Thursday, June 5, 2014

London Catholic school board condemns OECTA’s participation in WorldPride parade

LONDON, Ontario, June 5, 2014 ( – At a special meeting on Monday evening, the Board of Trustees of the London Catholic District School Board voted to send a letter to the head of the Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association (OECTA) asking it not to attend the upcoming WorldPride parade in Toronto.

The notice of motion was originally made at the board’s May 26 meeting by trustee Mary Wolfs.

In Wolfs’ address to her colleagues, a copy of which she sent to LifeSiteNews, she said, “Due to the appalling sexual nature of some of the activities this event has become more of a spectacle and has been portrayed as a deliberate defiance against moral values and Catholic teaching.”

She also rejected the Waterloo Catholic District School Board’s contention that involvement in the parade was merely an internal OECTA matter. “Now some of you might say OECTA is its own internal body, how they do their business is their own affair,” she said. “I would agree with this if their acronym didn’t have a C for Catholic.”  (more...)

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