Friday, February 28, 2014

Shrinking profits leading women from pornography to prostitution: experts

SAN FERNANDO VALLEY, CA, February 27, 2014 ( – In 2013, the pornography industry saw four “performers” test positive for HIV/AIDS, which led to three production moratoriums. According to experts, one of the reasons for the disease's growing prevalence in the industry may be its dirty little secret: the fact that many performers are having to engage in illegal “escorting” and prostitution to make ends meet.

Once considered a profitable industry for male and female performers, pornography is seeing its former boon turn into its bane: The Internet, which opened the floodgates of porn and helped pave the way toward its becoming mainstream, has also introduced the phenomena of pirating and other problems.

In a world of porn-on-demand “it's hard to make money in porn,” says Craig Gross, founder of XXXChurch, a non-profit based in California  (more...)

Cut the Gay Dogma and Drama!

Please consider donating to Fr. Paul's New Mission as a Preacher of the New Evangelization. 


Add this to Tommy's greatest hits. I bet a book version  would sell.

Feminism and the Disposable Male

What has feminism done to shatter the patriarchal "women and children first" mentality, and elevate men to status as full human beings deserving of empathy and human rights? What has it done to reinforce and legally entrench the mentality that everyone, including men themselves, should put men last?

University of Tennessee's "Sex Week" Pornography Sessions Violate State Obscenity Law

More Perils of Kids in the Hands of Hirelings

Engineering Children for Gay Granddads

While this nation's adoption industry has been heavily regulated – and rightfully so – the engineering of children through the purchase of gametes and the rental of wombs remains the wild, wild west.  In some states, anything goes.

Any infertile couple working with a reputable adoption agency knows that the window of opportunity for adopting newborns closes as you approach forty years of age.  After that, you're cut off and must start considering adopting older children.  In fact, agencies prefer that there be a comfortable distance between you and the big four-oh.

But for white gay males, there are no rules, only endless options for accessorizing their lives with human beings they have the means to acquire.  They choose to purchase children because they are unwilling to create children in the natural way, and are unwilling to commit to a woman in order to form a family to nurture children.

So now we have a growing population of children who must pay the price for their Two Dads' neglected functionality, or perhaps dysfunctionality, by foregoing a mom.  (more...)

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Homosexual activists aim to ‘destroy the family’, impose ‘totalitarianism’: gay pro-family activist

ROME, February 27, 2014 ( – “I am a homosexual, but I’m against ‘gay marriage,’” a French pro-family activist told an Italian Catholic opinion paper earlier this month.

Jean-Pier-Delaume Myard, spokesman for Manif Pour Tous, told La Nuova Bussola Quotidiana that the “sole purpose” of the homosexualist “gay rights” movement is “destroying the family.”

Myard gave the interview following the first big pro-family Manif Pour Tous event in Italy on February 11.

Myard noted that in a recent talk, he said “we must break the silence” about the real nature of the homosexualist movement, noting that many homosexuals “have nothing to do either closely or from a distance with the gay lobby that has the sole purpose of destroying the family.”  (more...)

Evangelization Begins in the Home: Exclusive Interview with Seton Home Study

Meet the Adams family.  They are all about service.  Captain and Mrs. Adams have a son and daughter in the Navy, another son in the Army, and a daughter who has joined the NROTC unit at her college.  Captain Adams has honorably served in the Navy for 26 years.  Mrs. Adams believes that “Seton has helped all of my children obtain an elite Catholic education” and that the “values taught in the Seton curriculum… reinforce the traditional military virtues of duty to God and country.”

Then there is the Mills family with two children, Ben and Summer.  Ben was diagnosed with a rare heart condition while in the womb and has had to undergo various medical treatments, including a heart transplant.  When Ben needed more support than regular school could provide, he began to homeschool.  Aside from reading, writing and arithmetic, Mrs. Mills says that they were learning other things from Seton like “patience, discipline, and perseverance.”

And there is the Felsheim family.  They are really into musical creativity, and there is time in the schedule for it.  The oldest of the four children, Elizabeth, says that a favorite “family activity” is when she and her two sisters, brother, and parents have a music night—complete with piano, guitar, violin,and singing! Elizabeth used Seton from kindergarten through twelfth grade and said that she “appreciated Seton’s enriching Catholic curriculum” and the fact that homeschooling has helped to form a “strong bond” among family members.

The Adams, Mills and Felsheim families have different stories, which were featured in recent editions of Seton Magazine, but they have one thing in common—Seton Home Study School.

“Families are attracted to us in the first place because of our Catholic curriculum and Catholic textbooks,” the director of Seton, Dr. Mary Kay Clark, told The Cardinal Newman Society in an interview on February 12.  The second reason is that Seton offers “flexibility” that allows for students to “work at their own pace, subject by subject.”  (more...)


MP Bob Dechert tells Pat Bolland what his government is planning to crack down on child predators.

Will it pass in the Senate?

Harman's pressure group advertised for members in magazine for paedophiles

The National Council for Civil Liberties placed a recruitment advert for new members in the house  magazine of the notorious Paedophile Information Exchange, it emerged yesterday.

Labour’s deputy leader Harriet Harman and her MP husband Jack Dromey say PIE was banished before she became the NCCL’s legal officer in 1978.

But disturbing new evidence contradicts this claim – and reveals further embarrassingly close ties between the NCCL and the paedophile group campaigning to legalise sex with children.

The Mail can reveal that:
■ In 1979, an edition of Magpie, PIE’s official journal, carried the NCCL appeal for new members in an appalling ‘Year of the Child’ edition.
■ Former health minister and NCCL general secretary Patricia Hewitt shared a conference platform with PIE leader Tom O’Carroll in 1977.  (more...)

Further developments:

The Most Dysfunctional School In The Country's Most Dysfunctional School Board

City View Alternative School is perhaps the most dysfunctional of all the schools in the TDSB.

First of all, its an alternative school - many of which more or less tell teachers and administrators to perform social engineering experiments on kids and/or turn them into socialist activists, as opposed to educate them as in a normal school.

One of the teachers at this school is David Stocker, who writes "social justice" math curriculum and tried to raise his kid as "genderless".  (more...)

But hey, it could be worse:

H/T Socialist Studies

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

A Parent's Nightmare

The Justina Pelletier story at The Blaze:

‘Let’s get naked this Pride’: Gay editor defends nudity at Toronto’s ‘family friendly’ parade

A drag queen at Ottawa's Capital Pride in 2013.
TORONTO, February 26, 2014 ( – An editor at Canada’s leading homosexual news agency has defended nudity at Toronto’s annual Pride parade, which is billed as a “family friendly” event.

It’s just “queer people celebrating their sexuality,” wrote Danny Glenwright, managing editor at Xtra, last week in a piece titled “Let's get naked this Pride.”

Glenwright defended exposing the public to what he called “our wanton sexuality and hedonism” as par for the course of expanding gay rights.

“It’s what we do with our naked bodies that kept us gays down for so long,” he wrote.

Glenwright mockingly suggested that those who have a problem with nakedness at the parade can “stay home” with their children and watch on TV “more palatable aspects of our world” such as “priests raping children.”  (more...)

Latest reports of teacher sexual abuse of students

Exclusive Interview with Public Education Advocates for Christian Equity Phil Lees

Public Education Advocates for Christian Equity Phil Lees gives Minnesota For Marriage and the Minnesota Catholic Conference (MCC) an exclusive interview detailing the consequences of redefining marriage and the effect that has had on schools, education and children in Canada.


Shouldn’t same-sex oriented teens be given a chance to change?

In 2013 California and New Jersey passed laws that ban licensed mental health providers from offering sexual orientation change efforts (SOCE) to minors. Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Ohio, New York, Minnesota and Maryland are considering similar legislation. Recently, however, this legislation died in the Virginia House, and a stay was imposed in California pending review by the Supreme Court of the United States.

To be clear, the present debate concerns banning voluntary (not coerced) SOCE by professionals for minors who are distressed by their unwanted homosexual feelings. Support for this ban is based upon four claims. First, that sexual orientation is a fixed, inborn trait. Secondly, that homosexual attractions experienced during adolescence are enduring. Thirdly, that homosexual behavior carries no increased health risks as compared to heterosexual behavior, and finally, that scientific research proves SOCE is universally harmful. None of these claims, however, is based in science.  (more...)

Transgender faker who preyed on women declared dangerous offender

A convicted sexual predator who falsely claimed to be transgender and preyed on women at two Toronto shelters was declared a dangerous offender Wednesday.

Justice John McMahon gave Christopher Hambrook - who claimed to be a transgender woman named Jessica - an indefinite jail sentence.

"I am satisfied there is no reasonable expectation that a lesser measure would adequately protect the public from Christopher Hambrook," McMahon said, noting the 37-year-old Montreal man has attacked four vulnerable females between the ages of five and 53 in Montreal and Toronto over the past 12 years.

"He has demonstrated, from the age of 12 until the present, an inability to control his sexual impulses," McMahon said.  (more...)

Labour MP calls for probe into state cash for Paedophile Information Exchange

A Labour MP has demanded renewed and wider inquiries into the Paedophile Information Exchange amid fears that government files proving it received taxpayers’ cash have been shredded.

An ex-civil servant has previously claimed the government gave money to the PIE – which called paedophiles ‘ordinary, decent, sensible human beings’ – during the 1970s.

Home Secretary Theresa May has asked Mark Sedwill, the permanent secretary at the Home Office, to investigate after details of the claims were passed on by Labour MP Tom Watson.

Last night Mr Watson welcomed the probe but also demanded a wider-ranging police inquiry into the PIE.

He claimed Scotland Yard’s paedophile squad, which is running an investigation called Operation Fernbridge into claims that an establishment paedophile ring preyed on children in care in the 1980s, is ‘chronically under-resourced’.

But last night there were mounting fears that all government papers on its links to the PIE have been shredded.  (more...)

A PIE in the face:

The Evil of Liturgical Abuse. By Msgr. Vincent Foy

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Vatican Reform: Time for a New Inquisition

Do you remember the Roman Inquisition? Unfortunately, when people today think of “the Inquisition”, they think of the Spanish Inquisition, which was unduly influenced by the Spanish crown. Even so, its weaknesses were horrendously exaggerated by hostile English historians in what has come to be known as the Black Legend. It is this which gives the term “inquisition” such a bad sound.

But do you remember the Roman Inquisition? Back in the late Middle Ages and Renaissance, the Roman Inquisition operated throughout significant portions of Europe, firmly under the control of the Papacy, with the purpose of protecting the faithful against priests, religious and bishops who did not fulfill their obligations under Church law. It was an ecclesiastical judicial system and, as such, it was primarily used for cases involving ecclesiastical persons, who in those days were universally accorded the right to be tried by the Church instead of by the Crown. This was called “benefit of clergy.” Indeed, it was a significant benefit, because the ecclesiastical justice system protected the rights of the accused substantially better than the secular systems of the day.  (more...)

$225-million lawsuit against Christian school can go ahead

BROCKVILLE, ON ─ A $225-million class-action lawsuit alleging abuse against students attending Grenville Christian College from 1973 to 1997 has been given the go-ahead to proceed.

A nine-page decision released Monday by an appeal tribunal of the Superior Court of Justice Divisional Court overturned a May 23, 2012 ruling by Judge Paul Perell.

The decision concluded that Perell was mistaken in refusing to certify the class-action suit.

The now-closed school and the individual respondents cited in the claim must pay $35,000 to the appellants for the cost of the appeal.

Similarly, the respondents are ordered to pay the cost to certify the motion of $150,000.

The $225-million lawsuit filed in 2007 alleges physical and sexual abuse, including bizarre rituals to punish students' sins, which they claim left them traumatized.  (more...)

The child sex attacker and Soviet spy who was in the vile group legitimised by Harman and chums

As a member of the Paedophile Information Exchange, Geoffrey Prime would have been delighted if the vile organisation had won its campaign to legalise sex with children.

It might have meant that this evil child molester — who also betrayed Britain’s secrets to the Soviet Union during the Cold War — would never have come to the notice of the police and subsequently been jailed for ruthless and calculated attacks on young girls.

Prime was one of many paedophiles who no doubt felt their repellent activities were validated as a result of the Paedophile Information Exchange’s (PIE) affiliation to the National Council for Civil Liberties (NCCL) at a time when Harriet Harman, Patricia Hewitt and Jack Dromey had key jobs with the civil rights group.

Indeed, after Prime was jailed for 38 years in 1982 (for passing highly-sensitive British national security secrets to the KGB over a period of 14 years while working for the RAF and GCHQ), the Old Bailey was told that several magazines issued on behalf of PIE were found by police in his garage.  (more...)

Additional strands in the web:

The New York Times Gussies Up Reproductive Slavery

Sometimes I feel like such a stickler. I am not nitpicking when I say there was mistake in the pages of The New York Times Fashion and Style section, piece, “And Baby Makes Three.”

We must fall on the side of intellectual honesty. That title should have read, "four," or "five," if one were to consider the actual human females involved in the production line of surrogacy these days.

The Times' telling omission reflects something ominous, the deep misogyny of a gay male community, which in turn has been accepted and championed by many people who consider themselves progressive.

More to the point, it demonstrates the total erasure of the female human that supplied the egg and the second female human in whose uterus the baby grew. It mirrors the blind eyes that society has toward marginalized women. Here both are factored out of the male equation and that concerns me. No less concerning is the reason—to obscure “motherhood” and deny the child a clear concept of mother.  (more...)

Canadian suspected in sex abuse of young boys tries to kill himself as Cambodia police came for arrest

An injured Canadian man, who police say tried to kill himself when confronted
over suspicion of pedophilia, is carried out of his hotel by Cambodia police.
Child protection workers in Cambodia say a Montreal man locked himself in his hotel room and tried to commit suicide by slicing open his belly and slashing his wrists when police moved in to arrest him on child-sex allegations.

The dramatic confrontation came after child protection workers interviewed six boys, the youngest age 10, about suspected sexual abuse in Siem Reap, the gateway to Angkor Wat, the world heritage site of the world’s largest religious monument.

Workers with Action Pour Les Enfants, a child protection group in Cambodia, were tipped to a suspicious tourist by a non-governmental organization.  (more...)

Monday, February 24, 2014

Son of a Feminist

My name is Edgar van de Giessen. I am 45 years old and I am the son of one of the former leading feminists in Holland in the seventies of the last century. My mother was the first woman to receive the Harriet Freezer Award, given out by your organization Opzij for outstanding feminist activism.

I do not write this to seek any personal sympathy. I write this to share my heart, so that maybe one day men and women may live in love and respect, and not just in mutual legal equality.

Before I describe the personal consequences of the feminist upbringing I received as a boy between the age of 7 and 17, I want to express my respect for all women and men who rightfully protest against repression and discrimination on the basis of gender, skin color, or ethnic background.

Therefore I would like you to imagine how it is for an growing boy in the age of ten to hear every day from his mother that men are the cause of all trouble in the world, that men are guilty of all crime and war and repression in the world, that all men should be castrated after their semen has been deep-frozen to ensure the existence of the next generation, that men should live in different cities than women, so that they could all kill each other and so solve the problem of their own existence.  (more...)

UK: Labour's Harman and Dromey finally break their silence over links to paedophile group

Labour’s deputy leader Harriet Harman finally broke her silence yesterday over her links with a paedophile group.

Miss Harman, her MP husband Jack Dromey, and former Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt have been under mounting pressure to explain the connections to the Paedophile Information Exchange while holding key roles in the National Council for Civil Liberties.

The pressure group granted ‘affiliate’ status to PIE, a notorious group of predatory paedophiles.

Last night Miss Harman dismissed the revelations as a ‘politically-motivated smear campaign’ and offered no apology over the NCCL’s extraordinary relationship with the PIE.

That is despite the fact that Shami Chakrabarti, current director of Liberty – the new name for NCCL – has previously issued an apology for the links with PIE.

In a statement Miss Harman said: ‘They have accused me of being an apologist for child sex abuse, of supporting a vile paedophile organisation, of having a relaxed attitude to paedophilia and of watering down child pornography laws.

‘These are horrific allegations and I strongly deny all of them.’  (more...)


Clandestine websites fuel 'alarming' increase in child porn

WASHINGTON — Often, as the homemade videos begin streaming across the computer screen, unwitting children appear holding homemade placards bearing the pseudonyms of the macabre films' makers.

The makeshift message boards represent claims of credit for the ghastly images that follow: children, some pleading for help, being sexually abused in torturous ways by parents, relatives or others. Among the worst: infants used as toys for the videographers' and viewers' sexual gratification.

The cache of images are among the most vile, yet valued, commodities on what is known as the "dark Web.'' It is an ever-expanding part of the Internet where Drew Oosterbaan, chief of the Justice Department's unit investigating crimes against children, says purveyors of the material have found social status based on their continued and escalating activities.  (more...)


A student at prestigious Duke University has confessed that she takes money in exchange for having sex on camera. In other words, she does porn:
The girl identified only as “Lauren” explained she turned to porn rather than have to deal with massive student loans for the rest of her life, and after joking, “Screw it, I’ll just be a porn star,” she actually just decided to just go ahead and do it. 
Lauren said she’d always been told that “selling your body is wrong… [and] the most degrading act you can do,” but she’s found it to be “incredibly empowering” and “incredibly powerful.” She talked about that experience in conjunction with the rape culture at colleges, saying that “women are shamed for their sexual choices.”  (more...)

This week in public school teachers busted for molesting 13- and 14-year-old boys

The national epidemic of teacher-student sex stories marches on unabated. Any given week is likely to include several stories, and some are more intriguing than others.

This week, the sexual proclivities and travails of two teachers are worthy of your valuable time.  (more...)

What does it mean to be a "traditional Catholic"? Aren't all Catholics traditional?

Traditio means delivering something to someone
It is sometimes asserted that traditional Catholicism is bound up with a prideful attitude—that it is impossible to profess traditionalism without being pharisaical. Some even object to the phrase “traditional Catholic,” as if it were redundant: Aren’t Catholics by definition adherents of Catholic tradition—and thus, any Roman Catholic has as much right to be called “traditional” as he has to be called “Roman”?

How nice it would be if this were true, but alas, it is far from being the case.

First, the psychology of the issue. There is a danger of pride or pharisaism in any possible true description of oneself: Christian, Catholic, Roman Catholic, traditionalist. To say “I am a Christian” is a genuine boast for St. Paul and for every martyr who has died for Jesus Christ, including the God-fearing victims of Islamic extremism in Syria and elsewhere. Are we to say that because someone might revel too much in the title of Christian and think himself better than his unbelieving neighbor, the very title ought to be abolished? One might just as well avoid baptism, which, thanks to no merits of our own, truly makes us better than we were before, and far better off than any unbeliever.  (more...)

On the Very Instructive Coren Controversy

I'm just catching up on a most instructive online discussion:

Thank you TH2 and Barona.

There's some further web traffic on the topic at Contra|Diction!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

God permits bad priests as a sign that He is thoroughly angry with the sin of His people

In his book ‘The Priest: His Dignity and Obligations’ St John Eudes wrote that God permits bad priests as a sign that He is  thoroughly angry with His people. In Chapter 11, Qualities of a Priest St John Eudes writes:

Bad priests are a sign of God’s anger

‘THE MOST EVIDENT MARK of God’s anger and the most terrible castigation He can inflict upon the world are manifested when He permits His people to fall into the hands of clerics’ who are priests more in name than in deed, priests who practice the cruelty of ravening wolves rather than the charity and affection of devoted shepherds.

Instead of nourishing those committed to their care, they rend and devour them brutally. Instead of leading their people to God, they drag Christian souls into hell in their train. Instead of being the salt of the earth and the light of the world, they are its innocuous poison and its murky darkness.  (more...)

Saturday, February 22, 2014

TDSB should not be using tax money to advertise in the Now magazine

We have written to our public board trustee and the Chair of the Board, Chris Bolton asking them to explain why the Toronto District School Board has used tax money to pay for a one page advertisement in the Now magazine. The ad is to  publicize the board's continuing education programs. However, there are many other ways to get this message out to the public and to parents without compromising school standards and morality.

Parents need to speak up in order to stop the spending of their tax money to support and promote a publication that is detrimental to the building of the common good and public safety.  (more...)

How a “Sex Cult” Hijacked Western Sexuality

Ontario’s ravenous puppet-masters

In today's financially drought-stricken Ontario, the real rulers aren't the governing Liberals or the increasingly bold NDP. Ontario's left wing band of public dollar arsonists have long since auctioned themselves off to private interest groups, mostly to satiate their addiction to power and to grab votes. The big bosses behind the scenes are the public sector unions, who, more so than any other group, are best equipped to rule behind the scenes - and do.

The Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario, along with other unions like the OSSTF, OPSEU, and CUPE control Ontario's government. By reinforcing and supporting the rise of Dalton McGuinty in 2003 and Kathleen Wynne in 2013 these unions have helped to secure 300,000 new public sector jobs over the last decade.

The effects of this dark relationship have been significant. Ontario has suffered under three terms of Liberal waste and corruption, and a period of almost surreal, unbridled union prosperity and influence has occurred.  (more...)

Apologists for paedophilia

The childhood of Demetrious Panton ended one night in July 1978, a few days before his 11th birthday. That was when a man called Bernie Bain, who ran a care home in North London where Panton lived, knocked on the door of his dormitory.

‘Hey, little fella — can’t you sleep again?’ whispered Bain. ‘Why don’t you come and watch telly in my room?’

Panton, now a 46-year-old successful lawyer who once advised John Prescott on race relations, will never forget how Bain, then 29, grabbed his tiny hand, pressed a finger to his lips to ensure that he kept quiet and led him to a dimly-lit bedroom, with beige soft furnishings, piles of filthy clothes on the floor and ashtrays overflowing with Marlboro cigarettes.

He will never forget the studied nonchalance with which this man pulled back the duvet, patted his mattress and told him to join him in bed to keep warm while they watched a cowboy movie together on his black-and-white TV set.

And, of course, Panton will never forget how Bain then slowly put an arm around his shoulder, stroked his hair and told him that he had a tummy ache.

‘He asked me to rub his tummy,’ Panton has recalled. ‘I started rubbing it, and he kept pushing me further down the bed.’

An appalling sexual assault ensued. Immediately afterwards, Bain told the child never to talk about the events that had taken place that night.

‘We have a secret,’ Demetrious remembers thinking. ‘He’ll get me; he’ll hurt me if I ever tell anyone.’

So began an appalling cycle of abuse. Within weeks, the assaults had escalated to rape. And they continued for more than a year.  (more...)

Paedophile Graveyard: Where a Degenerate Society Went to Die

There is a legend that on the night of April 27, 1945, Adolf Hitler escaped the Reich bunker in Berlin and fled to live in exile in Argentina. First, the Fuhrer shaved his moustache. Then a body-double committed suicide, fooling even the inner circle. Hitler and his mistress Eva Braun — newly made his wife — left the bunker by secret tunnels and boarded a Junkers Ju-52 transport plane, which smuggled the couple over the Alps.

There, a U-boat was waiting to carry them to South America. He and Eva settled down, had two children and Hitler died in 1970, a contented family man. In Argentina and in Chile in recent weeks, I heard the legend again and again. One man claimed he knew a waiter who had served Hitler roast beef at an officers’ ball in Buenos Aires in 1956. Others spoke about his funeral. One rumour had it that Brazilian Nazis kept video tapes of the Fuhrer’s funeral pyre.

The truth, of course, is that Hitler shot himself in his bunker in 1945. He never set foot in South America. He never lived in Argentina in an estate built to resemble his former Alpine hideout — the Berghof — up in the Seven Lakes in the Andes.

But the reason South Americans believe these myths is that many other Nazis did escape to the Andes.  (more...)

Paedophile Graveyard: Where a Degenerate Society Went to Die

They don't entirely go away; they just blend in:

Friday, February 21, 2014

Newly-launched pro-family coalition urges West to follow Russia’s lead on homosexual propaganda

WASHINGTON, D.C., February 21, 2014 ( – Over 25 pro-family domestic and international pro-family groups announced the launch of the Coalition for Family Values at the National Press Club today.

Including Americans for Truth About Homosexuality and Defend the Family International, the coalition was formed as a response to Western pressure against Russia's homosexual propaganda law. The organization's statement – seen in full at the end of this article – says it “is a U.S. based international network of loosely-affiliated independent pro-family organizations” that “serve[s] the global pro-family movement by encouraging and facilitating cooperation and coordination among pro-family strategists and activists.”

The Coalition, which says it is not offering “a blanket endorsement of the Russian Federation,” is encouraging affiliates “to lobby their own governments to follow the Russian example” of preventing “so-called elites of the Western powers” from “[imposing] their inverted morality on everyone through the manipulation of international law.”  (more...)

REALity February 2014: Online Public Consultation on Prostitution

The Government is seeking public input on Canada’s prostitution laws and the Supreme Court decision in the Bedford v. Attorney General of Canada prostitution court case.  The Court struck down the laws on prostitution, and gave Parliament one year to bring in new legislation.

It is crucial that each one of us, as individuals, participate in the public consultation on the Minister of Justice website.  Please share your views on prostitution and ask your friends to do the same.

Online Public Consultation on the prostitution laws

The government wants public input on the prostitution laws.  The online consultation will be open from February 17th to March 17th.  The pro-family voice must be heard loud and clear.  To give your opinion, go to: and follow the links to the Public Consultation on Prostitution or reply by email at

Our Views on Prostitution

Prostitution is abuse, exploitation and violence against women and children.  Prostitution turns women and girls into sex objects, a commodity to be bought and sold.

Prostitution is inherently dangerous, no matter where it takes place. Human trafficking, drug addiction and organized crime are associated with prostitution.  Legalizing or decriminalizing prostitution does not reduce the harm, danger or exploitation of women or girls.

Parliament must send a clear message to society that prostitution dehumanizes, degrades and distorts the value of individuals.  As a society, we should not tolerate the exploitation of women and children for the sexual gratification of others.

We must ask Parliament to enact clear and well-defined legislation to combat prostitution, sexual exploitation and human trafficking of women, children, and men.  The new laws must prevent prostitution, and the harmful activities associated with it.  Prostitution and the harmful activities associated with it should be illegal.

Please speak out on the Public Consultation on Prostitution.

President’s Message
February 20, 2014


Shamrock Crescent: Islam Is Ireland’s Fastest Growing Religion

The Republic of Ireland may be intimately associated with the Roman Catholic Church, but the fastest-growing faith on the emerald isle is Islam -- at such a rapid rate that Muslims are projected to replace Protestantism as the second-most popular religion by the year 2043.
Ireland's Central Statistics Office reported that between 1991 and 2011, the percentage of Irish residents who were Muslim jumped from 0.1 percent to 1 percent (equating to about 49,000 people). By 2020, Ireland’s Islamic population will more than double to at least 100,000. The increase is attributed to both immigration and population growth. The second fastest-growing faith in Ireland is Orthodox Christianity, largely due to immigration from Eastern Europe -- doubling in just five years between 2006 and 2011 to more than 45,000 people. 
The Census figures also indicated that 84 percent of the Irish population identify as Catholic, down from 91.6 percent in 1991. Moreover, only about one-third (34 percent) of Catholics in the country regularly attend Mass. Protestants now account for just 5 percent of the population. Part of the reduction in Christians in Ireland may be attributed to a dramatic increase in the number of people who claim to believe in no organized religion -- having surged by 400 percent between 1991 and 2011 to almost 280,000 people.  (more...)

Federal bill to stop sexually abusive teachers has stalled in U.S. Senate, thanks to unions

And while Nero fiddles:

Thursday, February 20, 2014


Explicit National Condom Week events showcased on same day young students – and UC President Napolitano – tour campus

Hundreds of elementary and middle school students who recently toured UC Berkeley got an early lesson in sex education when they witnessed a guy in a giant penis costume walking around handing out condoms, as well as a variety of condom-inspired games, an undergrad at the university told The College Fix on Wednesday.

The schoolchildren were on campus last week at the same time that the public university hosted National Condom Week observances that, in addition to the giant penis, included an assortment of sex-themed activities such as a vagina-anus condom toss, a vulva and anus “pin the tail,” and a condom water-balloon game.  (more...)

Saint Damian Denounces the Homosexual Lobby

St. Peter Damian

Doctor of the Church, Cardinal-Bishop of Ostia, born at Ravenna “five years after the death of the Emperor Otto III,” 1007; died at Faenza, 21 Feb., 1072.

He was the youngest of a large family. His parents were noble, but poor. At his birth an elder brother protested against this new charge on the resources of the family with such effect that his mother refused to suckle him and the babe nearly died. A family retainer, however, fed the starving child and by example and reproaches recalled his mother to her duty.

Left an orphan in early years, he was at first adopted by an elder brother, who ill-treated and under-fed him while employing him as a swineherd. The child showed signs of great piety and of remarkable intellectual gifts, and after some years of this servitude another brother, who was archpriest at Ravenna, had pity on him and took him away to be educated.  (more...)

Breeders: A Subclass of Women?

Breeders: A Subclass of Women? - Trailer from CBC Network on Vimeo.

Surrogacy is fast becoming one of the major issues of the 21st century—celebrities and everyday people are increasingly using surrogates to build their families. But the practice is fraught with complex implications for women, children, and families. What is the impact on the women who serve as surrogates and on the children who are born from surrogacy? In what ways might money complicate things? What about altruistic surrogacy done for a family member or close friend? Is surrogacy a beautiful, loving act or does it simply degrade pregnancy to a service and a baby to a product? Can we find a middle ground? Should we even look for one?

From The Center for Bioethics and Culture, producers of the award-winning Eggsploitation (2010, 2013), and Anonymous Father’s Day (2011), Breeders: A Subclass of Women? explores this important issue, talking with surrogates, physicians, psychologists, and activists across the political and ideological spectrum.

Now say sorry! Ex-Yard chief calls on Labour trio to admit backing paedophilia was a 'huge mistake'

Three senior Labour figures were under mounting pressure last night to apologise for supporting a vile group campaigning to legalise child sex.

Labour deputy leader Harriet Harman, her husband, home affairs spokesman Jack Dromey, and former Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt all held key roles in the National Council for Civil Liberties.

The left-wing human rights organisation built extraordinary links with the notorious Paedophile Information Exchange during the 1970s and 80s, yet the trio refuse to comment on the NCCL’s activities or apologise for them.

But Mike Hames, the former head of Scotland Yard’s Paedophile Squad, said: ‘They made a huge mistake. At the very least they should acknowledge, publicly, that they got it wrong.

‘That would be a great help to victims of child sex abuse.’

A Mail investigation yesterday revealed the shocking links between the Labour figures and PIE, a group of predatory paedophiles calling for the age of consent to be cut to just four.  (more...)



The Rights of Children: Biology Matters

Now that many children conceived with the help of donor sperm or eggs have reached adulthood, many of these donor-conceived adults have claimed a right to know their biological parents. This phenomenon has led a number of European countries to outlaw gamete donation. Even in places where anonymous donation remains legal, such as the United States, there is a growing trend toward the use of non-anonymous donors. This shift away from the use of anonymous gamete donors parallels the shift toward greater openness in adoption, and it marks an increasing recognition that knowledge of one’s biological origins and contact with one’s biological parents when possible are important for human well-being.

This recognition points to a more fundamental critique of donor conception. Indeed, the basic premise of arguments against anonymous gamete donation—the recognition that children have a fundamental interest in knowing their biological parents—implies that conceiving children with donor gametes is always morally problematic, even when the donor is not anonymous, because it always involves conceiving children with the intention of depriving them of a parental relationship with (at least) one of their progenitors. Thus, it is different from the usual case of adoption, in which a child already exists; putting a child up for adoption is an attempt to give that child the best possible care in non-ideal circumstances.  (more...)

The Brave New World of Same-Sex Marriage

Advocates of same-sex marriage feel themselves to be riding the cresting wave of history, and justly so. The force with which an idea has taken hold that is unprecedented in human history and unthinkable until yesterday, the speed at which it is sweeping aside customary norms, legal precedent, and the remnants of traditional morality is nothing short of breathtaking. That it should have achieved this feat thanks largely to sentiment, fashion, and the brute power of a ubiquitous global media, with so little real thought about its profound effect upon human self-understanding or its far-reaching practical implications, is more astonishing still. Though its power seems inexorable, we would do well nevertheless to exercise perhaps the last reserve of real freedom still available to us—the freedom to think about the true meaning of things—lest we be deceived about what this moment portends or caught unawares as it washes over us. For beneath the surface of this rising tide of ‘freedom and equality’ lies something very close to the brave new world of Aldous Huxley’s dystopian imagination.

To appreciate this, we must first understand that the sexual revolution is, at bottom, the technological revolution and its perpetual war against natural limits applied externally to the body and internally to our self-understanding. Just as feminism has as its practical outworking, if not its theoretical core, the technological conquest of the female body—”biology is not destiny,” so the saying goes—so too same-sex marriage has as its condition of possibility the technological mastery of procreation, without which it would have remained permanently unimaginable.  (more...)

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Sinful "Drag Show" at Jesuit Seattle University

Preparations for the "Seattle University Drag Show" are underway, according to the Catholic institution's web site.  The March 14 event will be the 8th "drag show" on this campus which has thus distanced itself from the ideals of St. Ignatius of Loyola yet still considers itself a Catholic university.

The event is promoted by the pro-homosexual Triangle Club.  Previous "drag shows" encouraged students to show up in "drag" for the event, and featured "professional drag queens" (men dressed as women) and "student performers."  (more...)

Pink Money

Engine of the homosexual mafia.

Gay student files human rights suit against Catholic school, alleges pattern of ‘homophobia’

MISSISSAUGA, Ontario, February 19, 2014 ( – A homosexual student has filed a human rights complaint against his former French Catholic high school for what he calls a pattern of “homophobia” he says he experienced while being a student there.

Christopher Karas, a graduate of École Secondaire Catholique Ste-Famille and current student at Humber College, said his $25,000 suit filed at the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario at the end of January is not about trying to change sexual morality in Catholic schools.

“I’m not changing anything. The whole [Catholic] faith is based around acceptance. It’s based around respect and love. And to teach hate and to tell people that they should hate people because of who they love, that is not OK, that is not acceptable, and I won’t allow it,” he told Jim Richards on News Talk 1010 recently.

In addition to seeking $25,000 in compensation, Karas is asking for a written apology and seven “public interest remedies,” including amendment of the curriculum, sensitivity training for all teachers and students, and installment of gender-neutral bathrooms  (more...)

Tyranny: The high cost of legalizing same-sex marriage

Since 2003 when provincial courts began usurping the authority of elected representatives by legislating from the bench on homosexual “marriage”, Christians who publicly disagreed with homosexuality became the targets of persecution and tyranny. This accelerated after June 28, 2005 when Canada’s parliament passed a law to abolish the true definition of marriage.

Below is a partial list of documented cases of persecution and/or oppression in Canada. These human rights violations resulted directly from SSM, which afforded the oppressive actions a type of ‘moral legitimacy’.  (more...)

Another day, another group of teachers facing sex related charges

World Cup 2014: Football stars warn fans about child sex workers

Men face total of more than 120 charges in human trafficking bust

AURORA, Ont. - Ten men are facing a total of more than 120 charges after two months of police investigations into human trafficking involving underage girls in central Ontario.

York Regional Police say the investigations focused on helping girls and young women who were being sexually exploited and trafficked by pimps for prostitution.

Project Home for Christmas was launched in December to find underage girls forced to work as prostitutes, remove them from what police say are often "violent situations" and try to get them home for the holidays.  (more...)

'It must never happen again': Appeal judge slams 'cut and paste' decision in family court

Judges and social workers have been conspiring to remove children unjustly from their parents, a scathing High Court ruling said today.

It condemned family court judges for a ‘clandestine arrangement’ which meant that they simply rubber-stamped the demands of social workers without giving a fair hearing to the pleas of parents.

Rulings by family judges were ‘cut and pasted’ from recommendations emailed to the court by social workers, the High Court found.

The secret dealings between council officials and local judges were revealed in a High Court appeal in which Mrs Justice Pauffley ordered that a mother be re-united with her baby.

The baby was taken by social workers following a court case described by Mrs Justice Pauffley as ‘profoundly alarming’.

The High Court judge warned that ‘the practices I have described are not confined to this area but are widespread across the country'.  (more...)

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