Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Parents plan province-wide protest to new sex-ed program

A provincewide protest of Ontario’s new sex-ed curriculum will take place Thursday, Oct. 1, the Canadian Families Alliance announced Monday, Sept. 25 in Thorncliffe Park.

Several parent advocacy groups gathered at the Thorncliffe Park Community Centre to announce the protest, which aims to disprove Premier Kathleen Wynne and Education Minister Liz Sandal’s statements that most Ontario parents support the new curriculum. To attempt to disprove those claims, concerned parents will keep their children home from school for the day.

“We support the effort of parents across Ontario in pulling their children from their elementary classrooms to protest Kathleen Wynne’s sex-ed agenda,” said Teresa Pierre, president of Parents as First Educators. “This will help send a strong message to the government that they should stop interfering with parents’ rights to be the primary educators of their children.”  (more...)

"Obscenity Exemptions" for Educators Violate Children's Civil Rights

The fact record of those advancing a sexually explicit sex-ed curriculum makes clear that almost any treatment of sexuality is acceptable, a position this article and the Constitution rejects. As will be discussed below, such efforts have included an attack on minority rights and an effort to undermine traditional values among blacks. This article focuses on harms that are visited on children of every race, creed, and religious tradition, not because of the topic that could be discussed in an age appropriate and careful way but because a child or young person who views sexually explicit images suffers real harm. Moreover, for those minors raised in homes where traditional values are taught which includes the vast majority of households in the United States--being trained to see and accept sexual text/imagery that their upbringing rejects undermines parental rights and creates conflicts between parents and their children. Such a destructive pedagogy arguably violates long-recognized Constitutional protections.

Scotland: Abuse allegations inquiry is finally to start after 15 years

The late Elizabeth McWilliams campaigned for an inquiry into the allegations
ONE of the most long-awaited public inquiries to be held in Scotland is due to get under way tomorrow.

The statutory inquiry into historical abuse of children in care will be headed by leading QC Susan O’Brien and is expected to last four years before reporting back to Cabinet Secretary for Education Angela Constance.

It will investigate the abuse of children in formal institutional care including by religious orders, as well as council-run children’s homes and secure care.

It will also extend to those in foster care, long-term hospital care and boarding schools.

The inquiry, announced in December, will have the power to compel witnesses to attend and give evidence, and Constance previously pledged that where crimes are uncovered the “full force of the law’’ would be used to bring those responsible to justice.

It comes after 15 years of relentless campaigning by victims of child abuse in orphanages stretching back decades and follows a pledge by the SNP in opposition that they would hold one when they took power.  (more...)

The Toronto Catholic School Board will teach the radical sex curriculum

The Toronto Catholic Board will teach the radical sex curriculum. The much-anticipated changes to meet the “Catholic lens” criteria has turned out to be mere window dressing. The Ottawa Catholic Board was first off the mark to endorse the sex curriculum parent resource guides prepared by the Institute for Catholic Education (ICE). We reviewed the material on this blog and predicted that once one school board accepted the guides the other boards would fall like a house of cards. The Toronto Catholic Board has done its part. The Catholic boards, if one recalls, did the same thing with the Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy issued in 2009. Trustees and board personnel tried to mask contradictions to Catholic doctrine by using positive sounding words such as inclusive, tolerance, diversity and equity education. However, the policy which later became law with Bill 13 has now brought us the controversial sex curriculum. Much of its contents are completely at odds with the Catholic teaching about the person, human sexuality, marriage and the family.  (more...)

Pump This: The Schwarzenegger File

Audio:  Part 1     Part 2

Interrogatory in nature, this program highlights the Nazi family background and Nazi-like affectations of California Gubernatorial candidate Arnold Schwarzenegger. Beginning with discussion of a body building picture in which Schwarzenegger is giving the Nazi salute, the broadcast sets forth numerous accounts of Schwarzenegger’s manifestation of a Nazi/Aryan persona during his bodybuilding days. The discussion also examines Gustav Schwarzenegger’s Nazi background in the Austrian brown-shirts, and the Third Reich’s military police — the latter a key liaison element with the SS mobile killing squads on the Eastern Front. (Gustav – Arnold’s father – was with a unit that was involved in some of the most brutal fighting in Russia.) After examining the strong areas of overlap between the elder Schwarzenegger’s background and the areas projected as repositories of Third Reich postwar underground operatives, the broadcast examines the curiously large influence that Gustav was able to exert on behalf of Arnold’s mili­tary career. It appears that Gustav may well have been more than a mere smalltown police chief. Arnold Schwarzenegger was a close political ally of and defender of Nazi war criminal Kurt Waldheim, later elected president of Austria. Schwarzenegger has never repudiated his support for Waldheim. Much of the program examines the networking of Bush family ally and investment adviser Allen Dulles and personalities (including Ronald Reagan, Richard Nixon, George H.W. Bush and William Casey) that were to become luminaries in the Republican hierarchy. All of these men were involved with the Crusade for Freedom, an illegal CIA/State Department operation in which Nazi and fascist war criminals were brought into the US for political purposes. Many eventually coalesced into the Republic ethnic outreach organization. The key words and concepts to understand in the context of this broadcast are networking, oligarchy, hierar­chy. Is Schwarzenegger associated with the Underground Reich? Was his ascension realized through the networking of elements of the American power elite with the Underground Reich?  (more...)

 The Nazis Go Underground

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Putin defends Russia’s ban on youth-focused gay propaganda: ‘I believe we should leave kids in peace’

MOSCOW, September 29, 2015 (LifeSiteNews) – In 2013, Russia passed an amendment to the country's Child Protection Law against "propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations to minors," which also safeguards children from being adopted by homosexuals. Western governments, led by the United States, condemned the law, which has as its purpose "Protecting Children from Information Advocating for a Denial of Traditional Family Values," as hateful, bigoted, and out of step with modern societies.

The media aggressively assisted the condemnation by convincing American TV-watchers and movie-goers that homosexuality is natural and that two men "parenting" a daughter is just as good as the little girl being raised by her mother and father. Movies and TV shows made sure that casts included at least one homosexual character or couple, or episodes portrayed homosexuals as normal and well-adjusted. One popular Netflix show, House of Cards, portrayed a Putin lookalike as the Russian president, openly admitting that his propaganda law is ridiculously outdated and prejudicial but expedient politically.

On Sunday, CBS gave the real Russian president a chance to defend the law. Speaking to Charlie Rose, Vladimir Putin clarified that his country has not banned homosexuals or homosexuality, but has banned sharing homosexual propaganda with minors.  (more...)

Take that, you commie homophobe! Er, any openings at Pravda?

Sex-ed opponents call for school boycott

A group that opposes Ontario’s sex education curriculum is calling for parents to pull their children out of school Thursday.

The Canadian Families Alliance announced details of its “Empty Schools Campaign” this morning.

It wants parents who disagree with the curriculum to keep their children out of school on Oct. 1.

Among the concerns it cites are what it calls “sexually explicit” and “age inappropriate” teaching.

“On Oct. 1, thousands of parents will be pulling their kids out of school to show their dissatisfaction with the premier’s bad curriculum, which is an open invitation for early pregnancies and STIS including HIV,” said Khalid Mahmood, a representative of the Thorncliffe Parents Association.  (more...)

Ontario parents prepare for school boycott over sex-ed curriculum

Students across Ontario could be missing classes starting this Thursday as parents opposing the province’s new sex-ed curriculum prepare to launch a school boycott.

Hundreds of students at Toronto’s Thorncliffe Park Public School have already been out of class for nearly a month because their parents feel the curriculum is inappropriate for young students.

“Our children are standing in rain and under the sun to sacrifice for thousands of children across Ontario,” said Khalid Mahmood of the Thorncliffe Parents Association.

Now, groups across Ontario are joining the Thorncliffe community, calling on parents to pull their kids from school on Thursday as part of a province-wide protest against the new curriculum. Schools began teaching the new material in September, but it has faced intense opposition since it was first announced last spring.  (more...)

Sexual Socialization of Children Harmless?

Graham Spanier and Jerry Sandusky

The current charges of a “coverup” of the child sex crimes of Coach Jerry Sandusky’s sex abuse and grooming of at least10 boys, including one 10-year old boy in a shower at Penn State, by Dr. Spanier. He also claims to be ignorant of the commonality and nature of sex abuse among his academic colleagues. In 1998, police investigated a report by an 11-year-old boy about a Sandusky shower incident. A “psychologist warned, “that Sandusky fit a “likely pedophile’s pattern.” Although Sandusky apologized for “poor judgment,”President Spanier overlooked the situation. In 1979 Spanier writes of his reliance and acceptance, without questioning, of infants and children as “sexual” in “Sexual Socialization,” in his Human Sexuality in a Changing Society. How did he “know” of infant and child sexual feelings, what  proofs did he have? Critics generally note that without proof, we tend to believe what we want to believe. He presents this interpretation of child sexuality to vulnerable student

Ontario’s Sex Ed Curriculum and other issues Canada is currently facing.

Today Lou Iacobelli welcomes listeners to a our feature program: building a culture of life: the Church, Family and School.

Tune in as Lou updates you on what is happening with Ontario’s Sex Ed Curriculum and other issues Canada is currently facing.

A Prince Too Far

Audio:  Part 1     Part 2

Chameleon: Prince Bern­hard in Allied Uniform
Pop con­spir­acy the­ory has focused on the Bilder­berg Group in recent years, mis­tak­enly iden­ti­fy­ing this impor­tant ele­ment of the power elite as com­pris­ing a “Mas­ters of the Uni­verse” entity, sub­sum­ing all other con­sid­er­a­tions and ele­ments beneath its mantle.

Analy­sis of the Bilder­berg­ers fails to include the deep his­tor­i­cal and eco­nomic foun­da­tion under­ly­ing their cre­ation. In par­tic­u­lar, the pop con­spir­acy crowd does not deal in depth with the back­ground of Prince Bern­hard, the founder of the group (named, not inci­den­tally, after the hotel out­side of Arn­hem, Hol­land, in which the group first met and formed. The Bat­tle of Arn­hem in Sep­tem­ber of 1944 and Prince Bernhard’s prob­a­ble role as “the Trai­tor of Arn­hem” are dis­cussed below.)

In turn, Prince Bern­hard can­not be under­stood absent analy­sis of his back­ground and the aris­to­cratic, polit­i­cal and eco­nomic legacy he has left behind. In addi­tion to the record of his ser­vice in the SS and an I.G. Far­ben espi­onage office, the avail­able evi­dence sug­gests strongly that Bern­hard was a dou­ble agent for the Axis.

Fur­ther­more, the record of his fam­ily through the decades is sug­ges­tive of involve­ment with the Under­ground Reich and the Bor­mann cap­i­tal network.  (more...)

Monday, September 28, 2015

Ontario's Premier Wynne should resign

Today a press conference was held by the Canadian Families Alliance (CFA) in support of the parents who have kept their children away from Thorncliffe Park Public School since the beginning of the school year. The parents are educating the children themselves using Thorncliffe Park and the community centre. The purpose of the press conferecne was to announce that the CFA calls on Ontario parents for their Empty  Schools  Campaign. They are asking parents to join the Thorncliffe community and on October 1 to keep their children home. Parents can get all the information here.

The conference speakers were Khalid Mahmood of the Thorncliffe Parents' Association, Sam Sotiropoulos of My Child My Choice, Christina Liu of Parents Alliance of Ontario and Jack Fonseca of Campaign Life Coalition. Here's what we said as chair of the Parental Rights in Education Defense Fund.  (more...)

Police Confront Feminist Protesters at Cathy Young Lecture in Ottawa

Protesters disrupted the Cathy Young lecture hosted by the Canadian Association For Equality at St. Paul's University in Ottawa. The protesters pulled the fire alarm but were confronted by by police and removed from the property.

Former school teacher and partner of Paedophile Information Exchange founder is sentenced

A former school teacher and long term partner of the founder of the Paedophile Information Exchange has been sentenced to 21 months in prison for molesting an 11-year-old boy.

Richard Alston, 70, met the now adult victim while working at Cavendish School for 'maladjusted boys' in Greenford, Middlesex, in the late 1970s.

Together with his partner, Peter Righton, the pensioner forced the youngster to watch pornography and then perform sex acts on him.

Alston was today sentenced to a total of 21 months in prison for one count of indecent assault and one count of indecency with a child at Southwark Crown Court.

Righton, who is now dead, was a founding member of the Paedophile Information Exchange - a group set up in the 1970s that campaigned to lower the age of consent.

It was the investigation into Righton, who was convicted of importing child pornography in 1992, that led to MP Tom Watson using parliamentary privilege in 2012 to allege that there was 'clear intelligence' of a VIP child sex abuse ring.  (more...)

Sexual Abuse: A Hidden History

Throughout the 20th century responses by Britons to the sexual abuse of children have been hindered by the desire to avoid scandal and blame the victim

Lilian Wyles, one of the first police officers to take
statements from sexual assault victims.
Aneenee FitzGerald-Kenney, an Irish inspector of workhouses, wrote to the British National Vigilance Association in 1929, in despair at what to do with a 16-year-old who had been sacked from her job as a domestic servant. The girl had admitted to her employers that she had a history of being sexually abused. Remarkably, the abuse had led to a conviction: a rare outcome given that a child's uncorroborated evidence was rarely sufficient as evidence of a crime. In 1932 a campaigner against child sexual abuse estimated that 'not one case in twenty, if so many, is ever reported to the police'. In this Irish case, the long-standing nature of the abuse and the youth of the victim had led to a successful prosecution of 'a middle-aged man'. Nonetheless, the victim now had to live with the damage to her reputation and the after-effects of personal trauma. Her mistress was incensed at this evidence of 'bad character' and no longer wanted to employ her. FitzGerald-Kenney was forced to acknowledge that the girl, though 'quiet and willing', did tell lies: 'not infrequently, I think from nervous fear of being found at fault'.

This kind of ambivalence towards child victims of abuse is marked in the sources that describe both voluntary and statutory work with children in the 20th century.  (more...)

Dance teacher charged in historic sexual assault case

A Mississauga woman has been charged in connection with a sexual assault alleged to have happened between 2007 and 2008.

The accused, now 34, was working as a freelance dance instructor between September 2007 and March 2008, police said in a statement on Monday.

Police said the woman owned her own studio in the Woodbridge neighbourhood of Vaughan, known as "Studio 22." She was also teaching at the Vince Parrell Dance Studio, located at 276 Main St., just south of Danforth Avenue, in Toronto.

During the six-month period, police said the dance instructor befriended a 12-year-old girl who attended the Toronto studio. It is alleged that she sexually assaulted the girl.  (more...)

More coverage:

Tony Gallagher at Exaro debate: investigations are key for Press

Newly-appointed Sun editor Tony Gallagher made a clarion call for investigative journalism while speaking at the inaugural Exaro debate.

Gallagher was one of four leading lights from the journalism industry on the panel for the inaugural Exaro debate in Fleet Street – including our own David Hencke, along with Glenda Cooper and Peter Jukes. The event in Fleet Street was entittled: "Did the media ever hold power to account?"

We have uploaded the video of the full fascinating debate.  (more...)

Secularism at the Ukrainian Catholic University, and Its Dark Roots

A fellow I know well in L’viv, who works with western European sponsors of projects aimed at improving local legal and civic management, shared with me the pressures felt by local governments to incorporate, for example, western European “gender policies” into their project proposals. At our Fulbright meeting in Kyiv, my fifteen year old daughter was exposed to an American scholar who giddily announced her “wife” would soon be visiting—something no doubt this woman believes is quite important for Ukrainians to be concerned about in the current situation.

Later in the discussion, another American woman shared an incident during which gypsies on a train had allegedly hypnotized their small group and stolen their luggage, and said—in all seriousness—that she is now learning various superstitious means by which to “protect” herself in the future. When it was my turn, I mentioned that the Ukrainian Catholic University (UCU) was struggling with its Catholic identity in the face of dangers posed by dignity-degrading anti-life issues (pornography, euthanasia, abortion, and homosexual “marriage,” etc.). The look of hatred in the eyes of these women would have chilled even Putin’s cold heart  (more...)

Why it should be no surprise:

Sunday, September 27, 2015

The Rolling Stone Pope?

Can't make out his pectoral cross?
Warning: Irrevence alert!

When Pope Francis arrives in Washington, D.C., on September 22nd, it will not only be his first papal visit to the United States; it will be his first visit ever. He's 78 years old, but he spent most of his life in his native Argentina, as a Jesuit priest and later cardinal. Aside from required trips to Rome for official church business — he always insisted on flying economy —the former Jorge Bergoglio rarely left Buenos Aires. His one substantial vacation for pleasure, a trip to the Holy Land in 1973, was not well-timed: He arrived just as the Yom Kippur War was breaking out and so spent most of his visit confined to his Jerusalem hotel room.

In Washington, Francis will meet with President Obama at the White House. He will also travel to New York — where he will speak at the United Nations General Assembly, celebrate a mass at Madison Square Garden and visit the 9/11 Memorial — and Philadelphia, where he will visit Independence Mall and inmates at a local prison and appear at a global Catholic conference called the World Meeting of Families. And he will become the first pope to address a joint session of Congress, thanks to an invitation from House Speaker John Boehner, a devout Catholic. The New York Times described the papal visit as a "long-held dream" of the speaker, who has been sending feelers to Rome for the past two decades. Francis is "not afraid to take on the status quo or . . . say what he really thinks," Boehner told the Times. "So I'm sure the pope will have things to say that people will find interesting, and I'm looking forward to his visit."  (more...)

Not to worry! A hillbilly cross proudly displayed below.

IBM at Auschwitz, New Documents

Auschwitz survivor Leon Greenman displays his number tattoo.
 IBM and the Holocaust
Newly-released documents expose more explicitly the details of IBM's pivotal role in the Holocaust - all six phases: identification, expulsion from society, confiscation, ghettoization, deportation, and even extermination. Moreover, the documents portray with crystal clarity the personal involvement and micro-management of IBM president Thomas J. Watson in the company's co-planning and co-organizing of Hitler's campaign to destroy the Jews.

IBM's twelve-year alliance with the Third Reich was first revealed in my book IBM and the Holocaust, published simultaneously in 40 countries in February 2001. It was based on some 20,000 documents drawn from archives in seven countries. IBM never denied any of the information in the book; and despite thousands of media and communal requests, as well as published articles, the company has remained silent.

The new "expanded edition" contains 32 pages of never-before-published internal IBM correspondence,  (more...)

Does that shed some light on Reagan's dismissal of the US government's antitrust case against IBM?

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Half a Millennium of Total Depravity: 1516, Luther, and the Imminent Apotheosis of Willful Ignorance

Our civilization is so sick that even the best efforts to prop up its few tottering remnants manifest the pathetic illness that has step by step brought the entire structure crumbling down. The disease in question is a willful, prideful, irrational, and ignorant obsession with “freedom”. But this is a malady that gained its initial effective entry into Christendom in union with the concept of the natural world as the realm of “total depravity”.

It is crucially important that we recognize both the ultimate responsibility of this hideous willful liberty for the destruction of our Classical and Christian culture as well as the role played by the idea that “incarnated” it historically in our midst for two reasons. The first is so that we can attempt seriously to rid ourselves of their monstrous influence over our own minds, souls, and bodies. The second is because a massive attempt to masquerade the truth regarding their real character and alliance will be mounted in conjunction with the five hundredth anniversary of Martin Luther’s devastating appearance on the public scene in 2017: and this for the sake of maintaining their nefarious impact upon believers and delivering the Faith its coup de grace as a meaningful social force.  (more...)

All three provincial parties vote for gender free Ontario

TORONTO, September 25, 2015 (LifeSiteNews) – Ontario MPPs appear ready to push the province even closer to the gender-free misutopia promised in its radical new sex education curriculum, as all parties approved a motion to remove all references to “mothers” and “fathers” from government documents. This was to save the feelings of same-sex, transgender, and, presumably, polygamous, test-tube and other kinds of parents.

“It’s trying to break down the family,” protested Gwen Landolt, vice president of REAL Women of Canada. “It’s clearly in accordance with what our Lesbian Premier Kathleen Wynne wants to do with the sex education curriculum.”

The curriculum, implemented this September, has generated a popular, non-partisan opposition among immigrant and other families in the Greater Toronto Area that has been spreading into other parts of Ontario. The Wynne curriculum introduces sexual issues to children in the early grades and normalizes aberrant sexual relations and “gender fluidity” throughout all grades.

The non-binding motion came from Liberal backbench MPP Glenn Thibeault. It called for the government to “replace gendered terminology with gender-neutral and inclusive language on all government forms as they are updated, amended, created, or replaced, in order to reflect the diverse nature of our province, including, but not limited to replacing the terms ‘mother’ or ‘father’ with terms such as ‘parent’ or ‘guardian’ to better recognize the rights of LGBTQ parents, and others.”  (more...)

I luv your lapel-thingy...

OCSHE sides with government propaganda to promote the radical sex curriculum

Don't be fooled by The Ontario Coalition Supporting Health Education's (OCSHE) recent open letter and ad campaign to sell Ontario Wynne's radical sex curriculum. Many of the groups in the coalition have direct connection to and are funded by the government. So don't expect that they are going to come out against the curriculum. They have an interest in making sure the curriculum is approved. The open letter is an extension of the wasted tax money the government is spending on their own ads to convince parents of what they don't want for their children.

The open letter is a sure sign that the parental protests across the province, and in particular those at Thornclife Park Public in Wynne's own riding, are having an effect. The position taken by OCSHE is a to counter the ongoing parental opposition to the radical sex curriculum. It's more PR to back the government. Instead, the letter shows why parents need to continue to protest and stand up for parental rights in order to protect their children. The governmet will not. The health agencies and school boards cannot be counted on either.  (more...)

Swept under the carpet

Australian research from the 1990s has emerged as key evidence in the debate about same-sex parenting.

The constant refrain from supporters has been that there is no difference in outcomes for children in traditional marriages or same-sex couples. In 2010 Judge Vaughn Walker struck down a voter-approved constitutional referendum in California, partly because he found no sociological evidence of a difference. He put the conventional wisdom in a nutshell:
“Children raised by gay or lesbian parents are as likely as children raised by heterosexual parents to be healthy, successful and well-adjusted. The research supporting this conclusion is accepted beyond serious debate in the field of developmental psychology.”
And a brief sponsored by the American Psychological Association (APA) in 2005 asserted baldly that “none of the published research suggests conclusions different from” the “no difference” hypothesis.

This is simply not true. There was a study. It showed disadvantage. And it was ignored. Why? Perhaps because it came from Australia, far from the bright lights of San Francisco or New York.  (more...)

Letter from Sister Joseph Therese on the Our Lady of America Devotion

When charging Sister Joseph Therese with this enormous task of completing her mission and protecting it, Sister Mildred warned Sister Joseph Therese she would come under great attack and would have to fight to protect the message.

Our Lady of America website: Protecting the Purity and Integrity of the Devotion and Movement on Behalf of Our Lady of America

Note: Prior to their persecution under the current pontificate, the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate took up and practiced this devotion.

Cover-up? Fresh probe into deaths of NINE young boys feared killed by paedophile Sidney Cooke

A major police probe has been launched into the unsolved murders of nine young boys feared killed by notorious paedophile Sidney Cooke.

The Sunday Mirror can reveal cops are investigating the theory senior officers in the 1980s covered up links to evil Cooke and his Dirty Dozen child sex ring.

The original probe identified 12 murdered boys as young as six thought to have fallen into their clutches, but only three of those cases were ever followed up.

The new Scotland Yard inquiry only came to light in documents released to the Sunday Mirror under Freedom of ­Information laws following a complaint by one alleged victim’s family.  (more...)

More coverage:

Friday, September 25, 2015

International pedo ring: Mom charged in son's child porn operation

A 67-year-old woman has been extradited from the U.S. to face charges in Toronto for her alleged role in a multimillion-dollar child porn operation run by her son.

Toronto Police say the mother’s arrest stems from Project Spade, a massive international child-porn probe that centred around a movie production and distribution company based in Etobicoke.

“We’re alleging she was involved in the business,” Det. Paul Krawczyk, of the Sex Crimes Unit’s Child Exploitation Section, said Thursday. “It’s alleged she was actively doing business for the company in the states.”

Undercover officers discovered the company in 2010 after making contact online with its owner, Brian Way. The Toronto man was selling child porn through his website,

Searches of Way’s home and business in May 2011 led to the seizure of hundreds of thousands of sexually explicit videos and images of kids.  (more...)

The bigger picture:

Funds and Games

Audio:  Part 1     Part 2

Highlighting the postwar use of Axis treasure recovered by the Allies after World War II, this program talks about these Funds and the Games that were played with (and because of) them. Particular emphasis is on the postwar use of the massive amount of Japanese Treasure looted by the Japanese during Operation Golden Lily. In addition to being used to resurrect the very militarists, fascists and oligarchs that had prosecuted Japan’s war of aggression, the monies were combined with treasure recovered from the Nazis to create an enormous slush fund called the Black Eagle trust. This huge repository of clandestine wealth was used to stabilize the postwar financial system, finance covert operations, and purchase influence among America’s Cold War allies. Conceived of, and realized, by some of the most powerful American political and financial power brokers, the Black Eagle trust ultimately became a source of enormous corruption, as it became a “Treasure of the Sierra Madre”, luring many individuals and institutions into temptation and, sometimes, death. After discussing many of the other clandestine funds growing out of Japan’s looting of Asia, the program discusses the chilling death threats and intimidation that the Seagraves (Sterling and Peggy) received because of their authorship of the book upon which the program is based — Gold Warriors.


The deci­sion to form this vast action fund of Axis trea­sure looted dur­ing World War (called the Black Eagle trust) had its gen­e­sis with the Bret­ton Woods con­fer­ence of 1944 and involved some of the key power bro­kers in the Amer­i­can power elite. “It was not Truman’s deci­sion alone. The idea for a global polit­i­cal action fund based on war loot actu­ally orig­i­nated dur­ing the Roo­sevelt admin­is­tra­tion, with Sec­re­tary of War Henry L. Stim­son. Dur­ing the war, Stim­son had a brain­trust think­ing hard about Axis plun­der and how it should be han­dled when peace came. As the tide turned against the Axis, it was only a mat­ter of time before trea­sure began to be recov­ered. Much of this war prize was in the form of gold looted by the Nazis from con­quered coun­tries and civil­ian vic­tims. To elim­i­nate any trace of orig­i­nal own­er­ship, the Nazis had melted it down, and recast it as ingots hall­marked with the swastika and black eagle of the Reichs­bank. There were other rea­sons why the gold was dif­fi­cult to trace. Many of the orig­i­nal own­ers had died, and pre-war gov­ern­ments had ceased to exist. East­ern Europe was falling under the con­trol of the Soviet Union, so return­ing gold looted there was out of the ques­tion.  (more...)

Jesuits, Vatican, Opus Dei, Knights of Malta, WWII, Looting of Asia, Imperial Japan, Phillipines, Nazi Gold, Cold War, CIA & Covert Operations

FTR #428 Gold Warriors: An Interview with Peggy Seagrave 

FTR #689 Interview with Sterling and Peggy Seagrave 

Gold Warriors The Plundering of Asia

According to Philippine Man, Jesuit And Vatican Have Pilfered Trillions In Gold Owed To The People 

Golden Lily Loot, Nazis, White Supremacists and Islamists 

FTR #451 Petals from the Golden Lily 

Philippines Being Ransacked By Jesuits And Vatican, According To Foreign Freedom Fighter 

Ontarians now know the Liberal Party meaning of "tolerance"

Ontario's Liberal government has given the green light to the end of real tolerance, inclusivity and diversity in this province. The dangerous and make believe world view of gender indoctrination will be forced on Ontario's school children. Parents cannot withdraw their children from classes when it comes to gender identity and expression. The new radical and controversial sex "education" curriculum is to be taught to all children both in public and Catholic schools. Children will be forced to learn the gender theory. There will be no exceptions. Parental rights will not be respected. This is the real meaning of the Wynne government's idea of "tolerance."

If Ontarians still believe in multiculturalism, democracy and representative government, they have been asleep for far too long. Immigrants have looked to Canada as a land of opportunity, fair play, openness and the acceptance of different world views. The end of this thinking is being pushed away by the whirlwind of political correctness. Nobody and no value system will be spared including Christian belief that has formed a large part of Canadian history. Since the release of the age inappropriate sex curriculum in February, Premier Wynne and Minister Sandals kept telling parents that they could remove their children from topics that they didn't support. They're know saying through the school boards the very opposite. They reassured parents that parental rights would be respected. It turns out they lied. "Tolerance" has been unmasked in Wynne's Ontario.  (more...)

“Washington’s Pope”? Who is Pope Francis?

Jorge Mario Bergoglio and General Jorge Videla
In the course of the last two years, Pope Francis has been portrayed in chorus by the Western media as an antiwar activist and a left leaning champion of “Liberation Theology” committed to World peace and global poverty alleviation.  

His September 24 speech to the US Congress was described as “stunning in the breadth, depth, and conviction of its progressivism.”

“If President Barack Obama had delivered the text of Pope Francis’s speech to Congress Thursday [September 24, 2015] as a State of the Union address, he would have risked being denounced by Republicans as a socialist.”

Pope Francis is said to have brought “Liberation Theology into the Vatican”,  in the footsteps of Francis of Assisi.  While highlighting his commitment to peace and social justice, the Western media fail to mention that Jorge Mario Bergoglio (Pope Francis I) has been a staunch supporter of  US imperial interests in Latin America for more than half a century.

While heralded by antiwar activists as a “progressive”, Pope Francis  was one of the main supporters –within the Catholic hierarchy– of Argentina’s military dictatorship which came to power in a CIA supported coup in 1976.  (more...)

The totalitarian web:

Cold Comfort: Awards to victims of Fen MacIntosh questioned

Not everyone is happy that an award will be handed out to a former Port Hawkesbury businessman’s sexual abuse victims.

Weldon MacIntosh-Reynolds, who was the first person to publicly identify himself as one of Ernest Fenwick MacIntosh’s victims, said he believes it’s unfair that two men were selected for an advocacy award.

On Wednesday, Beyond Borders ECPAT Canada announced that Bob Martin and Dale Sutherland will receive the Rosalind Prober Award for Advocacy at a symposium Nov. 16.

“At the end of the day, regardless of what awards there are, there were six victims in this case,” MacIntosh-Reynolds said Thursday.

“We all went through the same thing, and we should all get the same recognition.

“I’ve been working on this since 2004 and contacting government and justice departments and everybody, I think, I could possibly contact.”  (more...)

Dog and pony show:

Thursday, September 24, 2015

The University of Toronto, a Feminist Campus

Students have proclaimed the University of Toronto (U of T) to be a Feminist Campus, with the blessing and support of the university administration. Professor Janice Fiamengo from the University of Ottawa criticizes the U of T administrator's cowardice and double standards in failing to maintain objectivity and intellectual integrity by bowing to the hysteria of ideological feminists.

My alma mater -- I had two college dons from Columbia and Berkely try to brainwash me with cultural marxist ideology. It was as much fun as an ice water enema.

Toronto school board says no safety concerns despite 2 stabbings

Questions are being raised about safety at two Toronto schools after two people were injured in stabbings in the first month of classes.

On the first day of school, a 19-year-old was stabbed in the lung and the hand while on the property of Central Technical School. Police said he was injured as he tried to break up a robbery.

Just two weeks later, officers were called to George S. Henry Academy on Wednesday when a high school student was stabbed on the property at lunchtime. A second student turned himself in later in the day, and was charged in connection to the incident.  (more...)

Pope Francis’ doctrine chief: The Church cannot give in to the totalitarian spirit of the age

Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller, prefect of the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
ROME, September 24, 2015 (LifeSiteNews) – Pope Francis’ doctrine chief emphasized earlier this month that the Church cannot give into the totalitarian impulse in modern society, but instead must bear witness to the true freedom found in the Cross.

As LifeSiteNews reported, Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller, the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, has spoken clearly against the spirit of heresy and revolt among the German Bishops in a talk he gave in Regensburg, Germany, on September 1.

What was not then reported, however, was the fuller range of topics that Cardinal Müller raised in his Regensburg speech on the occasion of the release of the German version of Cardinal Robert Sarah's new book, God or Nothing. Now that the CDF itself has published the entire speech on its website (parts of it are available in English translation here) it is possible to report more adequately on this important talk.

Cardinal Müller speaks in his speech about our own “age of the creeping or noisy de-Christianization of the Global Society” and hence about the “question of the survival of Christianity in the world of today and tomorrow.”  He sees that, since man turns more and more away from God, he turns himself into an idol:
Man is oriented toward the absolute. Only where God is above and in man is there found truth in freedom and justice in love. Where man tries to take power over the absolute, he turns himself into an idol who, with the help of the clench for a totalitarian dominance, brings man sternly into line and thus enslaves him by means of a political exercise of power which makes use of the media.  (more...)

Light on the peril faced by the Church, and the creeping colonization by totalitarian ideologues:

Saskatoon teacher may lose certificate following sex charges

A Saskatoon teacher’s credentials are in jeopardy after she was charged with sexually exploiting a former student.

Erin McGonigle has been committed to stand trial in criminal court on a charge alleging she sexually exploited a 16-year-old student in 2000.The complainant, who is now in her early 30s, went to police in October 2013.

Now, the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation has charged McGonigle with professional misconduct, which puts her teaching certificate at risk.

At a brief hearing Wednesday, ethics committee chair Dawnette Brett said McGonigle is accused of having an inappropriate relationship with a student during the 1999-2000 school year while McGonigle was a teacher at Bedford Road and City Park collegiates.  (more...)

‘Champions for survivors’ of sexual abuse get national recognition

Bob Martin, right, and Dale Sutherland are being honoured for their efforts to
combat sexual victimization of children.
PORT HOOD — Two survivors of sexual abuse whose bold challenge to the Nova Scotia government resulted in changed legislation will be honoured next month for their advocacy work.

Bob Martin and Dale Sutherland will receive the Rosalind Prober Award for Advocacy during a Beyond Borders ECPAT Canada symposium on Nov. 16.

The award recognizes Canadians who have made significant contributions toward combating the sexual victimization of children and youth. Beyond Borders ECPAT Canada is an advocacy organization advancing the rights of children to be free from sexual abuse and exploitation, according to its website.

After publicly identifying themselves as young victims of convicted pedophile Ernest Fenwick MacIntosh last fall, Martin and Sutherland — along with three other men — appeared in an ad calling for changes to legislation that limited when victims of sexual abuse could sue perpetrators.   (more...)

Further coverage:

Cold comfort. Jail the enablers and fixers

Power and the media

David Hencke, Tony Gallagher, Peter Jukes and Glenda Cooper were the four panellists
Exaro debate raises the flaws in the relationship between government, the media and the police

On Wednesday night just off London’s Fleet Street, Exaro hosted their first debate and asked the question: “Did the media ever hold power to account?” Chaired by the investigate news source’s editor-in-chief Mark Watts and featuring a panel that numbered the academic and former Evening Standard features editor Glenda Cooper, The Sun’s editor-in-chief Tony Gallagher, the freelance lobby journalist and former Guardian Westminster correspondent David Hencke and the screenwriter, author and crusading journalist Peter Jukes, this was an event that – like the publication that hosted it – dared to delve into questions that other parts of the media would rather avoid.

At a time when there are more PR practitioners than journalists and Greenpeace are paying more than The Guardian to recruit members of the press to their causes according to Cooper, the balance of power in the relationship between the media and government (and the police, as Jukes rightly added) has changed. This shift, the panel felt, has not necessarily been for the better but what shone through, is that the mainstream media has somewhat been usurped by social media also.  (more...)


Wednesday, September 23, 2015

What the British are really laughing about

The rituals and secret-keeping of Britain’s privately educated elites are a
cornerstone of Conservative Party unity.
Whether or not it’s true, the Internet has decided for the time being that British Prime Minister David Cameron probably put his private parts into the mouth of a dead pig when he was at Oxford. The allegations have been made by extremely well-connected Establishment figures, former Conservative Party Deputy Chairman Lord (Michael) Ashcroft, and former Sunday Times political editor Isabel Oakeshott, and the story is published in the Daily Mail, which makes this the highest possible tier of character assassination in British politics.

Ashcroft’s goal is, according to the Mail, “revenge”. In the years leading up to Cameron taking office in 2010, the tax-dodging billionaire had donated over £8 million to the Conservative Party, bailing them out of debt after their disastrous election defeat in 2005. He had worked as Treasurer and later Deputy Chairman of the party, helping to manage them back to an electable public image under Cameron. Yet Ashcroft had expected that he would be given high office in exchange for this, and Cameron didn’t pay up when the time came. It now appears Ashcroft has spent the last five years compiling his new book, Call Me Dave, in which the pig story and other damning allegations about the Prime Minister are made.

Outsiders to the British cultural landscape are focusing on the central detail that a leader of a G8 country screwed a dead pig, because it’s hilarious. But the howling laughter of the British themselves goes deeper than just schadenfreude at a man doing something disgusting and getting caught – this is about class.  (more...)

U.S. Soldiers Told to Ignore Sexual Abuse of Boys by Afghan Allies

KABUL, Afghanistan — In his last phone call home, Lance Cpl. Gregory Buckley Jr. told his father what was troubling him: From his bunk in southern Afghanistan, he could hear Afghan police officers sexually abusing boys they had brought to the base.

“At night we can hear them screaming, but we’re not allowed to do anything about it,” the Marine’s father, Gregory Buckley Sr., recalled his son telling him before he was shot to death at the base in 2012. He urged his son to tell his superiors. “My son said that his officers told him to look the other way because it’s their culture.”

Rampant sexual abuse of children has long been a problem in Afghanistan, particularly among armed commanders who dominate much of the rural landscape and can bully the population. The practice is called bacha bazi, literally “boy play,” and American soldiers and Marines have been instructed not to intervene — in some cases, not even when their Afghan allies have abused boys on military bases, according to interviews and court records.  (more...)

What the failure of Sweden’s schools can teach Canadians

Canadians have plenty of experience being compared, unfavourably, to Sweden. Back in 1973, we were famously told that the average 30-year-old Canadian man was in the same physical shape as a 60-year-old Swede. Sweden’s comprehensive welfare state has long been held as a marvel of income and gender fairness. And the country’s universal child-care system—which guarantees every child a spot in subsidized daycare from age one—is repeatedly presented to Canadians as evidence that our lack of a similar program ought to be considered a national embarrassment.

After decades of living in the snow-white shadow of our Nordic compatriot, however, cracks are starting to appear in the famous Swedish model of enforced equality, high taxes and cradle-to-grave social programs. In the crucial area of schooling, in particular, it looks as if it’s now Canada’s time to shine.

Over the past decade, the Swedish school system has performed abysmally when compared to its international peers. The problem is so acute, the government asked the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to investigate; it released its assessment this week. “Sweden’s student performance has declined in all key domains of literacy, numeracy and science, from above or around the OECD average to below the OECD average,” the organization says. Since 2000, no country experienced a steeper drop in math test scores for 15-year-olds than Sweden. Despite the fact that Sweden spends considerably more than the OECD average on schooling, its share of poorly performing students has steadily increased, while the percentage of top performers has fallen by half.  (more...)

Quebequers want to be Swedes?

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