Friday, May 30, 2014

Stop the Kinsey Institute

Sign our letter to the government leaders of the world and encourage them to safeguard their communities from the intrusive sexual ideologies of the Kinsey Institute.

More at:

More from Judith Reisman:

The Kids are NOT Alright

A Florida woman has been arrested after murdering her lesbian lover’s two-year-old daughter and attempting to kill her 10-year-old son.

According to police, 40-year-old mental health counselor Kymberley Lucas drowned fellow counselor Jacquelyn Jamason’s 2-year-old daughter and attempted to kill her 10-year-old son by giving him pills. She reportedly attempted to commit suicide afterwards and both she and the boy were taken to a hospital.

Police were called to her home on Monday where they found the baby girl unresponsive after being drowned in the bathtub. Police say the woman snapped after Jamason broke up with her.  (more...)

A Marketplace Of Children: The Fertility Industry

Alana Newman knows the pain caused by the fertility industry. She is a donor-conceived child (via sperm donation) and an egg donor. Newman is also the founder of, which focuses on shedding light on the fertility industry.

Newman has written “Creating A Marketplace of Children: A Donor-Conceived Woman Explains the Harms of Third-Party Reproduction,” in which she shares the questions she had as a child about her own conception, and the painful reality of egg donation. She explains that one reason she chose to donate her own eggs when she was 20 years old was that it was “open:” the child conceived via her eggs could contact her in the future is he/she so wished. Of course, that “openness” only went one way; the woman donating her eggs would never be able to anything more than whether a boy or girl had been conceived via her “donation.”

Of course, Newman admits, the money was a big draw as well.  (more...)

Relationship problems, not family rejection, leading cause of higher gay suicides

NATHAN, Queensland, Australia, May 30, 2014 ( – While many assume that family rejection is the leading cause of depression among LBGTI individuals, a new study has found that in fact the problem appears to stem predominantly from the higher incidence of relationship problems among homosexuals.

Dr. Delaney Skerrett led a team of researchers from the Australian Institute for Suicide Research and Prevention (AISRAP) in studying suicides in Queensland. He found that a leading cause of suicide among “lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex” (LGBTI) people is stress from their romantic partners.

“We tend to assume that the psychological distress LGBTI people are often going through is due to family rejection. But it seems that’s not so much the case. The conflict seems to be largely related to relationship problems, with partners,” Dr. Skerrett said.  (more...)


Duke dropout Miriam Weeks, aka porn “star” Belle Knox, who achieved fifteen minutes of fame earlier this year when she threw away a lifetime’s worth of privileged private school education, Catholic upbringing, and her place at an elite university in order to star in online porn videos, has a complaint. Are you ready for this? She told Rolling Stone magazine that she does no longer feels “respected” at Duke.

This outcome apparently came as a surprise to her.

Weeks also complains that some of her family members have “turned their back” on her.  (more...)

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Witness for Church and Pope: The Convenient Catholicism of Michael Coren

Michael Coren has always been a controversial figure in Catholic circles. There are those of us who will be Catholic until the day we die, for whom there is little choice because it is part of who we are. It is the air we breathe and the lungs which breathe it. And then there is Michael Coren...

We remember a conversation with an old friend on the porch of a house while we waited for a discussion group to begin. She related some of Michael Coren's history and concluded by saying "I just don't trust the man." She was talking about an incident involving some remarks made by the late Cardinal Ambrozic which were subsequently quoted by Michael Coren.
What had left Ambrozic “scorched” and deeply suspicious about the press was a 1993 Toronto Life profile written by the controversialist journalist Michael Coren. In it, Coren quoted Ambrozic as using the words “frigging” and “bitch” and calling the late Spanish dictator Francisco Franco “a conservative Roman Catholic and not a bad fellow.” The Church circled its wagons around Ambrozic and Coren was deluged with hate mail. Though a faithful Catholic who struggled with printing the remarks, Coren stuck to his guns, saying Ambrozic had been “vulgar” in their talks, and he rebuked his co-faithful for expecting him to “lie.”  Globe and Mail, Sept. 2,2011
No, we did not expect him to lie, but subsequent to this incident and the flurry of controversy surrounding it, he left the Church. This is the source of our own mistrust of Michael Coren.  (more...)

Stuckless asked why his victims waited so long to report him

TORONTO - Convicted sex predator Gordon Stuckless was asked Thursday why dozens of his victims waited decades to report his crimes to the police.

“You got away with this for 40 years,” suggested Crown attorney Kelly Beale.

“I can’t give you a definitive answer why they didn’t speak up. I can say I didn’t threaten them. Maybe they were ashamed of what I was doing to them,” said Stuckless.

He testified he was terrified of being detected but he denied threatening physical violence against his victims or their families to ensure their silence.

“I may have said, ‘Don’t tell anyone. This is wrong,’” said Stuckless.  (more...)

Calgary Catholic teacher Jennifer Mason accused of having tryst with student facing new charge

The Calgary Catholic teacher accused of having an unlawful tryst with a student is back behind bars over allegations she had contact with him.

And Jennifer Mason faces a Crown application to revoke her bail on four sex-related charges, in light of the alleged breach of her release conditions.

Mason, dressed in Calgary Remand Centre issued purple sweats and in leg shackles, appeared briefly in provincial court Wednesday on the new charge.

She’s accused of having contact with the boy on May 10, in contravention of her strict bail conditions.

Crown prosecutor Vicki Faulkner told court she has given notice she will seek to have Mason’s earlier ordered release rescinded because of the latest incident.  (more...)

Cyril Smith molested boy, 11, at National Liberal Club - and introduced him to David Steel

National Liberal Club
A man told yesterday how he was molested as an 11-year-old by Cyril Smith in a bedroom at the National Liberal Club.

The paedophile MP took the schoolboy from his Rochdale constituency to London and introduced him to Liberal Party leader David Steel at Westminster.

Hours later, 29stone Smith sexually assaulted the boy at the club which housed the party’s headquarters.

Simon Danczuk, the MP who helped expose the serial abuser, said the Lib Dems can no longer resist the call for an inquiry into the scandal. He said the latest shocking revelations took it right to the heart of the Liberal Party and proved Smith was abusing boys ‘right under their noses’.  (more...)

Some background:

Fr. Thomas Reese Undermines Efforts to Strengthen Catholic Identity in Schools

Father Thomas Reese S.J., a former Georgetown University professor who is reportedly a visiting scholar at Santa Clara University in Calif., recently undercut some bishops’ efforts to strengthen their schools’ Catholic identity in comments reported by NBC News.

The Diocese of Oakland recently joined the growing number of dioceses adding language to Catholic school teacher contracts to better ensure that teachers uphold Catholic teaching.  The Catholic dioceses of  Cincinnati, Honolulu, and Santa Rosa have announced similar adjustments.  (more...)

Jonah muses: Consistency wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Gordon Stuckless testifies he was sexually abused as child

TORONTO - An emotional Gordon Stuckless revealed for the first time on the witness stand Wednesday that he was raped as an 11-year-old boy by a family friend before becoming a Maple Leaf Gardens sex predator.

Stuckless testified that the painful experience almost 50 years ago was seared into his memory. The 65-year-old insisted that he never raped any of his dozens of victims because of the agonizing ordeal he endured then.

“The pain will never go away, Ms. (Kelly) Beale, it is in the back of my mind and the pain will never go away,” Stuckless told the Crown attorney in cross-examination.

Last month Stuckless took responsibility for sexually assaulting 18 boys when he pleaded guilty to 100 allegations of sex crimes committed from 1965 through ’85.

He is pleading not guilty to the two buggery charges against two victims.  (more...)

Child porn suspects hold positions of trust

Homeland Security Investigations Special Agent James Haynes, center, announces
the arrest of 71 individuals as part of Operation Caireen, a sweeping investigation
into the anonymous trading of child porn over the Internet.
The child porn sting that nabbed a seemingly unlikely group of people from the New York area -- police officers, paramedics, a Little League coach, a nurse, nanny and a rabbi -- doesn't surprise those who study the criminal and deviant mind.

The 70 men and one woman arrested for allegedly using computers to swap pornographic images of children quashes stereotypes about child predators and may alert society to the reality they already know, forensic psychologists say.

Sexual predators and pedophiles are of varied socio-economic status, race and gender and aren't the "lecherous trolls you would see on a playground," says Kim Gorgens, aclinical associate professor of forensic psychology at the University of Denver who has worked in the field more than 15 years.  (more...)

Report paints grim picture of child sexual abuse in Manitoba

Manitoba has the terrible distinction of having the highest rate of sexual assaults against children within the 10 Canadian provinces.

A Statistics Canada report released today showed 316 per 100,000 children and youths (under the age of 18) were victims of police-reported sexual offences in Canada in 2012.

That is well above the national rate of 205 for every 100,000 children and youth. There were about 14,000 children and youth who were victimized across the country in 2012.

The rates were higher in the three territories.

Saskatchewan wasn’t far behind it’s neighbour to the east. That province had a rate of 306 per 100,000.  (more...)

Upside-Down in an Upside-Down Land

The insanity, vagueness, ambiguity, lack of clarity, lack of action has got to stop.

Notre Dame Grad: University Failing in Duty to Bear Witness to Truth

Michael Bradley, who recently graduated from the University of Notre Dame with a bachelor’s degree in philosophy and theology, wrote at the Public Discourse that he believes the University is “failing to fulfill its pastoral duty to bear witness to the truth.”

Bradley is one of the founding members of the group Students for Child-Oriented Policy (SCOP) which, although upholding Catholic teaching on marriage, was recently denied recognition by the University. In addition to hosting a conference on the issue of marriage, SCOP called on President Father John Jenkins and the administration to publicly defend marriage.

In response, a number of students circulated a counter-petition urging the administration to refuse to recognize SCOP as a student club. On April 30, the University’s Club Coordination Council rejected SCOP’s request to become an officially recognized student club, saying that other clubs on campus already fulfilled that same mission.  (more...)

Perverts don’t get to keep their license to teach in Alberta

A teacher gives a female high school student an assignment to do while in the shower.
You read it right.

When she comes back online the teacher asks "if she had performed those things."

While she tells him what she did in the shower the teacher tells her he was masturbating.

The student says the teacher had masturbated other times while speaking with her.

When she asks if he did it before with others he said he had, with former students.

The teacher asked her to do audio rather than just texting but she said no.

In a conversation while supervising students the teacher talks of his knowledge of piercing and tattoos and refers "to penile tattoos and clitoral piercings."

A student goes to the principal. Students figure it's "a weird and inappropriate topic for a teacher to discuss."  (more...)

Pedophilia in Canada by the numbers:

Music professor at one of Britain's top drama schools 'spanked male students during private lessons'

A professor of music at one of Britain’s top drama schools spanked students and asked one to call him daddy during private tuition lessons for his own sexual kicks, a court has heard.

Ross Campbell allegedly made one student bend over his knee as he spanked him and told him he had been 'a naughty boy', and was said to have reduced another to tears after thrashing his buttocks following a poor rendition of Being Alive from the musical Company.

The 56-year-old head of music at the prestigious Guildford School of Acting (GSA), is accused of sexually abusing three adult male pupils who had come to his home for one-to-one singing tuition between 2003 and 2011.

He denies four counts of indecent assault and a further seven counts of sexual assault while working at GSA, which is linked to the University of Surrey - and whose alumni include Brenda Blethyn OBE, Michael Ball and Bill Nighy.  (more...)

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Why Is Gay Not Okay?

Scholar and author Robert R. Reilly was Senior Advisor for Information Strategy (2002-2006) for the U.S. Secretary of Defense, after which he taught at National Defense University. He was the director of the Voice of America from 2001 to 2002, and served in the White House as a Special Assistant to the President from 1983 to 1985. He is a graduate of Georgetown University and the Claremont Graduate University, and has written widely on “war of ideas" issues, foreign policy, and classical music. His previous books and monographs include Surprised by Beauty: A Listener's Guide to the Recovery of Modern Music, The Closing of the Muslim Mind: How Intellectual Suicide Created the Modern Islamist Crisis, and The Prospects and Perils of Catholic-Muslim Dialogue.

His new book, Making Gay Okay: How Rationalizing Homosexual Behavior Is Changing Everything, was published recently by Ignatius Press. It has been praised as “magnificent, a real achievement” (Austin Ruse, President, Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute) and described as "rare tour de force on a defining question of our time" (Dr. Robert Royal, President, Faith & Reason Institute). Reilly recently corresponded with Carl E. Olson, editor of Catholic World Report, about his new book and its approach and arguments.  (more...)

Waterloo Trustees Betray Parents on Pride Parade

For too long, district failed to remove teacher

It should not take 14 years, the state education commissioner and a public shaming to force out a Pinellas County teacher who routinely groped students and made sexually suggestive comments. Richard Wisemiller, a science teacher at Tarpon Springs Middle School, should have been fired years ago. It is inconceivable that so many girls experienced or knew about this abuse and that every teacher and administrator was blind to it. There should be no tolerance for such exploitation, and the school district should re-examine this gross failure of supervision and leadership.

Wisemiller was considered the front-runner to be the next president of the Pinellas Classroom Teachers Association until the Tampa Bay Times' Lisa Gartner reported his long history of aggressive, sexually charged behavior toward female students. He lost the union election, the state is finally going after his teaching certificate and Wisemiller is out of the classroom and plans to retire. Frankly, that sounds too good for him.  (more...)


Ontario College of Teachers Hearings - June 2014

Discipline Committee panels have ordered that summaries of these recent disciplinary cases be published in Professionally Speaking.

  • A Discipline Committee panel revoked the teaching certificate of Waterloo Catholic DSB teacher Aaron Weston Michael Aird for engaging in a sexual relationship with a student... Aird was charged in March 2010 with two counts of sexual exploitation resulting in a criminal conviction of sexual exploitation and sexual touching, and a sentence of 12 months in jail and 12 months of probation.
  • A Discipline Committee panel revoked the certificate of Toronto DSB secondary school teacher Peter Jeffrey Floro for inappropriate communication with students, including inappropriate electronic communications, comments of a sexual nature and sexually abusing a student... Floro “abused his position as a teacher by having inappropriate communications with four students, one of which culminated in sexual contact.”
  • A Discipline Committee panel revoked the teaching certificate of Toronto Catholic DSB teacher Orlando Franco Fusaro for grooming a student for a sexual relationship... The panel heard evidence that, during the 2010–11 school year, Fusaro moved the female student’s desk next to his during class, revealed personal aspects of his domestic relationship, exchanged hundreds of emails of a personal and sexual nature, and commented on the student’s physical attributes. During a playful event in a park in June 2011, Fusaro grabbed the student’s buttocks, which resulted in a charge and conviction of sexual interference. He pleaded guilty to one count of sexual interference and received a 10-day intermittent jail sentence, 100 hours of community service and three years of probation.
  • A Discipline Committee panel revoked the teaching certificate of former Rainy River DSB teacher Darcy Douglas Jack for voyeurism... In February 2008, while two former students were babysitting his children, Jack secretly filmed them showering and performing their bathroom rituals in his unfinished basement bathroom. A camera he had installed was directed at a shower and toilet stall and the students were unaware they were being watched and taped. The images were recorded on a rented laptop. Upon its return, a rental store employee discovered the images and alerted the police. Jack was subsequently charged in April 2008 and pleaded guilty that August to voyeurism, for which he received a conditional sentence of 90 days and 12 months’ probation. He resigned from the Rainy River board in August 2008.
  • A Discipline Committee panel revoked the certificate of Lambton DSB teacher Dale Vincent Gerald Maheux for sexually abusing a female... It was alleged that Maheux had inappropriate contact with the female, which included rubbing the back of her legs, touching her buttocks and her vagina, and having her touch his penis. In July 2011, Maheux was charged with sexual assault and sexual interference. The Ontario Court of Justice found him guilty of the charges in November 2012 and, in April 2013, Maheux was sentenced to six months in jail.
  • A Discipline Committee panel revoked the teaching certificate of former York Region DSB teacher Danny Schnabel for engaging in an inappropriate personal relationship with a student... In November 2011, Schnabel advised his school principal of a potential threat from the parent of one of his enriched program students after the parent learned that Schnabel had been seeing the girl outside of class. The teacher admitted to inviting the student to his home for dinner in July 2011, and meeting her alone at his home almost weekly from September to November that same year. During that time, he kissed, physically touched and held the student. He also took her by car or public transit to movies, art galleries and her family doctor’s office. Schnabel resigned from the school board in December 2011.
  • A Discipline Committee panel revoked the teaching certificate of former Greater Essex County DSB teacher Peter David Scorrar for engaging in a sexual relationship with a student... At the start of the 1988–89 school year, Scorrar began flirting with one of his students. The conduct continued and escalated to the point at which he kissed her on the lips in sight of other students on the last day of school. That summer, the member visited the student at the restaurant where she was working, walked her to her car after work and kissed her. On more than one occasion during the first month of the next school year, the member drove the student to secluded areas where he would rub, fondle and/or kiss her. Between October and December 1989, he engaged in sexual intercourse or other inappropriate sexual conduct with her. Also during the 1988–89 academic year, Scorrar invited the student to his home and when confronted by the student’s mother threatened her by saying that she would never see her daughter again. The student, now a teacher, provided personal journal entries from the time, a letter from Scorrar and notes from a meeting with the school’s principal to support her testimony.
  • A Discipline Committee panel revoked the teaching certificate of a College member who engaged in inappropriate relationships with two students while teaching in British Columbia... While teaching at a BC high school between 1996 and 1998, the member consorted with a student in a two year relationship that involved flirting, personal conversations, kissing, hugging, gift giving, and sexual fondling over and under clothing. The member told the student that, even though their relationship was special, he could lose his job if other people learned about it. Between 1995 and 1997, the member sat a second student on a desk, spread her knees with his hands and told her, “I would like to rip your shirt off right now.” On another occasion when the student was at his home he invited her to try out his new shower.
Details can be found here:

It was all a misunderstanding:

TDSB Staff To Give Workshop At WorldPride 2014

The GBVP Office at the TDSB will be giving workshops for parents and caregivers of JK-Gr5 children, and Gr6-8 children.  (more...)

Monday, May 26, 2014

LGBT activists pushing for gay clubs in middle schools

If you ever wonder why more parents are moving their kids to charter schools or even home schooling the following may be why. I always thought the mission of public schools was to prepare children for success with the necessary academic skills, but unfortunately the teachers unions and some special interest groups don’t see it that way.

Instead they see our schools as the breeding ground for their respective agendas.

And so a hat tip to our cohort LTC (Ret) Dr. Rich Swier who writes, “The homosexual-transgender movement is working hard to indoctrinate schoolchildren as young as possible. By far, the most effective way is to get them into school-based “gay” clubs that are run by activist, often radical, adults, but though otherwise unsupervised. They have been working at this for several years, but are now ramping up their efforts considerably."  (more...)

A great night in defense of parental rights and the protection of children

On Saturday night, May 24, well over 200 people gathered at Canada Christian College to hold a fundraising dinner to defend parental rights. It was in September 2012 that Dr. Steve Tourloukis filed an Application against the Hamilton Wentworth District School Board asking for a court order that declares that as the parent of his children, he is the final authority over their education. As a father, he simply wants the Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board to provide him with advance notification of any class, session or material to be covered which conflicts with his sincerely held religious beliefs. With the information, he can then withdraw his children. It's hardly rocket science.

The Parental Rights in Education Defense Fund, PRIEDF, has come alongside this parent to help pay for legal proceedings, something he, as many parents, does not have the resources to do on his own, especially against the vast resources of a government-run school board. The fundraising "Dinner in Defense" was organized to also morally  support Tourloukis' family in this battle for all parents to have the right to withdraw their children from curriculum and school activities that contradict their faith. Parental authority rights are being challenged by the government and school boards in the name of “equity,” "diversity" and "tolerance."  (more...)

Ottawa woman part of proposed class-action on foster home abuse

OTTAWA - At five years old, Carole Chretien-Rankin was taken from her family in Lowertown -- she's never known why, she says -- and simply vanished.

Soon after she was taken to the Orléans home with a brood of biological and foster kids, her foster mother threw out her favourite dress, cropped her long, dark hair and gave her a different name.

Then, she alleges, she was pushed, slapped, punched and spat on, strapped until she couldn't sit down and molested by a foster brother, lured with the promise of pizza - an unheard-of treat.

Told she was so worthless even her own parents didn't want her, she was forced to cook and clean instead of playing like other kids, Chretien-Rankin charges.

"I was a slave in that home," she said.

At 53, she doesn't even know how she looked as a little girl.

"I have no pictures of myself when I was young - they never took them," she said. "I have no memories - it's devastating. ... It's like I never existed."

But now Chretien-Rankin wants to be seen and and heard.

She is one of 350 people who've come forward to join a proposed $110-million class action lawsuit alleging that Ontario systematically failed to protect the legal rights of children who became Crown wards starting in 1966.  (more...)

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Ontario Parents Throw Down the Gauntlet on Education

Friday, May 23, 2014

Longtime OHL billet Neil Joynt faces new child sex-assault allegation

The longest-serving hockey billet in OHL history, who has personal relationships with former NHL stars the world over, is now facing a third child-sex charge, weeks after the Citizen brought the case to light.

Neil Joynt, 73, was arrested again on Thursday after a third alleged victim came forward, saying he, too, was sexually assaulted by the retired Kingston gym teacher and OHL billet of 33 years.

Joynt has told the Citizen that he remembers the boys involved in the criminal cases but that he doesn’t know why they are, in his words, making up stories about him decades later.

The most recent complainant told Ontario Provincial Police detectives that he was sexually abused in the 1980s.  (more...)

Texas Sees Rise in Overturned Sexual Abuse Convictions from DNA Testing

Catholics Expelled from The Army

Time to fight like soldiers.

The secret elevator that led authorities to a man's stash of child porn

A man who was caught with thousands of photographs of child pornography kept his stash of sick pictures hidden in a secret room.

Kenneth E. Smith, from Vancouver, had been collecting child porn for 12 years when the FBI visited him last July, but he went to extreme efforts to prevent his obsession from being uncovered.

His computer on which the graphic images were stored was kept on the second floor of an outbuilding on his property.

To get there, investigators had to open a hidden elevator; the operating switch of which, was disguised as a glue can.

Smith had been caught sharing child pornography online and subsequently found to have thousands of images showing toddlers and older children being sexually abused.  (more...)

What about perv teachers?

THE GOOD FOLKS at Faith Christian Academy in Sellersville didn't return my call yesterday. So I didn't get to ask what they made of the allegation by the Bucks County District Attorney's Office that the academy never reported a staff perv to police.

Instead, the academy allowed him to quietly slither away.

That perv would be one Eric Romig, 36, who was a coach at Faith Christian when he resigned "for health reasons" following accusations that he made sexual advances toward two female students in 2008 and 2009.

Romig got a new coaching gig at Pennridge High School, where he went trawling again. On Monday, he pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting a female student there. He had sex with her and traded explicit texts, videos and photos.

That poor, poor kid.

So Romig faces jail time, which ought to keep the creep away from young girls for a while. But where's the jail time for anyone at Faith Christian who knew about Romig's alleged predilection for underage females but took no action to keep children safe beyond the school walls?

Why didn't they pick up the phone and dial 9-1-1?  (more...)

Top-ranked Quebec tennis player faces child sex charges

Quebec's highest-ranked male professional tennis player is facing five charges for allegedly soliciting sex from a 13-year-old girl in Florida.

Pierre-Ludovic Duclos, 27, was arrested Thursday during an elaborate sting by police and now faces the charges in Bradenton, Fla.

Police say Duclos allegedly texted lewd photos of himself to the girl.

Police in Manatee County said they called him and set up a meeting with a detective posing as the girl.

Duclos, described in a police affidavit as a "self-employed tennis pro," was subsequently arrested.

He is charged with using a computer to solicit a child to commit sexual acts; enticing a child; lewd and lascivious battery; transmission of material harmful to minors; and travelling to meet a minor after using a computer to lure a child.  (more...)

Eucharistic Procession in Toronto to Counter GayDay


Beloved Brothers & sisters,

With the blessing of Cardinal Thomas Collins and his enthusiasm, a Eucharistic Procession will be held in downtown Toronto on Holy Trinity Sunday, June 15, 2014, five days before the World Gay Pride Parade.

This wonderful event will start with a Holy Mass at St. Basil’s Church (50 St. Joseph Street) at 1:30 pm.  The Eucharistic procession will then start  at 2:30 pm from St. Basil’s Church and will end at  St. Michael’s Cathedral (200 Church Street).

We hope to have as many as attend the Gay Pride Parade.

Please forward this message to others and pray for the event and its organizers.

Source (Socon or Bust):

What have we come to? PARENTS object to having moral teachers in the classroom

OAKLAND, Calif. – Parents in Oakland are reportedly outraged because the Roman Catholic diocese is asking teachers to sign a morality agreement before returning to work in church schools next fall.

Those parents must be out of their minds. With everything that’s been going on in all types of K-12 schools in recent years, a dose of morality is definitely a good idea.

Every day we read about teachers – including many women – sexually molesting students in schools throughout the U.S.

And it doesn’t always happen at school. Just today we read about one teacher being arrested for possession of child pornography, and another busted for arranging sex over the Internet with an underage child.

Just about every week brings new reports of teachers physically abusing and humiliating students, particularly those with special needs who are most vulnerable and least able to communicate.

In recent months we’ve heard about teachers assigning books with pornographic chapters to middle school students. We heard of a teacher who left school grounds with two students and provided them with alcohol. We heard of a teacher who gave a student a very suggestive lap dance for his birthday, in front of other students.

We’ve heard of several states where hundreds of teachers are suspected of cheating for their students on state tests, to make it seem like they’ve learned more than what they have.

And of course we have thousands of teachers across the nation openly abusing their positions by bringing their personal political philosophies into the classroom (usually socialism) and convincing naïve youngsters that they are absolutely correct.

And in just about every instance of teacher misconduct (at least in public schools), the teachers unions are there to protect the guilty.  (more...)

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Former Radio 1 DJ Chris Denning is charged with sex attacks on 22 boys

Chris Denning, 73
A disc jockey who was part of the original Radio 1 line-up was yesterday charged with a string of sex attacks on 22 boys aged between nine and 16.

Chris Denning, 73, is to be prosecuted over 41 offences including indecent assault and another serious sexual offence between 1967 and 1985.

Although not a household name, Denning posed for a picture with a host of famous BBC DJs for the launch of Radio 1 and Radio 2 in 1967.

Among those alongside him were Tony Blackburn, Jimmy Young, Kenny Everett, Terry Wogan, Pete Murray, Ed Stewart, Pete Drummond and John Peel.

Denning was arrested last June as part of Operation Yewtree, the police investigation into child sexual abuse allegations, in the wake of the Jimmy Savile scandal.

He is the fifth person to be prosecuted as part of the operation.  (more...)

Why is Sun News Belittling Catholic Moral Teaching?

For the second time, John Downs and Faith Goldy have misrepresented and trivialized Catholic moral teaching in segments that can only be described as sophomoric and stereotypical. This follows Michael Coren's back-handed slaps at Teresa Pierre and Gwen Landolt for not being sufficiently politically correct. Why are Catholic teachings on homosexuality being savaged in this way by Canada's supposedly "conservative" news service? Is neo-conservatism that beholden to the gay lobby? Or, is it the other way around -- Professional Homosexuals have been bought and paid for by the Military-Industrial Complex, and the two skip merrily down the gay wedding-aisle together? Kinda makes the right/left dialectic irrelevant, doesn't it? Are they all Bolsheviks?

Give this careful consideration:

The Gay Kiss of the Military Industrial Complex and the Homolobby

...I had no clue at the time why it seemed like nearly every defense contractor under the sun was shelling out money to a gay rights group. (As of today, confirmed sponsors for the 2013 HRC dinner, still six months away, already include Northrop Grumman and Lockheed Martin.)
Were these death peddlers that committed to equality? Were these corporations so harmed by Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell? After I grew up a bit in covering gay politics over the next few years, I realized that there is no such thing as "gay politics," only "money politics"—and there’s no money in America like military money. 
For war profiteers, the issues of marriage equality and gay discrimination in the armed forces were, at best, third in line among their priorities. First, they were paying for access. Since there are so many homos in positions of power on congressional staffs, buying a seat at their gay table was a solid financial investment. If a legislative chief of staff is a power bottom, a quick way for a lobbyist to get access to his boss is to lube him up by schmoozing him at a fundraising gala for his favorite cause. 
Second, there was the longer-term investment in buying off LGBT political activists (known to be politically volatile and even, once upon a time, radical) outside the Beltway. It would take time to herd these unpredictable gay cats, who might have some unpatriotic pacifist leanings. And so these donors were, in a sophisticated and calculated fashion, grooming a class of Professional Homosexuals: mercenaries who spend their entire careers in a revolving door between gay organizations like HRC and GLADD, leadership positions at gay "community centers," the Democratic party, the Obama White House, K Street lobbying shops, “public relations” consulting firms, and the military-industrial complex.  (more...)

H/T to English Manif

Priest criticizes Trudeau's abortion position

Rev. Raymond de Souza, a Roman Catholic priest, says Justin Trudeau's pro-choice position is extreme

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

A History of the Domestic Violence Movement

Presented by Erin Pizzey at the Ideology to Inclusion Conference, Sacramento, February 16th, 2008.

Erin begins with the early history of the domestic violence movement, and her efforts to open the first shelter for women and children in 1971. The early history of the feminist movement in England is discussed, and the ensuing battle between advocates who conceptualised domestic violence as a human and family issue rather than a gender issue, and those who used the movement as a means of funding and advancing a radial political ideology based on Marxist teaching. This presentation describes in details the importance of this ideological split, and how the needs and wishes of women have often been ignored. The presentation ends with a general descriptions of where we are now and suggestions for the future.

Love in a time of unreality

I have constantly to recalibrate the sense of unreality enveloping the marriage issue because the distance from reality seems to grow day by day. One of my touchstones is Richard Cohen’s column in the Washington Post, whenever he addresses the subject, as he just has again in his May 20 column. The occasion was the release of an HBO film, “The Normal Heart,” a movie version of Larry Kramer’s play about the beginning of the HIV-AIDS epidemic and the apparent indifference of President Ronald Reagan and New York Mayor Ed Koch. The air of unreality in this column could not be thicker.

We begin, of course, with his experience of homophobia as a mere lad of 16, when some yahoo told him about how he beat up homosexuals with brass doorknobs. In benighted America of that time, Cohen tells us, “we knew of racism and anti-Semitism,” but were really unaware of homophobia. I grew up in the 1950s, but I don’t really remember it being okay to beat up anyone with brass doorknobs. I didn’t meet the yahoo with whom Cohen was acquainted, so I can’t contradict him (but I do know that most violence against homosexuals is perpetrated by other homosexuals).  (more...)

Catholic Uprising -- Yep!

Run, church feminists! Run!

Police watchdog probe into another six officers for failing to act on information about paedophile Lostprophets singer

Six more police officers are being investigated over claims they could have stopped paedophile rock singer Ian Watkins before he abused two babies.

The Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) is probing whether staff at three police forces failed to act because the ex-Lostprophets frontman was famous.

The watchdog has served gross misconduct notices on three South Yorkshire Police officers, two Bedfordshire Police officers and a South Wales police officer as part of its ongoing inquiries.

One officer from South Wales Police was issued with the same warning last year, taking the total now under investigation to seven.  (more...)

Marriage and Witness: What’s Going on at Notre Dame?

In October of last year, I wrote here at Public Discourse about the University of Notre Dame’s unfortunate decision to participate in National Coming Out Day. I noted that, by encouraging celebration of identities rooted in proclivities toward acts that violate the truth of marriage, Notre Dame was failing in its pastoral duties to guide its students in love and in truth. These duties are rooted in its institutional vocation as a Catholic university, as articulated by the school’s Mission Statement.

Several events on campus this spring have confirmed and deepened my belief that Notre Dame is failing to fulfill its pastoral duty to bear witness to the truth.  (more...)

Forget about Georgetown:

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Comedian: Cross Hollywood’s gay mafia, and ‘You’re not going to get your movie directed’

HOLLYWOOD, CA, May 20, 2014 ( – Longtime comedian Adam Carolla has warned the Hollywood blacklist is back, this time for anyone who runs afoul of homosexual activists. If an artist does not support the homosexual political agenda, Carolla said, “You’re not going to get your movie directed.”

In a recent interview with Salon promoting his new book, President Me: The America That’s In My Head, Carolla said that homosexuals have “just turned into a mafia” and criticized them for “demanding everyone apologize for every joke and retract every statement.”

The drive for censorship has “turned into something that’s bigger than it is,” Carolla added. “I’ve lived in this town my whole life and never seen it like this.”

“There’s plenty of gay people” in Hollywood, “and they’re in positions above you,” Carolla said. “You’re not going to get your movie directed.”  (more...)

Fr. Thomas Rosica At It Again

When the Holy See Press Office is doing a bad job: watch out! In this, there may be several options: incompetence, malfeasance or some combination. You be the judge - as, you guessed it:  who am I to judge.

Fr. Thomas Rosica - infamous for lauding the ex-priest Gregory Baum with the words:"you have been for me, and continue to be a great model of hope" - continues his deconstruction of the recent papacies, and the present papacy according to his personal whims. He is no longer - perhaps has never been - a true "spokesman", but more an editorialist, an opinionist.  (more...)

Parental Choice in Education

The greatest strength of Alberta’s education system is its commitment to authentic diversity and maximum choice for parents. That strength is now under vociferous attack. For this reason, JCCF has released a paper defending Alberta’s school system:

Passing the trash: Old case is a new rally cry on abuse

Edgar Friedrichs quietly left the Interboro School District 41 years ago, and his principal wrote him a recommendation that was cryptic at best.

The fifth-grade teacher at Prospect Park Elementary had "fulfilled his teaching responsibilities" and had "a good rapport" with peers and parents, Robert Castle wrote. The letter concluded: "I would be happy to discuss any further observations with a prospective employer."

But none called.

Friedrichs had been allowed to quietly resign from the Delaware County school amid allegations that he molested some of his students, including a boy who said the teacher raped him in a book closet. Years later, and nearly 500 miles away, similar allegations surfaced.

The story of Friedrichs - long forgotten by many in Delaware County - has become a rallying cry for legislation to require more stringent background checks of teachers.  (more...)

Eton classics teacher caught with child porn on school computer killed himself a decade later

A former Eton College classics teacher caught with child pornography killed himself a decade later after he struggled to deal with the shame of his conviction, an inquest heard.

More than 200 images of boys were discovered on Ian McAuslan's computer when he handed it to IT staff at the prestigious Berkshire school for a routine upgrade.

The 68-year-old, who subsequently resigned from the school, admitted possessing and making indecent images of children in 2004 and was spared jail.

However, an inquest heard today that he never recovered from his conviction and on March 16 of this year was found dead in the kitchen of his flat in Southampton, Hampshire.  (more...)

Surrogacy’s Strange Bedfellows

As states continue to pass legislation allowing for same-sex marriage, an increasing number of gay rights groups have begun to expand the scope of their efforts to include greater access to children for same-sex couples—and changing the legal definition of parenthood to accommodate third-party reproduction. So far, the use of sperm and egg donors remains relatively uncontroversial; gametes are widely available for purchase in most states. Surrogacy, on the other hand, is more regulated and has engendered greater debate over the ethical issues involved. Meet Brad Hoylman: A State Senator in New York, where commercial surrogacy is prohibited. He was profiled along with his partner David Sigal, in a recent New York Times profile chronicling their firsthand experience of hiring a surrogate mother in California to give birth to their daughter. Like many gay New Yorkers seeking children, Hoylman and Sigal were forced to look outside the state for a surrogate mother, and Hoylman—being in a position of power—is aiming to change that.

Yet the traditional political allegiances of liberal versus conservative are thoroughly scrambled when it comes to surrogacy debates. In states where surrogacy legislation has been or continues to be debated, some of the strangest and unlikeliest of coalitions have formed to either support or oppose such measures.  (more...)

Life on the Academic Animal Farm

“Do not try to teach a pig how to sing.” That was a piece of advice given to me when I was a young man, by a witty and cavalier drag queen, someone who never had the benefit of reading George Orwell’s Animal Farm. The closest thing to intellectualism in our lives, circa 1991, was that we hung out in the smelly Bronx park in front of the historic cottage where Edgar Allan Poe had lived.

Nonetheless, there’s a lot of wisdom in his advice. There is something frighteningly bestial about people who think they are very clever but who can do little more than grunt and snort. You know this type: someone dumb who gets together with other dumb people and somehow gets his hands on resources, influence, and power.

Evil geniuses are scary, but at least they’re interesting. And, as the great philosopher Hannah Arendt once noted, often exceptionally evil people are not the ones who do the most damage. It’s the simpletons who can really do serious harm.  (more...)

White House to hold event unveiling postage stamp commemorating child sexual predator

WASHINGTON, D.C., May 19, 2014 ( – President Obama’s White House will host a dedication ceremony for a new U.S. postage stamp commemorating Harvey Milk, the infamous homosexual activist who became the first openly gay elected official in California in 1977. However, friends and foes alike say Milk was more than an elected official – he was also a child sexual predator whose partners had a habit of killing themselves.

The predatory nature of Milk's personal relationships led at least two of his young sexual partners to commit suicide – one of them Jack Galen McKinley, a 16-year-old runaway from Maryland.

A biography about Milk written by his close friend and fellow homosexual Randy Shilts states that, in addition to the 16-year-old runaway, Milk had other relationships with underage boys, as well, indicating that Milk was a statutory rapist.

Jack Lira, a 25-year-old alcoholic, also killed himself after his relationship with Milk went sour.

Milk was attracted to “boyish-looking men in their late teens and early 20s,” Shilts wrote, adding that “Harvey always had a penchant for young waifs with substance-abuse problems.”  (more...)

Parents to Catholic Trustees: Stop Debating Public Issues in Private

Toronto Catholic Trustee Garry Tanuan has introduced a motion asking the board’s legal team to provide information on possible sanctions against teachers who participate in the World Gay Pride Parade in June.

Children in the Cross-Hairs of Perverted Teachers

A deputy headmaster was yesterday jailed for five years for secretly filming pupils using the school toilets and showers.

Gareth Williams, 47, installed tiny hidden spy cameras in clocks, fans and toilet cisterns in order to obtain pictures and videos of boys without their knowledge.

The married father of four even put a camera in the changing rooms on school sports day in order to catch as many children as possible.

A court heard how Williams also installed cameras in two private homes, as well as the large mixed school where he worked, for his sexual gratification.

He was investigated by police after computer specialists found he had been buying illegal images of children  on the internet.  (more...)

Man is charged with assaulting teenage boy at North Wales care home in the 1980s

A 62-year-old man has been charged with indecent assault against a teenage boy as part of an investigation into historic child abuse in North Wales.

Richard Daffyd Vevar, from Wrexham, north Wales, has been charged with two offences against a boy aged between 13 and 16, the National Crime Agency (NCA) said.

The offences are alleged to have taken place between 1986 and 1989.

He has been bailed to appear at Dolgellau Magistrates' Court on June 2.

Vevar is the second man to be charged as part of an investigation into historic child abuse in North Wales, known as Operation Pallial.

The investigation, led by Keith Bristow, director general of the NCA, was set up to re-examine allegations that a paedophile ring targeted care and children's homes in the area between 1953 and 1995.

Twenty people have been arrested since the new inquiry was announced by Home Secretary Theresa May in December 2011, following allegations of abuse from children aged between six and 19.   (more...)

Monday, May 19, 2014

Florida sex-offender who had relations with 16-year-old granted refugee status in Canada

A Florida sex offender who had sex with a 16-year-old boy and fled to Saskatchewan, where she claimed asylum, has been granted refugee status in Canada.

Denise Harvey, 47, was convicted in 2008 of five counts of unlawful sexual activity with a minor, a boy who was on her son’s baseball team. She is wanted in the U.S., where she is facing a 30-year prison sentence.

“The [Immigration and Refugee Board] granted Ms. Harvey protected person status. This status allows Ms. Harvey to apply for permanent residency,” wrote a spokesperson for Citizenship and Immigration Canada in an email to the National Post Thursday.

Such rulings involving Americans are rare: The IRB told the National Post Thursday that only three such claims were accepted in 2013.

Ms. Harvey, a mortgage broker, and the 16-year-old met at her son’s baseball practices. The two had sex five times at the boy’s father’s house and after hours in her office.

In November, 2009, Ms. Harvey, her husband and son, fled their Vero Beach, Fla. home and moved to Pike Lake, Sask.

One and a half years later, in April 2011, she was arrested by RCMP.  (more..)

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