Thursday, June 19, 2014

Words of 2003 child sex-slayer invoked at porn sentencing

Holly Jones
TORONTO -- The Crown used the disturbing words of a child sex-killer at the sentencing hearing Thursday for a man who pleaded guilty to making child porn.

Child pornography fuelled the perverse desires of Michael Briere to rape and murder 10-year-old Holly Jones, and Crown attorney Jennifer Strasberg quoted the girl's killer, Michael Briere, as she and co-counsel Jill Cameron sought a seven-year prison sentence for Brandon Donnelly.

Donnelly, as the editor, was an integral member of an east-end-based child porn business that sold 35,000 orders in three years to thousands of pedophiles in 92 countries, court heard.

Strasberg used the chilling example of the Jones murder to illustrate the point that the proliferation of child pornography stokes the sick drive of pedophiles to abuse children, as Briere admitted to police.

"For myself ... viewing the materials does motivate you to other things ... the more I saw it, the more longed for it in my heart," Strasberg quoted Briere  (more...)

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