Sunday, April 4, 2021

The Hideous Revolution: The X Club’s Malthusian Revolution of Science


anti-science Thomas Huxley Darwinism Malthus eugenics genocide British Empire education sabotage X-Club Nature

While the 20th and 21st centuries have been shaped by British Imperial forces such as the Fabian Society and Rhodes Trust, the ideas and strategy advanced by these secretive organizations were in no way caused by them or even their founders. Rather, it is of dire importance to take a step back a little earlier in time to the period of great global upheaval following Lincoln’s miraculous victory of 1865 against the British-backed confederate uprising. We must do this in order to investigate the role of another grouping of individuals representing certain evil conceptions around which the dying British Empire re-organized itself. In doing this, the student of universal history will be aided in capturing in their mind’s eye, the birth of the core anti-human concepts in their modern incarnation which were later deployed most aggressively by both the Rhodes Trust and Fabian Society networks for the service of the British Empire.

At the beginning of the 19th century, with the success of the American Revolution and its geopolitical implications especially following the re-affirmation of its founding principles in the form of the Union victory of 1865, there was a profound optimism about what humanity could discover and develop. On the continent of Europe and in the new American republic, there was an explosion of scientific investigation and invention accompanied by a growing interest in these matters by the general population.

At the same time a far flung private empire had emerged around the British East India Company that had consolidated control over global finance and the commerce of the seas. This empire saw in this emerging optimism a mortal threat to its power. It feared most of all the development of the nation state as the vehicle for expanding scientific progress. This progress would give nations the economic power to resist the empire. But most of all the spirit of progress itself would ennoble the people and make them unwilling to accept subservience to any system of tyranny.

How does an empire deal with this problem if their leading families are at best amateurs in science?  (more...)

The Hideous Revolution: The X Club’s Malthusian Revolution of Science

How the scientific establishment was reduced to a genocidal cabal

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