Thursday, November 20, 2014

Tory leadership hopeful slams Ontario gvmt for withholding new sex ed program

Tory leadership hopeful Monte McNaughton with his wife Kate and their baby
The last time the Ontario Liberal government brought in a new sex education curriculum, it survived the storm from parents and religious leaders for just three days. Now the Liberals are promising a new, new sex education curriculum for elementary schools in 2015 -- contents unknown -- and Progressive Conservative Party leadership hopeful Monte McNaughton is leading a charge against it.

McNaughton fired up Question Period in Ontario’s provincial legislature on Tuesday by  challenging Premier Kathleen Wynne to release the details of the re-reform. “Why don't you simply release the details of the proposed changes to the sex education curriculum now?” the MPP asked Wynne. “What are you trying to hide?”

But the premier, who was education minister in 2010 and oversaw the development of that year’s attempted curriculum revision, notably avoided the question with bluster.

McNaughton told LifeSiteNews, “I can’t get into detailed complaints because I just don’t know what’s in it. But I strongly believe, especially in sex education, that parents are primarily responsible for educating their children. And they are the best judges of what is age-appropriate.”  (more...)

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