Friday, June 20, 2014

Sun News Announces Gay Victory, Demise of Family; Socons Look for Unbiased Media Channel

WASHINGTON - In the U.S., Democrats lay claim to being the party that backs same-sex marriage and fights for gay rights.

But a growing number of Republicans - gay and straight alike - are looking to change that.
And there are signs the Grand Old Party is changing with them.

"The party is - no question about it - shifting," said Marc Solomon, national campaign director with Republican group Freedom to Marry.

Court challenges have overturned gay marriage bans in a number of states this year, rulings that went unopposed in states including in New Jersey, New Mexico and Wisconsin - all states helmed by Republican governors eyeing a run for the White House in 2016.

A growing number of prominent Republican and conservative voices now openly support gay marriage - from commentator Ann Coulter to director Clint Eastwood.  (more...)


Meanwhile, Austin Ruse continues to offer us real journalism (and so do we):

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