Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Education ministry urged to investigate York Region school board

York Region public school board trustee Linda Aversa denies allegations that she tried to pressure
senior staff at her daughter's school to boost one of her marks.
The province needs to step in and investigate the York Region District School Board, says a local MPP who has joined a number of parents and staff calling on the education ministry to look into allegations of trustee interference, the director’s unusual 10-year contract as well as low morale in a board once lauded as a model in Ontario.

“There are too many problems here,” said Thornhill Progressive Conservative Gila Martow, who is also urging any elected officials involved to step down should the ministry intervene.

On Sunday, the Star detailed allegations from sources that trustee Linda Aversa sought a higher mark for her daughter to get into a competitive university business program. After being rebuffed by the school, she allegedly approached the superintendent, who in turn received “pressure from above” to look into it, a source told the Star. While multiple requests were made each day during a two-week period, in the end no changes were made.

Both Aversa and superintendent Becky Green have told the Star the allegations are untrue. Aversa said “as any parent would, I did have appropriate dialogue with my daughter’s school about her education, but I have never asked anyone to boost her marks.”

A spokesperson for Education Minister Liz Sandals did not comment on a possible probe into the concerns raised about the board.  (more...)


Meanwhile, the crew re-arranges the deck chairs:

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