Friday, April 30, 2021

Wisconsin Catholic Priest Defies Authorities and Warns His Flock on the Dangers of the COVID Injections


Catholic priest covid vaccines warning harms coronavirus

We’ve called out those in the clergy who have claimed to represent Christ and are urging people to go out and get the COVID injections, so it is only proper that we also give credit to the clergy when credit is due.

A Catholic priest in Wisconsin, James Altman of St. James The Less in La Crosse, has incurred the wrath of the corporate media for daring to defy health regulations, and for warning his congregation about the experimental COVID shots, pleading with them to NOT get them and become “guinea pigs.”


James Altman has pretty much defied everyone in authority above him: the local health department, the Bishop William Callahan of the Diocese of La Crosse, and the Pope himself, all who support COVID measures such as masks, limiting indoor gatherings, and the deadly experimental shots.  (more...)

Wisconsin Catholic Priest Defies Authorities and Warns His Flock on the Dangers of the COVID Injections

4 years in hell. 76th anniv. of liberation of KL Ravensbrück


Joanna Muszkowska-Penson (born in 1921 in Warsaw), physician and professor of medical sciences, prisoner of KL Ravensbrück, activist of the democratic opposition in the Polish People’s Republic. During German occupation she was a member of the Union of Armed Struggle [Związek Walki Zbrojnej]. Her unit had a secret headquarters at Mokotowska Street in Warsaw. She was arrested after an underground liaison, who was captured by the Germans, was discovered to carry a list of addresses in his pocket, which included the address at Mokotowska Street. She was detained at the Pawiak prison and brutally interrogated by the Gestapo at Szucha Avenue in Warsaw. Several months later she was transported to KL Ravensbrück, where she was imprisoned from September 1941 to the liberation of the camp on 30 April 1945 (today we observe the 76th anniversary of this event). She recalls the everyday life in the concentration camp for women – terrible hygiene conditions, constant close proximity of death, cruel overseers who also happened to be beautiful women, and back-breaking labor. The most horrific element of this reality was the death sentences passed by Berlin; Joanna Penson never talked to the women who knew they were going to be executed the next day – it was too difficult for such a young girl.

Ravensbruck concentration camp women Nazi executions torture sadism

Meet Dorothea Binz, Brutal Ravensbruck Guard Who Kissed her Boyfriend as Prisoners Were Whipped.

Corruption of science: The safety of, and the misinformation given about the CV vaccines


harms vaccines ADE variants mutations WHO CDC pharmaceuticals treatments doctors antibodies

Karladine's panel of well known and educated doctors, speak on the safety of, and the misinformation given about the Covid vaccines.

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Lumps in the Christian Right porridge: Theosophy, Nazis, and Jim Mosley


christian right theosophy fascism Nazi science fiction UFOs hypnotism suggestibility cults

Ufology, UFOs, Theosophy, Sirius tradition, Alice Bailey, Gerald Heard, Spiritual Mobilization, J. Howard Pew, spiritual warfare, Southern California, Bohemian Grove, Vannevar Bush, Majestic 12, Smith document, psychological warfare, Aldous Huxley, Bill Wilson, AA, 12 steps, LSD, henbane, human potential movement, Esalen, New Age, Robert A. Heinlein, Jack Parsons, L. Ron Hubbard, Aleister Crowley, John W. Campbell, Norbert Weiner, cybernetics, MIT, United Nations, George Van Tassel, Giant Rock, William Dudley Pelley, George Hunt Williamson, Unification Church, Sovereign Order of Saint John, Frank Stranges, Fred Lee Crisman, wandering bishops, George Adamski, Jim Mosely, Michael X Barton, the Council of Nine, channeled communications, anti-Semitism, Hal McKenzie, Nazi Fifth Column in Ufology, cryptography, ciphers

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

OCDSB, Royal facing 6 new lawsuits in historical sex abuse cases


abuse crime pedophilia negligence misconduct rape education Canada

Four decades have passed, but Chris Hilkes still gets choked up talking about the abuse he suffered at Bell High School in Ottawa.

Now, he and five others are suing former teacher Bob Clarke, as well as the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board (OCDSB) and the Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre for the alleged negligence that they say contributed to their abuse. 

"Sex abuse has greatly, profoundly affected my life, mentally, spiritually, relationship-wise and mostly financially, and the civil suit is to bring back a bit of what I've taken as a loss," said Hilkes, now 56.

It's the latest in a series of criminal and civil proceedings involving Clarke, the former music teacher convicted for sex crimes against 10 former students who attended Ottawa schools where he taught in the 1970s, 80s and 90s. Around the same time, Clarke was also an out-patient at The Royal, seeking treatment for what he perceived was his inappropriate behaviour toward young people.

Each plaintiff in the six suits launched in mid-April is seeking $1.95 million in damages. They claim the abuse has led to major depression, suicidal behaviour, flashbacks, and loss of both income and enjoyment of life.

"I've lived in rooming homes. I have absolutely nothing," said Hilkes. "I survive. I picked up the odd little jobs here [and there], but nothing of a career type."  (more...)

OCDSB, Royal facing 6 new lawsuits in historical sex abuse cases

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Deutsche Bank Whistleblower Goes Missing


Deutsche Bank whistleblower money laundering Russia Ukraine crime corruption

Val Broeksmit, the son of a former Deutsche Bank executive, has been missing since April 6, according to the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD). Over the past few years, Broeksmit shared his late father’s internal bank documents with federal authorities and the media as part of investigations into money laundering allegations against the German bank. 

The investigation into Broeksmit’s disappearance is still ongoing, and the LAPD has not confirmed if foul play is involved. Regardless, this tragic situation highlights the potential dangers of blowing the whistle on large-scale corporate misconduct and corruption, and it showcases the need for strong whistleblower protections for those individuals brave enough to come forward with disclosures.

Val Broeksmit’s stepfather Bill Broeksmit was a senior executive at Deutsche Bank who committed suicide in 2014. Subsequently, Val Broeksmit obtained many of his late stepfather’s emails and documents from his work at Deutsche Bank. In the following years, Broeksmit was contacted by federal authorities and the media for information about misconduct at Deutsche.

According to Forensic News, “[i]n 2019, Broeksmit was subpoenaed by the House Intelligence Committee for his documents relating to Russia and also began cooperating with the FBI that year into their money-laundering probe into Deutsche Bank.” Broeksmit was additionally a source for stories by David Enrich, a financial journalist for The New York Times, as well as for stories by Forensic News. Using documents provided by Broeksmit, Forensic News posted a number of stories about Deutsche Bank’s dealings with Russian and Ukrainian clients.  (more...)

Deutsche Bank Whistleblower Goes Missing


Deutsche Bank Whistleblower Vanishes

Trump Deutsche Bank Loans Underwritten By Russian State-Owned Bank, Whistleblower Told FBI

Dark Towers: Deutsche Bank, Donald Trump, and an Epic Trail of Destruction

Days-long escape from the Banderites in Volhynia, 1943


Fr. Tadeusz Żurawski (born in 1935), survivor of the Volhynian Massacre. While fleeing with his family from the Banderites, he stopped at the village of Półbieda. A friendly Ukrainian warned them that the village was going to be attacked at night. The Poles got on carts to escape, but the Banderites attacked them near the village. They murdered defenseless civilians without mercy. Fortunately, the cart with Tadeusz Żurawski, who was a small child at the time, managed to flee and get to the forest. The family found shelter at a Polish forester’s lodge, but not for long – the Banderites were still looking for them. At night they caught Fr. Żurawski’s uncle with two small children, who were crying… The rest of the family couldn’t help their loved ones – they had no way of defending themselves against the Ukrainian Insurgent Army. The next day they had to escape again, because the Banderites were close, and the surrounding villages were inhabited by Ukrainians. They decided to head for Łuck, where the Germans took Poles to a transit camp, from where the individuals fit for work were sent to the Third Reich as workforce. This fate was better than a brutal death at the hands of the Banderites.


Ukraine was to be pure like water. Volhynian Massacre

1943 Volhynia Massacre: Truth and Remembrance

Volhynia Ukraine Poland ethnic cleansing genocide crime violence Bandera OUN-B

Polish pastor goes viral again in new confrontation with Canadian authorities: 'Communist fascists'


Canada Gestapo church intimidation harassment police Calgary

Just three weeks after a video of himself forcefully telling local authorities seeking to enforce coronavirus restrictions to leave his church and comparing them to Nazis and the Gestapo went viral, a Canadian pastor has shared a video documenting another such visit to his church.

In a video posted to YouTube Saturday, Artur Pawlowski, pastor of Street Church in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, documented how “The Gestapo came again attacking the church!”

Two days after its posting, the video has received more than 130,000 views on YouTube as of Monday afternoon.

Ezra Levant, the founder of Rebel Media who amplified Pawlowski’s previous encounter with law enforcement on Easter weekend, posted a shortened version of the video to his Twitter account, which has amassed more than 237,000 views.

“I cannot believe that after the last fiasco on Easter weekend — that went viral globally — the thugs from @CalgaryPolice have returned, during a church service to the same church. With more cops, with more guns. They truly hate Christians and it shows," Levant tweeted.  (more...)

Polish pastor goes viral again in new confrontation with Canadian authorities: 'Communist fascists'

"Polish Operation" of the NKVD 1937-1938


The “Polish Operation” carried out by the NKVD during the Great Terror in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was indubitably one of the greatest atrocities – with the characteristics of genocide – in the history of 20th century Europe.

Under order No. 00485 issued on 11 August 1937 by the People’s Commissar for Internal Affairs of the USSR Nikolai Yezhov not fewer than 139,835 people were targeted, including 111,091 who were murdered, in most cases with a shot to the back of the head, due to their membership of the Polish Military Organisation (POW), which allegedly carried out espionage and subversion for the benefit of Poland. The vast majority of the victims of the “Polish Operation” committed by the NKVD were Poles, but the victims also included Russians, Ukrainians, Belarussians, Jews and members of other nationalities and ethnic groups living in the USSR. In addition, under Order No. 00486 of 15 August 1937, also issued by Nikolai Yezhov, the wives and children of the convicted “traitors to the Motherland” were also subjected to oppression.

During the Great Terror, Poles living in the USSR also fell victim to the bloody purge that Stalin conducted in the Red Army, the security service, and the party apparatus. Yet it was the mass-scale operations targeting, for example, the “unwanted nations” that resulted in the Bolshevik terror being remembered as “great”. Operations against specific nations affected Germans, Poles, Latvians, Estonians, Greeks, Koreans, Fins, Chinese, and other nationalities who lived in the USSR.

The operation carried out by the NKVD against the Poles was stood out in terms of its scale and cruelty. For every Soviet citizen killed, 40 Poles were slaughtered. It is estimated that at least 200,000 of our fellow Poles lost their lives during the Great Terror.

Despite the enormous scale of the atrocities, the “Polish Operation” conducted by the NKVD between 1937–1938 is shrouded by general ignorance. This motif did not appear in literature, film, theatre, music, etc. Neither has information on the massacre been included in school curricula, and the academic literature on the issue is scarce for a phenomenon of such a grand scale. In the time of the Polish People’s Republic, the topic of the terror of the 1930s was condensed to the “period of Stalinist errors and aberrations” whose victims were members of the Communist Party of Poland. On the other hand, the Western memory identifies the Great Terror exclusively with the show-trials of high-ranking Bolshevik leaders.

The “Polish Operation” of the NKVD

Soviet Union NKVD Stalin Poland genocide violence purge history crime

Monday, April 26, 2021

Ukraine Religious Front Is Also Heating Up


orthodox Russia Ukraine Constantinople schism NATO coup Maidan persecution

The tragic persecution of the Ukrainian faithful and denial of their right to worship as they choose triggers the slightest notice or arouses the concern of “human rights” and “rule of law” advocates.

Improvised new religious systems regularly accompany hare-brained Western “nation building” schemes. Montenegro and Macedonia [now “northern,” of course] could be cited as examples. The Ukraine is no exception. The formation, beginning in 2014, of an active Ukrainian “anti-Russia,” to use Nikolay Starikov’s apt expression, could not be completed without concocting its own pseudo-ecclesiastical infrastructure...

Essentially, in the implementation of the Ukrainian religious operation the office of the Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarch in Constantinople played a key role. Going back almost a century, the patriarchal office has in the theological sense been filled by Western stooges. But in the nitty-gritty political and intelligence sense, its vassalage, encompassing a close working relationship with NATO political centers and Western special services, dates back to at least the period immediately following World War II.

That cosy relationship bore ample fruit after the Ukrainian crisis was exacerbated in the aftermath of the 2014 Maidan coup. The radical reconfiguration of the Ukraine as a NATO arsenal and forward post strategically situated on Russia’s border presupposed certain factors of social cohesion that could hold it together. One of those factors was the whipping up of extreme Ukrainian nationalism. It was given particular impetus by the massive and multigenerational influx of World War II Ukrainian Nazi collaborators and their descendants who had taken refuge in the U.S., Canada and other Western countries while waiting for their hour to strike. The other factor was the calculated intrusion of the Ecumenical Patriarch, at his curators’ behest, and after receiving a hefty bakshееsh from the Poroshenko government, into the chaotic Ukrainian religious situation.  (more...)

Ukraine Religious Front Is Also Heating Up


NATO’s Eastward Push Clashes with Church Cannons in the Ukraine

‘NATO Orthodoxy’ v. Orthodox Russia

Sunday, April 25, 2021

The Gestapo came again attacking the Church!


Slow learners!

Nazi communist police church intimidation harassment Canada Calgary
No fraternizing!

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Is this the most damning evidence yet Edward VIII was a Nazi spy?


Edward VIII Nazi spy Hitler collaborator sympathizer anti-semitism Britain Windsor history treason

Duke of Windsor was a staunch sympathiser, goose-stepped at a party and openly spoke about fascism as 'a good thing', new book claims

Fresh from their honeymoon, the Duke and Duchess of Windsor were looking forward to the highlight of their 12-day tour of Nazi Germany: afternoon tea with Adolf Hitler.

They would be meeting him at the Berghof, his private retreat in the Bavarian Alps. At last, they thought, they would be able to thank Hitler in person for his wedding gift — an inscribed gold box.

With Nazi efficiency, police cleared the roads on October 22, 1937, for the Windsors’ motorcade. Unfortunately, this meant that Wallis and Edward arrived an hour ahead of schedule.

The Fuhrer was snoozing, and no one had the courage to interrupt his afternoon nap. The only person who might have dared to do so was his mistress, Eva Braun, but she had been sent away, under loud protest, to avoid potential royal embarrassment.

For an hour, the deputy Fuhrer, Rudolf Hess, marked time by whisking the Duke and Duchess around local tourist spots. When they returned to the Berghof, Hitler, dressed in a brown Nazi jacket and black trousers, was finally ready to greet them at the front door.

He shook Wallis’s hand, then turned to the Duke and gave the Nazi salute. Edward reciprocated: ‘Heil Hitler.’  (more...)

Is this the most damning evidence yet Edward VIII was a Nazi spy?

books Edward VIII Nazi treason history spy sympathizer collaborator Britain

JFK, Allen Dulles and the Takeover of US Foreign Policy

In this interview, RTF co-founder Cynthia Chung discusses the takeover of US Foreign Policy, based off of the work from her three-part series on the roots of the CIA, its implication in the Vietnam War and how it grew to become a Murder Inc., not only threatening the legitimate sovereign governments of countries abroad, but also within their very own country.

CIA Eisenhower Kennedy JFK cold war Vietnam coup assassination colonialism Dulles

Friday, April 23, 2021

Talk shows that don't air anymore



Gary Webb contras cocaine CIA drug trafficking cold war Honduras Los Angeles media journalism suicide

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Military Bases Housing Migrant Children Plagued by Serial Sexual Abuse Claims


Children abuse migration camps military bases trafficking corruption politics slavery

Over the first few months of 2021, the migrant crisis at the US-Mexico border has exploded. Due to the policies of the Obama, Trump, and now Biden administrations, many of those migrants, particularly unaccompanied minors, remain housed in increasingly controversial “overflow facilities.”

Despite promises to reverse the policy, the Biden administration has instead taken the unprecedented step of housing thousands of these unaccompanied minors on US military bases, a jolting move that hardly generated any attention from either the mainstream or independent media. This is true even for left-leaning outlets that spent much of the Trump era calling for closure of detention facilities as well as railing against the increasing militarization of the US-Mexico border. The only exceptions have been those few outlets that covered the dangerous environmental contamination present at some of the bases that are now involved.

Currently, unaccompanied minors are being housed at two military bases in Texas and one in California. While there was media coverage of the decision to house children and teens at these bases, there was little journalistic interest in looking deeper into issues at these particular bases, some of which are known for having extremely unsanitary conditions or for allowing “serial rapists” to serve on base for years despite numerous reports about their crimes to base leadership. One of these bases has the highest rate of sexual assaults of any joint base in the entire Department of Defense.

Not only that, but the US military’s computer network has consistently ranked among the top internet service providers for the trafficking of child pornography, further underscoring why military bases, particularly these military bases, are unsuitable for children.

Also concerning is US officials refusing to say how many children are being sent to these bases. Health and Human Services (HHS) currently has more than 13,000 kids in their custody. That number is only projected to grow, with Customs and Border Protection now projecting that 184,000 unaccompanied minors could end up in government custody by this time next year.

In addition, these bases have not yet released photos of where the minors are kept and have even banned soldiers on these bases from photographing the areas where the children are being held. The tents they are housed in are said to be able to house 1,000 people each, implying that each base has received thousands of migrant children in recent weeks.  (more...)

Military Bases Housing Migrant Children Plagued by Serial Sexual Abuse Claims

THE PUSHBACK: The Day the World Stood Together


COVID pandemic defiance resistance freedom demonstrations protests

On March 20th 2021, people in over 40 countries across the world gathered in peaceful unison for a worldwide demonstration - to oppose disproportionate government measures threatening the very foundation of their rights and freedoms. This huge international effort was appallingly misrepresented and downright ignored by the mainstream media.

Produced by Oracle Films, in collaboration with CoviLeaks and independent journalists in over 40 nations – this documentary is an authentic account of what really happened on March 20th, what protestors worldwide were standing against, and why the media went to such lengths to conceal the truth.

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

The Illusion of Evidence-Based Medicine: Exposing the crisis of credibility in clinical research


books clinical research conflict of interest fraud pharmaceuticals corruption medicine healthcare

An exposé of the corruption of medicine by the pharmaceutical industry at every level, from exploiting the vulnerable destitute for drug testing, through manipulation of research data, to disease mongering and promoting drugs that do more harm than good.

Authors, Professor Jon Jureidini and Dr Leemon McHenry, made critical contributions to exposing the scientific misconduct in two infamous trials of antidepressants. Ghostwritten publications of these trials were highly influential in prescriptions of paroxetine (Paxil) and citalopram (Celexa) in paediatric and adolescent depression, yet both trials (Glaxo Smith Kline's paroxetine study 329 and Forest Laboratories' citalopram study CIT-MD-18) seriously misrepresented the efficacy and safety data.

The Illusion of Evidence-Based Medicine provides a detailed account of these studies and argues that medicine desperately needs to re-evaluate its relationship with the pharmaceutical industry. Without a basis for independent evaluation of the results of randomised, placebo-controlled clinical trials, there can be no confidence in evidence-based medicine.

Science demands rigorous, critical examination and especially severe testing of hypotheses to function properly, but this is exactly what is lacking in academic medicine.

The Lockdown Paradigm Is Collapsing


paradigm lockdown social control neofeudalism totalitarianism credibility

It’s taken much longer than it should have but at last it seems to be happening: the lockdown paradigm is collapsing. The signs are all around us. 

The one-time hero of the lockdown, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, has seen his support tank from 71% to 38%, along with ever more demands that he resign. Meanwhile, polls have started to favor Florida governor and lockdown opponent Ron DeSantis for influence over the GOP in the future. This remarkable flip in fortunes is due to the dawning realization that the lockdowns were a disastrous policy. DeSantis and fellow anti-lockdown governor Kristi Noem are the first to state the truth bluntly. Their honesty has won them both credibility.

Meanwhile, in Congressional hearings, Representative James Jordan (R-OH) demanded that Dr. Fauci account for why closed Michigan has worse disease prevalence than neighboring Wisconsin which has long been entirely open. Fauci pretended he couldn’t hear the question, couldn’t see the chart, and then didn’t understand. Finally he just sat there silent after having uttered a few banalities about enforcement differentials.

The lockdowners are now dealing with the huge problem of Texas. It has been fully open with no restrictions for 6 weeks. Cases and deaths fell dramatically in the same period. Fauci has no answer. Or compare closed California with open Florida: similar death rates. We have a full range of experiences in the US that allow comparisons between open and closed and disease outcomes. There is no relationship.  (more...)

The Lockdown Paradigm Is Collapsing

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Escaping the Brave New World: Creativity and Brainwashing


Frankfurt School education brainwashing MKULTRA elite magagerial class technocracy Huxley LSD depatterning CIA MI6 Tavistock

How did western civilization lose its connections to the historic moral and philosophical traditions that had imbued it with a love of progress, a respect for the past and sacrifice for the future for centuries?

In this discussion between the New Lyre Podcast host David Gosselin and RTF director Matthew Ehret, this question is unpacked from a variety of angles.

This episode deals with the rise of social engineering during the 20th century with a focus on London’s Tavistock Clinic, MK Ultra, CIA cultural warfare in the post-war age under the Congress for Cultural Freedom and much more. We explore the roots of epistemological warfare stretching back to the days of ancient Athens to our present age, and the post-WWII techniques deployed in the form of the Frankfurt School, political correctness, and the “authoritarian personality project” which aimed to proclaim that individual genius, moral leadership or love of truth were merely forms of fascism that must be destroyed by new forms of “group think” and “popular opinion” in order for free capitalist democracy to win the Cold War.

This discussion provides a very accurate description of the undergraduate programme that I confronted at the University of Toronto. Midway through, I withdrew and continued with a curriculum that I selected myself. This did not endear me to the academic mafia controlling the institution, who granted me a scientific certification to my degree only grudgingly, leaving the clear understanding that I was not one of "theirs".

Monday, April 19, 2021

Nazis on the Moon: Iron Sky


Nazi film movies Hollywood science fiction technology invasion Fourth Reich

In the last moments of World War II, a secret Nazi space program evaded destruction by fleeing to the Dark Side of the Moon. During 70 years of utter secrecy, the Nazis construct a gigantic space fortress with a massive armada of flying saucers. When American astronaut James Washington puts down his Lunar Lander a bit too close to the secret Nazi base, the Moon Führer decides the glorious moment of retaking the Earth has arrived sooner than expected. Washington claims the mission is just a publicity stunt for the President of the United States, but what else could the man be but a scout for the imminent attack by Earth forces? The Fourth Reich must act. Two Nazi officers, ruthless Klaus Adler and idealistic Renate Richter, travel to Earth to prepare the invasion. In the end when the Moon Nazi UFO armada darkens the skies, ready to strike at the unprepared Earth, every man, woman and nation alike, must re-evaluate their priorities.

Tell me sweet little lies: Viewing history on the ground at Riese


We have been talking about findings in the Last Nazi Series, and speaking about the German WW2 weapons and research programs. Also taking live questions from the audience.

It was a great productive chat, covering a lot of hidden areas of the German and post war Nazi research and secrecy.

Nazi secret technology classified myths history war Silesia Riese




Sunday, April 18, 2021

Synanon, the Brainwashing “Game” and Modern Transgender Activism: The Orwellian Implications of Transgender Politics


transgender cults Synanon brainwashing peer pressure youth politics pharmaceuticals

What had happened was that Gloria walked in the front door of Synanon [for drug counselling] and they had gamed her right off. Someone, on purpose, had walked past her as she sat waiting to be interviewed and had remarked on how ugly she was. The next person to parade past had informed her that her hair looked like something a rat slept in.

Gloria had always been sensitive about her curly hair. She wished it was long … What the third Synanon member would have said was moot, because by then Gloria had gone upstairs to the tenth floor [to kill herself].

“Is that how Synanon works?” Fat asked.

Bob said, “It’s a technique to break down the personality. It’s a fascist therapy that makes the person totally outer-directed and dependent on the group. Then they can build up a new personality that isn’t drug oriented.”

from Philip K. Dick, VALIS.

The above quote is from Philip K. Dick’s pseudo-autobiographical novel VALIS and was based on his experience in the 1970s with what was once called the “most dangerous and violent cult America had ever seen,” Synanon.

At first glance the quotation from VALIS would seem unrelated to the modern transgender (trans) movement, however, my experience with opposing trans-activism has led me to the conclusion that the activist element in the trans community has become and uses (knowingly or unknowingly) the techniques of cults such as Synanon.

Certainly those that constitute the more radical activists in the transgender movement behave just like cult members and are just as willing to ignore reality as any member of even the most bizarre religious cult.  (more...)

Synanon, the Brainwashing “Game” and Modern Transgender Activism: The Orwellian Implications of Transgender Politics

As goes the Trans cult, so goes the COVID cult. Same methodology, same objective... the demolition of society. And, significantly, both are driven by the pharmaceutical cartel. Thank I.G. Farben.

Friday, April 16, 2021

Ukraine was to be pure like water. Volhynian Massacre


Poland Ukraine Volhynia massacre Banderites genocide crime

Fr. Tadeusz Żurawski (born in 1935), as a child he survived the Volhynian Massacre. On many occasions he miraculously avoided being killed by the Banderites. In March 1943 his mother overheard three Ukrainians talking outside their house and learned that the Banderites were planning an attack. The family escaped and reach out to the village administrator by the name of Grzyb, who agreed to put them on his family’s cart and flee the village together. They were travelling through the frozen fields, as the Ukrainian Insurgent Army was prowling the roads. They spent the first night at the house of friendly Ukrainians who hid them from the Banderites. Next, the went to the village of Półbieda, where the village administrator had a family, who welcomed them. In the morning, however, they had to leave immediately, as they received a tip from another Ukrainian that the Banderites were coming. At that time, the attacks on Poles started occurring on a large scale. In another village, where Fr. Żurawski’s uncle lived, the Ukrainian Insurgent Army bashed a baby against a fence, killing the child in front of the family.

Detroit's Dumpster Fire Burns Hot


Catholic Detroit corruption scandal archdiocese

Yesterday, we told you about the implosion of a wicked bishop in Crookston, Minnesota who was forced to resign for covering up charges of sex abuse to protect a bad priest. Today, we're sliding over to Detroit to tell you about another horrible bishop, who, in this case, manufactured charges of sex abuse to get rid of a good priest.



God’s Bankers: The Vatican financial scandal draft rankings™


Catholic Vatican Bank embezzlement crime fraud malfeasance

Vatican City State prosecutors have not yet said when they plan to take any of the figures in their sprawling Vatican financial investigation to an actual criminal trial. But eventually they’ll draft somebody to the Big Courtroom Dance. 

So to get ready, The Pillar brings you the Vatican Finance Scandal Draft Rankings™

Our experts tell you who’s most likely to get drafted into a courtroom, where they’ll end up answering questions — or at least facing them — from Vatican prosecutors bent on scoring a win with the judges. 

Plus: Who’s accused of what, who’s already in court where, and who is suing - or threatening to sue - whom.  (more...)

God’s Bankers: The Vatican financial scandal draft rankings™

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Chrystia Freeland, Canada 2020, and How Canada’s Liberal Party was Subverted by Misanthropic Technocrats


Canada Technocracy fascism misanthropy Chrystia Freeland dictatorship

Ever since the Liberal Party of Chrystia Freeland and Justin Trudeau took power in 2015, policies favorable to the formation of a technocratic dictatorship have been creeping incrementally into position. This policy outlook is a far cry from the “old school Liberal party” of the post-WWII decades which ushered in some of the greatest rates of technological and scientific progress ever seen in history. Even if you are not Canadian, it is worth understanding how and why that pro-industrial orientation was subverted, since similar programs occurred across Europe and the USA as well.

Although the operation created to re-organize today’s Liberal government is called Canada 2020, this think tank (formed in 2003) is merely the most recent manifestation of a systematic foreign takeover which goes back to 1933… and I’m not talking about the Russians. This takeover has been led by an operation called the Round Table movement and it’s sister organization the Fabian Society. Their use of planning conferences have been instrumental in guiding this process.

The original conference that brought this new Liberal makeover scheme together was known as the Kingston “Thinkers” Conference of 1960, led by agents of the Canadian Institute of International Affairs (CIIA) Walter Gordon, Maurice Lamontagne, Lester B. Pearson, Lionel Chevrier, Tom Kent, Keith Davey and other social engineers who were obsessed with cleaning out the political landscape of all forces committed to scientific and technological progress and continental cooperation with the pro-development America of John F. Kennedy.  (more...)

Chrystia Freeland, Canada 2020, and How Canada’s Liberal Party was Subverted by Misanthropic Technocrats

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

The New (para) Normal: LGBTDemon


demons channeling obsession suicide Toronto journalism books

What hasn't been normalized yet?

Manufactured paranormal encounters, Joe Fischer, Siren Song of the Hungry Ghosts, hoaxes, paranormal. SORRAT, John Neihardt, Black Elk Speaks, channeling, séance, crop circles, hoaxes producing paranormal results, Phillip Experiment, JB Rhine, George P. Hansen, The Trickster and the Paranormal, unforeseen consequences, SRI remote viewing experiments, UFOs, Strassman DMT experiments, cancer, sexual tension, shamanism, The Trickster, consciousness, altered states

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Canadian Pastor Pawlowski shows how American churches should have responded to closures


church lockdown police rebuke Nazi pandemic COVID

In America, churches have been shuttered for many months depending on the state. While some pastors have bravely opened their doors, pushing back against arbitrary lockdown restrictions, many churches have simply remained closed. In Canada, a team of officers—a Calgary police officer, officials from Alberta Health Services, and the City of Calgary Bylaw services—interrupted a service last Saturday night in an attempt to harass the pastor, Artur Pawlowski. He wasn't happy to see them. His response, which is recorded, went viral.

Pawlowski barely lets the female officer, who appears to be leading the group, say a word when he tells her and the rest of her companions to get out. He yells "Get out!" or "Out of this property now!" repeatedly.

The furious pastor escalates toward the end of the video unleashing a verbal tirade filled with the kind of righteous indignation men of courage seem to have. "Don't come back you Nazi psychopaths. Unbelievable. Sick. Evil people. Intimidating people in a church during the Passover! You Gestapo Nazi Communist Fascists. Passover. The holiest Christian festival in a year and they're coming to intimidate Christians during the holiest festival," Pawlowski says looking into the camera.

He told the Daily Caller this wasn't the first time he'd seen the group of officers—they had been harassing him for about 13 months—and perhaps explains his visceral reaction to their ongoing campaign to disrupt churches under the guise of mandated lockdowns.  (more...)

Canadian Pastor Pawlowski shows how American churches should have responded to closures

The Island


movie The Island dystopia clones organ harvesting breeding technofascism healthcare totalitarianism

Set in a dystopian future, a group of people work in a facility, essentially as slaves. They do have an incentive though - a regular lottery is held and one of them gets to leave the facility and its restrictions and move to The Island, a paradise. Lincoln Six Echo is one of the workers in the facility and he is infatuated with Jordan Two Delta. His life is fairly uneventful and mundane until Jordan Two Delta gets selected to go to The Island. Then Lincoln starts to discover the truth about the facility and The Island.

America's Trojan-horse at the heart of the Canadian government: Chrystia Freeland and Canadian imperialism


Ukraine Nazi ratlines Paperclip Canada proxies fascism war crimes imperialism corporate minions thugs

The Canadian government’s complicity in bringing Nazis into Canada at the end of World War II is a little known fact. This was after all the beginning of the Cold War and Nazi elements were considered essential for the purpose of crushing Communists and trade unions in Canada. It is noteworthy that Canada took in more Nazis at the end of World War II than Jews attempting to escape Nazi persecution in Europe during the Second World War. 

Frederick Charles Blair, director of the Immigration Branch of the Department of Mines and Resources, expressed Canada’s more or less official immigration policy regarding Jews when answering the question of allowing Jews fleeing the Nazis into Canada with, “None is too many.”

At the same time the United States, which had also systematically barred Jews from entering during the war, brought thousands of Nazi scientists, engineers, military personnel and concentration camp guards into the U.S. through ‘Operation Paperclip.’ “The Americans were particularly interested in scientists specialising in aerodynamics, rocketry, medicine, chemical weapons and chemical reactions”..

Lev Golinkin, writing in The Nation states:

Unlike the Jews they had tortured and murdered, these Holocaust perpetrators got to settle down, start families, work, live, and die in peace. Along the way, they rebranded themselves as “victims of Communism” and “freedom fighters” to whitewash their bloody pasts. Once in a while you hear about one of them—some of the last remaining Nazis in the United States were Ukrainian—but most went on to live unmolested and free in North America.

A good many of these Nazis were allowed to settle in Canada. It is estimated that some 2,000 Ukrainian Nazis were allowed to settle in Canada.  (more...)

America's Trojan-horse at the heart of the Canadian government: Chrystia Freeland and Canadian imperialism

Monday, April 12, 2021

Covid: The Political Pandemic


politics pandemic scam COVID fraud scientism lockdowns technofascism

Public health officials are in charge and normal life is forbidden

Canadians are entering the thirteenth month of government restrictions that are managing and dictating every aspect of our lives—the thirteenth month of daily and ongoing violations of our human rights and fundamental freedoms. It is no longer innocent until proven guilty, it is sick until proven healthy.

Three Things Most People Don't Know About Physician-Assisted Death


suicide medicine abuse eldercide death culling

The cadence is increasing of jurisdictions introducing, normalizing and expanding laws allowing doctors to help people commit suicide.

Is this purely in the service of relieving unbearable physical or mental suffering? Or do other factors predominate?

I used to believe the former, but my recent re-examination of the issue suggests the latter is more likely.

On March 17, 2021, Bill C-7 came into effect across Canada. The new law significantly increases the proportion of the population eligible to undergo physician-assisted death (PAD). C-7 expands PAD eligibility to, for example, people whose death is not reasonably foreseeable.

On March 18, Spain passed federal legislation that for the first time allows PAD there; it goes into effect in June.

The same thing has happened in New Zealand: the federal ‘End of Life Choice Act’ goes into effect in November.

And on April 8 the French federal parliament debated whether to make euthanasia the law of their land. The majority of the parliamentarians favour legalizing euthanasia. However, the law was not passed because there wasn’t enough time for them to go through the thousands of amendments proposed by legislators who oppose PAD.  (more...)

Three Things Most People Don't Know About Physician-Assisted Death

Former Pfizer VP Speaks Out On Dangers Of mRNA Vaccines & COVID Illusion


COVID fraud cover-up censorship experts mRNA vaccines Pfizer lockdowns totalitarianism conspiracy technofascism

Joining us today is Pfizer's former Vice President and Chief Scientist for Allergy and Respiratory, Michael Yeadon, here to discuss his expert opinion on the topics of COVID-19, mRNA vaccine technology, as well as suppression and outright censorship of medical and scientific experts.

Beyond Order: Jordan Peterson, Crypto-fascism, and the Occult... again


In this installment, you will learn more about how the image for “Rule II” of Jordan Peterson’s Beyond Order is meant to convey crypto-fascist and occultic messages. 

This video is in support of The Devil and His Due: How Jordan Peterson Plagiarizes Adolf Hitler.

Jordan Peterson University of Toronto psychology education occult Aleister Crowley Adolf Hitler Nazi Thelema plagiarism books freemasonry

Sunday, April 11, 2021

The Origins of Nazi Violence


Nazi Germany Weimar politics assassination crime

In recent years, right-wing terrorism has been on the increase in Germany. The worst case of right-wing terrorism was perpetrated by the National-Socialist Underground or NSU. The NSU murdered ten people, including a police officer, while also committing forty-three attempted murders, three bombings and several robberies between 2000 and 2007. Today Germany’s radical right has created a follow-up organisation called NSU 2.0. Despite a court case against the NSU, right-wing terrorism continues unabated. In 2019, a Neo-Nazi tried to kill fifty Jewish worshipers in a synagogue in the eastern German city of Halle. Though this extremist failed to kill Jews but he still managed to murder two other people.

In 2020, another German Neo-Nazi killed nine people, as well as his mother and himself in the western German city of Hanau. One of the more infamous political assassination by Germany’s right-wing extremists was of Regierungspräsident (region district president) Walter Lübcke in 2019. The worst excess of right-wing terrorism, however, occurred more than forty years ago in Munch in 1980. It became known as the “Octoberfest bombing” when Neo-Nazi Gundolf Köhler murdered thirteen people.

Right-wing terrorism in Germany has a one-hundred year old history. Dating back to the end of the Great War (World War I), argues Florian Huber in his book Revenge of the Losers. The beginnings of right-wing terrorism in Germany date to the tumultuous years of what one of Germany’s most astute observers, Sebastian Haffner, once called “a failed revolution” in his seminal book, Failure of a Revolution. This was an era of private militias, militant gangs of trade unionists and communists, and various nationalist groups fighting during the anarchy that followed the end of the First Reich’s monarchy.  (more...)

The Origins of Nazi Violence

Don't Call It a Cult: The Shocking Story of Keith Raniere and the Women of Nxivm


cults mind control executive success self help MLM sex trafficking gaslighting NXIVM networking books

They draw you in with the promise of empowerment, self-discovery, women helping women. The more secretive those connections are, the more exclusive you feel. Little did you know, you just joined a cult.

Sex trafficking. Self-help coaching. Forced labor. Mentorship. Multi-level marketing. Gaslighting. Investigative journalist Sarah Berman explores the shocking practices of NXIVM, a cult run by Keith Raniere and many enablers. Through the accounts of central NXIVM figures, Berman uncovers how dozens of women seeking creative coaching and networking opportunities instead were blackmailed, literally branded, near-starved, and enslaved. Don't Call It a Cult is a riveting account of NXIVM's rise to power, its ability to evade prosecution for decades, and the investigation that finally revealed its dark secrets to the world.


‘Don’t Call It a Cult’ — New Book on NXIVM by Vice Reporter Sarah Berman to Be Published This Month by Viking

Saturday, April 10, 2021

The Vatican’s high-stakes financial Flying Circus


Catholic Vatican Bank London finance embezzlement crime corruption Curia

You’re a reasonable person

We have been covering the details of the Vatican financial scandal since the day we opened The Pillar. I have been writing about it for as long as I have been in Catholic journalism. 

We’ve run a series of explainers to try to get you up to speed if you're new to the most involved soap opera in the Church, and this week’s story has a lot of technical details all of its own.

I don’t expect you to read it all now, and, frankly, I don’t blame you for not following along all that closely — I’m probably more obsessed with the minutiae of this deal than near anyone who isn’t making millions off it, and it gets a bit much for me sometimes. 

But I want you to follow it as closely as you can. 

And I would like you to try not to get bone-throwing mad about the whole thing, because while the story is complicated and increasingly lurid, we should avoid giving into hyperbole. We should try to keep cool heads. We should, out of love for the Church and hope in Pope Francis’ stated reforming efforts, try to be reasonable about this.  (more...)

The Vatican’s high-stakes financial Flying Circus

Friday, April 9, 2021

WEF Warns of Cyberattack Leading to Systemic Collapse of the Global Financial System


WEF Carnegie Endowment finance cyberattack Great Reset pandemic COVID banks security state technofascism

In November 2020, the World Economic Forum and Carnegie Endowment for International Peace coproduced a report that warned that the global financial system was increasingly vulnerable to cyberattacks. Advisers to the group that produced the report included representatives from the Federal Reserve, the Bank of England, the International Monetary Fund, Wall Street giants such as JPMorgan Chase, and Silicon Valley behemoths such as Amazon.

The ominous report was published just months after the World Economic Forum had conducted a simulation of just such an event—a cyberattack that brings the global financial system to its knees—in partnership with Russia’s largest bank, which is due to jumpstart that country’s economic transformation by launching its own central bank–backed digital currency.

As recently as last Tuesday, the largest information-sharing organization of the financial industry, the Financial Services Information Sharing and Analysis Center (FS-ISAC), whose known members include the Bank of America, Wells Fargo, and Citigroup, warned that nation-state hackers and cybercriminals are poised to jointly attack the global financial system. The CEO of this organization had previously given the same warning, which was published in the World Economic Forum-Carnegie Endowment (WEF-Carnegie) report.

Such coordinated simulations and warnings from those who dominate the current ailing financial system are obviously a cause for concern, particularly given that the World Economic Forum is well-known for its Event 201 simulation about a global coronavirus pandemic that took place just months prior to the COVID-19 crisis.  (more...)

WEF Warns of Cyberattack Leading to Systemic Collapse of the Global Financial System


From “Event 201” to “Cyber Polygon”: The WEF’s Simulation of a Coming “Cyber Pandemic”

Lockdown Protests Flare Up Around the World


lockdowns defiance protests resistance demonstrations COVID vaccination

At the end of 2020, there were large public demonstrations opposing severe restrictions on civil liberties, including in Germany and Great Britain. In Denmark, there was a public protest against proposed legislation that would mandate COVID-19 vaccination.

There is increasing civil unrest in many countries after a year of experiencing the crippling side effects of government public health policies that have restricted autonomy and freedom of assembly and caused mass unemployment and destruction of small businesses, steep increases in substance abuse, depression and suicide, and inadequate treatment for other diseases like cancer.

Since the beginning of 2021, demonstrations calling for an end to COVID lockdowns and voluntary vaccination have spanned the globe from Canada to the Netherlands and Lebanon. February and March 2021 saw anti-lockdown protests in Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, Canada, France, Germany, Netherlands, Austria, Bulgaria, Serbia, Poland and other countries.  (more...)

Lockdown Protests Flare Up Around the World

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