Sunday, June 8, 2014

It's Personal: Confronting the Academy's Leftism

Lately, there has been so much news about the academy’s leftism going insane, it would take about ten consecutive articles to rehash all that’s happened in the first half of 2014:

  • crazy professors assaulting pro-life teenagers
  • literature professors with no political background inveighing against Israel
  • homosexual witch-burners wielding FOIA requests
  • zombies shouting down panelists in chilling unison
  • deans and provosts with no background in law enforcement judging rape cases
  • commencement speakers axed to please petulant faculty subcultures.

All of that’s just your average Wednesday.  We could go on and on.

You know it’s bad when Nanny State Bloomberg has to read Harvard graduates the Riot Act over liberal bias on college campuses.  (more...)

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