Friday, March 30, 2018

Toronto high school failed to take action on teacher’s ‘sexualized behaviour’ for years, parents say

abuse education misconduct parents sexual harassment

Students and parents at a downtown Toronto high school claim school administrators neglected allegations of “sexualized behaviour” by a teacher who has been the subject of several complaints over the last five years.

Sean Gacich, a humanities teacher at Harbord Collegiate Institute, is currently on home assignment pending a schoolboard investigation into his conduct.

This comes after a group of 28 parents banded together to confront the board and Harbord’s administration about their “failure to take immediate action” after allegations surfaced and, they claim, a petition was signed by over 100 students and sent to the vice-principal about Gacich’s conduct.

“As parents, we feel sick sending our children to school knowing that they and their peers have to endure being taught by this individual,” the parent group wrote in a joint letter to Toronto District School Board and school officials in late January.  (more...)

Her son, facing murder charges, is being called an ‘alt-right killer.’ This mother blames herself

WASHINGTON—Her troubled son had been up for two nights straight, inconsolable over a breakup, when she pulled him into her bed to soothe him. She never meant to doze, but woke with a start at 4:26 a.m.

The 17-year-old was gone — and so were the car keys she had hidden under her pillow.

She darted through her Northern Virginia home calling his name, before reaching out to his ex-girlfriend’s mother. The texted reply sent waves of dread through her: “He is here. We are calling police.”

The mother expected to see a single officer as she drove toward the ex-girlfriend’s home. Instead she found dozens of police cruisers, a gurney on the front lawn and an officer yelling at her to get to a nearby hospital.

What happened?

At the emergency room, the news hit her with the force of a punch. “Your son has a serious head injury,” a doctor said. “He shot himself and he shot two other people.”  (more...)


Dictatorship of the Landlords -- The Green Roots of the Housing Crisis

Every country has its “House of Lords” – its far-flung array of landlords’ associations, farmers’ unions, and commercial property lobbies. This milieu is not without its internal divisions, but a centripetal force encircles a shared aim of increasing land prices and rents. They shield from public view their common desire to ration land. They posture as champions of market forces only if that market is trapped in a terrarium of their design.

Conflict between the landed estate and the entrepreneurial class is centuries old. This basic polarity powered both American and French revolutions. Absent landlord vigilance, pioneers, pilgrims, and prospectors would pour forth towards the rugged frontiers. Absent vigilance, landlordism would go the way of serfdom. Hence the passion to “conserve” the hinterlands. Conservationism is a 19th century narrative designed to portray the self-interested confinement of tenants onto landlord-owned properties as a progressive political program aimed at the greater social good.  (more...)

Thursday, March 29, 2018

The Parkland shooting suspect has fans and they're sending him letters and money

crime fascism education violence youth nazi white supremacy hate xenophobia racism

Accused Parkland shooter Nikolas Cruz has been receiving volumes of fan mail at the Florida jail where he is being held.

In a pattern seen before with other killers and men accused of violent crimes, Cruz, who is charged with 17 counts of murder for the massacre at the school, has been sent suggestive photographs, greeting cards, encouragement and other kind notes, according to the South Florida Sun Sentinel, which obtained copies of some of the missives.

Broward County Public Defender Howard Finkelstein, whose office represents Cruz, said he was concerned about the notoriety Cruz was getting.

“The letters shake me up because they are written by regular, everyday teenage girls from across the nation,” he said. “That scares me. It’s perverted.”  (more...)

Regular, everyday? Like Squeaky Fromme?

crime fascism education violence youth nazi white supremacy hate xenophobia racism

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

WE the latest charity to withdraw from Halton Catholic school board list

accountability Catholic education gay agenda political correctness Marxism

A global charity has withdrawn its name from a list of non-profits that declared they were in compliance with a controversial policy from an Ontario school board blocking donations to organizations that opposed Catholic doctrine.

WE Charity had originally signed a declaration from the Halton Catholic District School Board that it would not provide “public support,” directly or indirectly, for certain activities, including abortion, euthanasia and contraception. The charity said early last week that it did not have projects supporting any of the activities outlined by the school district. It said that the questions asked by the school district were “not applicable” to the charity.

But on Saturday, in a subsequent statement on its website, WE Charity said that “after gathering further information and context,” it had formally withdrawn its name from the list of charities that signed the declaration. “The WE Charity believes the voices of those who choose to be in a school system educators, parents and students, (21,000 of whom have already signed a petition on this issue) – should be respected when choosing the causes and charities they support,” spokeswoman Angie Gurley said in an email on Tuesday. “WE Charity seeks to turn ‘students into leaders,’ and on this important issue, feels a strong solidarity with student leaders.”  (more...)

Where have we heard that name before?

accountability Catholic education gay agenda political correctness Marxism

Remember LGBTory? Ask Doug about it.

accountability gay agenda politics political correctness Marxism homosexuality

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Canada’s Russia policy raises many questions

accountability politics corruption fascism
A Trudeau minion
Canada’s decision to expel Russian diplomats raises more questions than it answers.

Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland said the expulsion of four diplomats and the refusal to accredit three more is designed to show solidarity with Britain, which blames Russia for deploying a deadly nerve agent in England.

She called the use of the nerve agent, which sent three to hospital, a “despicable, heinous and reckless act” — which undoubtedly it was.

But like her British counterpart, she provided no evidence that the Russian government was behind the attack.

Freeland also said she was expelling the four Russians because they had used their diplomatic status “to undermine Canadian security or interfere in our democracy.” That too is a serious charge that warrants explanation.

Yet, so far, the Canadian government has offered no information about this interference.  (more...)

A sorry track record:

accountability politics corruption fascism

Walkin’ the Snake in India

In numerous programs, we have highlighted the Nazi tract Serpent’s Walk, which deals, in part, with the rehabilitation of the Third Reich’s reputation and the transformation of Hitler into a hero.

... we detailed the Hindutva fascism of Narendra Modi, his BJP Party and supportive elements, tracing the evolution of Hindutva fascism through the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi to the present time.

It appears that a Serpent’s Walk scenario is indeed unfolding in India.

As the saying goes, you can’t judge a book by its cover. But there are exceptions. For instance, when a children’s book is entitled “Great Leaders” and has a picture of Adolf Hitler standing next to Barack Obama, Mahatma Gandhi, and Nelson Mandela, that’s the kind of book cover that suggests this is a book best worth skipping.  (more...)


Monday, March 26, 2018

Online guerrilla campaign takes aim at PC Leader Doug Ford

accountability politics corruption

An online guerrilla campaign attacking Progressive Conservative Leader Doug Ford is causing a buzz at Queen’s Park.

While the June 7 election campaign does not officially kick off for another six weeks, the new grassroots group, Not Doug, has launched a slick website aimed at the rookie Tory leader.

“There are many reasons why Doug is a bad choice for premier,” the website says before listing a litany of Ford’s controversial statements about autistic children, abortion, women, racism and drugs, among other topics.

Under each is a link to a mainstream media story that is the source material for the quote, including the Star, the National Post, the Globe and Mail, Global News, and Toronto Life.

“This isn’t about the Progressive Conservatives, Liberals, NDP, or Green party; it’s about preventing incompetent, unqualified individuals from taking power, just because they’re the loudest ones in the room. A Doug Ford government would be a disaster for Ontario,” the site says.  (more...)

What's not to like about Doug? Well, the corrupt party he leads and... some closet Nazis in his camp:

So, lets look on the bright side or... the Far Side:

How did one small Church of England diocese produce so many paedophile reverends?

abuse boys crime homosexuality misconduct pedophilia rape clergy anglican

For a long time, I have wanted to understand why one small area of the Church of England has had a large number of the clergy sent to gaol for sexually abusing young people and children. The place is Sussex, particularly East Sussex, part of the diocese of Chichester.

I have not been alone in wanting this question answered. For the Government has set up an Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse in England and Wales and this body has turned its attention to the diocese of Chichester. The hearings have been going on for some weeks now. I shall make extensive use of what the inquiry has been told.

Let me start with something truly shocking. Here is the list of the main perpetrators:

Peter Ball was the Bishop of Lewes between 1977 and 1992 (later Bishop of Gloucester). In September 2015, Bishop Ball pleaded guilty to counts of misconduct in public office concerning sexual activity with young adults and two counts of indecent assaults against adults. He was sentenced to 32 months’ imprisonment.  (more...)

Nazis not welcome: Protesters hit the streets in Hamilton, but city keeps its cool

fascism nazi immigration politics police violence youth hate racism xenophobia

They were rebels without a cause.

At least not a clear one.

They were anti-Nazi and pro-Muslim. A few liked the police, but most didn’t. They were in favour of Canada, but they had varying ideas of who should be Canadian. Black Lives Matter to some, but not others. They didn’t say much about gentrification, but some believed that “Capitalism sucks.” They were patriots who had to stick to sidewalks because they didn’t apply for demonstration permits. The media were vultures, but everybody played to their cameras. This land was stolen, but it belongs to everybody. We should fight for what we believe in or we should all just get along. They wanted their voices heard, but kept their faces covered.

In all, it was a protest comprising a confusing variety of causes and groups which wandered up and down Hamilton’s Main St. W. a couple of times looking for a place to go. The 150 or so participants were aiming for Locke St. S., but walls of police officers at every corner easily kept them back. Eventually, the protesters returned to Victoria Park, where they had started from, to shout at each other. They were angry, loud and ornery, but lacking in clarity.

“Is he one of us or one of them?” a protester asked pointing to a guy ranting about taking back the city.

The whole muddled and bewildering thing lasted 90 minutes before a Hamiltonians Against Fascism (HAF) guy with a bullhorn told everyone it was time to go home.

Hamilton police say there were no arrests or injuries.

It was billed as a “Patriot Walk on Locke” on social media, apparently instigated by far-right groups wanting to demonstrate against a recent vandalism spree on Locke St. by a masked mob. In online postings leading up to Sunday’s walk, the Patriots seemed to include Soldiers of Odin, the Proud Boys and the Ontario Northern Guard.  (more...)


It's a tragedy that the chameleon Trudeau was never unmasked. The enormous harm done to our society by this closet Nazi and salon Bolshevik may have been averted. Lesson: Don't just read the label. Open the jar and take a long, deep whiff.
fascism nazi immigration politics police violence youth hate racism xenophobia

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Andrew Scheer’s Campaign Manager Says He Builds Creepy Psychological Profiles of Voters Too

accountability technology politics fascism sociology

Hamish Marshall, Conservative leader Andrew Scheer’s campaign manager for the 2019 election, says he’s a “huge fan” of building detailed psychological profiles of Canadian voters and targeting them with personalized political messages.

Big data and politics took an unsurprisingly dystopian turn this week after a series of bombshell revelations about Cambridge Analytica – a data analytics firm once run by Steve Bannon and bankrolled by reclusive billionaire Robert Mercer that claims it used “psychographic data” to engineer Brexit and the election of Donald Trump.

According to The Guardian, Cambridge Analytica scraped Facebook data from over 200 million people to create “sophisticated psychological and political profiles and then target them with political ads designed to work on their particular psychological makeup.”

The whistleblower at the centre of the Cambridge Analytica revelations calls it “Steve Bannon’s psychological warfare mindf–k tool.”

Many ordinary Canadians are likely unaware that similar techniques are already being used to wage “psychological warfare” in Canadian politics too.

Last year, at the Manning Centre’s Alberta Networking Conference in Red Deer, Hamish Marshall – a backroom conservative strategist who founded the alt-right Rebel Media website and ran Andrew Scheer’s Conservative leadership campaign – told conservative activists they need to focus on the “emotions” of individual voters if they ever hope to win again.

“We all think a lot about technology, but a lot of what we have to deal with, frankly, is human psychology,” Marshall explained during a panel on “Modern Campaigning.”

Moderator Jeromy Farkas, a Calgary city councillor, later asked Marshall to share his thoughts on “data-driven psychometrics in designing the message and the medium.”

“I’m a huge fan of it,” Marshall said.  (more...)


accountability technology politics fascism sociology

Friday, March 23, 2018

Austria was set to introduce a smoking ban in bars and restaurants but a far-right party voted 'for death'

business fascism politics nazi tobacco lobby

The Austrian parliament voted Thursday to drop plans to introduce a smoking ban in bars and restaurants.

The move was led by the far-Right Freedom Party of Austria (FPO), which made the vote a condition for joining the coalition government of Sebastian Kurz last year.

MPs voted to overturn the planned ban despite public protests and a petition that attracted more than 500,000 signatures. At a tumultuous session of parliament, opposition MPs accused the government of “betraying” Austrian children and “voting for death”.

The decision means Austria will remain one of the fast-dwindling number of countries where it is still possible to smoke in enclosed public spaces.  (more...)

Never take the smokes from a Nazi, or his steroids:

business fascism politics nazi tobacco lobby

Source says Tanya Granic Allen will seek PC nomination in Mississauga Centre

accountability family fascism politics prolife appropriation ethnic outreach

Former Ontario PC leadership candidate Tanya Granic Allen will be seeking the party’s nomination for Mississauga Centre, CP24 has learned.

A campaign source told CP24 on Thursday evening that Granic Allen will be officially announcing her bid on Friday morning.

Granic Allen is the president of Parents as First Educators – a grassroot movement that is against the current sex-education curriculum in the province.

Earlier this month the Progressive Conservative Party announced that the riding of Mississauga Centre would be one of three ridings hosting new nomination races. Party president Jag Badwal said the party agreed to reopen nominations for Brampton North and Newmarket-Aurora as well.  (more...)

As Doug Ford seeks to eliminate corruption in the PCs by rigorous vetting of candidates, we're sure he will clear the air about these connections:

Update: Tanya has some interesting fellow-travelers on Twitter:

Thursday, March 22, 2018

School board named in lawsuits seeking $8M; ex-basketball players share stories of alleged sex abuse

abuse boys crime education homosexuality misconduct pedophilia rape sports

The Ottawa-Carleton District School Board has been named in four separate lawsuits seeking $8 million in damages for sexual abuse that former students claim to have suffered at the hands of gym teacher and basketball coach Donald Greenham.

Greenham, 75, died of a heart attack earlier this month at his home in Addison, near Brockville, two months before he was to stand trial on 54 counts of indecent assault, gross indecency and issuing threats.

The charges involved 14 former students, some of them boys’ basketball players at Bell High School.

Although the trial was cancelled and charges withdrawn after Greenham’s death, four of the criminal complainants filed statements of claim this week.

The lawsuits, which have not been tested in court, name both Greenham’s estate and the school board as defendants.

The suits allege the board was negligent and may have ignored reports about the teacher’s misconduct. At a minimum, the claims contend, school officials failed in their duty to protect students from Greenham.  (more...)


FSWC Denounces Pattern of Antisemitic Mail Delivered to Toronto Law Firms

alt-right crime fascism immigration politics hate eugenics racism anti-semitism nazi

Toronto (March 21, 2018) - Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center (FSWC) has been informed about another instance of antisemitic mail addressed to a Toronto law firm. In this most recent case, the letter was sent to Neuberger & Partners LLP.

The two-sided mailer, a replica of one received at a Toronto immigration law firm two weeks ago, blames Jewish people for a "genocide of the white race via immigration" and calls for "genocide of the Jews." It’s the third threatening letter received by Neuberger & Partners in the last six months.

"We are deeply disturbed by yet another incident of antisemitic hate mail directed to a Toronto business,” said FSWC President and CEO Avi Benlolo. "This is becoming an all too familiar pattern for members of the Jewish community and is especially troubling as we mark the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.”

The first two mailers sent to Neuberger & Partners were provided to Toronto Police Service 13 Division.

"Although I am not aware of other law firms being targeted with such troubling material, I have a general concern for what appears to be an increasing trend of businesses, Jewish organizations and individuals being targeted with material that is not only highly offensive but contrary to engendering diversity, inclusiveness and respect for members of Canadian society,” said Joseph Neuberger, senior partner with Neuberger & Partners LLP.  (more...)

Advocacy for the "white race" can be highly selective. Slavs, particularly, know it's possible to not be the right shade of white; witness the current anti-Russian hysteria in the English press. Irish once knew this, too. Jewish lawyers advocating for immigrants? Public enemy number one!
alt-right crime fascism immigration politics hate eugenics racism anti-semitism nazi
Nest of Lolitas for Lebensraum

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Former Ottawa teacher handed 2 years for sex crimes dating back decades

abuse boys crime education homosexuality misconduct pedophilia rape

A former Ottawa music teacher has been sentenced to two years in federal prison for sex-related crimes against students at two Ottawa high schools between 1973 and 1992.

Robert "Bob" Clarke, now in his 70s, pleaded guilty Wednesday to eight charges involving eight victims. He will also serve three years of probation.

Clarke was the music teacher at Bell High School for several years, and also taught at Sir Robert Borden High School.

Clarke pleaded guilty to charges of sexual assault and gross indecency. Three of the original charges against Clarke, including sexual exploitation charges, were dropped in a plea deal.

Peter Hamer, 50, was sexually assaulted by Clarke when he was a student at Bell High School in the late 1980s.

Hamer said he stayed quiet about the abuse for decades before coming forward.  (more...)


Right-wing group confronts researchers at Quebec conference

fascism free speech immigration politics xenophobia eugenics hate racism white supremacy islam

LONGUEUIL, Que.—Dozens of members of the right-wing group La Meute showed up to a college conference on extremism south of Montreal to challenge academic researchers describing their anti-immigration movement as radical.

About 30 members of the group, wearing hats and T-shirts bearing the group’s logo, took seats in the audience at a library at CÉGEP Édouard-Montpetit Wednesday , just ahead of a presentation by sociology professor Martin Geoffroy on the extremist characteristics of La Meute.

Geoffroy’s presentation demonstrated the ways in which La Meute’s activities and communications met the definition of an extremist group. He said such groups generally subscribe to conspiracy theories, decry political elites, exercise strict control over members and call for a return to the traditions of the past.

The disgruntled mumbling and snickering of La Meute members turned into heckling, followed by outright denunciation.

“I am guilty of wanting to protect our identity, our culture, our heritage. I’m guilty of wanting to have immigration laws respected,” said Stéphane Rock, a La Meute member who received cheers from his fellow members.  (more...)


fascism free speech immigration politics xenophobia eugenics hate racism white supremacy islam
Lolita for Lebensraum Un-Loved

The History of the Population Control Movement 1798 to 1998

The population control movement (or better put: the contraception-abortion-sterilization medical-industrial complex), while little understood and seldom discussed, is one of the most culturally and politically influential movements of the modern world. The population control movement and the environmental movement are so pervasively collaboratively and ideologically conjoined as to be conceptually inseverable. The following articles hopefully may serve as stepping stones across the 200-year wide river of darkness separating the general public from any practical awareness of this deliberate historic endeavour profoundly affecting each and every one of our lives.


accountability eugenics fascism contraception medicine planned parenthood politics reproduction oligarchy class warfare

Closet Nazis in the pro-life movement? They're controlled opposition. Astro Turf. Keep your wallet in your pocket, and your back to the wall. Bigots and elitists do NOT love life.

Update: Some local tree-huggers are about to put their "civic mindedness" on display:

Can't have too many colored babies pulling wings off butterflies.

Cultural Marxism and the Alt-Right -- Red-Baiter & Red Poseur

Imagine encountering a self-proclaimed Christian who denied the existence of God, doubted the historicity of Jesus, and rejected the Bible as a moral guide. You might think this person was not much of a Christian. Upon further discussion, you might conclude this person was up to some mischief aimed at confusing people and undermining the Christian project. 
The same goes for Marxism. Tenets such as historical materialism, proletarian centrality, and revolutionary socialism are not severable parts of the doctrine. Anyone claiming to be a Marxist yet discarding these tenets is a mischievous fraudster. Cultural Marxists are fake Marxists seeking to subvert Marxism.
Quoted from:


Salon Bolsheviks

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Hidden Agenda? ‘Dictator Pope’ author revealed

freemasonry Catholic books gnosticism cia mockingbird publishing

Regnery Publishing has revealed the author's name

The author of the Dictator Pope has been revealed as historian Henry Sire.

Sire, whose book was self-published last year under the pen name Marcantonio Colonna, was born in 1949 in Barcelona.

He was educated at Stonyhurst College before reading Modern History at Exeter College, Oxford.

The Dictator Pope caused considerable stir when it appeared in December. It tells the story of Francis’s pontificate, as well as his life before becoming Pope, drawing on a wide range of material including confidential sources within the Vatican.  (more...)

Be mindful that Regnery Publishing is a known CIA front and Oxford is a prime MI-6 recruiting ground. Both are steeped in Freemasonry:

They've been playing us for a very long time:

Meek as doves, wise as serpents

Whitby elementary school teacher charged for alleged ‘inappropriate relationships’ with students

abuse crime education misconduct pedophilia rape sports

Durham Regional Police have laid sex assault charges against a Whitby elementary school teacher following allegations of “inappropriate relationships” with some students.

According to police, the suspect worked at Robert Munsch Public School and E.A. Fairman Public School in Whitby and was a coach for numerous sports teams, including the Female Under 18 team for the Durham Rebels Volleyball Club.

He also worked as supply teacher and taught at night and summer schools.

Police say the suspect was allegedly involved in inappropriate relationships with students under the age of 16 during school hours.

A suspect identified as Thomas Grieve, 39, has been charged with eight counts of sexual assault and eight counts of sexual interference. He is being held for a bail hearing.  (more...)

More coverage:

Monday, March 19, 2018

The secret history of Pierre Trudeau

Trudeau’s sexual liberalism was Malthusianism in drag. His theocratic, monarchist Constitution gave Canadians no rights they did not already have, but it did undermine the supremacy of Parliament while privileging Quebec and Francophones. His economic policies were neo-corporatist. His environmental policies concentrated Canadians into the Montreal-Ottawa-Toronto corridor by suppressing western and northern development. The conscription of Aboriginals into a wilderness gendarmes is an unfolding disaster. His October Crisis stands as the only peacetime use of the War Measures Act in Canadian history. From October 16, 1970 to April 30, 1971 Canada was a flat-out fascist state a la Chef Pierre.

Quoted from:

Catholic corruption environment fascism politics nazi ecology

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Ecofascism and Nazi Germany

Mukai Maromo of VivaVoce interviews William Kay on the topic of Climate Change. Mr Kay has been a militant critic of the anthropogenic catastrophic global warming hypothesis for twenty-five years. Beyond exposing the flawed science underlying this hypothesis the interview exposes the compelling economic motivations driving the Climate Change campaign.

The details:

fascism nazi politics war

Saturday, March 17, 2018

The Irish Slave Trade – The Forgotten “White” Slaves

slavery Catholic immigration Ireland

They came as slaves; vast human cargo transported on tall British ships bound for the Americas. They were shipped by the hundreds of thousands and included men, women, and even the youngest of children.

Whenever they rebelled or even disobeyed an order, they were punished in the harshest ways. Slave owners would hang their human property by their hands and set their hands or feet on fire as one form of punishment. They were burned alive and had their heads placed on pikes in the marketplace as a warning to other captives.

We don’t really need to go through all of the gory details, do we? We know all too well the atrocities of the African slave trade.

But, are we talking about African slavery? King James II and Charles I also led a continued effort to enslave the Irish. Britain’s famed Oliver Cromwell furthered this practice of dehumanizing one’s next door neighbor.

The Irish slave trade began when 30,000 Irish prisoners were sold as slaves to the New World. The King James I Proclamation of 1625 required Irish political prisoners be sent overseas and sold to English settlers in the West Indies. By the mid 1600s, the Irish were the main slaves sold to Antigua and Montserrat. At that time, 70% of the total population of Montserrat were Irish slaves.

Ireland quickly became the biggest source of human livestock for English merchants. The majority of the early slaves to the New World were actually white.  (more...)

In more depth:

The Duke and Duchess of Windsor and the Nazis

nazi treason betrayal history royals fascism accountability books censorship

History is rife with might have beens. What if Columbus had made it to India? What if John F. Kennedy hadn’t been assassinated? What if Hitler had won the Second World War?

History is also rife with people trying to cover up missteps that may tarnish reputations when posterity takes a cold hard look back.

That, according to author Andrew Morton, is what the British royal family, Winston Churchill, former British prime minister Clement Attlee and even American president Dwight D. Eisenhower were trying to do with the Windsor File, a group of documents found just after the war ended.

They were found, Morton writes, in a “metal canister which had been buried on a German estate” that painted “an astonishing portrait of a man who was disaffected with his position, disloyal to his family and unpatriotic towards his country.”

The story he tells in 17 Carnations: The Royals, The Nazis, and the Biggest Cover-Up in History is the story they didn’t want us to know. And the “what if” questions it evokes: What if Edward VIII had stayed on the throne instead of abdicating? What if Queen Mary and other royals had not vetoed his marriage to a respectable British woman? Would the Second World War have been avoided?  (more...)

nazi treason betrayal history royals fascism accountability books censorship


La Phalange: The rise of a fascist fight club in Canada

nazi fascism eugenics violence youth sports politics immigration

Quebec City, a UNESCO World Heritage treasure trove, is home to breathtaking landscapes, historical sites, and a wide selection of mouthwatering cuisine. From the Old Capital lined with cobblestone streets to the waterfall on the Route de la Nouvelle-France, the French province is a masterpiece of cultural beauty. It is also home to the country’s first publicly known “identity boxing club” founded by radical far-right movement, Atalante Quebec.

The secret gym is hidden in plain sight, accessible only to the group’s members. Those who step through its doors are greeted by the framed pictures of Friedrich Nietzsche, Julius Evola, and Dominique Venner — 19th and 20th century scholars now embraced by the far-right nationalists. The gym’s logo, a colosseum with protruding spears, was emblazoned on the opposite wall with the words La Phalange - Club De Boxe Identitaire (The Boxing Identity Club).

The gym was founded in June 2017, when Atalante Quebec gave a candid interview to a Serbian online media outlet announcing plans to start a “boxing identity club” for its members in Quebec City. The announcement caught the attention of French-Canadian media outlets, who raised concerns about the organization’s lack of transparency, and its newfound potential for spreading hateful ideologies while also training groups of young ultra-nationalists for violent combat.  (more...)


nazi fascism eugenics violence youth sports politics immigration

Friday, March 16, 2018

Ottawa high school teacher charged with sexual offences

abuse crime education misconduct pedophilia rape Catholic

An Ottawa high school teacher has been charged with sexual offences that occurred at a local school between 2014 and 2016.

55-year-old Robert Lavergne was teaching at St. Patrick's High School of the Ottawa Catholic District School Board at the time. Today, he was charged with sexual assault and sexual exploitation of a female under the age of 18. Lavergne is scheduled to appear in court on April 25.

In a statement, the Ottawa Catholic School Board said it is "deeply sorry" to learn that a teacher has been charged. The teacher has been suspended and a letter has been sent home to parents.

“The number one priority for our Board is the continued safety and well-being of each student. We will continue to cooperate with the police in their investigation of this matter. As a Catholic community, we will pray for all the persons affected by this difficult situation. I truly regret that such conduct has allegedly occurred at one of our schools.” said Denise Andre, OCSB Director of Education, in a statement.  (more...)

Well known Torontonian charged with child sex assault

abuse crime education pedophilia misconduct rape

Phillip Kravetsky – who’s well known in Toronto’s Jewish community as a family law mediator, psychotherapist, teacher, family man and DJ – is being investigated by the Toronto Police Service on a child sexual assault complaint.

The 51-year-old Torontonian was arrested on March 13, after police were called in to investigate a claim that a child was assaulted in the Lawrence Avenue and Bathurst Street area of the city.

Kravetsky is charged with sexual assault and sexual interference and is scheduled to appear in court on April 27.

Although police released Kravetsky’s photo and a request for information from anyone who might have any details related to the case, Toronto Police Const. Jenifferjit Sidhu said that, “In order to protect the identity of the victim, we cannot provide any further details.”

According to a police press release, Kravetsky was arrested by members of the Child & Youth Advocacy Centre, a group that partners child abuse investigators from the Toronto Police Service with community and government agencies, including the Children’s Aid Society of Toronto and Jewish Family & Child.  (more...)

New White Supremacist Tactic: Banners of Hate

nazi fascism white supremacy racism hate immigration politics

From Seattle to Orlando and Los Angeles to Boston, white supremacists are displaying large banners from highway overpasses and in other highly visible locations as part of an effort to promote their groups and ideologies.

While white supremacists have been using banners for some time, the number of banners deployed in the past ten months marks an unprecedented trend, according to new data from ADL’s Center on Extremism.

From May 2017, when the recent proliferation began, through March 12, 2018, ADL counted 72 instances of white supremacists hanging banners from locations such as roof tops and highway overpasses. That’s an average of seven incidents per month.

Groups associated with the alt right segment of the white supremacist movement are responsible for the bulk of this activism, and accounted for 73 percent of the incidents.

Well-placed banners – like the white supremacist fliers appearing on college campuses nationwide -- can garner widespread attention with very little actual effort involved.

In addition to the attention created by the act itself, this form of activism has the secondary function of creating photos and video content for the group’s online presence and recruitment.  (more...)

This St. Patrick’s Day, Don’t Forget to Celebrate Irish Resistance

On last year’s St. Patrick’s Day, progressives of Irish ancestry organized the first “Irish Stand” rally at Riverside Church in New York City to protest the xenophobic and racist policies of the Trump administration. The rally represented an energizing shift in Irish American social consciousness back toward an original culture of resistance.

This year’s Irish Stand is on March 16. It’s a different sort of gathering than typically is held each year—the well-known raucous St. Patrick’s Day parades and festivities that include traditional music and dance with the aim of honoring the more than 70 million people worldwide who claim Irish heritage, over 33 million of whom are U.S. residents.

The history of the Irish diaspora is often given short shrift, even among Irish Americans. I’ve received more than a few odd glances when bringing up the Irish experience of British colonialism on St. Patrick’s Day.

The Irish endured centuries of British colonial rule, including land confiscation, the suppression and near eradication of their native language, second-class status imposed through the notorious Penal Laws, and forced migration. Irish historian Tim Pat Coogan contends that the Great Famine, which brought the largest wave of Irish immigrants to the United States, was more akin to genocide than a natural disaster. Between 1845 and 1855, an estimated 1 million Irish perished from starvation and disease, and more than a million others fled through emigration.

In telling the story of Irish America, one must grapple with 19th-century Irish Americans having embraced a white racial identity, as historian Noel Ignatiev notably does in his seminal text, How the Irish Became White. Like other critical whiteness studies scholars, including David Roediger, Ignatiev builds off W.E.B. Du Bois’ assertion in Black Reconstruction that Irish Americans identified as white for the “public and psychological wage” it conferred them. In short, Irish Americans sought social advancement through America’s white supremacist racial caste system.  (more...)


Foreign service is anything but professional

Just how professional is Canada’s professional foreign service?

Recent events give Canadians the impression that our federal diplomats are not only incompetent but in the bag for the Liberal Party of Canada.

The most recent example of cringe-worthy bureaucratic stupidity came on Monday when the visiting delegation from Belgium was met at an official event with a German flag.

The Belgian king and queen planned their trip to commemorate the 100-year anniversary of Canadian troops liberating Belgium during the First World War. Canadians were once again instrumental in defeating the Nazi’s and freeing Belgium during the Second World War.

Our Belgian allies wanted to thank Canada for its historic contributions to peace and freedom.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, apparently, was not interested in meeting the Belgian royal couple, as his father Pierre Trudeau had as prime minister in 1977. On that visit, the Belgian queen planted a tree on the grounds of Rideau Hall to celebrate the Canadian-Belgian friendship.

This time around, small flags were used to identify the 1977 tree — except, whoever’s job it was to bring a Belgian flag accidentally brought a German flag, causing a frenzy among the flabbergasted Belgian media.  (more...)


These Liberals are Nazi and Nazis are dumb.

NAZI Homosexuals and the Slow Steady Seduction of America

fascism homosexuality totalitarianism war violence military nazi

Only in his dreams could Hitler have imagined the blatant homosexualizing of the German Wehrmacht.  What Hitler could only dream of, the United States is poised to make fact, a scant sixty-six years after fighting a costly and bloody war to defeat Hitler and the Nazis.

Before I get ahead of myself, let me point out that the title of this article, and the article itself, are meant to be attention getting, but do not constitute a spurious ad hominem attack on homosexuality; they are designed to bring attention to historical facts that are of profound importance to the future of America (and the world).

To give credit where it is due, I first became aware of much of the material presented here after reading “The Pink Swastika” (4th edition 2002), by Scott Lively and Kevin Abram.  The entire book can be accessed for free online...  My reaction to the book was similar to Scott Lively’s reaction, “When I initially learned the truths set forth in [“The Pink Swastika”] I was first astonished and then angered.”

At the outset of this article let me reiterate that Communism and Fascism (of which Nazism is a subset) are both Far Left ideologies.  That is not to say that they are “like peas in a pod;” they are not — nonetheless they are both left-wing, top-down, big-government social engineering movements.

Comparing the two is not like “apples and oranges,” but rather like comparing “oranges and tangerines.”  Many of the left-wing’s “rank and file” are unaware that fascism is a left-wing doctrine, but their puppet-masters are well aware of it, and work in collusion with other Far Left doctrines — “united in hate,” as Dr. Jamie Glazov puts it.

The reporter/author Oriana Fallaci (1929-2006), who certainly knew the Left very well, wrote in her book “The Force of Reason” (2004), “…there are moments when I curse myself for not having understood it earlier: for having let myself be fooled by the two soccer-teams for so long.  …It is a long-term ruler this Left that gave birth to Mussolini then Hitler, and always maintained its bond with their disciples.  This Left which has always given trouble with its excesses and ambiguities, its brutalities and duplicities….”

An obvious place to start on the subject of homosexuality and the Nazis, is with Hitler himself.  Was the Nazi leader, or Fuehrer (Führer), a homosexual?  Although Hitler and the Nazi leadership went to great lengths to hide and/or destroy any incriminating evidence, the evidence that remains strongly suggests that Hitler was indeed a homosexual.  At the very least, he was an extreme case of sexual dysfunction.  (more...)


fascism homosexuality totalitarianism war violence military nazi

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