Sunday, June 8, 2014

A candid interview with a mother who was a resident of a women's shelter in Ontario, Canada

Exposing the morally corrupt women's shelter industry ONE VIDEO AT A TIME! from Canada Court Watch on Vimeo.
A candid interview with a mother who was a resident of a women's shelter in Ontario, Canada. This mother's testimony is similar to that given to Canada Court Watch by other Canadian women who have also stayed at women's shelters in other Ontario cities and towns.

Contrary to what the public have been led to believe by government funded women's shelter advocates, many womens' shelters are not the place of safety for women that they claim to be, but anti-father, anti-family organizations dedicated to the promotion of lesbianism and the destruction of traditional families - all being funded by the taxpayers!

This is the first in a series of such videos to be released.

Women who have experienced abuse while a resident of a women's shelter and would like to make their stories public by way of video, should contact Canada Court Watch. This will help in efforts to make women's shelters more accontable and professional and help to provide a truly safe place for those unfortunate women who legitimately need such facilities. Shelters should be providing helpful services to women, not being used by special interest groups to promote thier own agendas.

Approximate running time: 45 minutes

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