Tuesday, September 30, 2014

‘Equality’: the most potent of the infernal lies

I've been writing here about how to build up in young people a vital and dynamic Christian imagination. But since Christ, the consummation of all that is human, reveals man to himself, to have a Christian imagination is to have a fully human imagination. It is to see the truth about man, both in his fallen state and in his God-ordained orientation towards heaven.

It follows then that we must reject, categorically, all lies about man. And the governance of the world about us is a most efficient machine for the production and proliferation of lies. We cannot preach truth in the language of lies, no more than the martyrs of old could find a “Christian” way to offer incense to the emperor. Jesus bore with the weakness of man. But he did not ever compromise with a lie. He did not cut a bargain with Satan.

If we are to speak to our children in the language of truth, we have to be, as Jesus says, as wise as serpents. That is, we have to identify the lies, and we have to be courageous in revealing them for what they are.  (more...)

Former Sheridan arts dean charged in sex assault cold case

David Ralph Cole, 77, (left) and James Brian Wickens, 68 (right).
A former department head at Sheridan College is one of two men charged in a historical sexual assault investigation, Toronto police say.

Police allege that for over three decades the men, acting together and individually, sexually assaulted boys and men between the ages of 11 and 30 years of age.

Both men are Mexican citizens and spend winters in the Puerto Vallarta area of that country.

David Ralph Cole, 77, of Toronto, worked at the college's Oakville campus between 1974 and 1987...

Cole faces charges, including three counts of indecent assault on a male, and five counts of gross indecency.

James Brian Wickens, 68, of Toronto, faces charges, including four counts of indecent assault on a male and two counts of gross indecency.

Police said they believe there may be more victims.  (more...)

Retrospective: The Unanswered Question behind the Rembert Weakland Scandal: Was the Implementation of Vatican II a Homosexual Fantasy?

I would say that my role and my legacy has been to keep the Catholic church very much alive within the bigger, larger community. There's a tendency in the Catholic Church now toward an isolationism. And that's part of the reform of the reform, a kind of return to what was called in the last century integrism, almost as if the church becomes a separate society. And I've avoided all of that. I've taken the risk myself, and I've kept the community aware that the Catholics are here to stay. - Rembert Weakland on his legacy as archbishop of Milwaukee

It was almost as if God took pity on the Catholic Church. Just as the media had succeeded in framing the sexual crisis which has plagued the Church ever since the close of the Second Vatican Council by falsely defining it as the "pedophilia" issue, the story of Rembert Weakland broke. Weakland, ordinary of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee since 1977, admitted not only to having an affair with an adult graduate student in theology shortly after assuming his duties as archbishop, he also admitted to paying a settlement of $450,000 to keep the incident quiet. That, of course, is precisely what he did not admit, at least not in the first few days of the scandal, but the conclusion, given the particulars in the case was inescapable. Paul Marcoux, the man who received the archdiocesan settlement in 1998, had no chance of winning an abuse case if the case had ever gone to trial because he was an adult when the sexual activity took place, and all the evidence points to the fact that it was consensual.

If he were simply interested in having the truth come out or saving the archdiocese money, Archbishop Weakland could have allowed the case to go to trial and would have been exonerated of any charge of criminal activity. In fact, the case probably never would have gone to trial. But if it had, the archbishop, in order to defend himself, would have had to admit that he engaged in consensual homosexual activity, and it was this threat of public exposure and not any worry about conviction that led Weakland to settle out of court with archdiocesan money. It was blackmail, pure and simple, and Weakland, by forking out $450,000 in archdiocesan money to keep his blackmailer silent, admitted 1) that homosexual activity was particularly heinous, so heinous that there was no point in defending a civil or criminal case if he had to use the consensuality of the act as his defense 2) that the settlement was motivated by a desire to save his reputation--his "legacy," as he used to say--and the power that went with it.  (more...)

L.A. school officials knew of student sexual abuse for decades

LOS ANGELES – New revelations from a Los Angeles civil lawsuit show school officials knew of convicted pedophile teacher Mark Berndt’s sexual depravity three decades before he was busted for lewd acts with students.

The former Miramonte Elementary School teacher was sentenced to 25 years in prison last November, but civil cases brought by his victims against the Los Angeles Unified School District. Last year, 63 children and their families settled a lawsuit for $30 million, but a second civil suit involving 70 more plaintiffs continues to unravel Berndt’s disturbing history, the Huffington Post reports.

“In May, Los Angeles Judge John Shepard Wiley said that Berndt may have abused as many as 100 children, citing a 512-page investigative report from the local Sheriff’s Department,” according to the news site.

“Investigators found that Berndt molested his students, getting them to touch him inappropriately and exposing himself to them by sitting in shorts without underwear,” although Berndt’s attorney denies the molestation allegations, the Huffington Post reports.  (more...)

A Pride Shame Parade:

Sodomy Priest

A dissident Priest has had free run of the Catholic San Diego speaking circuit and the laity are outraged.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Catholic children's home in Northern Ireland was scene of 'rampant' sexual abuse of boys

Alleged victims of paedophile priest Father Brendan Smyth
(above ) are among those expected to give evidence
Sexual abuse was rampant at a children's home in Northern Ireland run by a Catholic order of brothers, a former senior policeman has said.

Around a fifth of boys at Rubane House in Co Down were subjected to sexual or physical abuse, according to a public inquiry, equal to if not worse than that at another notorious home, Kincora in east Belfast.

Rubane was the subject of a police investigation in the 1990s, the Historical Institutional Abuse inquiry was told.

Three De La Salle Order brothers were charged but none convicted after their trials did not go ahead due to legal issues.

Former Royal Ulster Constabulary Detective Chief Superintendent Eric Anderson wrote a note to the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) that read: 'Sexual abuse by a considerable number of the De La Salle brothers on the children and consequently between children is rampant.'

Most offenders were already dead or medically certified unfit for trial.  (more...)


South Yorkshire police under fire for failing to protect vulnerable children

Shaun Wright resigned as South Yorkshire police and crime commissioner after
an earlier report which heavily criticised the force.
A police force criticised for turning a blind eye to the sexual exploitation of 1,400 children in Rotherham has been further rebuked for “weaknesses” in its child protection procedures.

South Yorkshire police had “limited understanding” of the risk posed by offenders who target vulnerable children, while officers showed an inconsistent response to child sexual exploitation, Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC) said.

Inspectors found that officers had failed to tell social services when two 13-year-old girls went missing from their care homes. Both had been identified as at risk of being exploited for sex. But when one breached her bail condition to stay at the care home, she was arrested after being found at the home of a sex offender with condoms in her possession.

“There was no record of children’s social care services being notified, her parents being informed or an appropriate adult or solicitor sought. Furthermore, there was no indication of any enquiries about the man in whose home she was found, or any evidence of a risk assessment being completed,” said an HMIC inspector.  (more...)

Cue the lawyers:

Marina Warner compares UK university managers to 'Chinese communist enforcers'

Novelist and former professor in the Department of Literature, Film & Theatre Studies
at the University of Essex launches a scathing attack
The chair of judges for the 2015 Man Booker International Prize has delivered a blistering broadside against her former university employers comparing higher education managers to unquestioningly obedient Chinese communist officials.

Writing in the London Review of Books, Marina Warner said she felt “pushed” into resigning her role earlier this summer as a professor in the department of literature, film and theatre studies at the University of Essex where she had taught for the past decade.

The acclaimed author and academic accused institutions of being forced into competing against each like high street supermarkets in the search for profits.  (more...)

Homo-eduphobia: The Gay Fear of Educated People

Are you honored to read the words of a “rising star”?  According to the Human Rights Campaign’s September 15 report, “Export of Hate,” that’s me.  I’m apparently so famous and powerful that I rank second on their list of the most dangerous extremists launching homophobia from American soil.  I have supernatural powers that nobody could have guessed.  With no organizational affiliation, and nothing but a $65,000-a-year job with which I support a family of four in Los Angeles, I can make the whole world hate gays.

The Human Rights Campaign’s yearly revenues are estimated by some as over $10 million.  Their principals meet regularly with the president of the United States.  Yet they used up valuable donations to spy on and stalk me.  Because I’m really deadly like that.  I mean, I’m alive, I disagree with them, and I have a computer.  Call in the CIA!

Did I strap a suicide vest on?  Am I a terrorist?  Have I called for countries overseas to pass anti-sodomy laws?  Do I encourage people to hang gays?  Am I a promoter of ex-gay conversion therapy?  Do I call homosexuality an abomination or homosexuals bad people?  (more...)

More forensic evidence:

Catholic Whiggery

The Neo-Conservative Betrayal of Catholic Social Teaching

In the past 20 years or so, we have witnessed, especially here in the United States, the emergence of what some authors have termed, "Catholic Whiggery." This movement, best exemplified by such authors as Michael Novak and Fr. Richard John Neuhaus, is but an attempt at a Catholic version of the more encompassing "Neo-Conservative" movement, which has its origins with anti-Stalinist Trotskyites, who came to be considered "conservatives" during their years of opposition to Soviet Communism during the Cold War.

Led by such intellectuals as Irving Kristol, the "Neo-Cons," as they are called, embraced the "Whig Tradition," which found its modern-day expression in the social and economic writings of Friedrich von Hayek. Hayek, a Libertarian and northern European secularist, attempted to revive and promote the Whig tradition, which advances laissez-faire economics, secular democracy, and religious and cultural pluralism. This Whig tradition could be said to have its ideological origin in the writings of the defender of the English Revolution of 1688, John Locke. (This so-called "Glorious Revolution" was the one which overthrew the legitimate Catholic Stuart monarch James II and placed James's Protestant daughter Mary and her Dutch husband William of Orange jointly on the British throne.)

To understand the "world vision" of these contemporary Liberals (i.e., Libertarians), we must first remember that they themselves trace their ideological origins to the 18th- century Enlightenment.  (more...)

The Frankfurt School: Cultural Revolution

"We will make the West so corrupt that it stinks."
In general terms, one can identify two types of Revolution. First, there is political revolution: the gaining of power through violence and the use of terror. The revolutions of 1789-93 in France and of 1917 in Russia provide a good illustration of this type. Second, there is cultural revolution in which one demolishes from within the basis of civilization in the country one wants to conquer–its culture, way of life, beliefs, morality, scale of values, etc. It is a long-term action undertaken without visible violence by applying the formula: "Modern forms of subjection are marked by mildness."[1]

Why is it important to study the process of cultural revolution, which is generally less known than that of political revolution? Becaue it shows itself to be particularly effective in Catholic countries. Poland gives us a typical example of this: Here is a country that for 50 years had resisted Marxist political power and, in spite of it, had preserved its religion and its morality. However, within a few years of a cultural revolution arriving from the West, morality and customs were penetrated by anti-Christian influences and were adapted to Western standards, which has made us fear a rapid de-Christianization of the country.[2]  (more...)

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Bishop hits out at delay in abuse probe

Bishop Paul Butler said that the long-awaited
investigation would not start work until almost
five months after it was announced, because of
Fiona Woolf’s existing workload
A senior Church of England bishop has criticised delays created by the controversial appointment of a high-profile lawyer to lead the Government’s historic child abuse inquiry.

The Bishop of Durham, Paul Butler, who is the chairman of the Church’s committee on abuse, said that the long-awaited investigation would not start work until almost five months after it was announced, because of Fiona Woolf’s existing workload.

And he highlighted concerns that until the inquiry begins, officials accused of a cover-up could be shredding important documents.

His intervention comes after The Mail on Sunday revealed Mrs Woolf has close links to Tory grandee Leon Brittan, accused of failing to investigate alleged VIP paedophile rings when Home Secretary.  (more...)

Retrospective: Pedophilia and Kulturkampf: the Consequences of Just Saying Yes to the Culture of Appetite

Bernard Cardinal Law
The recent pedophilia case in Boston is instructive for those who want to understand how Kulturkampf works in a culture where media orchestrated appetite followed by media orchestrated opinion is the main instrument of control. Every system of control needs a cadre of commissars, those who have internalized the commands of the regime to the extent that they want to impose them on others. Some people do this because their guilty consciences compel them to; others get paid to do it. The categories are not mutually exclusive, as the case of Andrew Sullivan, the establishment's designated Catholic, indicates. Sullivan is a homosexual Catholic, which makes him an expert on moral issues. He can therefore speak with authority on things like priestly celibacy. On the pages of Time magazine, Sullivan calls celibacy "an onerous burden that can easily distort a person's psyche."

Just how abolishing celibacy is going to quiet the urges of the homosexual priests who have been molesting children is anyone's guess. Sullivan ignores the fact that the ability to marry is not much of a consolation to a homosexual. Has Andrew Sullivan availed himself of the right to marry a woman and have children? If not, why does he think a homosexual priest would? The pronouncements of designated Catholics like Sullivan are always couched in terms that lead the reader to believe that they have only the good of the church in mind. Flens dico. Disinterested benevolence, etc. That pose is maintained long enough to lead up to the real message, which is that the Church will have to abandon its commitment to preserving the moral order in the sexual realm. "How," Sullivan wonders, "can a church that preaches the impermissibility of so many forms of consensual, adult sex simultaneously tolerate, ignore or cover up the sexual abuse of children by its own priests?" In other words, the political purpose of the current crisis is to break whatever hold the Catholic Church still has on morals because morals, especially sexual morals, are the only thing which stands between the nation's beleaguered individuals and families and the globalist culture of control through appetite which pays Mr. Sullivan to say what he has to say.   (more...)

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Child sex abuser Jonathan King is back on the BBC

The BBC sparked outrage last night over plans to include convicted sex offender Jonathan King in a documentary about rock band Genesis.

The disgraced music impresario – who still refuses to apologise to his victims despite spending three and a half years in jail – will be interviewed on BBC2 about his role in the band’s early days.

The decision to give him a platform on national TV was immediately criticised by MPs and campaigners.

Tory MP Rob Wilson, who said it was ‘astonishing’ the corporation was not more sensitive to victims in the wake of a string of sex abuse scandals involving high-profile presenters.

He added: ‘After everything that has happened, you would have thought the BBC would steer clear of convicted paedophiles.

'There is little doubt this will upset King’s victims and further tarnish the reputation of the BBC.’

King, 69, is a former chart-topping star and TV producer who worked on BBC shows No Limits and The great British Song Contest.

In 2001, he was convicted of sexual assault on five teenage boys in the 1980s. He was given a seven-year jail sentence and was released on parole in 2005.  (more...)


Friday, September 26, 2014


There wasn’t a lot left to the imagination at a recent sex-ed event at Lynchburg College earlier this week, when a guest lecture titled “How to be a Gentleman and Still Get Laid” included hands-on demonstrations on how to sexually pleasure the penis and vagina.

Self-described “Sex Geek” Reid Mihalko used a vulva puppet, the live-long-and-prosper V-shaped Spock hand gesture, and a rubbery-looking dildo to educate the packed audience of Virginia college students on the nuances of stimulating the male and female nether regions.

Among advice doled out with the vulva puppet? Get your partner excited before going for the hole too soon, according to an audience member.  (more...)

Can't wait to get their teaching certificates...

No Sex Outside Marriage? How Original!

What "freedom" looks like
According to the University of Michigan’s website educating students and others about forms of abuse, this constitutes “sexual violence”:
Examples of sexual violence include: discounting the partner’s feelings regarding sex; criticizing the partner sexually; touching the partner sexually in inappropriate and uncomfortable ways; withholding sex and affection; always demanding sex; forcing partner to strip as a form of humiliation (maybe in front of children), to witness sexual acts, to participate in uncomfortable sex or sex after an episode of violence, to have sex with other people; and using objects and/or weapons to hurt during sex or threats to back up demands for sex.
OK, let me see if I understand this. According to the University of Michigan, a man who is insufficiently attentive to his partner’s desires in bed is guilty of sexual violence, and the woman who tells her partner that the sex they just had wasn’t very good for her because he didn’t pay enough attention to her needs is also guilty of sexual violence. A person who asks for more sex than his or her partner wants to have is guilty of violence, as is a person who denies his or her partner the sex they want to have.

These people are out of their minds...  (more...)

Who's bright idea was this anyway? Do up yer zippers, kids.

Cambridge Catholic teacher appealing conviction for sex with teen

KITCHENER — As she faces sentencing Friday, a fired teacher is appealing her conviction for having sex with a drunken 17-year-old student at her Kitchener home.

Lawyers for Jacqueline Lavigne, 34, have also scheduled an afternoon bail hearing in Toronto in the event Justice Patrick Flynn imposes jail time in a Kitchener court in the morning.

Her bail application, to be heard by a judge of the Ontario Court of Appeal, would seek her release from custody pending the outcome of an appeal of her sexual exploitation conviction.

The manoeuvering could mean Lavigne is unlikely to spend more than a few hours in custody even if her sentence is immediately imposed after arguments Friday by Crown and defence lawyers.

A married mother of two young children, Lavigne was found guilty in April of having oral sex and intercourse with one of her students from Monsignor Doyle Catholic Secondary School.  (more...)

Want details on Toronto trustees' expenses? That will cost $3,300

Trustee Gerri Gershon billed taxpayers $3,765 for a controversial trip to Israel
Want to know exactly what Toronto trustees have charged taxpayers for since the 2010 election? Getting that information will cost you $3,300.

That’s the amount the Star was quoted after filing a freedom-of-information request to the Toronto District School Board for the expenses, including receipts, of the 22 elected officials.

Even after a modified request seeking only conference costs filed by four trustees — including Gerri Gershon, who billed taxpayers $3,765 for a controversial trip to Israel — the price tag was still $1,485.

A letter of explanation from the school board cited 48 hours of “search and preparation” at $30 an hour, or $1,440, plus $45 to photocopy 225 pages. After a phone call to the board, the fee for the modified request was knocked down to $1,200.  (more...)

H/T to Socialist Studies


TDSB teacher pleads guilty to professional misconduct

A Toronto teacher pleaded guilty to professional misconduct at a disciplinary hearing at the Ontario College of Teachers this week for giving a former student DVDs containing sexual content, engaging in inappropriate Facebook communication with that student and failing to report being sexually propositioned by another former student.

Ian Handscomb has been at the Claude Watson School for the Arts since 1996 and is still employed at the school as artistic director, according to a statement his counsel made at the hearing. He was formally disciplined by the college, including a verbal reprimand by the panel and a 20-day suspension.

An agreed statement of facts lays out that Handscomb believed a male student had approached him about “coming out” because he was an openly gay teacher, and further, that Facebook conversations with that student that had sexual content were in reference to sexual orientation and safety in sexual relationships.  (more...)

Here's why we need to vote responsibly for trustees

Do you want to know part of what ails Catholic and public education in Ontario? All you have to do is read what a retired superintendent has expressed in a letter to a newspaper. The superintendent wants people to vote, but only if they agree with his views and those of the nanny state.  In his letter, sent to the Burlington Post retired Halton Catholic District School Board, superintendent Gary Mahoney laments the fact that school board trustees exercise their right to propose motions and stand for ideas that may contradict what the school board or the Ministry of Education are proposing from school year to school year. Well excuse us, Sir, this is democracy. Why bother to vote if your ideas are the only ones that count. With this view, we should all join the Liberal Party of Canada.

Let's look at some of the contents of the letter. On the one hand he states, "Ratepayers, regardless of their family status, pay taxes for school services. And, make no mistake about it, neglecting school board elections has significant results." But on the other hand he says, trustee candidates are "vulnerable to manipulation by those with particular and peculiar agendas to advance. With few hoops to jump through, any tax-paying resident of a municipality, however wacky their motivation, can qualify as a candidate." Surely then the solution isn't to appoint them so they can do the bidding of the school board or the Ministry of Education because they know what's best for children.   (more..)

The Gay Bullyboys Want You Jailed

Climate change and the call for prosecutorial punishment for disagreement is a glimpse into the modern liberal imagination but it is not the only area where the modern left wants not just to bully opponents but punish them. Walking in goose-step with them is the LGBT left. A new report from the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) shows the same frightening glimpse of the increasingly dangerous bullyboys of the hard left.

The report is called The Export of Hate and features attacks on many of my friends and colleagues.

It sure is a scary report. It looks that way and reads that way. “There exists a network of American extremists who are working tirelessly to undercut LGBT people around the world at every turn.” Undercut. Yes, you read that right. They undercut. And it does not get any more evil than that.

The report says that their “vicious brand of bigotry is currently finding little traction in the United States” and so they have cast their evil eyes overseas where they find audiences with Parliaments, heads of state “and their wives” and where popular opinion against the homosexual agenda is widespread.  (more...)

Retrospective: Pedophilia and Sex Education

"These filmstrips were not designed to be exploitive," insisted the Rev. Roberta Nelson, a Unitarian Universalist minister from Concord, Massachusetts, on Public Eye (10/08/97). "They were not designed to be erotic. They were designed to answer young people's questions." Young people (ages 12 and 13) who did not have questions, or urges, before seeing Rev. Roberta's films were likely to have them afterward, for the material included graphic depictions of gay and lesbian lovemaking, auto-erotic techniques and transvestitism.

As CBS host Bryant Gumbel noted, Rev. Nelson "has been involved with church sex education for some time," for 25 years, in fact. "I've trained teachers, I've taught kids," she said, "and the overwhelming response in our churches has been one of gratitude and appreciation for the open, honest conversation we allow." In the 1990s, intercourse and conversation have regained their explicitly sexual connotation, in the name of educating and protecting children, in public schools and churches alike.

"Sex happens," said one single mother who indicated she supported the "conversation" in principle, though not all the details. When does it happen? "Usually two, three months before they go to high school," commented another soccer mom giving her view of youth sex today. One wonders what is taught, and not taught, in such homes, and how much of the "teaching" is delegated to TV. "We're giving them information so they don't get themselves in trouble," say parents supportive of the sex ed curriculum, seeming to assume that footage of adolescent cross dressing and sodomy will keep them out of trouble. Church leader Eric Van Loon stated, "I think this program has brought tremendous good for a huge number of kids."

Parents were invited to enter their adolescents in the AYS ("About Your Sexuality") program by signing of on a permission slip that blandly stated, "the kids will see contemporary media images." "What would you make of that!" demanded one parent, outraged after the fact, a day late and more than a dollar short. This single mother and psychologist, the quintessential modern person, has become another "liberal who had been mugged by reality." But what of the urges and fears bequeathed to the children? Their lives will become the stuff of daily horror films that rot unseen in the sewer this culture has become.  (more...)

Shock Study: 55% of Sex-Trafficking Victims Become Pregnant, Forced Into Abortions

By its very nature the crime of human trafficking strips each victim of his or her humanity.  Sex trafficking in particular, which is categorized by law as a “severe form” of human trafficking, rebrands the person as a product to be bought and sold for pleasure. In the United States alone, the Central Intelligence Agency estimates that around 50,000 women and children are trafficked into the United States and as many as 400,000 domestic minors are also involved in the trade each year. These alarming figures testify to the firm foothold that this hidden criminal activity has in the United States.

On September 11, the House Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee held a hearing on a bill highlighting the importance of healthcare professionals in their role on the front lines of identifying victims of trafficking and responding appropriately. The Trafficking Awareness Training for Health Care Act of 2014, introduced by North Carolina Rep. Renee Ellmers (R), seeks to provide proper training for these professionals to allow them to recognize indicators of trafficking and offer help.  (more...)

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Scott Stanley tells court he 'hates' himself for child luring

A former Scouts Canada leader told the court, "who I am hates who I've been and what I've done," during a speech at his sentencing hearing after admitting to luring four boys and repeatedly molesting them.

With a shaky voice, Scott Stanley spoke on Thursday afternoon in an Ottawa courtroom after his lawyer asked for a sentence of three years less a day, while the Crown asked for six to eight years of incarceration.

Stanley, 30, was a volunteer with Scouts Canada for five years, beginning in 2009. He is also a former City of Ottawa lifeguard and swim coach.

Stanley pleaded guilty in late June to 10 counts of sexual interference, three counts of luring and three counts of invitation to sexual touching. The incidents occurred when the boys were between 12 and 15 years old.  (more...)

Victim sues teacher, Catholic school board

A teacher convicted of assault for touching boys on the buttocks is being sued in civil court for $1.75 million.

The lawsuit, filed by the family of one of Rick Doran’s victims, also names the Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board. The board has filed a countersuit against Doran, denying it had any knowledge of what court documents call Doran’s “depraved predilections.”

According to the boy’s lawsuit, Doran was his homeroom teacher at Holy Cross school in LaSalle. Doran would pat the boy on the bum, keep him in for recess and buy him pizza for lunch. Outside of school hours, Doran would turn up uninvited at the boy’s hockey games.

The statement filed with the court claims the boy became “withdrawn and unhappy about going to school,” after the inappropriate behaviour began and has “suffered serious emotional harm.”  (more...)

Windsor and Tecumseh men arrested in province-wide child porn probe

Two Windsorites and one Tecumseh man have been arrested in a province-wide child porn sweep.

Police executed 99 search warrants across Ontario. They arrested 60 people on a total of 249 charges. Three of the suspects arrested are young people who can’t be identified under the Youth Criminal Justice Act. Investigators have also identified 14 child victims. None of them appear to be from the Windsor area.

“This investigation highlights the pervasiveness of Internet-based dangers of child luring, sexual exploitation and abuse,” said Insp. Scott Naylor, manager of the OPP Child Sexual Exploitation Unit. “Children, teens and parents also have a responsibility to educate themselves to ensure their Internet and social networking experiences can be as rewarding as they want it to be and as safe as it needs to be. Because every child matters, everywhere.”

The charges include sexual assault, possession of child pornography, make available child pornography, distribution of child pornography, making child pornography and accessing child pornography. Police also seized drugs and prohibited weapons.  (more...)

Among the Bourgeois Decadents

When I first read this account in The Atlantic about the highly ritualized group-sex scene in San Francisco and elsewhere, I was disgusted. It’s written not really as anthropology or sociology, but as advocacy. When a publication as respected as The Atlantic runs articles that not long ago you’d have to go to a pornographic magazine to read, it’s a sign of cultural decline.

On second thought, though, they struck me as perfectly ridiculous. Leave it to Americans to bourgeoisify the most transgressive sexual behavior. Read on:
Group sex parties run the gamut and are available for all types of people. The New York scene, which just last month opened a Kinky Salon, joining their list of hosted parties in Copenhagen, Austin, Berlin, Portland, New Orleans, and London, has its fair share of parties across the board. There are the parties just for single heterosexual couples, like Bowery Bliss, a weekly swingers party in lower Manhattan, for which “The term couple refers to a Male and Female. Two men are NOT considered a couple.” At others, like Submit in Brooklyn, a party for “women and trans folk” interested in all types of BDSM play, “There’s a shower, a boot black station, slings, a cross, bondage set-ups, beds, peep holes, and more.” One Leg Up requires their guests to leave together if they arrive together, and Chemistry, another Brooklyn scene, asks a series of questions to pre-screen their guests like, “What is your favorite non-sexual hobby?” or “What role does sexuality play in your life?”  (more...)

Europe-wide crime sweep nets more than 1,000 suspects, saves 30 children from sex trafficking

Europe-wide raids targeting gangs involved in people trafficking, cybercrime, narcotics and illegal gun trafficking have led to the arrest of more than 1,000 suspects.

Police identified 200 victims of human trafficking in the unprecedented swoop on organised crime groups.

In one of the raids, 30 Romanian children were saved from child traffickers aiming to use the victims as sex slaves or slave labour.  (more...)

High school worker sentenced for peeping on kids

TROIS-RIVIERES, Que. - A former boarding school worker was sentenced Wednesday to 17 months in prison and three years' probation for taking video recordings of children in the shower.

Pierre Laplante, 50, of Trois-Rivieres, Que., was arrested last year as part of a Toronto police child-porn bust.

He has admitted to voyeurism and producing and possessing child pornography.

Laplante had installed a camera in the locker room showers at Mount Benilde and Bromptonville high schools east of Montreal.  (more...)

Moncton teacher William MacGillivray to stand trial on sex charges

William MacGillivray, a Moncton teacher accused of sexually exploiting two female students, will stand trial.

MacGillivray, 41, a teacher at Harrison Trimble High School, is accused of child luring, two counts of sexual exploitation, obstructing a police officer and breach of a court undertaking.

He appeared in a Moncton provincial courtroom Tuesday.

After a two-day preliminary hearing, defence lawyer Scott Fowler said he had discussions with the Crown, and agrees to have the matter set over for trial in Moncton Court of Queen's Bench. A court date for the trial has not been set.

MacGillivray had also been charged with sexual assault, but that charge was withdrawn on Monday.  (more...)


Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Political Correctness and the University’s Pink Police State

In his 1953 book, The Quest for Community: A Study in the Ethics of Order and Freedom, the sociologist Robert Nisbet sets forth an explanation for why many men and women join totalitarian movements, such as the fascism that preceded Nisbet’s book, the communism of his time, or something like Islamic State today.

In the preface, Nisbet notes that the “real significance of the modern state” lies in its “successive penetrations of man’s economic, religious, kinship, and local allegiances, and its revolutionary dislocations of established centers of function and authority.” These penetrations into the space of civil society—those autonomous institutions existing between the individual and the state—Nisbet believes to form the framework for “the twentieth-century’s obsessive quest for moral certainty and social community,” which make “so difficult present-day problems of freedom and democracy.”  (more...)

Germany: Land of Hillbilly Degenerates?

Germany’s state Ethics Council has recommended that the government abolish the country’s law banning sibling incest, the Telegraph reports:
Laws banning incest between brothers and sisters in Germany could be scraped after a government ethics committee said the they were an unacceptable intrusion into the right to sexual self-determination. 
“Criminal law is not the appropriate means to preserve a social taboo,” the German Ethics Council said in a statement. “The fundamental right of adult siblings to sexual self-determination is to be weighed more heavily than the abstract idea of protection of the family.”  (more...)


Tuesday, September 23, 2014

When Will Catholics Give Up Being Used by "Conservative" Politicians?

...For decades, in Spain as in many other countries in the West, "conservative" parties have tricked Catholics into voting for them because they alone could deliver some form of pro-life or pro-family measures. Instead, time and again, from Canada to Eastern Europe, they rarely do manage to deliver anything, even with solid majorities in parliament. When Socialists are in power they advance their pro-death and anti-family ideas, strongly -- when "conservatives" get majorities, no Socialist measure is undone... It was a tricky alliance: Catholics would support economic measures that are not exactly the best implementation of Catholic Social Doctrine (which, just to be clear, Socialist parties disrespect as well, despite the propaganda of their fellow travelers embedded within the Catholic Church), but at least they would be able to advance some measures of non-negotiable principles on family and the preservation of human life. Instead, what they get is neither one nor the other. Another curious betrayal, of course, happened in the United Kingdom, where a measure that wasn't even present in the parties' manifestos (the extension of civil marriage to homosexual "couples") was rammed through Parliament with full support of the Conservative-led coalition, whose slight hold on power had certainly been helped by the votes of pro-family Christians... And in France, the former president and leader of the main "conservative" party has just announced that he is not at all interested in revisiting the Socialist-imposed "same-sex marriage" law (that brought millions of Christians to the streets in 2013) when his party comes back to power -- he is only critical of the "humiliating" way in which it was passed.  (more...)


TORONTO – Global News reporter Christina Stevens should be held to account for her disgraceful anti-faith attacks, made during a recent interview with a Toronto District School Board trustee, says the Canadian Council of Religious Freedom (CCRF).

In a letter to Global News Senior Vice President Barb Williams, CCRF Chair Father Geoffrey Korz outlined the Council’s concerns over Stevens’ attack on the traditional faith and cultural values expressed by Toronto school trustee Sam Sotiropoulos regarding the issue of ‘transgenderism’ in public schools.

Following the aggressive interview, the Global reporter physically pursued Mr. Sotiropoulos through the halls of the TDSB building.

“We are demanding that Global News act on this matter, just as actively as they would act on an attack by a reporter against any other identifiable group,” said Father Korz.  (more...)

First grade girls at Toronto Catholic school forced to share bathroom with boy

Girls in first grade in a Toronto Catholic school will be sharing a washroom this year with a biological boy whose lesbian parent has chosen to identify him as a “girl.”

A mother whose young daughter attends the school in the Toronto Catholic District School Board is concerned about the implications of allowing a biological boy to share her daughter’s washroom and changing room, especially as the boy moves into puberty. The mother, under condition of anonymity, shared her concerns with Phil Lees, president of Public Education Advocates for Christian Equity (P.E.A.C.E.), who published a report on his website.

“My greatest concern is that its going to lead to confusion in the minds of children of faith about what’s right or wrong for them,” Lees told LifeSiteNews.

The mother related how the boy attended junior kindergarten with her daughter two years ago. At the end of the year, the lesbian parent withdrew the boy. Now, after a one-year absence, she has reenrolled her child in grade one, claiming he must now be treated as a “girl.”  (more...)


Activists teach Ottawa Catholic high school students about ‘LGBT acceptance’

An international homosexualist advocacy group presented a workshop to students in an Ottawa Catholic high school last March that focused on “LGBT acceptance” and “different sexualities and genders.”

Students in St. Matthew High School in the Ottawa Catholic School Board organized an educational day March 28 titled the “Healthy Minds Initiative” in which they invited PFLAG (Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) to give a workshop.

PFLAG, with hundreds of chapters around the world and 60 in Canada, exists to advance “equality and full societal affirmation of LGBT people through its threefold mission of support, education, and advocacy.” It has been a leading proponent of same-sex “marriage” and homosexual adoption. It also opposes abstinence-only education.

According to the school’s newsletter, PFLAG’s workshop “focused on the acceptance and inclusion of the LGBT community.”  (more...)

Preliminary Hearing Scheduled Today For Harrison Trimble Teacher Facing Sex Offences

A teacher from Harrison Trimble High School, accused of sex related offences, returns to Moncton court today.

Forty-one-year-old William MacGillivray is facing numerous charges including child luring, two counts of sexual exploitation, and sexual assault.

A preliminary hearing has been scheduled for today and tomorrow.

MacGillivray was arrested in December last year.  The alleged incidents involve two girls who were under the age of 18, that occurred between 2010 and 2013.


Two pervs in the same high school:

Scrutiny bodies 'too ready to believe officials'

The Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal has shown that some council scrutiny bodies are being too easily assured about service standards.

That view has come from the Centre for Public Scrutiny (CfPS), after the Jay report into events at Rotherham strongly criticised the effectiveness of scrutiny there.

CfPS executive director Jessica Crowe (pictured) said in her response that the report’s findings pointed to a scrutiny culture that “placed too much store on the assurances of people in authority that everything was fine”.

Too many council scrutiny committees were content to discuss items “where the only source of evidence is a report written and presented by a chief officer” and councillors were asked merely to note the contents.  (more...)

Surrogacy: Children of Dreams, Parents of Means

Since gestational surrogacy was legalized in 2002, it has become one of the fastest growing industries in India’s rapidly developing economy. A recent World Bank report projected that by 2020 India’s surrogacy enterprise will reach $2.5 billion. In just over a decade, more than 500 surrogacy clinics have cropped up throughout the country, all eager to supply infertile western couples with the child of their dreams—for a price.

In The Baby Chase: How Surrogacy is Transforming the American Family, Leslie Morgan Steiner chronicles Rhonda and Gerry Wile’s four-year journey to conceive via surrogacy. Their story involves an egg donor, two gestational surrogates, four trips to Mumbai, a host of doctors, and over $35,000 to yield their three kids. What is left untold are the many hidden costs of surrogacy, both for the children conceived through this method and for the vulnerable women who participate in the practice.  (more...)

Monday, September 22, 2014

Genderism – a new ideology destroying the family

We are witnessing an astonishing historical shift.

More than a hundred years ago, Marxism declared the relationship of man and woman in monogamous marriage as “the first class antagonism” in history. This “class-conflict” had to be overcome by destroying marriage and the family. So in 1917, Alexandra Kollontai, the first woman commissar of the Bolshevik Central Committee, set out to put this into practise through the exercise of revolutionary power:

  1. A law for the dissolution of marriage
  2. Legalization of abortion
  3. Sexual freedom for youth
  4. Legalization of homosexuality
  5. Integration of women into the production process, and
  6. Bringing up children in collective state institutions.

But even Lenin soon realized that this was creating social chaos.  (more...)

Girls to use washroom with biological boy - a Toronto grade 1 classroom is told

Girls in a grade 1 classroom will be sharing a washroom this year with a biological boy whose parents have chosen to identify him as a girl.

A mother who has a daughter in the Toronto-area class has expressed concern to P.E.A.C.E. Ontario about the situation and how parents and school staff are being expected to respond.

“She called me last week and was very concerned,” says Phil Lees, President of Public Education Advocates for Christian Equity (P.E.A.C.E.), a provincial education advocacy group. “She said that the principal instructed the children and parents that the student, who is biologically male, is now to be treated as a girl at the request of the parents who insisted that, by law, the school must honor their request.”

The parents, who identify as lesbian, had moved their child to another school in kindergarten but have since returned seeking the student’s new gender identification and right to be allowed to use the girls’ washroom and change room.

Teachers have been told that the classmates must refer to the child as a girl, and when they make a mistake, they are to be disciplined. School policy is for students to go to the washroom with a partner.  (more...)

Abuse inquiry head to break silence on links to Leon Brittan

Lord Brittan is accused of failing to investigate an
alleged paedophile ring while he was Home Secretary
The controversial new chairman of the Government’s historic child abuse inquiry has promised to answer critics who say she is too close to a key figure at the centre of scandal.

Fiona Woolf has for the past fortnight refused to comment on revelations by The Mail on Sunday that she has close links to former Tory grandee Leon Brittan, who is accused of failing to investigate alleged VIP paedophile rings when he was Home Secretary.

A top commercial lawyer and the Lord Mayor of London, Mrs Woolf, 66, has finally bowed to pressure to answer the growing concerns, which have been raised in Parliament.

She was challenged about her position at the Lloyd’s of London Abseil event on Friday, where she and other fundraisers descended the distinctive 289ft building in aid of charity.  (more...)


Breaking the Silence: Redefining Marriage Hurts Women Like Me - and Our Children

Every time a new state redefines marriage, the news is full of happy stories of gay and lesbian couples and their new families. But behind those big smiles and sunny photographs are other, more painful stories. These are left to secret, dark places. They are suppressed, and those who would tell them are silenced in the name of “marriage equality.”

But I refuse to be silent.

I represent one of those real life stories that are kept in the shadows. I have personally felt the pain and devastation wrought by the propaganda that destroys natural families.  (more...)

The Fine Art of Destroying Catholic Families: Losing Your Religion

The reader Gretchen is a liberal who often writes critically of religion, with great passion. Erin Manning asked her if she was once a Catholic. She replied:
Erin, I was born into a deeply devout Irish Catholic family, went to church six days a week throughout my childhood, and went to Catholic grade school and high school.  My parents both went to Catholic colleges, as did my sister.  My dad considered the Jesuits the gold standard for education, and wished it was available for girls at that time too.  My brother wanted to follow my dad to his Jesuit university, but the folks couldn’t afford it, and told me that they couldn’t do more for me than my brother, so we both went to State U.  I married a Catholic I met in graduate school in the church, had all four children baptized and started them in CCD.  My third pregnancy was difficult.  I suddenly went into a quick early labor and after a very, very traumatic birth experience found myself with premature twins.  My doctor had insisted there was only one, so the whole thing was a shock.  We were new  in town and knew nobody well.  My mother and mother in law were unable to come help – my mom was taking care of my very ill dad, my mother in law was out of the country, and my sister had young children of her own.  My husband didn’t have any vacation coming and had to go back to work – this was before FMLA.  So I found myself home alone with four young children, including premature twins who had to nurse every two hours, and were too weak to nurse at the same time, so they could literally stay up around the clock between them. I was bleeding so much I wasn’t supposed to get out of bed. My mother was frantic and said I should call the church for help.  I said they wouldn’t help, so she called them and explained the situation and they said basically what are we supposed to do about it?  So, at her wits end, she called the long distance operator and poured out her story, and the operator connected her with a local home health care agency.  She hired an aide to come help me, and my sister paid for it.  We literally got more help from the phone company than the Catholic church when facing a difficult situation with newborns, which is why I have a very hard time dealing with priests saying “just have the baby and it will all work out.” The pastor at the time had an obsession with “life” and talked a lot about “welcoming life” and why don’t women just have the baby and give it up for adoption if they can’t keep it, and on and on.  The obsession with abortion as the only moral issue seemed to take hold in the Catholic church, and it made me angrier and angrier, listening to his clueless yammering about what women should do, knowing he was going home to a full night’s sleep in the quiet house that I helped pay for, that was bigger than my house stuffed with a family of six.  My husband suggested that steaming in the pew every Sunday wasn’t helping my spirituality.  Then that priest had to leave – he got caught with a young man, but the young man was slightly over 18, so he didn’t go to jail.  The associate pastor did go to jail since his boy was under 18.  The combination of the sanctimonious preaching about what women should do, the cluelessness about how challenging actually having children is, knowing that they didn’t have to live what they preached and couldn’t even be trusted around other people’s children, was the end of Catholicism for me, though the process took many years.  Catholicism was such an ingrained part of me that leaving was like excising part of myself – it was very difficult, but they’d lost any moral authority for me.   I started going to an Episcopal church with a married father as pastor, and found his sermons about making families work helpful in what was still a very challenging time in my life.  My daughter planned to be married in the Catholic church, but they refused to marry her unless her Lutheran husband would promise to raise the children Catholic, which he refused to do.  They were married in my Episcopal church.  Then the pastors got involved with that Ugandan kill-the-gays branch of the church when the gay bishop was ordained, started a schism with the mainline Anglicans, and basically got crazy, so I left them too.  The last time I was in a church was for my grandson’s baptism, and church is no longer part of my life.

Or feasting at the cafeteria:

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