Saturday, January 31, 2015

Underused TDSB schools don't benefit anyone

Closing a school is hard, even if it is half empty. Parents can be awfully attached to their local school. They can make a big noise when it is threatened. Local school trustees and community groups usually join the clamour.

Witness what happened this week. The Toronto District School Board reported that 130 of its schools are operating at 65 per cent capacity or less, making them possible candidates for closing. The pushback was instant and fierce.

Trustees lined up to chide the education ministry for pressing them to close underused schools and to argue why many should stay open. Didn’t Queen’s Park realize some of them were bustling with daycare kids and adult learners? Wouldn’t it be irresponsible to close schools when the city is growing so fast and falling enrolment is bouncing back in some neighbourhoods?  (more...)

More commentary:

On social media:

Our response to Minister Sandals on the proposed sex education curriculum

Liz Sandals attempts to raise a dead
Everyday for Life Canada today received a email signed by Liz Sandals the minister of education that responds to my message sent to her office expressing concern as a parent about the new proposed explicit sex education curriculum. We suspect that her email is a form letter sent to many in an effort to ally worries from parents who are concerned about the contents of the new sex education component of the health and physical education curriculum for Ontario schools.   (more...)


Another facet of the culture of fear

There is a video on this father's website page that you might find of interest. He is complaining that his daughter, who attends the only publicly-funded high school in Parry Sound, has been bullied for several years but that the school administration has done nothing to stop it.

The video is very amateurish, but the man's anguish comes through clearly. Obviously, his daughter has been quite damaged by the bullying, yet he has to keep sending her back into the damaging situation as his only alternative is to arrange for his daughter to attend a different publicly-funded high school an hour's drive away, I suppose in Huntsville or Bracebridge.  (more...)

Bill 13 didn't solve anything did it? So, what to do?

Pedophilia and Geopolitics: How Alan Dershowitz bullied rape victims to protect a serial child molester

Alan Dershowitz and Israeli ambassador Ron Prosor at
the Inaugural Champion of Jewish Values International
Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz always felt children were fair game for Israeli missiles. Now the question is whether he thinks they are fair game for the sexual exploits of his powerful associates and himself.

Dershowitz and the UK’s Prince Andrew were accused in a recent court filing of raping a teenage girl who was forced into sexual slavery by Dershowitz’s close friend and client, billionaire hedge fund financier and convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. The court filing is part of an ongoing civil lawsuit by four of Epstein’s victims accusing the federal government of violating the Crime Victims’ Rights Act (CVRA) when it made a secret 2008 plea deal with Epstein without informing them.

Dershowitz played a key role in negotiating a secret provision in Epstein’s plea deal that immunized “any potential co-conspirators” from federal prosecution. In other words, Dershowitz negotiated an agreement that (if the allegations against him are true) shields him from prosecution for participating in a child sex-trafficking ring.  (more...)

Playing politics? Neverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Top British diplomat was focus of secret Government file sent to Margaret Thatcher about 'unnatural' sexual behaviour

Sir Peter Hayman, former British diplomat involved in
Old Bailey paedophile case
A top British diplomat was the focus of a secret Government file about his 'unnatural' sexual behaviour, it was revealed today.

The file, which has just been released to the National Archives, names the late Sir Peter Hayman as the subject of a file prepared for then-Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.

Sir Peter died in 1992 after a career working as a diplomat including as High Commissioner to Canada. He also worked for intelligence service MI6.

He was outed as a paedophile in the House of Commons after being let off with a police caution despite being found with a trove of extreme pornographic images which he shared with other child abusers.

He was named as a child abuser by the campaigning  MP Geoffrey Dickens in the 1980s. He also had links to the controversial Paedophile Information Exchange which campaigned for sex with children to be legalised.  (more...)

Dangerous company:

On social media:

Child abuse victims received death threats after MPs revealed their identities

Home Affairs Select Committee chairman Keith Vaz published leaked documents
from the Government's child abuse inquiry
Survivors of child sex abuse have received death threats after their names and confidential details were published by MPs after being leaked by the Government's inquiry into historic child abuse.

A group of victims have written to the Home Secretary expressing 'grave concern' that documents leaked by a member of the inquiry were published online.

The Home Affairs Select Committee published the documents on its website without blanking out the names of the victims, it has emerged.

The revelation came after the Government admitted it had lost two confidential discs containing sensitive information - including the identity of the police marksman who killed Mark Duggan in 2011 sparking nationwide riots.

Information relating to three judge-led inquiries including the fatal police shooting of Mr Duggan in Tottenham went missing after being sent in the post, the Ministry of Justice has admitted.

The group says that names and contact details of panel members have since been redacted from the site – but not before they were contacted and threatened.  (more...)

Age of consent, anyone?: Wynne teams up with 13-year-old girls to promote early sex-ed in Ontario

Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne promotes the province's explicit sex ed revamp
at a press conference January 26 with 13-year-olds Lia Valente and Tessa Hill.
TORONTO, January 30, 2015 ( -- Premier Kathleen Wynne’s use of two 13-year-old girls to promote her new sex-education program is both “bizarre” and “manipulative,” according to parents’ rights and pro-life leaders.

At a press conference Monday the premier appeared with the two brightly-made-up elementary school girls to promote the new sex education curriculum expected to be released to the public this spring.

The girls also presented Wynne with a petition asking her to include “the topic of consent”—as in consenting to sexual intimacy—in the new curriculum. This, their petition explained, was necessary to fight the “rape culture” that “we live in.”

But the effect of such subject matter coming out of the mouths of youngsters was “bizarre” according to Toronto Sun columnist Joe Warmington. “It’s just not every day you see any political leader being lobbied by 13-year-olds, let alone on the subject of sex.”  (more...)

School board administrators insist salaries not breaking wage freeze legislation

Peel District School Board Education Director Tony Pontes (left) and Dufferin-Peel Catholic
District School Board Education Director John Kostoff insist their salaries and that of their
senior staffs do not break the provincial government's wage freeze regulations.
PEEL– Senior administrators at Peel’s school boards insisted they are not among any at Ontario school boards that may have ignored a salary freeze imposed by the Liberal government in 2010, despite receiving pay cheques that were topped up a year after the provincial wage regulations were introduced.

Education directors at the Peel District School Board and the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board said pay raises in 2011 were vetted by board lawyers and considered in line with the government’s public sector wage freeze.  (more...)

To the editor: Sex education curriculum needs debate

To the editor:

Children are our most precious asset, and the family is the backbone of society. It is therefore our responsibility to uphold the dignity of both, and to instill in young people a healthy respect for their own body and sexuality, not by the imposition of a sex education curriculum in our schools, which could compromise their values and beliefs. I find many of the issues proposed totally age inappropriate.

The government talks of including “consent” which is necessary in any agreement, but when did we “consent” to abdicate our responsibility of teaching our children a healthy lifestyle to the school system?  (more...)

Wynne must consult parents on sex-ed

Farzana Hassan
Premier Kathleen Wynne’s latest controversy revolves around a media conference she held to peddle Ontario’s new sex-ed curriculum, accompanied by two young teenagers, both 13.

Those familiar with the proposed curriculum have already objected to its introduction of radical content aimed at very young children, starting next September.

Far too explicit in its approach, it assigns to teachers the new role of discussing with children highly personal sexual activities such as masturbation, anal and oral sex and homosexuality.  (more...)

Enough serious journalism. Let's space out with:

This Year's Most Popular Genre of Porn is Pretty Messed Up

The world of internet porn is more vast and varied than just about anything else that can be found online. For all you seasoned online meme viewers and social media browsers, it is no secret that the unfortunate (and unsettling) fact of the internet, known infamously as “Rule 34″, is definitely true.

In case you’ve never heard it, Rule 34 of the internet simply states, “If it exists, there is porn of it.”

Not cool.

To further prove this point, according to mega-giant porn site Pornhub and their 2014 “year in review” statistics, the most popular search term on their site is one that is super disturbing as well.  (more...)

What We Don’t Know Just Might Kill You

Recently, I wrote about Brittany Maynard joining the ranks of countless “nameless, faceless egg donors,” as we say in our film Eggsploitation. Those who recognize Brittany’s name will know her as the young woman who received a horrific diagnosis, in the prime of her young life—glioblastoma. Just typing the word makes me shudder. As a nurse, I’ve taken care of patients with this diagnosis. I’ve lost friends and loved ones to this brain tumor. It’s a diagnosis for which there is no cure. All today’s medicine can offer patients with this diagnosis are treatments that may buy time, with a potential tradeoff between quantity and quality of life.

When I wrote about Brittany, I didn’t write about the fact that she left California to move to Oregon in order to be in a state where physician-assisted suicide is legal. I didn’t even write about the way in which the physician-assisted suicide debate seems to be creeping—actually, barreling—back into my state of California, with Brittany as the hero for the cause.

Instead, I wrote to talk about a tragic case of a young woman who was given a death-sentence diagnosis of glioblastoma, who happened to have in her medical history the fact that she was an egg donor. This information came to me from a source who wished to remain anonymous, and who, because she was very close to Brittany, knew that Brittany had been an egg donor. My source reached out to me because she was aware of my work exposing the risks, known and unknown, to young women who make the decision to donate—or considerably more often, sell—their eggs, which is what Brittany did. I was contacted because this person was worried that this decision might have played a role in Brittany’s developing a glioblastoma.  (more...)

Instapundit: Teach Women Not to Rape!

A service to parents for weeding out those oversexed and under-inhibited teachers:

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Pedophilia and the American Future

Jeffrey Epstein is back in the news at last. Epstein is a Florida-based hedge-fund manager who, having raked in billions, used his money and his organizational skills to set up an international pedophile network, shipping young girls by private plane to interested parties across the planet. The physically repulsive Epstein (he looks like a Satanic Fred Gwynne) got away with this for years thanks to his money and his social and political connections.

Implicated in his crimes is no less than Prince Andrew, the ne’er-do-well hustler scion of the British Royal house. Also involved is another member of the transatlantic social elite, Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein’s “companion” and daughter of press magnate Robert Maxwell, who allegedly acted as a procuress, selecting and grooming young girls for use by the network. It can be presumed that a large number of other notables were also involved.

Justice finally caught up with Epstein -- in a way -- when he was busted by the FBI in 2008. Evidence was irrefutable, but on finding Epstein guilty, an understanding judge worked out an 18-month sentence with attorney Alan Dershowitz -- Epstein served 13 -- and then with only nights spent in jail. He was free to roam during the day. (Dershowitz is now accused of sharing Epstein’s sexual activities. This is hard to evaluate -- it’s difficult to believe the canny Dershowitz would be so foolish. Another one of Epstein’s defenders was Kenneth Starr, once a moral arbiter but who has now clearly lost his bearings.)  (more...)

A little honesty and balance from the American right. Now, we need to expose the use of pedophilia in the political class for blackmail and disposal of undesirables.

Toronto has the most underutilized schools across Ontario

More than 600 schools across Ontario have too few students, with many of those underutilized buildings located in the Toronto area.

Ontario's Education Minister Liz Sandals says the province spends more than $1 billion to keep underutilized schools open, and trustees in all boards must decides which ones could be sold off, merged with another board or close.

"It may be that a school that’s surplus to one board is exactly the school that another board really, really needs," Sandals told reporters. "We (want) the best space possible in which children can learn, and to make sure that rather than spend $1 billion on an empty space, we spend it on kids that are actually here."  (more...)

And the trustees wrangle:

30,000 sign petition against Wynne's sex-ed plan

The Ontario government's plan to revamp its sex education curriculum this fall is facing further opposition now that an online petition against the plan has gained more than 30,000 signatures.

The Liberals say the revisions are a result of children are maturing and engaging in sex sooner than before. But "Parents as First Educators" (PAFE) insist teaching young children things like anal, vaginal and oral sex before Grade 8 will worsen the issue the Wynne government is hoping to address.

The petition's founder Teresa Pierre tells Sun News Network that many Ontario parents are concerned the new curriculum risks sexualizing underaged children further.  (more...)

Thursday, January 29, 2015

More community voices concerned over Ontario's proposed sex education cirriculum

Panel discussion on Sur Sagar TV and Radio
It's encouraging to see that there are more groups and community voices speaking up against the proposed sex education curriculum being introduced by the Liberal government. Last night, I was one of the three guests on Sur Sagar TV and Radio discussing Premier Kathleen Wynne's intention to bring back the withdrawn explicit sex education curriculum for Ontario elementary students. The program host was Rana Sidnu. Along with myself there were two other guests: Harkirat Singh, a trustee for Wards 9, 10 in the Peel District School Board and Jotwinder Singh, a community activist. The live broadcast was done in both Punjabi and English.

Trustee Harkirat made the point that to address parental concerns he had written and sent a letter to the Liberal government asking for a more extensive consultation process regarding the sex education component of the physical and health education program. The government has said that it wants to implement the curriculum for the new school year beginning in September 2015. However, the content has not yet been made public and this is not reassuring for parents who want to have a say in what their children are learning especially when it comes to health, moral and sexual issues. He has not received a a government response to his letter.

Jotwinder has worked with the Punjabi community, and as a parent wiht chikldren in the schools, is worried about what the curriculum will mean not just for his children, but for all students. In reference to sexting and cyberbullying, he acknowledged the dangers. However, he questioned how an explicit sex education curriculum will address these problems. He said it's the parents who must be involved in teaching their children, with the help of teachers and community resources, to use social media responsibly. Jotwinder Singh also made known that the computer program that parents must use to give their input to the government regarding the curriculum is not always working and puts limits on how parents can respond. The entire process he said needs to change and made both transparent and accountable to parents.  (more...)

A letter to the editor from a concerned parent:

Child Molestation by Homosexuals and Heterosexuals

The Church has always had a small number of priests and other religious who have taken advantage of their positions of authority and influence in order to gain sexual favors or to take advantage of the helpless. The problem of clerical child sexual molestation, particularly in the United States, has been widely exposed and publicized over the last several years. The numerous recent revelations have exposed the problem as much deeper and more widespread than most would have previously believed.

During the current crisis, homosexual activists within and outside the Catholic Church have done everything they could to divert attention away from even the possibility that there may be a higher percentage of homosexuals among the priesthood than in the general public, and that this may be the root of the problem of child sexual molestation within the Church. It is particularly the link between homosexuality and child molestation that they seek to deny.

For example, Dignity USA kicked off its "Stop Blaming Gay Priests" campaign during the meeting of the United States Catholic Bishops Conference in Washington, D.C., November 10-13, 2002. The group said, "DigntyUSA [sic] is calling on the U.S. Catholic bishops to stop blaming gay priests for the clergy sexual abuse scandal. All credible evidence discounts any link between the molestation of children and homosexuality."  (more...)

The Hinterland Laments: Despite concerns, school trustee role necessary

A recent Toronto Star poll asked the following question: What role should trustees play in education?

More than 74 per cent of respondents said none. A mere 15 per cent consider trustees a valued component of our school system.

The term “scathing indictment” springs to mind.

But it’s worth noting the poll was conducted in the aftermath of the latest conflagration in Toronto, in which a massively dysfunctional public board has been spanked by the province for sins too numerous to list here.

Whenever something absurd happens at a Toronto board (remember the Catholic trustee who expensed a vacation to Punta Cana?), anti-trustee voices become louder, more empowered.

And their complaints are hard to dispute  (more...)

One in five Toronto schools targets for possible closing

TDSB chair Shaun Chen and vice-chair Sheila Cary-Meagher (L) attend a trustees public meeting
Declining enrolment is taking a huge toll on Canada’s largest school board, and one in five schools now are targets for possible closing.

The Toronto District School Board released a list on Wednesday evening that compares the number of students an institution can accommodate to its enrolment numbers.

Of the 473 elementary schools, 84 are using 65 per cent or less of their capacity in the current academic year. The situation is bleaker for secondary schools, with 46 of 116 falling below the 65-per-cent threshold.

The school board is coming under renewed pressure from the Ontario government to sell surplus properties. However, the schools with the lowest enrolment will not automatically be sold. The school board must now look at the list of schools that are under the 65-per-cent level and decide whether to close them.  (more...)

And the political pot boils:

Jewish sex abuse victims pressured not to assist police

Prominent criminal barrister Alex Lewenberg allegedly told a victim of a sex
offender he should not have co-operated with police
Members of Australia's Orthodox Jewish community who assist police investigating alleged child sexual abuse have been pressured to stay silent, secret tape recordings and emails obtained by Fairfax Media reveal.

The details of the pressure being exerted on victims have emerged as the Royal Commission into child sex abuse prepares to hold public hearings next week to examine the responses of Melbourne and Sydney's yeshivah centres to alleged offences dating back to the 1980s.

In one secret, legally recorded 2011 telephone conversation, prominent Melbourne criminal lawyer Alex Lewenberg tells a victim of St Kilda Yeshivah centre sex offender David Cyprys he should not have co-operated with police.  (more...)

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Mic'd Up "Smuggling in Sodomy"

The Church is under assault by homosexual clergy and a depraved culture that is growing more and more accepting of this disordered and dangerous lifestyle. To discuss all the angles of the discussion, Michael Voris is joined by Austin Ruse, Mary Ann Kreitzer, Dr. Kevin Vost, Jack Fonseca, Brian Camenker and Paul Rondeau.

Sex ed. debate raging

Parents and grandparents in Rainy River District voiced their concerns last week about the new sex ed. curriculum the Liberal government is set to introduce in September.

The Parents As First Educators (PAFE) group, which claims to hold Ontario Catholic trustees accountable to taxpayers through grassroots activism, held the meeting at the Emo Inn last Monday night, with about 75 people turning out.

“It was a full house,” noted Lambton-Kent-Middlesex MPP and Ontario PC leadership candidate Monte McNaughton, who was invited to the meeting as a guest speaker.

“It was great to see,” he added.

“Lots of concerns from parents and especially grandparents, who are concerned about what their grandchildren are going to learn.”  (more...)

Surprise, and assurances from Sandals:

Former Scout leader arrested for sexual assault

A former Scout leader has been charged with sexual assault involving children.

Police say the alleged assaults took place between 1992 and 2003 in the area of Queen St. E. and Jones Ave.

A man allegedly gained access to two children through a family he befriended, aged 2 and 12 and 2 and 7 during the time of the assaults. Police allege he sexually assaulted these children on numerous occasions.

Police arrested Jeremy Nathaniel Gregg, 45, on Tuesday. He faces seven counts of sexual assault, seven counts of sexual exploitation and three counts of invitation to sexual touching.

During the time of the assaults, Gregg worked for Scouts Canada as a Scout leader in Toronto, police said.

Police believe there may be more victims  (more...)

Smuggling in Sodomy

Too many clerics have spent their careers smuggling sodomy into the sanctuary. Time to expose it.

S2D Issues The Call: Protest the sex-ed madness on February 24 at Queen's Park

What kind of province do we live in?  Some kindergarten children in Ontario are learning about homosexuality and cross-dressing.  In Toronto, a company run by the transgender spouse of a school board employee is pushing transgender-themed books into kindergarten classrooms.  There are also stories of at least one kindergarten teacher taking his class to the gay pride flag raising in Toronto.

Meanwhile, the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE), the leading school of educational thought in our country, has published a document suggesting that children as young as two years old should be exposed to LGBTQ families.  OISE is also the school at which Benjamin Levin, the former Deputy Education Minister who helped craft the sex-ed curriculum, taught.  Levin pleaded guilty two weeks ago to some of the seven child pornography offences for which he was charged.  (more...)

Pedophile Reign of Pain

Arrested, convicted and freed on a technicality, a Canadian pedophile was allowed to roam across Asia leaving behind a trail of victims whose childhoods were stolen.

This month, Ernest Fenwick MacIntosh, 71, a former Port Hawkesbury businessman was again arrested for sex crimes against a minor.

This time in Kathmandu, Nepal, where he is alleged to have raped a nine-year-old boy at an orphanage.

Now his victims, their relatives and Canadians who have followed this miscarriage of justice that set Macintosh free are hoping that the authorities in the Himalayan nation will once and for all put and to the ‘monster’s’ reign.

“Macintosh has a long history of sexually abusing young boys in Nova Scotia. I am not surprised that he continues to do so. He is a sick and perverted man and has left a huge legacy of pain and devastation here and is the direct cause of many young men taking their own lives because of the abuse they suffered by this animal. Please, please, please do what the Canadian government did not do - put him behind bars for the rest of his life, where he cannot have access to any other boys,” Dana Donovan of Nova Scotia, Canada wrote in a letter to the Himalayan Times.  (more...)

A Jesuit Approach to the Child Sex Abuse Crisis?

Hey, is that Father Chris holding up the flag?
The following is from an internal document recently distributed by the US Jesuits to all members of the religious order. According to the prefatory comments, every year the Jesuits ask their members to consider a case study in how to handle a matter involving sex and sexuality. Below, directly from the document, is the set-up and a transcript of the video the Jesuits are watching together in 2015  (more...)

On social media:

I thought I'd sit this dance out, until I saw this:

Time to set the Pierre Teilhard de Chardin studies aside and get into Catholic moral teachings?

Hey, politicos, leave our kids alone!

Whatever happened to GI Joe and hopscotch?

Good grief. Our kids will all be twitchy alcoholic neurotics on Prozac by Grade 6 if Premier Mom and other political nannies don’t quit pressuring them.

And what are parents supposed to do? Sign over custody of their kids? Here, Queen’s Park, you take ‘em!

This has been a busy week in Nannyville.

First, there’s the call for more guidance counsellors in Ontario elementary schools.

That way little Johnny can track his career path all the way from kindergarten to law school.

The decisions you make in Show and Tell can haunt you the rest of your life, you know.

Then Premier Kathleen Wynne decrees that Grade 1 kids will be taught the tricky business of sexual consent, as part of her new sex education curriculum expected this fall.

You will recall Premier Mom’s predecessor, Premier Dad, Dalton McGuinty, tried to impose a gob-smackingly graphic sex ed on your kids, until parents shouted it down.   (more...)

And a few less comedic takes:

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Feminist with Bad Hair Gets Schooled on Kiddie Rape Culture

But in Windsor, Catholics can't get into it fast enough:

Some commentary on social media:

Victims want court to see the Stuckless they know

Gordon Stuckless leaves Old City Hall court
TORONTO - They are shadows of the men they could have been.

In the excruciatingly long road to finally trying to declare Maple Leaf Gardens predator Gordon Stuckless a dangerous offender, two of his many victims take the stand at Old City Hall.

They are grown men now with minor criminal records borne of pain and stunted lives crippled by tortured memories. “I was a lost soul, you know?” one tries to explain.

And the man responsible sits before them, looking to anyone who doesn’t know better like a harmless grandfather in khaki pants and a green sweater. Has Stuckless left his monstrous ways behind him, as he insists? Or is he still so dangerous that he must be locked away for the end of his days?

From as early as 1965 to as late as 1987, Stuckless has admitted to abusing young and pubescent boys. As a volunteer hockey coach, teacher’s assistant and Leafs equipment handler, he preyed on the vulnerable, forcing them into disgusting sex acts to satisfy his perverse needs and threatening them with shame and disclosure if they dared tell anyone what he did.

His record is a long and devastating one  (more...)

Most Ontario parents left out of new sex-ed consult, laments public school board chair

MISSISSAUGA, Ontario, January 27, 2015 ( -- Janet McDougald, the chairwoman of one of Ontario’s largest school districts, has complained to the education minister over the inadequacy of the ministry’s public consultation over its new sex education and health curriculum.

And Teresa Pierre, president of Parents as First Educators, says there are many more parents and trustees who share the Peel District School Board’s concerns.

McDougald told the Brampton Guardian she had written Education Minister Liz Sandal to alert them that both trustees and parents “are concerned they didn’t feel included or consulted in the survey.”

The so-called consultation consists of selecting one parent from each public school in the province to complete a questionnaire. But everyone else feels left in the dark, McDougald said. “The whole idea [that] somebody was trying to hide or not be fully forthright about all this was a concern [to parents],” she said.

The trustees too are in the dark, she added: they have received no drafts of the curriculum, maybe to minimize the reaction. “We can’t criticize what we can’t see,” she told the newspaper.  (more...)

CIA: #OCSB pushing “Values Clarification” via “Girls on the Run”

and also pushing “her Individual truth”. If one is into yoga and “inner consciousness evolution”, then “indvidual truth” and “values clarification” seem fine

What’s wrong with Values Clarification?  (more...)

UK: Care centre abuse shock

POLICE probing claims of physical and sexual abuse at a former Wigan care facility say they are following no fewer than nine lines of inquiry.

Investigating officers have already quizzed two people in connection with the allegations of assaults at Woodend Assessment Centre in Atherton between the 1970s and 90s.

Those cases are ongoing and the inquiry team has also identified a further three people it intends to interview.

The suspects are believed to be carers at the remand centre which looked after boys from the care system including the poet Lemn Sissay (pictured) who has spoken publicly of the abuse there.

GMP said it was dealing with 35 alleged victims or complainants and there are currently nine live investigations.  (more...)

Even the lamestream media takes notice of the elephant in the room:

So, what can we expect from the inquiry?

Sound, Fury, No Substance at TDSB "Parents" Gabfest

Toronto's lamestream media would have you believe that democracy is alive and well in Toronto's education complex:

But remember, TO is a union town:

There's plenty of skepticism regarding the proceedings:

The Totalitarianism of Same-Sex “Marriage”

In November of 1996 First Things hosted a symposium titled “The Judicial Usurpation of Politics” in which contributors discussed the threat to American democracy posed by the Supreme Court instated imposition of abortion on America. Nothing rivals the sheer volume of innocent human beings killed by abortion and yet First Things saw fit to focus not on the babies themselves or the mothers and fathers, but on the threat to democracy and the American experiment posed by the judicial over-reach that legalized abortion.

The legalization of same-sex “marriage” does not bring with it the innocent blood which cries to heaven, though it is perhaps the single most audacious social engineering initiative in American history. But the way in which it has been imposed in state after state, as courts have seen fit to ignore ballot initiatives, sets the stage for a United States Supreme Court ruling on par with Roe vs. Wade. The Supreme Court has announced it will rule on same-sex “marriage” in this sitting—exactly ten years after Canada legalized same-sex “marriage.” It is important for Americans to look at what has happened in Canada.  (more...)

Where Our Modern Malaise Began

Book Review

Gay Berlin: Birthplace of a Modern Identity
Robert Beachy
Published November 18, 2014
Alfred A. Knopf
Hardcover; 336 pages

It is a central argument of the thoroughly illuminating book, Gay Berlin: The Making of a Modern Identity by Robert Beachy, that the emergence of an identity based on fixed sexual orientation was initially a German, and especially, a Berlin phenomenon.

The author offers a compelling narrative as to how the strange alchemy of interwar Berlin produced, from a combination of pseudo-science, ersatz philosophy, media propaganda, and moral decadence, forged what we now experience as the modern gay identity.

The real achievement of activists such as Dr. Magnus Hirschfield and his Institute for Sexual Science and Hans Bluher’s Mannerbund was to create, new “social imaginary” within an immanent frame, to use the terminology offered by James K.A. Smith in his book, How (Not) to be Secular: Reading Charles Taylor.  (more...)

Monday, January 26, 2015

Calif. high school had sex ed teachers with interesting sidelines

Two of the sex ed instructors at Acalanes High School in Lafayette, CA hold
questionable day jobs with one who conducts sex toy workshops at a local
porn shop and another who dubbed herself a “pleasure activist."

Toronto Catholic Teacher Tries to Reason with Homofascists, With Predictable Results

After 23 years of teaching and 10 years of active union involvement, I have found that nothing can be more volatile to a teacher’s career than overstepping some pre-conceived sexual boundary.

As a union representative I have been required, on more than one occasion, to provide assistance to teachers facing disciplinary action for upsetting specific student sensibilities with words such as “masturbation” and “wet dreams” in the course of a lesson.

So when the Ontario Liberals made public their intention to introduce a new progressive sex-education curriculum, my professional anxiety went up.  (more...)

@TDSBwatchdog Official Watchdog of TDSB Trustees

CIA: CARFLEO and “Evolutionary Change” – How does this influence #OCSB ?

I will have more OCSB-specific posts in the next few weeks.

But it is important to keep and eye on CARFLEO – this is the group that all the OCSB “Religion Teachers” belong to.

CARFLEO supports the work of Carter Phipps: take the many bad parts of de Chardin and put it on steroids  (more...)

Scathing TDSB review doesn’t address board’s real problems

Margaret Wilson wrote a scathing review of the TDSB that may ultimately
make the school system even worse
The report by Margaret Wilson and the subsequent orders to implement its recommendations by Education Minister Liz Sandals were a real missed opportunity to address the leadership issues at the Toronto District School Board. To its credit, the report did chastise trustees for failing to close empty schools, even though it would result in a better educational experience for all children across the city. But chastising trustees is about all the report did, even though the TDSB’s issues run far deeper. And in fact, it is very likely that some of the recommendations will make the school system even worse.

The report’s recommendations will dramatically weaken all trustees, even though it makes clear that it was only some that were meddling in day-to-day affairs. It was as if faced with a few misbehaving students, Wilson and Sandals have decided to punish the entire class. This isn’t an effective strategy in the classroom, and is not any better at the school board level. It would have been far better if Wilson had called out these problem trustees so that they could be dealt with directly.

The recommendations are also a blow to local democracy  (more...)

The Strange Notion of “Gay Celibacy”

Of late, much attention has been given in both the secular media and Christian media to those who call themselves “gay celibate Christians.” As a man attracted to men yet committed to traditional Catholic teaching on human sexuality, I find the notion both of being “gay” or “celibate” strange. Indeed, in the context of what the virtue of chastity is all about, neither of them make sense.

The gift of the virtues can be summed up by Christ’s words: be perfect as your heavenly father is perfect. “The Christian man,” Gaudium et Spes tells us, is “conformed to the likeness of that Son Who is the firstborn of many brothers.” Christ “fully reveals man to man himself and makes his supreme calling clear” and is “Himself the perfect man.” His life is man’s paradigm and the virtues are the template for how Christ, the perfect man, lived.

The commandments are not arbitrary “does and don’ts.” Rather, they are the way man would naturally live—if man knew who he truly was. Those who have virtue will spontaneously live in accord with the commandments. They are not perceived as impositions that deny us pleasure, but as safeguards against harming ourselves and others. Such was the case with Christ.  (more...)

Margaret Wilson’s report on the TDSB comes under fire from critics

Margaret Wilson wrote about a “culture of fear” among principals in her
scathing review of the TDSB
They were tough words for an unruly school board that few would deny needed a little tough love.

But since troubleshooter Margaret Wilson called for a rollback of trustee powers at the Toronto District School Board — starting trustees and staff on a scramble to do that in the four short weeks Queen’s Park has given them — some are asking if all Wilson’s criticisms were fair, and whether her reforms will fix the real problem.

Some, in fact, warn Wilson’s fix for dysfunction could deal a blow to local democracy.

At least 80 members of the public have signed up to address her recommendations Monday night at a special board meeting to allow public input.

“The thrust of the recommendations are off-balance; it’s excessive finger-pointing at trustees as being the problem in the whole mix,” said Ryerson political science professor Myer Siemiatycki.

“We’re talking about major public institutions using public funding that need to be accountable, and at this point the only way we’ve figured out how to do that is through elected officials. The irony is, you can’t find a more powerless, marginalized group of elected officials in the country than school trustees — and now the province wants to clip them back even more? It’s a big mistake to go down that path.”  (more...)

Harvard Law Professors Support Alan Dershowitz Against Sex-Abuse Allegation

Alan Dershowitz
Three dozen Harvard law professors have come to the defense of Alan M. Dershowitz, an emeritus professor at the university’s law school, as he stands accused in court filings of having had sex with a minor in a high-profile sex scandal, The Boston Globe reports.

In a statement released on Friday, the 36 lawyers—who include such prominent figures as Charles J. Ogletree Jr. and Laurence H. Tribe—take issue with how the sex-abuse accusation was brought against Mr. Dershowitz, in a lawsuit in which he has been unable to defend himself because he is not a named party.

The Harvard professors’ statement says they “are particularly troubled by the legal setting in which the recent attacks against Professor Dershowitz were made,” arguing that he has “been accused in a setting seemingly designed to deny him any effective opportunity to respond.”  (more...)


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