Monday, November 30, 2015

Officer adamant he didn’t fatally shoot Sammy Yatim in anger

Police with guns drawn confront Sammy Yatim, visible in first window, on a
Toronto streetcar in July 2013.
TORONTO — Toronto Police Constable James Forcillo has calmly dismissed suggestions that he was angry and lost his temper when he shot Sammy Yatim eight times.

Forcillo was being cross-examined for a second day by prosecutor Milan Rupic, who accused the 32-year-old officer of acting “as if you were alone with him (Forcillo) in an alleyway and you were backed up against the wall.”

He is pleading not guilty to second-degree murder and attempted murder in the July 27, 2013, shooting of Yatim.

Rupic even suggested that Forcillo’s partner, Iris Fleckeisen, a 22-year veteran who quickly holstered her gun seconds after the pair arrived on scene, was so fed up with Forcillo’s constant shouted commands that “she turns her back on you and walks away.”  (more...)

More coverage:

Teacher Dennis Connolly charged with sexual assault in Burlington

Music teacher Dennis Connolly has been charged with the sexual assault of several students at Alexander's Public School in Burlington, police said on Monday.

Halton Regional Police said Connolly, 58, of Burlington, was arrested on Friday after an investigation that followed complaints from several students of physical abuse and inappropriate sexual touching.

Connolly has been charged with one count of Assault, three counts of Sexual Assault, and three counts of Sexual Interference.

At the time of the alleged assaults, Connolly was employed with the Halton District School Board as a music teacher at Alexander's Public School in the City of Burlington. He is no longer working at the school.

Investigators believe there could be additional victims  (more...)

Morabito on the Campus Madness & Death of the Human Mind

Stella Morabito and Robert Oscar Lopez speak here about what Alan Dershowitz has called the "fog of fascism descending onto university campuses." Morabito and Lopez both agree that this is not a case of spontaneous student breakdown. Nor is it a grassroots movement. It is rather a deliberate and systematic dismantling of human capacity to reason and understand reality, with the humanities, such as what Lopez studies, the new central target.

So, who is behind the war against Logos? Who has weaponized illogic?
My alma mater was crawling with these guys, and gals, back in the day.

The modern university

These 7 Household Names Make a Killing Off of the Prison-Industrial Complex

Once slavery was abolished in 1865, manufacturers scrambled to find other sources of cheap labor—and because the 13th amendment banned slavery (except as punishment for crimes), they didn’t have to look too far. Prisons and big businesses have now been exploiting this loophole in the 13th amendment for over a century.

“Insourcing,” as prison labor is often called, is an even cheaper alternative to outsourcing. Instead of sending labor over to China or Bangladesh, manufacturers have chosen to forcibly employ the 2.4 million incarcerated people in the United States. Chances are high that if a product you’re holding says it is “American Made,” it was made in an American prison.

On average, prisoners work 8 hours a day, but they have no union representation and make between .23 and $1.15 per hour, over 6 times less than federal minimum wage. These low wages combined with increasing communication and commissary costs mean that inmates are often released from correctional facilities with more debt than they had on their arrival. Meanwhile, big businesses receive tax credits for employing these inmates in excess of millions of dollars a year.  (more...)

More exploiters listed here:

Fears over increase in horse sex abuse in Switzerland

Animal abuse in Switzerland has risen to record levels, amid growing fears over an increase in sex attacks on horses.

The country's foundation for animal law, Tier im Recht, revealed the number of general maltreatment cases last year was 1,709 - up from 1,542 over the previous 12 months.

Andreas Rüttimann, a legal expert with the organisation, said there were particular concerns about cases involving horses.

He told The Local that zoophiles - people sexually fixated with animals - were implicated in almost 10 per cent of those equine-related cases.  (more...)

Cheese, banks, and...

SS Connections to the British Royal Family


In the aftermath of Princess Diana’s untimely death, much attention has been focused on the British Royal family and its various scandals and shortcomings (real, alleged and perceived.) This program presents information that surfaced in the mid 1980s that is of a very different nature and has been generally overlooked. Inlaws and blood relatives of the British monarchs (like many members of the elite elements of various nations) were sympathetic to and, in some cases, deeply involved with the fascist powers of Europe in the World War II period. In recent years, information has come to light concerning the then-Duke of Windsor’s close relationship with and admiration for Adolf Hitler (this is not the current Duke of Windsor.) Other members of the Royal family held similar sentiments and a couple of them married members of Hitler’s SS. In addition to these connections, the program also discusses the Netherlands’ Queen Juliana and her marriage to Prince Bernhard, a “former” SS officer and a spy for the Nazi I.G. Farben chemical company.



Sunday, November 29, 2015

Who Stole Feminism? Fooled Ya!

My title is taken from Christina Hoff Sommers' 1994 book, in which she questioned mainstream research that girls were at risk and being shortchanged in American culture. She is perhaps most famous for analyzing rape statistics, showing they were manufactured. I read the book when it came out and it struck a cord. It confirmed what I was experiencing, both with young women and with the statistics I was being fed. She became a minor hero for me in the mid-90's and I quoted her to friends, recommending her book. After a long pause (of about 20 years), I mentioned her research in a recent paper, which caused me to return and read her books again. This time I bought and read her follow-up book from 2000, The War Against Boys. While her research and arguments again start out looking good, this time I began to notice something lacking. My suspicion was raised by the back cover, where the book is praised by the Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post. I asked myself why these spook mouthpieces would be praising arguments that were undercutting one of their main projects. It didn't make sense.

To say it a different way, Sommers was sold as counter-mainstream back then, so why would mainstream sources be selling her? You will tell me the US market is open to all opinion, this being a free country, but in most ways that simply isn't true. If the Washington Post is promoting Sommers, you can be sure they aren't doing it as a matter of equal time, fairness, or to prove the freedom of the press. The Post has been called the CIA's own newspaper, and the CIA does not promote its own opposition—except in the case that it has manufactured that opposition.   (more...)

Did Cardinal Collins tell MPP Jim Wilson not to oppose Ontario's radical sex curriculum?

The news has come out this past week that MPP Jim Wilson had a private meeting with Cardinal Thomas Collins to discuss Ontario's controversial sex "education." The radical sex curriculum is part of the province's new Health and Physical Education course released in February 2015. LifeSiteNews broke the story this past Friday. Wilson talked about his encounter with Cardinal Collins to university students on a field trip to Queen's Park. He was answering a student question on faith and politics.

According to Wilson, Cardinal Collins told him that since he, Wilson, was now interim House Leader for the Conservative Party, he should back away from opposing the sex curriculum because the Church would not challenge it. The sex curriculum would be taught in separate (Catholic) schools within a Catholic context. For Wilson, the meeting was in his words like "divine intervention" because it gave him and the Conservative Party the direction to take on the issue. In short, do nothing and simply approve it.  (more...)

White-collar crime task force ‘doomed to failure’ unless separated into its own agency

Our sharp-eyed flatfoots
After years of lacklustre results and scathing evaluations — and its future existence up in the air — the RCMP-led task force that formed 12 years ago to go after investment swindlers and complex stock-fraud cases is taking one more shot at turning around its fortunes.

Mounties say they have now abandoned the idea of trying to turn police officers into capital-markets experts — it takes too long and costs too much. Instead, they are focused on joining up with in-house gumshoes at provincial securities commissions, who are already experts at following the paper trail, and leveraging the work they do with more traditional crime-fighting methods involving wiretaps or undercover agents.

But retired Mountie John Sliter, who was the founding director of the Integrated Market Enforcement Teams (IMETs), told the National Post financial crimes investigators are too often being pulled off to assist with other cases, such as national security files. If the government is serious about going after white-collar criminals, it needs to create a separate national securities regulator.  (more...)

Financial crimes? You want financial crimes?

Maybe it is about the money

We have just been through a period of teacher strife in Ontario, and a lot of people got the impression that the teachers were using the children as hostages so they could fatten their own pocketbooks. Against this, the teachers' unions argued that it wasn't about money but rather they were standing up for better classroom conditions that would benefit the children.

An interesting new study in the US looked at what impact collective bargaining had on cohorts in the 1970s and 1980s. The study looked at the employment status of students before and after each state's teachers' unions were strengthened by legislation. Although stronger legislation had no effect on the average length of time students stayed in school, it led students to earn $795 less per year and work half an hour less per week at lower-skilled occupations. They were also not-quite-one-percent less likely to be employed.

There are some caveats - it's possible that current bargaining conditions are different in some way from they were a generation ago and there is no explanation of why strengthened bargaining legislation harmed student outcomes. It's possible that it became more difficult for school boards to get rid of bad teachers or perhaps the increased political influence of the teachers' unions interfered with the government's' reform efforts.  (more...)

If so, what can you do?

The “Jane” date rape case: A flawed report from MPs on the Home Affairs Committee

The House of Commons home affairs select committee has produced a number of outstanding reports on the criminal justice system. But its latest report on the Met Police’s handling of an investigation in allegations that Leon Brittan was involved in an historic ” date rape” case is not one of them.

The MPs have admonished the Met Police, demanded that a prominent MP, Tom Watson apologise to Leon Brittan’s family for helping the woman who made the allegation; produced a biased conclusion of how the Met handled the case and given fresh impetus to the idea that celebrities should be given special treatment...

Since then my extremely assiduous colleague Mark Conrad has found new information from witnesses interviewed by the Met Police which  are  at odds with the account given by the  original investigating officer and what was broadcast on the BBC  Panorama investigation into child sex abuse.   (more...)

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Greville Janner: alleged victims may claim £2.5 million in damages

Six men who say they were sexually abused by former Leicester MP Greville Janner are expected to submit a claim for up to £2.5 million in damages.

Lawyers acting for the men, who claim the 87-year-old committed the offences against them decades ago, indicated the scale of their potential damages claim at the High Court in London on Tuesday.

Details of the claim are to be formally served on Lord Janner's legal team, which must happen before the end of November.

Lord Janner, who was MP for Leicester West for 27 years from 1970, is accused of 15 counts of indecent assault and seven counts of other sexual offences against a total of nine complainants.  (more...)

Invitation to an Essential Services Survey

Essential services you use every day
I'm asking a simple favour from my readers to help me understand the market for a business that I've just started in. Please take the 10 minutes or so required to fill in the following survey. I promise to get back to you with the results of our analysis of your response.

Go to the online survey here:
 Click here


Child sex abuse inquiry: Royal family could give evidence

The crimes of Jimmy Savile and the BBC's record on protecting children from
abusers will be scrutinised
Members of the Royal family could be asked to provide evidence to the Government’s child sex abuse inquiry, it has emerged.

Their role in allegedly interfering in the criminal prosecution of a paedophile could come under scrutiny by the multi-million pound inquiry led by Justice Lowell Goddard.

Setting out dramatic new details of the inquiry’s far-reaching scope, Justice Goddard confirmed for the first time that serving MPs will be questioned about abuse allegations made against them.

It is understood the inquiry will not hesitate to use far-reaching powers to compel individuals to give evidence – either in written form or in person.  (more...)

More coverage:

Former teacher faces child sex assault charge in Barrie

A disgraced former Barrie teacher — once known online as “Diamond Dave” in his pursuit of child porn — is now charged with sexually assaulting a young child a decade ago.

David Andrew Carswell, 61, who was convicted in 2009 of possessing child pornography and subsequently moved to London, Ont., was arrested Friday and charged with sexual assault, sexual interference and sexual exploitation of a child during the 2004-2005 school year while he was still teaching.

The alleged assault took place at the school and during a field trip in Toronto, police said. The OPP’s child sexual exploitation unit got involved when child’s parent made a formal complaint on Sept. 16.

“They are serious allegations,” said Det. Sgt. Paul Thompson. “It’s always troubling to hear of allegations that involve a vulnerable young child being abused by a person of authority. It can be very traumatic for the complainants and we try to help them with counselling resources.”  (more...)

Retired Chatham violin teacher facing 17 sex-related charges

Chatham-Kent police have arrested a retired violin teacher for historical sexual offences involving school-aged girls.

The allegations were reported to police earlier this month and following an investigation, members of the major crime unit arrested the suspect.

Claude Eric Trachy, 70, of Chatham has been charged with ten counts of sexual assault, five counts of sexual interference and two counts of sexual exploitation dating back to the early 1980’s.  (more...)

Friday, November 27, 2015

UK: How police chiefs were split over investigation into Leon Brittan

Evidence submitted by Scotland Yard exposed a split between senior officers over the investigation into the rape claim against former home secretary Lord Brittan.

The evidence was heard by MPs on the House of Commons home affairs committee as they examined the Metropolitan Police Service's investigation into the historical allegation of rape against Brittan.

DCI Paul Settle initially led the investigation into the claim that in 1967 Brittan, before he became an MP, raped a 19-year-old student named by Exaro as "Jane" to protect her identity. Settle decided against interviewing Brittan as part of the investigation.

Settle was removed from the case, and a new officer in charge interviewed the form cabinet minister.  (more...)

Further revelations:

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Schools must stop lowering standards

If you find yourself on the job hunt in the near future, try talking about all of the effort you bring to the table, irrespective of results.

Presumably, you’d be laughed out of the boardroom, and there is a reason for that—trying hard is irrelevant. For the generation ascending through school presently, however, effort over aptitude is the new reality.

This is apparent in a policy held by the Toronto Catholic District School Board’s high schools, where students will not see any grades that drop below 35% on their midterm report cards this fall.

And it’s not because everyone is acing their classes.

Rather, the public board has determined that, “at the end of the day, it’s about encouraging and supporting students to reach their full potential.”

Silly me—I thought that elevating their potential was far more significant.  (more...)

Free Yoga, And Other Crimes

Professor Fiamengo from the University of Ottawa, Canada, discusses the absurd "holier than thou" crusade spreading across North American university campuses.

Can't find any other problems with Yoga?

 What to read if you can't handle real problems
 What to read if you can't handle real problems

Forcillo tells court of ‘terror’ of streetcar confrontation with Yatim

Const. James Forcillo makes a gunpoint arrest at Kensington Market, captured in a cellphone video shown
to the jury at his murder trial Thursday.
This is what Const. James Forcillo has said so far about the moments leading up to the first three shots he fired at Sammy Yatim as the teen held a knife on an empty Dundas streetcar.

Forcillo arrived at the scene with his partner Const. Iris Fleckeisen and was told by a man that Yatim was still on the streetcar, Forcillo testified at his trial for second-degree murder and attempted murder.

“That’s when I get my first glimpse of Mr. Yatim. He’s showing me the knife, so at that point I draw my firearm,” he said, adding that this is exactly what his training says to do.

Yatim looked “very fit, very agile,” Forcillo said. “In my mind he looked capable of attacking me.”  (more...)

More coverage:

Judge was wrong to ax statutory rape ban over ‘age discrimination’: Ontario’s top court

TORONTO, November 26, 2015 (LifeSiteNews) – A law criminalizing sex with minors has been upheld on appeal by the federal government, but one defender of the traditional family expressed dismay that a lower court judge initially ruled the law unconstitutional.

“The appeal court decision is reasonable in that it protects minors under 16 from sexual exploitation by adults five years or more older,” Gwen Landolt, a lawyer and national vice president of REAL Women of Canada, told LifeSiteNews. “But it speaks to the madness of today’s judges that they would throw out this protection as a kind of discrimination.”

The case involved a 15-year-old girl who allegedly pressed a 21-year-old male friend for sex. After a year, he claims, he gave in to her. The resulting pregnancy and abortion let the cat out of the bag and he was charged with violating the Criminal Code Section 150.1, which prohibits anyone having sex with a minor who is five years or more younger, whether or not the minor consented: what used to be called statutory rape.

But in 2011 Judge Lisa Cameron bought the defence’s argument that the law was a form of age discrimination against the accused man, and instead of throwing the book at him, she threw out the law as a violation of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.  (more...)

Fascism: Then and Now

 Homily by Msgr. Vincent Foy

A timely recapitulation, indeed.

Pro-lifers: be vigilant about "libertarians" colonizing your movement:
“The suspect in custody in connec­tion with the slaying of abortion doctor George Tiller was a member of an anti-government group in the 1990s and a staunch opponent of abortion. . . Roeder, who in the 1990s was a manufacturing assemblyman, also was involved in the ‘Freemen’ movement. 
‘Freemen’ was a term adopted by those who claimed sov­er­eignty from government jurisdiction and operated under their own legal system, which they called common-law courts. Adherents declared themselves exempt from laws, regulations and taxes and often filed liens against judges, prosecutors and others, claiming that money was owed to them as compensation. 
In April 1996, Roeder was arrested in Topeka after Shawnee County sheriff’s deputies stopped him for not having a proper license plate. In his car, officers said they found ammunition, a blasting cap, a fuse cord, a one-pound can of gunpowder and two 9-volt batteries, with one connected to a switch that could have been used to trigger a bomb. . . .” (quoted from above link)

Technofascism and the new Auschwizt: The sharing economy is hurtling us backwards

How would you like to live in an economy where robots do everything that can be predictably programmed in advance, and almost all profits go to the robots’ owners?

Meanwhile, human beings do the work that’s unpredictable – odd jobs, on-call projects, fetching and fixing, driving and delivering, tiny tasks needed at any and all hours – and patch together barely enough to live on.

Brace yourself. This is the economy we’re now barreling toward.

They’re Uber drivers, Instacart shoppers, and Airbnb hosts. They include Taskrabbit jobbers, Upcounsel’s on-demand attorneys, and Healthtap’s on-line doctors.

They’re Mechanical Turks.

The euphemism is the “share” economy. A more accurate term would be the “share-the-scraps” economy.  (more...)

More analysis:

The pillowcase the Windsor priest occasionally carried to his room stood out: it was tie-dyed pink and purple, and stuffed with cash

The pillowcase that the priest occasionally carried off to his room stood out because it was tie-dyed pink and purple, but also because it was full of cash.

Prosecution witnesses in the trial of former priest Robert Couture said Wednesday they remember thinking it was unusual the way he handled money from collection plates and other sources at Ste. Anne Parish in Tecumseh.

“I specifically remember on some occasions Robert Couture entering into the safe to retrieve collections, certainly with a pillowcase,” said Rev. Dennis Bedard, who was an associate pastor at Ste. Anne and lived with Couture for a year and a half.

Couture is on trial for one count of theft over $5,000. He allegedly pocketed money from donation plates, candle boxes, wedding and funeral fees and what a prosecutor called a “bogus” church bank account.  (more...)


An Open Letter to Bill Donohue

Dear Mr. Donohue:

You have publicly stumbled (I hope it was an unwitting stumble) into endorsing, quite explicitly, a mortal sin.

The mortal sin in question is: giving Communion to a person who is obstinately persisting in manifest grave sin. It is a grave sin of scandal because whenever a minister of Communion gives such a person Communion, he: 1) publicly collaborates, with knowledge, in the commission of a sacrilege; 2) gives public approval to the communicant's notorious grave sin.

You are, of course, aware that these are the precise reasons the Church has always required Denial of Communion to persons living publicly in a state of adultery.  (more...)

How many Extraordinary Ministers do you know that are NOT in a state of grave sin? Do any of them know the meaning of holy fear?

George Barber, father of pole vault world champ Shawn Barber, banned from coaching

The father and coach of Canadian pole vault world champion Shawn Barber has been banned by the national governing body for track and field after it learned of George Barber's 2007 criminal conviction on charges of having sex with a student while he was employed at a U.S. high school.

According to an Athletics Canada memo dated Nov. 5, 2015, that was obtained by CBC Sports, the organization decided that George Barber "is no longer a member in good standing, and is not authorized to act in any capacity as a representative of the association. With the Coaching Association of Canada's support, Mr. Barber also cannot act in any coaching capacity on Canadian soil, or abroad as a representative of Athletics Canada."

"It has come to our attention that Mr. Barber has a criminal conviction dating back to 2007 and as a result is a registered sex offender in the state of New Mexico. This constitutes a major infraction under Athletics Canada's member conduct policy, and is grounds for a permanent ban."  (more...)

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Accused killer cop Forcillo takes the stand

Const. James Forcillo is expected to take the stand at his murder trial this afternoon and for the first time to explain what led to his firing nine shots at knife-wielding teen Sammy Yatim.

Forcillo has pleaded not guilty to second -degree murder and attempted murder in the death of the 18-year-old on an empty streetcar in July 2013. He's expected to be the first witness called as his defence begins.

His lawyer Peter Brauti has told the jury Forcillo was legally justified to open fire to prevent serious bodily harm to himself and members of the public.

The Crown, which closed its case Monday, argued Forcillo wasn't acting in self-defence during the stand-off and had time to use other means besides lethal force to de-escalate the situation.  (more...)

More coverage:

Tecumseh Catholic priest Robert Couture stole more than $180,000 from his church to fund lavish lifestyle, Crown alleges

Robert Couture enjoyed taking in Broadway shows, jet-setting in Europe and driving his Cadillac — and he did it all on a meagre priest’s salary.

Assistant Crown attorney Tom Meehan said Couture was an intelligent, hardworking priest who did his job “dutifully.”

“He was also keeping a secret,” Meehan said Tuesday during his opening remarks at the former priest’s criminal trial. “He was stealing significant sums of money that didn’t belong to him.”

Couture is charged with one count of theft over $5,000. When police charged him in 2013 after a two-year investigation, they said he stole more than $180,000 from Ste. Anne Parish in Tecumseh. The trial is expected to take three weeks.  (more...)

Math tutor, fiancee charged with gang sex assault on teen

A math tutor and his fiancee face gang sexual assault charges for allegedly victimizing a 14-year-old girl in their Don Mills home.

Toronto Police allege the accused couple met the teen while studying at Spirit of Math, which offers after-school classes for gifted students. The alleged assault occurred in 2014, police say.

“The male accused was the girl’s teacher for a number of years and his fiancee also volunteered at the school,” Det.-Sgt. Greg Payne, of the Sex Crimes Unit, said Wednesday.

He alleged the couple “befriended” the girl and she visited their home, near Lawrence Ave. E. and The Donway E., on “numerous occasions.”

“In the summer of 2014, the girl was sexually assaulted at the home by the couple,” Payne alleged.

He said the victim and her family came forward recently to police.   (more...)

More coverage:

McCatholic Inc.

Extraordinary minister recognized

Selective Multiculturalism? Catholic school board to continue to push for new Catholic Central at arena site

The kids are alright
The Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board will to continue to push for a new Catholic Central High School on the Windsor Arena site despite having funding for the project turned down by the Ministry of Education.

In rehashing this month’s ministry announcement that shocked board officials, trustees at Tuesday’s meeting expressed their controlled anger over the decision.

“It certainly was disheartening to receive the list (of approved projects) and not see our Catholic Central on it,” said trustee Lisa Soulliere.

“We know that school is in horrible condition and needs replacement. It’s a school that need some attention; it needs replacement.”  (more...)

Caution. Neo-fascisti at work: The tawdry fall of the Postmedia newspaper empire

Left: Postmedia newspapers. Right: Postmedia CEO Paul Godfrey
“I’m not going to lose my job over a fart joke,” Dan Murphy recalls Wayne Moriarty, editor-in-chief of The Province newspaper, saying.

It was the morning of Friday, June 22, 2012. Murphy, The Province’s long-time staff cartoonist, was meeting with Moriarty in the editor’s office on the fifth floor of the paper’s headquarters on Granville Street in downtown Vancouver. The discussion between Murphy and Moriarty was heated; after all, Moriarty was informing Murphy that an animation the cartoonist had produced was being pulled off the web.

A few hours earlier, The Province had posted a satirical animation created by Murphy that lampooned Enbridge Inc., the Calgary-based oil pipeline company. Murphy had taken one of Enbridge’s commercials promoting the benefits of the Northern Gateway pipeline – with its Day-Glo bucolic depictions of nature and happy families – and altered it with splotches of black ink resembling oil spills and noise effects that sounded like breaking wind.

n his meeting with Moriarty, Murphy says he was told Enbridge had complained to the Toronto head office of The Province’s owner, Postmedia Network Canada Corp., Canada’s largest newspaper chain. He says the order had come down to pull Murphy’s satire off the paper’s website – and that $1-million in Enbridge advertising was at stake.

“I’m going to lose my job if we don’t take it down,” Murphy recalls Moriarty saying.  (more...)

The global view:

No credible conservative voice in Canadian publishing -- coincidence?  Or plan?

 Serpent's Walk

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

The Empire's Knight Strikes Back

Bill's 6-figure salary gets paid by the Knights of Columbus

I've got friends in high places

UK: Ministers face pressure for new agency on money laundering

Pressure is rising on ministers to set up a national UK agency to fight money laundering to stem the flow of funds for terrorism.

Police and regulatory sources revealed to Exaro their worries about a patchwork of 27 bodies that currently supervise the reporting by accountants, lawyers and other professions of transactions suspected of fuelling terrorism, human trafficking or organised crime.  (more...)


London an ATM for terrorists? There's plenty of black money to go around.

Alleged sex offender was school teacher, private music instructor

DAWSON CREEK, B.C. - Mounties in Dawson Creek, B.C., are asking residents if they have any information on a man recently charged by police in Metro Vancouver.

Fifty-three-year-old Michael Dodd has been charged with sexual assault and sexual interference of a person under the age of 16.

Officers in Coquitlam executed an arrest warrant for the man last week.

Police say Dodd lived and worked in Dawson Creek until September when he moved to the Lower Mainland.

Dodd was a school teacher in the northeastern B.C. city and also taught private music classes.  (more...)

Monday, November 23, 2015

Toronto school challenges others to sponsor Syrian refugees

Dubbed the '1000 Schools Challenge,' a group of parent volunteers at Dewson Street
Junior Public School in Toronto is calling on other schools to raise money to help
bring Syrian refugee families to Canada.
A Toronto school's effort to privately sponsor Syrian refugees is encouraging other schools across Canada to follow in its lead.

Dubbed the "1000 Schools Challenge," a group of parent volunteers at Dewson Street Junior Public School in Toronto is calling on other schools to raise money to help bring Syrian refugee families to Canada.

The Dewson group began fundraising in September. So far, at least a dozen other schools have taken up their challenge, including the Palmerston Avenue Junior Public School in Toronto.

The downtown school has raised about $40,000 in just a couple of weeks – more than enough money to help a family of four resettle in Canada. Now, they are hoping to raise enough funds to bring a family of six to the country.

"It's obvious when you look at the news and you just feel compelled to do something," Monica Gupta, a member of the Palmerston Welcomes Refugees Committee, told CTV Toronto.  (more...)


Escape from mediocrity: French Immersion growth causing pain for Ontario boards

A scholastic refugee?
Too many students. Not enough teachers.

Struggling to keep up with demand for French Immersion, and how to ensure equal opportunity to its benefits, some Ontario school boards are considering caps on enrolment for the popular program or delaying its start. Others, such as the Peel District School Board, have taken a hard stand and put a 25 per cent cap in place.

In Halton, explosive growth in French Immersion — which now serves 21,000, or almost half of all elementary students — is threatening both the French and English programs.

“We have about 13 of our schools with less than 15 students choosing to remain in the English program,” said newly appointed director of education Stuart Miller, who has been part of an ongoing program viability committee looking at the issues. “We have some really small cohorts in those 13 schools — in some schools there are three or four kids.”  (more...)

"...the unspoken issue is that French Immersion is considered something like a private system within the public system, allowing parents to enroll their children in classes with few, if any, at-risk or special-needs students."

Ontario's other refugee problem. More:

Public Board May Be Seeing Sex-Ed Backlash

Whatever became of Dad?
Changes to sex-ed may be playing a role in the number of elementary students leaving the public school board for private education in the Leamington area.

The number of students leaving the Greater Essex County District School Board for private schools climbed to 138 by the fall, after sitting at 75 students in the spring of this year.

Superintendent of Education John Howitt was surprised by the increase in the Leamington area and says the board will work to get those students back.  (...)

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Edufascism: German Corporate Control Over American Publishing

 Serpent's Walk
Audio: Part 1     Part 2     Part 3     Part 4

The relatively obscure Nazi tract Serpent’s Walk is far more than the novel it purports to be. (The book is published by National Vanguard Books, the publisher of The Turner Diaries, used as a blueprint by both Timothy McVeigh and company in the Oklahoma City Bombing and by the Nazi group The Order, which murdered Denver Talk show host Alan Berg.) The book entails Hitler’s SS going underground, putting together a huge capital organization and buying into the American opinion forming media preparatory for taking over the United States.

This broadcast analyzes the takeover of the American publishing industry by German corporations apparently connected to what Mr. Emory calls “the Underground Reich”. This takeover indicates that the Serpent’s Walk scenario is coming true — what educated Americans are going to know about the world, the Second World War, the Third Reich, the Holocaust, etc., will be coming from German corporations and what uneducated Americans are going to know about the world will come from educated Americans. The strategic importance of this takeover could not be exaggerated — it constitutes a profound loss of American national sovereignty. Imagine the United States permitting the Soviet Union to gain control of American publishing (and scientific and technical publishing in particular) during the Cold War. Unthinkable!


The program reviews and further develops the Nazi past of Bertelsmann, the largest English language publisher in the world. In addition to being the largest supplier of books to the Wehrmacht and SS during World War II, the firm’s top executive has been a member of the SS. The program also highlights the appointment of Michael Naumann to be cultural minister of Germany. Naumann had previously served as the head of Henry Holt & Co., after it was purchased by the Nazi-connected Von Holzbrinck firm.

German Corporate Control Over American Publishing Part 1 Part 2


And, a little specialty to supplement the church tax:

Money makes ze volrd go round

Dalton McGuinty a man of many (self-serving) regrets

Dalton McGuinty has a “few regrets,” and begging his readers’ indulgence he’d like to unburden himself.

He regrets firing his first deputy party leader, Joe Cordiano, “under caucus pressure” — though he allows “others might say I had no choice.” He regrets calling Mike Harris a “thug” — which he says he was “goaded” into by a “wily and persistent” reporter. He regrets suggesting Harris’s cuts to youth services might lead to more incidents like the 1999 school shooting in Taber, Alta. — which media then “gleefully” relayed to the victim’s nonplussed family, he alleges.

You may sense a pattern. He regrets the error. He takes accountability for it. But if you were inclined to absolve him, he might have a suggestion. There’s plenty more of that in McGuinty’s new memoir, Making a Difference.  (more...)

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