Wednesday, June 18, 2014

International kiddie porn editor pleads guilty

TORONTO -- An Aurora, Ont., video editor admitted Wednesday to being a key member of an east end-based kiddie porn business that sold its disgusting products worldwide to thousands of pedophiles.

Brandon Donnelly edited 74 child pornography films depicting naked pre-pubescent and pubescent boys that were sold on the website from the spring of 2008 until a massive police investigation shut it down in May 2011, Crown attorney Jill Cameron said in reading an agreed statement of facts.

Donnelly, 30, pleaded guilty to one count of making child pornography for the purposes of publication. His sentencing hearing resumes Thursday.

A three-year police investigation, headed by Toronto Police, led to the rescue of 386 children and 341 arrests worldwide, Cameron said.

There were 50 arrests in Ontario, 58 in the rest of Canada and 76 in the U.S. Among those arrested were six law enforcement officers, nine religious leaders, 40 school teachers, three fosters parents, 32 children volunteers, and nine doctors and nurses.  (more...)

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