Thursday, November 20, 2014

Education Directors Tap Dance to Ontario Sex-Ed Tune

A new sex education curriculum coming to Ontario schools next September will be taught through the “Catholic lens” says the St. Clair Catholic District School Board director of education.

“The Ontario government sets the Ontario curriculum and, as publicly funded Catholic schools, we abide by the Ontario curriculum,” Dan Parr told The Chatham Daily News on Wednesday.

He added it is important people understand that “we always teach all aspects of the Ontario curriculum through the Catholic lens and we'll continue to do so with this subject and all other subjects.”

Parr said for more than 35 years Catholic schools in Ontario have been teaching sexual health, but it is done as part of the religion and family life program.

“That will not change,” he said.

Proposed changes to the health and physical education curriculum brought forward in 2010 when current Premier Kathleen Wynne was Minister of Education, prompted controversy over some of the content. Parents were upset the curriculum changes called for Grade 1 students to be introduced to the proper names of genitals and would cover such topics as masturbation and oral and anal sex by Grade 8.

The Daily News asked Parr if aspects of the new sexual curriculum go against the Catholic teachings, is the school board allowed to leave those sections out?  (more...)

Other coverage:

1 comment:

  1. How exactly does one teach anal sex through a "Catholic lens"?


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