Friday, June 6, 2014

Eye on a Crazy Planet: Update on the Kiddie Porn Case of Kathleen Wynne's Deputy and Mentor, Ben Levin

Kathleen Wynne's former Deputy Education Minister Ben Levin has been out of the news for a long time now. He was arrested last summer for a slew of charges related to child pornography but the case has not yet come to trail.

Among the bizarre and shocking elements of the scandal is that Levin, who remained an adviser to Wynne's government, was responsible for introducing a controversial curriculum which was condemned for including overtly sexualized material to children at an inappropriately early age. The public backlash against that proposed curriculum was was so severe that then-Premier Dalton McGuinty withdrew it. Although Kathleen Wynne, who was Education Minister and Levin's boss when the curriculum was created, has said that she would re-introduce it as Premier.  At the time of his arrest, Levin was serving as a senior professor at the radical Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, which also promoted the hyper-sexualized curriculum.

There was a publication ban imposed by the judge on matters discussed at Levin's July 2013 bail hearing, but that ban only applied to matters discussed in court on that date. Most of Toronto's media  has been extremely sympathetic to Kathleen Wynne, and by extension has been shy about reporting extensively on the Levin matter. Perhaps that is why they have neglected to report anything about the fact that Levin has had about five subsequent hearings or what happened at them.  (more...)

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