Monday, June 16, 2014

Canadian Bishops Lament Catholic Teachers Group’s Intent to Join ‘LGBTQ Activism’ Parade

Cardinal Thomas Collins of Toronto and other Canadian bishops have recently criticized the decision of Ontario’s English Catholic Teachers Association (OECTA) to participate in the World Pride parade later this month in Toronto, according to the National Post.

CTV News Toronto reports that the June 29 parade is the culmination of a series of World Pride events—including galas, street fairs, art festivals and marches—which celebrate “LGBTQ activism, education, and culture.”  The events will reportedly include “the biggest LGBTQ mass wedding in history” with “up to 200 couples” expected.

The National Post reports that the leader of OECTA, James Ryan, was summoned in March to meet with Cardinal Collins and Bishop Gerard Paul Bergie of St. Catharine’s, Ontario.  The bishops reportedly voiced their concerns during the meeting about the union’s plans to march in the parade.  (more...)

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