Saturday, November 30, 2013

'Operate on this mother so that we can take her baby’

Last summer a pregnant Italian mother flew to England for a two-week Ryanair training course at Stansted. Staying at an airport hotel, she had something of a panic attack when she couldn’t find the passports for her two daughters, who were with her mother back in Italy. She called the police, who arrived at her room when she was on the phone to her mother. The police asked to speak to the grandmother, who explained that her daughter was probably over-excited because she suffered from a “bipolar” condition and hadn’t been taking her medication to calm her down.

The police told the mother that they were taking her to hospital to “make sure that the baby was OK”. On arrival, she was startled to see that it was a psychiatric hospital, and said she wanted to go back to her hotel. She was restrained by orderlies, sectioned under the Mental Health Act and told that she must stay in the hospital.

By now Essex social services were involved, and five weeks later she was told she could not have breakfast that day. When no explanation was forthcoming, she volubly protested. She was strapped down and forcibly sedated, and when she woke up hours later, found she was in a different hospital and that her baby had been removed by caesarean section while she was unconscious and taken into care by social workers. She was not allowed to see her baby daughter, and later learnt that a High Court judge, Mr Justice Mostyn, had given the social workers permission to arrange for the child to be delivered. In October, at a hearing before another judge, she was represented by lawyers assigned to her by the local authority and told she would be escorted back to Italy without her baby.  (more...)

Police watchdog to investigate SECOND force over handling of complaints against paedophile rock star Ian Watkins

The IPCC is investigating South Yorkshire
Police over the handling of a complaint made
against paedophile singer Ian Watkins
The police watchdog is investigating a second force over the handling of complaints made against paedophile rock star Ian Watkins.

Watkins, the lead singer of the Welsh group the Lostprophets, is due to be sentenced next month after he admitted to a string of horrific child sex offences including attempting to rape a fan's 11-month-old baby boy.

The Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) is already investigating claims that South Wales Police failed to act quickly enough having allegedly been told Watkins was planning to abuse children as early as 2008.

They have now launched a second investigation over the handling of a complaint made against Watkins to South Yorkshire Police in 2012.

An IPCC spokesman said: '‬The Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) is independently investigating South Yorkshire Police’s handling of information concerning allegations against Ian Watkins made in 2012.

'This follows a referral from South Yorkshire Police in September.'  (more...)

Ex-teacher who admitted child luring wants his case thrown out

Leon Beaulieu, 60
OTTAWA  - A former teacher who faces charges of child luring asked for his case to be thrown out even though he has pleaded guilty.

"I am calling for prosecutorial misconduct," Leon Beaulieu, 60, told Judge Jacqueline Loignon.

"I ask for the case to be thrown out and for an acquittal."

But Beaulieu had admitted his guilt in an earlier plea.

Police said he sent a photo of his private parts to someone he thought was a 14-year-old boy, along with raunchy messages.

He was arrested when he went to meet the boy, who turned out to be a cop.

"The police put me up to it," he said. "And I bit."  (more...)

Related stories:

Ontario’s $1.5-billion kindergarten hoax

Back in September, when school opened, Ontario’s Liberal government made headlines with a good-news story. Its costly venture into full-day kindergarten was a complete success – the research said so! Kids with two years of full-day kindergarten showed measurably more cognitive and social progress than kids without it. Education Minister Liz Sandals called the results “nothing short of incredible.” Charles Pascal, a leading advocate of full-day kindergarten, said the study proved it’s a “life-changer.”

Unfortunately, the full research report was not yet available. Something about the i’s being dotted and t’s being crossed.

Now it is available. But you haven’t heard about it, because the results are terrible.

To be sure, there are shreds of good news. Some kids from “high-needs schools” (i.e., lower-income children) did better in a few areas. But kids from “low-needs schools” (i.e., more affluent ones) often did worse. In fact, “on several measures,” the non-full-day kindergarten programs “were associated with more positive outcomes.” Special-education kids also did better in non-full-day-kindergarten programs. For most children, it made no difference one way or another.

Oops.  (more...)

OCDSB Rainbow Youth Forum Featured "Leatherdyke" Who Writes Lesbian Porn

Remember the TDSB's Unity Conference?  It featured a trans feminist activist; groups giving tips on how to be a trans/genderqueer prostitute; senior groups promoting queer intergenerational projects; and a workshop presenter who is pursuing a PhD at York U (focusing on leatherdyke history), teaches about queer sexuality, BDSM, and polyamory, and who recommends "erotic choking".

It seems that the Ottawa version of this is the Ottawa-Carleton DSB's Rainbow Youth Forum, which as usual featured some, shall we say, questionable characters.  (more...)

Friday, November 29, 2013

The homosexual activist tyranny is growing and it is a real tyranny

The homosexual activist tyranny is growing and it is a very real tyranny. We need to ask how can this have come so far in so few years?

Todays report, Christian B&B owners lose Supreme Court appeal: forced to sell business after gay couple complain, is not only yet another heart-breaker for that good couple who have endured much unjust persecution. It is also verification that anyone who holds to Natural Law principles, whether they be Christian or otherwise, is now subject to judicial, political and social tyranny that will only become worse in the months and years ahead - in many nations.

Why will it get worse? Because those who should be loudly speaking up and acting in defence of this couple and others similarly tyrannized, have miserably failed them and allowed, no, encouraged this tyranny to grow by their silence.  (more...)

White House caught red-handed abetting homosexual child abuse, and nobody says anything!

The ligbitists' grip on  people in power is so completely grotesque, as we have been documenting here on English Manif, and yet, people remain enthralled with the pro-gay victim narrative, anesthetized to the deep damage done to our social structure by the destructive -- and I do mean destructive -- tendencies of ligbitist ideology.

I wonder, at times, what it will take to wake people up. We saw the terrible cases of Frank Lombard, Mark Newton, and Walter Williams (at USC) -- gay men who hid behind gay liberation ideology while they molested and prostituted boys, or in the case of Kevin Jennings, assisted in other homosexual men's aims to do the same. Of course, not all gay men are abusers. But the policies being pushed by the ligbitist lobby -- "equal rights" to adopt and foster boys, protection from any investigative inquiry that might demean their sexuality, access to school curriculum through state-mandated subject matter changes and "It Gets Better" and the formation of gay-straight alliances -- give abusers cover and hamstring society's ability to protect children from an already existing homosexual molestation subculture.  (more...)


Police force investigating new leads about paedophile Lostprophets singer Ian Watkins

Police are pursuing new leads in the Ian Watkins child sex abuse case after receiving a number of calls following an appeal for unknown victims to come forward.

Paedophile rock singer Watkins admitted two counts of attempted rape on the baby of a female fan, on the eve of a contested trial this week.

The former Lostprophets frontman's admissions included conspiracy to rape a baby.
The 36-year-old, from Pontypridd, South Wales, plotted the shocking abuse with the two mothers of the babies in a series of text and internet messages.

Senior South Wales police vowed to carry on investigating Watkins after his admissions at Cardiff Crown Court on Tuesday.

Detective chief inspector Peter Doyle said the force would 'work tirelessly to identify any other victims or witnesses and seek the justice they deserve'.

He also appealed for anyone who has been 'affected' by the Watkins child sex abuse case to make contact.

A spokesman for the force said today that it had 'received a number of calls as a result of the telephone numbers we published in the appeal'.  (more...)

New Jimmy Savile sex abuse claims reported every week

Jimmy Savile after he received
his knighthood in 1996
New sex abuse claims against Jimmy Savile are being made weekly, it emerged today as the number of hospitals under investigation over the scandal more than doubled to 32.

Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt said an extra 19 hospitals had been caught up in the scandal, in addition to 13 already subject to an urgent inquiry.

It suggests the disgraced former BBC presenter’s abuse of children on NHS premises may have been more regular and more serious than those offences committed at the Corporation.

Investigations were first launched into Savile's activities at Broadmoor, Stoke Mandeville and Leeds General Infirmary when details of his years of abuse emerged last year. It was then widened to include 10 hopsitals across the country.

But in a written statement today, Mr Hunt said that Scotland Yard inquiries had unearthed more claims of abuse at another 19 hospitals. They include Newcastle, Manchester, Leeds, London and Whitby.  (more...)

Police worker arrested on suspicion of killing and EATING a man he met on 'exotic meat’ website

Police search around the property in eastern Germany
and are investigating if any body parts were eaten
A German police worker has been charged with murdering and chopping up a man he met on a cannibal website who had long fantasised about being killed and eaten.

The suspect, known only as Detlev G, is said to have been 'obsessed' with cannibalism and met the 59-year-old man from Hanover on the fetishist website.

Police say the victim was tortured, killed and dismembered and body parts were found buried in the garden of Detlev's home in the eastern Ore Mountains, near Dresden.

The handwriting and document analysis specialist was arrested on Wednesday at his workplace, the Criminal Technical Institute in the eastern city of Dresden, authorities said.

He told investigators that he fatally stabbed the victim in the throat on November 4, hours after the two met in person for the first time.

The 55-year-old said he then chopped up the body into multiple pieces.  (more...)

League applies to intervene in Loyola appeal

Catholic Civil Rights League
TORONTO, ON November 29, 2013 – The League has filed an application to intervene in the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) appeal of Montreal’s Loyola High School, which is seeking to modify Quebec’s Ethics and Religious Culture (ECR) course to teach it from a Catholic standpoint.

The League, in a joint application with the Association of Catholic Parents of Quebec, Faith and Freedom Alliance and The Association of Coptic Christians of Montreal, emphasized the religious freedom aspects of the case, and the role of the state in encouraging religious freedom, in its application. “If granted leave to intervene in this appeal, the Moving Parties intend to focus their submissions, on some or all, of the issues concerning corporate or collective freedom of religion, multiculturalism and, parental rights under the Charter, as well as parental rights under Québec civil law,” the memorandum of argument states.  (more...)

On a Papal Commission of Inquiry into Homosexuality, Pederasty and La Lobby Gay in The Catholic Church

Randy Engel
9 November 2013

His Holiness, Pope Francis
Apostolic Palace
00120 Vatican City State

Your Holiness,

It's difficult to know how or where to begin this Open Letter on the necessity of establishing a Papal Commission of Inquiry into Homosexuality, Pederasty, and the "Gay Lobby" in the Catholic Church. But since I must begin somewhere let me start with Question 21 posed to you by Brazilian journalist, Ilze Scamparini, during your first press conference of July 28, 2013 aboard the papal aircraft on route to Rome from World Youth Day in Rio, (more...)

A Walk on the Little Way - Fr. Bill Trusz interviews Alan and Theresa Yoshioka

Canadian Student Union Bosses and their Radical Friends

This past May, Marxist and anarchist organizations across Ontario converged at the annual May Day rally in Toronto to beat drums, wave flags, and scream into megaphones about the evils of capitalism. One group in attendance was the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP), a violent left-wing extremist organization whose leaders have been arrested for breaking the law at various protests. OCAP is most well-known for its vicious clash with police outside Queen's Park in 2000, when chunks of concrete and Molotov cocktails were thrown at officers. Another group at the rally was No One is Illegal (NOII), arguably the most extreme fringe group in Canada. NOII wants to abolish immigration laws in the belief that anyone who finds a way onto Canadian soil – whether legally or illegally – should be provided with full taxpayer-funded benefits. Even though NOII promotes an open border, the organization also believes that people in Canada today are settlers living on land stolen from the First Nations – which is why many of their members refer to our country as "Turtle Island" and refuse to recognize Canada as a legitimate country. Also at the rally was Basics Community News Service, a Communist media outlet present for the purpose of "building solidarity to resist capitalism." Other groups in attendance included the International Socialists, the Communist Party of Canada, the Worker-Communist Party of Iran – Hekmatist, and the Iranian People's Fadaee Guerrilla (which describes itself as a Marxist-Leninist organization).  (more...)

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Gender Neutral Washrooms In Ottawa Schools

The gender-neutral washroom epidemic spreads from Toronto where students can use whichever washroom they want, and where students sing the gender-neutral washroom song, to Ottawa.  As it turns out, the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board's "Rainbow Youth Forum" features gender-neutral washrooms.  (more...)

Ontario Teachers' Union Bosses as Political Ideologues

More from Socialist Studies:

Ontario College of Teachers Hearings - December 2013

  • A Discipline Committee panel found Peel DSB teacher Yasin Mohamud Ajab guilty of professional misconduct for abusing his students, failing to observe certain bylaws and contravening the boundaries between students and teachers.
  • A Discipline Committee panel revoked the certificate of former DSB of Niagara teacher Christopher Andrew Forrest for sexual exploitation of a student.
  • A Discipline Committee panel reprimanded former Greater Essex County DSB teacher Reid David MacIntosh Innes for stealing $33 from a locked drawer in the school office.
  • A discipline Committee panel revoked the Certificate of Qualification and Registration of William Hodgson Marshall after hearing allegations of professional misconduct related to criminal convictions for one count of sexual assault and 16 counts of indecent assault of minors from 1952 to 1986. (more here)
  • A Discipline Committee panel revoked the Certificate of Qualification and Registration of Stephen Alexander Martin after hearing allegations of professional misconduct related to criminal convictions for luring a child via computer for sexual exploitation and making child pornography between June 2009 and April 2011. (more here)
  • A Discipline Committee panel reprimanded Rainbow DSB elementary teacher Gilles Michaud for physically and verbally abusing five of his students between 2003 and 2009.
  • A Discipline Committee panel reprimanded John Daniel Montpellier for physically abusing a student while employed as a probationary teacher at the Sudbury Catholic DSB and ordered him to take a classroom management course before working as a teacher again.
  • A Discipline Committee panel ordered that the certificate of Toronto private school teacher Jask Ramburn be revoked in connection with a criminal conviction for assault of an 8-year-old girl.
  • A Discipline Committee panel reprimanded Peel DSB teacher Andrew James Ritchie for harassing a colleague and failing to maintain the standards of the profession.
Details can be found here:

Whom are Ontario politicians more interested in helping - disadvantaged kids or themselves?

Everybody wants to help disadvantaged kids do better in school, and so lots of jurisdictions have tried all kinds of early childhood intervention programs. After all, it looks as if the parents of these kids aren't doing a very good job and it feels intuitively right that well-educated and well-meaning outsiders can help disadvantaged kids overcome their bad start in life.

But facts are stubborn things, and here is a rundown of the track record of early childhood intervention programs to date - including a newly-released study from Tennessee.

The lack of success of most of these other early childhood intervention programs did not bode well for Ontario's universal full-day kindergarten program, and so it came as a surprise to those in the know when the Ontario Minister of Education reported stellar success last September.  (more...)

Questioning foster care 'should not be allowed,' says association head

The head of the Alberta Foster Parent Association says media questioning of foster care should not be allowed.

The comment followed a damning media investigation that found the number of children who have died in government care is nearly triple the official numbers.

In a news conference Wednesday in Edmonton, the Alberta government spoke out in support of the foster care system. A joint Edmonton Journal/Calgary Herald investigation released Monday concluded a total of 145 children died in government care since 1999 but the province only reported 56 of those deaths.

Speaking as part of a panel of foster care supporters, Katherine Jones said media reports questioning foster care "should not be allowed."  (more...)

Barbara Hewson on child sex abuse victims

And she also calls for the age of consent to be reduced to 13.

Planned Parenthood Wants Preschoolers to Know Mechanics of Sex

Air: The Laura Ingraham Show - Nov. 12, 2013

Laura Ingraham discusses STOPP's article describing Planned Parenthood's plan to teach preschoolers the mechanics of sexual intercourse. 

Read the original article here:

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Boston College’s Religious Education Department Chair Calls Priestly Celibacy ‘Hazardous’

Thomas Groome, a laicized priest and department chair of religious education and pastoral ministry at Boston College, made statements last week when appearing on National Public Radio denigrating the celibacy requirement for Roman Catholic priests, calling it “hazardous” and “destructive.”

Groome said that when he was ordained in the late 1960’s, he expected that the Church would be making significant changes to the rules governing celibacy in the priesthood, but this did not happen.  He later left the priesthood so he could get married.

"It probably was becoming destructive of me. And I think that's one of the dangers of obligatory celibacy, that it can lead to self-destructive and outer-destructive behavior,” Groome said in the interview. “It's a hazardous lifestyle."  (more...)


A California professor at a public university is defending his decision to assign a book titled “The Baby Jesus Butt Plug” to his literature class last week.

Professor Jordan Smith at California State University, Long Beach confirmed to TheBlaze in an email that he assigned the 104-page book to his Comic Spirit class after a student suggested they read it.

“I assigned a reader of Bizarro Fiction, a new genre of surreal gross-out literature in the United States–I didn’t assign this story in the usual top-down manner of university classes: this was a democratic choice,” he said, adding that the “students selected it in a class vote.”

According to online bookseller Amazon, the book asks readers to “step into a dark and absurd world.”

  (more, sadly...)

State Sponsored Child Pornography in Switzerland

(Bern) In Switzerland, the pedophile is allowed in the schools. At least indirectly in this case. The Swiss compulsory school sex education should serve  "enlightenment", but the negative consequences of this forced and early sexualization of children are known. Now the sex box comes in the Swiss classroom. This is not a slippery gift from a sex shop, but an "educational" tool for kindergarten teachers to forcibly perform "sex education" on pre-school age to young children.

The Sex Box is currently being used on a trial basis in some cantons. What  currently only applies to the Canton of Basel-City and some municipalities in the cantons of Appenzell and St. Gallen, are to be used in the whole of Switzerland by 2014. The sexualization initiative comes from the Federal Office of Public Health (BAG) of the Swiss Federal Department of Home Affairs in co-operation with the Ministry of Education (Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research).  (more...)

"Homosexual Marriage": How Catholics lost or may lose this battle, in ten steps

In Italy, the change of the Catholic "mood" indicates that the redefinition of marriage to include counternatural unions may be a matter of time - it was exactly in such a climate that abortion was approved in the country under a DC (Democrazia Cristiana) prime-minister who was a "daily mass-goer" (!) and as close as possible to Paul VI. Montinian Church, Montinian consequences. It would hardly have happened so after one single decade of Wojtyla, but then it was too late.

Anyway, in this fine article published in October, Mario Palmaro explains how Catholics in Italy may lose this battle (as Catholics in many other places have already lost it) if they follow the ten steps to the "homosexual marriage" precipice.  (more...)

From Chanel to Burberry, fashion is becoming a branch of the porn industry

American photographer Terry Richardson, here pictured with Canadian
model Jessica Stam, is at the centre of this pornification of the fashion world
The models pose open mouthed, their eyes half-closed as if in a state of arousal. Sometimes they lie on their backs, their legs splayed.

These adverts inevitably feature acres of exposed flesh. Not the pore-speckled, downy skin we all possess, but the hyper-airbrushed, blemish and hair-free variety - the kind that resembles the gleaming bodywork of a sleek sports car, the stuff of male fantasies.

This is standard fare from fashion advertising campaigns across the land, high-end and High Street.

As a style commentator of more than 30 years and a mother of two daughters, aged 21 and 14, I have to ask: since when did adverts for women's clothes go from being fun, frothy and often empowering to little more than pornography targeted at boys and men rather than the females who buy the products?

What message is this conveying to the generation of young girls who have grown up surrounded by such imagery? My fear is that the more we are exposed to it, the more normal it seems.

Take a recent Chanel perfume advert featuring Keira Knightley. She lies on her back wearing a trench coat and holds the perfume bottle to her famous pout, lips suggestively ajar as if she is about to lick it. In other shots she appears as if in a state of post-coital bliss. Why is this necessary?

Then there is Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, knickerless in her trench coat for a recent Burberry advert.

This isn't selling fashion. This is selling nothing except sex, and it is being sold to girls when they are at their most impressionable by an industry whose influence is titanic and goes practically unchecked.  (more...)

Full-day kindergarten in Ontario: Reading the fine print

On the first day of school this year, the media was abuzz with the success of full-day kindergarten in Ontario. The Education Minister did a press conference reporting that the research was in and it was “nothing short of incredible.” Daycare advocate Margaret Norrie McCain claimed the results were “like winning Olympic gold” and advisor to then Premier McGuinty, Charles Pascal, said he was doing cartwheels, so great was his joy.

Yet the research was not actually in. The studies were only made available later in October.

As a result of this red flag, the Institute of Marriage and Family Canada decided to save the calisthenics for later. We asked why this research should be so drastically different from prior research done on the same topic.

As it turns out, having now read the research, it is not different. It shows lacklustre results for Ontario’s children.  (more...)

Further analysis:


Former NHL player Theo Fleury reacts to Justin Trudeau's comments on mandatory minimums for child molesters.

Pope Francis Makes First Major Statements on Catholic Education

Calling for schools and universities committed to catechesis and evangelization, Pope Francis makes his first significant statements as Pope regarding Catholic education in Evangelii Gaudium, his apostolic exhortation released Sunday.

With significance for the work of The Cardinal Newman Society to promote and defend faithful Catholic schools and colleges, Pope Francis identifies education as a solution to secularization  (more...)

McGill alumnus ceases giving due to his alma mater’s ‘D’ in Campus Freedom Index

While taxpayer funding remains the primary source of revenue for Canadian public universities, these institutions also depend on the contributions of thousands of individual alumni and donors. Colin Campbell is one such donor.  He gave to his alma mater, McGill University, for 35 years, until he discovered JCCF’s Campus Freedom Index.  The report measures and grades universities on their support (or lack thereof) for free expression on campus.

McGill University earned a dismal ‘D’ average in the Campus Freedom Index.  McGill allows student speech to be shut down if it “affects the dignity, psychological or physical integrity of a Member of the University Community,” or creates a “harmful environment”.  (more...)

Divorce Corp. Film

Divorce Corp is an explosive new documentary that exposes the appalling waste, and shameless collusive practices within the U.S. family law industry. More money and more people flow through the family courts than any other court system in America combined - now grossing over $50 billion a year.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Beyond the Talk 01: Linda Gibbons, Pt. 1

Beyond the Talk 01: Linda Gibbons, Pt. 1 from RoadKill Radio on Vimeo.
Watch this important "Beyond the Talk" exclusive interview with Linda Gibbons, Canada’s Political Prisoner. Why does Canada punish those who speak on behalf of the babies that are moments away from being brutally murdered? Kari Simpson examines what motivates Linda to willingly spend years of her life in jail and now to add her voice to help Mary Wagner, another woman, imprisoned for simply speaking love and truth to those who seek to abort their babies.

This is Canada’s shame, and you should know about it. Watch this, the first of a two-part interview, and then ask yourself, "Do we really live in a free society?"

'A determined and committed paedophile': Lostprophets singer Ian Watkins pleads GUILTY to attempted rape of a fan's baby

Lostprophets singer Ian Watkins faces jail today after
he admitted a series of sexual offences against babies
Rock singer Ian Watkins was today described as a 'determined and committed paedophile' after he admitted attempting to rape a fan's 11-month-old baby son along with 10 other child sex offences.

Watkins, 36, former lead singer of the Lostprophets, changed his plea at the start of his trial this afternoon, but claimed he could not remember the 'depraved' abuse because he was high on crystal meth.

The singer - a former boyfriend of BBC radio and television presenter Fearne Cotton - pleaded guilty to sex offences involving the babies of two women fans, who helped with the abuse.

He pleaded guilty to attempting to rape the 11-month-old baby of a fan 'Woman A' and conspiring to rape the baby daughter of another fan 'Woman B'.

The two fans, both in their twenties and from different parts of England, are also facing jail after admitting their role in the sex offences on their own children.  (more...)

Fountain of Love and Life Announcement

It has come to our attention that Salt and Light Catholic Media Foundation (S+L) has opted to make public their Statement of Claim against Paul Yeung and Fountain of Love and Life (FLL). This revelation does not reflect the whole truth of the position of the parties' dispute.

To clarify, FLL has in the past months attempted to protect its rights and its work and to seek justice in order to protect FLL from being wronged.  (more...)


Monday, November 25, 2013

OECTA Support LGBTQ Agenda in Catholic Schools

From Humanae Vitae to Veritatis Splendor

Michael Coren & Kris Titus Discuss Father's Rights

Michael Coren & Kris Titus Discuss Fathers Rights

Secrecy in child welfare system fails the powerless

In the middle of a blinding snowstorm, an Edmonton Journal team drove west recently to visit the parents of a First Nations baby who died in care in 2011.

They were not welcomed.

The grieving parents only consented to see the reporter because she had the one thing the government had been denying them for two years.

She knew how their baby lost its life.

The reporter handed them a confidential four-page report, the room fell silent. The parents huddled together, poring over the scant details.

The system had taken away their daughter at birth, and never explained why. Two months later, she was dead and still the callous, dehumanizing silence continued. The parents were denied the autopsy report, the hospital records, all knowledge of the subsequent RCMP investigation.

Knowledge is power, after all, and these are some of the most powerless in our society.  (more...)

Schools must butt out of parenting

Who is responsible for raising our children?

We would all like to believe it's the job of parents to raise their children with the values, morals and standards that they see fit to approve.

We would like to think parental concerns actually matter to the education system.

We would like to believe the system is there to assist parents in teaching their children - not to teach parents how to parent.

But increasingly, it appears, educators care little about what matters to parents.

In theory, parents have a plethora of opportunities to influence the education of their children.

School boards hold town hall meetings where parents can voice their concerns, there are online discussions, and parents, we're assured, are "actively involved" through school councils and committees.

And yet, it is increasingly clear that those in charge of the public school system have no desire to address parental concerns or utilize their input in any tangible way.  (more...)

The arithmentic of the sexes adds up, but not that of political correctness

Male and Female
n Genesis 1: 27, we find the creation of human beings explained this way, "God created man in the image of himself, in the image of God he created him, male and female." So, we were made either of one sex or the other: male or female. If we add this up, there are two sexes, right? Not so, according to the new and progressive arithmetic of political correctness. In this ever-changing gender wonderland, the female sex and the male sex no longer make two. They make three and four and five and six and seven and eight and nine and ten. And it doesn't stop there because at any time gender may transform into another sexual orientation.

It turns out that the Bible's arithmetic is sound and that of political correctness is not. The Bible has the truth and political correctness is false. For how can one and one instead of making two now add up to ten or more.  (more...)

Sex education for 5-year-olds?

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Cutting through the propaganda about Russia's laws and LGBTs -- A Children's Rights Position

Someone forwarded me this alert about a rally at the Lincoln Memorial to "save children from Russia's LGBT laws."

Okay, when confronted with heavy-handed proclamations like this, it is important to take a step back and not be swept away by emotion.

First, it is important to note that LGBT groups in the US are facing more challenges to their ideology on same-sex parenting now, than they did as recently as two years ago. Their social-science consensus claiming that gay parenting was good has fallen apart.

There is now a concerted children's rights movement, internationally, that is not going to be distracted from the egregious human rights abuses committed by same-sex parenting advocates in the areas of surrogacy, sperm banking, transnational trafficking, and child abduction. Not only homosexual parents do these things -- they are primarily heterosexual vices. BUT because homosexuals, in order to become parents, need to contrive a situation where the opposite-sex parent disappears, homosexuals are wildly overrepresented among the global perpetrators of these abuses.  (more...)

NCSD Psychologist Gets 10 Years to Life Sentence (and more)

Saturday, November 23, 2013

TRAGEDY AT WINNIPEG: The Canadian Catholic Bishops’ Statement on Humanae Vitae

A Letter from a London and Middlesex CAS Bureaucrat Answered

In the course of a recent financial review, the Children’s Aid Society of London and Middlesex was asked an important question whose answer will have a direct bearing on the future of our community.

Why is it that, despite our collective efforts over many years, 830 children and youth require care from our CAS, the third highest number of children in care in the province?

This financial review was undertaken by the Ministry of Children and Youth Services to determine how to bring our budget into balance. While the final report from the review is still to be received, here is what we know so far.

There are no quick fixes to our financial issue because it reflects a serious issue in our community — a high incidence of family breakdown, neglect and child maltreatment.  (now, skip the rationalizations and read the comments...)

Former owner of Copetown ‘ranch’ for boys is guilty of sex assault

The Way-J Boys Ranch of Copetown was a group home for foster children that ran for
only a few months in 1969, long enough for its owner to sexually assault residents.
A man who once ran a boys' foster home in rural Ancaster has been convicted on charges in a historic sex abuse case police believe has more victims.

Howard Wayne Jones, now 70, pleaded guilty Friday to two counts of indecent assault — as it was called in the Criminal Code in the 1960s – for attacks on two victims at his Way-J Boys Ranch in Copetown.

Eight other charges were withdrawn.

Ontario Court Justice Bernd Zabel handed Jones the equivalent of a 40-month sentence, crediting him at time-and-a-half for the 27 months and four days he served in pre-trial custody.  (more...)

Friday, November 22, 2013

Bishops say imperialist foreigners are undermining culture with ‘gender theory’ in Madagascar

Antsirabe Cathedral
MADAGASCAR, November 22, 2013 ( - In an open letter to the nation, the bishops of Madagascar have decried imperialistic foreign influences for popularizing a 'gender theory' they say is contrary to county's culture and detrimental to its well-being.

"The establishment of 'gender theory' among us is more worrisome,” they wrote. "They may call it 'equality,' but it is the essence of the human person, a creature made in the image of God, that they want to outlaw.”

“It is the moral life that is degraded towards the elimination of life," they said.

"In addition," the bishops warned, "it is worth noting the very ambiguous attitude of the international community that benefits from our weakness."

"Let us not be seduced by what is ephemeral, and let us not reject the wisdom of our ancestors. Do not be swayed by the advertisements that seek to take us away from the faith. Always keep praying for peace," the bishops' letter concluded.

"Do not trample national sovereignty. Do not sell the country," the bishops wrote in a statement published this week  (more...)

TV news exposé shows how union work rules lead to huge legal bills for schools

ORLANDO, Fla. – An Orlando television station’s recent “investigation” revealed what many education advocates already know: union job protections are costing schools hundreds of thousands in legal bills.

WFTV cites the case of former Osceola County special needs teacher Lillian Gomez, who fought her termination for soaking crayons in hot sauce and force-feeding them to an autistic child. A judge ordered her to be reinstated after a protracted legal battle that cost the district $120,000, although school officials have refused.

“I find this to be borderline child abuse,” Osceola school board member Jay Wheeler told WFTV.

Another local case involves Seminole County special needs teacher Cydney Abrams, who was recorded telling a student, “You got me pissed off today. You might be an idiot, but I’m not an idiot.” She’s among other cases that have cost Seminole County taxpayers about $70,000 since 2011.

Brevard County school officials spent $170,000 to try to remove a band teacher accused of mistreatment and sexual comments toward students and lost the case, the television station reports.

The point is, these types of cases are ongoing in virtually all parts of the country, and they’re costing taxpayers a lot of money that could be much better spent on things that actually benefit students.  (more...)

Yakuza gangsters 'forcing homeless people to work on the Fukushima nuclear plant clear-up

Tepco are desperately short of workers
needed for the clean-up operation
Japan's notorious Yakuza gangsters are forcing homeless people to join the desperate clear-up effort at the Fukushima nuclear plant before simply firing them when they suffer high doses of radiation, it has been claimed.

Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco) which operates the plant have been struggling to recruit workers who are desperately needed to join the hazardous operation dismantling the plant.

As a result Tepco subcontractors reportedly reached out out to the Yakuza for help. The gangsters are said to often provide workers at short notice for large scale construction projects.

Undercover reporter Tomohiko Suzuki claims to have infiltrated the clean-up operation and amassed 'solid evidence' that desperate and homeless men are being brought to Fukushima by the Yakuza.

The workers say they were not made aware of the risks and say they have been treated like 'disposable people'.

Russian news network RT reports one former worker as saying: 'We were given no insurance for health risks, no radiation meters even.

'We were treated like nothing, like disposable people – they promised things and then kicked us out when we received a large radiation doze.

'They promised a lot of money, even signed a long-term contract, but then suddenly terminated it, not even paying me a third of the promised sum.'  (more...)

The Real Lives of Gay Men

Riots broke out at the Stonewall Inn on Christopher Street in Greenwich Village, New
York City, in June 1969. The event is considered the birth of the gay rights movement.
Not caring about what happens to gay men is like not caring about prison rape. Prisoners are our brothers, too, and so are gay men. We must care deeply about the abuse of our brothers in prison and we must care deeply about the lives led by our gay brothers.

Prison rape seems a world away from us, a subject we try not to think about, yet it is rampant, dehumanizing and deadly dangerous. In the same way, we avert our gaze from the lives led by gay men. Certainly ignoring the lives of gay men is what the paladins of the gay movement want us to do. If others peek behind the curtain of the white-picket-fence-homosexuality they have built up for public consumption, support for the movement would wither and probably die.

I do not equate sex between gay men and prison rape. I draw the parallel simply to compare how we look away from certain things and act as if the subjects of those acts are not part of us, part of society, part of the human family. The active gay man and the prisoner are our brothers and we have to be concerned with both. But we quite deliberately look away from the reality of both.

But look we must, particularly since we are being asked to consider that homosexuality is on par with heterosexuality, that same-sex marriage and opposite-sex marriage can be the same, that gay sex can in fact be spousal.  (more...)

Christianity is one generation away from extinction in the UK, warns Lord Carey

Lord Carey has warned that Christianity is "a generation away from extinction" in Britain
Lord Carey, the former CoE Archbishop of Canterbury, has warned that Christianity is one generation away from extinction in the UK, proposing that all the Churches must become missionary if the death of Christianity is to be avoided. Lord Carey told a conference in London:
‘Lord Carey’s warning came as he addressed the Shropshire Light Conference at Holy Trinity Church in Shrewsbury at the weekend discussing how the church could be “re-imagined”.
The former Archbishop said while the church is doing much important work, it faces an existential challenge.
“In many parts of Britain churches are struggling, some priests are diffident and lack confidence; a feeling of defeat is around.
“The burden seems heavy and joy in ministry has been replaced by a feeling of heaviness.”
He said that the reaction from the public was not so much hostile as dismissive.
“The viewpoint could be expressed in a variety of non -verbal ways: the shrug of indifference, the rolled eyes of embarrassment, the yawn of boredom.
“So many people do not see the average church as a place where great things happen. “To sit in a cold church looking at the back of other peoples’ heads is surely not the best place to meet exciting people and to hear prophetic words.”  (more...)

Jonathan Rauch’s Denial

Last spring, Jonathan Rauch, Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institute and long-time same-sex marriage advocate, published Denial: My 25 Years Without a Soul. In this brief autobiography, Rauch describes the tortured first decades of his life as a same-sex attracted male.

He calls himself “numb,” and writes that he felt he had “no soul.” He recounts his experiences as “a gulag of the heart,” “eunuchhood,” and “the absence of a proper self,” and he describes himself as “a nonman” or “a self-less man.”

These heart-wrenching terms resonate with many LGBT readers. They also resonate with many of the 96.5 percent of the population who do not experience same-sex attraction, but who also may recall being stalled or buffeted in their adolescent quests to find themselves. Rauch's experience is not unique: it is the most common and ordinary of experiences.

But Rauch’s recounting of his story has a purpose beyond self-revelation. The reader is meant to accept his ultimate conclusion: that the only possible healthy and happy outcome for his situation (and for all who identify as gay or lesbian) is to be allowed to marry someone of the same sex.  (more...)

Press Release: Introducing Homeschool PLAN – The Homeschool Pro-life Action

Toronto, Ontario (November 6, 2013)- An innovative new project for pro-life homeschooling students is here! On November 1st, Sarah Blake, a passionately pro-life, homeschooled student, formally launched “Homeschool PLAN” (the Homeschool Pro-Life Action Network), at the Toronto Right to Life Annual General Meeting.

Homeschool PLAN is a club that will bring together homeschooling pro-life youth from across the country via the web. It will inform, support and motivate students to take action to build a culture of life. Like campus pro-life clubs, Homeschool PLAN is a project for pro-life formation. Also like school clubs, its a venue for bringing like-minded students into contact with each other. It will provide the best information from various pro-life sources as well as a blog, projects, mailing list, and ideas for pro-life activities that can be done specifically by homeschooling students.

The project was founded by Sarah Blake and Alexandra Jezierski, with support from Toronto Right to Life and the National Campus Life Network, through their Student Life Link initiative.  (more...)

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