Monday, June 30, 2014
Catholic teachers march in gay pride against objections of cardinal and parents
TORONTO – Thousands of concerned Catholic parents, a few Catholic school boards, and Ontario’s bishops were not enough to convince the Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association (OECTA) to back off of their decision to march in Toronto’s WorldPride parade Sunday.
“Today Catholic Teachers look forward to walking with our Sisters & Brothers in support of a world free from homophobia,” OECTA president James Ryan tweeted prior to the parade.
The Catholic teachers union marched in the parade with a blue banner displaying their name. Some held signs that read: “Proud to be a Catholic teacher.”
Teresa Pierre, president of Parents As First Educators (PAFE), called OECTA's participation in the pro-homosexual event — in which an estimated 12,000 people marched — a “low point in the life of the Church in Ontario" on account of the parade promoting what she called “lewd behaviour, gay marriage, and lifestyles which are not chaste. (more...)
gay agenda,
Toronto, ON, Canada
Rolf Harris has today been found guilty of 12 sex attacks on young girls, including his daughter's best friend who suffered a 16-year campaign of abuse from the age of 13.
A seven-year-old autograph hunter was also attacked by the 84-year-old entertainer, who was told a jail sentence is 'inevitable' after he was convicted of sex attacks on four victims between 1968 and 1986.
The paedophile remained impassive as the jury returned unanimous guilty verdicts and Harris then raised his eyebrows to his wife Alwen as he was led from the dock.
Harris was revealed as a 'Jekyll and Hyde' character who had a dark side to his personality and used his fame to 'mesmerise' underage fans before abusing them with impunity.
'He committed many offences in plain sight of people as he thought his celebrity status placed him above the law', Scotland Yard said today. (more...)
A seven-year-old autograph hunter was also attacked by the 84-year-old entertainer, who was told a jail sentence is 'inevitable' after he was convicted of sex attacks on four victims between 1968 and 1986.
The paedophile remained impassive as the jury returned unanimous guilty verdicts and Harris then raised his eyebrows to his wife Alwen as he was led from the dock.
Harris was revealed as a 'Jekyll and Hyde' character who had a dark side to his personality and used his fame to 'mesmerise' underage fans before abusing them with impunity.
'He committed many offences in plain sight of people as he thought his celebrity status placed him above the law', Scotland Yard said today. (more...)
Vox Cantoris: Coren and the truth
This is the sort of thing I face. Someone using the murder of a child to attack my views on gay people: #pride2014
— Michael Coren (@michaelcoren) June 30, 2014
Dear Michael,Thank you for the "Tweet"; it will drive many readers to my site and I am sure that it will result in a lot of hate mail.
As I wrote to TH2, I've long resisted commenting on this because of our friendship and fraternity. However, my conscience can no longer allow it. It is one thing to have a private opinion and dissent on the truth, it is quite another to make it public and at the same time continue to attest to be Catholic. Your latest column directly contradicts the Catechism of the Catholic Church. You have determined that you have a right to publicly dissent and I have a right, as do others in your parish, to call you out with fraternal correction.
It boggles my mind how you could write the books which you have and take the funds of charities to speak at our meetings ( as you have with the one in which I am President ) and then turn around and create a public scandal and distort the teachings of the Church. You have made money on Catholics and now that your public writing and broadcasting has caused the cancellation of appearances, you lash out. What did you expect? (more...)
gay agenda,
mainstream media,
political correctness
Toronto, ON, Canada
Dozens of French Clergy Say: I Have Already "Married" Divorced and Homosexuals
(Rome) 75 French priests and deacons say they are prepared to ecclesiastically marry divorced. No, even aberrosexual pairs. In the clergy there are liturgical trapeze artists. They purport they are entitled to Christ, the Church and the Sacraments, finally even human happiness itself. "Behind this hide the same methods, which are applied to hand communion," says Riposte Catholique. Will Pope Francis react as Paul VI?
Whoever still didn't know it, knows it now: dozens of Catholic priests are outspokenly saying they have already "married" divorced and homosexuals.
This was the shocking assertion of the Conférence catholique des baptisé-e-s francophones (Catholic Conference of French Speaking Baptized Men and Women). The assertions were clear. 75 priests and deacons maintain, they are breaking Church law and giving the Sacrament of matrimony according to their own discretion. The disobedient priest and deacons are getting a head start with a view to the Bishops' Synod on the Family in October. They clearly have an expectation that their "abuse of the Sacraments" (Corrispondenza Romana) will be officially imposed and raised to the level of normalcy . In this manner, they are attempting to put pressure on the Bishops' Synod. One of the many progressive and heretical attempts to extort the current ecclesiastical leadership. (more...)
same sex marriage
The Shoeshine Boy
Originally broadcasted by OMNI Television, The Shoeshine Boy is a documentary chronicling how the murder of young shoeshine boy changed a community and a city forever. It made headlines then and, to this day, continues to touch the many thousands who still remember Emanuel Jaques:
“Watching The Shoeshine Boy, one can still feel the visceral grief, shock and rage that blistered in Toronto after Emanuel's murder. Nearly three decades later, this is a story we must never forget."
- Toronto Star Columnist Vinay Menon
“ Your documentary touched upon the loss of innocence in our city… I want to thank you for this important documentary.”
- Erica Zlomislic
“The Shoeshine Boy is a real work not just of art but also of love.”
- Clara Northcotte
Toronto, ON, Canada
Sunday, June 29, 2014
Michael Coren is wrong on homosexuality: it is sin..."plain and simple..."
Michael Coren has again published an article that is long on feelings, but short on reason regarding the sinfulness of homosexual acts. This should come as no surprise, as it is symptomatic of his previous emotive reactions, for example, with Cardinal Ambrozic. Vox Cantoris has published a highly relevant analysis.
In his recent book, "Mercy", Walter Cardinal Kasper has some excellent words on the problem of "pseudomercy" which is a detachment of mercy from truth, leading to ambivalence, misunderstanding and eventual perversion of mercy into a '"fabric softener" for the Christian ethos' (p. 145).
Following the Pauline tradition, the Cardinal notes that mercy and love join together in fraternal correction of the wayward, and such correction is known as "spiritual mercy". Mercy indeed can be painful - just as surgery may be - but such mercy is to help and heal. Persons who indulge in homosexual activity need the help and healing that only Christ can afford them through repentance and confession. (more...)
gay agenda,
mainstream media,
political correctness
Toronto, ON, Canada
Vox Cantoris: The Scandalising of Little Ones
Our Toronto blogging Barona, at Toronto Catholic Witness exposes a raw event in this City's history and has reminded us of a great tragedy that has been all but forgotten, the sodomy, rape and murder of a little boy of twelve years. A boy of an impoverished family from Azores helping to make ends meet in a new place; even this little boy was helping his family by shining shoes.
For the last ten days, culminating today, a world event is taking place in this City; I will not name its name. In my own neighbourhood, 12 kilometers from downtown, the poles are decorated with rainbows, some businesses (which will now be boycotted) are flying pennants and one youth centre has posted in its windows rainbow art made by children -- children no doubt around the age of the child pictured below. Today a parade will wind it's way past the place where the little Martyr of Yonge Street was murdered and nobody there will know, let alone care. (more...)
For the last ten days, culminating today, a world event is taking place in this City; I will not name its name. In my own neighbourhood, 12 kilometers from downtown, the poles are decorated with rainbows, some businesses (which will now be boycotted) are flying pennants and one youth centre has posted in its windows rainbow art made by children -- children no doubt around the age of the child pictured below. Today a parade will wind it's way past the place where the little Martyr of Yonge Street was murdered and nobody there will know, let alone care. (more...)
gay agenda,
mainstream media,
Toronto, ON, Canada
Saturday, June 28, 2014
Gay Group Urges Loosening Of School Internet Filters
An advocacy group is calling for the federal government to loosen Internet filters in schools as a way to assist the gay community.
In a paper released Thursday, the LGBT Technology Partnership and Institute argues that the gay community has “particular needs” for the Internet that call for government action. In particular, the group is urging a reform of the government’s E-Rate policy that they say is blocking low-income individuals and students from accessing important LGBT resources and reaching out to other members of the gay community. (more...)
H/T to Socon or Bust
In a paper released Thursday, the LGBT Technology Partnership and Institute argues that the gay community has “particular needs” for the Internet that call for government action. In particular, the group is urging a reform of the government’s E-Rate policy that they say is blocking low-income individuals and students from accessing important LGBT resources and reaching out to other members of the gay community. (more...)
H/T to Socon or Bust
The Movement to Lower that Age of Consent in Britain
Peter Tatchell’s name is synonymous with the LGBT movement in Britain. He is treated as a “celeb” and consulted by government ministers - yet he has never been elected to anything.
He calls himself the Director of the Peter Tatchell Foundation, an organization he founded and staffs by himself.
He calls it a “human rights organization” but its agenda is not that of the UN’s Declaration of Human Rights. Far from it.
Tatchell has stood twice in elections for the Labour Party and the Greens, and both times was soundly defeated, coming way down the list. He is still the Green Party's official spokesman on "Human rights." He has no mandate from the public, and is just a self-important, self-appointed fanatic.
Worse, Tatchell has close links with the Paedophile Information Exchange, a criminal group many of whose members have now been convicted for molesting minors and distributing hard-core child pornography. He has very long-standing connections with this movement. (more...)
gay agenda,
Controversial “Men’s Issues” Organization Ejected From Pride Parade
Controversial “Men’s Issues” Organization Ejected From Pride Parade
TORONTO, ONTARIO – (June 28, 2014) – The educational charity Canadian Association for Equality (CAFE), whose programs focused on the well-being of boys and men are routinely opposed by some feminists, has had their permit to walk in Sunday’s Pride parade revoked.
CAFE will nevertheless host a public Pride Party tonight in the Village and will participate visibly in World Pride Sunday.
“As a trans-woman I’m troubled that Pride would become my oppressor,” said Genna Ross, Chair of CAFE’s LGBT Committee, and advocate for transgendered people and the disabled. (more...)
Controversial “Men’s Issues” Organization Ejected From Pride Parade
TORONTO, ONTARIO – (June 28, 2014) – The educational charity Canadian Association for Equality (CAFE), whose programs focused on the well-being of boys and men are routinely opposed by some feminists, has had their permit to walk in Sunday’s Pride parade revoked.
CAFE will nevertheless host a public Pride Party tonight in the Village and will participate visibly in World Pride Sunday.
“As a trans-woman I’m troubled that Pride would become my oppressor,” said Genna Ross, Chair of CAFE’s LGBT Committee, and advocate for transgendered people and the disabled. (more...)
gay agenda,
political correctness,
Toronto, ON, Canada
Von Hildebrand: 'Great Misfortune'
The following letter from Dietrich Von Hildebrand, who was described by Pope Pius XII as the 20th century Doctor of the Church, is not without interest in view of the recent critiques appearing in The Remnant of the article "Why Vatican II was Necessary", which appeared in the March 2004 issue of Crisis magazine. (more...)
Wrong on so many levels:
Wrong on so many levels:
Friday, June 27, 2014
Teachers objecting to OECTA Pride participation feel their voice is unheard
TORONTO - Some Ontario Catholic teachers who think the World Pride Parade is no place for their union to have representation have expressed their thoughts but feel their voice has gone unheard.
“Many of us from within the ranks of OECTA (Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association) have strongly voiced our opposition to these recent directives with the leadership of OECTA,” said Michael MacDonald, religion department head at Corpus Christi Secondary School in Burlington, Ont. “Sadly our protestations have largely fallen on deaf ears and hardened heart.”
The decision to have volunteer representation at the World Pride Parade, to be held in Toronto June 29, came out of OECTA’s annual general meeting in March. Although there will be no official OECTA float the union has registered for the parade so that as many as 100 members can march behind an official banner.
Following the meeting MacDonald sent a letter expressing his concerns to OECTA president James Ryan and local president Keith Boyd. Only Boyd has responded to MacDonald’s letter which leaves him further “disappointed” with his union.
“I have no response from James Ryan and I really did expect one.” (more...)
gay agenda,
Toronto, ON, Canada
Ontario’s lesbian premier promises to ‘push’ gay acceptance in Catholic schools
Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne and her partner Jane Rounthewaite attend the Starry Night Gala at WorldPride in Toronto |
Premier Kathleen Wynne made the comment in a video interview with homosexual news service Daily Xtra on Tuesday, the same day she was sworn in as the 25th premier of Ontario at Queen's Park in Toronto.
“We have to build this inclusion together. I think that starts with the education system."
On the video, Daily Xtra’s Margaret Webb said to Wynne, “Now we have a premier of a province whose publicly funded [Catholic] school board doesn’t recognize your relationship or your family. How do we move forward on that?”
In reply, Wynne said, “Well, very intentionally.” (more...)
gay agenda,
political correctness,
Toronto, ON, Canada
Hurt pride: CAFE’s Permit To Walk in Pride Revoked
The Canadian Association for Equality is extremely hurt and disappointed to announce that Pride Toronto has revoked our permit to walk in the Pride Parade this Sunday.
Here’s all we were told:
Here’s all we were told:
It has come to our attention that the work of your organization may contravene the spirit of the mission, vision, and values of Pride Toronto and WorldPride. For this reason, please be advised that your permit to march in the WorldPride Parade on Sunday June 29th has been cancelled. We regret that this information has come so close to the parade day.This was sent to us 4 days before the parade, even though we had paid for our registration months ago and had walked without incident last year. We have asked for additional information and for an opportunity to meet to discuss the matter and respond to concerns. We have always been clear CAFE is an inclusive and diverse organization. Now Pride is telling us we are not welcome, violating these values we thought we shared. (more...)
gay agenda,
political correctness,
Toronto, ON, Canada
A fish rots from the head: I am fishead(
It is a well-known fact that our society is structured like a pyramid. The very few people at the top create conditions for the majority below. Who are these people? Can we blame them for the problems our society faces today? Guided by the saying "A fish rots from the head." we set out to follow that fishy odor. What we found out is that people at the top are more likely to be psychopaths than the rest of us.
Who, or what, is a psychopath? Unlike Hollywood's stereotypical image, they are not always blood-thirsty monsters from slasher movies. Actually, that nice lady who chatted you up on the subway this morning could be one. So could your elementary school teacher, your grinning boss, or even your loving boyfriend. The medical definition is simple: A psychopath is a person who lacks empathy and conscience, the quality which guides us when we choose between good and evil, moral or not. Most of us are conditioned to do good things. Psychopaths are not. Their impact on society is staggering, yet altogether psychopaths barely make up one percent of the population.
Broken into three parts, our search for the <fishead( starts in New York City, on Wall Street, where a big chunk of the world power is concentrated. This small plot of city land is where the economic crisis erupted and what we found there has far-reaching consequences, both for the psychopaths and us normal folk.
The second part of the film touches on how, for a small number of people, overuse of antidepressants can result in behaviors that appear to mimic some psychopathic features. Although overuse of these medications will not produce psychopathy, they may stifle emotion and decrease the user's ability to feel empathy. They also may have the opposite effects, "normalizing" emotional experience and empathy. More than one-third of the Western population uses and, in some cases, abuses these drugs. But why? So why do we want to take a pill that flattens or normalizes our normal feelings? We think something sure smells fishy again.
It is not too far fetched to say that for the first time in history we not only praise psychopaths in the highest positions of power, but in many cases, they became our role models. On top of that, we don't seem to think it's a problem. In the third part, we come back to the idea of us, the normal people in our day-to-day life. How much different are we from the average psychopath? By embracing a superficial culture, each of us maybe unwillingly supports the <fishead(. Albert Einstein said, "The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."
The “Inhumanity” of the Homosexual Lifestyle
To love as a person is freely to wish goodness for someone … Love always wants to affirm, and to better, one’s friend. Through the power of free choice, true love makes the friend, not the self, the beneficiary.
Can there be a more controversial, hot button issue today than the homosexual lifestyle? It is being debated on all levels of society. In this article my intention is not to enter into the debate, but rather to focus on voicing contradictions that are rarely expressed, yet, are embedded in homosexual activity.
Obviously, “inhuman” is in contradiction to “human.” “Inhumanity” in the title of this article is in no way intended to be judgmental of those who choose the homosexual lifestyle. Nor is “inhumanity” meant to address anyone’s motives because these are free choices known only to each individual. I have used the term “inhumanity” solely to draw attention to several consequential contradictions of the homosexual lifestyle to living sexual life in a fully human way.
My purpose is not a mere academic exercise. I want only to offer clarity to those confused by their experience of same sex attraction, or to those who are trying to make sense of this complex issue ethically, socially, or politically. (more...)
Thursday, June 26, 2014
The Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help for Priests
The message the Queen of Heaven gave to Adele Brise in 1859 was mission-oriented and provides a focus to the Church’s efforts of evangelization. The conversation between Adele and Our Lady is quite telling, emphasizing a two-fold dimension: prayer and action.
Since December 8, 2010, the popularity of the Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help in Champion, Wisconsin, has increased on account of Bishop David Ricken’s declaration of moral certainty, that the 1859 apparitions are worthy of belief. Today, hundreds of people visit the shrine each day to pray at the site where Mary appeared, at the gravesite of the visionary, Sister Adele Brise, and to learn about Our Lady’s message and mission. While some come to the shrine on their own accord, others come as part of a parish pilgrimage, led by their priest. Given that the Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help is the only place recognized as a site of an approved Marian apparition in the United States of America, it is important for priests to integrate the story of this apparition into their lives and ministry. I propose a threefold approach for clergy to understanding the importance of the Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help: spiritual, pastoral, and missiological. (more...)
Catholic board talks pride parade
The Gay Pride Parade in Toronto was the final topic on last nights agenda for the Algonquin Lakeshore Catholic School Board.
A full gallery took in the meeting, many to hear more on Catholic teachers marching in the parade.
The Ontario English Catholic Teachers voted in favour of the decision earlier this year.
Trustee Greg Speagle stated Catholics must support all people, but in the right way. (more...)
gay agenda,
Toronto, ON, Canada
X-thwaited: Kathleen Wynne's other agenda is coming out
The newly elected premier of Ontario Kathleen Wynne spoke this week at one of the World Pride Toronto 2014 events. She made it clear to her audience that Ontario is to be a "beacon" for "inclusivity" for the whole world. In her words, “I want to say to you that as the premier of Ontario, I will work every day to make Ontario the safest, the most inclusive place in the world so that we can be that beacon for the world. You are all part of that.” You can see and hear the whole speech in the video below.
It's interesting that when she was campaigning for her job she talked mostly about the economy, jobs, pensions for Ontarians and strongly attacked Tim Hudak the leader of the Conservative Party for wanting to cut jobs from the public sector. She didn't tell the voters that Ontario already has policies and laws in place to protect the LGBT community, and that she intended if elected to continue to press on with her promotion of homosexuality. Of course she never says it this direct way. Wynne prefers to talk about children in playgrounds and schools that must "feel safe." She tells those in attendance at the event to “do everything we can” for children's safety. (more...)
It's interesting that when she was campaigning for her job she talked mostly about the economy, jobs, pensions for Ontarians and strongly attacked Tim Hudak the leader of the Conservative Party for wanting to cut jobs from the public sector. She didn't tell the voters that Ontario already has policies and laws in place to protect the LGBT community, and that she intended if elected to continue to press on with her promotion of homosexuality. Of course she never says it this direct way. Wynne prefers to talk about children in playgrounds and schools that must "feel safe." She tells those in attendance at the event to “do everything we can” for children's safety. (more...)
gay agenda,
gender ideology,
same sex marriage,
sex education
Toronto, ON, Canada
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
30 Pieces of Silver: Marginalizing Catholic Teaching One Grant at a Time
George Soros’ Open Society Institute is most often blamed for attempting to neutralize the abortion issue for Catholics by donating large amounts of money to progressive organizations like Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good to promote pro-choice politicians. Yet the recent attack on San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Codileone by Faithful America demonstrates that the real assault on the teaching authority of the Catholic Church is now coming from two gay billionaires—Tim Gill and Jon Stryker—who are doing everything they can to discredit Church teaching on sexual morality by directly attacking the Magisterium.
Unlike Soros, whose attack on the teachings of the Church was indirect and somewhat secretive, Stryker’s Arcus Foundation and the Gill Foundation have made their aims explicit in their grant making materials and on their IRS 990 reporting forms. In their 2012 filing to the IRS, the Arcus Foundation described itself as a private grantmaking foundation that supports nonprofit organizations around the world working in two areas: lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender human rights; and conservation of the world’s great apes. (more...)
Making gay okay - and criticising it taboo
Robert Reilly will be familiar to regular MercatorNet readers. He has studied Islam extensively and written two books on the subject. He is a music critic. He was a spokesman behind the green line during the Iraq war, a former head of the Voice of America and, as a young man, a special adviser to President Reagan. He has never shied away from tackling complex or controversial matters.
Last month his new book, Making Gay Okay: How Rationalizing Homosexual Behaviour is Changing Everything, was published but, despite its high-interest subject matter, it met with a media blackout. Neither The New York Times or The Wall Street Journal or even more conservative publications wanted to review the book – not even to tear it to shreds, as some partisan websites have done.
Why are they all so afraid of it? Alvino-Mario Fantini interviewed Robert Reilly recently to find out. (more...)
Last month his new book, Making Gay Okay: How Rationalizing Homosexual Behaviour is Changing Everything, was published but, despite its high-interest subject matter, it met with a media blackout. Neither The New York Times or The Wall Street Journal or even more conservative publications wanted to review the book – not even to tear it to shreds, as some partisan websites have done.
Why are they all so afraid of it? Alvino-Mario Fantini interviewed Robert Reilly recently to find out. (more...)
gay agenda,
gender ideology,
mainstream media
Lesbian premier: I will make Ontario ‘most inclusive place in the world’
Premier Kathleen Wynne and her partner Jane Rounthwaite |
“There are children still in our playgrounds and in our schools who do not feel safe,” she said Friday evening during the event’s opening ceremonies at Nathan Phillips Square. “And we have equality policies and we have good, good teachers and support staff who are working to make those schoolyards safe. But we, all of us, have to carry that banner and we have to do everything we can in our communities to keep those children safe."
Prior to taking the reigns of the province’s Liberal government in 2013, Wynne worked as the government’s education minister until 2010, promoting acceptance of homosexuality in Ontario’s schools as “equity.”
Wynne oversaw the 2009 Equity and Inclusive Education (EIE) strategy, which promoted openness to homosexuality in all publicly-funded schools across the province. The EIE strategy encouraged school boards to use texts by homosexual authors and to introduce gay-straight alliance clubs in schools.
In 2012, under the Liberal government, Ontario’s legislature passed Bill 13, which required the province’s publicly-funded schools — including Catholic ones — to form gay-straight alliances if requested by students. (more...)
gay agenda,
Toronto, ON, Canada
Girl with a Korean mom thought she was adopted. The truth was more unsettling.
CULPEPER, VA -- Jessica Kern was sixteen the day she found the missing puzzle piece that finally made her life make sense.
Growing up, Kern, now 30, had always suspected something wasn’t right about her household. It was more than just the emotional and physical abuse she suffered at the hands of her parents. It was a deep and unsettling feeling that somehow, she didn’t really belong.
Kern grew up in an interracial home – her father was white; her mother, South Korean. Kern was raised as a half-Korean girl, attending Korean school on the weekends and her mother’s Korean church. But the mirror told a different story. Her appearance lacked even a trace of Asian ancestry. At times, she wondered if she’d been adopted.
The truth turned out to be much more complicated than that. (more...)
Growing up, Kern, now 30, had always suspected something wasn’t right about her household. It was more than just the emotional and physical abuse she suffered at the hands of her parents. It was a deep and unsettling feeling that somehow, she didn’t really belong.
Kern grew up in an interracial home – her father was white; her mother, South Korean. Kern was raised as a half-Korean girl, attending Korean school on the weekends and her mother’s Korean church. But the mirror told a different story. Her appearance lacked even a trace of Asian ancestry. At times, she wondered if she’d been adopted.
The truth turned out to be much more complicated than that. (more...)
Elementary school custodian charged with sex assault
Police believe there could be more victims after charging a 44-year-old custodian at a Catholic elementary school on Wednesday with sexually assaulting five students.
The investigation began after the principal at Dr. F. J. McDonald Catholic School on Ahearn Avenue called Ottawa police on March 4 after hearing students’ allegations of what police called “inappropriate behaviour by the custodian.”
Daniel Sabourin, 44, of Smiths Falls has been charged with five counts of sexual assault and five counts of sexual interference.
All of the alleged incidents took place at the school (more...)
The investigation began after the principal at Dr. F. J. McDonald Catholic School on Ahearn Avenue called Ottawa police on March 4 after hearing students’ allegations of what police called “inappropriate behaviour by the custodian.”
Daniel Sabourin, 44, of Smiths Falls has been charged with five counts of sexual assault and five counts of sexual interference.
All of the alleged incidents took place at the school (more...)
Ottawa, ON, Canada
The Kinsey Institute Exposed: A Warning to Parents & Governments Throughout the World
On April 23, 2014 the Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender and Reproduction was granted special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC). This decision was based in part on misleading testimony1 regarding the nature of their work provided by a Kinsey Institute representative to the United Nations Committee on Nongovernmental Organizations.
From their fraudulent sex research, to their collaboration with pedophiles to publish their sex experiments on children, to their promotion of risky sexual behaviors as healthy and normal, which has formed the basis of dangerous sexuality education programs worldwide, the Kinsey Institute has caused incalculable harm to children, adults and families. For this reason the UN’s decision to grant ECOSOC status to the Kinsey Institute has outraged parents, government and civic leaders, lawmakers, researchers, and victims of sexual crimes around the world who understand how harmful the Kinsey Institute’s work has been, especially for the world’s children.
This brief will show how the past and present actions, goals and aims of the Kinsey Institute merit condemnation and censure rather than the legitimacy, prestige and access that UN consultative status affords them and which enables them to perpetuate their harmful work on a much larger world stage. (more...)
From their fraudulent sex research, to their collaboration with pedophiles to publish their sex experiments on children, to their promotion of risky sexual behaviors as healthy and normal, which has formed the basis of dangerous sexuality education programs worldwide, the Kinsey Institute has caused incalculable harm to children, adults and families. For this reason the UN’s decision to grant ECOSOC status to the Kinsey Institute has outraged parents, government and civic leaders, lawmakers, researchers, and victims of sexual crimes around the world who understand how harmful the Kinsey Institute’s work has been, especially for the world’s children.
This brief will show how the past and present actions, goals and aims of the Kinsey Institute merit condemnation and censure rather than the legitimacy, prestige and access that UN consultative status affords them and which enables them to perpetuate their harmful work on a much larger world stage. (more...)
The “Stop the Kinsey Institute Coalition”
On April 23, 2014 the Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender and Reproduction was granted special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC). This decision was based in part on misleading testimony regarding the nature of their work provided by a Kinsey Institute representative to the United Nations Committee on Non-governmental Organizations.
From their fraudulent sex research, to their collaboration with pedophiles to publish sex experiments on children, to their promotion of risky sexual behaviors as healthy and normal, which has formed the basis of dangerous sexuality education programs worldwide, the Kinsey Institute has caused incalculable harm to children, adults and families.
The “Stop the Kinsey Institute Coalition” is an alliance of parents, government and civic leaders, lawmakers, researchers, concerned citizens and victims of sexual crimes around the world who understand how harmful the Kinsey Institute’s work has been, especially for the world’s children. We are outraged at the UN’s decision to grant ECOSOC status to the Kinsey Institute.
The goal of the “Stop the Kinsey Institute Coalition” is to show how the past and present actions, goals and aims of the Kinsey Institute merit condemnation and censure rather than the legitimacy, prestige and access that UN consultative status affords them and which enables them to perpetuate their harmful work on a much larger world stage.
We invite all parents, citizens, opinion leaders, officers of government and members of civil society to help protect the health and innocence of children worldwide by joining the “Stop the Kinsey Institute Coalition” and help expose and stop the harmful work of the Kinsey Institute.
A "dangerous" former school principal has been jailed for life
Bryan Greenhalgh, 63, indecently assaulted boys at Sheringham Court School in Norfolk and Thurlby Manor in Lincolnshire in the 1970s and 80s.
Norwich Crown Court heard one victim described the abuse as "incessant".
One victim's impact statement said: "You are damaged and you damaged me. You are evil and you don't belong in society."
Judge Nicholas Coleman Greenhalgh he must spend at least three years in prison, after which he will only be released if he is considered low risk.
If released, he will be on licence for life. (more...)
Norwich Crown Court heard one victim described the abuse as "incessant".
One victim's impact statement said: "You are damaged and you damaged me. You are evil and you don't belong in society."
Judge Nicholas Coleman Greenhalgh he must spend at least three years in prison, after which he will only be released if he is considered low risk.
If released, he will be on licence for life. (more...)
Dark net 'used by tens of thousands of paedophiles'
Tens of thousands of paedophiles are using the so-called dark net to trade images of sexual abuse, an investigation by BBC News indicates.
One site receives as many as 500 page views per second, its founder says.
Figures from another site suggest Brits are heavily involved in producing and distributing illegal obscene images.
Britain's National Crime Agency warned in its 2014 threat assessment that abusers were turning to anonymous sites and encryption technology.
The dark net is the term used to refer to parts of the internet that are hidden and can be hard to access without special software. (more...)
VSB has no mandate to misguide parents and usurp their rights
Have you heard that a school board in Canada wants to get rid of the pronouns he, she, him and her? It’s the Vancouver School Board that is implementing this in order to further update the board's “gender equity” policy. And they are doing it for the most part by violating parental rights.
It wasn’t enough that the board’s “Sexual Orientation and Gender Identities” policy already allows students to identity according to a number of “sexual orientations” and teachers aren’t permitted to even suggest to students to identify as one of two sexes: male and female. There’s more. Students can choose the washroom of choice. Boys may go the girls’ washroom and girls may use the boys’ washroom. (more...)
It wasn’t enough that the board’s “Sexual Orientation and Gender Identities” policy already allows students to identity according to a number of “sexual orientations” and teachers aren’t permitted to even suggest to students to identify as one of two sexes: male and female. There’s more. Students can choose the washroom of choice. Boys may go the girls’ washroom and girls may use the boys’ washroom. (more...)
Planned Parenthood network uses classroom ‘abstinence’ programs as a trap
STAFFORD, Va. – Throughout the nation, we see parents being convinced that sex education in the schools is a given, and they are settling for what they see as the lesser of the evils presented. But the lesser of evils can never be accepted as a final solution. Parents must work to get all sex ed programs out of the schools. Here is the reason why.
Abstinence programs are being hijacked and used as traps by Planned Parenthood and other sex industry stakeholders. Programs that are not abstinence programs are pushed through as abstinence programs. Programs that started out as abstinence programs get hijacked and become, even if gradually, birth control and sex programs. Even the best abstinence program, once it is out of the hands of those who created it, can be corrupted very quickly. The teacher’s bias will always determine, in the end, what the children are taught. (more...)
Abstinence programs are being hijacked and used as traps by Planned Parenthood and other sex industry stakeholders. Programs that are not abstinence programs are pushed through as abstinence programs. Programs that started out as abstinence programs get hijacked and become, even if gradually, birth control and sex programs. Even the best abstinence program, once it is out of the hands of those who created it, can be corrupted very quickly. The teacher’s bias will always determine, in the end, what the children are taught. (more...)
planned parenthood,
sex education
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Former teacher jailed for sexually assaulting students
Michael Slater, now 73 |
Minutes after Ontario Superior Court Justice Julianne Parfett sentenced Slater, he was hugged by tearful family members before being led away by police to be processed into the prison system.
Despite being convicted by a jury in March, Renfrew-native Slater maintains his innocence and, noted Parfett, has shown no remorse for his crimes.
He had pleaded not guilty to five counts, including indecent assault, gross indecency and buggery involving one victim now aged 57 and another complainant whom Slater assaulted about 20 years later, in the late 1980s.
Crown prosecutor Lisa Miles said the crimes warranted a six- to eight-year sentence, which the judge rejected as excessive. (more...)
Double standard in sex abuse cases
Suppose many people reacted to this by arguing not only should the teacher not go to prison, but the girl was lucky to have benefited from his attention and experience.
Suppose the fact the student was isolated from her friends and dropped out of university due to her inability to cope with the sexual relationship, was irrelevant to the teacher's defenders.
Suppose some speculated the student, having had the benefit of the sex, was now just after money.
Shocking? It would be, if it were true.
But, in fact, almost no one would defend the sexual abuse of a young girl by a male teacher.
But many people do when the roles are reversed - when the teacher is female and the student male. (more...)
Monday, June 23, 2014
What’s Wrong is Right: A Revolution in Rationalization
Governor Rick Perry of Texas recently made waves when he was asked whether he thought homosexuality is a disorder. He replied that he was not professionally qualified to pronounce on a medical or mental health question, and then added, “Whether or not you feel compelled to follow a particular lifestyle or not, you have the ability to decide not to do that . . . I may have the genetic coding that I'm inclined to be an alcoholic, but I have the desire not to do that, and I look at the homosexual issue the same way.” As you might expect, this answer—which many millions of Americans might honestly have given—caused a bit of a ruckus.
If you wonder whether you would feel confident giving Perry’s answer, or have doubts whether it is even a defensible answer to give, you should read Robert R. Reilly’s latest book, Making Gay Okay: How Rationalizing Homosexual Behavior Is Changing Everything. This is a very important book, and Ignatius Press should be commended for publishing it.
Among the “LGBT” activists and their allies who have lately been so successful in transforming our culture’s understanding of love, marriage, and sexual integrity, Reilly’s book will be hated and denounced. It is likely that many of those who denounce the book most strongly will not actually read it. They will certainly not squarely confront or refute its arguments. (more...)
If you wonder whether you would feel confident giving Perry’s answer, or have doubts whether it is even a defensible answer to give, you should read Robert R. Reilly’s latest book, Making Gay Okay: How Rationalizing Homosexual Behavior Is Changing Everything. This is a very important book, and Ignatius Press should be commended for publishing it.
Among the “LGBT” activists and their allies who have lately been so successful in transforming our culture’s understanding of love, marriage, and sexual integrity, Reilly’s book will be hated and denounced. It is likely that many of those who denounce the book most strongly will not actually read it. They will certainly not squarely confront or refute its arguments. (more...)
culture wars,
gay agenda,
same sex marriage
Sunday, June 22, 2014
Who needs conspiracy theories when the Freemasons openly celebrate Vatican II in the Eternal City?
The largest and most influential Masonic organization in Italy is the Grand Orient of Italy [Grande Oriente d'Italia]. Yes, it is the very same Grand Lodge whose Grand Masters always worked for the humiliation of the Apostolic See, from the battles against Pius IX to symbolic acts of effrontery (such as Giordano Bruno's statue in Campo de' Fiori, a response to Leo XIII); it was also the Grand Lodge that once had jurisdiction over the well-known Propaganda Due lodge, the P2, including during the crucial years of the Vatican II Council and immediate aftermath.
This Grande Oriente d'Italia hosted a conference on June 12, 2014, at Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Via Milano, Rome, to promote the book “Il Concilio Segreto” (The Secret Council), by Ignazio Ingrao. On the panel of guests invited to present the book were Marco Politi, journalist and Vaticanist for “La Repubblica” and “Il Fatto Quotidiano”; Alberto Melloni, the very influential historian and a leader of the famous “Bologna School” founded by Giuseppe Alberigo, whose purpose was to establish forevermore the "Spirit of the Council" as the official interpretation of the conciliar documents; Marinella Perroni, theologian, professor at the Pontifical Atheneum of St. Anselm, Rome (the Anselmianum, the Pontifical Benedictine university in Rome), specializing in New Testament Studies; and, last but certainly not least, Stefano Bisi, the newly elected Grand Master of the Grand Lodge. (more...)
This Grande Oriente d'Italia hosted a conference on June 12, 2014, at Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Via Milano, Rome, to promote the book “Il Concilio Segreto” (The Secret Council), by Ignazio Ingrao. On the panel of guests invited to present the book were Marco Politi, journalist and Vaticanist for “La Repubblica” and “Il Fatto Quotidiano”; Alberto Melloni, the very influential historian and a leader of the famous “Bologna School” founded by Giuseppe Alberigo, whose purpose was to establish forevermore the "Spirit of the Council" as the official interpretation of the conciliar documents; Marinella Perroni, theologian, professor at the Pontifical Atheneum of St. Anselm, Rome (the Anselmianum, the Pontifical Benedictine university in Rome), specializing in New Testament Studies; and, last but certainly not least, Stefano Bisi, the newly elected Grand Master of the Grand Lodge. (more...)
Nothing to see here, folks:
Not forgotten: International child pornography probe led to ‘bombshell’ arrest of Ontario premier’s former advisor
A University of Toronto professor — who is a noted expert in teaching and learning, a former provincial deputy education minister and member of Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne’s transition team — was arrested Monday after an international child pornography and child exploitation probe.
The Toronto Police Sex Crime Unit arrested Benjamin Levin, 61, at his Toronto home and immediately began a search for computers and digital media, police said.
His arrest was called a “bombshell” by education advocates because of Mr. Levin’s international renown. (more...)
Toronto, ON, Canada
Saturday, June 21, 2014
The High Cost of Free Speech
What happens when the CEO of a Silicon Valley software giant trespasses against the reigning corporate ethos? Brendan Eich, creator of Java Script, found out the hard way this March when he was forced to resign after having occupied the top post of Mozilla for a mere two weeks. His sin? A full seven years ago, Eich donated $1,000 to the campaign of Proposition 8, California’s 2008 ballot measure that restricts the definition of marriage to one man and one woman.
Once Eich’s transgression became known, Mozilla employees embarked on a Twitter campaign against their new boss, calling for his head. A boycott was soon organized, in part by the company’s own web developers. Soon the dating website jumped into the fray and blocked Mozilla’s popular Firefox web browser, and it was reported that the omnipresent Google, which was negotiating a search contract with Mozilla, also voiced concerns.
Eich was quick to repent of his past action, writing on his blog to express his “sorrow” at having “caused pain,” and to confirm that he is “committed to ensuring that Mozilla is, and will remain, a place that includes and supports everyone, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, age, race, ethnicity, economic status, or religion” — the virtue of virtues in today’s world. He even promised to “work on new initiatives to reach out to those who feel excluded or have been marginalized.”
But Eich’s act of contrition wasn’t enough. The people wanted expiation. They wanted an example to be made of him. “If he had apologized years ago, this would be a non-issue,” said Hampton Catlin, a web developer and a “partnered” homosexual who helped spearhead the boycott. “We will continue our boycott until Brendan Eich is completely removed from any day-to-day activities at Mozilla,” Catlin wrote in an open letter to the company.
And so, under increasing public and financial pressure, Brendan Eich voluntarily resigned and has gone on an indefinite leave from Mozilla — a company he helped co-found. (more...)
Friday, June 20, 2014
Sun News Announces Gay Victory, Demise of Family; Socons Look for Unbiased Media Channel
But a growing number of Republicans - gay and straight alike - are looking to change that.
And there are signs the Grand Old Party is changing with them.
"The party is - no question about it - shifting," said Marc Solomon, national campaign director with Republican group Freedom to Marry.
Court challenges have overturned gay marriage bans in a number of states this year, rulings that went unopposed in states including in New Jersey, New Mexico and Wisconsin - all states helmed by Republican governors eyeing a run for the White House in 2016.
A growing number of prominent Republican and conservative voices now openly support gay marriage - from commentator Ann Coulter to director Clint Eastwood. (more...)
Meanwhile, Austin Ruse continues to offer us real journalism (and so do we):
Anti-paedophile police fight child porn 'epidemic'
The internet trade in images that show child sex abuse is now "an epidemic", according to the head of the global initiative to combat the problem.
Police officers from around the world serve on the Virtual Global Taskforce.
Its chairman, Ian Quinn, tells the BBC there has been an "explosion" in cases handled by US authorities.
The US alone has 61 Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) units, each made up of state, local police and federal agents. (more...)
Police officers from around the world serve on the Virtual Global Taskforce.
Its chairman, Ian Quinn, tells the BBC there has been an "explosion" in cases handled by US authorities.
The US alone has 61 Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) units, each made up of state, local police and federal agents. (more...)
Incest taboo falls: Grandmother and grandson to have child together
Pearl Carter and Phil Bailey, 26, have paid a surrogate mother £20,000 to have Mr Bailey’s child, which the couple plan to bring up together.
Mrs Carter, from Indiana, met Mr Bailey four years ago after he tracked her down following the death of his mother, Lynette.
Mrs Carter fell pregnant with Lynette at 18, out of wedlock, and claims that she was forced to give her child up for adoption by her strict Catholic parents.
She went on to marry, but never had any more children.
The couple, who claim to be abused in public and could face prison for incest, say that they fell in love and became lovers soon after meeting.
In an interview with the New Zealand magazine, New Idea, Mrs Carter, said: “I’m not interested in anyone else’s opinion.
"I am in love with Phil and he’s in love with me. Soon I’ll be holding my son or daughter in my arms and Phil will be the proud dad.” (more...)
H/T to English Manif
The Catholic Register: OECTA is wrong
OECTA president James Ryan |
Indeed, what is the union thinking? The question has been out there since 600 delegates attending the annual meeting of the Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association voted in March to walk “in solidarity” at an annual Toronto parade that celebrates the gay and lesbian lifestyle. Ostensibly organized to promote equality and human rights, the Sunday parade is more notable for its public nudity, sexual role-playing and flaunting of common decency and morality. It is certainly no place for teens and children, nor for Catholic teachers or the union that represents them.
Yet OECTA president James Ryan insists he will be there, marching behind a union banner along with a large number of the rank and file. He has heard the criticism from the cardinal and other Ontario bishops, as well as from some school boards and individual teachers. But even if he was inclined to back down (and there is no indication that is the case), he said it would be extremely difficult to disregard the clear directive delivered by union delegates at their annual meeting.
“OECTA will not be changing its position,” he told The Register. (more...)
gay agenda,
political correctness,
Toronto, ON, Canada
Marching in Pride parade is an ‘internal union matter’, defiant Ontario Catholic Teachers Association head says
Ontario’s English Catholic teachers’ union does not have to follow church teachings, its president says, as controversy grows over its plans to participate in Toronto’s World Pride parade next Sunday.
The Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association still plans to march, despite opposition from some Catholic boards and even Toronto’s cardinal, said union president James Ryan.
While teachers working for Catholic boards must abide by church teachings in the classroom, he said, participation in a parade known for its nudity and gay pride is allowed because it is an “internal union” activity.
“I think most employers recognize this is an internal union matter and they don’t involve themselves in union matters,” Mr. Ryan said.
In March, the OECTA voted to send a contingent of more than 100 to the parade as a visible and vocal message that Catholic-school teachers in the province want students to feel supported and free from discrimination. (more...)
gay agenda,
Toronto, ON, Canada
Thursday, June 19, 2014
Words of 2003 child sex-slayer invoked at porn sentencing
Holly Jones |
Child pornography fuelled the perverse desires of Michael Briere to rape and murder 10-year-old Holly Jones, and Crown attorney Jennifer Strasberg quoted the girl's killer, Michael Briere, as she and co-counsel Jill Cameron sought a seven-year prison sentence for Brandon Donnelly.
Donnelly, as the editor, was an integral member of an east-end-based child porn business that sold 35,000 orders in three years to thousands of pedophiles in 92 countries, court heard.
Strasberg used the chilling example of the Jones murder to illustrate the point that the proliferation of child pornography stokes the sick drive of pedophiles to abuse children, as Briere admitted to police.
"For myself ... viewing the materials does motivate you to other things ... the more I saw it, the more longed for it in my heart," Strasberg quoted Briere (more...)
Toronto, ON, Canada
RCMP lay 343 charges, rescue 5 kids in massive online child porn sweep
DARTMOUTH, NS - Five children have been rescued in a national child porn operation, police say.
RCMP laid 343 charges - including charges of sexual assault, possession of child porn, and luring - as part of Operation Snapshot 3, the third phase of an ongoing sweep of online predators.
Sgt. Mike Petrilli told a news conference Thursday morning that 150 people are currently under investigation.
As part of the investigation, which was launched in February and co-ordinated by the RCMP's National Child Exploitation Coordination Centre, police in 40 jurisdictions seized more than one million images.
"These images are not simply children having a bubble bath," Petrilli said. The images show children who are "clearly being sexually assaulted" and they show infants and toddlers. (more...)
RCMP laid 343 charges - including charges of sexual assault, possession of child porn, and luring - as part of Operation Snapshot 3, the third phase of an ongoing sweep of online predators.
Sgt. Mike Petrilli told a news conference Thursday morning that 150 people are currently under investigation.
As part of the investigation, which was launched in February and co-ordinated by the RCMP's National Child Exploitation Coordination Centre, police in 40 jurisdictions seized more than one million images.
"These images are not simply children having a bubble bath," Petrilli said. The images show children who are "clearly being sexually assaulted" and they show infants and toddlers. (more...)
UN Elects Ugandan as President, Pushing Back on US LGBT Pressure
NEW YORK, June 20 (C-FAM) Western pressure on African countries to liberalize policies on homosexuality has had a boomerang effect, uniting Africans against it and resulting in what some see as a new non-aligned movement of countries.
Last week the United Nations elected a Ugandan as president of the General Assembly over last-ditch efforts by activists who, along with the Obama administration, have condemned Uganda’s recently enacted law against homosexual acts.
Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) activists called on the Obama administration to deny Sam Kutesa's visa, but by election day at the UN, their petition had only gathered 13,466 signatures.
Kutesa is Uganda’s foreign minister and defended the law internationally, stating promotion and exhibition of homosexuality “is wrong for our young people and it offends our culture.”
Africans called Western criticism of Uganda an attack on national sovereignty and some noted, “the Western world criminalizes almost all of these same offenses” as the amended law, such as homosexual rape. (more...)
Last week the United Nations elected a Ugandan as president of the General Assembly over last-ditch efforts by activists who, along with the Obama administration, have condemned Uganda’s recently enacted law against homosexual acts.
Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) activists called on the Obama administration to deny Sam Kutesa's visa, but by election day at the UN, their petition had only gathered 13,466 signatures.
Kutesa is Uganda’s foreign minister and defended the law internationally, stating promotion and exhibition of homosexuality “is wrong for our young people and it offends our culture.”
Africans called Western criticism of Uganda an attack on national sovereignty and some noted, “the Western world criminalizes almost all of these same offenses” as the amended law, such as homosexual rape. (more...)
Office for Religious Freedom is silent on discrimination against Canadians
Did you that Canada has an Office for Religious Freedom? It was established in 2012. The Prime Minister Stephen Harper said at the time that its purpose was to respond to a growing concern that "around the world violations of religious freedom are widespread and they are increasing." The Harper government must believe the nation can play a role in protecting religious freedom because in his words, "Canada is recognized globally for its leadership on human rights issues, and takes principled positions to promote Canadian values of pluralism and tolerance throughout the world."
But the important question two years later is this: why has the Office of Religious Freedom not spoken up against against Christian discrimination in Canada? Here's some of the evidence. (more...)
But the important question two years later is this: why has the Office of Religious Freedom not spoken up against against Christian discrimination in Canada? Here's some of the evidence. (more...)
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
International kiddie porn editor pleads guilty
TORONTO -- An Aurora, Ont., video editor admitted Wednesday to being a key member of an east end-based kiddie porn business that sold its disgusting products worldwide to thousands of pedophiles.
Brandon Donnelly edited 74 child pornography films depicting naked pre-pubescent and pubescent boys that were sold on the website from the spring of 2008 until a massive police investigation shut it down in May 2011, Crown attorney Jill Cameron said in reading an agreed statement of facts.
Donnelly, 30, pleaded guilty to one count of making child pornography for the purposes of publication. His sentencing hearing resumes Thursday.
A three-year police investigation, headed by Toronto Police, led to the rescue of 386 children and 341 arrests worldwide, Cameron said.
There were 50 arrests in Ontario, 58 in the rest of Canada and 76 in the U.S. Among those arrested were six law enforcement officers, nine religious leaders, 40 school teachers, three fosters parents, 32 children volunteers, and nine doctors and nurses. (more...)
Brandon Donnelly edited 74 child pornography films depicting naked pre-pubescent and pubescent boys that were sold on the website from the spring of 2008 until a massive police investigation shut it down in May 2011, Crown attorney Jill Cameron said in reading an agreed statement of facts.
Donnelly, 30, pleaded guilty to one count of making child pornography for the purposes of publication. His sentencing hearing resumes Thursday.
A three-year police investigation, headed by Toronto Police, led to the rescue of 386 children and 341 arrests worldwide, Cameron said.
There were 50 arrests in Ontario, 58 in the rest of Canada and 76 in the U.S. Among those arrested were six law enforcement officers, nine religious leaders, 40 school teachers, three fosters parents, 32 children volunteers, and nine doctors and nurses. (more...)
Toronto, ON, Canada
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