Thursday, June 30, 2022

Ontario's chief vax pass adviser has a conflict of interest & officials won't say if/when they knew


Ontario vaccine passports University of Toronto Canada conflict of interest pandemic coronavirus COVID unaccountability transparency

Tamara Ugolini has reported on Dr. Kieran Moore, Ontario's chief vax pass adviser, having a conflict of interest before. But officials in the province won't say if or when they knew about any conflicts of interest.

FULL REPORT from Tamara Ugolini:

Nazi Germany, the Holy Grail and how the occult still shapes our world


Nazi Thule Holy Grail occult cult aryanism fanaticism

With rare exceptions, humans are not driven to commit atrocities. With rare exceptions, humans can be driven to commit atrocities.

“People often are conscripted into armies, but sometimes they enlist with gusto,” explains cognitive psychologist, Steven Pinker.  “Jingoism,” Pinker adds, “is alarmingly easy to evoke.”

“I have come to believe that men kill in war because they do not know their real enemy and because they are pushed into a position where they must kill,” proposed peace activist, Thich Nhat Hanh. “We are taught to think that we need a foreign enemy. Governments work hard to get us to be afraid and to hate so we will rally behind them. If we do not have an enemy, they will invent one in order to mobilize us.”

In the case of Nazi Germany, it appears the propagandists themselves began their march toward genocide by inventing a past so mythical it could sway an entire nation. Even the leaders themselves would fall under their own spell.

“More than a political party, the Nazi party was very much a cult,” says author Jonathan Vankin. “Like most demagogic religious sects, its rank and file were spellbound with the courage of demented convictions, and its leadership was financed and supported by powerful people whose main interest was accumulating more power. The finely tuned machine of brainwashing, fanaticism, and secrecy is perfect for that purpose.”  (more...)

Nazi Germany, the Holy Grail and how the occult still shapes our world

Centre-du-Québec - A “hate camp” run by a neo-Nazi group


Quebec Atomwaffen Nazi hate white supremacy Canada paramilitary weapons extremism

The quiet village of Saint-Ferdinand, in Centre-du-Québec, where the RCMP’s tactical intervention group burst in in mid-June to conduct a search, was the scene of a training camp paramilitary in which a handful of armed members of the neo-Nazi terrorist group Atomwaffen Division took part in a former schoolhouse, learned La Presse.

A hate propaganda video, which first appeared on far-right websites in November 2019, shows that a group of at least four men in paramilitary combat gear participated in weapons sessions in the building of decrepit red brick, located about forty kilometers east of Victoriaville.

Several such military training camps, called “hate camps” by members of Atomwaffen, took place in several locations in the United States between 2016 and 2019. Participants were notably “trained in the use of weapons and hand-to-hand combat,” reads the description of the terrorist entity on the Public Safety Canada website.

The video obtained by La Presse shows that the supremacist group also filmed themselves firing at targets with semi-automatic weapons and at least one automatic submachine gun, in wooded areas and rows of land that appear to be near the village of Saint-Ferdinand . Aerial drone footage is intercut with footage of participants burning Israel’s flag, promising the “final destruction” of the system to protect the white race from the “new world”. “Atomwaffen Division represents a manifestation of National Socialism in its purest form”, announces a doctored voice, mixed with choreographies of handling firearms shot with a licked aesthetic.

La Presse was able to link the filmed video to the old school of St. Ferdinand by comparing a brief sequence of images to certain architectural details observed on the building on site.

According to our information, it was this video that triggered the police investigation by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) in 2020. During the search in mid-June, which mobilized around sixty police officers, the investigators asked people in the neighborhood if they had ever witnessed the presence of armed individuals in the vicinity.  (more...)

Centre-du-Québec - A “hate camp” run by a neo-Nazi group

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Secret Society That Spawned Tranny-Tyranny


secret societies Mattachine gender ideology Los Angeles France academia social engineering depopulation Sabbatean Frankism Luciferianism

Professor Hamamoto of Cultural Forensics® reveals the secret society in Los Angeles that helped bring “homophile” sexuality and social organization into the contemporary American mainstream.

education academia gender ideology gay agenda homosexuality Hollywood politics transgender abortion prolife books Mattachine Society

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Russians Cancelled: European crusade against Russians


Russia Europe Russophobia discrimination hate prejudice bigotry bullying racism exclusion

“Everything Russian is rejected and assaulted”, “Speak as little Russian in public as possible”. These are quotes from Russian people living abroad who have recently been confronted with constant verbal assaults, rudeness and even physical threats during the recent wave of Russophobia. Even children get hurt.

European and especially Eastern European highways now resemble 'roads of fury' for Russian truckers. Cars with Russian number plates have become targets. Very often drivers find them with broken windows and punctured tyres. They say they feel lucky if only their cars were targeted.

Students become victims of Russophobia, too, as a number of European universities make it clear Russians are no longer welcome. Students say they feel a change of attitude towards them which even reflects on their grades.

Russian embassies didn’t manage to avoid Russophobic sentiment, either. Legations are surrounded by picket lines and bombarded with verbal threats. In early April, a vehicle rammed into the gates of the Russian Embassy in Bucharest.

However there are people in the European community who don’t share in the common sentiment, but their voices are simply not heard. For now, many Russians living in Europe, Israel, and the USA see leaving as the only way out.

Nova Scotia mass shooting: Rebel News heading to Halifax to report on Trudeau-RCMP scandal


Canada RCMP politics corruption Nova Scotia mass shooting crime cover-up exploitation politization deflection gun control diversion deception unaccountability


Canada’s largest mass shooting is quickly morphing into what may be one of the country's largest RCMP (and Trudeau government) scandals. That's why Rebel News is sending reporters to Nova Scotia so we can bring you news you can trust on what happens next.

Visit Rebel News for more on this story ►

Monday, June 27, 2022

Troops on the ground prove Canada is at war with Russia


Canada Ukraine lawlessness proxy war Nazi Azov Battalion unaccountability corruption mercenaries illegal recruitment funding arms weapons military

Canada is at war with Russia. But the government doesn’t want to talk about it.

On Saturday the New York Times reported that Canadian special forces are part of a NATO network providing weapons and training to Ukrainian forces. The elite troops are also in the country gathering intelligence on Russian operations.

The Department of National Defence refused Ottawa Citizen military reporter David Pugliese’s request for comment on the US paper’s revelations. But in late January Global News and CTV reported that the usually highly secretive special forces were sent to Ukraine. (Canadian special forces have been dispatched secretly to many war zones.)

Alongside special forces, an unknown number of former Canadian troops have been fighting in Ukraine. There have been a bevy of stories about Canadians traveling to Ukraine to join the fight and organizers initially claimed over 500 individuals joined while the Russian government recently estimated that 600 Canadians were fighting there (Both the Canadian organizers and Moscow would have reasons to inflate the numbers). Early on, Foreign Minister Mélanie Joly and Defence Minister Anita Anand both encouraged Canadians to join the fight, which may have violated Canada’s Foreign Enlistment Act.

Top commanders have also joined the war. After more than 30 years in the Canadian Forces lieutenant-general Trevor Cadieu retired on April 5 (amidst a rape investigation) and was in Ukraine days later. At one-point Cadieu was favoured to lead the Canadian Forces.  (more...)

Troops on the ground prove Canada is at war with Russia

Glastonbury Witchcraft


Glastonbury music festival New Age occult One World Religion slavery mass hypnosis social control

Ritual as a tool of enslavement

DoJ Hires Veteran ‘Nazi Hunter’ to Investigate War Crimes in Ukraine


Ukraine war crimes Nazi Azov Battalion atrocities investigation ratlines

Tens of thousands of neo-Nazi fighters from nearly a dozen extreme-right militias serve alongside the Ukrainian army. US Congress recognized the infamous Azov Regiment as a neo-Nazi unit in 2015. But since February 2022, Western media coverage of the ‘neo-Nazi problem’ in Ukraine has virtually disappeared, with Azov itself undergoing a rebranding.

Eli Rosenbaum, former director of the Department of Justice Office of Special Investigations, has been hired by the DoJ to investigate war crimes in Ukraine.

“To lead this effort, the Attorney General has tapped Eli Rosenbaum to serve as Counselor for War Crimes Accountability,” the DoJ said in a press release Tuesday.

Rosenbaum, 67, is a 36-year veteran of the department, and between 1994 and 2010, in his capacity as chief of the OSI, specialized in identifying, denaturalizing and deporting Nazi war criminals.

The DoJ indicated that in his new role, Rosenbaum would “coordinate efforts across the Justice Department and the federal government to hold accountable those responsible for war crimes and other atrocities in Ukraine.”  (more...)

DoJ Hires Veteran ‘Nazi Hunter’ to Investigate War Crimes in Ukraine

How Germany became the laughing stock of Europe


Germany defense foreign affairs environment Green Party ideology history

Annalena Baerbock, Germany's newly minted stateswoman, continues to leave lasting impressions on the diplomatic stage. The minister of Defense is following in her footsteps.

Baerbock wants to bring the American Greenpeace leader Jennifer Morgan into the German Foreign Office. Morgan is to work as a special envoy for “international climate policy”.

In view of Germany’s current economic and trade struggles, an energy crisis and sabre rattling with Russia, this is now supposed to be the most important goal: International climate policy! Fortunately, “international” was put in front of it, otherwise some people would have asked themselves what this has to do with Germans. But what is national climate policy? Does it end at Germany’s borders? Do we have a better climate here?

We don’t need to explain to our enlightened readers that the whole climate hysteria is just Green ideology, which is exploited through various scams. However, Ms Baerbock should explain why she hires a US citizen to represent supposedly German (rather Green) interests. Above all, an application for naturalization is being processed. This is because Morgan is to be civil servant and then work as a state secretary.

The basic salary of grade B 11 for state secretaries in the German government has been 14 808 euros per month since 1 March 2020. Added to this is 553 euros as a so-called ministerial allowance. So this is no “normal” appointment.  (more...)

How Germany became the laughing stock of Europe

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Hitler And Volkswagen: The Nazi Origin Of The People's Car


Volkswagen Germany Nazi industry car automobile autobahn Hitler Beetle military

The Volkswagen Beetle is one of the best selling cars of all time. Created by Ferdinand Porsche, it's beloved for its cute and cheerful charm. However, behind its disarming appeal, 'The People's Car' has a dark and sinister history.

CIA-drugs, clandestine operations, conspiracy theory and secret societies


CIA drugs covert operations conspiracy secret societies freemasonry organized crime books

Kris Millegan is a writer, researcher and publisher whose father was in the OSS, Military Intelligence (G2), and later in the CIA. His father told Kris some things that he didn’t understand in the late 60’s. These revelations led to over thirty years of research into the subjects of CIA-drugs, clandestine operations, conspiracy theory and secret societies.

Friday, June 24, 2022

Sabbatean-Frank(enstein) Origins of Drag Queen Story Hour


Sabbatean Frankism gender ideology depopulation CIA transgression Luciferianism oligarchy corruption academia literature

Professor Hamamoto of Cultural Forensics® through his pioneering research in New World Order Theory connects “critical race theory” and “gender theory” to subversive traditions now being used to implement the biogenetic post-human agenda.

Business Cards of German and Canadian Government Officials Found in Abandoned Azov Battalion Headquarters in Mariupol


Canada Ukraine business proxy war Azov Battalion Mariupol Germany corruption Nazi

Left amidst the ruins of the Azov battalion’s headquarters in Mariupol were the business cards from the German embassy. One was of an attaché named Michael Faul, a Canadian colonel named Colonel Brian Irwin and the French Embassy staff member in Kyiv, First Secretary Christophe Boursin.

MICHAEL FAUL: According to the following information, Faul now works in the UK: “Michael Faul works at German Embassy London and Consulate General Edinburgh, which is a Federal company with an estimated 766 employees.” So he has been relocated or has always been working there, probably for MI6, the UK Secret Service. Last Update: 3/10/2022 5:43 PM (move March 3 to UK), EMAIL: m***

COLONEL BRIAN IRWIN: This is very interesting; the following is known about him:

Colonel Robert Brian Irwin

Ontario, Canada

Decorations for Meritorious Service – Military Division

Meritorious Service Cross

Issued: October 16, 2019

Invested on: May 27, 2021

Rank: Colonel

As Canada’s Defense Attaché to Ukraine from August 2016 to July 2019, Colonel Irwin proved instrumental in achieving Canada’s foreign policy goals. He quickly became an influential and important member of the [Canadian] mission [in Ukraine], where he advised successive commanders of the joint task force, promoted security sector reform and actively contributed to military cooperation between the two nations. Known for his professionalism and diplomacy, he has had an undeniable influence on the operations of the Canadian Forces in Ukraine.

The likely authenticity of the documents is enhanced by the fact that in 2018, Irwin had been photographed shaking hands with a member of the Azov Battalion, indicating Canadian government support for the neo-Nazi outfit.

The third business card found was of the assistant first secretary at the Embassy of France in Kyiv, Ukraine, Christophe Boursin. There are no pictures of him, but he may still be in Kyiv.

Along with the business cards found in Azov Battalion headquarters were Nazi insignia, making clear the Battalion’s admiration for Adolf Hitler and the original German Nazis.  (more...)

Business Cards of German and Canadian Government Officials Found in Abandoned Azov Battalion Headquarters in Mariupol

Canadian mining companies still global leaders in environmental devastation and Indigenous land theft


Canada Toronto mining resource extraction aboriginal indigenous  ancestral lands theft violence coercion corruption crimes against humanity environment

As much as 75 per cent of the world’s mining companies are headquartered in Canada — companies that frequently come under fire for violating human rights, ignoring Indigenous sovereignty, and seriously damaging the environment.

These companies have extraction operations on every continent, including Asia, the Americas, and Africa, and many projects are operating against the expressed wishes of the local Indigenous communities.

Many of those Canadian mining executives will be in Toronto this week at the world’s biggest mining conference, the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada Convention 2022, June 13 to 15.

Mining watchdog groups are already calling it a "greenwashing” campaign. Many have been demonstrating in the streets outside.

“Mining doesn’t allow for a healthy future on this planet, and Pan American Silver’s proposed plans for Navidad project in Argentina will further exacerbate environmental degradation in the region”

MiningWatch Canada and Mining Injustice Solidarity Network have denounced the convention as a ludicrous attempt to distract from their colonial and capitalist destructive business — a business model that scientists say is also no longer justifiable in a climate emergency.  (more...)

Canadian mining companies still global leaders in environmental devastation and Indigenous land theft

Thursday, June 23, 2022

The RCMP is doing Trudeau’s dirty work


RCMP commissioner Canada politics partisanship police influence partiality Nova Scotia mass shooting gun control manipulation corruption evasion

The Liberals and RCMP commissioner Brenda Lucki are denying they colluded to release have the RCMP release information about their investigation into the Portapique, Nova Scotia massacre to support the government's gun control efforts, despite a report from the inquiry into the shooting revealing that Lucki promised Bill Blair and the Prime Minister's Office that the police would do exactly what.

True North's Andrew Lawton speaks to former RCMP officer Andy Brooke, as well as Conservative emergency preparedness critic Dane Lloyd.

Vaccine Injury Program estimates CAPPED halfway through the first year


Canada vaccines injury harms compensation inadequacy evasion politics conflict of interest

In this report we bring you the 71-page document that the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) is using as a policy framework to implement the brand new Canadian Vaccine Injury Support Program (VISP).

The document came to us through an access to information request (ATIP). If you would like to help offset the costs of filing for and reading through these requests, please consider donating at

In the document, PHAC uses the term “final solution” 34 times. It’s the same genocidal euphemism used by Nazis in World War II that’s now being used in a vaccine compensation policy framework by government officials. If you or I used that phrase, we would be cancelled and censored forever. Since this is the Liberals, it’s okay.

The policy framework reinforces that “through VISP, people in Canada who have experienced a serious and permanent injury as a result of receiving a Health Canada authorized vaccine, administered in Canada on or after December 8, 2020, will have fair and timely access to a vaccine injury support program.”

Tell that to Diana Hoar and Kevin Street who suffer debilitating neurological effects. Or Trina Huss, whose previously managed autoimmune disorder has been unmanageable since her first shot and has been out of work since. Or the nurses who alleged disappearance of vaccine adverse events at the hospital that they worked at. Or teenager Jasmine Cuomo who is wheelchair bound, or 16-year-old Keyonah who suffers tics and black out episodes. Or Celeste Pennington, or Catriona Atkins with her chronic cough, or 16-year-old pericarditis sufferer Josh, or the hundreds of Canadians suffering adverse events as per Canada’s own reporting because the list literally goes on and on.

The criteria to qualify are quite stringent, though. You have to have experienced a serious and permanent injury. It’s defined “a life-threatening or life-altering injury that may require in-person hospitalization, or a prolongation of existing hospitalization, and results in persistent or significant disability or incapacity, or where the outcome is a congenital malformation or death.”

That’s right, death. For the 100% safe and effective novel biologics.

From what we gather, the chronic post-injection tinnitus, that drives you so insane that you want to commit suicide, wouldn’t qualify for compensation.

The framework will “assess causality based on medical documentation submitted by claimants, the Causality Assessment process will be based on accepted industry practices (e.g. World Health Organization guidance on the causality assessment of an adverse event following immunization) and take into account the temporal relationship between the injury and the vaccine as well as existing population-based evidence for causality.” That WHO guidance is a “new revised causality assessment methodology” that uses “causality assessment software.”

The pay out amounts are listed as amounts up to but not exceeding:

  • Income replacement indemnities up to a maximum of $100,000 per year;
  • Injury indemnities up to a maximum of $275,000;
  • Death benefits up to a maximum of $450,000;
  • Funeral costs up to a maximum of $7,000; and
  • Reimbursement of eligible costs including medical and rehabilitation costs otherwise not covered by public or private insurance or benefit programs.

Further in the framework, there is a detailed list of “Assumptions.” We all know what assumptions do, but PHAC only plans to process 400 vaccine injury claims every year. They do, however, “recognize that the program may need to be scaled up if volumes are higher than forecasted.”

As reported previously by Rebel News' Chief Reporter Sheila Gunn Reid, there were already 400 claims received by VISP in the first six months of the program. This was the budget cap of the program. And that’s with doctors being bullied to downplay injuries or list them as something else — a story that I first broke in May 2021, a mere five months after the mass experiment rolled out, with ER doctor Patrick Phillips who was experiencing all of his reports of vaccine adverse events  rejected by his local medical officer of health. He’s been slandered, censored and investigated by his governing body and the mainstream media ever since.

There has been a third party consulting firm commissioned to see this framework through. They budgeted it over five fiscal years, from 2021/2022 until the end of 2026 (as though the serious and permanent injuries will magically go away). The total cost of the program is $32,310,002. Of course, this is entirely taxpayer funded. Not a penny comes from the billionaires at Big Pharma.

This funding is all paid directly to the contractor who is managing the framework, consulting firm Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton (RCGT Consulting). They’re the same firm coordinating with validation experts to review and assess employee vaccination records for compliance.



RCMP Canada police manipulation deception mass shooting obstruction corruption gun control politics crime

RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki is being accused of interfering with the investigation into the Nova Scotia mass shooting in an effort to manipulate Canadians emotions to push for stricter gun control by asking to have info on the types of guns used in the massacre released to the public prematurely.

In other news new photos have emerged showing Texas police at the Uvalde mass school shooting armed and at the ready while being ordered to stand down as the gunman slaughtered kids just feet away from where they stood allowing the killings to continue.

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth shows how we are intentionally being emotionally manipulated to accept gun control by an untrustworthy government and police force who are desperately trying to disarm it’s populations for the purposes of gaining more control.

Dr. Volodymyr & Mr. Zelensky: the dark side of the Ukrainian president


Zelensky Ukraine Nazi martinet actor dictator white supremacy ethnic cleansing fanaticism fascism tyranny politics NATO

“Héros de la liberté”, “Hero of Our Time”, “Der Unbeugsame”, “The Unlikely Ukrainian Hero Who Defied Putin and United the World”, “Zelensky, Ukraine in blood”: the Western media and leaders no longer know what superlatives to use to sing the praises of the Ukrainian president, so fascinated are they by the “amazing resilience” of the comedian miraculously transformed into a “warlord” and “saviour of democracy”.

For the past three months, the Ukrainian head of state has been making the headlines, opening the news, inaugurating the Cannes Film Festival, haranguing parliaments, congratulating and admonishing his colleagues at the head of states ten times more powerful than he is, with a happiness and tactical sense that no film actor or political leader before him had ever known.

How can you not fall under the spell of this improbable Mr. Bean who, after conquering the public with his grimaces and extravagances (walking naked in a shop and mimicking a pianist playing with his sex, for example), was able to swap his antics and gravelly puns for a grey-green T-shirt, a week-long beard and words full of seriousness in order to galvanize his troops who were besieged by the evil Russian bear?

Since 24 February, Volodymyr Zelensky has unquestionably proved himself to be an exceptionally talented artist in international politics. Those who had followed his career as a comedian were not surprised because they knew his innate sense of improvisation, his mimetic abilities and his audacity in acting. The way he campaigned and defeated tough opponents like former president Poroshenko in a few weeks between 31 December 2018 and 21 April 2019, mobilizing his production team and generous oligarch donors, had already proved the extent of his talents.  (more...)

Dr. Volodymyr & Mr. Zelensky: the dark side of the Ukrainian president

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

The ideology of the banderists


Dontsov Ukraine Banderists ideology Vikings aryanism genocide imperialism white supremacy occultism superman elite

If Stepan Bandera was an agent of the Gestapo and left only the memory (positive for some) of the massacres and tortures he organized, Dmytro Dontsov was -and still is- the reference thinker of Ukranian nationalists. It is he who invented Ukrainian racialism and imagined the fanaticism of Ukrainian nationalists as a weapon.

If in previous articles I have presented the history of the Banderist movement from the interwar period to the present day, I would like to talk here about their ideology.

Their reference intellectual, then and now, is Dmytro Dontsov (1883-1973). Although he died in Canada and was buried in the United States, his works have not been translated, but his followers have made them known to us. This absence in the bookstores of other countries explains why he is unknown abroad. However, after a long period of absence, he’s been one of the best-selling authors in Ukraine these recent years.

Feeding like the Nazis on his interpretation of Nietzsche, Dmytro Dontsov called for the birth of a "new man" with "a burning faith and a heart of stone" who would not be afraid to destroy the enemies of Ukraine without mercy. Thinker of the "integral Ukrainian nationalism", he built a philosophy where everything nationalistic is against Russia and against Jews.

He wanted to create an elite people, far from the "egalitarianism of slaves" of the Russian October Revolution and the "universal ideals" of the French Revolution.

He said that the imagination of real Ukrainians must be "fed by the legend of the last battle", the "denial of what is" and the "fascinating image of the catastrophe that will bring something new". They must serve "a categorical order" with "reckless obedience".  (more...)

The ideology of the banderists

Abducting A Nazi: The Desperate Attempts To Catch Kurt Lischka


Nazi war crimes fugitives criminals Germany genocide holocaust hunters history injustice war crimes Paris France

Married Nazi Hunters Serge and Beate Klarsfeld were relentless in their pursuit of gustapo chief Kurt Lischka. From attempted kidnappings to explosive chocolates, they faced many twists and turns in their efforts to deliver justice.

“Transgender” Social Science Fiction


gender studies academia critical race theory Disney Saturday Night Live science fiction sociology transgender Sabbatean Frankism women LGBT depopulation biofascism

Professor Hamamoto of Cultural Forensics® builds upon his previous talks on the “golden age" of science fiction and identifies this literary genre as the source of so-called “transgender” ideology deployed in the bio-enslavement of the human population.  Supplemental material on Patreon.

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Lust-Murder in Postwar America; "Black Dahlia" Murder and Sabbatean Frankism in Los Angeles


Black Daylia murder crime Los Angeles Sabbatean Frankism Ukraine Odessa Vienna Paris Lustmord Weimar oligarchy cults corruption

Professor Hamamoto explores the connection between well-known case of what Berliners during the Weimar Republic called “Lustmord” and Bio-Political Totalism.



Poland EU European Union DVD Germany sovereignty Brexit Pis Duda judiciary patriots Nazi

The ruling by the Polish Constitutional Tribunal (Tribunal Konstytucyjny) on October 7th in Case Number K3/21 has sent a shockwave throughout Europe’s Evil Empire, a.k.a. the EU.

Courageously the Tribunal ruled that Articles 1, 2, 4.3, and 19 of the Treaty on the European Union are incompatible with the 1997 Constitution of the Republic of Poland.

The background to this famous decision was an attempt to pack the Tribunal with a bunch of half-crazed Euronutters, no offense intended, in 2015, in anticipation of the Law & Justice Party’s victory in that year’s elections. Thankfully President Duda blocked the nominations of these idiots and five sensible, patriotic judges were appointed instead.

President Duda is no doubt aware that his illustrious predecessor President Lech Kaczyński was assassinated by the DVD in that rigged plane crash in Smolensk in April 2010. That, in turn, followed the DVD’s crippling of Prime Minister Leszek Miller in a helicopter crash in December 2003. Law and Justice (PiS) are well aware of the human cost of standing up to Brussels and Germany. Of course, Brussels’ response was that PiS is taking the piss.  (more...)


Monday, June 20, 2022

The Infiltration Of Western Governments By Secret German Intelligence


Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst Germany DVD intelligence Nazi infiltration fifth column double agents Dachau compromised espionage controllers Germany

Michael Shrimpton, a London barrister since 1983, is a specialist in National Security and Constitutional Law, Strategic Intelligence and Counter-terrorism. Formerly an Adjunct Professor of Intelligence Studies in the Department of National Security, Intelligence and Space Studies at the American Military University, teaching intelligence subjects at Masters level to inter alia serving intelligence officers.

He has represented US and Israeli intelligence officers in law and briefed in staffers on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and the Joint Congressional Inquiry into 9-11. Michael has earned respect in the intelligence community for his analysis of previously unacknowledged post-WWII covert operations against the West by the German DVD (or Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst, a super-secret German Nazi Continuum Agency, a Nazi "holdover" from World War II with "franchises" around the world) organization based in Dachau, near Munich, Germany, and its British, French and American client agencies.

Spyhunter Germany DVD espionage intelligence infiltration compromised controllers geopolitics

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Spyhunter: The Secret History of German Intelligence


Germany intelligence espionage oligarchy Nazi geopolitics books history conspiracy Fourth Reich military biowarfare

The author has written this book as a work of fact based upon his knowledge, extensive sources and in-depth investigation of historic records.

Whether he is factually correct or not is a matter for the reader to decide.

The author is content to let history be his judge.

Spyhunter by the renowned barrister and intelligence specialist, Michael Shrimpton, is one of the most intriguing books you will ever read. A fascinating alternative look at the history of espionage from the 11th century to the present day.

An intelligence specialist with deep sources in the Pentagon, the CIA and elsewhere, Michael was also a consultant for the TV series 'Spooks'. From Chairman Mao's excesses to the methods his successors use to target prominent individuals who shape political and financial opinions in Europe, America and Australasia today - nothing escapes Spyhunter.

Germany Nazi Abwehre intelligence DVD espionage


A Century of Treachery

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Seattle Foo Fighter Nazi-Tech


WWII Nazi acoustic engineering music Seattle Foo Fighters ratlines Asia opium oligarchy academia corruption intelligence deep state

Professor Hamamoto of Cultural Forensics© reviews recent books on secret advanced technology produced by the massive state-level infusion of capital, raw material, intellectual labor, and slave labor during World War II that subsequently found a home in...Seattle, Washington.

Andrew Lawton's new book on the Freedom Convoy is already #1 on Amazon Canada


Canada Freedom Convoy books history truckers farmers Ottawa protest resistance mandates tyranny journalism

Andrew Lawton's (@AndrewLawton) new book on the convoy is already a number one best seller on Amazon and it's not even released yet.

The book by True North's senior journalist, The Freedom Convoy: The Inside Story of Three Weeks that Shook the World, is set to be released on June 24, 2022, and, as of June 13, 2022, it had already hit the top spot on Amazon Canada in International Politics and by the morning of June 14, it was number one in the Politics and Government:

“A small group of Canadian truckers fed up with nearly two years of COVID restrictions and a new vaccine mandate for cross-border essential workers decided to take their frustrations directly to the nation's capital. The Freedom Convoy quickly took on a life of its own as hundreds of trucks and thousands of protesters made the journey to Parliament Hill. For the next three weeks, the trucker convoy led a protest unlike any other, complete with bouncy castles, pig roasts, and late-night dance parties. But to the media and government, it was a hate-filled insurrection requiring the unprecedented invocation of the federal Emergencies Act.”

The book is based on Andrew's first-hand experience and interviews with those involved in the convoy and he joins me tonight to discuss the book, why he wrote it, and if he thinks the Liberals will pay a price for what they did.

Friday, June 17, 2022

Ghislaine Maxwell & Secret Nazi-Era Technology Transfer


Robert Maxwell Ghislaine Springer Germany Nazi Paperclip oligarchy Elizabeth books biography intelligence publishing science technocracy

Professor Hamamoto of Cultural Forensics© ventures into the hidden recesses of world history to reveal the most incisive and revelatory secrets that underlie the current criminal trial of one, Ghislaine Maxwell.

books biography Robert Maxwell history intelligence science publishing Springer Verlag

Robert Maxwell was a dynamic man of many contrasts: a phenomenal tycoon who became the victim of his own extravagances; a charmer who was also a megalomaniac. Now, after his mystery-shrouded death, Maxwell's wife of 45 years speaks openly for the first time of their extraordinary life together.

The Elephant in the room - political violence in Canada?


Canada crimes against humanity police political violence normalization prosecution lawlessness corruption

I've heard a lot of stuff about inciting and/or normalizing an atmosphere where political violence is acceptable in Canada.

The reality is that political violence arrived in Canada in March 2020 and has been normalized by institutions of government and media; and de-facto approved by law enforcement in Canada. It's not only normalized but is, among many Canadians, as 'normal' as breathing. We live with it every day.

So perhaps we should stop distracting those who love freedom and the Rule of Law with petty discussions about whether activist X or Y is calling for political violence and face facts.

Political violence is a reality, it was initiated and perpetuated by those in government and law enforcement and we need to solve that problem.

How Monsters Who Beat Jews To Death in 1944 Became America’s Favorite “Freedom Fighters” in 1945—with a Little Help from their Friends at CIA


Ukraine Germany Britain ABN OUN Nazi ethnic cleansing Galicia CIA Yaroslav Stetsko war crimes ratlines proxy war history fascism geopolitics

After the end of the Second World War, American intelligence immediately set about the work of rehabilitating the world’s fascists to fight the new war on Communism. From the transformation of the bloody “Devil of Showa” Nobusuke Kishi into the hand-picked Prime Minister of Japan, to Emil Augsburg, the architect of the Holocaust described as “Honest and idealist … enjoys good food and wine…unprejudiced mind…” by the CIA, it seems that Langley never met a fascist it couldn’t do business with.

Such was the case with Yaroslav Stetsko and the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN). Stetsko spent the war in the shadow of Stepan Bandera but eventually Stetsko would far surpass his friend in terms of prominence. Before long, the monsters who had beaten Jews to death with hammers just years before became America’s favorite “freedom fighters” and took their business global.

At the direction of Nazi war criminal Alfred Rosenberg, the Committee of Subjugated Nations was formed in 1943, with the idea to unite all anti-Soviet partisans under one banner. In reality, the bulk of its members were OUN soldiers, and its leader was the second-in-command of the OUN, Yaroslav Stetsko. CSN changed its name to the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations or ABN in 1946. The name ABN will be used for the sake of consistency.

Stetsko was a close friend of OUN-B founder Stepan Bandera. Like Bandera he was a militant anti-Semite equating Marxism with Judaism, while calling for the extermination of both. Even after the war, when his American bosses forced him to soften his public statements, he still called for an “ethnically pure” Ukraine, purged of Jews, Poles and Russians.

Stetsko believed that his own Galician Ukrainians were the direct descendants of the Rus, the Norse conquerors who eventually became the first Tsars under Rurik. These Nordic people were Stetsko’s master race, imbued with all the qualities you would expect.

On the other hand, Stetsko considered Russians to be Asiatic rather than European. Russians were seen as the descendants of the Mongols and Huns, making them naturally tyrannical, cruel and deceitful. Stetsko’s ideology would become the foundation on which modern Ukrainian fascists have built their movements. The parallels to Nazism are obvious enough that it is surprising to see this ideology find a home in the Wall Street Journal today.  (more...)

How Monsters Who Beat Jews To Death in 1944 Became America’s Favorite “Freedom Fighters” in 1945—with a Little Help from their Friends at CIA

Thursday, June 16, 2022

The Nova Scotia Mass Shooting - June 12 2022


Canada Nova Scotia mass shooting RCMP police incompetence cover-up deceit denial conspiracy organized crime unaccountability transparency

Paul Palango and Jordan Bonaparte discuss recent developments related to the Nova Scotia Mass Shooting.

Angel Of Death: The Nazi Doctor Who Experimented On Humans


Germany Austria Argentina medicine atrocities human experiments Nazi crime ratlines history fugitive pursuit

Dubbed the Angel of Death, infamous Nazi physician Josef Mengele carried out horrific and deadly experiments on the prisoners at Auschwitz. He would also administer the gas and select the victims for the gas chambers. Despite the atrocities he committed, Josef escaped justice after the war and fled to South America. This is the story of the Nazi Hunters who tried to right that wrong.

Canada – The Not So Peaceable Kingdom


Canada imperialism British Empire colonialism military geopolitics aggression  subjugation enslavement resource extraction dictatorship destabilization neofeudalism

For a short while, at least as announced by the mainstream media, Canada found itself described as a “peacemaker” among the countries of the world.  This was an image promoted abroad and valued domestically as Canadian troops, war materials, and military equipment worked around the world to maintain peace.  This necessity for peace, when reviewed critically, came from the reality of the Canadian military forces as an extension of the colonial settler mindset of Great Britain, later adopted to US military supremacy, with a few homegrown initiatives of its own.

Canada is essentially a primary part of the US military empire and operates subordinate to – in most cases – and alongside US military operations in all spheres:  actual war fighting, security, interrogation, materials, equipment, research, institutional influences (universities, think tanks –  corporate, financial, and political boards of governance) and on.  At the same time the mainstream media reports in accordance with US military doctrine to the degree that US operations are presented as a positive force for good in the world – a position Canada always says it aspires to but in actuality never practices.

In his series of many books on Canada’s malfeasance domestically and around the world, Yves Engler has covered all these topics, sometimes focusing on relationships with one country (Israel – “Canada and Israel Building Apartheid, 2010), with a region (Africa – “Canada in Africa: 300 years of aid and exploitation”, 2015) or focusing on a variety of mostly domestic political topics, although this latter always spills over into British born, US dominated foreign policy.

His most recent work “Stand on Guard for Whom? A People’s History of the Canadian Military.” (Black Rose Books, Montreal, 2021) brings together all the military elements of Canada’s foreign and domestic policies and actions.  (more...)

Canada – The Not So Peaceable Kingdom

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

How Pre-WW II Ukrainian Fascists Pioneered Brutal Terror Techniques; Later Improved By CIA, Now Ironically Taught to Descendants


Ukraine CIA OUN fascism terrorism Germany Austro-Hungarian Empire Vienna UVO Konovalets Bandera

The history of Ukraine is long and rich. For millennia, the fertile lands of Ukraine with their black earth and rich seas have been highly contested. From the Scythians of antiquity, the Varangians who would eventually become the Rurukids and the first Tsars, to the Mongols, the Hetmanate and the Ukrainian SSR, it is impossible to truly understand the situation in Ukraine today without some historical background.

Out of all those who have lived, fought and died in Ukraine, one group stands out for their importance to the events of today. The fascist terrorists, bandits and collaborators known as the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN).

I do not intend for this to be a comprehensive history of the OUN. Rather, I want to pull on one thread that directly links the terrorists of the past to those of the present. For this, some background is needed.

Yevhen Konovalets, a former Austro-Hungarian Army Lieutenant, founded the OUN in 1929 in Vienna, Austria, from the ashes of his previous organization, the Ukrainian Military Organization (UVO). The UVO emerged in 1920 from groups of right-wing Austro-Hungarian veterans of WWI who had fought for the short-lived Ukrainian People’s Republic in the early interwar period. The UVO operated mostly in western Ukraine, at the time occupied by Poland, and waged an extensive terrorist campaign against the Polish and Soviets.

Here, in the interest of fairness, it should be mentioned that the Polish regime at the time was a far-right government which had implemented an unpopular series of land reform and language laws. That said, the UVO’s genocidal response to that cannot be justified. The UVO attacked and killed far more innocent Polish civilians than it ever did soldiers or police. The group carried out numerous bombings, assassinations (both attempted and successful) and in 1921 even invaded the Ukrainian SSR, in an ultimately failed “liberation raid.”

The same year, Konovalets would begin official collaboration with German intelligence, meeting with Weimar military intelligence commander Friedrich Gempp. From 1921 to 1928, the UVO would receive several million marks in aid from Weimar Germany. Pressure from the Polish and Soviet governments led to the relocation of UVO leaders to Berlin, where Weimar intelligence would begin their training. After the Nazis came to power, nothing changed, with Konovalets and the Abwehr continuing their collaboration.

The UVO viewed terrorism as an integral part of their struggle to such an extent that they even killed moderate nationalists such as Ivan Babij for not being extreme enough. They operated mostly as bandits, a tactic which they would never abandon. For example, in 1922, the UVO launched about 2,300 attacks on Polish farms, and only 17 on Polish military and police. The UVO would raid farms for supplies, kill the owners and workers if present, and burn the crops when they were finished. Later, flying brigades were founded to “expropriate” Polish property, often turning to bank robbing to finance the organization.

The UVO would continue along the same lines for years, carrying out terrorist attacks and bandit raids with varying levels of success (they were nearly wiped out by Polish police on several occasions) until, in 1929, a merger of five Ukrainian nationalist groups led to the foundation of the OUN.  (more...)

How Pre-WW II Ukrainian Fascists Pioneered Brutal Terror Techniques; Later Improved By CIA, Now Ironically Taught to Descendants

Over 4,000 miscarriages reported to VAERS after COVID injection


fertility miscarriages vaccines COVID VAERS women harms unaccountability depopulation

It is becoming increasingly less taboo to discuss the post-COVID injection issues that women have been anecdotally sharing since the COVID biologics program rolled out in December 2020.

The previously disregarded claims appear to be increasingly backed by scientific evidence and study. As evidenced by The Testimonies Project, this phenomenon affects women post-injection regardless of race, age or geographic location.

In this interview, we discuss this trend with Dr. Jessica Rose who is an applied mathematician, immunologist, computational and molecular biologist and biochemist. Rose previously joined me to discuss the dissections that she was, and continues to do on the United States Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) data.

Rose notes certain adverse events reports in the VAERS database have become so great that they are too computationally heavy to analyze.

Within the VAERS database, according to Roses' count, to date there have been 4,474 reports of spontaneous abortions (i.e. miscarriages) submitted post COVID injection. Rose speculates that there is an underreporting factor of approximately 31, so multiplying those reported events by 31 is likely to be a more true representation of the adverse events profile.

We reference Roses’ post from December 2021 that scrutinizes Pfizer’s own safety data documents. In it, Rose found that of the 274 pregnant women enrolled in the study, 68% resulted in miscarriage, which confirms the concerns expressed by this publication in the New England Journal of Medicine from June 2021.

Rose reiterates that “we’re talking about half of our population… about the health and fertility of our species. You’d think that if there were even an iota of concern that the Precautionary Principle would be thrown into the mix and we would stop pushing this on people, especially pregnant women.”

Giving kudos to viral immunologist Dr. Byram Bridle for conducting analysis from Pfizer’s pre-clinical biodistrubtion study, it proves that these injections circulate throughout the body and, of greater concern, accumulate in certain organs. Namely, the ovaries and more broadly, the liver, spleen, adrenals, etc.

Wanting to end this massive experiment, Rose is concerned that “what we’re doing could very well be detrimental to the fertility of women. I hope not. But it could very well be and… it’s concerning to say the least.”

Nazi sa Ghaeltacht


Ludwig Muhlhausen Ireland Nazi Germany professor spy history espionage propaganda treason WWII war

Investigative journalist Kevin Magee uncovers the work of Nazi party member and Irish scholar Dr Ludwig Mühlhausen. Mühlhausen spent six weeks in the Gaeltacht hamlet of Teileann in South Donegal in 1937, collecting folklore and improving his Ulster Irish, but that was not the only work he carried out while he was there. As Kevin reveals, in reality he was working as a Nazi spy, gathering information and passing it on to the Third Reich.

Kevin first visited Teileann 40 years ago to learn Irish. He has continued to visit there ever since and over the years he heard stories of Mühlhausen’s visit to the area. Kevin decided to get the bottom of this mysterious tale once and for all. His investigation takes him from Donegal to Dublin and on to Berlin where he uncovers the real work Mühlhausen was involved in the Nazi Party.

A suspected German spy identified a small hamlet in the Donegal Gaeltacht as a possible back door route for a Nazi invasion of the UK. Nazi professor Dr Ludwig Mühlhausen lived in the tiny Irish hamlet of Teelin in 1937, where he scoped out the potential secret U-Boat submarine base.

Upon returning to Germany, he broadcast Nazi propaganda in Irish from Berlin into Ireland during World War Two. He later became a decorated SS officer. Dr Ludwig Mühlhausen's secret life is uncovered in a new BBC Two documentary Nazi sa Ghaeltacht.

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Poland Mobilizes


Poland Ukraine Banderites NATO proxy war quagmire oligarchy history Nazi ethnic cleansing

As the Zelensky regime suffers yet more military setbacks, Warsaw, like a modern-day Don Quixote, rushes to the rescue. Warsaw’s problem, like Don Quixote’s, is they are all bark and no bite.

Poland is, in any case, an ongoing aberration that has oscillated from being a great European power to being an unwavering center of defiance during the Nazi and Soviet eras, most particularly in Gdańsk, its main Baltic Sea port, where 10th SS Panzer Division Frundsberg soldier Günter Grass, was born. That SS soldier Grass and Yiddish writer Isaac Singer, Nobel Prize winners both, rank as Poland’s greatest writers shows that theirs is a delicate legacy their supposed leaders should reflect on when charging to the aid of the murky regime that lurks to Poland’s east.

So, what gifts does this great land of Günter Grass and Isaac Singer come bearing to Clown Prince Zelensky?

Not very much as their larder is bare. Having told Russia to keep her oil, Poland is now demanding that Norway shares her oil profits with them. Although Norway stands to make an extra $100 billion in profits from NATO’s Russian oil blockade, most of that will be earmarked for Norwegians, after the USA gets its cut for their over priced military hardware, of course. Polish diplomats will have their work cut out convincing their Norwegian counter parts that Poland and their foul mouthed Ukrainian colleagues have a claim on Norway’s bounty.

Though Poland could instead demand that NATO’s arms’ manufacturers hand over some of the mega billions they’re making out of Ukraine’s destruction, that kite will never fly with BlackRock, Vanguard and Raytheon’s other shareholders. Although it could be argued that Poland could cash in by exporting her own weapons, Poland is no longer an industrial powerhouse. The Gdansk shipyards are not even a shadow of their former selves and, though her government cannot or will not see it, Poland’s core role in NATO’s international supply chains has qualitatively changed.

Gone are the brave Gdansk shipworkers and the Silesian fossil fuel miners and in are a group of lacklustre companies that bind Poland into NATO’s globalization grid. Though firms like Amazon using Poland as a source of cheap labor have brought some benefits to Poland, such gains have dented Poland’s once vaunted independence. Good luck to their workers in striking for better conditions in NATO’s vast sweatshops.  (more...)

Poland Mobilizes


Ukrainian refugees setting up bogus money laundering firms in Poland, say authorities

Poland and Ukraine


Poland Ukraine NATO proxy war Russia Europe geopolitics nationalism Nazi ethnic cleansing

From the Carpathian Mountains to the Urals, there are no mountains. Consequently, Eastern Europe is a vast plain in which many peoples have passed and sometimes settled without the relief allowing to delimit the borders of their territory. Poland, Moldavia, Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltic States and the European part of Russia are corridors of passage whose history is dominated by flows. Most of these states back onto a sea or a mountain. Only Belarus and Ukraine have no natural borders.

When the Versailles Peace Conference attempted to establish borders in Eastern Europe at the end of the First World War, it did not succeed. Depending on whether historical, linguistic, ethnic or economic criteria were used, different maps should have been devised, but the interests of the victors (the United States, France, the United Kingdom) were contradictory, so that the decisions taken satisfied only half of the people concerned. Even today, the problem can be turned around in all directions: the borders of Belarus and Ukraine are and will remain artificial. This is a very special situation, difficult to understand for people with a long national history.

Once this is established, it must be admitted that neither Belarus nor Ukraine can be nations in the usual sense of the term, which does not mean that they cannot be states. Ukrainian nationalism" is an artificial ideology that can only be built by rejecting other peoples. This is what the Banderists did during the interwar period and still today against the "Muscovites" or "Great Russians". This form of nationalism can only be destructive. The example of Belarus shows that another way is possible.  (more...)

Poland and Ukraine


Ukraine: Poland trained putchists two months in advance

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