Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Gaystapo Triumphant: Catholic public health board nominee dumped

City council has voted 20-17 to put a Toronto District School Board trustee onto the 13-member board of health, bumping the Catholic school board’s nominee after critics objected to her voting record on a range of topics.

“I’m really disappointed,” Angela Kennedy said Tuesday night.

“People are allowed to believe in things. I have a viewpoint which is my viewpoint. You can’t discriminate against me for my beliefs,” she said.

The Civic Appointments Committee recommended Kennedy’s appointment — which would have made her the first representative from the Toronto Catholic District School Board in 13 years.

But her voting record as a long-standing trustee did not sit well with several councillors. Kennedy, a registered nurse for 45 years, has voted against gay-straight clubs in schools, HPV vaccinations for young girls and is opposed to abortion.  (more...)

Seems Angela isn't one of the Sisterhood and their pedophile lackeys:

Why the critics of the Ontario sex-ed curriculum are right

At least since Plato, philosophers have argued that parents are naturally unfit to educate their children. In an ideal state, philosopher-kings such as he ought to usurp their role. Plato had no children. But the enlightened Rousseau, whose ideas ground modern educational theory, was so enamoured with the idea of the state’s responsibility in administering social justice, and in absolving himself of parental responsibility, that he placed the five children he conceived out of wedlock in state orphanages.

In his 1935 BBC radio debate with another statist educator, philosopher Bertrand Russell, G.K. Chesterton wryly retorted what every reasonable person recognizes. The immoral example of exceptional men like Rousseau proves the rule: Parents are by nature best positioned to bring up their children. They don’t raise themselves.

The intervention of the Second World War and the rise of Communism briefly settled the matter. Yet the brief success of the ideologues that shared Russell’s conviction in the interim led a nascent UN to push back. In its 1959 Rights of the Child, parents were declared to have primary responsibility in educating their children. The declaration was meant to set a hedge of protection for families against the totalitarian impulse of philosopher-kings.  (more...)

Election skullduggery? Catholic trustee ‘completely blindsided’ by loss of seat over campaign expenses paperwork snafu

Long-time St. Clair Catholic trustee Michelle Parks plans to fight to keep her seat on the school board after she learned she will have to vacate it as a result of failing to file her campaign expenses for last fall's municipal election.

“I'm really passionate about what I do and so it's really disappointing that someone who is so passionate might get replaced with someone who is in it for an agenda,” the Sarnia-area trustee said after she was “completely blindsided” by the news Tuesday.

City clerk Nancy Wright-Laking confirmed Tuesday that Parks will be forced to vacate her seat after she was one of five municipal election candidates who failed to file their campaign expenses – a requirement under the Municipal Elections Act – by last Friday's deadline.

“She cannot be appointed to another position and she also can't run in the next election,” Wright-Laking said of the repercussions.

But Parks – a nine-year Catholic school board trustee – said her situation isn't a case of simply forgetting to fill out a form.

She claims she was told by a city staffer – whose name she didn't think to write down at the time – that she didn't need to fill out a form after she contacted them upon receiving a single reminder letter last fall.

“I didn't have anything to report and I verbally told them that and had I received anything else saying, 'No,' or had they said, 'Well, you need to sign that form and put zero on it' – I mean, how easy is that? – then I would have done that.”

But Wright-Laking contends the city sent out three letters, in addition to a reminder email last week, to all candidates.

“The only thing I could say to her is she could go to a court and see whether a judge would allow her financial statements to be brought in, but I don't know how successful she would be and I don't really know the process either,” she said.

Parks isn't alone in this unusual situation.  (more...)

REAL Women of Canada: Stop Sex Education in Ontario

Protest: My Child My Choice !!!

When:    April 14, 2015 @ 10:00am

Where:  Queen’s Park, Toronto

Parents are asked to come to Queen’s Park on Tuesday April 14th at 10:00am to demand the withdrawal of the controversial and unpopular sex education curriculum which will sexualize children and make them prone to sexual exploitation and experimentation by sexual predators.

Please plan to attend the protest. You may wish to confirm your attendance by joining on the official EVENT PAGE.  Please also note that REAL Women of Canada is not the organizer of this protest. It is being organized by grassroots, concerned citizens.  REAL Women of Canada is pleased to promote the effort and help mobilize parents to participate.  (more...)

23 ex-pupils make allegations of sexual and physical abuse to Kesgrave Hall school inquiry detectives

Kesgrave Hall School in 1988
Detectives working on a two-year inquiry involving Kesgrave Hall have revealed they have been investigating complaints from 23 people involving allegations against 17 teachers and care workers.

However, a spokeswoman for Suffolk Constabulary, said eight of those accused have died.

At least three of those have died in the past twelve months, two after they had been arrested and the third when police went to his home in Bicester, Oxfordshire, on a separate matter.

Former care worker Kenneth Wheatley was found dead in April last year on a railway line near in Barnsley.

He had been arrested a few days earlier on suspicion of sexual offences against children at Kesgrave Hall.

Ex-teacher Alan Stancliffe, of Pontefract, died at a hospice in August after being bailed on suspicion of sexual offences.

Another former teacher, Michael Lafford, 67, who was interviewed by detectives, died in November after Thames Valley Police went to his home in Bicester on a separate inquiry.  (more...)

The English appear to have discovered a system:

Gaystapo Hit: Some councillors uncomfortable with Toronto Catholic school board trustee Kennedy

Kennedy’s voting record on gay-lesbian clubs in schools will be raised at Toronto Council meeting

Toronto Council could be in for a fight over the appointment of the first representative from the Toronto Catholic School Board on the Toronto Board of Health for 13 years.

At issue for some councillors is Ward 11 Trustee Angela Kennedy’s voting record at the school board.

Kennedy, a registered nurse specializing in diabetes education, has voted against homosexual-activist clubs being permitted in schools, opposed HPV vaccinations in schools, and self-identifies as Pro Life.

Kennedy’s appointment was recommended by the Civic Appointments Committee at its March 12 meeting — ending a 13-year streak of filling the single seat on the board for a school board representative with a Toronto District School Board trustee.

This time, Kennedy’s nomination was accompanied by a stern letter from Toronto Catholic District SchoolBoard Chair and former Scarborough-Agincourt Councillor Mike Del Grande, who said “this ongoing lack of representation on the Board of Health is an enormous disservice to this large constituency.”

However, in light of Kennedy’s voting record some members of council will be opposing the appointment when it comes before Council this week.  (more...)

Children's hyperactivity 'is not a real disease', says US expert

One of the world's leading neuroscientists, whose work has been acknowledged by work and pensions secretary Iain Duncan Smith, has suggested that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is not "a real disease".

On the eve of a visit to Britain to meet Duncan Smith and the health secretary, Jeremy Hunt, Dr Bruce D Perry told the Observer that the label of ADHD outlined a broad set of symptoms. "It is best thought of as a description. If you look at how you end up with that label, it is remarkable because any one of us at any given time would fit at least a couple of those criteria," he said.

Prescriptions for methylphenidate drugs, such as Ritalin, which are used to treat children diagnosed as suffering from ADHD, have soared by 56% in the UK, from 420,000 in 2007 to 657,000 in 2012. Such "psychostimulants" are thought to stimulate a part of the brain that changes mental and behavioural reactions.

However, Perry, a senior fellow of the ChildTrauma Academy in Houston, Texas, said he was concerned that children were being labelled as having ADHD when that merely described the symptoms of a range of different physiological problems. The symptoms that lead to a diagnosis of ADHD include inattentiveness, hyperactivity and impulsiveness over a sustained period.

Perry added that clinicians were also too readily prescribing psychostimulants to children when the evidence suggested there were no long-term benefits. Animal studies have raised concerns over the potential for damage to be done.  (more...)

Wynne Runs Into Irate Parents Over Sex Ed Curriculum

Condescending: Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne addressed over 100 protestors who
showed up at her annual ethnic media meet and greet in Mississauga to express anger
over new sex ed curriculum.
An annual ethnic media reception hosted by the Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne turned into chaos last Thursday when most of the journalists attending were blocked out of the venue as a result of dozens of people showing up to protest the new sex education curriculum.

Wynne’s annual ethnic media reception held at a Mississauga banquet hall was expecting about 200 ethnic media members, offering them the opportunity to talk to the Premier since they don’t usually get the chance at mainstream media events.

However, one hour before the scheduled event at 6 p.m., about 100 protestors – who are set against the new sex education curriculum that will be implemented in September this year – flocked to the venue, bringing speakers, holding signs and starting to chant for the resign of Wynne.

Protestors ranged from many different groups including ethnic ones – Chinese, Somali, Syrian, South Asian, etc., religious ones – Christian, Islamic, Sikh, etc. and community-based ones like the Parental Rights in Education Defense Fund.  (more...)

Sexualization of children? Think about sexualization of teachers:

Monday, March 30, 2015

Letter: Cutting teachers is unwise

Teacher-librarians targeted in budget cuts, March 26

As the Star reports, Toronto’s Catholic board is looking at cutting more than 300 jobs — most of them teaching positions.

Cutting teacher jobs is the lazy way out. These are the roles that should be the lender of last resort. The fat and incompetence of the whole failure lies at the top. Why not look in the mirror and trim 30 per cent of roles at the top? The sunshine list has over 12 pages of management making over $100,000 but no teachers there.  (more...)

Land of lost children: Inside Britain’s 18 abuse inquiries

Jon Bird was sexually abused by a boarding school teacher in addition to being raped
as a 4-year-old by a stranger. Nothing was done about the crimes.
Jon Bird was 4 years old, playing in a park with other kids, when a man approached and offered him a shining coin to follow him into the woods.

“It was half a crown. More money than I had ever seen,” recalls Bird, now 56.

Once out of sight from the others, the man raped Bird.

Bird remembers being confused and crying as he ran to tell his mother, who promptly put him in the bathtub. She said if anyone ever tried touching him again, he should scream and run. She also said he should forget about the attack and never talk about it.

The police were never called. Bird never saw a doctor or a therapist. The rape was swept under the rug.

“I came from a well-to-do middle-class family. My mom was 45 when she had me and I was the third child,” he says, adding that his mother came from a posh background and was a “hands-off” parent.

“She didn’t want to deal with it.”

A lot of England didn’t want to deal with child sex abuse.

Bird’s tale is now being echoed across the United Kingdom by the thousands. The stories suggest systemic sexual abuse of children and generations of police, parents and government officials who did nothing — or, worse, who covered up the crimes.  (more...)


Part-time TDSB teacher facing multiple child porn charges

Brian Mallette, 50, of Toronto
An occasional Toronto District School Board teacher and part-time tutor has been charged in connection with a child pornography investigation.

Police allege that a man, using the online name “coachperv,” was accessing and saving images and videos of the sexual abuse of children, as well as writing stories describing child sexual abuse.

On Friday, a suspect was arrested in connection with the investigation.

According to police, the suspect has worked for “extended periods” at Earl Haig Secondary School, Northern Secondary School and Forest Hill Collegiate Institute.

Police believe there may be more victims.

Brian Mallette, 50, of Toronto, is charged with two counts of possession of child pornography, and accessing child pornography.  (more...)

Want to preview Ontario's sex education in the classroom? Check out the Chicago Public Schools experience

If Ontario parents want to know what the sex education may look like once it gets to the classroom, they should seriously consider what has already happened in Chicago Public Schools.

Last year some parents in Chicago were shocked when they found out the kind of explicit sex information their children would get in grade 5 classrooms. The contents of the program included female condoms and how to extend sex and increase pleasure by using lubrication. Parents who became aware of the graphic content were shocked that this age inappropriate curriculum was even developed.

It’s one thing to present accurate sexual information and quite another to stir the curiosity of innocent children about sexual gratification. When this incident happened, the Chicago School Board representatives were quick to do damage control saying that the sexual resources were never meant for elementary classrooms. It was all a mistake. But the unanswered question is this: why were they there in first place? They were there because that's the content they were going to teach children if parents had not discovered the inappropriate curriculum contents.  (more...)

The Bipolar Church and Its Spirits

Have you ever puzzled at the worldliness and lack of Christ-centredness of much of our Church? At one time, it's driven by a mania for progressiveness; at another it finds itself joined at the hip to fascistic, murderous regimes -- both modernistic and materialistic. One simultaneously finds both in various places across the vast geographical reach of the Church. Easy targets for conservatives, the progressives are routinely exposed by news sources like ChurchMilitantTV and LifeSiteNews -- for which they deserve credit for their valuable service.

We know, from public confessions of former agents of the communist Soviet security apparatus that the Church was infiltrated by their operatives to promote a leftist "Liberation Theology" during the Cold War. Is that the whole story?  Not so, claims Dr. John C. Rao of The Remnant in a critique of  Fr. Richard John Neuhaus:
He [Neuhaus]  is obliged to do so by the One Thing that all of his First Things really boil down to in the long run: Liberation Theology. His is a Liberation Theology based upon the idea of the unique, profound transformation wrought in the individual and society not through Christ but through the political and economic freedom taught by the British Enlightenment and through the American System. This Liberation Theology he spreads with the prophetic zeal of the Abbe de Lamennais (1782-1854) and a Sophism worthy of the greatest of the ancient Greek opponents of Socrates.
The whole article, The Exotic Liberation Theology of Fr. Neuhaus & Dr. Hitchcock, is a good starting point for an investigation into why many Catholics seem to dance from one foot to another, without ever entering the "narrow gate".

So, the ideology is there. What about the spies? Was the KGB alone in placing agents in western institutions? The CIA makes this admission to Frances Stonor Saunders, writing for The Independent:
This was the "long leash". The centrepiece of the CIA campaign became the Congress for Cultural Freedom, a vast jamboree of intellectuals, writers, historians, poets, and artists which was set up with CIA funds in 1950 and run by a CIA agent. It was the beach-head from which culture could be defended against the attacks of Moscow and its "fellow travellers" in the West. At its height, it had offices in 35 countries and published more than two dozen magazines
Her article, Modern Art Was CIA 'Weapon', is expanded on by Miles Mathis in his article From Theosophy to the Beat Generation -- a very dark story indeed and a warning to those seeking to free themselves of the left/right charade.

So, the CIA was quite busy in manufacturing 'Western Culture' as a weapon against communism, ostensibly, but ultimately as a tool of totalitarian control. Was the Church untouched by this plan? Is the pro-life movement free of paid political influence? Are family advocates being duped by neo-cons bearing gifts? Whose "Liberation Theology" sits astride your patch of the "New Evangelization"?

Sunday, March 29, 2015

You can hide an awful lot behind a curtain of privacy

John Kay, the Sun's chief reporter: one of the four journalists acquiited of malpractice at the Old Bailey.
The loss of press freedoms far away is easy to lament. Burma’s generals, for instance, seem to have greeted the arrival of the International Press Institute’s annual congress in Rangoon this weekend by locking up editors again. But, for once, try wormwood and gall closer to home.

“Please recognise how disturbing a development it is … that journalists who only ever report the news accurately, honestly and fairly now find themselves prosecuted in our criminal courts,” said Trevor Burke QC, winding up for the four Sun journalists facing prison just a few days ago. And that jury agreed. The four, like more reporters and editors in this stretching saga, were acquitted. Another bloody nose for the CPS and the Met.

But see how much blood lies all around. There’s Ripa of course, the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act, which only now, many hundreds of surreptitious invasions later, will require a judge to agree before the police can demand call information – including the de facto right to track journalists’ sources. There’s that rigid post-Leveson ruling that stops police officers talking to journalists at all, except in the most sanitised circumstances. Civil servants or army officers who talk to the press – or maybe just share a drink with them – stand in parallel peril of dismissal. No secrets involved, nothing classified: just common-or-garden conversation.

Why are Whitehall, Westminster and the Yard allowed to pull the curtains closed so far?  (more...)

Enoch Powell is named by bishop in sex abuse probe: Scotland Yard to investigate satanic abuse claim

Enoch Powell's name was first linked to sex abuse claims in the 1980s
The probe into an alleged paedophile network at the heart of the British Establishment took an explosive turn last night with the revelation that Enoch Powell’s name has been passed to police.

The Mail on Sunday can reveal that the late Tory MP, one of the most prominent and divisive politicians of the 20th Century, has been named to Scotland Yard by the Bishop of Durham. The claims relate to ‘ritual satanic abuse’.

And in a further development to the sex-ring investigations, police are to be given access to secret files held on MPs in the House of Commons archives as they hunt for evidence on suspected abusers, including former Liberal MP Cyril Smith.

The Bishop of Durham, Paul Butler, contacted police after Powell’s name was passed to him by a former Bishop of Monmouth, Dominic Walker, who first heard the allegation when he was a vicar counselling young adults in the 1980s.

The claim is being examined by Operation Fenbridge, one of a number of police probes into ‘Establishment paedophile rings’ – including an investigation by the Independent Police Complaints Commission into claims that officers dropped their inquiries under pressure from powerful individuals.  (more...)

Not surprising:

While the Keystone Kops run riot:

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Modernism: Manufactured Culture

In this exposé, we will only go back to 1840 or so, but we will find that the nearer to the present we get, the weirder things become.

As I have always done before, I will lead you into this mystery by the same path I entered. I started with Madame Blavatsky, who came on the scene in about 1875, when she founded the Theosophical Society in New York with Henry Steel Olcott. I never had any use for Theosophy, being able to see through it from the beginning. However, like most people who pass it by, I simply assumed it was composed of and by people who had different interests than I do, or who were beating around in the bushes in their own ways. That is, I found it to be wrongheaded or uninteresting, but until recently I thought no more about it. Only after discovering that many other things were not what I thought they were did I return to Theosophy, the Beat Writers, and other fads, to give them a closer look. What I found may surprise you.

The key to Theosophy is not found by studying its various tenets and claims, but by studying Henry Steel Olcott. It is no accident that Helena Blavatsky was used as the frontwoman, since Olcott needed to remain in the shadows. If he had been more prominent, more people would have looked closely at him from the beginning, and the whole plot may have unwound long ago.  (more...)


Could the TDSB really be broken up into smaller school boards?

Earlier this month, education minister Liz Sandals appointed an expert panel to troubleshoot the notoriously dysfunctional Toronto District School Board, whose many problems range from multi-million-dollar deficits, to rampant political infighting, to harassment and intimidation among trustees and senior staff. One of the options under discussion will be breaking the board into smaller pieces, to make it more agile and manageable. (Currently there are 22 board trustees, each responsible for an individual fiefdom somewhere in the city.) It’s not the first time the possibility has been considered: Kathleen Wynne, during her time as education minister, threatened to split the TDSB in 2008 if it didn’t get its act together.

Multiple school boards in Toronto were once a reality. Prior to 1998, each former municipality had its own. When the city amalgamated, so did the boards, creating the TDSB. “It’s always very disruptive to change something in that way,” says Jane Gaskell, a professor at the University of Toronto’s Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. “It created a board that is huge, obviously difficult to manage and that has a lot of political differences.”

While there are plenty of examples of school boards amalgamating to become more efficient and less expensive, Gaskell hasn’t heard of a single board that has de-amalgamated. In other words, if the Ontario government decided to go that route with the TDSB, it would be a pioneer.  (more...)

Friday, March 27, 2015

Special education to take a hit, boards warn

Starting this fall, boards will have fewer options to move money around — so expect special education to take a hit because most need to do that to cover the actual costs of serving their most needy students, says the head of the Ontario Public School Boards’ Association.

While a threatened 2 per cent cut in overall funding didn’t materialize — grants remain at the same level as last year, at $22.5 billion — Michael Barrett said there are still several areas of concern.

“While it wasn’t as horrible as it could have been, there are still systemic issues that haven’t been dealt with — special education funding absolutely being at the top of it.”  (more...)

Ontario to put new pressure on TDSB over empty schools

The province will penalize school boards for holding on to underused schools in its next budget, an approach that will hit the Toronto District School Board harder than most.

The TDSB is still reviewing its funding allocation after receiving the numbers Thursday morning. It's too early for the board to know the net change over last year's budget, said a spokesman.

Education Minister Liz Sandals says the ministry’s total spending of $22.5-billion will be the same as last year, but the boards will be hit financially if they’re holding on to empty or near-empty properties.  (more...)

Wynne: Consultation on sex ed was ‘biggest in Ontario’s history,’ backlash is based on ‘absence of information’

Premier Kathleen Wynne walks toward a crowd of 250 citizens protesting
her explicit sex ed program
MISSISSAUGA, March 27, 2015 (LifeSiteNews.com) -- After attempting to explain her controversial sex-ed curriculum to an estimated 250 angry parents protesting outside Mississauga’s Verdi Hospitality Centre last night, Ontario Liberal Premier Kathleen Wynne then justified the curriculum to representatives of the ethnic media.

While the crowd outside Mississauga’s Verdi Hospitality Centre chanted, “We say no!” and “Resign! Resign! Resign!” Wynne told attendees at a media meet and greet that “We consulted with parents, teachers, students, medical professionals and curriculum experts about how to update this curriculum,” according to Mississauga News reporter Graeme Frisque. Wynne stated this had been “the biggest curriculum consultation in Ontario’s history.”

“That’s completely false,” says Progressive Conservative MPP Monte McNaughton, who told LifeSiteNews in a telephone interview that “parents have been completely left out of this process.”

Wynne told the ethnic media that the “updated curriculum gives children age-appropriate information about online safety, consent and healthy relationships.” She added, “The protest outside and the protests that are happening right now, I believe to some extent are happening in the absence of information.”

But McNaughton, who is running for leadership of Ontario’s PC party, and is the father of a toddler daughter, said parents know what’s best for their kids.  (more...)

Nova Scotia should ‘wake up’ to issue of child sexual abuse

Bob Martin, right, and Dale Sutherland were victimized by Port Hawkesbury businessman
Ernest Fenwick MacIntosh.
On the eve of finally receiving the justice they’ve sought for almost 20 years, Bob Martin and Dale Sutherland did not celebrate. Instead, the two men, who were abused as boys by Ernest Fenwick MacIntosh, spent the night meeting another victim.

There have been a lot of meetings to reach this point.

On Friday Justice Minister Lena Diab introduced an amendment to the Limitation of Actions Act, which gives existing victims of sexual abuse and domestic violence the right to sue their abuser in civil court. When the bill was introduced last fall, it was not retroactive, a shortcoming deemed yet another slap in the face by victims.

“How dare someone tell me that I can’t sue the person that raped me,” said Sutherland. “Child sexual abuse in Nova Scotia is rampant and Nova Scotia should wake up.”  (more...)

The Edumonster is on the Prowl Again

I just had an interesting conversation about the likely high school teachers' strike next month. Ontario teachers are in a legal strike position as of April 20. The Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation has targeted seven Ontario school boards - Peel, Durham, Halton, Lakehead, Ottawa-Carlton, Rainbow, and Waterloo, saying there may well be a full withdrawal of services in these seven boards by the end of April at the latest.

The teachers in the non-striking boards will donate 5% each to the teachers in the seven striking boards, meaning that the striking teachers will receive 75% of their full salary and their take-home pay will hardly be affected. There will thus be no incentive to settle on the part of the unions - but of course students and parents will not be willing to hold out for very long since their graduation and post-secondary admissions will be in peril.  (more...)


Premier Wynne shouted down after surprising parents at sex-ed protest: ‘Resign! No more Liberals! We say no!’

MISSISSAUGA, Ontario, March 27, 2015 (LifeSiteNews.com) -- Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne tried to address an angry crowd of parents last night in Mississauga during a spontaneous ten-minute appearance at a protest rally against the Liberals radical sex-ed curriculum, to be rolled out September 2015, only to be shouted down with cries of “Resign!” “No more Liberals!” and “We say no!”

This was the latest in a series of parent protests against the controversial sex-ed curriculum, which introduces homosexuality and “gender identity” in Grade 3, masturbation in Grade 6, oral and anal sex in Grade 7.

Wynne was repeatedly interrupted with shouts of “We say no!” and “No more Liberals!” by an estimated 250 sign-carrying parents, who then followed the premier as she retreated into the Verdi Hospitality Centre, where she was scheduled to host a tea with representatives of ethnic media. Wynne disappeared into the centre as parents cried “Shame on you! Shame on you!” and “Resign! Resign! Resign!”  (more...)

VIP Child Abuse: New Police Corruption Claims

Three further claims of police corruption are being investigated where officers are accused of protecting VIP child abusers.

The Independent Police Complaints Commission confirmed they are now overseeing investigations into 17 allegations of police misconduct between the 1970s and 2000s.

The three latest allegations centre on suppressing evidence, hindering or halting investigations and covering up child abuse on behalf of MPs or celebrities.

One of the new claims alleges the Metropolitan Police in central London had gathered "evidence against MPs, judges, media entertainers, police, actors, clergy and others", the IPCC confirmed.

"The file was submitted to start proceedings against those identified and two months later an officer was called in by a senior MPS officer and told to drop the case."  (more...)

The business of orphanages: where do “orphans” come from?

There is evidence that many of them have been stolen from their parents.
Recently, Friends International launched the “Don’t create more orphans” campaign confronting the issue of orphanages as profit-driven businesses. The number of orphanages in developing nations has dramatically increased in the past decade, but where are the “orphans” coming from?

In 2009, Save the Children reported that internationally four out of five children living in orphanages were not orphans. The report noted that poor families were coerced into giving up their children by unscrupulous institutions hoping to profit from either the residence or trafficking of their children.

These children are known as “paper orphans” - children who have orphan status through falsified documentation. This problem has been detailed by reports in Nepal, Cambodia, Ghana and Uganda, as well as other developing nations.  (more...)

Mic'd Up : Breakdown of a Meltdown

Michael Voris tallies the damage of this past St. Patrick's Day and examines the root cause of the disaster. Guests include Dr. Chris Manion, C.J. Doyle, David Carlin, Brian Camenker, and former Congressman Robert K. Dornan.

Premier Wynne hears directly from parents opposed to the sex education curriculum

Yesterday another protest took place against the sex education curriculum. It was held in front of the Verdi Hospitality Centre located in Mississauga. This was the second event in two days organized by the Home Owners Welfare Association and led by Jotvinder Sodhi. The night before a rally took place at the Peel District School Board and it was followed by a presentation given to the trustees by Mr. Sodhi on behalf of the hundreds of parents present at the school board meeting. The parents want major changes to a curriculum that they believe violates their parental rights.

Why are these normal working parents protesting? First of all. they are frustrated with a government that refuses to listen and implement their concerns. Second, they believe that parts of sex education curriculum are age inappropriate and too explicit. Thirdly, they don't understand why the government never consulted with all parents not just those selected by school administrators to respond to a computer questionnaire.

Premier Wynne came to the Verdi Hospitality Centre to meet with the local media, some community leaders and answer their questions. To her credit, she saw the large crowd and decided to appease them. She and her team came out from the building in an attempt to speak to the crowd of protesting parents standing outside. Around 500 parents were present many holding signs that read, "Say no to the radical sex ed" and chanting,"They are our children, not the government's." However, as soon as the premier began to speak and tell the parents that the new sex education curriculum is needed because it's backed by research, the crowd got very vocal and critical chanting, "Same, shame."  (more...)

Thursday, March 26, 2015

The surveillance sting that helped bring down Fenwick MacIntosh

CTV Atlantic has secured exclusive photographs, taken in secret, of Ernest Fenwick
MacIntosh in Nepal before his arrest in December 2014.
We’re getting a better idea of how former Nova Scotia businessman Ernest Fenwick MacIntosh spent his time in Kathmandu before being taken into custody on suspicion of molesting a 15-year-old back in December 2014.

Undercover images taken in the days leading up to MacIntosh’s arrest show him walking through the crowded streets of Nepal’s capital, completely unaware he is being followed.

CTV News obtained the surveillance photos from a group that asked to remain anonymous in order to protect its undercover work identifying foreigners seeking sex with children.  (more...)

Vatican cardinal tells German bishops: We can’t adapt the faith to the times like Christians did under the Nazis

Cardinal Kurt Koch
ROME, March 26, 2015 (LifeSiteNews.com) – An influential Swiss cardinal at the Vatican has warned Germany’s bishops that the Church cannot merely adapt itself to the times as some Christians did in order to support the Nazis.

In an interview with the German Catholic newspaper Die Tagespost, Cardinal Kurt Koch firmly (but politely) refuted the proposal of Cardinal Reinhard Marx and Bishop Franz-Josef Bode, both delegates to the upcoming Synod on the Family, that the Catholic Church has to adjust herself more to the “life realities” of Catholics today, and liberalize its attitude toward remarried divorcees. Cardinal Marx had even declared that the German bishops will make their pastoral decisions independently of Rome.

Cardinal Koch’s comments followed a strong rebuke of Cardinal Marx by German Cardinal Paul Josef Cordes. “A Cardinal cannot easily separate the pastoral approach from the teaching,” Cardinal Cordes said, “unless he wants to ignore the binding meaning of Christ's words and the binding words of the Council of Trent.”  (more...)

A lesson from history:

Ed. assistant, city council candidate accused of child luring

Todd Klacko, Port Colborne city council candidate
An educational assistant with Niagara's public school board and a candidate in the recent Port Colborne municipal election has been arrested on allegations of Internet luring and making sexually explicit material available to a person he believed was under the age of 16.

Todd Albert Klacko was arrested Wednesday in the "Welland area" by Niagara Regional Police.

The 46-year-old Royal Rd. resident was suspended Thursday from his job as an educational assistant for District School Board of Niagara, board spokeswoman Kim Yielding said.

Klacko had been employed full time and started his employment with the board in 1991, she said.

At what schools he has worked will not be disclosed.  (more...)

H/T to Sam Sotiropoulos

Depraved people are supremely controllable. That's what Hitler discovered about the brownshirts he used to establish his power base. That may be a tactic of psychopaths in general. So we see ambitious feminists like Margaret Thatcher and Harriet Harman gather homosexuals and pedophiles around themselves as blackmail-able pawns willing to do anything to keep their protective cover. Sound like a possible dynamic between Wynne and Levin? See:

Peel District School Board criticizes roll out of Wynne’s sex ed: ‘Consultation should have been broader’

Citizens protest the Wynne government's explicit sex ed program before a Peel District
School Board meeting on March 24, 2015.
MISSISSAUGA, Ontario, March 26, 2015 (LifeSiteNews.com) -- More than 300 concerned parents crammed into a vaulted chamber at a Peel District School Board meeting Tuesday night to protest the Liberal government’s controversial sex-ed curriculum, set to be rolled out this September in Ontario’s publicly funded schools.

Jotvinder Sodhi, president of the Home Owners Welfare Association (HOWA), gave an impassioned plea for parents’ rights that was frequently interrupted by cheers, prompting chair Janet McDougald to point out that according to the bylaws, Sodhi had only 10 minutes.

“Do you believe it, the board has only ten minutes for the parents!” Sodhi replied, turning to face the crowd, which had erupted with boos. “Please, please give us time!”

Sodhi emphasized repeatedly that parents had not been consulted, and that the majority objected strongly to the sex-ed curriculum.  (more...)

Abuse lawsuit legislation changes coming, says Strait area survivor

Bob Martin of Port Hood is glad the province is moving ahead with changing legislation
allowing survivors of abuse to sue perpetrators in cases of historic allegations.
SYDNEY — A complainant in the Ernest Fenwick MacIntosh case says he's been told Nova Scotia's justice minister intends to introduce amendments Friday to legislation around the filing of lawsuits against abusers in cases involving historic allegations.

But an MLA who has worked on the file says he hopes all parties will put politics aside and agree to pass a bill Thursday while a large contingent of abuse survivors is present at the house.

Bob Martin and other men who allege that they were abused as youths in the Strait area in the 1970s by Ernest Fenwick MacIntosh spoke out after the provincial Liberal government introduced legislation last fall amending the statute of limitations in filing such an action. While they have said they welcomed that change, they oppose the fact that it did not apply retroactively.

Martin said he was called Wednesday morning by Justice Minister Lena Metlege Diab, who indicated she intends to introduce amendments addressing that concern Friday.  (more...)

TDSB includes 250 job losses in 2015-’16 budget

East York’s senior public school trustee says it’s too soon to quantify the impact that the new school board budget will have locally.

But there are few rays of light for anyone in the budget that the Toronto District School Board passed at its March meeting. Among its provisions is the loss of about 250 jobs — hopefully through attrition rather than layoffs.

The cuts were made to address a projected $16.5-million deficit in the TDSB’s $3-billion operating budget for 2015-2016. TDSB chairman Shaun Chen said that the board hopes to avoid letting go of anyone by simply closing jobs that are left by people who resign or retire.  (more...)

Letter: Sex ed curriculum goes too far

Dear Editor,

Premier Kathleen Wynne’s second attempt to bring a new sex-education program to Ontario schools is fraught with error. Only one chosen parent per school was consulted, and the premier has stated that nothing will be changed regarding the program which is to be implemented in September, no matter what parents think or do.  That is neither consultative nor democratic.

Beyond this arrogance, the program itself is flawed.

Young children will be inappropriately exposed to graphic sexual language and concepts. Children in Grade seven will be advised of anal and oral sex, regardless of parental objections for this to be taught at such a young age, and regardless of the documented medical dangers of such practices involving throat cancer and HIV-AIDS.

Children will also be exposed to the pseudo-science of multiple genders, in which they will be exposed to ideas that they may not really be boys or girls, causing much confusion and self doubt.  (more...)

Parents protest the sex education curriculum at Peel Board

In preparation for the Synod on the Family there was a working document issued by the Vatican called, "The Pastoral Challenges of the Family in the Context of Evangelization." It makes this statement regarding the parental responsibility for living and teaching the faith to children:
Christian education in the family is first achieved when children see their parents witness to the faith. Some of the responses point out that the method of transmitting the faith does not change with time but is dictated by circumstances, namely, the actions in a couple’s sanctification; personal prayer and times for prayer in families; listening to the Word of God; and the witness of charity. Following this way of life ensures the transmission of the faith, even if children are subjected to forces to the contrary (134).
The Synod on the Family has been controversial as the meetings have so far dealt with a number of issues including homosexuality and the question of whether divorced and separated couples ought to receive communion. As a result, the important topic of education was hardly mentioned by the media. However, the preparatory document makes it clear that parents have the primary responsibility to evangelize to their children.  (more...)

Breakdown of the Meltdown

The causes of the Catholic crisis all lead to the same place.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Ireland: Survivors outraged at plan to seal abuse reports for 75 years

Education Minister Jan O'Sullivan
Surviviors of institutional abuse have expressed outrage over Government plans to seal all major industrial school and orphanage investigation records for 75 years.

The move, which also allows for the possible destruction of documents, must now be ratified by the Dáil in a bill which will be brought forward by Education Minister Jan O'Sullivan.

The Irish Independent has learned that the bill has been approved by Cabinet for drafting.

The Retention of Records Bill 2015 will provide for the strict and confidential sealing of documents from the Commission into Child Abuse, the Residential Institutions Redress Board and the Residential Institutions Review Committee.

Tom Cronin of Irish Survivors of Institutional Abuse International said abuse survivors were "shocked and horrified" that the records would be sealed for so long.  (more...)

Letter: Creating new generation of sex maniacs?

Parents in Ontario are angry with the new sex curriculum, which contains controversial and misleading information. We feel angry and disappointed that Premier Kathleen Wynne's government is imposing this improper curriculum on our kids without caring or listening to our concerns.

We teach our kids to respect every individual's dignity and be nice to others. School can teach the same thing, but trying to mislead young and innocent kids is not acceptable.

Dr. Kaufman, the head of adolescent medicine at Sick Kids Hospital, has the gall to state that questions about sex shouldn't be left for parents to answer.

In other words, the government is removing the parents from their responsibility of parenting.

The new curriculum teach children about homosexuality and same sex in Grade 3. If you disagree with this policy, the government brands you as homophobic.

In Grade 6, you will be taught how to masturbate and in Grade 7, you will learn all about oral and anal sex.

Are we creating a new generation of sex maniacs and encouraging our youth to be immoral and promiscuous?  (more...)

Former Canadian bishops’ staffer jailed for producing child porn

William Kokesch, a deacon in the Montreal archdiocese and former communications director
for the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops
MONTREAL, March 25, 2015 (LifeSiteNews.com) -- A former communications director for the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops and deacon in the Archdiocese of Montreal has been sentenced to 2 years less a day in jail for producing and distributing child pornography.

William Kokesch was arrested in December 2012 after police searched his home in Pointe Claire and his office at the parish where he served as a deacon. They seized over 2,000 child pornography images.

Kokesch, now 68, worked for the CCCB from 1995 to 2005 and helped coordinate Canadian participation at World Youth Day in 1997, 2000, 2002, and 2005.

At the time of his arrest, he was serving as a deacon at St. Edmund of Canterbury Church in Beaconsfield on Montreal’s West Island.

During his tenure with the CCCB communications service, Kokesch was responsible for promulgating the Canadian bishops' response to the sex abuse scandal of the early 2000s.  (more...)

S2D: 1,000 parents protest Wynne's sex-ed agenda in Mississauga

Last night, 1,000 parents showed up to the Peel District School Board's main office to voice their frustration with Kathleen Wynne's sex-ed curriculum.  Among them was Monte McNaughton, whose very vocal opposition to the sex-ed curriculum has been one of the main focuses of his campaign for Ontario PC leadership.

Parents rightly felt that they were left out of the decision making process with regards to the implementation of the new curriculum, saying that the curriculum is controversial and "it is quite evident that no one consulted us."

Last night's protest, which was organized by the Brampton-based Home Owners Welfare Association (HOWA), was one of the largest sex-ed protests so far.  (more...)

On social media:

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

After sexual exploitation conviction, Prince Albert teacher McLachlan not fighting sanctions

Teacher Bonnie McLachlan
A Prince Albert teacher convicted of sexually exploiting a 15-year-old student is not fighting to keep her teaching certificate.

At a hearing on Tuesday in Saskatoon to decide Bonnie McLachlan’s professional fate, a lawyer for the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation (STF) said the former teacher knows her credentials are at risk.

“She does not oppose any steps that the minister of (education) may decide to take,” STF lawyer Dennis Fisher said during the hearing in front of an STF ethics committee.

In 2013, a jury convicted McLachlan — now in her mid-50s — of sexually exploiting a 15-year-old student in the 1990s. The man, now in his 30s, came forward to police in 2010 about his sexual relationship with McLachlan during the 1993-94 school year.  (more...)

Parents protest proposed cuts to special-education programs

When Mark Ealden’s son was in Grade 3, he read at a kindergarten level and struggled to write even a sentence.

A year later, Kieran started a special, intensive program for children with learning disabilities. Now he’s halfway through Grade 5 and already reading at a Grade 3 level and writing paragraphs all on his own.

Ealden and Kieran’s mom credit the program with their son’s success. Now they, along with other parents in the Toronto Catholic District School Board, are fighting for its life, given that the board is considering cuts to special education to balance the budget.

“These kids didn’t cause the $42-million deficit, so what we are asking is: Why are they being made to pay for it?” said Ealden.  (more...)

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