Thursday, March 31, 2016

Jr. Knights ex-coach facing sex counts

A former London Junior Knights coach is accused of sexually assaulting a young boy he babysat in Pickering in the late 1990s.

Danny Trepanier, 42, was charged Wednesday by Durham Regional Police with three counts each of sexual assault and sexual interference, as well as two counts of invitation to sexual touching.

The London Junior Knights parted ways with Trepanier when notified of the charges by police early Wednesday, said Kevin Egan, the club’s president.

“It’s very troubling when something like this happens,” he said of the allegations. “I don’t want people to be panicked about this situation.”

Trepanier’s coaching duties for the season with the Junior Knights had wrapped up in the last few days. He will not be back next season, Egan said.

Trepanier was a coach with the Junior Knights for “several years” at the Minor Peewee AAA level, which is made up of 11-year-old boys.

“We’re in a bit of a state of shock presently,” Egan said. “Everyone in our organization is shaken at the moment.”  (more...)

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More sex charges laid against eastern Ont. teacher

BELLEVILLE, Ont. -- Six more charges have been laid against an eastern Ontario school teacher already facing 36 sex-related counts.

Provincial police charged Jaclyn McLaren, 36, in February after launching an investigation into allegations involving young people between the ages of 12 and 15 in Tweed between 2013 and this year.

Multiple charges of sexual assault on a person under 16, sexual interference with a person under 16, invitation to sexual touching with a person under 16, sexual exploitation, luring a person under 16, making sexually explicit material available to a person under 16 and making child pornography were laid.

Police say two counts of making sexually explicit material available to a person under 16 and four counts of making sexually explicit material available to a person under 18 were laid Thursday morning.  (more...)


The Most Dangerous Game: World View Warfare

 Science of Coercion
A provocative and eye-opening study of the essential role the US military and the Central Intelligence Agency played in the advancement of communication studies during the Cold War era, now with a new introduction by Robert W. McChesney and a new preface by the author

Since the mid-twentieth century, the great advances in our knowledge about the most effective methods of mass communication and persuasion have been visible in a wide range of professional fields, including journalism, marketing, public relations, interrogation, and public opinion studies. However, the birth of the modern science of mass communication had surprising and somewhat troubling midwives: the military and covert intelligence arms of the US government.

In this fascinating study, author Christopher Simpson uses long-classified documents from the Pentagon, the CIA, and other national security agencies to demonstrate how this seemingly benign social science grew directly out of secret government-funded research into psychological warfare. It reveals that many of the most respected pioneers in the field of communication science were knowingly complicit in America’s Cold War efforts, regardless of their personal politics or individual moralities, and that their findings on mass communication were eventually employed for the purposes of propaganda, subversion, intimidation, and counterinsurgency.

An important, thought-provoking work, Science of Coercion shines a blazing light into a hitherto remote and shadowy corner of Cold War history.

Memories of childhood during the cold war.

Police in Canada Get Away with Killing Black People

Andrew Loku was shot and killed by police last July. But the public doesn’t know who did it.

When the Special Investigations Unit announced that the officer who killed him would not face charges, it led to a protest that has lasted over a week, day and night. Protestors have set up a tent city in Toronto, demanding the name of the officer who killed Andrew Loku to be released and for more accountability when police kill or beat black citizens. 

Desmond goes to the site of the demonstration to speak to the protestors.  (more...)

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Women's Studies Must Be Eliminated

Professor Fiamengo makes the bold claim that it is time to eliminate the Women's Studies department at every university. Academia is a place for academics and Women's Studies is an ideological movement not a legitimate academic pursuit.

What’s happening at IBM (it’s dying)

This is a column I didn’t want to write. Like many of you I am tired of IBM stories and the company that was once an industry leader has become, at best, a poster child for how not to manage the later stages of a corporate life cycle. But because what’s happening at IBM is also happening right now at hundreds of other big technology companies makes it worth covering. So let me be clear: IBM is dying.

Last week a huge round of layoffs hit IBM just as I predicted back in January. The company is releasing as few details as possible. Nobody, for example, knows exactly how big is this layoff — how many people are being let go? IEEE Spectrum found one source that said the number was 30 percent of the U.S. IBM workforce, a number which IBM says is too high. I also believe 30 percent is too high, especially if you confound it with retirements, contractors being axed, etc.

This round of IBM layoffs looks to me to be in the 20-25 percent range. A similar number of IBM workers were let go last year, but what makes this year’s numbers so notable is that most are regular employees — not contractors or retirees (those were mainly dumped last year to make those layoffs look lower). With IBM U.S. employment in the 90-100,000 range, this suggests that 18,000-25,000 people have just been shown the door at IBM. And they did so under new rules that grant at most one month of severance pay instead of up to 23 weeks that was in effect until the end of 2015. That has to be a kick in the head to all the IBM old-timers who had been waiting for the axe to fall no matter how good they were at their jobs, yet hoping for some kind of package. Well the package is here and it is full of crap.  (more...)

Shout out to some people I've worked with:

Where the information age began:

Universities and Empire: Money and Politics in the Social Sciences During the Cold War

Universities and Empire

This collection of essays edited by Christopher Simpson (Science of Coercion), an assistant professor at the School of Communication at American University, deals with the influence of foundation, government and corporate funding on academic scholarship. The eight authors, most of them professors at American universities, agree that the effects of the U.S. military, intelligence and propaganda agencies on academics were particularly strong during the Cold War. Contracts often specified research projects intended to contribute to the defeat of communism abroad and stem revolution in the Third World. After the Cold War, this emphasis has shifted to projects intended to help multinational corporations in their quest for foreign markets. One or two of the essays are riddled with jargon, but most explain the situation in terms all can follow. Particularly interesting is Ellen Herman's essay on Project Camelot, an ill-fated attempt by the U.S. military in the 1960s to utilize the efforts of academic behavioral scientists in order to control social change in the Third World. The project came to grief when it was exposed as a clandestine attempt to undermine popular movements in Chile. The importance of research funds from outside the campus, more than one essay argues, resulted in a hierarchy among faculty based on professors' ability to attract money to their institutions. Collectively, these essays make a strong, though not surprising, case that to the military-industrial complex should be added the additional adjective "academic."


My undergraduate years, courtesy of IBM, the CIA, and the Frankfurt School

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Teachers taking more sick days after losing cash payout: Sandals

TORONTO - Education Minister Liz Sandals says it looks like Ontario teachers are taking more sick days because they lost the right to bank them and take a cash payout on retirement.

"There's no reason to believe that they're actually sicker than they were two years ago," Sandals said with a chuckle as she entered a cabinet meeting Wednesday.

"It would appear that there is a relationship between the belief that you lost something and taking more sick days."

The government says it saved an immediate $1 billion by eliminating teachers' ability to bank sick days in 2012, plus another $625 million in the next three years.

But teachers have been calling in sick more often since the benefit changes, costing school boards hundreds of millions of dollars to hire supply teachers.  (more...)

Take the off ramp:

Liberal Party's 'Very Cozy Relationship' With Bell Poses Threat To Consumers: Advocates

Innovation Minister Navdeep Bains has been reluctant to lend an ear to consumer
activists on telecom issues
The federal Liberal government is shutting out advocacy groups arguing in favour of greater competition in Canadian internet services while repeatedly meeting with telecom giant Bell, a consumer advocacy group says.

OpenMedia says it’s because of a “very cozy relationship” between the Liberals and Bell, which threatens to limit consumer choice in internet services.

“Public interest organizations have been completely shut out by the Liberals” on a critical issue involving internet competition, the group's campaigns director, Josh Tabish, told HuffPost in an email.

At the heart of the matter is an effort by Bell to overturn a CRTC decision last summer that granted small telcos access to the ultra-high-speed fibre internet network Bell is building.  (more...)

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One in three Canadians happy with Internet prices, affordability: report

TORONTO -- Affordability is among the top Internet service concerns for Canadians, especially those living in rural areas, a new report has found.

One out of three Canadians is satisfied with the cost of their home Internet, according to a report commissioned by Canada's broadcast regulator.

Two out of three Canadians believe that telecommunications prices should be comparable in urban and rural settings. People in rural locations tend to pay more for Internet and were more likely to have cut back on Internet use over the past 12 months.

Overall, one out of five Canadians limited their web use over the past year, the report found. Most often this was due to Internet service or equipment costs, or capacity constraints.  (more...)

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Ontario parents sue former church ‘academy’ after finding out son short years of school credits

The World of Life Church's Michael Welch
A Rockland couple is suing their former church in Ottawa, alleging that it falsely led them to believe an educational program in which they enrolled their children met Ontario educational standards and would prepare their two sons for college and university.

Yvon Largess and his wife, Louise Pronovost, allege they were later told the Word of Life Church’s “Dominion Christian Academy” was operating illegally and wasn’t recognized as a school under the provincial Education Act, forcing their eldest son to enroll in an adult high school to obtain three years of missing credits.

In their statement of defence, the church and co-defendant Michael Welch, the church’s pastor, deny that they ever represented the academy – which they describe as a “self-directed, home-schooling learning program” – as a private school or program registered with the Ontario Ministry of Education.

They say the church created a new ministry in 2001 for parishioners who wanted to home school their children but couldn’t afford to leave their jobs. Church members whose children participated were asked to pay “a modest amount” toward the cost of operating the academy, they say.

The church operated the academy at a loss for almost a decade before shutting it down in June 2011, the statement of defence says.

According to the Canada Revenue Agency’s website, the Word of Life Church became inactive in 2013, when its assets were transferred to the Capital City Church at 1123 Old Montreal Rd.

In their civil lawsuit, Largess, Pronovost and their sons name both the church and Welch individually as defendants. Welch and his wife, Lynda, co-founded the Capital City Church in 2012 and the two are now lead pastors there.

They allege negligent misrepresentation, breach of fiduciary duty, breach of contract and negligence on the part of Welch and the church.  (more...)

Pediatrician gets 18 months for sex assaults on two patients

An elderly pediatrician who sexually assaulted two young girls in separate attacks decades apart was sentenced to 18 months in jail Wednesday.

Dr. Arturo Sanchez “was in a position of trust” as the victims’ doctor and his assaults “had a considerable impact,” Judge Nancy Backhouse said.

“In the first victim’s case, the assaults were persistent and lengthy, planned and deliberate,” said Backhouse, who found him guilty last December of three charges involving two victims. One girl was assaulted in the mid-1960s and another was 11 years old in 1980 when he touched her breasts at her home while administering an allergy shot.

The judge acquitted him of five other allegations involving four other girls.

All of the complainants ranged in age from 10 to 15 and the allegations dated from 1964 until 2013.  (more...)


‘The emotional scars still last today’: Ex-Ottawa priest convicted of molesting three boys nearly 50 years ago

They were altar boys mostly aged nine to 11, given a gold star each time they attended mass, and sometimes invited to see Rev. Jacques Faucher in private.

Let’s practise a prayer, he’d say to one. Let’s watch a hockey game, he said to another. To a third: Let’s look at my stamp collection.

Then he would sit them on his knee and start touching them. On at least some occasions he became sexually aroused.

Faucher, 79, was convicted Wednesday of six counts of indecent assault and gross indecency, all involving young boys from the former Notre-Dame-des-Anges parish near Tunney’s Pasture. The charges date from 1969 to 1974, when Faucher was a priest there.

He was convicted of molesting three of five boys who testified against him. Judge Pierre Roger acquitted him on charges involving two other boys, not discounting their stories but saying there was a reasonable doubt.  (more...)

Child Sex Abuse Justice: Premier League or Eton Mess?

Two very high profile cases  involving child sexual abuse have recently hit the headlines. One involved the Premier League footballer Adam Johnson, capped 12 times for England. The other involved Andrew Picard ( who used his mother’s name rather than his father’s surname), an Old Etonian from a wealthy , well connected family.

Adam Johnson was given a six year prison sentence for grooming  and sexually assaulting a 15 year old girl, a Sunderland fan besotted with him.

As the BBC reported Judge Jonathan Rose told him he had abused a position of trust and caused his victim “severe psychological harm”. He told Johnson, 28, he had engaged in sexual activity with her knowing she was under 16. Police  also found extreme pornography involving animals on Johnson’s laptop.

Andrew Picard, 18, was spared jail and given a 10 month sentence suspended for 18 months after the police found  over 1155 indecent  children images on his computer in his Eton College dormitory. Like Johnson some of the images involved animals. The judge described some of the videos – which included abuse of babies and toddlers – as “so appalling, frankly I can’t bring myself to talk about it.”

One of his videos showed a girl as young as three being raped, while others showed young children being forced to have sex with dogs. He also shared these videos and images on a chat room where he was unmasked by undercover police.  (more...)

Elton John bodyguard sues for sexual harassment, alleges unwelcome intimate touching

Sir Elton John is being sued for sexual harassment by a former bodyguard who claims the singer subjected him to a barrage of “unwelcome” and intimate touching and lurid suggestions over several years.

Jeffrey Wenninger alleges that John tried to grab his genitals, pulled his nipples and told him that he had “so many gay genes,” in court documents lodged in Los Angeles. The documents claim he was a victim of sexual harassment and battery.

The alleged incidents, which are said to have occurred multiple times, have been dismissed by the singer’s lawyers as a “baseless lawsuit brought by a disgruntled former security officer seeking to extract an undeserved payment”.

Wenninger, who stopped working for John in September 2014 after 12 years as his bodyguard, gives specific times and places for some of the episodes.  (more...)

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Ajax teacher Robert Chung facing several sex assault charges

DURHAM -- A teacher is facing several charges after a former student made allegations of a sexual relationship to Durham police.

Durham police report a woman contacted them earlier this month and said she had been sexually assaulted by her former elementary school teacher. She alleged the sexual offences began in 2008 when she was 14. The suspect and complainant met while she attended an elementary school in Brooklin and the offences started after she had gone on to high school.

Investigators want to ensure there are no other complainants.

The suspected was arrested in Ajax on March 29.

Robert Chung, 34, of Fulton Crescent in Whitby, has been charged with four counts of sexual assault, four counts of sexual interference, sexual exploitation and invitation to sexual touching.  (more...)

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‘I’m 52 years old and I’m still broken’: Gordon Stuckless’ victims address his sentencing

TORONTO — Victims of the man at the heart of the Maple Leaf Gardens sex abuse scandal say they’ve been permanently scarred by his actions, their lives derailed by the shame and trauma of what they endured decades ago.

Several of Gordon Stuckless’s victims described dropping out of school and turning to drugs and alcohol after being abused in their youth. Even now, the memories haunt them and keep them up at night, many said.

“I am 52 years old and I’m still broken inside,” said one man, who cannot be identified under a publication ban.

He was 11 years old when Stuckless abused him at Maple Leaf Gardens, he said, and kept his “dark secret” under wraps for close to 40 years.  (more...)


Operation Condor Never Ended: Assassinations and Coup Plots Continue Across Latin America

Latin America is an often forgotten theater in World War 4 America’s war on the planet that began with the collapse of the Soviet Union. In many ways World War 4 is merely a continuation of World War 3 aka the Cold War and nowhere is this more apparent then in Latin America. Wherever the US maintained it’s control it carried on with the horrific dirty war assassinating anyone who dares to dream and work for a better world. The recent murder of COPINH co-founder Berta Caceres has briefly drawn attention to this never ending wave of murder and assassinations.

In My October 2015 article Operation Condor based on J. Patrice McSherry’s excellent “Predatory States” I dealt with this campaign of torture, murder and assassination that continues to this day to terrorize Latin America. Colombia is one of the most terrible examples hundreds of thousands have been murdered, raped, tortured over the past 50 Years. Millions have been driven from their lands and Colombia’s dirty war is second only to Syria in the number of refugees that have been created. Mexico is perhaps even worse where 160,000 have died in the ever expanding phony war on drugs. On a smaller scale the same things are taking place in Honduras the most dangerous country in the world for environmental activists.  (more...)



The Splendid Blonde Beast: Money, Law, and Genocide in the Twentieth Century

 The Splendid Blonde Beast
Most people who commit mass murder are never punished for what they have done. According to Christopher Simpson, most profit from their crimes. In the first complete investigation into mass murder and genocide in the 20th century, Simpson reveals how the American elite helped Nazi war criminals escape punishment. A disturbing and profound book about the roots of evil in our time.


Citing newly uncovered archival sources, Simpson ( Blowback: America's Recruitment of Nazis and Its Effects on the Cold War ) first argues that Hitler emulated the Turkish government's 1915-1918 policy regarding the massacre of Armenians by offering economic incentives and other rewards to citizens willing to participate in the extermination of the Jews. He then examines the U.S. government's response to both genocidal campaigns. Of utmost interest here is the evidence he presents that President Eisenhower's secretary of State, John Foster Dulles, and Dulles's brother Allen, director of the CIA, deliberately stymied efforts to bring to justice many German bankers and industrialists involved in the Nazis' extermination-through-labor programs. The study leaves little doubt that many members of Germany's corporate elite not only were aware of the genocidal programs during the war but sponsored innumerable supplementary negelganger , or "side camps," staffed by company employees. Simpson argues that while genocide is still widely practiced today, it is usually tolerated by those who benefit from it through the theft of land and natural resources. The cycle of genocide can be broken, he maintains, through relatively straightforward (though politically difficult) reforms of the international legal system.



Did the National Security Act of 1947 destroy freedom of the press?

Henry R. Luce
Even in democracies, the business of government is run by a tiny group of people, and the decisions are taken by an even tinier group: let us call these few decision makers the ruling or power elite. In the United States, this tiny power elite at the top is composed disproportionately of members of the (very) wealthy classes, and their retainers. It may include people who do not have an official government position.

Now, since a person’s interests are largely determined by his or her position in the socio-economic structure, it follows that the power elite will tend to have interests quite at variance with those of the majority of the population. In fact, their ideology may be completely different—even opposite.

Is this a problem? Not if the majority has sufficient oversight over what the power elite is doing, for in this case government officials who violate the wishes of the majority can be democratically replaced with others who do respect what the people want.

What can produce the sufficient level of oversight? A free and competitive news market.  (more...)


Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Gordon Stuckless sentencing hearing begins

TORONTO - A sentencing hearing is to begin Tuesday for the man at the heart of the Maple Leaf Gardens sex abuse scandal.

Gordon Stuckless pleaded guilty in 2014 to 100 charges related to the sexual abuse of 18 boys decades ago.

Stuckless was later found guilty of two additional charges of gross indecency linked to two of the 18 victims.

Defence lawyer Ari Goldkind said earlier this year that he had learned prosecutors want his client jailed for 10 to 12 years.

Prosecutors decided last December not to seek dangerous offender or long-term offender status for Stuckless.  (more....)

Sick days costing Ontario school boards $1-billion a year, report says

Ontario’s teachers and education workers are taking more sick days now that they can’t bank them for a cash payout upon retirement – a move that a new report says is costing school boards close to $1-billion a year.

In 2012, the Liberals sliced teachers’ annual sick days from 20 to 11, and removed their ability to bank unused days. The new plan resulted in $1-billion in one-time savings, the government said.

But a new report from the non-for-profit School Boards’ Co-operative Inc., a copy of which was obtained by The Globe and Mail, found that there has been a “significant increase” in absences. Teachers and education workers took an average of 10.29 sick days each in 2014-15, up from 8.86 days four years prior and before the changes were implemented. Sick leave as a percentage of total payroll has increased 21 per cent during that same period.

The direct cost of absenteeism across the province was estimated to be $921,866,466 in 2014-15, the report said.  (more...)

The CIA protected Adolf Eichmann, architect of the Holocaust

The day before yesterday, 6 June 2006, the New York Times reported the following:
“The Central Intelligence Agency took no action after learning the pseudonym and whereabouts of the fugitive Holocaust overseer Adolf Eichmannn in 1958, according to CIA documents that shed new light on the spy agency’s use of former Nazis as informers after World War II. 
The CIA was told by West German intelligence that Eichmannn was living in Argentina under the name ‘Clemens’ -- a slight variation on his actual alias, Klement -- but kept the information from Israel...”
For those unfamiliar with the history of the Holocaust, Adolf Eichmann was the central architect of Adolf Hitler’s Final Solution: the German Nazi program of extermination of the European Jews. What the New York Times is reporting is that the CIA protected Eichmann after he became a fugitive. This is amazing, but the whole truth is even more amazing, and that's what the New York Times fails to report.

When the New York Times says that “[the] CIA...use[d] former Nazis as informers after World War II,” it is leaving most of the truth out. What is true is that the CIA itself was created by absorbing practically the entire Nazi war-criminal infrastructure. This was documented already in 1988 with material obtained from the US government through the Freedom of Information Act by historian Christopher Simpson  (more...)


Look on the bright side. The New York Times still makes serviceable birdcage liner.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Blowback: America's Recruitment of Nazis and Its Destructive Impact on Our Domestic and Foreign Policy

The true story of how US intelligence organizations employed Nazi war criminals in clandestine warfare and propaganda against the USSR, anticolonial revolutionaries, and progressive movements worldwide that were claimed to be Soviet pawns; includes a new, previously suppressed introduction by the author on the CIA’s declassification of Nazi-related records.

Even before the final shots of World War II were fired, another war began—a cold war that pitted the United States against its former ally, the Soviet Union. As the Soviets consolidated power in Eastern Europe, the CIA scrambled to gain the upper hand against new enemies worldwide. To this end, senior officials at the CIA, National Security Council, and other elements of the emerging US national security state turned to thousands of former Nazis, Waffen Secret Service, and Nazi collaborators for propaganda, psychological warfare, and military operations. Many new recruits were clearly responsible for the deaths of countless innocents as part of Adolph Hitler’s “Final Solution,” yet were whitewashed and claimed to be valuable intelligence assets. Unrepentant mass murderers were secretly accepted into the American fold, their crimes forgotten and forgiven with the willing complicity of the US government.

Blowback is the first thorough, scholarly study of the US government’s extensive recruitment of Nazis and fascist collaborators right after the war. Although others have approached the topic since, Simpson’s book remains the essential starting point. The author demonstrates how this secret policy of collaboration only served to intensify the Cold War and has had lasting detrimental effects on the American government and society that endure to this day.


The intellectual environment of Canadian universities, industry, and media was profoundly influenced by this programme. Importantly, eugenics policies promoted via social engineering gained much impetus from this psychopathic ideology.

BBC thriller probes family betrayals of police who go undercover

Imagine if everything you believed about the person you’ve been married to for the past 20 years turned out to be lies. That’s the basis for a striking new BBC TV thriller, Undercover, which draws on the real-life cases of women tricked into long-term relationships by undercover police officers, a story broken in the Observer in March 2010.

The original Observer report, written by Tony Thompson, detailed how an undercover officer, known only as Officer A, who had spent four years infiltrating anti-racist groups, had also formed relationships with two of his female targets “as a way of obtaining intelligence”. It sparked an investigation by the Guardian, which led in turn to the establishment of the Pitchford inquiry.

Last week Lord Justice Pitchford held a two-day hearing to establish how much of the inquiry, which will examine the police force’s undercover infiltration of political groups since 1968, should be held in private. The police have argued that to make evidence to the inquiry public would endanger officers and their families, but those who were spied on believe that without a public hearing the full extent of the undercover operations will never be known.  (more...)

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Welcome to the ultimate police state

Former Conservative MP poised to launch new attack on Scotland Yard after closure of controversial VIP paedophile inquiry Operation Midland

Harvey Proctor, the former MP who spent a year being investigated by Scotland Yard for child sex abuse before being exonerated, is to launch an extraordinary attack on senior police officers, The Telegraph can disclose.

Friends of Mr Proctor said he will claim his own allegations of criminal conduct against his accusers have been wrongly blocked by the Metropolitan Police.

It is understood the ex-Conservative MP will say Scotland Yard has ignored counter-allegations lodged against “Nick”, the complainant behind the controversial multi-million pound Operation Midland, which was finally shut down last week.

Similar allegations against Exaro, the internet news site which reported on Nick’s claims, have also been wrongly ignored, according to sources close to Mr Proctor.  (more...)

Amer Saka, Catholic Priest, Gambled Away Over $500,000 Meant For Refugees: Reports

Police in London, Ont. are investigating a Catholic priest after he allegedly gambled away over $500,000 meant for refugees.

Father Amer Saka of the St. Joseph Chaldean Catholic Church confessed to bishop Emanuel Shaleta last month that the money had disappeared in games of chance, The Toronto Star reported.

He was suspended right away, Shaleta told the newspaper. Saka subsequently received treatment.

Precisely how the money was gambled away isn't clear. But Shaleta believes Saka has a "serious gambling problem and that these funds may have been used for this purpose."

"Since there is an investigation going on, we cannot confirm what he's saying," he said.

Shaleta added that Saka was taken to Southdown Institute, a facility that offers addiction and mental health services for clergy members.  (more...)

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World Class Journalist Spills the Beans & Admits Mainstream Media is Completely Fake

 Journalists for Hire
Dr. Udo Ulfkotte is a top German journalist and editor and has been for more than two decades, so you can bet he knows a thing or two about mainstream media and what really happens behind the scenes.

Recently, Dr. Ulfakatte went on public television stating that he was forced to publish the works of intelligence agents under his own name, also adding that noncompliance with these orders would result in him losing his job.

He recently made an appearance on RT news to share these facts:
I’ve been a journalist for about 25 years, and I was educated to lie, to betray, and not to tell the truth to the public. 
But seeing right now within the last months how the German and American media tries to bring war to the people in Europe, to bring war to Russia — this is a point of no return and I’m going to stand up and say it is not right what I have done in the past, to manipulate people, to make propaganda against Russia, and it is not right what my colleagues do and have done in the past because they are bribed to betray the people, not only in Germany, all over Europe.
It’s important to keep in mind that Dr. Ulfakatte is not the only person making these claims; multiple reporters have done the same and this kind of truthfulness is something the world needs more of.  (more...)


Sunday, March 27, 2016

00-Busted: Decorated spy exposed by wife over secret gay sex near MI6 HQ

A spy has been exposed by his wife over a gay sex scandal, The Telegraph can disclose.

The case was raised in a military divorce heard in court recently, involving an intelligence officer in an Army unit that targets al-Qaeda and Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil).

The scandal emerged after the officer’s wife discovered he was having one-off sexual liaisons with men he met near his Army base and close to the headquarters of MI6 in south London.

The woman is divorcing him but reported his activities to military commanders as she feared he had broken his security clearance and would be vulnerable to blackmail by hostile intelligence services.

The agent has taken part in intelligence-gathering operations in Iraq and Afghanistan and has received a military decoration from the Queen.

He is a leading expert in identifying “high-value targets” – key players in terrorist organisations who might be targeted for surveillance and could become double agents.  (more..)

The national security benefits of marriage?

Black Lives Matter activists surround police headquarters

Hundreds of Black Lives Matter activists surrounded Toronto police headquarters Saturday to protest what they call racially biased policing in the city.

Their “Blackout Against Police Brutality” demonstration began at approximately 4 p.m. and shows no signs of slowing down.

“We’re going to be here for as long as the community wants to be here,” said Alexandria Williams, co-founder of Black Live Matters’ Toronto branch. “The purpose of this is to make sure that we have intersections of different communities coming together to work to work in solidarity to combat anti-blackness.”

The rally included advocates for other groups including indigenous people.

Demonstrators first set up camp outside the building last Sunday, just days after Ontario’s police watchdog cleared a Toronto police officer of any wrongdoing in the shooting of 45-year-old Andrew Loku. The man was killed during a confrontation last July at an apartment building in the area of Caledonia Road and Eglinton Avenue.

On Saturday, organizers hoped to amplify their message with a call to action.  (more...)


Saturday, March 26, 2016

A Case Study in Controlled Opposition

One of my readers just sent me a link to the Occidental Observer, the online magazine of “White Identity, Interests and Culture”. He thought I would like it. I didn't. Just as I didn't like the Manhattan Institute's magazine City Journal a couple of days ago, I didn't like the Occidental Observer. And for the same reason: I recognized it as basically fake. I don't believe it is what it says it is.

I smelled a rat even before I got to the main page and saw that “White Culture” nonsense. I was sent first to Lasha Darkmoon's article “The Plot Against Art”, I guess because it was thought I would agree with almost everything in it. Of course I agree with some of it, since that is the point. These people have to salt in the lies with a lot of truth, or you wouldn't buy the lies. But they don't fool me anymore.

If you don't know what I am talking about, pay attention. Notice that none of these highly educated PhDs, including MacDonald and the fake Darkmoon, seem to be aware that Marxism was an Intel project all the way back to 1848. They talk about Jews a lot, but I didn't see a word about Intelligence. This is probably the easiest way to tell you are being misdirected. It looks to me like they are all part of the Modern project to control the discourse, so that you are constantly looking where they are pointing. They clearly want you involved in this whole Semitism-anti-Semitism dialectic, so that you miss the deeper currents  (more...)

The analysis above is very good and can be used as a template for looking at neo-Catholic and false conservative publications. A good house-cleaning is long overdue. I helped you out Michael Coren and John Baird. There's much more work to do.


Black hole in Sunshine List

There’s a giant black hole in the Sunshine List this year, say opposition politicians, who are outraged the sell-off of Hydro One means it’s no longer subject to legislation requiring the salaries of all public servants making more than $100,000 be made public.

The list released Friday does not include senior employees of the giant utility. Tory and NDP critics are furious Hydro One is exempt.

“This is the glaring reality that despite the fact that taxpayers own 85% of Hydro One, we don’t have any access to all of the salaries of all of the staff, and that’s a gaping hole in this year’s release,” said Nipissing Conservative Vic Fedeli.

Hydro One and Ontario Power Generation salaries traditionally top the list of high earners on the public dime.

The lack of information about Hydro One is a “big hole,” said NDP leader Andrea Horwath.

“That information is no longer available to Ontarians.”  (more...)

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Friday, March 25, 2016

Blood Money and Neo-Catholics: America’s Top Rogue Mercenary – Blackwater’s Erik Prince is Under Federal Investigation

Erik Prince, founder of the now-defunct mercenary firm Blackwater and current chairman of Frontier Services Group, is under investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice and other federal agencies for attempting to broker military services to foreign governments and possible money laundering, according to multiple sources with knowledge of the case.

What began as an investigation into Prince’s attempts to sell defense services in Libya and other countries in Africa has widened to a probe of allegations that Prince received assistance from Chinese intelligence to set up an account for his Libya operations through the Bank of China. The Justice Department, which declined to comment for this article, is also seeking to uncover the precise nature of Prince’s relationship with Chinese intelligence.

The Intercept interviewed more than a half dozen of Prince’s associates, including current and former business partners; four former U.S. intelligence officers; and other sources familiar with the Justice Department investigation. All of them requested anonymity to discuss these matters because there is an ongoing investigation. The Intercept also reviewed several secret proposals drafted by Prince and his closest advisers and partners offering paramilitary services to foreign entities.  (more...)

OK, now that you know who Erik is, looky where he spends his money:

Sweet little racket, wouldn't you say?

‘I’m going to pervert you’: Surprise witness emerges at trial of author accused of seducing young fan

MONTREAL — A Quebec Court judge will decide on Tuesday whether to accept evidence from a surprise witness in the trial of a popular author of books for young teenagers who is accused of sexually assaulting a minor who was a fan.

Maxime Roussy, 40, faces 11 sex-related charges involving a minor including luring a child through the Internet, sexual assault, sexual interference and inviting a minor to touch him in a sexual manner. He entered a not-guilty plea to all of the charges when his trial began on March 7.

At the time of his arrest, in April 2011, he was the author of books published in French such as Le Blogue de Namasté and Pakkal, which were very popular in Quebec with young teenagers and preteens. He was also married with three children with his wife and had had another child through a previous relationship.

The alleged victim in the case has testified she first had sex with Roussy when she was 14 and that he convinced her to play a submissive role while he practised sado-masochistic sex acts with her on 11 occasions between 2008 and 2010. She testified she decided to end the relationship when she realized Roussy likely wouldn’t leave his wife for her.  (more...)

Scientology, Cults, Freemasonry and the CIA

Mark Hackard returns to the show to discuss "Scientology & the CIA" and "Malta, Masonry & the CIA", two articles he translated. We talk about the use of Christian missionaries and cults by the CIA and the connections between Freemasonry and the intelligence community. We also discuss how conceptions like "democracy", "religious freedom" and "human rights" are exploited by the United States and other western governments to destabilize countries outside the Anglo-American orbit.


"Exile" in Malta?

Thursday, March 24, 2016

The Sun Vault: The Death Star of British Journalism

At a trial in Kingston two years ago of several senior Sun journalists over allegations of payments to public officials, the former deputy editor of the country's best selling newspaper, Ben O'Driscoll, made an interesting admission on oath:
"At the time I was there, there was an enormous safe, about 7ft high, like something out of a Wild West film, with big metal handles", O'Driscoll explained to  the court in Kingston. "It was full of 30 years of stories that are confidential and did not pass the public interest test. They remained there in that safe, and what's in there is quite eye-popping, I have to say."
O'Driscoll claimed  MPs and celebrities featured in the material, and added: "If you were to publish everything in that safe, I think The Sun's circulation figures would go upwards."

But if this material is not held for publication, what is it kept for?  (more...)

Was Rupert Murdoch's buddy a paedophile?

If It's All Just a Scam: Legalize It All

In 1994, John Ehrlichman, the Watergate co-conspirator, unlocked for me one of the great mysteries of modern American history: How did the United States entangle itself in a policy of drug prohibition that has yielded so much misery and so few good results? Americans have been criminalizing psychoactive substances since San Francisco’s anti-opium law of 1875, but it was Ehrlichman’s boss, Richard Nixon, who declared the first “war on drugs” and set the country on the wildly punitive and counterproductive path it still pursues. I’d tracked Ehrlichman, who had been Nixon’s domestic-policy adviser, to an engineering firm in Atlanta, where he was working on minority recruitment. I barely recognized him. He was much heavier than he’d been at the time of the Watergate scandal two decades earlier, and he wore a mountain-man beard that extended to the middle of his chest.

At the time, I was writing a book about the politics of drug prohibition. I started to ask Ehrlichman a series of earnest, wonky questions that he impatiently waved away. “You want to know what this was really all about?” he asked with the bluntness of a man who, after public disgrace and a stretch in federal prison, had little left to protect. “The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”  (more...)

Is this what the war on drugs is about?

Time for an inquiry into the narcs and spooks who have lured millions into drug dependency and criminality.

Goddard Inquiry: Children were abused 'on industrial scale' at Lambeth Council-run homes

"Physical and sexual abuse on an industrial scale" went "unchecked for decades" at children's homes in a south London borough, a victims' report says.

The report detailing claims by 600 people will go before the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse.

At a preliminary hearing earlier, the Shirley Oaks Survivors Association was given "core participant status".

Its leader Raymond Stevenson said child abuse in the Lambeth Council-run homes had been a "reversal to the dark ages".

The abuse had resulted in the "shedding of thousands of tears", he said, and called it a "shame on the establishment" and "institutionalised evil".

The Shirley Oaks survivors accused the police of failing to deal with the allegations adequately, resulting in a cover up.

It is alleged two convicted children's homes abusers were volunteer police officers.  (more...)

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