Friday, June 20, 2014

The Catholic Register: OECTA is wrong

OECTA president James Ryan
The outcry continues but the decision remains unchanged: the union that represents 45,000 Ontario Catholic teachers is determined to march June 29 in Toronto’s gay pride parade. As Cardinal Thomas Collins recently put it, “Really? What are you thinking?”

Indeed, what is the union thinking? The question has been out there since 600 delegates attending the annual meeting of the Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association voted in March to walk “in solidarity” at an annual Toronto parade that celebrates the gay and lesbian lifestyle. Ostensibly organized to promote equality and human rights, the Sunday parade is more notable for its public nudity, sexual role-playing and flaunting of common decency and morality. It is certainly no place for teens and children, nor for Catholic teachers or the union that represents them.

Yet OECTA president James Ryan insists he will be there, marching behind a union banner along with a large number of the rank and file. He has heard the criticism from the cardinal and other Ontario bishops, as well as from some school boards and individual teachers. But even if he was inclined to back down (and there is no indication that is the case), he said it would be extremely difficult to disregard the clear directive delivered by union delegates at their annual meeting.

“OECTA will not be changing its position,” he told The Register.  (more...)

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