Canadian Constitutional lawyer Rocco Galati and Children's health Defense experts Amanda + Christine, answer our community's questions regarding Children's rights in and out of schools in relation to the 'pandemic'.
Canadian Constitutional lawyer Rocco Galati and Children's health Defense experts Amanda + Christine, answer our community's questions regarding Children's rights in and out of schools in relation to the 'pandemic'.
As Dave McGowan argues in Programmed to Kill, the standard profile of serial killers as lone nuts driven only by their inner demons is often wildly inaccurate. When the evidence from numerous high-profile cases is assembled, there are an astounding number of parallels that create a much different image of the serial killer. Many serial killings are in fact murders of political significance, used to protect criminal enterprises such as drug trafficking or sex rings. Even more disturbingly, there is often evidence of mind control programming by intelligence fronts: the military, prisons, mental hospitals, doctors, Satanic cults, etc. Such programming is used to condition these "serial killers" to commit crimes they otherwise would not or confess to crimes they did not actually commit. The treatment of serial killers by law enforcement and the courts is filled with irregularities as a result. Before committing the crimes that brought them notoriety, many serial killers received extremely lenient treatment to the point of cover-up, evidently enjoying protection as a government asset. Once they were no longer needed, they were railroaded into taking the fall as a lone killer, prevented from maintaining their innocence or revealing accomplices.
Sinister Bozos: The Greater Detroit Pedophile Cartel
The Hitler Youth plot that tried to worm its way into our Scout movement
Public health officials state that vaccines for children and adults are safe and effective, but the truth is far more complicated.
Vaccination is a serious medical intervention that always carries the potential to injure and cause death as well as to prevent disease. Coercive vaccination policies deprive people of free and informed consent--the hallmark of ethical medicine. Americans are increasingly concerned about vaccine safety and the right to make individual, informed choices together with their healthcare practitioners.
Vaccine Epidemic focuses on the searing debate surrounding individual and parental vaccination choice in the United States.
Newly updated with additional chapters focusing on institutional scientific misconduct, mandates for healthcare workers, concerns about HPV vaccine development, and the story behind the Supreme Court's recent vaccine decision, Vaccine Epidemic remains the essential handbook for the vaccination choice movement and required reading for all people contemplating vaccination for themselves and their children.
Rome: On October 19, 2014, Paul VI (Monsignor Montini) in a solemn ceremony at the Vatican is to be beatified which is the first step to sainthood A miracle, the curing of an unborn baby’s illness, has been attributed to Paul VI. However, Holocaust Victims and their families from Eastern Europe who are locked in a decade’s long legal dispute with the Vatican over looted assets from the Second World War, question the saintliness of the man who as Vatican Secretary of State supervised the infamous Vatican ratline funded with Holocaust era loot.
The Vatican Ratline was a post war system of escape routes for Nazis fleeing Europe at the end of the Second World War. The Vatican version was centered at the Croatian Confraternity of Saint Jerome located in Rome at Via Tomacelli 132 just a block away from the Tiber River bridge and next to the sprawling Tomb of Augustus.
The so called “Golden Priest” Fr. Krunoslav Draganovic, the Apostolic Vistator for Croatian matters, was the chief conductor of the Vatican ratline whose beneficiaries included major war criminals like Croatian mass murderer Ante Pavelic who escaped to Argentina in 1947 despite being responsible for the deaths of 500,000 Serbs, Jews, and Roma. Other ratline escapees included the Nazi war criminals Klaus Barbie, Josef Mengele and Adolf Eichman.
The funds that ran the Vatican ratline were obtained from the treasuries of defeated Axis allies like Croatia, Hungary, and Romania and often contained victim loot transformed into Church property through a complex scheme involving deposits at the Vatican Bank. Since 1998, the Holocaust victims have been seeking an accounting from the Vatican which has so far successfully resisted on grounds of sovereign immunity a long running lawsuit in the United States, a more recent EU Commission inquiry and direct claims lodged with the Vatican Secretariat for the Economy.
Declassified documents obtained by Holocaust Victims’ attorneys link Paul VI, then Vatican Secretary of State, to Draganovic and Pavelic. Former US Special Agent, William Gowen, who investigated the Vatican ratline in Rome 1946-1947, testified that Draganovic was supervised by Montini and that Draganovic boasted of a clandestine ten truck convoy of looted gold and valuables that pulled into St. Peter’s Square in 1946 right under the nose of the Allied authorities. (more...)
Documents of CIC agent William Gowen's deposition
Independent Member of Parliament (MEP), Dr. Heinrich Fiechtner slammed the German government and media for their endless propaganda, misinformation and fake news concerning the Chinese coronavirus. In an impassioned speech on the floor of the German Parliament, Dr. Fiechtner also warned the public of the dire consequences of the new "killer vaccination" and urged the public to resist the illegal government impositions.
After reading the diary of an elderly Jewish man who committed suicide, freelance journalist Peter Miller begins to investigate the alleged sighting of a former S.S. Captain who commanded a concentration camp during World War II. Miller eventually finds himself involved with the powerful organization of former S.S. members, called "O.D.E.S.S.A.", as well as with the Israeli secret service. Miller probes deeper and eventually discovers a link between the S.S. Captain, "O.D.E.S.S.A.", and his own family.
Bible prophecy gives us signs of the end times. Just like road signs, they come closer together as we near the end. According to the Bible, in the last days--in a time when Israel has been restored as a nation--a 10-nation confederacy will appear on the European continent. It will be a revival of the Roman Empire. From this confederacy, one man will rise to power. He will make a seven-year agreement with Israel that he will break in three and a half years. This man is known as the Antichrist and, in some way, he will be identified with the number 666.
Are You Sitting Down?
What if I said that an important warning sign about the rise of the Antichrist began occurring in 1992, but it has been completely overlooked? And what if I told you that the 10 kings of Daniel and Revelation may have already been on scene since 1995, but no one has noticed? Not only that, but a powerful new office has been created that could soon belong to the Antichrist. And, it happened with Assembly Recommendation 666. Hang on, because that's exactly what I'm going to tell you.
TORONTO (Sputnik) - The Russian Embassy in Canada told Sputnik that "influential defenders" are working to delay former Nazi Helmut Oberlander’s citizenship revocation.
The embassy added that Canada’s government did not request documents on Oberlander and refrains from commenting on his case despite Moscow’s request for legal assistance.
"Despite indisputable facts of the Nazi criminal's guilt, the proceedings... are clearly dragging out," the Embassy said. "It is obvious that the punisher's influential defenders seek to delay as much as possible the implementation of the Supreme Court of Canada ruling, trying to retain his 'Canadian residence permit' until he passes away."
Diplomats quoted Oberlander’s lawyer who said that the case is "far from over" with the deportation process yet to begin. (more...)
'Influential Defenders' Delay Revoking of Ex-Nazi's Canadian Citizenship, Russian Embassy Says
It's time to look at history in different way! Watch this video and learn about the hidden driving forces behind WWI and WWII. As you will discover, the forces behind these two global wars were precisely the same interest groups that still control our lives today! Even after the end of WWII, their attempt at world conquest didn't finish. Instead, to this very day, they are attempting to control every aspect of our lives, our knowledge and our understanding. Who are they? How we can stop them? If you thought that you were living in a democracy, particularly in Europe, then after watching this video you'll realize that you need to think again! This video will open your eyes to the REAL history of the past century that has deliberately been hidden from you!
IG Farben: Official Records from the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials
I.G. Farben, Nazi Germany & The European Union
To the people and governments of the world...
A pandemic is currently threatening the health and lives of people around the world and ruining the economies of entire nations. The shockwave from this pandemic is only surpassed by the audacity through which potentially life-saving information on the possible containment of the pandemic is being systematically withheld from the people, as well as from many political decision-takers worldwide.
Social life is being disturbed, basic civil rights are being taken away, and economic damage in unprecedented proportions is being accepted, all in the name of curtailing the pandemic. And yet neither the so-called ‘experts’ nor the politicians they advise are providing people with the most basic – and potentially life-saving – health advice: An optimum intake of vitamins and other essential micronutrients is a key measure for anyone to strengthen their immune system. This scientific fact – recognized by nine Nobel Prizes and documented in countless textbooks of biology and biochemistry around the world – is notoriously absent from essentially every public health recommendation.
While the search for an effective and safe vaccine to help control the current pandemic remains important, the deliberate silence over natural ways to strengthen the immune system, which are readily available now, is outright irresponsible. This silence is no coincidence. It happens in the interest of those corporate interests that try to take massive economic advantage from the ongoing crisis, namely the pharmaceutical investment business. (more...)
Let's stop the virus! Let's end the hysteria!
Dr. Matthias Rath:
German Research Scientist, Former Director of the Linus Pauling Institute, Director of the Rath Foundation.
Author of several books in which he denounced the behavior of the pharmaceutical and chemical industry to gain control of the European Union through patents and other practices. He has researched the origins of the founding of the Union of Brussels and in his books presents strong evidence to indicate that the ideologues of the EU were the same Nazi ideologues who devised plans for a Europe post-World War II under the control of the Nazis .
In his book "The Nazi Roots of the Brussels EU" denounced the undemocratic nature of the European Union.
On November 13, 2007, the Polish city of Auschwitz, the location of the former Nazi concentration camp Auschwitz, was the site of a historic event. In this city -- the place where the greatest crimes against humanity in recent history were committed -- there emerged the plan for a new Europe. Taking into account both the role of the Oil and Drug Cartel behind WWII and the crimes committed at Auschwitz, the concentration camp survivors raised their moral voice once again -- for perhaps the final time -- to call for a "Europe for the People, by the People".
The Laws of the Pharmaceutical Industry
A group run by a notorious Canadian neo-Nazi was one of the recipients of the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS), a program meant to provide short-term financial support for companies that have seen a sharp decline in revenue due to the COVID-19 pandemic, VICE World News has learned.
The revelation has prompted anti-hate advocates to urge the federal government to reconsider which companies are eligible to receive federal funding.
The Canadian Association for Free Expression led by Paul Fromm, a self-identified white nationalist and long-time leader of Canada’s far-right movement, received an undisclosed amount through the program, according to an online database of CEWS recipients made public by the Canada Revenue Agency on Monday.
The database does not show how much funding each company received under the $54-billion program, nor when each company received the subsidy. More than 368,000 businesses, charities, and non-profit groups have received federal wage subsidies since it came into effect in April.
A spokesperson for the Canada Revenue Agency did not answer questions from VICE World News about the nature of Fromm’s group citing privacy reasons. (more...)
Group Run By Canadian Neo-Nazi Received Federal COVID Relief Funds
Masonic Minion Paul Fromm's Campus Escapades
ROME — The Vatican and its associated financial entities transferred a total of $1.7 billion (AUS $2.3 billion) to Australia since 2014 apparently without the knowledge of Church leaders in Australia, The Australian newspaper reported on Tuesday.
The transfers increased from $54.1million in 2014 to $103.6 million in 2015 before doubling again to $223 million in 2016 and peaking at $439.3 million in 2017, The Australian disclosed.
The article drew on official documents from Austrac, Australia’s financial crime regulator, that had been shared with the Australian Senate.
The Australian added that more than $319 million was transferred in 2018, $371.7 million in 2019 and $222.7 million this financial year to date. The transfers were made in more than 400,000 transactions.
Despite the enormity of the total amount of the transfers, several senior Church leaders in Australia, speaking on condition of anonymity, told the newspaper they were surprised by the news and were unaware of the fund transfers. (more...)
Report: Australia’s Church Leaders Were Unaware of $1.7 Billion Transferred From Vatican
Constance Cumbey was one of the first to come out on the satanic leanings of the New Age belief systems especially in connection to Alice Bailey.
In the 1980s Canadians were shocked into awareness of the widespread evil of child sexual abuse. Before that era, child sexual abuse was never considered a public health issue; it was thought of by decent people—if thought of at all—as an evil associated with obviously dissolute monsters. Certainly not something any "respectable" citizen would ever do. The sickening truth began to spill out, first in a trickle, then in a torrent we have yet to come fully to terms with.
In Ontario the town name of Cornwall (in particular, but also Prescott and London) became synonymous with an alleged pedophile ring of exactly those "respectable" men considered society's most trustworthy citizens—lawyers, teachers, doctors, police officers and Catholic clergymen—that for decades preyed on young boys to whom they had easy access because of their high-trust positions.
The story began in 1994 with an altar boy's charge that he had been abused by a priest. It broadened into the Ontario Provincial Police-led Project Truth, which in turn raised so many questions that it morphed into the $53 million Cornwall Inquiry. At the time—and perhaps still—this was the largest amount of money Ontario ever assigned to a public inquiry.
The Inquiry involved four years of hearings, 167 witnesses, 3,640 written exhibits, 115 charges laid against 15 men—yet produced only one conviction. (more...)
The Inquiry reveals Cornwall's history of sexual abuse against boys
Containing copies of previously unpublished historical documents sourced from international archives, The Nazi Roots of the ‘Brussels EU’ proves that the key architects of the European Union were recruited from among the same technocrats who had previously designed the plans for a post-WWII Europe under the control of the Nazis and the infamous IG Farben pharmaceutical and chemical cartel.
By revealing how the undemocratic nature of the European Union bears a notable resemblance to the intended postwar plans of the Nazis and IG Farben for a “Total European Economic Area”, the explosive information contained in this book essentially marks the beginning of the end for the so-called “EU Project”.
Mindful that the European Union is already now teetering on the brink of collapse, the authors conclude by showing how the building of a new democratic Europe – designed for the people and by the people – can lead to a world of health, peace, and social justice becoming a reality.
The infiltration that Trad Inc. won't talk about
Rabbi Marvin Antelman (1933-2013) was Chief Justice of the Supreme Rabbinic Court of America, from 1974 till 2004. The audio is part from Rabbi Antelman's interview by Tamar Yonah, for Israel National Radio, June 20, 2006.
The stories of some of the most notorious SS female guards in the concentration camp system and their fates.
Takes a behind-the-scenes look at Yale's mysterious society, the Order of the Skull and Bones, and its prominent members, numbering among them Tafts, Rockefellers, Pillsburys, and Bushes. This book reveals that far from being a campus fraternity, the society is more concerned with the success of its members in the post-collegiate world.
ITV: Thank you, Fr. Murr, for sitting down again with Inside the Vatican. In our previous interview, you spoke of your association with Cardinal Edouard Gagnon and Msgr. Mario Marini. These two men worked closely with the Sostituto of the Secretariat of State, Cardinal Benelli. You yourself, however, did not enjoy the same association with Cardinal Benelli...
I was twenty-four years-old when I met and became friends with the newly appointed minutante in the Vatican Secretariat of State, Monsignor Mario Marini. Soon after, Marini introduced me to another extraordinary man who would play a major role in my life, his good friend, Archbishop Edouard Gagnon (1918–2007). Gagnon and Marini were respected friends and confidants of Archbishop Giovanni Benelli (Sostituto of the Secretary of State); I was not part of that inner circle. I knew Benelli, of course, and spoke with him many times, but I knew my place. Once, on Lago di Bracciano I was at table with him and Monsignors [Guillermo] Zanoni and Marini. I remember talking as little as possible. With Benelli, I knew my place and kept it.
Why did you think of your relationship with Benelli in this way?
To begin with, Giovanni Benelli was Giovanni Benelli! He was one of the most powerful men on earth; brilliant, a strategizer and deal-maker par excellence, the #1 Vatican diplomat, a man on familiar terms with popes and princes, patriarchs and presidents, world leaders of all sorts. I, on the other hand, was a greenhorn American student of philosophy; absolutely no one of consequence. Those special times that I was privileged to be in Benelli’s company were times I knew I was in the presence of greatness.
How did then Archbishop Gagnon become appointed by Pope Paul VI to be the Apostolic Visitator to the Roman Curia?
This was Archbishop Benelli’s call. Paul VI was convinced that “the smoke of Satan” had entered the Church (as he said publicly in June of 1972). In 1975, he called for an investigation of the entire Roman Curia. Benelli assured the pope that he had just the man for the job: Edouard Gagnon. And as soon as Gagnon accepted the awesome responsibility, he “hit the ground running,” as the expression goes. At the pope’s insistence, the in-depth investigation of the Roman Curia—no small assignment, let me assure you—was to be Gagnon’s full-time job, start to finish. (more...)
It might sound implausible—even preposterous—but the world’s foremost public intellectual is a Nazi and an occultist.
The Devil and His Due chronicles how an obscure professor obsessed with the subject of evil rebranded himself as a pop-psych guru and shot to stardom by combatting “Marxist” compelled-speech laws that never existed. It illustrates how Dr. Jordan B. Peterson, father figure to a legion of male followers, is a cult leader who identifies as “the saviour,” feigns Christian beliefs, glorifies Satan, networks with white supremacists, praises serial killers, discusses “the Jewish question,” touts banned substances as “miracle cures,” encourages converts to slaughter goats in backyard sacrifices that ought to be “sufficiently bloody,” and teaches that the alt-right project is “incomplete.”
Peterson has spent 35 years pretending to warn against fascism while gushing about Hitler’s boundless talents and channelling his speech. Undeniably, the lecturer’s 12 Rules for Life and Maps of Meaning have been systematically plagiarized from volumes like Mein Kampf and Hitler’s Second Book. Troy Parfitt has documented over 4,000 examples of Jordan Peterson copying from Adolf Hitler and others, especially Friedrich Nietzsche, Carl Jung, and the necromancer Aleister Crowley, who believed the Führer to be “a prophet” and lobbied to have his satanic religion made the official faith of the Third Reich.
Parfitt exposes Peterson’s hidden identity, academic theft, and latent belief system. He decodes his crypto-fascist messages and tells the mesmerizing, bizarre, and entirely true story of an elaborate prank—a ghastly joke born out of vengeance and psychosis, and perpetrated on millions of unsuspecting people.
The Devil and His Due is a public warning.
Today marks the third anniversary of the unsolved murders of Toronto billionaires Honey and Barry Sherman, who were found dead in the basement of their North York mansion in December 2017.
Late last month, Toronto police confirmed that over the course of the three-year homicide investigation, “numerous persons of interest” have been identified in the murders of the 75-year-old founder of Canadian pharmaceutical company Apotex and his 70-year-old wife, who were among the country’s most well-known philanthropists.
But to date, no arrests have been made and no suspects have been publicly identified.
Some redacted search warrant and production order applications, which were recently released by an Ontario Superior Court judge after the Toronto Star pushed for the court documents to be made public, have provided a glimpse at the early stages of the police investigation.
The documents, which have now been obtained by CTV News, contain initial interviews investigators did with family members, friends, colleagues, and those who worked for the Sherman family.
According to the court documents, which were first reported on by the Star, multiple people arrived at the Shermans’ Old Colony Road home before their bodies were discovered on the morning of Friday, Dec. 15, 2017. (more...)
During World War II, the death camp at Treblinka had an escape, causing the Commandant at a similar camp in Sobibor to vow that his camp would never experience the same thing. But those who were its captives, the Jewish laborers who had been spared from the ovens, knew they were on borrowed time. That their only hope was to escape. The only question - how to do it. This movie is based on a factual account of what happened at Sobibor.
The Port Hope Community Health Concerns Committee (PHCHCC) is an incorporated non-profit organization of current and former residents concerned about health issues relating to the operations and potential health and environmental impacts of two nuclear industries in our community and the presence of radioactive and heavy metal wastes in hundreds of locations within the town for more than 70 years, still awaiting a federal cleanup.
We are submitting this petition because the federal departments who have responsibilities to protect our health and safety have repeatedly failed the community and we are asking for intervention through the Office of the Auditor General of Canada in the hope that it will result in long over due accountability and government actions to benefit the people of Port Hope. …
The elevated disease rates for Port Hope contained in these two high level reports, have been consistently dismissed or ignored by Health Canada and the CNSC from the time the reports were publicly released. In his paper released in Port Hope in November, 2007, Dr. Jack Cornett, Health Canada, said about the findings of these two studies “that the cancer patterns in the Port Hope community were no different from similar communities in Ontario and patterns for Port Hope did not differ from other Ontario communities”.
This is not factually correct. Independent analysis of the two federal reports and the data contained was done in February 2004 by [name and position withheld]. [Name withheld] two reports identify significant elevated disease rates for Port Hope when compared to the Ontario provincial average. These data were contained in tables at the backs of the federal reports and the same data were used in the text of the federal analysis.
[Name withheld] reviewed these reports for the Atomic Energy Control Board (for the 2000 report [name withheld] did so as a peer reviewer under contract with the AECB; for the 2002 report the CNSC declined to provide funding to [name withheld] for peer review so the Committee made independent arrangements)/Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and our Committee, said, among other important comments, that “the patterns of several cancer rates…are consistent with environmental contamination” and “…along with the brain cancer, colon cancer and some of the rare cancer results, the available evidence points to there being problems in Port Hope; the elevated cardiovascular death rate overall, and the dramatic increase in the death rate from 1986-1996 for women was a surprise finding that merited followup”. (more...)
Nuclear-Related Environmental Health Concerns in Port Hope, Ontario
The Face of Feminism in the Prism of the War in Ukraine
Sunday, February 23, 2025
OPINION | WOMEN’S ISSUES | LGBTQ RIGHTS | UKRAINE | LITHUANIA ◊ by Vilma Fiokla Kiurė ◊ ◊ When discussing feminism in Lithuania, I like to talk about women “volunteers” in part because I am one of them. “Volunteers” are people who give of their [&#... .. read more..
The Defending History Community’s Statement on Putin’s Barbaric War on Ukrain...
Sunday, February 23, 2025
[REAFFIRMATION ON THIRD ANNIVERSARY OF THE WAR’S LAUNCH] — STATEMENT ORIGINALLY ISSUED ON 25 FEB. 2022] ◊ Renewing our call of 25 Feb. 2022: The Defending History community joins in calling for immediate restoration of peace and security for all […] .. read more..
Ukraine Needs the Vilnius Red-Brown Commission’s ‘Help’ Like a Hole in the Head
Thursday, June 27, 2024
OPINION | RED-BROWN COMMISSION: PAGE AND SECTION ◊ by Dovid Katz The sacred cause of democratic Ukraine’s success and brutal dictator Putin’s failure must not be comprised by attempted hijacks by far-right Holocaust revisionists who have worked for decades to rewrite the history […] .. read more..
Renewed Debate in Canada over Statues and Memorials for Ukrainian Holocaust Collaborators
Freddy Gray, online editor of the British conservative magazine The Spectator, tweeted a dismissal of concerns surrounding a writer who defended pedophilia.
"I never found out because the one thing stopping me from being a teacher was that I could not remotely conceive of not trying to shag the kids," wrote The Spectator contributor Rod Liddle in the 2012 article. "It seemed to me virtually impossible not to, and I was convinced that I’d be right in there, on day one. We’re talking secondary school level here, by the way."
"At my old comprehensive school a few teachers were known to be schtupping the pupils; one of them, a female teacher who was extremely foxy in a Pot Noodle scuzzy kind of way — she copped off with some fifth-form lad, and another teacher (a man with a guitar and a faux rebellious attitude) gained the affections of an extremely attractive fourth-form girl," Liddle wrote.
Liddle noted that pupils at the school "didn’t remotely mind" and that the child predators at his school were "popular."
"I knew, when I was considering my career options, that this sort of behaviour was definitely frowned upon by the authorities and that I would not last the week in my new job," he said justifying his decision not to become a teacher. (more...)
The Spectator editor mocks criticism of pro-pedophilia article published by his magazine
One of the more interesting arguments presented by some of the supporters of Keith Alan Raniere is that, if the genders had been reversed, if the leader was a woman and men were branded slaves, this would not have been a criminal case.
Even if the men had been branded on their groins and gave collateral, the supporters of Raniere say, no one would take it seriously.
Even if men started crying, saying they are victims, people would say, ‘After all, you are grown adults. Be responsible for your own actions.’
The supporters of Raniere even simulate a discussion of what the prosecutor would say to a branded male who cried he is a victim:
Prosecutor: “So the Mistress lied to you and did not tell you the brand on your cock is her initials and not the symbol of the four elements. So what? You were the fool that lied down naked and let someone brand you.”
Slave: “But I was ordered to seduce the Mistress when I was not attracted to her and I had to do it because she had collateral on me.”
Prosecutor: “Too bad, dude. You put yourself in that position.” (more...)
DOJ’s Press Release on Keith Raniere’s 120 Years Prison Sentence
On Monday December 7th, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau presented a Christmas gift to the country with a major announcement. Canada had secured an agreement to receive 249,000 doses of the COVID vaccine produced by the Pharmaceutical firm Pfizer.
The shipment of the first round batch is already on its way. Canadians should begin inoculation as early as December 14. With many cities struggling after three quarters of a year of devastation wrought by the pandemic, many Canadians are looking at the prospect of the chosen few receiving the magical elixir in their arms as a signal that there will be some relief in the year ahead.
Health authorities are concerned as they see a vaccine as the last, best hope for ending the threat of the virus. The Canadian government is concerned because, among other reasons, they have invested over $1 billion dollars toward “ the biggest immunization in the history of the country.”
Yet, there is some hesitancy about the solution. A recent poll put out by Radio-Canada and Ipsos found that while 63 per cent of the population intend to get the vaccine, 16 per cent said they definitely would not and 21 per cent, more than one in five, were unsure.
One volunteer body, Vaccine Choice Canada, formed in response to growing parental concerns surrounding the safety of vaccine programs and acting as a “watchdog” society over government and health officials breaching informed consent. Their website lists several points on its website questioning the companies’ pledges for safety and efficacy.
They are currently challenging the Governments of Canada and Ontario, the Municipality of Toronto, several public health officials, and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation on the grounds that the measures introduced in response to the COVID situation are violating several rights of Canadians. (more...)
Is your school connected to the cartel?
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Dominus illuminatio mea |
In 1260 a dispute between John de Balliol and the Bishop of Durham erupted into violence and Henry III condemned Balliol’s behaviour. The Bishop had Balliol whipped, and imposed a penance on him of a substantial act of charity. This he did, by renting a property and creating a house of scholars, which was soon known by his name.
Rosa Koire, ASA, is the executive director of the Post Sustainability Institute. She is a forensic commercial real estate appraiser specializing in eminent domain valuation. Her nearly 30 years of experience analyzing land use and property value enabled her to recognize the planning revolution sweeping the country. While fighting to stop a huge redevelopment project in her city she researched the corporate, political, and financial interests behind it and found UN Agenda 21. Impacting every aspect of our lives, UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development is a corporate manipulation using the Green Mask of environmental concern to forward a globalist plan.
According to Dr. Jordan B. Peterson, Adolf Hitler has been much maligned by historians and other radical leftists. What the doctor's followers must realize is that Hitler was a genius and a fire worshipper who was good at nearly everything. The Fuhrer was a master of order and perfection, hence why he's so attractive to Peterson and his arthropod acolytes.
United in... what???
In the days after they were found dead, Barry and Honey Sherman’s son Jonathon told police there were people who had a reason to “hurt” his parents, according to newly released police documents.
“Jonathon says that his parents were complicated people and that there are people out there who would have a grudge against them and would have a reason to hurt them,” according to police notes of a statement Jonathon Sherman gave to police on Dec. 23, 2017, the week after the Sherman bodies were discovered.
In this first of two statements Jonathon gave to police over a two-day period, he describes his father as “complicated, brilliant, lacking in emotional and social intelligence, unfiltered but genuine.” Jonathon describes his mother as “smart, abrasive, high energy, in your face and blunt, but not in an evil way.”
Who he suggests might have had reason to kill his parents remains under seal. His three siblings (and Sherman friends who are interviewed) also suggest “persons of interest” who might be responsible for the murders in their statements to police and the identity of those people also remains under seal.
Jonathon’s statement is part of a series of police interviews released Thursday by Justice Leslie Pringle of the Ontario Court of Justice as part of the Star’s ongoing attempt to bring scrutiny to the now three-year-old homicide investigation, which began as a murder-suicide probe. (more...)
He wasn’t invited, but the Mayor of Oka showed up to a peaceful protest held by Kanesatake residents on Thursday to mark the International Day of Human Rights.
They gathered at the Oka golf course, where a proposed expansion project served as the catalyst for the so-called 1990 “Oka crisis.”
“I don’t need an invitation, the golf course belongs to the municipality of Oka,” Pascal Quevillion told APTN News.
The Mohawks say the neighbouring municipality has ignored their fundamental rights for hundreds of years – but Quevillion, in turn, says their cause is rooted in “fake news.”
“I’m here today to establish facts – to establish peace. Because what Ms. Gabriel (Ellen Gabriel) is doing is stirring the pot between our communities,” Quevillion explained. “What she’s saying is false.”
The municipality, however, is petitioning to have the Pines – an ancestral forest on Kanesatake lands – designated a Quebec heritage site.
Despite Quevillion’s insistence that Oka is merely trying to “save the trees,” a legal analysis completed on behalf of the Mohawk Council of Kanesatake revealed a possible hidden agenda.
According to the analysis, this heritage designation would give Oka the right to control and/or veto any projects or initiatives that involve the Pines, including developer Gregoire Gollin’s offer to donate a portion of the forest back to Kanesatake Mohawks through the federal government’s “ecological gift” program.
Those at the heart of the cause insist land theft – and blatant human rights abuses – are still occurring on Quevillion’s watch. (more...)
‘We’re not tolerating this’: Kanesatake pushes back against any development on unceded land
Most American leaders throughout the cold war could only see the danger of international communism.
One exception may have been President John F. Kennedy, who warned of the dangers of unnecessary secrecy and secret societies such as Skull and Bones, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Bilderberg Group.
“The very word ‘secrecy’ is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths, and to secret proceedings,” Kennedy said in a 1961 address to the American Newspaper Publishers Association.
Kennedy was the first American president born in the twentieth century and was one of the best-educated, having graduated from Harvard cum laude.
The book that first made him a public figure was the best- seller Why England Slept, a treatise on prewar British-German diplomacy. This work showed clearly that Kennedy had a keen understanding not only of geopolitics but of the behind-the-scenes machinations of the globalists.
Interestingly enough, his political career may have come about because of his relationship with an alleged Nazi spy. Early in World War II, the FBI suspected Inga Arvad - a former Miss Denmark, who had attended the wedding of Germany’s Field Marshal Hermann Goering and met with Adolf Hitler - of being a Nazi spy.
After eavesdropping on her, agents determined that one of her visitors was Naval Ensign John F. Kennedy, then working for Naval Intelligence in Washington. After both the navy and his father had been alerted to the danger presented by Kennedy’s involvement with a suspected agent, young Kennedy was quickly transferred to the South Pacific. It was there that he led the survivors of PT-109 to safety, thus becoming a war hero and launching his political career toward the presidency—all thanks to the diligent J. Edgar Hoover.
IN 1960, RICHARD Nixon was expected to be the next president of the United States. Corporate America’s hopes were crushed when John F. Kennedy managed to win the closest election to that time.
Corporate heads and their Nazi backers must have been mollified to know that Kennedy was being guided by his father, Joseph P. Kennedy, a pro-Nazi sympathizer. But in December 1961, Joseph Kennedy suffered a stroke that left him totally incapacitated. His son now held the nation’s highest office with no real control over him.
By mid-1963, Kennedy was beginning to exert his autonomous influence over the most powerful - and violent - groups in U.S. society.
He was threatening to,
In June 1963, Kennedy actually ordered the printing and release of $4.2 billion in United States Notes, paper money issued through the Treasury Department without paying interest to the Federal Reserve System, which is composed of twelve regional banks all controlled by private banks whose owners often are non- Americans.
Obviously, persons affected by these moves felt that something had to be done.
Today, most people agree that the assassination of President Kennedy was the result of a conspiracy, the full details of which are still not known due to a cover-up at the highest levels of the federal government.
It is fascinating to note that the connections between Kennedy’s death and Nazi- connected persons, groups, and firms are many and well documented. The CIA, which had passed hundreds of millions of dollars to the Nazi Gehlen Organization, has long been fingered as a major player in the assassination. (more...)
Nasa, Nazis & JFK: The Torbitt Document & the Kennedy Assassination
On the face of it, an alliance between Turkey and Ukraine seems like a rather odd creation, yet one that may surprisingly durable simply because neither country has anywhere else to turn. What practically dooms them to a partnership if not an outright alliance is their unenviable geographic and geopolitical position of occupying the strange “no man’s land” between Russia, NATO, and the Middle East. It is, of course, largely a predicament of their own making. Ukraine, with considerable Western backing and encouragement but nevertheless mostly through efforts of a faction of its own oligarchy, opted out of the Russia-centered network of loose alliances, trade partnerships, and other forms of cooperation that were mutually beneficial to the two in the previous two decades. But that defection was not rewarded by the West in a way the likes of Poroshenko, Yatsenyuk, Avakov, Parubiy, and other architects of the Maidan coup expected. Merely being stridently anti-Russian did not prove enough to warrant a shower of US and European cash, only onerous IMF loans which moreover come with conditions Kiev elites are in no hurry to abide by. EU foreign policy chief Josef Borrel lecturing Kiev that the European Union is not an “ATM machine” delivered that point loud and clear: Kiev is supposed to privatize whatever crown jewels its economy still has (at this point, mainly agricultural land), fight corruption of its own elites and facilitate the corruption of Western elites. Joseph Robinette Biden Junior is hardly the only Western politician with a talentless son in need of a lucrative sinecure. There are entire Western companies eager to participate in the thinly disguised plunder that the privatization of Ukraine’s economy will inevitably turn into. (more...)
Chicken Kiev Meets Cold Turkey: Black Sea Axis Emerges
Birds of a feather
This video is merely a compilation of doctors, scientists and activist who are offering their opinions. IN NO WAY do the views of any individual contributor to this video represent the views of anyone else shown. To confirm, this video contains a wide variety of views, all of which are exclusive to the individual expressing them.
With the rollout of the you-know-what just around the corner, we ask a worldwide panel of experts the question on everybody's minds #asktheexperts
Hear from (Ret) O.P.P. Officer Vincent Gircys tonight on what it say's to the public, when those who are sworn to "protect and serve" are being called out by their own ranks for their participation within this Canadian Crisis? Is it time to demand our officials to give the #StandDown orders?
This is some of what we will dive into with (Ret) O.P.P. Officer Vincent Girscys. After first being noticed and going viral for speaking up at Adamson BBQ, he has been getting a lot of notice.
Why, because he is daring to speak the things we all wish we would be hearing, the things we should be hearing from enforcement officers Canada wide.
Join us for a chat tonight at 8pm Eastern and we will discuss his thoughts, reactions, views and expectations moving forward. If we are lucky we can get a few of the finer points of advice from him on how to proceed as civilians in coming days of turmoil.