Monday, November 10, 2014

A letter to the editor that the Toronto Star is not likely to publish

Why is this publication in our
public libraries and city streets?
We live in a very radicalized sexual society. The Ontario government wants to bring back for the school year 2015 the explicit sex education curriculum they were forced to drop in 2010 because many people complained about it. Just weeks ago we learned about allegations the CBC host Jian Ghomeshi may have been abusing women for over ten years. Benjamin Levin the former deputy minister of education is facing charges of possessing and accessing child pornography. Cases of sexual abuse are constantly in the news. The evidence tells us that there's still too much sexual violence in our society.

But why do we continue to refuse to connect the dots? If we teach children that they have a "right" to engage in sex and radically promote the dangerous idea in society, why are we then surprised when this leads to abuse. It's merely the logical consequence of reducing people into body parts and objects of pleasure. As a society, we need to seriously and honestly examine what we are doing if we want sexual violence directed at women and children to end. We share with our readers a letter we sent to the Toronto Star in response to an article published about the issue:  (more...)

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