Friday, June 30, 2017

Another Conservative Betrayal: Germany legalizes same-sex marriage after Angela Merkel makes U-turn

BERLIN — German lawmakers voted Friday to legalize same-sex marriage after a short but emotional debate, bringing the country in line with many of its Western peers. Though Chancellor Angela Merkel voted against the measure, she paved the way for its passage by freeing other members of her party to vote their “conscience.”

Lawmakers voted 393 for legalizing “marriage for everybody” and 226 against, with four abstentions.

Merkel said Monday that lawmakers could take up the issue as a “question of conscience,” allowing members of her conservative coalition, which has been against same-sex marriage, to individually vote for it.

That prompted her centre-left rivals to quickly call for a snap vote on the issue, adding it to the agenda Friday on parliament’s last regular session before Sept. 24 elections.  (more...)

Anyone surprised? Follow the money:

The re-emergence of Naziism will follow shortly:

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Teacher deserves lengthy jail term for sexual exploitation of student: Crown

That gleam in his eye
The case of a former teacher who sexually exploited a student demonstrates the need to throw out old-fashioned ideas about sex and consent, a Crown lawyer argued during a sentencing hearing Tuesday.

Chad Jeremy Smith should serve a 15-18 month jail term and three years of probation for abusing a teen girl over a two-year period, Crown lawyer Ron Edwards submitted in North Vancouver provincial court.

Edwards said a psychological report proved Smith had no real insight into his crime or empathy for the victim.

Smith had been a teacher at Argyle Secondary in North Vancouver for 10 years before he was charged in 2015.

He pleaded guilty to the exploitation charge last year. He has recently taken up work as an apprentice electrician and wants to go back to school.

Chad Jeremy Smith
Former North Vancouver teacher Chad Jeremy Smith pleaded guilty last year to a charge of sexual exploitation (North Shore News)

Several  family members, friends and former students wrote letters of support to the court on Smith's behalf, describing him as a loving father and inspiring teacher.

But Edwards said he spoke to one of the letter writers, who told him "it takes two to tango" — apparently implicating the teenage victim in the abuse. Edwards described that way of thinking as antiquated.

"As a society we have changed the way we see these types of relationships."  (more...)


The camel's nose is under the tent.

Brampton high school teacher facing new sex charges

A Brampton high school gym teacher is facing new sex allegations involving a second student.

Turner Fenton Secondary School teacher and wrestling coach Richard Knill, 53, of Milton was charged by Peel Regional Police June 15 with one count of sexual exploitation. He was accused of having a relationship with a student.

Knill was rearrested Monday, June 26 after a former Bramalea Secondary School student contacted police with allegations dating back to 1997 and involving a student who was 16 at the time.

Knill now faces a charge of sexual assault, and an additional sexual exploitation charge, in relation to those historic allegations.

Richard KNILL taught at Meadowville Secondary School from 1991 to 1993, Bramalea Secondary School from 1993 to 2002, Chinguacousy Secondary School from 2002 to 2004 and at Turner Fenton Secondary School since 2004.  (more...)

The glories of television stardom:


Tuesday, June 27, 2017

More parents turning away from public school system

The share of students attending public schools in Ontario continues to decline while independent schools and home schooling are growing more popular.

Although public schools remain the dominant education choice for parents, a recent analysis of ministry of education student enrolment data shows that compared to 2000-01, a smaller share of students attended a public school in 2014-15 (the latest year of comparable data) and a larger share are choosing independent schools.

To be sure, Ontario does have fewer school-age students (ages five to 17), which results in a corresponding decline in public school enrolments. In fact, enrolment went from 2.14 million students in 2000-01 to only 2.0 million in 2014-15, a decline of 7.4%.

But it’s not merely the declining number of students in government-run public schools that stands out, but rather the shrinking proportion of students that attend these schools.  (more...)

Retired Barrie teacher faces hearing over alleged sexual misconduct

Allegations against a retired Barrie high school teacher who faces a disciplinary hearing include sending a student sexually explicit texts and giving her a sex toy.

David Thomas Hay, who retired May 2, 2016, faces professional misconduct charges at an Ontario College of Teachers hearing July 12 in Toronto.

Hay, who taught at Bear Creek Secondary School, is accused of having been involved in an inappropriate personal relationship with a female student between 2009 and 2014.

The teachers' college alleges Hay called the teenager “gorgeous” and “hotstuff” in texts and emails, at one point saying: “I love you.”

In June 2014, the girl received a gift of a vibrator from the teacher, the college says.

At one point, he allegedly sent a text telling the student, “Don’t waste your money on a dildo — take the vibrator route for sure.”

Another communication reportedly said: “Now go and picture me giving you a vibrator and give yourself a fantastic orgasm.”

Another text says, “(It) wouldn’t be the first time I took a former student shopping for toys.”

Hay also suggested the teen engage in sex with he and his wife during a conversation in June 2014, the college alleges.  (more...)

One year in jail for ex-Catholic school teacher who had a sexual relationship with teen

A former Catholic elementary school teacher was sentenced Tuesday to one year in jail after pleading guilty in court last month to having a sexual relationship with a student.

Christina Albini will also be registered as a sex offender and must provide her DNA under a ruling handed down in the Ontario Court of Justice. She will be on probation for three years after her release from jail.

The former Christ the King Catholic school teacher was arrested in July 2016 and has admitted guilt to one count of sexual interference — touching the body of a person under 16 years old for a sexual purpose.

She was also charged during her arrest with possession of child pornography, accessing child pornography and making sexually explicit material available to a person under 16 based on photos found on a cell phone. But those charges were dropped in court.  (more...)


The Brent Hawkes Effect? Applause in court after St. Robert VP acquitted of sex assault on student

The Thornhill vice-principal at the centre of a sex assault trial initiated by a former student he began a private relationship with – involving sleepovers and a camping trip – has been acquitted.

Paul Paterson, 42, from Richmond Hill, listened to the verdict calmly and showed no emotion, quickly gripping his umbrella and leaving the court, where he hugged his mother, Peggy Paterson, a former educator in the York Catholic District School Board herself.

Paterson, a former vice-principal at St. Robert Catholic High School on Leslie Street, just south of Hwy. 7, in Thornhill, will now face an Ontario College of Teachers hearing, during which the fate of his career will be decided.

His criminal trial began in March when the complainant, a 19-year-old former male student, known in court as MD, told a Newmarket court that he and Paterson began a personal friendship in part due to MD's abuse of substances and mental health issues.  (more...)

Troubling precedent:

Monday, June 26, 2017

Deep History of America’s Deep State

An artist’s rendering of the Constitutional Convention in 1787
Everybody seems to be talking about the Deep State these days. Although the term appears to have entered the lexicon in the late 1990s, for years it referred only to shady foreign governments, certainly not to our own “indispensable nation.”

Does the sudden presence of an American Deep State – loosely defined as an unelected elite that manipulates the elected government to serve its own interests – pose a novel, even existential, threat to democracy?

Not exactly. The threat seems real enough, but it’s nothing new. Consider these facts: 230 years ago, an unelected group of elite Americans held a secretive meeting with an undisclosed agenda. Their purpose was not merely to manipulate lawful government in their own interests, but to abolish it altogether. In its place, they would install a radically undemocratic government – a “more perfect” government, they said – better suited to their investment portfolios.

History does not identify these conspirators as the Deep State. It calls them the Founders. The Founders did not consider themselves conspirators, but “republicans” – not in reference to any political party, but rather to their economic station in society. But their devotion to “republicanism” was transparently self-serving.  (more...)

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Nicole Kidman: ‘Stanley Kubrick Said Pedophiles Run The World’

Stanley Kubrick claimed that “the world is run by pedophiles”, according to Nicole Kidman, who says the reclusive director taught her “how the world works and who is really in control behind the scenes” while filming Eyes Wide Shut.

“Stanley told me the world is run by pedophiles,” Nicole Kidman said while promoting HBO’s Big Little Lies, in Los Angeles. “He studied secret societies his whole life, he was fascinated by them, and he said the elite, the top secret societies, they are full of men with a certain predilection. They are tied together, sort of bonded, by pedophilia.

“They all know each other’s dark secrets. There is no way out for any of them. It’s a lifetime bond. Even if one of them wanted to go straight, repent, so to speak, he can’t. His peers will bring him down. They are in it until death, driving the world to ruin. That’s kind of how Stanley explained it but it was all very complex. I’m probably not doing it justice.”

The 1999 film, starring Kidman and her then husband Tom Cruise, was Stanley Kubrick’s last outing as director before his death the same year. Many people believe Kubrick gave away too many secrets in the film about secret societies and the global elite, and it may have cost him his life.  (more...)


The Terror Connection -- The Hitler Legacy

Although much has been written and said about “international terrorism” during the past several decades, relatively little has been said about one of the most prominent figures in the development of the methodology and organizational ontogenesis of terrorism. Former SS officer Otto Skorzeny had much to do with originating the key strategic features of terrorism, as practiced by many post-war terrorist organizations, and also had operational connections to many of them.

In charge of commando operations for the Third Reich and one of Hitler’s personal favorites, Skorzeny understood that highly visible and psychologically significant operations by relatively small units could (under certain circumstances) achieve the same strategic goals as large-scale military undertakings. [The broadcast] discusses Skorzeny’s World War II operations and his post-war career. As one of the leaders of ODESSA (the post-war SS organization), Skorzeny not only worked for the Reinhard Gehlen spy outfit, but the CIA as well.

His work for intelligence services placed him in a position to work with, and sponsor, some of the seminal terrorist elements of the century.  (more...)

More than thirty years after his first investigation of the Nazi underground Peter Levenda has returned again and again to his quest for the truth about the true character of the Nazi cult and the people and political movements it has influenced in the decades since the end of World War II.

The wide sweep of this investigation moves from a Ku Klux Klan headquarters in Reading, Pennsylvania to the New York City office of the Palestine Liberation Organization; from the apartment of a notorious neo-Nazi leader to an Islamic boarding school—headquarters of the man who ordered the Bali Bombings. When Levenda uncovered the existence of a Nazi underworld in Asia, the nexus of religion, politics, terrorism and occult beliefs was revealed to be the real domain of the threat to global security.

Meticulously researched—from both archival material and declassified intelligence agency files, to personal interviews and investigations undertaken in Asia, Europe and Latin America—The Hitler Legacy is the story of how the mistakes of the 20th century have come home to roost in the 21st.

This book will challenge the conventional thinking about such subjects as the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamist terrorism and even about the alleged death of one of history's most infamous killers—Adolf Hitler.

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Los Angeles: 238 arrested in sweep of suspected child sex predators

A monk from Riverside and an Australian man looking to buy a 6-year-old boy were among 238 people arrested during a two-month operation targeting child predators in Southern California, officials said Monday.

Conducted by the Los Angeles Regional Internet Crimes against Children task force,  “Operation Broken Heart III”  targeted offenders wanted for the sexual exploitation of children, child prostitution, sex tourism and possessing and distributing child pornography, said Deputy Chief Matt Blake of the Los Angeles Police Department.

Among those arrested during sweeps in April and May were entertainers, community leaders, white-collar professionals and clergy members, said John Reynolds, acting special agent in charge for U.S. Department of Homeland Security Investigations.

“The incidence of child sexual exploitation has reached staggering proportions,” he said at a news conference.  (more...)

H/T to Neon Nettle

Look into the dark corners of history

History has a role in the national conversation about medically assisted death, despite protests to the contrary.

A respected physician and scholar recently stepped down as chairman of the expert working group appointed to study the issue of advanced directives for medically assisted death.

Named to this position only two weeks before by the Council of Canadian Academies, Dr. Harvey Schipper was judged harshly in some circles for having authored a commentary in 2014 in which, according to some reports, he had “compared arguments used to justify assisted dying with those advanced by Nazi Germany to justify the Holocaust.”

Schipper was repeatedly characterized as “a strident opponent of assisted dying” for reasons having nothing to do with the tone or substance of his argument. What seemed to cause offence and give rise to a condemnation of “strident” opposition was Schipper’s reference to Nazi-era euthanasia.

None of Schipper’s critics disputed the facts upon which his reference was made, nor should they. As historians have chronicled, the Nazi euthanasia program originated when a father in Leipzig petitioned to end the life of his disabled daughter and Adolf Hitler dispatched his personal physician, Karl Brandt, to authorize her death as “an act of mercy.”  (more...)

H/T to

Friday, June 23, 2017

Secret Nazi Power in the Modern World


Was Ratzinger enemy intelligentsia?
... or failing that, institute Common Core

"There is only one kind of people that would go to such extremes"

” . . . Don’t believe the Warren [Commission] Report, that was only put out to make me look innocent. . . . I’m going to die a horrible death anyway, so what would I have to gain by writing all this. So you must believe me. . . . that [sic] is only one kind of people that would do such a thing, that would have to be the Nazi’s [sic], and that is who is in power in this country right now. . . . Japan is also in on the deal, but the old war lords are going to come back. South America is also full of these Nazi’s [sic]. . . . if those people were so determined to frame me then you must be convinced that they had an ulterior motive for doing same. There is only one kind of people that would go to such extremes, and that would be the Master Race. . . .”  Jack Ruby -- Letter smuggled out of prison

Other stuff "the Russians did"

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Justin Welby asks George Carey to quit over church abuse report

Lord Carey, left, and former bishop Peter Ball, who was jailed in October 2015.
The archbishop of Canterbury has asked his predecessor George Carey to step down as an honorary assistant bishop after a damning independent report found that senior figures in the Church of England colluded over a 20-year period with a disgraced former bishop who sexually abused boys and men.

Justin Welby said the report on the church’s handling of former bishop Peter Ball made harrowing reading. “The church colluded and concealed rather than seeking to help those who were brave enough to come forward. This is inexcusable and shocking behaviour,” Welby said.

“To the survivors who were brave enough to share their story and bring Peter Ball to justice, I once again offer an unreserved apology. There are no excuses whatsoever for what took place and the systemic abuse of trust perpetrated by Peter Ball over decades.”

In a statement, Steven Croft, the bishop of Oxford, said Welby had written to Carey asking him to “carefully consider his position”. Croft and Carey would meet “in the coming days for that conversation. In the meantime he has voluntarily agreed to step back from public ministry.”  (more...)

 Agents of Inequality: How Wealth Managers to the Super-Rich Undermine Society and What We Can Do About It

Recent years have seen a tremendous amount of scholarship and commentary on the growth of inequality in the United States and what can be done about it. Lots of energy has been focused on public policies that “raise the floor,” or directly help out those at the bottom, by doing things like boosting the minimum wage or taxing high-earners and investing the proceeds in ways that help the public good.

Part of the inequality problem, however, is that trillions of dollars are being shifted off the ledger, hidden from measurement and taxation. Some of this “hidden wealth of nations,” as Gabriel Zucman calls it, is kept in offshore tax havens like the Cayman Islands and Panama that function as secrecy jurisdictions with minimal transparency or reporting requirements. Trillions more has been hidden in trusts and other complex financial arrangements available only to the very wealthy. New research suggests that households in the top 0.01 percent, those with wealth over $40 million, evade 25 to 30 percent of person income and wealth taxes—about 10 times more than the general population.

This process is aided and abetted by professional wealth managers who facilitate and lubricate the process of hiding wealth. Many of them work in private family offices that serve wealthy families. These are not mom-and-pop financial planners who help protect families from running out of money. We’re talking about the well-compensated professionals that serve the richest one-tenth of one percent of Americans.  (more...)

 Capital Without Borders

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Not your Daddy's Nazi: Criminal charges laid against publisher of controversial newspaper 'Your Ward News'

James Sears is pictured in an undated image from his personal website.
TORONTO -- Two Toronto residents said they brought a criminal complaint against a controversial publication the federal government deemed too offensive to distribute in the mail.

Warren and Lisa Kinsella, who are political strategists and activists, said a justice of the peace agreed Wednesday to charge the two men behind "Your Ward News" with uttering threats.

The pair said the charges stem from the publication's latest issue, in which editor James Sears writes that his supporters may decide to "bludgeon the Kinsellas to death."

Last year, the federal government ordered Canada Post to stop delivering "Your Ward News" after the then-minister of public services and procurement found it "highly offensive and well outside the norm of Canadian values."

Sears challenged the order and a hearing to review the decision began in late April.

In an email, Sears called the complaint absurd and "baseless," and suggested the court was lacking key information.

"My legal team and I will mop the floor with the Kinsellas on our first available opportunity in court but in the meantime, we will enjoy the free publicity that Daisy Group (the company run by the Kinsellas) has once again garnered for 'Your Ward News,"' he said.  (more...)

More coverage:


Way more interesting than Warren's rope-a-dopeliberal debates with prolife champion Michael Coren. There will always be work affirming and legitimizing Rupert Murdoch mouthpieces. Catholics may make lousy Nazis, but they can be put to work nannying Aryan babies or sheep-dipping mass murderers. Ah, that word, "work". It'll make you free.

Excommunicating Mobsters? Vatican Eyes New Legal Doctrine

VATICAN CITY (AP) -- Pope Francis has long railed against corruption and the mafia, but now the Vatican is considering developing a whole doctrine around excommunicating corrupt and mafia-tinged Catholics.

The Vatican this week hosted its first conference on corruption and organized crime, inviting 50 prosecutors, U.N. officials, bishops and victims of organized crime for a day of talks.

Organizers said in a statement Saturday that the time had come to develop a new legal doctrine for the Catholic Church around "the question of excommunication for corruption and mafia association."

Excommunication is one of the most severe penalties in the Catholic Church, with the guilty party forbidden from participating in the sacraments and effectively excluded from the "communion" of the church.

"Our effort is to create a mentality, a culture of justice, that fights corruption and promotes the common good," said Archbishop Silvano Tomasi, the Vatican's retired ambassador to the U.N. in Geneva, who participated in the conference.  (more...)

There goes the neighbor hood:

In some boroughs, you'll see massive parish closures.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Argentina's largest ever trove of Third Reich artifacts is found hidden inside a house's secret room

In a hidden room in a house near Argentina's capital, police believe they have found the biggest collection of Nazi artifacts in the country's history.

A total of 75 of objects of Nazi paraphernalia were found at a collector's home in the town of Beccar, a suburb of Buenos Aires, including a bust relief of Adolf Hitler, magnifying glasses inside elegant boxes with swastikas and even a macabre medical device used to measure head size.

The device used to measure head size was part of the logic of identifying those not of the Aryan race. Agent raiding the collectors home noticed a large bookshelf and found behind it a hidden passageway to a room filled with Nazi imagery.

Authorities say they suspect the items are originals that belonged to high-ranking Nazis in Germany during World War II.

'Our first investigations indicate that these are original pieces,' Argentine Security Minister Patricia Bullrich said Monday. Some pieces were accompanied by old photographs. 'This is a way to commercialize them, showing that they were used by the horror, by the Fuhrer. There are photos of him with the objects.'

Among the disturbing collection were toys that Bullrich said would have been used to indoctrinate children  (more...)


Corporatist Outrage! God Save Our Tims!

A group of Tim Hortons franchisees have launched a $500-million class-action lawsuit against the parent company for mismanagement of the brand, accusing the chain's owners of making it harder for them to stay in business.

The group of franchisees, who call themselves the Great White North Franchisee Association, say that ever since the firm Restaurant Brands bought the iconic coffee and doughnut chain and merged it with Burger King in 2014 their costs have increased, but the new owners haven't allowed them to raise prices to recoup those costs.

They went public with their complaints earlier this year, but after working with management behind the scenes to try to address their concerns, they launched the class-action lawsuit on Monday, seeking $500 million in damages.

"Since its acquisition," the statement of claim reads, "[Restaurant Brands] has used various strategies to extract more money out of the Tim Hortons franchise system at the expense of franchisees."  (more...)

You can take Gavin McGuiness from us (please). You can take Rick Warren promoting LifesiteNews, but never, never adulterate Tims. We will:

  1. Deluge you with Canadian culture
  2. Send an army of obnoxious Ukrainian women  (stop staring, there's worse) to screech outside your headquarters.

We will stop at nothing. Better Red Than Tim-less!

Monday, June 19, 2017

A New Juan Diego? The Cross Is Mightier Than The Crescent

It took me a while to discover the cross. The one fascinating thing about the cross is its four arms. If they are indefinitely extended the cross will infinitely go towards all four directions. God used the cross to travel in all four directions to create a universal church. The cross is infinite and is universal.

But the crescent if it extends its arms, it can only continue until the circle closes.

So unlike the cross, the crescent is a ring. Islam is an endless loop. It is a circular argument where the Quran says that Allah sent the Quran to state that Muhammad was a prophet and to know that we must go back to the Quran because it says so.

But God is not a ring. He is infinite. Rings are but for weddings.

But here I was an 18 year old Muslim, single, I had no wedding ring, I never drank or had sex. I just came off the plane in 1978 from Bethlehem via Tel-Aviv landing in San Francisco. I was naive but well grounded in certain ancient wisdoms I acquired from living in a time where the modern was bordering on the ancient struggling with it but modernism did not prevail since traditions were more powerful than money.  (more...)

Unlike the Protestant morenos, those of darkened hearts who flooded the Church subsequent to Vatican II's false ecumenism, Muslims will become a new dewfall of authentic Christian life. As Europe's destruction is completed by false "christians" touting their phoney "reformation", the Catholic world will wake up to a chorus of ardent new believers with clean hearts and burning love for Our Lady, Patroness of the meek and the lowly. Though the haughty will disdain these newcomers, the saints and angels will welcome them with outstretched arms into the Kingdom of Heaven.

Our Lady, Ark of the Covenant, pray for us.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

A fire in the world’s laundromat

This isn’t a story about the disaster in Grenfell tower. If you want to know about that, then I recommend Dawn Foster. But it is a story about housing in London. It is a story about how communities became commodities and people were subordinated to money. And it is an important part of the under told history of modern Britain.

But it starts with a Neapolitan. Specifically, with the body-guard protected writer Roberto Saviano. The Italian author and journalist is well-known world-wide as the leading expert in the Calambrian mafia. Saviano has written about crime in Italy and about international drug money. He’s followed the flows of cash and he’s been awarded numerous prizes and honourary degrees for his work. But of all of the places he’s researched, he holds particular contempt for one.

Speaking last year, Saviano said:

“If I asked you what is the most corrupt place on Earth, you might tell me, well it’s Afghanistan, maybe Greece, Nigeria, the South of Italy and I will tell you it’s the UK.”

This isn’t because he thinks that the police in Britain generally accept more bribes than others, nor that our politicians stuff their brief cases with brown envelopes more than others. Rather, it’s because of the role of the City of London in laundering the proceeds of crime across the world. It’s because of the place that London takes at the heart of the planet’s biggest network of tax-havens and secrecy areas; which extends to our Overseas Territories, through the Crown Protectorates, and into the imperial metropolis itself.

But it’s not just Saviano, and it’s not just about the Cayman islands.  (more...)


The Great Tax Robbery

A single application for multiple tax refunds was submitted to the German Federal Central Tax Office in Bonn on June 22, 2011. It was assigned the numbers 1100000001 to 1100000025. It landed on the desk of Anna Schablonski, on the ground floor of a gray, five-story, single-purpose building with shelves stacked full of ring binders with the German federal eagle emblazoned on their spines.

At the time, Ms. Schablonski was 30 years old, tall and slender, with brown eyes and a chin-length bob haircut. She had been in the job for only half a year. She didn’t know a thing about complicated stock market transactions. But when something looks fishy to Ms. Schablonski, such as this claim, she’s determined to get to the bottom of it.

For one thing, there were these unusually high sums. In only two months, the applicant, a pension fund in the United States, had bought German stocks worth €6.4 billion ($7.2 billion), only to sell them again shortly afterwards. Now it was claiming almost €54 million in taxes back from the German state – €53,882,080 and 94 cents to be exact. Strangely enough, the fund had only one beneficiary, and that made Ms. Schablonski particularly suspicious. Why, she asked herself, was a one-man pension fund speculating with so many billions?

Instead of the money, Ms. Schablonski sent the fund a long list of questions. It was a moment for bankers, brokers, consultants, and investors to start panicking all over the world – in New York, London and Basel, in Munich, Frankfurt and in the Bavarian city of Neumarkt. Lawyers were engaged and experts brought in to write supporting briefs, which only dodged her questions with evasive answers. That just made Ms. Schablonski all the more suspicious. "Okay," she said, relating later what she thought at the time, "we can’t let this slide, something’s wrong here."

And so it wasn’t a state prosecutor, judge or finance minister that first put a stop to the greatest tax robbery of all time. It was an office clerk handling the application.  (more...)

Perv preyed on kids for decades

BRADFORD — For 40 years child molester Harold Leblanc, 74, has been sneaking in basements and bedrooms, lurking around back yard swing sets, and pretending to be a friend to neighbourhood parents so he could grope their little girls, court heard Friday.

It took one brave six-year-old girl who lived in his Bradford neighbourhood to come forward last summer and break the silence last year.

Standing in the prisoner’s box, wearing handcuffs, head bowed low, his back to the parents of his victims sitting in court, he softly pleaded “guilty” to 5 counts of sexual assault for repeated assaults on six children aged five to 12 from 1974 to 2016.

“Can I touch it?” he would constantly ask one little girl whenever he caught her playing alone. Her parents trusted him and allowed him to babysit.

She described how he would shove his bare hands into her panties and it would “hurt” when he would rub hard, the court heard in an agreed statement of facts.

“He touched my pee part,” said another little girl, five. She told how Leblanc came into her back yard and insisted on helping her climb the monkey bars and would shove his hands down her pants.

“I didn’t want to tell because I was afraid my dad would get mad at me,” she said, court heard.

Leblanc, who court heard is a retired maintenance worker with the York Region District School Board, played games of “tickle” with another child he babysat, prying her legs apart to touch her and saying there would be “big trouble” if she told.  (more...)

Friday, June 16, 2017

Brampton high school teacher allegedly had relationship with student

A teacher and sports coach at a Brampton high school is facing a sexual exploitation charge after being accused of having a relationship with a student.

Peel Regional Police allege the teacher had a consensual relationship with a 17-year-old student while being employed at Turner Fenton Secondary School.

While the Peel District School Board said it could not comment on how the teacher’s employment status has been affected, a spokesperson called the allegations “disturbing” and said that normal procedures in such a case would involve suspending the teacher with or without pay, depending on the circumstances.

“Of course these charges are naturally disturbing,” PDSB Spokesperson Carla Pereira said in an email to CTV News Toronto. “We have been and are cooperating with police at this time, and offering support to the students and staff at Turner Fenton Secondary School.”
She said disciplinary actions against the teacher could include boundary training, suspension with or without pay, transfer to another school or location or termination.

This is not the first time that the teacher has faced charges like this. According to a report from the Ontario College of Teachers, he has twice been charged in relation to inappropriate behavior with students.

The first incident was in 1992 while he was working at Meadowvale secondary school. The report alleges he drove a 15-year-old student “alone in his vehicle and kissed her.”

He was charged and found not guilty in that case.

The second incident was in 2000, while he worked at Bramelea secondary school. The report alleges he “once again drove a 15-year-old student to a school event” where it is alleged he “engaged in sexual touching, which the student resisted.”

He was found not guilty in that case as well.

However according to the same document, he was found guilty of professional misconduct and suspended for two months after an Ontario College of Teachers disciplinary hearing in 2003.

He is listed on their website as a teacher in good standing, and has been active since 1991.

The suspect, identified as 53-year-old Richard Knill of Milton, was granted bail today, but the details of the hearing are covered under a publication ban.  (more...)

More coverage:

Is there something in the water in Brampton?

Police Politicized: Protesters disrupt police board meeting on future of cops in schools

An explosive meeting had been expected Thursday as the Toronto police board tackled the controversial issue of whether there should be armed officers in high schools.

The surprise was how fast the fireworks started — shortly after the first of 74 speakers scheduled to address the topic uttered his first words. Protesters from Black Lives Matter and other groups outside the overflowing auditorium at police headquarters — including many who were scheduled to address the board — voiced their anger at being excluded from the proceedings because there wasn’t enough space.

Within 10 minutes, chants from both outside and within shut the meeting down, with board members leaving the room for about 15 minutes until order was restored.

The fuss came after a motion that launched the debate, from Toronto Police Services Board member Ken Jeffers, who moved to suspend the nine-year-old School Resource Officer (SROs) program until a full review has been conducted, with a final report expected by Dec. 31. At the end of the long night, the board voted to defer a decision on the fate of the program until year-end.  (more...)


Bolsheviks -- left, right, and switch-hitters -- hijack the issue. Students get a lesson in their own insignificance.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Nazis Get A New Gig: The World Anti-Communist League

Obscured by a name-change and the sands of time, the former World Anti-Communist League (WACL) has been eclipsed. Despite relative obscurity, the organization played a significant role in the politics of the second half of the 20th century. The first of a two-part series, this program documents the League’s composition and activities, with particular emphasis on WACL elements in Asia and Europe.

Mr. Emory’s analysis focuses on the League (WACL), as the reformation of the Hitler-Goebbels Anti-Comintern of 1939-40. (The Anti-Comintern was a Third Reich-led, international consortium of fascists, fashioned by the Fuehrer and his propaganda chief. In addition to coordinating international fascist groups, it functioned as a “sales tool” with which the Nazis could use anti-communism to peddle their movement to conservatives.) The broadcast documents the overtly fascist antecedents of many of the individuals and organizations involved with WACL.

With its roots in the original Anti-Comintern, the American Security Council is a key American link to WACL. Created by former FBI agents disgruntled at the demise of Senator Joseph McCarthy’s “investigations,” the American Security Council coalesced around the files of Harry Jung’s American Vigilance Intelligence Federation. (Virulently anti-Semitic, Jung’s organization was part of the original Anti-Comintern prior to World War II.) Counting among its ranks some of the most prominent names on the far right, the organization kept track of those it considered “subversive.” The group shared its political intelligence with prospective employers (particularly defense contractors.)  (more...)

Contrary to popular conceptions of baby-boomer campus life that painted a picture of hippie hedonism, my alma mater looked a lot more like this. Many signs pointed to the possibility that a Nazi ratline ended right in my engineering school. Since then, I've had an enduring suspicion that I've been watched. Is my case officer reading this?

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Canada's weak laws hobble identification of tax dodgers

Ugland House is the registered office of some 18,000 companies, on Grand
Cayman Island. Caribbean and Atlantic offshore finance centres were at the
heart of the Panama Papers investigation.
Correspondence between Finance Minister Bill Morneau and his British equivalent is highlighting Canada's poor international record in flushing out the real owners of suspected tax-haven corporations.

Philip Hammond, Britain's Chancellor of the Exchequer, wrote to Morneau on Dec. 22, seeking Canada's support for exchanges of so-called "beneficial ownership" information — that is, information about who really owns and controls mystery corporations.

Last year, Britain pioneered a publicly accessible online registry that contains such ownership data, part of an initiative to help expose tax evaders, terrorist financiers and money launderers.

Hammond's letter was part of his call for reciprocal measures from other countries, including Canada, given that such shady transactions are often conducted offshore.

But a Morneau briefing note about the British request acknowledges Canada has little to offer in response, largely because federal and provincial laws governing corporations are ineffective.  (more...)


Saturday, June 10, 2017

Canada joins global deal aimed at keeping billions in taxes from being lost to notorious tax havens -- So what?

It’s the first co-ordinated assault on the trillions of dollars in corporate profits stashed in tax havens. And if it works, it could mean billions in additional tax revenues for the Canadian government.

At a mass-signing ceremony in Paris on Wednesday, Canada joined 67 countries in formally adopting new international rules that aim to prevent the kinds of corporate tax dodging detailed in the Panama Papers.

The deal “delivers solutions for governments to close the gaps in existing international rules that allow corporate profits to ‘disappear’ or be artificially shifted to low or no tax environments,” wrote the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in a press release announcing the deal.

But experts question whether the deal will effectively prevent corporations from moving their money into tax havens, many of which are not part of the agreement.  (more...)

How Wall St. Bailed Out the Nazis

Allen Dulles
Near the end of World War II, the secret collaboration between U.S. spymaster Allen Dulles and Nazi SS officers enabled many German war criminals to escape prosecution and positioned them to fan the flames of post-war tensions between the former allies, the United States and the Soviet Union.

In that way, the Old Nazis — aided by Dulles and other ex-Wall Street lawyers — prevented a thorough denazification of Germany and put the Third Reich’s stamp on decades of atrocities during the long Cold War, spreading their brutal death-squad techniques to faraway places, especially Latin America.

Though the World War II generation has largely passed from the scene and the Cold War ended more than two decades ago, the consequences of Dulles’s actions in those final days of World War II are still reverberating in Germany.

One of the after-shocks was felt in a Munich courtroom just last month, with the opening of the trial of Beate Zschape, a 38-year-old neo-Nazi who is accused as an accessory to two bombings, 15 bank robberies and ten murders between 2000 and 2007 by the terrorist cell, the “National Socialist Underground” (NSU).

Two male fellow gang members reportedly took their own lives to avoid arrest before Ms. Zschape torched their hideout and turned herself in, in November 2011. But the back story is no less disturbing.  (more...)

Friday, June 9, 2017

More charges for Brampton teacher accused of sexual relationship with student

A 45-year-old Brampton high school teacher accused of having a sexual relationship with a 16-year-old student is now being accused of a second inappropriate relationship with another teen.

The alleged relationship between the teacher and the teen girl, who is now 17 years old, developed at Heartlake Secondary School.

Peel Regional Police’s Special Victims Unit is investigating the case.

Police arrested a suspect Tuesday and charged him with one count of sexual exploitation in connection with an alleged interaction with a 16-year-old girl.

Since then, police say another former student – a 17-year-old girl -- has come forward with similar allegations.

A suspect identified as Douglas Dale is now facing two additional charges, bringing the total charges to one count of sexual assault and two counts of sexual exploitation.  (more...)


The Hell-Hole That Is Archbishop Romero High School

The mood was tense on Thursday night as dozens of parents fought a possible boundary change that could send some future Etobicoke high school students on a 45-minute commute to North York.

It was a full house for the Toronto Catholic District School Board meeting as parent after parent made their case in front of trustees, pushing back against a proposal that aims to fix the enrolment pressure at Michael Power, Father John Redmond and Bishop Allen — three high-performing Etobicoke high schools.

The proposal would mean students from feeder schools could wind up elsewhere, be it St. Basil-the-Great, which is near Sheppard Avenue West and Highway 400, or Blessed Archbishop Romero, at Humber Boulevard and Weston Road.

Two of those feeder school students, Kejsi Musta and Sarah Zewdu, made a presentation in front of the trustees, which led to one of several tense moments in the meeting.

"We did our research and found Archbishop Romero was rated 4.5 out of 10 on the website Fraser Institute. Why would we want to go to a school that won't provide ..." said Zewdu, before being cut off by Ward 5 trustee Maria Rizzo.

"I'm going to ask you, please: Don't put down other schools. It's really not kind to them," said Rizzo. The interruption was met with a mix of applause and boos.

Later, father of three Victor Capella was also cut off while attempting to highlight crime statistics in the area surrounding Archbishop Romero.  (more...)

I have personal accounts of the deplorable condition of this school that was built over the site of a buried garbage dump. Students would become sick when the stench rose out of the ground on a warm day. The closet Nazis running the school district would never send their kids to that dump.

Family Advocacy from the Left: The Brainwashing of My Dad

Since his death many folks have asked me about my 14 years at Fox News and my experiences with Roger Ailes. I can tell you he was one of the top 5 best public speakers I’ve ever heard. I can tell you like anyone who knew him he was funny as hell and the MOST competitive person I ever met in business. He also prized loyalty above all else and repaid that loyalty in spades countless times.

BUT…in 2000 when I started at Fox as a paid contributor (aka “hitman’) and asked my new boss (like my pal Joan Walsh from asked him in 2000 as well) “So Roger tell me…who is your Fox News target audience and what turns ’em on?”

What he told me . . . of course “off-the-record” . . . should not be shocking. But now that he is gone, it’s time to be real and tell the truth about Fox News . . about everything I lived and experienced in my 14 years as a paid contributor and part-time anchor on Fox Business Network.  (more...)

Need to de-programme your dad? Listen to a fellow sufferer:

Thursday, June 8, 2017

The British Prince who Financed HITLER

Carl Eduard, Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha headed Buckingham Palace’s
pro-German and pro-NAZI clique.
Senior Royals at Buckingham Palace planned, financed and stage-managed the first and second world wars… But it goes deeper than that – the British King Edward, British Prince George and the sisters of the Duke of Edinburgh all financed and promoted Nazism.  One of the most senior British Royals was Prince Carl-Eduard Coburg who was a Prince and member of the British Order of the Garter – a royal multi-millionaire and favourite grandson of Queen Victoria – he led many British Royals and members of the Irish Guinness family to support and even campaign on behalf of Hitler.  Indeed, it was the support of these British Royals which legitimised Nazism.

Hitler’s plan was designed and devised in London – at Buckingham Palace.  This evil plan can be summarised easily; Hitler & the British, Dutch & German Royals wanted to amalgamate all the ancient European nations into a single undemocratic SuperState.  It was a military plan – but also a financial plan too.  The Royals wanted to create an Economic Empire of Europe.  Many aristocrats, barons, princes and dukes from Britain and Germany supported Hitler and even became SS NAZI officers themselves.  After the second world war, many of them put on business suits and became the creators of the ‘European Union’.  The E.U. is exactly what Hitler and the traitor Royals wanted all along – an undemocratic super-government which imposes taxes, and which the people have no control over.  (more...)


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