Sunday, June 15, 2014

OECTA sends wrong message by supporting pride parade

Waterloo Catholic school trustee Greg Reitzel
A Waterloo Catholic school trustee believes Catholic teachers marching in the 2014 World Pride Parade with the support of their union sends a confusing message to students. 
When his board voted on May 26 to support the Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association’s (OECTA) participation in the parade — the union made its decision at its annual general meeting in March — Greg Reitzel was the only dissenting voice. 
“What is a student going to think if they end up seeing a picture of their teacher in amongst a lot of the other images you see at the parade?” asked Reitzel, referring to the nudity and lewd behaviour that is a staple of the annual event. “How do you distinguish them from being there and not promoting the lifestyle that Gay Pride promotes?” 
The lifestyle that it promotes, according to Reitzel, is one of explicit sexuality, labels which he said “segregate,” and illegal activities — all things the organizers seem to support. 
“The organizers said ... it is about being there and being in your face and being naked and raunchy and everything else,” said the father of three, two of whom are still in Catholic schools. “So the parade itself definitely goes far beyond just saying that being gay is OK. Illegal activities do happen there (and) I’m not sure why they aren’t dealt with.” 
Reitzel said he would have the same issue with the parade if it were exclusively heterosexuals acting in an overtly sexually explicit way. 
“Our sexuality is one component of who we are and this parade and stuff that is going on is making that into who they are instead of just one component of who they are,” said Reitzel, a 44- year-old firefighter in the Waterloo area. “It is more important than putting letters on everybody and segregating all of these different categories that students learn that they are beloved children of God.” 
For Reitzel, OECTA is giving the impression that it, and the teachers it represents, are afraid to stand up for their faith — another negative message for students. 
“It is really unfortunate that people are afraid to speak out about some of the facades of our faith like theology of the body and items like that,” he said. “Being a Catholic teacher (should be) a vocation and not just a job.”  (more...)


H/T to Parents as First Educators

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