Monday, April 30, 2018

Britain’s Dark Cover-up // What’s going on at Finsbury Park Mosque? Part One

crime corruption Islam immigration violence police terrorism politics

There have been several gruesome attacks by Islamic extremists in Britain during recent months: knife stabbings, ramming people on a bridge, and lowest of all, a bomb attack on teenagers and children attending a pop music concert. Several of the terrorists were under occasional police surveillance, but there were too many suspects and not enough cops. The killers struck their targets with ease. It was enough to drive one mad.

I watched the television in horror. A 48-year-old white bigot went berserk and drove into a crowd of innocent Muslim worshippers as they were leaving their mosque in Finsbury Park, London. More than a dozen were injured. One died from a heart attack. Someone dragged the bigot from his vehicle and began to beat him up. The religious leader of the mosque, the imam, intervened and told his flock that they must not injure the attacker in their custody—only to safely restrain him until the police arrived. The Muslims submitted to his gentle authority and did no harm to the one who harmed them.

As the British bigot was taken away by the police, he screamed that he would be back to kill more Muslims. The contrast in response between the belligerent bigot and the moderate Muslims touched the heart of Londoners. They came and placed flowers at the Finsbury Park Mosque entrance in honor of the Muslim victims, just as they had placed flowers for the previous victims of Muslim terrorists. What a kind and gentle thing to do.

Violence is never a permissible means of expressing political angst. All religions strictly forbid the killing of innocents. The innocent victims of the Finsbury Park Mosque are not to blame. If innocent killings are avenged with more vengeance killings of more innocents, it only increases the number of innocent victims. That is no path to justice.

But in the recent past, not everyone from the Finsbury Park Mosque was an innocent. Supervillains took over the mosque for a while on behalf of al-Qaeda. The moderate Muslims were the first to be attacked. Some were beaten to death. But later, thousands upon thousands of victims, including Americans, French, Britons, and Israelis died because of the terrorists’ takeover of Finsbury Park Mosque.

British intelligence turned their backs and let it happen. There was no justice in Britain for the perpetrators of terror who made the Finsbury Park Mosque the spiritual and financial center of al-Qaeda operations around the world. When Osama bin Laden cut them off financially, the leaders of Finsbury Park Mosque filled the financial void with a crime spree, robbing stores, forging credit cards, and stealing cars all across England. The Finsbury Park Mosque criminal syndicate alone raised close to $20 million for funding terrorism. The British police protected them.

Finsbury Park Mosque was the crossroads where the terrorists met to plot and then went out to blow up US embassies, American hotels, the USS Cole, the French subways, and finally the big one, 9/11. The attackers knew they could get away with it because they were pretending to be informants for British intelligence. But what good are spies if you never use their information? The British intelligence services may have even had information about 9/11. The British Secret Service (SIS) had secretly told the terrorists to do whatever they wanted overseas as long as they left London alone. It is the most embarrassing scandal in recent British history.  (more...)

Is the Islamic terror network a secret proxy of the corrupt and decrepit British Empire?

crime corruption Islam immigration violence police terrorism politics
Chickens come home to roost

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Has an American militia moved to Canada?

The armed U.S. paramilitary group called the three percenters have come to Canada, according to an investigation by CBC’s The Weekly. Extremism experts call it a far-right "prepper" militia movement arming to defend Canada from what they see as “the inevitable invasion by Muslims.” The CBC’s Wendy Mesley speaks to deradicalization expert Maxime Fiset about what he calls “the most dangerous group in Canada.”


fascism immigration Islam military politics violence youth nazi hate racism white supremacy
Recruiting at a March for Life near you

Friday, April 27, 2018

Roman Catholic Church to pay $2.6M in landmark sex abuse case

abuse boys Catholic crime pedophilia homosexuality rape education misconduct

By the time Rev. William Hodgson Marshall was sexually abusing Rod MacLeod at a Sudbury high school, he’d already been shuttled away from three previous complaints.

That was the solution to the Marshall problem by the Basilian Fathers of Toronto, who moved the priest from place to place and away from the young people he victimized.

Those decisions helped shape what is believed to be the largest civil award in Canada given to a victim of priest abuse.

Included in the $2.57-million judgment decided on by a Toronto jury this week is $500,000 in punitive damages against the Roman Catholic church, an amount that has far exceeded any previous amount in Canada.

“This changes everything,” said London-based lawyer Robert Talach, of Beckett Personal Injury Lawyers, who represented MacLeod at the trial. “Victims are not going to walk out with little pieces of silver anymore from settlements. This changes everything for people who have been hurt by the church.”

Talach, who specializes in church-related sexual abuse cases, said that to this point the church had “only been required to pay for the damage they caused victims but have never been fined or punished for their institutional conduct and complicity.”  (more...)

More coverage:

Yes, There Are Neo-Nazis In Canada

crime nazi fascism violence youth politics hate racism xenophobia anti-semitism

Writing recently, columnist Jonathan Kay argued that there aren’t Nazis in Canada.

He couldn’t be more wrong.

I study the new-far right movements, including Canada’s alt-right neo-Nazis. I listen to their podcasts and read their forums. I watch them participate on the fringes of anti-Muslim and free speech demonstrations wearing their coded symbols. The hatred I see is very real. Downplaying the threat communities face, and the need to take steps to counter hate groups, is nothing short of dangerous.

By any common sense definition, Canada’s alt-right are neo-Nazis. They hate Jews, call for the deportation or extermination of non-whites, and glorify Hitler and the Nazi esthetic. When they address each other in their own spaces, they self-identify as fascists or neo-Nazis. Their goal is cultural change, to push their ideas into mainstream discourse so that they can be discussed with fewer social consequences. They have been responsible for over 43 murders and 60 injuries, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center. That number includes the victims of Alexandre Bissonnette, who murdered six Muslims at prayer in Quebec City last year, and the bodycount is rising.  (more...)

What is more disconcerting is the access of leaders like Richard Spencer to billionaire oligarchs such as the Regnery publishing emperor. Very small men can swing very large hammers, given that kind of support. During my college residency, which placed me in a milieu of very connected people, I observed a confluence of old Nazis, high-level Freemasons, and New Age Luciferians. This milieu reached out to lesser fellow travelers like Ernst Zundel and Paul Fromm. Years later, I encountered the work of Christopher Simpson and John Loftus documenting the ratlines that secretly brought Nazis to powerful positions in the Western scientific and security establishment. The small time street thugs are not the most dangerous part of this crowd.

Evangelical Minister... or closet Luciferian?

Britain, headquarters of fraud

accountability transparency business crime corruption polibics

The UK is at the centre of global corruption: shell companies that launder dirty money can be set up with ease. But when a whistleblower showed just how easy it is, he faced the full force of the law

Officials get fed up with accusations that Britain is a cesspool of dirty money; that they do too little to check the wealth hidden behind shell corporations. They grouse among themselves that their critics overlook the work they’re doing to expose the money flows and to drive out the corrupt.

When they do get a win, therefore, they trumpet it. Last month, Companies House successfully prosecuted someone who had lied in setting up a company, the kind of white-collar crime committed by the sophisticated fraudsters who fleece ordinary Brits every day, and the government went large. “This prosecution – the first of its kind in the UK – shows the government will come down hard on people who knowingly break the law and file false information on the company register,” crowed business minister, Andrew Griffiths, in a press release.

A Warwickshire businessman called Kevin Brewer had pleaded guilty, paid a fine and the government’s costs: a total of more than £12,000. His crime had been to falsely claim that two companies he created belonged, in one case, to the MP Vince Cable, and, in the other, to the MP James Cleverly, Lady Neville-Rolfe and an imaginary Israeli. At first, the public response to the news was everything the press release’s authors could have hoped for. The Times splashed with the details of the crime – the government was tough on fraud, tough on the causes of fraud. But the victory was short-lived. Within a month of the triumphant press release, Tory MP John Penrose, the government’s anti-corruption champion, was slamming the prosecution as “a bone-headed exercise in shooting the messenger”. Brewer may have been, by his own admission, naive, but he was trying to expose a flaw in British regulations that enables frauds totalling hundreds of billions of pounds. His reward was years of being ignored and, finally, a criminal record. “That has to be wrong,” said Penrose.  (more...)


accountability transparency business crime corruption polibics
Potential mini-moguls?

Tax Avoidance and the Irish Balance of Payments

accountability transparency business politics corruption

At this point, profit shifting by multinational corporations doesn’t distort Ireland’s balance of payments; it constitutes Ireland’s balance of payments.

Multinational corporations' efforts to avoid U.S. taxes by shifting profits abroad significantly distort the U.S. balance of payments (BoP). The clearest distortion is an understatement of U.S. services exports and an associated overstatement of income receipts on foreign direct investment (FDI), as U.S. multinationals transfer price their profits away to subsidiaries in low-tax jurisdictions.

The effect is big. In 2016, U.S. multinationals reported some $200 billion—roughly one percentage point of GDP—of reinvested earnings in the seven largest tax havens.

With such a noticeable impact on the U.S. balance of payments, what effect does profit shifting have on the balance of payments of tax havens?

Ireland for example.

The distortion of Ireland’s national accounts data by multinational activity is a prime example of what the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) has called “a growing tension between the nature of economic activity and the measurement system that attempts to keep up with it.” The 2015 economic data that Ireland’s Central Statistics Office (CSO) released in July of 2016 showed that in just one year real GDP had grown 26 percent; real GNP (generally thought of as less susceptible to profit-shifting distortions) by 18.7 percent; exports by 34 percent; and the country’s capital stock of fixed assets by some €300 billion. Paul Krugman called it leprechaun economics. Former governor of the Central Bank of Ireland, Patrick Honohan, wrote that the statistical distortions made “a mockery of conventional uses of Irish GDP.”  (more...)

accountability transparency business politics corruption

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Conductor of Toronto Mendelssohn Choir resigns amid sexual misconduct allegations

TORONTO -- Grammy-nominated conductor Noel Edison has resigned as artistic director of the Toronto Mendelssohn Choir after an investigation into sexual misconduct allegations.

In a statement, the TMC says its board of directors has received and accepted his resignation.

Last month the TMC announced it had placed Edison on a personal leave of absence while it investigated the allegations.

In a joint statement with the Elora Singers choir in southwestern Ontario, the TMC said they had received letters of complaint "from third parties" regarding his behaviour.

Both organizations also said they launched an independent third-party investigation.

Dean Artists Management, which represents Edison, said Wednesday that it had "no comment."

Last week the Elora Festival and the Elora Singers announced that Edison's employment as artistic director of both organizations had been terminated effective immediately.  (more...)


British institutions 'prioritise reputation of political leaders over children', warns child sex abuse inquiry

Police recommended Cyril Smith be prosecuted for allegedly sexually abusing
boys before he was awarded a knighthood by Margaret Thatcher's government
British institutions are prioritising the reputation of political leaders and their staff over the sexual abuse of children, an inquiry has found.

The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA), which was started in 2014 in the wake of the Jimmy Savile scandal, has heard evidence of horrific crimes linked to children’s homes, schools, the Catholic and Anglican churches and government migration programmes.

“The inquiry considers that all too often institutions are prioritising the reputation of political leaders or the reputation of their staff, or avoiding legal liability, claims or insurance implications, over the welfare of children and tackling child sexual abuse,” an interim report concluded.

“Government must demonstrate the priority and importance of tackling child sexual abuse through its actions.”

One survivor described being abused by an unnamed “pillar of the local establishment”, who had powerful friends and considerable influence.

“It was an open secret that he molested the boys in his charge,” he added. “All child molesters are lowlifes. But some are lowlifes in high places.”  (more...)

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Farber: Bring the Remaining Nazi War Criminals to Justice

nazi crime war justice euthanasia fascism genocide

We recently commemorated Yom ha-Shoah – the day we set aside to remember when Hitler’s forces of evil engineered a plan to commit genocide against the Jewish people. With the help of a world that turned a blind eye, his plan almost succeeded: six million Jews were murdered by gas, starvation, forced labour and firing squad.

Today, we know the survivors are true heroes. Despite the pain that consumed them, despite their broken hearts, they moved forward and built new lives, created new realities and, most importantly, did what our sages told us must always be done: “choosing life.”

Even 73 years after the Shoah, memories have not faded. How could they when those who enabled the genocide of the Jews still walk among us?

They were the cogs in the Nazi wheel of mass murder who greased the engines of genocide. Some were brought to justice, though after the war, perhaps thousands of these men and women who enabled murder escaped and snuck their way into Canada. Many have died natural deaths, but even one Holocaust enabler walking our streets is one too many.

Not more than a 90-minute drive from my comfortable home in Toronto lives Helmut Oberlander. Today, he is a frail 94-year-old man. Oberlander lied to Canadian authorities about his work as a translator for a Nazi death squad known as Einsatzkommando 10a. After entering the country, like many Holocaust survivors, he built a new life for himself in Kitchener, Ont.  (more...)

Bernie Farber is not without opposition in his mission to make genocide unthinkable for future generations:

That opposition should come from within the Jewish community, or that justice should be so long in coming, is difficult to process. There are divisions in Judaism and in the larger world that undermine the moral bedrock that justice should stand on. A Jewish appraisal of these divisions may be helpful to all:

nazi crime war justice euthanasia fascism genocide
Satan arousing the rebel angels

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

‘They come for us first’: New report shows spike in anti-Semitic incidents in Alberta

nazi anti semitism crime hate racism xenophobia white supremacy

EDMONTON – Anti-Semitic harassment spiked in Alberta last year, according to a report from B’nai Brith Canada released on Tuesday.

Combined numbers from Alberta and the Northwest Territories show 206 recorded incidents of harassment and vandalism in 2017. Last year, when the report grouped Alberta and British Columbia together, it showed 121 incidents between those two provinces.

Abe Silverman, B’nai Brith’s manager of public affairs for Alberta, said the numbers should concern all Albertans.

“Jews are only the canary in the coal mine,” he said. “They come for us first, and then everybody else comes after.”

Silverman said the bulk of the anti-Semitic harassment in the province is coming from southern Alberta.

Nationally, B’nai Brith said Canada registered its second straight record-setting year for anti-Semitic incidents with 1,752.  (more...)

Why would a broadly condemned social pathology persist over so many generations? Is it linked to broader anti-religious phenomena - Christophobia, Islamophobia? Is it sustained by secret societies and government structures? Read:

America’s Far Right is Stumbling, But has Already Infiltrated the Mainstream

hate racism xenophobia fascism nazi gay agenda immigration politics youth Islam

On March 5, the prominent white nationalist Richard Spencer was scheduled to speak at Michigan State University.

The event quickly turned into a bust when only about three dozen people made it inside the building — while hundreds of Spencer supporters and anti-fascist protestors confronted each other outside, throwing rocks and punches. Local police arrested 25 people.

The next day, Spencer’s lawyer Kyle Bristow resigned and quit the white nationalist “alt- right” movement altogether, complaining about the relentless vilification of his work in the media.

The Southern Poverty Law Center previously described Bristow as the “go-to attorney for a growing cast of racists.” He’d set up the Foundation for the Marketplace of Ideas, which he once described as “the sword and shield” of the alt- right. Now the website and Facebook page no longer exist, and there’s been no mention of any new leadership.

Less than a week later, on March 11, Spencer announced in a YouTube video that he was canceling a planned college tour amid increasing violence and low attendance. “Antifa is winning” and rallies “aren’t fun anymore,” Spencer conceded. “We felt that great feeling of winning for a long time. We are now into something that feels more like a hard struggle, and victories are not easy to come by.”

Indeed, as alt-right members seek more of a public profile, coordinated anti-fascist actions and online pushback have intensified, making it harder for them to recruit, host events, and find jobs. They’ve been forced into online echo chambers.  (more...)


hate racism xenophobia fascism nazi gay agenda immigration politics youth Islam
Luv-hate relationship?

Monday, April 23, 2018

Conference on Mennonites and Holocaust should come to Canada

Heinrich Himmler, third from right, head of the SS, at a flag-raising ceremony
in the Molotschna Mennonite colony in Nazi-occupied Ukraine, 1942. Himmler
and other National Socialists praised Mennonites’ allegedly Aryan blood.
I have followed the reports of the Mennonites and the Holocaust Conference that took place March 16-17 at Bethel College with keen interest. Three different life experiences have shaped my personal interest in this tragic subject.

I grew up on a farm in a Mennonite family in Southern Ontario. My father was a conscientious objector, and did not question his pacifism until I spent a year in Trier, West Germany, in 1973-74 attending a German high school and living with four different German families. I will never forget an evening spent with one host family looking at a recently published collection of photos of Trier in the aftermath of World War II: page after page of bombed rubble. As we neared the end of the book, the photos took a dramatic turn of subject matter. What followed were photos depicting death camp atrocities, mass graves, naked lifeless bodies piled high. In an instant, we all recoiled from the unbearable weight of connection. The sadness of the destruction of Trier was a direct result of the evil of Nazi Germany’s Aryan empire expansionism and the Final Solution.

My host father asked, “Can you imagine where we would be today if the Allies had not been successful in bringing an end to the Nazi madness?” Then he asked me, “Where did your father serve during the war?” Not really understanding how naive I sounded, I proudly proclaimed that my father was a pacifist and that he helped build a highway as a form of alternative service. My host father’s reaction was one of astonished disbelief, and I realize now that as he hurriedly changed the subject, he was trying to refrain from insulting his young guest. Until that moment, I had never really thought that there might be other understandings of the choice my father made.

Shortly after returning from Germany, I began an undergraduate degree at University of Toronto, studying German and History. Nazi Germany and the Holocaust were a big part of my studies. But it was friendships with Jewish students during those university years that left a lasting impact on my life.  (more...)


Today is a good day to die: Canadian lynched in Peruvian Amazon was accused of killing Indigenous human rights defender

Olivia Arévalo Lomas
It was October 2013 when Sebastian Woodroffe decided to quit his job and leave his home in Canada to study plant medicine in Peru. A relative’s battle with alcoholism had inspired him to “fix the family’s spirit” and pursue a career as an addictions counsellor, he said in a YouTube video.

Woodroffe, then a 36-year-old father of a four-year-old boy, began raising money for an apprenticeship with traditional healers in the Amazon. He felt a responsibility to “support this culture and retain some of their treasure in me and my family, and share it with those that wish to learn,” he wrote on a fundraising page. He was particularly interested in experiencing ayahuasca, a sludgelike hallucinogenic potion used by indigenous shamans in spiritual exercises.

It’s not entirely clear what happened in the years that followed, or whether the Canadian tourist found the healing for which he was searching in the Peruvian Amazon. But late last week, this Canadian tourist’s name and face somehow landed on a wanted poster accusing him of murdering a beloved shaman and indigenous activist in a remote rain forest in northeastern Peru.

Enraged members of the indigenous community appear to have taken matters into their own hands. Peruvian authorities say a mob of locals in the Amazonian region of Ucayali lynched Woodroffe before burying him in a makeshift grave.

A cellphone video that emerged in local news outlets shows a man – later identified by officials as Woodroffe – being dragged through the mud by a cord wrapped around his neck. He moans and pleads for mercy before lying motionless in the dirt.

Police found the buried corpse and identified it as Woodroffe’s body, Peru’s interior ministry said in a statement Saturday, vowing to pursue an aggressive investigation into both his killing and that of the shaman, Olivia Arévalo Lomas, a respected member of the Shipibo-Konibo tribe in her 80s.  (more...)

That fascination with hallucinogenics can get you into all kinds of trouble:

You can wrap your arms around Mellon's weird family here:

All this puts me in mind of the story of a Native Elder I met several years ago in Toronto. His early years were entangled with the world of healing drugs, celebrities, and "Hollywood Indians". More significant, the story of his conversion to the Catholic faith, with that of other Elders I had known, was very formative for me. Here's a bit about Vern:

Come to these people with a pure heart and a clear mind. Drugs are absolutely not necessary.

You can ditch the costume, too.

CBC Go Public

accountability business corruption crime fascism free press

Got a gripe?

accountability business corruption crime fascism free press

Saturday, April 21, 2018

McInnes, Molyneux, and 4chan: Investigating pathways to the alt-right

eugenics fascism immigration Islam politics internet youth hate racism xenophobia

What brings someone into the alt-right ecosystem?

The question was posed in two threads posted during the last week of March on the white nationalist forum The Right Stuff (TRS), leading 74 individual users to describe their radicalization narratives.

Respondents recount a transformation that takes place almost entirely online. Led either by their own curiosity or an algorithm, the content they consumed became increasingly extreme, fostering their radicalization and guiding them eventually to TRS. Their responses reveal a pipeline between the alt-lite and racist “alt-right,” with many users explaining that alt-lite figures like Gavin McInnes were the first to introduce them to hardcore, veteran white nationalists.

The two threads, titled “WHAT BROUGHT YOU INTO THE MOVEMENT?” and “Path here beginning from Gavin,” asked posters to reflect on their own “red pill” narratives and provide tips for converting others. “Here’s the challenge,” a user identified as The Somalisher wrote. “Create a list of succession from the Alt-Light to us. I have friends who like Gavin…But I can’t exactly throw [Andrew] Anglin at them.”

The user continued, “It sometimes requires softer steps to ‘radical’ perspectives.”

The two threads refer specifically to bringing people into the fold of TRS and the Daily Stormer, which together serve as the core of neo-Nazism online. TRS, the brainchild of Mike “Enoch” Peinovich, started as a political blog in 2012 and has since transformed into one of the largest alt-right media platforms. It hosts a lively message board called the 504um and dozens of podcasts, the most popular of which are “The Daily Shoah” and news-oriented “Fash the Nation.” The Daily Stormer operates in the same orbit, consciously using humor to indoctrinate its readers.

Together, the two sites have become the preeminent propaganda machines for the alt-right. They’re also some of the most effective spaces for organizing real-world, local groups, called “book clubs” by the Stormer and “pool parties” on TRS.  (more...)

Of particular interest is that the movement no longer bats an eye at gays. Traditional minorities have been muscled out of rights discourse and been marginalized by the new kids on the block. Witness:

eugenics fascism immigration Islam politics internet youth hate racism xenophobia
Log Cabin Republicans? LGBTory? Return of the Brownshirts?
Yep. The gay scene's less hassle than this:

eugenics fascism immigration Islam politics internet youth hate racism xenophobia
"I LUV the smell of Vaseline in the morning. It's the smell of... DEATH!"

N.S. teacher convicted in Switzerland sexual abuse case had prior Ontario allegations

abuse crime education misconduct pedophilia boys homosexuality rape

Years before Tom Kilgour became a convicted pedophile, he was fresh off an Ontario child sexual abuse trial and back home in New Glasgow.

Kilgour was hired as a substitute teacher by the Chignecto-Central Regional School Board for the 1998-99 school year, and would teach at various schools in Pictou County that year. It would be his third and final teaching stint in Pictou County.

Ontario court records obtained by The Chronicle Herald show that just days before the school year began, on Aug. 28, 1998, Kilgour’s 26-month trial in Newmarket, Ont., on charges of sexual exploitation and sexual assault involving a teenage boy, had ended with an acquittal.

This is a story about a teacher first accused and cleared of sexual assault against children, who was allowed to teach until he was convicted in Switzerland on similar charges nearly two decades later.

In 1999, Kilgour left the Chignecto-Central board and taught at a private boarding school in Switzerland during the early 2000s. There, he was convicted of sexually abusing four teenage boys.

Kilgour is now fighting to overturn the 30-month jail sentence imposed by a Swiss judge last May for engaging in sexual acts with children and sexual coercion.

His appeal hearing is scheduled for Tuesday in Switzerland.  (more...)

Friday, April 20, 2018

Nazi Queen Bee: U.S. woman sentenced to life for Valentine's day shooting spree plot at Halifax mall

crime fascism nazi youth violence eugenics feminism

HALIFAX — A Chicago-area woman who plotted to go on a Valentine’s Day shooting rampage at a Halifax mall has been sentenced to life in prison with no chance of parole for a decade.

American Lindsay Souvannarath pleaded guilty last year to conspiracy to commit murder in a plan that would have seen two shooters open fire at the Halifax Shopping Centre food court in 2015.

Nova Scotia Supreme Court Justice Peter Rosinski told the court Friday she is and will remain a threat to society.

The judge said Souvannarath has not expressed remorse for her murderous plot, nor has she renounced her ideological motivations for the conspiracy.

Rosinski said he is satisfied that had the plan not been interrupted by an anonymous tip and the quick actions of local police, the plot to kill unsuspecting shoppers would have been carried out.  (more...)


Not to worry. Here's a pro-life Nazi:

crime fascism nazi youth violence eugenics feminism
Never abort a white baby

Culture of silence among TDSB teachers is chilling

abuse accountability crime education misconduct parents rape omerta

As the parent of children streamed to attend Harbord Collegiate and the victim of childhood sexual assault perpetrated at school, I was so grateful to the Star for its articles regarding the sexual harassment of students and a culture of silence surrounding it.

It is shocking that complaints and allegations could have been ignored for five years. It would suggest that the administration condones sexual harassment. Nobody should have to attend a school where the principal seems to think it’s OK for a teacher to poke a female student between the legs with a freezie.

It chills me to think of teachers being silenced about this. Why will the teachers only speak out on the condition of anonymity? Why was former Ontario College of Teachers disciplinary committee member Monika Ferenczy seemingly driven to resign?  (more...)


abuse accountability crime education misconduct parents rape omerta
Today's lesson: How to melt a freezie

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Hans Asperger, the doctor famed for his early work in autism, was a cog in Hitler's killing machine

crime fascism nazi medicine healthcare eugenics

The doctor who gave his name to Asperger syndrome sent helpless disabled children to their deaths in a vile euthanasia clinic, a study shows.

Dr Hans Asperger, an Austrian psychiatrist, was first to chronicle the condition, a form of high-functioning autism in 1944.

He wrote detailed case notes about child patients suffering from what he called 'autistic psychopathy' while working in Vienna under Nazi rule.

The research overturns decades of claims that the child psychiatrist was an 'Oskar Schindler' figure who saved children from being killed or used in horrific medical experiments.

Now patient groups said the research triggers the question whether is still acceptable to continue to call the condition - after the discredited doctor.

Asperger is believed to have consigned dozens of children to their death at Am Spiegelgrund, a children's clinic in Vienna's notorious Steinhof hospital.

The clinic served the Nazi goal of eugenically engineering a genetically 'pure' society through 'racial hygiene' and the elimination of lives deemed a burden.  (more...)

There’s a ‘noticeable increase’ of hate crimes in Mississauga and Brampton, report says

crime politics violence immigration hate xenophobia racism bigotry

The increased publicity of far-right extremist groups is partially to blame for the “noticeable increase” in hate crimes in Mississauga and Brampton, says a report that will be presented to the Peel Regional Police Services Board on Friday.

The 2017 annual Hate/Bias Motivated Crime Report reveals hate crimes in Peel shot up last year with 158 incidents compared to 59 in 2016.

“Part of the reason for this increase may be related to a focus on hate-motivated crime training, part of which includes information being relayed to community members on the importance of reporting such crimes,” wrote Peel police Const. Karen McNeilly in the report. “Additionally, the recent increase in groups espousing far-right ideologies may be triggering more overt crimes of hate, such as graffiti-related mischief, with a particular focus on the Jewish and Muslim faiths.”

McNeilly added that the “noticeable increase” in reported hate crimes should be put into context.

“Irrespective of the fact that the regional community is increasingly more diverse, hate/bias motivated crimes reported to police continue to be low,” she states in the report.

The Hate Crime Report by the Peel service documented incidents in 2017.  (more...)


Canadian humanitarian worker Peter Dalglish arrested in child sex investigation in Nepal, police say

A 60-year-old Canadian humanitarian worker and former United Nations staff member was arrested in Nepal and is under investigation for child sex crimes, according to police.

Central Investigation Bureau of Nepal Police (CIB) confirmed to Global News that Peter John Dalglish was arrested Saturday on suspicion of pedophilia.

CIB Chief Pushkar Karki explained to Global News the case against Dalglish is before the court and he “is being investigated for child sexual exploitation abuse.”

According to police, Dalglish was taken from a home in a district north of Kathmandu. Police said in a statement two girls, 12 and 14 years old, were “rescued” from the home.

Police allege children were lured with a promise of education and foreign travel before they were sexually abused.

Authorities said in the statement they are investigating whether more children may have been victims.  (more...)


Borderland: Rabbi Marvin Antelman - The Sabbatean-Frankists

Is there an Abrahamic religious borderland where schismatics lurk, converting to Judaism, Christianity, or Islam as needed to stay one step ahead of ecclesial authority? How do they interact with legitimate religious bodies and with secular authority? To what degree have they infiltrated and corrupted "official" religion? What role has Freemasonry played in this borderland?

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

German police launch crackdown on human trafficking, organized crime

Security forces in Germany conducted multiple raids and detained more than 100 people on Wednesday, targeting human traffickers and criminals involved in "smuggling, forced prostitution and exploitation," the police announced on Twitter.

About 1,500 police officers, including Germany's GSG9 elite SWAT teams, took part in the raids.

The security forces targeted a gang suspected of smuggling sex workers from Thailand, police spokesman Jens Flören said. According to the mass-circulation Bild newspaper, the Federal Police searched more than 60 brothels and apartments, many of them in the northwest German state of North Rhine-Westphalia. However, police forces were also active in many other regions of Germany.

Police detained a 59-year-old Thai woman in the town of Siegen alongside several other people, according to Bild. The woman is suspected of being a leader of the gang along with her 62-year-old German partner. The two allegedly build a criminal network involving over 50 people, most of them women.

In a separate statement, police officials said the gang used forged visas to bring women and transgender people from Thailand to Germany. The group allegedly charged between €16,000 and €30,000 ($19,800 to $37,120) for the visas and then forced the newcomers into sex work as a way to repay their debts. Hundreds of such workers were then moved from brothel to brothel to avoid suspicion. The investigators are focusing on 17 ringleaders across Germany.  (more...)


Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Whitby elementary school teacher faces new sexual-assault charges

abuse crime education misconduct pedophilia sports rape

Fourteen new charges have been laid against a Durham Region teacher already facing multiple allegations of sexually assaulting students.

Thomas Grieve is now accused of 15 counts of criminal sexual conduct with children under the age of 16, according to information released Tuesday, April 17 by Durham police.

Grieve, an elementary teacher at Robert Munsch Public School in Whitby, was arrested in mid-March on eight counts each of sexual assault and sexual interference. After more allegations surfaced, Grieve was charged with an additional seven counts each of sexual assault and sexual interference, police said.

Sexual interference is described in the Criminal Code as touching or inviting touching from someone under 16 for a sexual purpose.

“It is alleged the teacher was involved in inappropriate relations with some of his students during school hours,” police said in a media release.

Grieve also coached the female under-18 team for the Durham Rebels Volleyball Club. He previously taught at E.A. Fairman Public School in Whitby and various schools as a supply teacher. He has also taught night school and summer school at numerous secondary schools.  (more...)


Cathevangelic Night of the Long Knives

Catholic Evangelical homosexuality gay agenda politics heresy Islam ecumenism conservatism
To the gas-chambers with veil-wearing Catholics and hijab-wearing Muslims
It was an ill-fated marriage; a sloppy munging together with political slime. As more Catholics realize we cannot be shoehorned into a Procrustean bed with Evangelicals, conservatives  gaze with horror on the inevitable bitter recriminations of an abandoned love-child:

Will the sun finally and irrevocably set on the homofascist empire?

Catholic Evangelical homosexuality gay agenda politics heresy Islam ecumenism conservatism
Marching home from the culture war

Monday, April 16, 2018

Nazi-obsessed woman who plotted 2015 Valentine's Day 'Der Untergang' shooting spree at Halifax mall believed 'stupid people deserved to die'

nazi fascism crime youth violence politics feminism eugenics

HALIFAX — High school friends remember Lindsay Souvannarath as quiet, clean-cut and weird.

She wore yellow high heels and bright lipstick to class at her middle-class high school in suburban Chicago. She joined a role-playing club that brought Dungeons and Dragons to life, liked creative writing and contributed to the year book.

It wasn’t till later that Souvannarath embraced a “school shooter chic” aesthetic, as described in what appears to be her Tumblr blog featuring a pink swastika.

She became obsessed with Nazism, the Columbine shooting and a plot she nicknamed “Der Untergang” — a Valentine’s Day shooting spree at a Halifax shopping mall, according to her former friends and a statement of facts in the case.

It’s that plan to go on a murderous rampage at the Halifax Shopping Centre in 2015 that would lead to Souvannarath’s downfall — and a sentencing hearing that begins Monday in Nova Scotia Supreme Court.

Souvannarath pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit murder last April, several months after Randall Steven Shepherd — a Halifax man described in court as the “cheerleader” of the shooting plot — was sentenced to a decade in jail. A third alleged conspirator, 19-year-old James Gamble, was found dead in his Halifax-area home a day before the planned attack.  (more...)


nazi fascism crime youth violence politics feminism eugenics
Achtung baby

Friday, April 13, 2018

George Weigel, Donald Trump and the End of the Catholic Neocons

Catholic Enlightenment heresy war politics liberalism americanism neocons

Having lost all bearing in the Trump-Francis era, the Catholic neocons have been very quiet as of late. From Francis’s attack on “trickledown economics” in Evangelii Gaudium (2013) to his persistent support of not only economic but cultural Marxism, the current bishop of Rome has fashioned himself as a man decidedly of the left.

Meanwhile on the home front, with his protectionist economic policies, curtailing of immigration and his refusal to commit to a foreign war in the name of freedom and democracy, President Donald Trump has refused to sign on the neocon agenda that had reigned in the White House for decades.

The remaining two of the original four horsemen of Catholic neoconservativism, George Weigel and Professor Robert George have largely laid low as it has become clear that Americans are in no mood for foreign intervention, American jobs sent to foreign places, or foreign invasion via immigration.

However, seeing recent moves in support of neocon policy by some in the Trump White House, the neocons have decided to test the waters and see if American Catholics are ready for another round of foreign wars.

In The Public Discourse’s “Could a Preemptive Strike on North Korea or Iran be Morally Justified?”, Dr. Robert Kennedy, a Catholic Studies Professor at the University of St. Thomas in Minnesota argues it would be morally licit, according to Catholic theology, for a country to preemptively attack another country.  (more...)


Thursday, April 12, 2018

Toronto high school teacher charged with sexual assault of student

abuse crime education misconduct pedophilia rape
John Kraft, 57
A Toronto high school teacher is facing charges after an allegation of sexual assault involving one of his students.

Toronto police said they were called at Wexford Collegiate School for the Arts, near Lawrence Ave. and Pharmacy Ave. around 9:40 a.m. on March 29.

Following an investigation, it is alleged that a teacher sexually assaulted a female student. Police said the incidents occurred at the school from late 2017 to March 2018.

According to a school letter sent to parents on Wednesday, the suspect was a visual media arts teacher.  (more...)

Over 150 people arrested in connection with child exploitation, 7 in Toronto

abuse crime education pedophilia internet rape

A three-year joint-agency investigation into global online sexual exploitation has resulted in the arrest of more than 150 people and the rescue of about a dozen children.

The international investigation was named Project Mercury and included officers from Toronto Police, Ottawa Police, RCMP in Saskatchewan, Homeland Security Investigations in the United States, and the National Crime Agency in the United Kingdom.

In a news conference on Thursday, Det. Const. Janelle Blackadar said the child exploitations unit of the Toronto police launched an undercover investigation in 2014 that led to the arrest of 16 Canadians.

“In 2014, the national crime agency in the United Kingdom discovered a group of offenders who were engaged in the sexual abuse of children, the youngest of which was 10 months old,” she said. “The abuses were not only recorded and distributed, but often took place in live streaming events where others could actively participate, encourage and direct the sexual abuse of these children. “

The national crime agency identified one of these participants as a Toronto resident.  (more...)

The police news release:

Regnery, Dictators, and Popes

business fascism Nazi Catholic mainstream media politics neocons publishing
A publisher enraptured by dictators? Beam me up, Henry.
It was no accident that LUCIANNE GOLDBERG worked with ALFRED REGNERY, a man with isolationist and pro-Nazi forebearers. Regnery was friends with KEN STARR, and RICHARD SCAIFE, who had worked in the CIA for decades and runs his own version of the Agency whose purpose is to bring down President Clinton. This researcher detects the hand of a rightwing invisible government attempting to overthrow a democratically elected President, in a bloodless coup.

KEN STARR was a friend of the late Henry Regnery and is a friend of ALFRED REGNERY, Henry's son. ALFRED'S grandfather, William Regnery was a founder of the American Security Council.

The person most responsible for establishing the American Security Council was General Robert Wood, then Chairman of Sears Roebuck. Prior to Pearl Harbor, Wood was also the chairman of the America First Committee, an organization committed to opposing all efforts to aid Allies besieged by Nazi Germany. As national chairman, Wood made no effort to keep out openly pro-Nazi groups known to have been supported by Germany, such as the German American Bund. Radio priest Father Charles Coughlin's anti-Semitic and pro-Axis followers were also permitted by Wood to work within America First. A 1942 FBI report indicated that Wood's "patriotic" group had "been called upon to accept financial assistance from pro-Nazi sources."

In 1945, Regnery met Frank Hanighen, an Omaha businessman, who with two other isolationists, Felix Morley and William Henry Chamberlin, had started a weekly broadsheet in Washington, Human Events. Regnery became a co-owner and the treasurer of the paper, but he was unwilling to leave the Midwest. In 1947, with his father's help, he founded Henry Regnery Company. The first two books he published were pro-German attacks on the Nuremberg Trials. The company's third book was In Darkest Germany (1947) which reported that bombing raids in Germany's industrial North had left civilians starving and homeless. Neither of these nor the subsequent books Regnery had published made money, and by the time Buckley sent God and Man at Yale to Regnery in April 1951 the firm was barely solvent. In 1954 Regnery published two of Birch Society leader Robert Welch's books.  (more...)


business fascism Nazi Catholic mainstream media politics neocons publishing

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