Thursday, June 30, 2016

‘It has mentally destroyed me’: victim after Alberta teacher sentenced for child sex crimes

A judge sentenced a former teacher at an elementary school in Raymond, Alta. to 12 years in jail for sexual assault and child pornography on Thursday.

Jamey Kristian, 39, had earlier pleaded guilty to sexual assault, sexual interference and child pornography offences involving young boys. Court heard how Kristian photographed some of his victims in changing rooms at Lethbridge swimming pools.

“It would not matter how much time he got,” a 20-year-old former victim whom Global News is not identifying, said after the sentence was handed out. “It won’t help me out any better (than) even if he got three to four years.

” It has mentally destroyed me,” he said. “It’s the basic truth. As much as I would have liked to avoid it all, it was something that could not have been avoided.”  (more...)

More coverage:

In other news:

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

No more studies: Ombudsman urges Ontario to improve ‘inadequate’ de-escalation training for cops

TORONTO — Families of people killed by police are “hopeful” the Ontario government will act on an ombudsman’s report calling for improved training in de-escalation techniques for officers who encounter people in crisis.

The report, issued Wednesday, calls on the government to mandate better police training in how to interact with people who are dealing with mental health or addiction issues, without drawing their guns as the first option.

“Ontario officers have plenty of training on how to use their guns, but not enough on how to use their mouths,” ombudsman Paul Dube said.

“The majority of their training focuses on exerting authority and establishing control over armed or hostile subjects, principally by drawing their weapons and yelling commands.”

Nineteen people have been killed in police shootings in Ontario since the ombudsman’s office opened a special investigation following the shooting death of Sammy Yatim, 18, on a Toronto streetcar in July 2013.

Various coroner’s inquests have shown police respond with their guns in such situations because they are following their training, said Dube.

“We don’t need another study or consultation to determine that police training on de-escalation is inadequate,” he said.  (more...)

The adventures of Blunderhead, spy who wrote his own 'love manual' and had a 'fabulously bizarre' career

Ben Levin's inspiration?
He was known by his spymasters as Blunderhead – and judging by his wartime exploits, never was a secret agent more appropriately named.

Ronald Seth was one of the most colourful figures working for the British secret service or Special Operations Executive – and probably one of its least conventional.

Seth’s career was outlined by bestselling historian Max Hastings at the Chalke Valley History Festival, which is sponsored by the Daily Mail.

The Mail writer entertained a festival audience with a lecture on his book, The Secret War: Spies, Codes and Guerrillas 1939-1945, focusing on exploits of lesser-known spooks, code-breakers and guerrillas.

From a Japanese spy dubbed ‘Lawrence of Manchuria’ to a Stalinist assassination plot using exploding chocolates, Sir Max hailed the wartime impact of men and women ‘who never fired a shot’.

Seth’s ‘fabulously bizarre’ career began with him parachuting into occupied Estonia to help destroy shale oil refineries. Swiftly captured, he offered to work as a Nazi double agent and was next seen wandering about Paris in Luftwaffe uniform.

He engineered a return to Britain, claiming to bear peace proposals from SS chief Heinrich Himmler, telling interrogators he expected to be viewed as a hero and recounted unlikely feats including shooting two Nazis on the Metro.  (more...)

Bizarre is the new normal:

B.C. teacher stripped of licence for sexual misconduct

A B.C. teacher has been stripped of his license for professional misconduct involving two high school students.

During the 2005-2006 school year, James Hugh Tracey took a leave of absence from the Delta School District to teach in another province.

Five years later in September of 2011 he admitted to the B.C. College of Teachers that he had been charged with two counts of sexual misconduct.

During the time he taught outside B.C. he allowed students from the school to come to his home and ‘hang out.’

Students showed up intoxicated and Tracey formed inappropriate relationships with two female students, aged 15 and 17.  (more...)

On a more humorous note:

The Vatican Bank And The Strange Death Of Pope John Paul I

"I feel protected"?

Is your parish dollar buying the subversion of Parish Life?

I am looking around at parish life in the big city these days, and all I see in the bulletin are listings for new programs.  There is one thing that can renew a parish immediately.  It doesn’t cost money.  It doesn’t require volunteers.  And it is a sure fire way to bring miraculous turnarounds and results.  The problem is that I can hardly find this one thing in my bulletin, but I can find a ton of programs.  We even have a new one coming in.  It’s really an old one, but they make it look a new one.  As far as I can tell, this new program isn’t that one thing that can actually work.

It seems that one of the realities characterizing the post-Vatican II period is parish programs. Everyone has to have programs. Your parish must have programs that reach out to married couples. Young adults need programs if they are to mature into well adjusted Catholics. Is your parish ailing? Bring in a new program. It seems like there must be a checklist from the bishop that requires the pastor to check enough boxes.  It’s almost as if they judge the health of the parish by the sheer number and overflow of programs it offers!  The best parishes have more programs than families!

Similarly, it seems that to the people running the programs, any parishioner’s spiritual health is directly related to the number of programs they attend.

Getting programs running in a parish is so important to the diocese that the diocese offers programs to help parishes implement programs.  It’s like prescriptions to the medical industry.  There are even the prescription drug giants in the Catholic world: Catholic publishing companies that exist solely to create, sell, distribute, and repackage programs.  (more...)


Bishop George Bell: Review to look at 'abuse' case

An independent review is to be carried out into how the Church of England handled the case of a former bishop named as an alleged paedophile.

The church settled the civil claim of a woman who said she was abused by the late Bishop of Chichester, George Bell, in the late 1940s and early 1950s.

The review will look at how it handled the allegations, first made in 1995, and the decision to settle the case.

Bishop Bell's supporters have been critical of the church's investigation.

The George Bell Group said Bishop Bell - Bishop of Chichester from 1929 until his death in 1958 - was "much admired" and noted for being one of the first to speak out in the 1930s against the dangers Adolf Hitler posed.  (more...)

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Paedophile campaigners convicted of sexual assaults against boys

Two men who were involved with a notorious group that campaigned for the legalisation of sex between adults and children have been convicted of abusing young boys.

Douglas Slade, 74, and Christopher Skeaping, 72, who were members of the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE), were caught after five victims, now middle-aged men, spoke out about how they were abused.

Slade, who fled from the UK in 1985, was extradited from the Philippines to face charges dating back as long as 50 years and was put on trial at Bristol crown court alongside Skeaping, a former racing driver.

Slade, who used to live in Knowle West, south Bristol, pleaded not guilty to 13 sexual assaults committed against five victims between 1965 and 1980 but was convicted of all offences after a two-week trial.

Skeaping, from Hounslow in west London, was convicted of one count of indecent assault relating to an incident involving Slade and a 15-year-old boy in 1980.

Their victims were troubled boys from broken families and were passed between “predatory” men with a sexual appetite for children. They enjoyed the affection and often did not realise they were being “corrupted and exploited by older men for their own selfish pleasure”, the court heard.  (more...)

More coverage:

Ottawa should name and shame offshore tax cheats

Fun with pirates
Oh, to be among the affluent Canadians hiding their fortunes in offshore tax havens. Not only does their money multiply beyond the taxman’s reach, but in the unlikely event they are prosecuted, their crimes against the public probably won’t ever be publicly known.

The Canada Revenue Agency says nine people were convicted of offshore tax evasion over the past two years, receiving $4 million in fines and 84 months of jail time. But it won’t say who these people are.

Strange, given that, as Marco Chown Oved reported in the Star on the weekend, the agency regularly publishes the names of dozens of small-time offenders, including many vulnerable Canadians who have merely fallen behind on their tax payments.

The CRA says this double standard is inevitable. By law, the agency is allowed to publish only information already in the public record. So if a tax cheat strikes a deal with the government, and the nature of the scheme does not appear in court documents, the offender cannot be identified as an offshore tax evader.  (more...)


Monday, June 27, 2016

Bavarian authorities turned a profit selling art Nazis stole from Jewish owners

Art stolen by the Nazis and rescued by the US military’s “Monuments Men” was not returned to its rightful Jewish owners at the end of the war but sold for profit by the Bavarian authorities, according to explosive new claims.

American forces recovered thousands of pieces of art and entrusted them to the Bavarian state government in 1949. But instead of returning the art to its owners, the Bavarian authorities kept several works to display in government buildings and sold others at auction, according to the Suddeutsche Zeitung newspaper.

In several cases, the art was sold to the families of Nazi war criminals.

The real-life Monuments Men were the inspiration behind the 2014 film starring George Clooney and Matt Damon. A unit of art historians served on the front line alongside American troops in the Second World War, with a mission to save Europe’s cultural heritage from destruction. They tracked down more than 10,000 works.

But an investigation by the Commission for Looted Art in Europe, an NGO based in London, discovered that many of the pieces were never returned.  (more...)


America, The Gay Disco

Dr. E. Michael Jones discusses "America, The Gay Disco"

What American media can't say

At least six stabbed at white supremacist rally in Sacramento in clash with counter-protestors

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — At least six people were stabbed Sunday when members of right-wing extremist groups holding a rally outside the California state capitol building in Sacramento clashed with counter-protesters, authorities said.

Sacramento Fire Department spokesman Chris Harvey said emergency crews transported six people who were stabbed, some critically wounded, and that many other people had cuts, scrapes and bruises.

“There was a large number of people carrying sticks and rushing to either get into the melee or see what was going on,” Harvey said.

California Highway Patrol officers managed to break up the large fight but some members of both groups remained in the area an hour after the fight first broke out, Harvey said.  (more...)


Your controlled opposition, courtesy of the ruling oligarchy.

Peter Martin Ebel – Prolific International Child Abuser

Peter Martin Ebel was a serial child abuser whose most frequently used aliases were Ed Scott and Alan Scott but he has also used a number of aliases for his books – Reynolds Locke, Edward Alan Scott, Ed Scott and James Congdon. He also poses as a Doctor or educator. He was born in the US about 1959, the son of the Vice President of Marketing of US Corporation General Foods during the 1950′ and 1960’s.

He is currently, finally, in jail in the US. He had travelled extensively and may have left a huge trail of victims over Europe including England, France, Malta, Ireland and Albania as well as Libya in North Africa, and probably 14 or 15 other countries including of course the United States.

He has chosen many boys aged 11-16, and obtained valium and codeine on bogus prescriptions. He is American but apparently can do an excellent upper crust British accent. He comes across as very likeable and children gravitate to him easily.

Inspired by Leonid Kamaneff and his “schools on boats” project “L’Ecole en Bateau”  Ebel set up two flight schools for children, SkyBlazers and CloudChasers. He  arranged flight training programs for kids 12 and over.

Kameneff also was an abuser of children for many years but was finally sentenced to 12 years prison in 2013.  There were three boats, the “Karrek Ven” a fishing vessel, the “Paladin” and “Bilbo”. I have included some information about Kameneff in Appendix 1 after the timeline on Ebel.

When did Ebel meet Kameneff? Did Ebel sail on Kameneffs boats?  (more...)


Sunday, June 26, 2016

THE NEW JIMMY SAVILE Maddie cops now probing Clement Freud’s past as ‘many, many’ new victims come forward

COPS investigating the disappearance of Madeleine McCann are probing the past of shamed paedophile Sir Clement Freud, it emerged today – as further victims came forward to accuse him of sexually abusing them.

A major inquiry dealing into historic child sexual abuse by prominent people is collating “many, many” new allegations against the late politician and TV personality.

Although Freud cannot be investigated because he died aged 84 in 2009, details of new victims are being recorded by Operation Hydrant, an umbrella inquiry set up by the National Council of Police Chiefs.

Almost 250 politicians and TV and film personalities have come under the Hydrant spotlight.

One source told The Sun : “Freud could be the new Jimmy Savile.

“As with Savile, Stuart Hall and Rolf Harris, more victims have come forward since he was named and shamed.

“The true scale of his offending is only now coming to light. He was a serial rapist and child abuser.”  (more...)


Nazis R Us -- America's Nazi Secret

Fully revised and expanded, America's Nazi Secret by John Loftus reveals how the U.S. government permitted the illegal entry of Nazis into North America in the years following World War II. This extraordinary investigation exposes the secret section of the State Department that began, starting in 1948 and unbeknownst to Congress and the public until recently, to hire members of the puppet wartime government of Byelorussia—a region of the Soviet Union occupied by Nazi Germany. The author, a former Justice Department investigator, uncovered this stunning story in the files of several government agencies. The revised and expanded version includes a chapter previously banned from release by authorities and a foreword and afterword with recently declassified materials.

America's Nazi Secret is an insider's history of how the United States Department of Justice obstructed Congress by:
  • Blocking congressional investigations into famous American families who funded Hitler, Stalin and Arab terrorists.
  • Lying to Congress, the GAO, and the CIA about the postwar immigration of Eastern European Nazi war criminals to the US.
  • Concealing from the 9/11 investigators the role of the Arab Nazi war criminals in recruiting modern Middle Eastern terrorist groups.
Author John Loftus is a former U.S. government prosecutor, a former Army intelligence officer, and the author of numerous books. He has appeared regularly as a media commentator on ABC National Radio and Fox News. He lives in St. Petersburg, Florida.
Our Lady of Good Nazis, Pray for Us

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Wynne's Poison Pill: Them’s (in)fightin’ words

Let's you and him fight!



These were among the descriptive words hurled by Halton Catholic District School Board Chair Jane Michael when a fellow trustee suggested an interview she recently gave to a Toronto reporter was conduct unbecoming her position at the board.

Tuesday’s school board meeting quickly disintegrated into a back and forth of trustees being hyper-critical of each others’ actions in recent weeks.

It was behaviour one would hope not to see in a classroom — or even the schoolyard.

It all stemmed from what was thought to be a simple housekeeping matter involving strengthening policies for school boards to remain safe and inclusive places of learning.

Under provincial statute, “gender identity and gender expression are now included as prohibited grounds of discrimination,” according to Education Minister Liz Sandals.

School boards across the province had been instructed to update their discipline and safety policies to reflect upgraded language found in the Education Act and the Ontario Human Rights Code.

Halton’s Catholic board had been working on updating its policy since February of this year.  (more...)

Scarborough parents act after child-luring attempts

Melissa Chee-Aloy is one of the organizers selling signs for parents of student
at Fairmount Public School in Scarborough.
A group of parents, “paranoid” and “horrified” by a recent string of child-luring attempts near a Scarborough elementary school, have launched a sign campaign to alert the community and deter predators.

“This has just shaken everything up,” said Melissa Chee-Aloy, who launched the campaign this week as a mother of two students.

“I was horrified when I heard.”

On June 3, a man and woman in a car approached two girls, aged 7 and 8, near a park just behind Fairmount Public School during lunch break. The couple suggested the students would “have more fun” with them, said parent Kirsten Caspersen, involved in the campaign.

That same afternoon, a boy in Grade 6 dropped his bike and fled the schoolyard after two men in a cargo van invited him in to play video games. Another boy was approached in a van three days later on his way to school, said Parthi Kandavel, the local trustee on the Toronto District School Board.

A fourth incident occurred more recently, police confirmed Thursday.  (more...)

Place a few signs in the teachers' lounge, too

Sufi religious healer arrested in connection with Peel sex assaults

Police have arrested a Sufi religious healer in connection with a number of sexual assaults in Peel Region.

Peel Regional Police allege that the suspect committed the offences over an eight-year period, beginning in 2008.

The victims were a 15-year-old female and 20-year-old female, according to police.

Syed Ahmed Amir Khan, 37, was arrested on June 17 and charged with two counts of sexual assault, two counts of extortion, two counts of non-consensual distribution of intimate images and one count of sexual exploitation.

Police say that they are concerned there may be other victims out there who have not yet come forward.  (more...)


This post brings together a number of elements that are intended to disabuse the religious right of some of their delusions. The first story, about High-Islamic sexual abuse, illustrates one point of commonality with NeoCatholics, as well as the fact that these people live here among us, not far away in some third world country.

Another point made is that the image of Muslims as barbarous killers with no culture or intellectual tradition comparable to Christianity is illusory. The notion that Benedict XVI someone demonstrated the superiority of Christianity at Regensburg falls flat, given the present chaos of the 2-pope papacy and the abondment by the bishops of tradition and Logos. A closer examination reveals that the real barbarians are in our own churches, schools, and cathedrals.

While living among the milleau at the Universiy of Toronto during the 1970s, I knew Jews, Evangelicals and Ukrainian Orthodox who converted to Islam via the Sufism discussed in the articles linked above. Given the degeneracy of modern Western society and culture, these conversions were entirely rational and beneficial to their families. The corruption and degeneracy in our schools, churches, institutions, and chanceries drove these people to the best option available to them.

You may well ask why I didn't follow these friends and associates into Islam. I was certainly given the best possible evangelization -- an attractive tradition and intelligent Muslim friends, contrasted with a repulsive and toxic local milleau. On the natural plane, Judeo-Christianity had been defeated by modernism and plundered by freemasonry. Everyone had been assigned their price, and the slavemasters picked and chose whoever they willed. Do not look for a worldly saviour from Islam. Reread Isaiah 53.

Friday, June 24, 2016

The United Kingdom of Felony and Corruption

Mafia of the mediocre
The fact that the United Kingdom is on par with the United States as one of the most corrupt countries in the world is hardly a secret, even though the governments of these two nations have been launched various public relations campaigns in a bid to persuade their citizens that they are in no way involved in such crimes.

The Washington Post would note:
Over the past couple of decades, London’s accountants and lawyers have helped launder billions of dollars of stolen money through the British Virgin Islands, among other British overseas territories the British property market -. like the New York property market – has long functioned like an old-fashioned Swiss bank, providing safe real estate investments for owners who wish their identities and their sources of income to be hidden.
In rich Western states, like the UK and US, governments often lend a helping hand to various criminal organizations that seek ways to launder money stolen from budgets and aid programs of various countries. In order to prevent the officials of those robbed states from accessing those funds, Western authorities often create large commercial entities that serve the sole purpose of hiding this money. In a number of US states like Delaware, New Mexico, Nevada and Wyoming, along with the British Virgin Islands, a territory that is inhabited by 28,000 people, anonymous investors can register a countless number of companies, without being subjected to any form of screening by local authorities.

As it is stated by prominent journalist Roberto Saviano, who has dedicated over a decade of his life to the investigation of the criminal activities of the Italian Mafia, 90 per cent of the owners of capital in London have their headquarters offshore. Jersey and the Cayman’s serve as gateways through which criminal capital in Europe and the UK flows. The journalist would note that a total of 57 billion pounds (74 billion euros) is being laundered in the United Kingdom, which makes the City of London and Wall Street the two largest centers for money laundering in the world, where drug cartels are able to transform their criminally acquired cash into legal money.  (more...)


Now, to have a referrendum on expelling London from the United Kingdom

Are You Kidding?

Father demands court force board to alert him to 'false teachings' on sex and gays

Protesters gather out front of the Sopinka courthouse on Thursday.
A Hamilton father wants the courts to find the public school board violated his Charter rights by refusing to notify him in advance of activities that might cover "false teachings" according to his religion so he could pull his children out of class.

Steve (Eustathios) Tourloukis, who mounted his constitutional challenge in 2012, had his case heard in Hamilton's Superior Court on Thursday.

His concerns include the gay lifestyle, non-traditional marriages, sexuality and abortion.

His lawyer, Alberto Polizogopoulos, argued it was a simple request.

But the school board's lawyer said the request was vague and "framed in a way where it is impossible to manage."

The teachers' union lawyer called it "not only unreasonable, but also unfeasible."

Polizogopoulos described the Hamilton-Wentworth District Public School Board's position like this: If the request were granted, it could hurt other students' feelings if he pulled out his children — who were then in JK and Grade 2 at Gordon Prince elementary.

"The only thing the school board considered was the feelings of these hypothetical children who might be offended by (Tourloukis') belief," he said.

"The school's erroneous or speculative belief that other kids would be discriminated against led them to say 'no exception.'"  (more...)

Media acclimatizing us to pedophilia

While we don’t personally know the famous men unmasked in recent months as pedophiles, we all know someone a bit like them. And now we won’t be letting our children have sleepovers at their friends’ houses.

The ranks of A-list pedophiles – men whose number includes Rolf Harris, Jimmy Savile, Gary Glitter, and Cyril Smith – continue to swell. The patron saint of youth and transatlantic English, Cliff Richard, was not charged, but his reputation will always be tainted, while Leon Brittan was rescued by a system which wishes it to be known that it protects its own.

Now the late Clement Freud – grandson of Sigmund Freud – has joined the club. Clement Freud was a Liberal MP known also as a chef and radio personality in the UK.

When I look at the media, I do not consider individual stories so much as editorial tendencies. You can always find something to direct the public’s nose at, so my attitude is: why this, and why now?

The stock answer that financial considerations drive editorial policy simply doesn’t cut it. There are a hundred subjects out there, any one of which makes Watergate look tame, but mainstream media won’t even cough in their direction.

The mass media sits on evident and glaring topics and never so much as takes a peep. It marches in lockstep and brands as evil or mad anyone who dares question orthodoxy on – for example – the industrial spraying of the skies, ‘global warming’, the legitimacy of taxation, or a production line of ‘events’ all of which magically give governments leverage to sacrifice what little remains of individual rights to the god of a greater good which they define.

In the case of child abuse, the facts show that Freud – along with all the other pedophiles – didn’t start abusing children last week. It has been happening forever. It has been covered up forever. So why the big interest now?   (more...)

Freudian Slip: The secrets that rocked a dynasty

One hundred and thirty years ago Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis, presented his "seduction theory" at a major forum in Vienna. His idea was that most neuroses - female neuroses particularly - could be traced back to repressed memories of sexual interference on the part of fathers. The proposition was met with widespread outrage - the idea that fathers would sexually molest their daughters was shocking at the time - and Freud later shifted away from it, instead claiming that most of the memories of abuse, which he heard from patients, were false, with their subconscious unable to discern between fantasy and reality. Freud believed that Victorian men should be allowed indulge in forbidden sex (indeed he thought that incest was important to civilisation) with one caveat: that it must be "discreet".

It was a word, with all of its dark undertones, that seemed to echo down the ages this week with the revelation that Clement Freud, grandson of Sigmund, had sexually abused girls, including one whom he brought up as a daughter. Sylvia Woosley said Freud befriended her family in 1948, when he was working at a hotel in the South of France, and started abusing her when she was 10. Another woman told ITV that Freud started abusing her in the 1970s, when she was 11, and eventually raped her when she was 18, by which time he was a Liberal MP.

The rape was so violent and brutal she said, that she bled for a week afterward. It has been suggested that there may be more revelations and more victims still to tell their stories. The allegations are being investigated by British police and in the meantime have caused enormous embarrassment to one of the most storied families in Britain. Whether art, media, politics, fashion or high finance, the Freuds have their fingers in every pie.  (more...)

Readit 'n Weep: Momma's Boy's Sodomitical Initiation Into NuChurch

Until recently, Toronto Catholic District School Board chair Angela Kennedy was one of the more prominent opponents of Ontario’s new sex ed curriculum. She even led an unsuccessful campaign to put off introducing the new material for a year. Then her 30-year-old son Brian, who happens to be a teacher, revealed that he had been sexually abused as a child and asked his mom to reconsider her position. Last week, she made it known publicly that she now supports the new lesson plan. We spoke with her about the importance of proper names for private parts and how it’s possible to be a Catholic and a sex ed crusader at the same time.

Until very recently, you were one of the more vocal opponents of the Ontario government’s new sex-ed curriculum. And then you learned your son Brian was a victim of childhood sexual assault. Can you describe the day you found out and how that changed your stance?  (more...)


We're sure that Angela's gotten over her conflict-of-interest problems, and that this has nothing to do with her political ambitions in the gayified Progressive Conservate Party.

Don't expect any questions coming from Neo-Catholic 5th columners. They're too preoccupied fighting their crypto-fascist war against those homophobic Mooslims over there, somewhere.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Tony McCorkell reveals secrets of the wealthy Christian sect Exclusive Brethren

LATE ONE night, a frightened girl whispered a terrible secret into her mother's ear. It was about the man in whose house she was living – an elder of the Christian sect to which they all belonged.

But if the girl thought telling her mum would make it stop, she had not reckoned on the power of the Exclusive Brethren.

Just days after her disclosure in mid-2002, the girl's mother brought her back to the man's house in a NSW regional town. The elder's wife took the child into the room where it had happened. Then the interrogation began. For hours the woman questioned the little girl. She made her act out the attacks. "She wanted me to show her what [her husband] had done to me, she wanted me to demonstrate," the girl later told a judge.

So long did it go on that the child's own mother left the room to sleep.

Later still, the perpetrator himself, Lindsay Jensen – nearly two metres tall, weighing 100 kilograms, rich, pious, respected in his religious community – came in and confronted the girl himself.

"My memory is that I said to [her], 'Just tell the truth … tell me what I am supposed to have done,' " Jensen told a court in 2005.

Finally, the girl relented to the pressure and signed a note on a little lined page saying that she had lied. "I have always thought of the relationship between Lindsay and I as a father/daughter relationship," she wrote in childish script, "and I was glad for it because I needed some sort of father.

"The things that I said that happened, I don't believe they happened at all."

Former Brethren member and spokesperson Tony
McCorkell: “I deeply regret my part in keeping
the lid on this,” he says.
IF THE Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse tells us anything, it's that rule-bound, male-dominated hierarchies, such as the Catholic Church, private schools and corrective institutions, create the environment for some men to commit crimes against the children over whom they hold sway. The power of the institution is then bent to covering it up.

The Royal Commission has examined everything from Sydney's Knox Grammar School to the Jehovah's Witnesses; Cardinal George Pell to Tennis NSW. But not the Exclusive Brethren, a wealthy Protestant sect of 40,000 worldwide (including 15,000 in Australia), led by Sydney-based Bruce Hales. Among the Brethren (now rebranded as the Plymouth Brethren Christian Church), public scrutiny is shunned just as surely as are radios, TVs, voting and other trappings of "worldly" society.

So far this group has managed to fly under the radar.

That is about to change.  (more...)

New guidelines forbid Montreal Catholic priests, lay workers to be alone with children

Christian Lépine, archbishop of Montreal: “People who work in churches, if they
hope to hide to commit acts of pedophilia, these people have no place in the
service of the church.”
MONTREAL – Invoking past sexual abuse scandals and the need to create a “healthy and safe environment” in its churches, the Roman Catholic archdiocese of Montreal has announced new guidelines to ensure priests and lay workers are never alone with children.

“Recent events have brought to light the horrific reality of abuse of minors and vulnerable persons by members of the Church,” Christian Lépine, archbishop of Montreal, wrote in a message to the faithful dated Wednesday.

“These intolerable situations have shocked and shaken the Universal Church as well as the entire population to whom we wish to proclaim the Good News of Christ.”

A pilot project to begin this fall in 10 parishes and eventually extend to all 194 in Montreal will prohibit priests, staff and volunteers from being alone with minors. Following the lead of other organizations like amateur sport associations and the Scouts, the archdiocese will institute police screening of new hires and volunteers working with children or the vulnerable.

François Sarrazin, chancellor of the archdiocese, said the measures are intended to send a message.

“People who work in churches, if they hope to hide to commit acts of pedophilia, these people have no place in the service of the church,” he said.  (more...)

Author Steven Galloway fired from UBC after investigation of ‘serious allegations’

Yeah, baby. Yeah.
Award-winning Canadian author Steven Galloway has been fired by the University of British Columbia, which cited “a record of misconduct that resulted in an irreparable breach of the trust placed in faculty members.”

His dismissal – which comes without severance or a package – follows a months-long investigation by the university and a retired judge brought in to oversee the file.

But the faculty association released a statement late on Wednesday that said all but one of the allegations against Mr. Galloway were not substantiated.

Philip Steenkamp, UBC’s vice-president of external relations, indicated a principal complainant and then others came forward, but would not disclose the nature of the allegations, which were identified as “serious” when Mr. Galloway was suspended last November as associate professor and chair of the creative writing program.

“I’m absolutely bound by privacy legislation on that point,” Dr. Steenkamp told The Globe and Mail.

But The Globe has spoken over the past few months with several of the complainants, whose allegations include sexual harassment as well as creating a toxic environment at the program.

Those complainants – including former students – allege Mr. Galloway fostered a sexualized atmosphere, drank regularly with students and played favourites – bringing some students into his inner circle while casting others out.  (more...)


Why can't they just come out and say it?

 Weasel Words

Toronto’s ‘newcomer high’ moving to Danforth Tech after TDSB vote

This is what a feminazi looks like
Toronto's unique “newcomer high” will lose its home and be moved into nearby Danforth Tech after a unanimous vote by trustees late Wednesday.

The decision was made despite concerns by Greenwood Secondary students, all newly arrived immigrants and refugees, that the process was unfair and their school targeted from the start.

Two student leaders say they plan to file a human rights complaint after they finish exams this week because translators were not made available to them at all meetings of the area review committee, and unlike students at other schools involved their parents were left out because of language barriers as well as their work schedules.

At Wednesday night's meeting of the Toronto District School Board, Trustee Jennifer Story said when the process began, she was worried that because of lagging enrolment, three schools might be closed in her area.

She said Greenwood — which unlike other schools reviewed actually has a healthy enrolment — will remain a separate entity at Danforth, which is just steps away.  (more...)



Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Europe Far-Right 'Lone Wolf' Terrorists Kill Most: Report

A supporter of the Jobbik party attends a rally in Budapest.
“Right-wing extremists represent a substantial aspect of the lone-actor threat and must not be overlooked," said the report.

Despite a mainstream media narrative that focuses on the threat of Islamic terrorism, right-wing “lone wolf” extremists are to blame for more killings and injuries in Europe than other lone extremists, including Islamic terrorists, according to a London-based think tank report formally launched Wednesday.

According to the research by the Royal United Services Institute analyzing 120 lone-actor cases across Europe from the beginning of 2000 to the end of 2014, right-wing extremists were behind attacks that caused 260 injuries and 94 deaths.

In the same period, “religiously-inspired attacks” resulted in 65 people being injured and 16 killed. It was not clear from the report which religions were included in this category.

Right-wing lone-actor extremists killed over five times as many people as religiously-motivated lone wolf attackers in terror incidents across Europe, according to the report.

“These findings have clear implications for policy-makers and practitioners,” read the report. “Right-wing extremists represent a substantial aspect of the lone-actor threat and must not be overlooked.”  (more...)


A particularly disturbing aspect of European terrorism is that grassroots organizations had been infiltrated and corrupted by extremist actors directed by the security services. It would be very advisable that all conservative organizations, including pro-life-ists, scrutinize their leadership very carefully. Where did they come from? What is their history? Do they harbour any hidden agendas?

Toronto students battle to save 'newcomer high'

Students at Toronto’s “newcomer high” are scrambling to file a human rights complaint as the board gets set for a final vote on whether to close down and move their one-of-a-kind school into nearby Danforth Tech.

The fate of Greenwood Secondary — which nurtures and educates newly arrived refugees and immigrants — will be decided by trustees at a meeting Wednesday night, and it is unclear how a human rights complaint could affect the board’s plans.

Greenwood was discussed at a committee meeting last week, but the two students spearheading the fight to keep it open say they could not attend because of Ramadan. They also say the board did not provide them with appropriate translators during a number of area review committee meetings, and that unlike students at other schools, their parents were not able to advocate for them because of language barriers and long working hours.

“We know that the last chance is with us, with a human rights case,” said Tolin Abuaziza, who said she and student council president Zahra Afshar plan to file as soon as their exams are over.

“This is the only school for newcomers and with help for newcomers. We are all hoping the same thing, we don’t want to move,” Abuaziza added. “Students now feel like nothing will happen, they have just kind of given up. They tried, but no one heard them.”  (more...)


Edmonton Catholic school trustee wants reporting of sexual abuse added to Alberta curriculum

Marilyn Bergstra, chairwoman of Edmonton Catholic School Board, wants to
see sexual abuse prevention and reporting in Alberta's school curriculum.
School children should learn in every grade how to prevent and report sexual abuse and assault, says the board chairwoman of Edmonton Catholic Schools.

The Catholic school board voted 6-1 Tuesday to push the Alberta government to include in its revamp of the K-12 curriculum annual lessons to empower children against sexual abuse.

“(Perpetrators) say, ‘This is our secret,’ and they scare the children, and they intimidate them, and the children don’t have the capacity to know what to do, who to talk to, who to trust,” board chair Marilyn Bergstra said.

Some public schools in the U.S. are required to teach sexual assault prevention thanks to Erin’s Law. The law is named for sexual assault survivor Erin Merryn, who pushed for states to pass the law requiring school districts to teach children to “tell on anyone who tries to touch their private parts.”  (more...)

Whoda thunk? Teach the kids to report abuse instead of teaching them more sexed. Would it work?

You make it sound like it's a bad thing.

Former Vaughan hockey trainer charged in historic sexual assault case

York Regional Police say a former Vaughan hockey trainer has been charged in a historic sexual assault case dating back to the 1970s.

According to police, in January, 2014, a man came forward to investigators to report that he had been sexually assaulted as a child while playing hockey in the City of Vaughan. He said that in 1974, when he was 12 years old, he was playing hockey at an arena in Woodbridge and knew his alleged abuser, who was involved with the team as a trainer.

Police allege that the accused befriended the boy and offered on multiple occasions to drive him home from the arena. Police say that between October 1974 and March 1976, the man allegedly sexually assaulted the boy numerous times during those rides home.

Investigators also allege that between the same time period, the trainer took the boy on a trip to his family home in Quebec and to a cottage in Huntsville. On those two trips, police allege that the man sexually assaulted the boy.  (more...)

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