts is a separation from God and eternal damnation from God?”

In an answer that would soon be called a “bombshell” by Detroit media, an off-guard Mr. Allen replied “without repentance, yes.”

Within days, U.S. District Judge Bernard Friedman effectively legalized Michigan gay marriage, and ruled that Mr. Allen’s research represented a “fringe viewpoint.”

Within hours of that, four Michigan counties had begun handing out marriage licences to same sex couples.

All across the United States, as state after state finds itself defending local gay marriage bans in court, the search has been on for science that can bolster their position. Ironically, in recent years this has often led them across the border to Canada, one of the world’s earliest adopters of same sex marriage.

For on the outskirts of one of Canada’s gayest cities, a well-liked economist armed purely with Canadian data has emerged as one of the only academics claiming to have empirical proof of the societal perils of allowing gays to marry.  (more...)

Questions raised over speech by CBE’s top administrator

Portions of a speech last fall by the chief superintendent of the city’s public school board about ethical leadership and integrity are strikingly similar to an academic book published three years ago, says an expert on plagiarism.

The University of Alberta’s director of student judicial affairs — whom the Herald asked for an opinion — said she would have found Naomi Johnson’s conduct wanting if the presentation to Calgary Board of Education principals had instead been made in an academic course.

“This person has taken the words and the ideas of someone else without giving proper credit or attribution,” Deborah Eerkes said.

“If a student handed that in, we would consider it plagiarism under the university’s code of conduct.”

A Herald reporter was alerted to concerns about Johnson’s speech this week after receiving a copy of her speaking notes for the September event sent anonymously by regular mail.  (more...)

H/T to Socialist Studies

Lou Iacobelli Interviews Dr. Steve Tourloukis

UK: Tory MP quits as Minister's aide after claims he asked a Brazilian rent boy he was paying for sex to supply him with illegal drugs

MP Mark Menzies, middle
Tory MP Mark Menzies resigned as a ministerial aide last night after claims that he asked a Brazilian rent boy he was paying for sex to supply illegal drugs.

Mr Menzies was accused by Rogerio Santos of asking him to get hold of methedrone, a class-B drug dubbed the poor man’s cocaine, reports said.

Mr Santos, whom the MP is said to have met on a gay escort website, also claimed Mr Menzies, 42, paid for his services 18 months ago before showing him around Parliament.

Last night, Mr Menzies, a parliamentary aide (PPS) to International Development Minister Alan Duncan, said he was standing down from his post to fight ‘untrue’ allegations.

He said: ‘I have decided to resign as a PPS after a series of allegations were made against me in a Sunday newspaper. A number of these allegations are not true and I look forward to setting the record straight in due course.’

In reports last night, Mr Santos, said to be 19, claimed the Tory MP had paid him to have sex and asked him to obtain methedrone.

Texts on the Brazilian’s mobile phone apparently revealed messages asking him for full details about the quality of the drug and how much it cost.  (more...)

Another well-connected Brit trades in pleasure:

But, not every adventure ends well:

Socon or Bust: Michael Coren can no longer be considered a reliable source of Catholic opinion (sadly)

Folks, I have just had a rather long discussion with Michael Coren on his descent into supporting gay civil unions and even worse.  He’s a very confused man, and won’t answer some basic questions.  He got tired of me insisting that he tell me what his position was on Humanae Vitae and finally unfriended me, claiming I was “angry” and in “darkness”.   Please pray for Michael.  I think there is more here in his dramatic shift than first meets the eye.

Here is the Facebook thread in question.  Note: I’ve noticed that Michael has started deleting at least one of his responses on the thread.  Please be aware of that when you are reading it if something doesn’t quite follow.

I was unable to post my final comment. Here it is here:  (more...)

Friday, March 28, 2014

Sex abuse victim sues former Anglican priest, diocese for $3.1M

George Ferris
The man who was sexually abused by a retired Anglican priest from Cambridge is suing the priest and the Anglican diocese of Huron for $3.1 million.

Chris Morrison, 43, of Paris, Ont., held a news conference Friday morning in Brantford announcing the lawsuit against former priest George Ferris. Ferris, 66, is serving a five-and-a-half-year sentence for sexual assaults against Morrison and two other teenage boys in the 1980s and 1990s.

The diocese stripped Ferris of his title of priest days after he was sentenced in late January.

Morrison, who asked at Ferris's sentencing that the publication ban against identifying him as one of Ferris's victim be lifted, said he is suing for compensation for the suffering he's endured and continues to endure because of the abuse, but also because he still has many questions.

"I just want answers from the Anglican Church as to what they knew about any allegations of abuse, how they were dealt with or were they swept aside," Morrison said Friday in an interview   (more...)

Further coverage:

Christopher Paul Neil, Mr. Swirl, Faces More Child Sex Charges

A Canadian man who was jailed in Thailand for sexually abusing children has been arrested in Vancouver on new charges.

Christopher Paul Neil, a former English teacher from Maple Ridge, B.C., became known around the world as Mr. Swirl because of how he altered his face on digital images. An international investigation led to his 2007 arrest in Bangkok. He pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting one boy and was later convicted of assaulting another.

After five years in a Thai prison, Neil returned to Canada in 2012 and was required to follow strict conditions designed to protect children.

On Friday, Vancouver police and the B.C. RCMP announced Neil was arrested and charged with 10 new criminal offences, based on two different investigations.  (more...)

"Married Lesbian couple" to have daughter baptized - and first the "two mothers" will be confirmed in the Cathedral

Next Saturday, April 5, Umma Azul will be baptized in the Cathedral [of Córdoba, Province of Córdoba, Argentina] and president Cristina Fernández [de Kirchner] could be the godmother.

She is the daughter of Karina Villarroel and Soledad Ortiz, the two Cordoba women who contracted matrimony a little over a year ago, and regarding whom a controversy came about due to the request for leave [for matrimonial reasons] in the Provincial Police by the first one. [The civil "marriage" of same-sex couples has been legal in Argentina since 2010.]
Karina and Soledad had to demand the authorization of the Archdiocese. "I had an audience with Archbishop Carlos Ñáñez so that he would give the order, and he confirmed to me that there will be no problem in the Cathedral," she explained. [The Cathedral] Parish priest Carlos Varas will preside at er the ceremony

The two ladies will receive Confirmation on the same day  (more...)

Anger at Charlotte Catholic school after speaker criticizes homosexuality

Some parents and students at one of North Carolina’s largest Catholic schools are outraged after a Nashville Dominican nun who holds a doctorate in theology criticized homosexuality in a presentation to students, according to the Charlotte Observer.

“We the students of Charlotte Catholic High School would like to issue a formal complaint regarding Sr. Jane Dominic [Laurel]’s speech,” according to an online petition. “We believe that same sex couples have the ability to raise happy, well-adjusted and successful children … We believe that homosexual couples are capable of monogamy. As rational people, we know that most homosexual people lead healthy, normal and productive lives like their heterosexual counterparts.”

An alternate petition states that “we the students of Charlotte Catholic High School, acting on our Catholic beliefs, are declaring a formal objection towards all those who do not accept Sister Jane Dominic's lecture … We are outraged that the topics talked about are being debated within a community where the shared faith teaches us what truly is holy and that anyone would stand up against a nun, who has given her life for the Lord, and blatantly deny God’s teachings.”  (more...)

Gay activists hurl feces at German parents protesting pro-gay school curriculum

GERMANY, March 28, 2014 ( – As parents in Germany have protested a new pro-homosexual “sexual diversity” curriculum in their schools, homosexual activists have attacked them by hurling feces and destroying their property, according to the Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians, which documents anti-Christian incidents in Europe.

"Protesters were physically attacked and it was felt that the police failed to protect the parents’ basic right of assembly," said a statement from the Observatory describing incidents at recent rallies in Baden-Württemberg and Cologne.

According to eyewitnesses, says the Observatory, "Christian parents were shouted at with obscenities.”

"They were spit at, eggs were thrown, and little bags with feces or color. Cables of loud speakers were torn out,” the organization says. “Pages were ripped out of the bible and used to wipe backsides, then formed into a ball and thrown at the parents.”  (more...)

Something rotten in the state of Ontario

This just in from one of our roving reporters.

The Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association held its annual general meeting at Toronto's Westin Harbour Castle Hotel over the March break. Teacher representatives from every school are invited to attend the meeting, with food and accommodation being provided free of charge.

The Minister of Education, Liz Sandals, was in attendance, and the Premier, Kathleen Wynne, was the keynote speaker.

One of the items discussed at this AGM was the idea of using $ 2.8 million of the teachers' reserve fund in order to fund an ad campaign attacking Tim Hudak, the leader of the Ontario Progressive Conservative Party (and supporting the Liberal Party). There was discussion, followed by a vote.

Well…………….surprise……………….the teachers voted NOT to use their reserve funds for this political initiative.

At this point (allegedly), one of the delegates approached the microphone and addressed the crowd. He stated that he was very disappointed with the result of the vote, that it was a terrible mistake. This delegate went on to argue the merits of bringing down Mr. Hudak and warned teachers that if they didn’t spend the $ 2.8 million now, they would surely spend it later - because if Mr. Hudak wins, there will probably be a teacher strike and …there goes the reserve fund.

A second vote was proposed and - guess what! - this time the teachers voted YES to using their money to fund the ad campaign.  (more...)

H/T and much background at Socialist Studies

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Former Church of England Bishop who describes Prince Charles as a 'loyal friend' charged with sex offences dating back to 1977

Rev Peter Ball meeting Prince Charles in 1992. The bishop, now 82, has
described him as 'a loyal friend' in the past
A retired Church of England Bishop is due in court over sex offences and misconduct charges, the Crown Prosecution Service said.

Peter Ball, formerly the Bishop of Gloucester and Bishop of Lewes, will be prosecuted for historic offences dating back to 1977.

They include an alleged indecent assault on a boy, aged 12 or 13, indecent assault on a man aged 19 or 20, and misconduct in a public office.

Ball, 82, is due to appear at Brighton Magistrates Court next month.

Ball, former bishop of Lewes and later Gloucester, has connections with Prince Charles whom he has described in the past as a 'loyal friend'.

He is thought to be the highest member of the clergy to be arrested in connection with a sex abuse investigation.  (more...)

Claims that Jimmy Savile abused children in more than TWENTY schools and children’s homes across England

Claims that disgraced television presenter Jimmy Savile abused children in more than 20 children’s homes and schools across England are to be investigated.

Allegations dating back to the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s have been handed to the Department for Education (DfE) following a review of documents by the Metropolitan Police.

Local authorities and other relevant institutions have been asked to further investigate the claims, Education Secretary Michael Gove said in a written statement.

Among children’s homes and schools to be further investigated are Henshaw School for the Blind, one of four institutions in Savile’s birthplace of Leeds, and a Barnardo’s children’s home in the London Borough of Redbridge.

Children’s homes and schools in focus are spread across England, including Bournemouth, Devon, Gloucestershire, Leeds, London and Manchester among other areas.  (more...)

UK: The State gets hysterical about paedophiles - then lets under-age girls stockpile morning-after pills.

Turning a blind eye to underage sex undermines
all the high-profile investigations into paedophilia
following the horrific Jimmy Savile case
The values of personal responsibility, family stability and parental authority are essential parts of the glue that should hold our society together. But tragically in modern Britain, the state all too often acts as an engine of destruction towards those vital principles.

That has been graphically illustrated in recent years by officialdom's misguided, dogmatic promotion of sexual freedom for teenagers.

In this climate of so-called tolerance, taxpayer-funded condoms and contraceptives have been dished out by the shedload, with no questions asked, while sex-education advice has become ever more explicit but increasingly devoid of any moral framework.

As a result, ethical boundaries have dissolved, parental rights have been ignored, the concept of restraint has been treated with disdain, and even the law on under-age sex has been flouted.

But instead of learning any lessons from this failure, officialdom is determined to press on with the politically correct agenda of sexual rights for youngsters. Like a bunch of Sixties radicals, they seem to think we should strengthen the burgeoning youth culture of sexual anarchy, rather than challenge it.  (more...)

LGBTQ Parenting Network Encourages People To Contact TDSB Regarding Pride Parade

The TDSB has ties to the LGBTQ Parenting Network.  The TDSB gender-independent groups for children as young as kindergarten seem to be in collaboration with the LGBTQ Parenting Network.

One trustee, Sam Sotiropoulos, recently put forward a motion asking the TDSB chair to write a letter to the City of Toronto to ask whether public nudity laws will be enforced at the gay parade, since the TDSB has a float in the parade.  In response the LGBTQ Parenting Network included this in their recent newsletter:  (more...)

Yes, There's a War on Boys

Many people don't realize the peculiar ideology of the feminists. They are not promoting equality of male and female; they are for interchangeability of the genders. The feminists are at war with Mother Nature, and Mother Nature keeps winning, so the feminists are constantly angry at what they call criticize as patriarchy.

The feminists oppose competitive games where somebody wins and somebody else loses, and they manifest this peculiar ideology starting in elementary schools. The feminists don't like games that boys like such as the game of tag. Some feminists suggest a game called "Circle of Friends," a non-competitive version of tag, and that silliness has been implemented in a few schools. Taking winners and losers out of the game of tag and non-competitive versions of other games are supposed to make rambunctious boys in grades K-through-3rd grade less competitive and less aggressive.  (more...)

H/T to What Does The Prayer Really Say?

'Homely as a Dog's Rear End'

I recently wrote a commentary, titled "Same Sex Marriage: 'Thoroughly Tiresome,' by Design," which was met with a surprisingly acerbic response.  In an effort to perhaps take my interlocutor-accusers a little more seriously than they take themselves, here's my response to one of those who disagreed with me, but who had the decency to be civil.

Here's the posted comment:
Tiresome? What could be more tiresome than an anti-gay clinging to victimhood?  Get over yourself, Mr. Mainwaring. Gay people deserve the same legal rights as straight people. There is absolutely no rational reason to believe otherwise.  (more...)

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Teen sues female teacher who had sex with him

They had sex during school events, in assorted hotels and even in the woman’s car.

Now, the male student is suing his former teacher and the Texas school district for alleged emotional and physical damage.

The student, using the pseudonym Mark Smith to protect his identity, is accusing Rachelle Heenan of taking advantage of his immature and underdeveloped mental state of mind when she repeatedly engaged the boy in sexual encounters.  (more...)

Ban The Perks of Being a Wallflower from schools, says B.C. dad

A Kamloops, B.C.,  father is demanding the school district ban a book his son's high school class is reading because he says it is pornographic and unsuitable for teens.        

Dean Audet wants the book The Perks of Being a Wallflower pulled off school shelves and banned because he says students in Grade 10 shouldn't be reading a book with content this vulgar.

"Suicide by gunshot, boyfriend punches girl in the face hard, Grade 4 girl letting boys feel her breast, teenage boy having sex with a dog, and it just goes on and on and gets worse from there," says Audet.

"Watching sister and boyfriend having sex, graphic step-by-step instructions on how to masturbate, graphic pornographic conversation, child molestation," he adds.  (more...)

Gay ‘diversity training’ turns schools into ‘re-education camps’: Italian cardinal

Genoa Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco
ROME, March 26, 2014 ( – “Diversity” training for teachers and students, to promote homosexuality under the rubric of opposing “homophobia,” is a first step toward an enforced ideology of “gender” that is nothing more than a form of soft totalitarianism, a prominent Italian cardinal says.

Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, the archbishop of Genoa and the influential head of the Italian Catholic Bishops’ Conference (CEI), warned against the growth of a “dictatorship of gender,” an ideology that includes the “normalization of homosexuality” and the dissemination of “bias against the family and religious faith.” Government pamphlets, offered as a solution to “homophobic bullying” are, in fact, designed to instill in children “preconceptions against the family, parenthood, religious faith, the difference between fathers and mothers,” he said.

The cardinal noted “with bitterness” the intention to make schools into “indoctrination and re-education camps” in service of this ideology that makes children into test subjects for vast social experiments.

In a speech this week to the Permanent Council of the CEI published by the Italian bishops’ newspaper Avvenire, Bagnasco urged parents not to be “intimidated,” adding, “they have the right to respond with determination and clarity: there is no authority that can take this away.”  (more...)

Scholarly “consensus” isn’t always valid

If you read the journals, you would be sure that there is a scholarly consensus on same-sex parenting. Many papers have been published which claim that there is no difference in parenting ability between sexual minority parents and heterosexual parents.

However, the facts on the ground are often different from scholarly consensus, most notably perhaps for the intergenerational transfer of sexual orientation but also for other areas. While some of the disparities observed may legitimately be attributed in part to discrimination against sexual minorities, others may be related to differences in over-benefited status, personal conduct, gender nonconformity, or impulsivity (delayed gratification/time preference/delay discounting) -- rather than to sexual minority status per se.

We should beware of drawing conclusions prematurely from an underdeveloped research literature, regardless of the political pressures on scholars to bring closure to complex, controversial questions that may have serious political or policy implications.  (more...)

Mireille Miller-Young's Heartbreak and Lola's Lament

Mireille Miller-Young is an Associate Professor of feminist studies at the University of California-Santa Barbara (UCSB).  Recently charged with robbery and assault against Thrin Short, a 16-year-old Christian demonstrator in the UCSB “Free Speech Zone,” Miller-Young justified her violence against the teenager -- who was peacefully urging mothers not to kill their unborn children -- as the moral act of a conscientious objector against a terrorist.

This cockeyed characterization seemed like the expression of a functional psychosis.  And how could that professor, without a single notable publication, survive the “publish or perish” rigors of academia --  with tenure? The following excerpt from Miller-Young’s soon-to-be-published magnum opus, A Taste for Brown Sugar: Black Women. Sex Work and Pornography, holds the answers.  (more...)

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

OISE Wants To Undermine Parental Rights With "Equity" Education

A blog run by OISE, which features the work of some of its students says this:
In September of 2011, one school in the Greater Toronto Area decided to implement a program of ism education. Educating students about the isms, and discrimination based on the isms (racism, sexism, heterosexism, ageism, ableism, faith as an ism, classism) was no longer going to be optional; it was being mandated. Teachers were charged with planning an assembly that educated the school community about a particular ism, and designing a lesson plan that would explore that ism in more depth with students in class. These lesson plans would be implemented by all teachers, school wide.
Clicking the link leads us to a seven page paper about this subject.  Here are the more interesting parts  (more...)

The Father Wound

Is Obama using the Crimea crisis to punish a prominent pro-life and pro-family leader in Russia?

Yelena Mizulina
WASHINGTON, D.C., March 25, 2014 ( - There is one name on President Obama’s original executive order sanctioning Russian leaders that stands out above all others: Yelena Mizulina.

Ms. Mizulina chairs the Russian Duma’s Committee on Family, Women and Children’s Affairs.  Ms. Mizulina’s legislative duties have absolutely nothing to do with Crimea, the Russian military, Russian diplomacy, or anything remotely connected to the current international crisis.

To get an idea of how odd the inclusion of this Russian legislator is, consider that Ms. Mizulina’s American counterpart might be Rep. Todd Rokita of Indiana, Chairman of the House of Representatives Subcommittee on Early Childhood Education.

The official White House press release, titled “Fact Sheet: Ukraine-Related Sanctions,” states that the sanctions are a “response to the Russian government’s actions contributing to the crisis in Ukraine.”  Yet in the description of the alleged crimes of the sanctioned Russian individuals, Ms. Mizulina is simply described as being sanctioned  “for her status as a State Duma Deputy."

Imagine poor Rep. Todd Rokita being sanctioned by Russia, because of what the United States military did in Abu Ghraib.

Of course, President Obama’s White House did not randomly pick Ms. Mizulina’s name out of a hat among the names of all 450 members of the Russian Duma anymore than the IRS randomly happened to aggressively investigate and deny non-profit status to pro-life and pro-liberty groups.

There is one thing that Ms. Mizulina is known for, and that is her Christian views on marriage, adoption, the family, and the right to life.  A search on her Wikipedia page lists Ms. Mizulina’s legislative projects as: bills in 2010 and 2012 seeking to protect children from inappropriate information on the internet, a 2013 law denying United States citizens from adopting Russian children because of the harm that the children might suffer from being adopted by homosexual partners, laws limiting taxpayer funded abortion and imposing waiting periods and other restrictions on abortion, as well as several other proposed measures to encourage the strengthening of Russian families from a Christian perspective.  (more...)

Ringette victim sues coach

Kelsea Joy Hepburn
The one-time assistant ringette coach convicted of sexually interfering with one of her players is being sued by her victim’s family for $750,000.

The ringette associations of Calgary and Alberta, along with coaches Darren Gerlitz and Ian Currie are also named in the lawsuit.

Kelsea Hepburn was sentenced last September to 18 months in jail for sexual misconduct directed at the-then 13-year-old girl on the ringette team she helped coach.

The lawsuit’s statement of claim contends the teen girl suffers from “severe pyschiatric and psychological injuries,” from suicidal thoughts and has problems with relationships.

She “suffers from fear and distrust of coaching professionals and people in authority” and has withdrawn from social activities and sports, it states.

The plaintiffs accuse Hepburn of “obtaining the minor’s trust under the guise of coaching in order to subject her to ongoing and repeated sexual assaults and harassment.”  (more...)

Notorious British paedophile with history of child abuse in the UK jailed for two years for sexually assaulting three boys in Cambodia

A notorious British paedophile with a history of child abuse in the UK and South East Asia has been sent to prison for two years in Cambodia for sexually assaulting three young boys.

Richard William Fruin, 36, from Gloucestershire was found guilty by Judge Kim Rathnarin of committing indecent acts against the three brothers aged eight, 10 and 11.

Along with his prison sentence, he was fined £600 and ordered to pay £1,500 to the victims' family.

Fruin was working as an English teacher at the Universal English School in the Cambodian capital, Phnom Penh when he was arrested with one of the boys at a guesthouse in the city.

Anti-human-trafficking police burst into the Boeung Meas guest house where they found Fruin in bed with the eight year old - but he claimed the child was there as a young friend and that he had not molested him.  (more...)

This week’s middle school teacher busted for getting busy with a student in her classroom

This week’s middle-aged middle school teacher busted for getting busy with a student is Corrie Anne Long.

Police say Long, 43, had a sexual relationship of indeterminate length with a 15-year-old eighth-grade boy, according to Houston-area CBS affiliate KHOU.

Long, who is married, is a special education math teacher at Hopper Middle School in Cypress, Texas, a fringe suburb northwest of Houston.

Court documents say a second student witnessed “odd behavior” between Long and the unidentified boy, then reported the behavior to a teacher.  (more...)

Choirmaster who launched careers of Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice is accused of sustained campaign of child abuse

Alan Doggett, choirmaster at Colet Court
 - the prep school for St Paul's - has been
named as six men who allegedly abused boys
A choirmaster who helped launch the careers of Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice has been named as one of six teachers at George Osborne's former school who allegedly abused boys as young as ten over at least two decades.

The staff all worked at the prestigious St Paul's School in London - or its prep school Colet Court - between 1960 and the mid-1980s.

Alan Doggett became close to Lloyd Webber and Rice and later conducted recordings of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, Jesus Christ Superstar and Evita.

But the choirmaster is believed to have been a serial abuser while teaching at Colet Court - even making sex attacks part of his choir's audition process for some boys.

He was allowed to quietly resign his post when a string of indecent assaults came to light.

Doggett was also an active member of the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE), an infamous pro-child-sex group who wanted the age of consent lowered to ten.  (more...)

College funds ‘Fat Justice and Feminism’ event that trashes Reagan, capitalism, healthiness

Swarthmore College hosted a “Fat Justice and Feminism” seminar during which students were told that President Ronald Reagan “fucked everything up” for fat people, that the Body Mass Index was invented by white supremacists and — for good measure — that communism is superior to capitalism… at least for fat people.

The seminar was taught by feminist activists Cora Segal and Nicole Sullivan, who describes herself as an “angry, man-hating lesbian,” according to Campus Reform.

It took place last week, and was chronicled by Paige Willey, a correspondent for The Swarthmore Independent, who was unpersuaded by the duo’s “litany of strawmen” and “unscientific approach.”  (more...)

Cardinal Burke: How should Catholic parents react to elements of gender ideology whether planned or already introduced into the school curricula?

The gender ideology poisons in many countries the state politics towards family. It is now brutally forcing entrance into educational systems of several European countries. How should Catholic parents react to elements of gender ideology whether planned or already introduced into the school curricula? Is the Catholic Church able to offer a philosophy of femininity that could counter the narratives proposed by the feminists?

Parents today must be especially vigilant in instructing their children in the truth about human sexuality and in safeguarding them from all of the false messages regarding human sexuality conveyed in the schools and by the communications media. Parents should insist that their children not participate in lessons or activities in school which betray the truth about human nature, male and female. Particularly pernicious is the so-called “gender theory” which is promoted ever more aggressively, especially through educational curricula for children and young people.

In fact, the Church’s Tradition offers a powerful model of true femininity in the Blessed Virgin Mary and in many female saints. Blessed John Paul II addressed the question of true feminism in his Apostolic Letter Mulieris Dignitatem (August 15, 1988).


Monday, March 24, 2014

Catholic TrainREC: The Faith Derailed

Confusion reigns in the American Church: In this Dispatch, light is shone on how the failure of the American Hierarchy has led to a trainwreck of the faith in America.

Satan and Women's Liberation

Ottawa public servant and partner jailed for child-porn offences

OTTAWA — A federal public servant and his partner were each sentenced to time behind bars Monday; one for making a secret key fob video of a 13-year-old boy going to the bathroom, the other for ordering a single copy of a child pornography video from a Toronto movie company at the centre of an international police investigation.

Scott Dignan, 47, admitted to repeatedly planting the tiny camera in the bathroom of the home he shared with partner Eric Charron to record the child going to the bathroom during a party on Jan. 25, 2013.

What Dignan didn’t plan on, it seems, was the 13-year-old figuring out the key fob was likely a camera.  (more...)

Sunday, March 23, 2014

A fundraising dinner to defend parental rights

Keynote speaker for the May 24th event: Ezra Levant
On September 12, 2012, Dr. Steve Tourloukis filed a court Application against the Hamilton Wentworth District School Board. Why? He was forced to take this legal step after the school board refused his repeated requests for religious accommodation. Tourloukis is simply seeking a court order declaring that as a practicing Christian Greek Orthodox and parent he ought to have the right and the final authority over his children’s education, especially their moral education. He wants the Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board to provide him with advance notification of any class, session or material to be covered which conflicts with his religious beliefs. Tourloukis has merely tried to exercise his parental rights. The board's answer to his request has been, no. And so we are presently in court.

The Parental Rights in Education Defense Fund, PRIEDF is supporting him morally and helping to pay for the legal proceedings. Touloukis, like most parents, does not have the financial resources to do this on his own, especially against the huge bureaucracy and financial resources of a government-run school board. As some of you know, for over a year we have been raising funds for the case.  (more...)

Kinsey's Lies Shaped American Law, So Now What?

Sex Ed Based on Lies Is Child Abuse

Despite the fact that the work of Dr. Alfred Kinsey has been debunked and discredited—largely thanks to the efforts of Dr. Judith Reisman—the world hums along seemingly oblivious to the influence his fraudulent research continues to exert.

Dr. Miriam Grossman, in her book, You’re Teaching My Child What? A Physician Exposes the Lies of Sex Education and How They Harm Your Child, makes clear that we are paying a heavy price for our inattention and complacency.

Alfred Kinsey’s academic training was in the classification of insects. But he turned his personal obsession with sex into his field of study. As Judith Reisman and Kinsey’s biographer, James Jones, have concluded, Kinsey was a deeply disturbed man. Speaking as a psychiatrist, Dr. Grossman elaborates: “If Kinsey was alive today, and under my care, he’d be on high doses of medications. I would hospitalize him on a locked psychiatric unit because of the risk to his health from his compulsive sexual masochism.” From an early age, Kinsey was aroused by sexual humiliation and pain. At the end of his life, Grossman writes, “he intentionally inflicted trauma to his genitals, needed to be hospitalized, and required months to recover.”  (more...)

Gay Parenting: 3 children found starving, 1 chained to floor in California home

These mugshots show Christian Jessica Deanda, left, and Erica Dawn Craig, right,
who are accused of starving three children.
SALINAS, CALIF. –  Three starving children -- including one who was chained to the floor to prevent her from getting food -- were found last month in the squalid home of a Northern California couple, authorities said.

All three -- two boys and a girl -- were taken into protective custody, and one was hospitalized, Monterey County Sheriff Scott Miller said Friday.

Authorities discovered them in the Salinas, Calif., home on March 14 after two of the young people missed appointments, according to several published reports.

"It was a particularly heinous case," Miller told the Monterey Herald. The children had "hardly eaten for months."  (more...)

Analysis at English Manif:

Friday, March 21, 2014

Ottawa supply teacher guilty of molesting grade school girls

OTTAWA — An Ottawa supply teacher was an opportunist who fulfilled his fantasies by sexually assaulting and touching his female Grade 3 students, a judge ruled Friday.

Ontario Superior Court Justice Paul Lalonde found the 53-year-old supply teacher Yousef Chaouni-Benabdallah guilty on 12 sexual-assault and touching charges involving five girls at two schools. He had pleaded not guilty to all of the charges.

Lalonde said he didn’t believe Chaouni and that his evidence had “many inconsistencies.”

“I find him to have been very opportunist as he quickly jumped on all occasions that presented themselves to sexually touch the complainants,” ruled the judge. “Whether he was alone with a student or was practising a lockdown or doing a science experiment in front of the class, he seized the moment to fulfil his fantasy.”  (more...)

2 Ottawa teachers guilty of misconduct in Boston sex assault cover-up

Teachers Novick and Middleton
Two Ottawa private school teachers have been found guilty of professional misconduct for covering up the sexual assault of a 16-year-old student during a school trip to Boston, Mass., seven years ago.

On Feb. 28 in Toronto, an Ontario College of Teachers disciplinary found Alyssa Novick, a history and geography teacher, and Ian Middleton, a history teacher and rugby coach, guilty of covering up the assault while supervising an Ashbury College school trip in November 2007.

Details of the verdict have not been released and a decision on the penalty for each hearing will follow.

The college had alleged Novick and Middleton "failed to immediately notify the parents" of the student who was sexually assaulted by his classmates while on the school trip.

It is also alleged the pair, who continue to work at Ashbury, refused to report the sexual assault to police.

Novick is also accused of falsely telling the parents the student did not want to report the incident to police and discouraging the student from reporting the sexual assault to police.

Ashbury College's headmaster, Norman Southward, released a statement on Friday saying the school is "both surprised and disappointed with the findings."  (more...)

Minnesota Catholic Colleges Host Drag Show

The College of St. Benedict (CSB) and St. John’s University (SJU) in Minnesota will be hosting a drag show tonight, according to the two colleges’ online events schedule.

The student group People Representing the Sexual Minority (PRiSM) is sponsoring the event that will reportedly feature “student performers and professional drag kings and queens.”  (more...)

So, what's with students and drag shows?

Verizon defends decision to offer incest and child themed porn on video-on-demand

LOS ANGELES –  Broadband and telecommunications giant Verizon is under fire for defending its decision to provide hard-core porn titles with child and incest themes. The company was included in the 2014 Dirty Dozen List of pornography’s leading facilitators, compiled by Morality in Media (MIM), a national organization that opposes pornography.

According to MIM, lewd titles like “I Banged My Stepdad,” “Mom, Daughter and Me,” and “Pigtail Teens Pounded” are just some of the many offerings featured on Verizon’s FIOS video on-demand service. In a letter to MIM, Verizon’s Associate Director for Advertising and Content Standards John P. Artney defended the company’s choice to provide the content, noting that “consumers today have extraordinary choice in and control over the content available to them across these networks.”  (more...)

The Never-Ending Walk of Shame


Bill Donohue comments on a five-judge Manhattan Appellate Division panel that overturned a termination ruling against two lesbians who were caught having sex in a classroom:

In 2009, two tenured women teachers at James Madison High School in Brooklyn went drinking after school, and then returned to attend a student singing contest. Apparently bored, they walked out and went to Room 337. A janitor found them naked from the waist up (one was on her knees) having sex. They were subsequently fired, and after years of appeals, they were reinstated yesterday by a panel of appellate judges.  (more...)

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Smith Falls man hit with child porn charges

SMITHS FALLS - A 50-year-old Smiths Falls man has been charged with multiple child pornography offences after a four-month online undercover investigation, led by the Ontario Provincial Police's Child Sexual Exploitation Unit

On Wednesday, March 19, police executed a search warrant at a Smiths Falls home. Police say a smartphone and other items containing images and movies of child sexual abuse were seized.

Raymond Clare Abel is charged with one count of making available child pornography, two counts of possession of child pornography and one count of accessing child pornography.

He will appear in a Perth bail court on Monday.

Abel is the fourth local man to be charged with child pornography offences this month. Another Smiths Falls man and two Brockville men were arrested and charged in connection with separate investigations earlier this month.

Police have assured that the multiplicity of child pornography arrests does not indicate any kind of organized child pornography ring in the area.


Education assistant exploited student online, Toronto Police say

TORONTO - An education assistant at a Toronto Catholic school has been charged for allegedly sexually exploiting a student online, Toronto Police said Thursday.

A female student at Dante Alighieri Academy, near Dufferin St. and Lawrence Ave. W., was exploited on the Internet between June of 2012 and this month, police said.

Angelo Pisciottano, 46, of Toronto, was arrested Wednesday and subsequently charged with sexual exploitation of a person with a disability.

Police said they believe there may be more victims.

Anyone with information should call police at 416-808-1300 or Crime Stoppers anonymously at 416-222-TIPS (8477).

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