Sunday, May 31, 2015

There is 'not enough land' to build all the prisons needed to lock up UK's paedophiles

Sue Berelowitz who is chairing the government's inquiry
into child sex abuse said the public will be 'shocked by
the sheer scale of the problem'
The former Deputy Children's Commissioner for England has warned that child sex abuse in the UK is so widespread that there is 'not enough land' to build all the prisons needed to incarcerate offenders.

Sue Berelowitz, who has been under fire after she received a six-figure payoff and was then promptly rehired as a £1,000 a-day consultant, made the claim while speaking at the Hay Literary Festival yesterday.

Mrs Berelowitz, who is currently chairing the government's inquiry into child sex abuse said the public will be 'shocked by the sheer scale of the problem' when she releases her report in November.

She said that if the Crown Prosecution Service were to prosecute every paedophile there would not be enough land to build the prisons needed.

Speaking to Jon Snow with Camila Batmanghelidjh and Helena Kennedy during a talk on child sex abuse last night, she blamed the prevalence of pornography for the growth of an increasingly sexualised society.  (more...)


Wouldn't it make sense to tackle institutional abuse first?

A fish rots from the head down.

Wynne, Liberals steer us wrong on new sex ed curriculum

Michael Otis and his family have lived in Newmarket
for many years. He is a secondary school teacher
and enjoys reading and writing about moral issues
in the public square.
Kathleen Wynne and her government have clearly decided to tough out parental opposition to the updated health and physical education program.

In 2010, when Wynne, then minister of education, trotted out virtually the same program, parental outrage forced former premier Dalton McGuinty, then Wynne’s boss and leader of a minority government, to shelve it until a later date.

Now, assured of power until 2018, Wynne obviously believes that time has arrived.

Are parents justified in opposing the revised program? Its defenders claim children need timely information to navigate a hyper-sexualized culture and media.

Sex education, supporters also might add, has been a mainstay in Ontario’s schools for many years. Why all the hubbub over a few modernizing tweaks to a tried-and-true curriculum? ask the Wynne Liberals.

However, even a glance at the curriculum reveals a government single-mindedly committed to sexualizing children early.  (more...)

Scotland’s victims of institutional child abuse will be given a voice

Angela Constance
ANGELA Constance has vowed to give a voice to Scotland’s victims of institutional child abuse.

The Education Secretary said “dark secrets of the past” must be exposed after launching a huge probe into the issue.

On Thursday, Constance announced that QC Susan O’Brien will lead a four-year nationwide inquiry with power to compel organisations and individuals to participate.

O’Brien, who headed up the inquiry into the failings which led to the 2001 death of Edinburgh baby Caleb Ness by his own father, will hear testimony from victims abused while in care.

Cases will include those from church-run homes and residential schools such as St Ninian’s in Gartmore, Stirlingshire.  (more...)


Lord Brittan REFUSED to ban evil paedo ring

Ex-Cabinet minister Lord Brittan faced police probe
Lord Brittan, who died in January, was urged by campaigning MP Geoffrey Dickens to protect kids from “evil people” in the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE). But documents seen by the Daily Star Sunday reveal former Tory MP Lord Brittan dismissed the idea of banning the group.

His comments were made during a meeting with Mr Dickens in November 1983. A separate letter from Mr Dickens to Lord Brittan shines more light on what top government offi cials knew about PIE’s sick activities.

The then Attorney General reportedly admitted some members were interested in murdering children through “sexual torture”. Campaigners expressed shock at the documents, released under Freedom of Information laws.

Labour MP Simon Danczuk, who led calls for an inquiry into historic abuse, said: “People will be left wondering why a Home Secretary would not want to ban an organisation clearly aimed at sexually abusing children.”  (more...)

Hague faces cover-up row over Thatcher ally's link to care home abuse scandal

William Hague is braced for criticism over an alleged cover-up in a paedophile scandal linked to a close ally of Margaret Thatcher.

An official report into the North Wales care homes scandal, in which up to 650 children were raped or assaulted in the Seventies and Eighties, is expected to drag in the former Cabinet Minister.

In 1996, as Welsh Secretary in John Major's Government, Hague ordered an inquiry. But after claims it let public figures off the hook, Home Secretary Theresa May called a fresh probe in 2012.

Whitehall sources anticipate that the new inquiry, due to be published this year, will accuse the Welsh Office of mishandling the issue.

It comes as evidence emerged suggesting Mr Hague was aware of the link between Tory MP Sir Peter Morrison (a former aide to Margaret Thatcher) and the scandal.  (more...)

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Three women name former Liberal Democrat MP as paedophile

Esther Baker, here aged about 13
Three women have come forward to allege that the same former Liberal Democrat MP carried out sex attacks on them as girls, Exaro can reveal.

They include Esther Baker, who waived her right to anonymity and went on Sky News last week to talk about how she was sexually abused by a politician, police officers and others in woods in Staffordshire.  (more...)


Figure skating coach gets four-year sentence for sex abuse

A former figure skating coach was sentenced to four years in prison Friday for abusing two of his former star pupils.

Kevin Hicks, now 56, performed oral sex and kissed one victim — who cannot be named — after an evening of dining with several skating students in the spring of 1984. Two other similar episodes occurred later that year, one in Hicks’ apartment and the last at a skating rink, Justice Todd Ducharme said during the sentencing.

Hicks molested Brian Jessup once in his car, Ducharme found.

“I can live with a four-year sentence,” proclaimed Jessup, who lifted the publication ban on his identity last month as one of two sexual abuse victims — both male skaters — exploited by Hicks in the 1980s.  (more...)

Church Feminism Ascendant: Men Adrift

The Economist has a feature article on the state of blue collar men in developed countries: Men Adrift. It is good in its statement of facts.

Blue collar men are sinking in the economic scale and are becoming unemployable and unmarriageable. Their future in the new economy does not look good.

Although men dominate at the top of society, they also dominate at the bottom, which is far larger. There are a far more male prisoners than there are male CEO’s.  (more...)

My advice: Find a woman from a society that has not been corrupted by cultural marxism and marry her, have children, and raise a family. Go into exile, as the Holy Family did into Egypt, and put as much distance between your family and the modern church as you can. Assume the role of spiritual head of your family and do not expose it to the predations of feminized and sodomized clergy and laity. Be your own community and church - the world cannot provide you nourishment; it is toxic. The church in the far east endured without a heirarchy for generations after its first evanglization. The west can follow its example, and re-emerge resplendant after the tribulation.

Levin – Is 3 Years Enough?

Disgraced educator, and previous deputy education minister Ben Levin, was sentenced to 3 years in jail.  His crimes have been well documented.  Possession of child porn, creating (written) child pornography and counselling someone to inflict a sexual act on a child.

Given that he only received 3 years, the Sun’s piece back on April 13 poses a very good question.  How sure are we that what Levin claims were “just fantasies”, stayed as fantasies? How certain can we be that it all existed only in his mind?

The piece makes a very good point that we are taking Levin at his word.  He claims that his online debauchery was solely fantasy, and never made it into reality. Those fantasies included bondage, rape and inflicting pain on young children.  (more...)

Teacher sex assault trial adjourned again

The case against a former elementary school teacher charged with multiple counts of sexual assault and other sex-related offences has been adjourned again.

Jamey Brian Kristian was expected to enter pleas Thursday in Lethbridge provincial court, but the matter was adjourned to June 19 when a step may be taken, the Calgary Crown prosecutor said.

Defence lawyer Greg White said he and the Crown are working together on an agreed statement of facts, which will be related to the court when the accused eventually enters pleas to some of the charges. Many of the charges, White suggested, will be withdrawn.  (more...)

"You're Teaching My Child What?"

There have been so many parental protests against the sex "education" curriculum that is planned for Ontario schools for the coming school year 2015-16. Parents justly believe that the curriculum is not education but indoctrination, and so they reject the idea of having the state dictate to them family values and beliefs. They are battling to protect their children's innocence and from being sexualized in ways that are antithetical to their cultural standards and religious beliefs. To help parents get better informed on the issue we review Miriam Grossman's powerful book, You're teaching My Child What? She exposes the dangerous lies behind the push to fully accept comprehensive sex "education" in all schools and universities. Parents will learn much from this informative, shocking and timely book.

Title: You’re Teaching My Child What?: A Physician Exposes the Lies of Sex Education and How They Harm Your Child.
Author: Miriam Grossman  (more...)

Former Catholic teacher admits to sex crimes against two students

EDMONTON - A former teacher at a Catholic junior high school admitted in court Friday he lured two teenage girls into sexual relationships in 2013.

Piotr Mariusz Zaloba, 29, pleaded guilty to 10 charges, including sexual contact with minors, luring children and child pornography offences. The students were 13 and 15 years old when the crimes occurred.

The relationship with the 13-year-old began in January 2013 when she mentioned to Zaloba that she didn’t like kissing her boyfriend.

“The accused began texting her about kissing him and telling her how she would like his kissing,” Crown prosecutor Diane Hollinshead told court.  (more...)

Three year sentence brings sad, sickening end to onetime education superstar

Ben Levin, former Ontario Deputy Education Minister pleaded guilty to
child pornography charges earlier this spring.
It is a common enough scene in the criminal courts, and not without its own special heartbreak.

An accused person, the long judicial process over at last and no more stalling possible, is formally sentenced, and as he is led off to jail, hands cuffed behind his back, he scans the seats for final glimpses of familiar faces and the world as he once knew it.

But Friday, at a suburban Toronto courthouse located in a strip mall, the handcuffed man was one of Canadian education’s highest flyers and biggest stars and the exit from courtroom 304 was the denouement to an unprecedented fall from grace.

Ben Levin, a former deputy education minister in two provinces, former member of Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne’s transition team and a global expert in childhood learning, was sentenced to three years in prison Friday by Ontario Court Judge Heather McArthur.  (more...)

Friday, May 29, 2015

Ben Levin sentenced to three years behind bars

A man who once was deputy education minister in Ontario and Manitoba has been sentenced to three years behind bars after pleading guilty to three child pornography-related charges.

Benjamin Levin, 63, was originally charged with seven child porn-related offences.

In her decision, the judge said Levin, a father of three, "appeared to have it all" but had a "hidden dark side".

But she says he has a low risk of reoffending and appears "genuinely remorseful".  (more...)


Faith Goldy: Ben Levin Sentencing Details

Justine Lewkowicz live-tweeting Ben Levin sentencing hearing

Methodist Church in Britain apologises for 'grief and shame' in failing to protect children

The Rev Paul Flowers, left, and the late Liberal Democrat MP Cyril Smith
The Methodist Church yesterday made an ‘unreserved’ public apology for failing to protect children and vulnerable adults after an investigation uncovered nearly 2,000 cases of abuse within the institution.

The independent inquiry revealed 1,885 cases of alleged abuse linked to the church in Britain, the largest proportion of which were of a sexual nature, dating back to the 1950s.

The 100-page report also disclosed that many serving church ministers and staff helped to protect colleagues who carried out abuse.

One case concerned the grooming of teenage girls on Facebook while another involved a minister allegedly making sexual advances to children. Methodist general secretary, the Rev Dr Martyn Atkins, said the cases of abuse would remain ‘a deep source of grief and shame to the church’.  (more...)


Thursday, May 28, 2015

Same-sex “Marriage” and the Persecution of Christians in Canada

Canada legalized same-sex “marriage” in 2005, the fourth country in the world to do so. During the rushed public debate that preceded legalization, the Christian and traditional understanding of marriage as the union of a man and a woman had strong support. Polls showed a deep split among Canadians, and the majority (52 percent) were actually against legalization at the time that it occurred.

Opponents of same-sex “marriage” were given all kinds of assurances. The preamble to the Civil Marriage Act states that “everyone has the freedom of conscience and religion,” “nothing in this Act affects the guarantee of freedom of conscience and religion and, in particular, the freedom of members of religious groups to hold and declare their religious beliefs,” and “it is not against the public interest to hold and publicly express diverse views on marriage.”

But how quickly things change. Since the watershed moment of legalization, Canadian social norms have shifted rapidly, and what was once considered fringe or debateable has become the new normal.

Today, different opinions on “gender identity” and same-sex “marriage” are no longer tolerated. Our society is sweeping away respect for religious faiths that do not accept and celebrate same-sex “marriage,” and the Civil Marriage Act’s assurances seem merely farcical. It is not premature to speak of open discrimination against Christians in Canada.  (more...)

Author's reflections:

Teaching certificate in jeopardy for Jason Kennard after child luring conviction

He 'could' lose his teaching certificate?
A Saskatoon teacher serving jail time for luring a former student could lose his teaching certificate.

The ethics committee of the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation heard Thursday Jayson Kennard’s criminal conviction for child luring constitutes professional misconduct, and members must recommend a penalty for him.

“The ordeal took an emotional toll on the family,” said Dennis Fisher, a lawyer who assembled evidence for the STF. “(It was) a very stressful period for the boy.”  (more...)

They had to deliberate over this?

Ben Levin deserves jail - and Ontarians deserve answers

Ontario’s former deputy education minister Dr. Ben Levin will most likely be serving time behind bars soon.

How long will be decided by a judge in a North York courtroom Friday.

Neither the defence nor the Crown are at odds over the fact the member of Premier Kathleen Wynne’s transition team and former research chair at Ontario Institute for Studies in Education should be incarcerated.

It’s just a matter of how much time.

And where that time will be served: House arrest, jail or prison.

For the gravity and seriousness of the crimes, prison is the only acceptable option.  (more...)

Questions: What was left out of the statement of agreed facts? What charges were sacrificed in Ruby's plea deal to induce Levin's guilty plea? Does the police investigation point to any accomplices or to a pedophile network? What public safety concerns remain? And one more...

Why did Michael Coren back away from this story so suddenly? Was he already looking to a career in lamestream media?

'Monstrous' Calgary teacher gets 5-year prison sentence for sexual relationship with student

A Calgary teacher who had a three-year sexual relationship with a student beginning when she was 14 years old has been sentenced to five years in prison.

Adam MacPhearson, 36, was the girl's Grade 8 homeroom teacher. Their relationship lasted three years during which he infected her with genital herpes, court heard.

"I don't have any forgiveness in me at this time," said his victim outside the courtroom on Thursday.

As he sentenced the father of three, Judge Harry Van Harten detailed a "lengthy period of abuse" that began in 2011.

"His behaviour was monstrous," said Van Harten.  (more...)

Other coverage:
But, the ladies come off smelling like roses:

MP Warns Child Abuse Inquiry Will 'Corrode Everything'

The scandal of historic child abuse will "corrode everything" over the course of the new Parliament, a Labour MP has warned.

John Mann (Bassetlaw) said it would be one of the defining issues of the next five years.

Speaking in the Queen's Speech debate, he told the Commons: "Why was Cyril Smith allowed to get away with prolific child abuse for so many years?

"My constituency is no worse, no different to anywhere else in the country. This is nationwide, it's every aspect of society.

"I'm expecting other people with other names coming forward from other parts of the country in the near future, others have already done so.

"The scandal of historic child abuse in this country is going to be one of the defining issues of the next five years.

"It is going to corrode everything over this Parliament because it is so large, it is so huge, it involves so many people."  (more...)

Vishal Mehrotra: Sussex Police refers its murder probe to IPCC

Sussex Police has referred itself for investigation over how it pursued enquiries over the murder of schoolboy Vishal Mehrotra.

The Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) confirmed that it had received the referral amid claims that the eight-year-old boy’s abduction in 1981 and murder were linked to the ‘Westminster paedophile network’. Vishal’s partial remains were found in 1982 in woodland in West Sussex.  (more...)

Background and context:

And, much deserved recognition for excellence in journalism:

Teachers' plan to resume strike 'unacceptable': Ontario minister

The union representing Ontario high school teachers says its members will resume strike action on June 10. However, provincial Education Minister Liz Sandals says legislation will prevent that from happening.

Teachers in the Durham, Peel and Rainbow school boards were forced back to work on Wednesday, after the Ontario Labour Relations Board ruled that the local strikes are unlawful.

The OLRB said the moratorium on strike action will last two weeks. Chair Bernard Fishbein said the time will allow the union to “cleanse” the local strikes of issues like class size, which by law must be dealt with at the “central,” province-wide negotiating table.  (more...)

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Trustees warn against breaking up TDSB

Breaking up the Toronto District School Board would cost taxpayers $100 million, pit neighbourhood against neighbourhood and undo years of work making sure schools get equal treatment, warn trustees in their official submission to a panel reviewing the board.

In a spirited defence of their new “focus on relationships,” a new role of integrity commissioner — the first at an Ontario school board — and a whistleblower policy being considered in June, the report argues against sweeping change to a board once plagued by scandal and infighting.

It also rebuffs any suggestion trustees be appointed rather than elected, as is done everywhere else in the province.  (more...)

Another HCDSB trustee in favour of delaying implementation of province's revised sex ed curriculum

Halton Catholic District School Board trustee Anthony Quinn said he will support fellow trustee Anthony Danko’s motion to request a deferral of one year for the implementation of the province’s new sex ed curriculum in Halton.

Danko’s motion was filed at the May 19 board meeting and will be debated at the next regular meeting of the board June 2.

Quinn said he will be supporting the motion as a trustee of a Catholic school board to ensure that the curriculum does not contradict Catholic teaching.  (more...)


Msgr. Vincent Foy: Saving the Church

At the present time, in many countries the Church is in grave danger because of the contraceptive mentality and many other evils. To save the Church, many reforms are necessary. I am listing some suggestions for this purpose.  (more...)

Or, if that seems too daunting:

New trend? Teacher says she shouldn’t be fired for having sex with student

Claudia Tillery
A Brooklyn public-school teacher whines in a new lawsuit that she was unfairly fired from her job for bedding her 12-year-old student — even though DNA, videotape, text and financial records pin her to the dirty deed.

Claudia Tillery, who spent her 15-year career at the Stephen Decatur Middle School, wants back in the classroom because a jury cleared her of criminal charges.

But a Department of Education hearing officer found in April that a “preponderance of the credible record evidence” proves that Tillery raped the youngster — then painted him as a “master manipulator” to duck a criminal conviction.  (more...)

She wouldn't be the first:

Now, that's affirmative action.

Ontario's elementary teachers ramping up job action

We're the grownups, right?
Toronto - Training for the new sex-education curriculum and autism therapy are on the union’s naughty list as the province’s public elementary teachers get set to escalate job action.

A Bargaining Bulletin issued to members of the Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO) Monday says that effective June 1, teachers will not participate in a number of tasks, in addition to those duties already withdrawn during the current work-to-rule campaign.

Teachers are being told not to participate in new curriculum training, including the controversial new sex-ed program that is to be launched in all schools this fall.

Training and workshops for Applied Behavioural Analysis (ABA), a program provided to children with autism, have also been put on ETFO’s no-go list.

The move comes as collective bargaining with the major teacher unions continues to flounder.  (more...)

Sandals sputters:

Vancouver Island teacher facing six charges for sex offences against a minor

VICTORIA — A teacher from a private Vancouver Island boarding school is facing six charges relating to sexual offences against a minor.

Andrew Michael Olson, who taught at Shawnigan Lake School, is charged with four counts of sexual exploitation, a charge that applies to a person in a position of trust or authority who sexually touches a minor. Olson, who is in his mid-30s, is also charged with child-luring and assault causing bodily harm. Charges were sworn Monday.  (more...)

Who Bought Ireland?

Last week I hit on the play which inspired Mikhail Bulgakov’s literary masterpiece, The Master and Margarita: Leonid Andreyev’s Satan’s Diary. This post is about what these two works of art have to do with the other things I blog about: TOR, the Surveillance State, the history of the CIA and other spying organizations.

When Edward Snowden leaked details about his employer’s dragnet surveillance operation, he wasn’t alerting us to a technology problem. He was alerting us to a political problem. (Poul-Henning Kamp explains that here. Get an editorial/ summary of Kamp’s talk here.)

We, I mean all peoples, are suffering from a political problem. That problem is that we are ruled by folks with a warped set of values– people who don’t understand the Golden Rule. They lack the capacity or desire to love their fellow men. The only thing that binds these warped souls together is their shared belief that they are exceptional and that they don’t have to treat others as they would be treated.  I’ll call them ‘character-deficient’.  (more...)

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Sex ed protest in Toronto on June 7 hopes to draw 10,000

TORONTO, May 26, 2015 ( -- A newly formed umbrella group is holding a June 7 Family Sit-in and March at Toronto’s Queen’s Park that organizers expect will draw 7,000 to 10,000 people to protest the Liberal government’s controversial sex-education curriculum.

It’s the first event for the Canadian Families Alliance, a grassroots parent movement that so far consists of several parents groups, cultural associations, and social media groups, representing an estimated 200,000 Ontario parents.

CFA expects more organizations to join the alliance, which unites parents from different political, cultural, and religious backgrounds on the one issue of opposing the Wynne government’s new sex-education curriculum.  (more...)

A helpful guide for confused parents:

Halton Catholic trustee asks board to delay sex-ed one year

BURLINGTON, Ontario, May 26, 2015 ( -- Trustee Anthony Danko has asked the Halton Catholic District School Board to delay implementing the controversial Liberal government’s sex-ed curriculum for a year.

Danko’s May 19 motion says Catholic school trustees have an “exclusive constitutional mandate” to adapt ministry of education curricula so that “it does not contradict Catholic teaching.”

The year’s delay will allow parents, board officials, trustees and “all interested ratepayers” to read, discuss, and review the Liberals’ sex-ed curriculum, which more than 100,000 petitioners have rejected because of the “graphic content,” it states.

Halton’s nine-member board will debate and vote on the motion at the June 2 board meeting.  (more...)

Inmates running the asylum... again

The cool kids flaunt their skank
In her 14 years of school, Alexi Halket has never been suspended or expelled. Up until this week, the Grade 12 student hadn’t even seen the inside of her principal’s office.

All that changed when the Etobicoke School of the Arts student dressed for class on Monday, choosing to bare her midriff with a sleeveless, turquoise and black patterned crop top.

The shirt, she was told by a vice-principal, who pulled her into the office, was “too inappropriate and looked too much like a bra.”

Halket disagreed, and when she stormed out of a 90-minute meeting about her attire she did so with a plan that spread like wildfire over social media that evening.

By Tuesday, Halket’s 18th birthday, it had trickled down to hundreds of young women across the GTA, who made their way to class dressed in crop tops of their own emblazoned with messages fighting dress codes, which they say unfairly target females.  (more...)

Sex ed could be affected by teachers’ work-to-rule

Parents and students gathered to protest the province's new sex-ed curriculum
at Queen's Park earlier this month.
Elementary teachers may not get the training they need to deliver Ontario’s new sexual health curriculum this fall because their union’s work-to-rule campaign stops them from being prepped in the new

“We’re concerned about how prepared teachers will be this fall to teach the curriculum we’ve been waiting for for five years that’s current and research-based,” said Chris Markham, executive director of Ophea, a group of educators who advised Queen’s Park on the need for an updated curriculum that covers the issues of healthy relationships, consent and “sexting.”

“Given the importance of this curriculum and how many organizations have fought to get this released, it’s unfortunate we now have this labour turmoil,” said Markham.  (more...)

Esther's Story

Police say they are "in the early stages" of investigating claims that a woman was sexually abused while she was a young girl, as uniformed police officers stood guard.

Waiving her right to anonymity, Esther Baker, 32, spoke exclusively to Sky News about her tormented childhood that saw her sexually abused by men at various locations.

Janner: Police take first step in bid to overturn 'no charge' decision

Leicestershire Police has made its first move in its legal bid to overturn a decision to not put Greville Janner on trial for alleged sexual abuse of children.

The force today wrote to the director of public prosecutions, (DPP), – who last month ruled out taking action against the 86-year-old peer because of his ill-health – to explain why it believes the allegations should be tested in court.

The DPP, Alison Saunders, has 14 days to respond to the force's submission and to say whether she intends to reverse or stick by her decision.  (more...)

Former NHLer Sheldon Kennedy ‘not surprised’ by charges against pedophile Graham James

Former professional hockey player Sheldon Kennedy spoke to Global News
about new charges laid against convicted sex offender and former junior
hockey coach Graham James
TORONTO – Convicted pedophile Graham James is facing more sexual assault charges ahead of his release from prison and one of his most outspoken victims said he isn’t surprised.

Former NHLer Sheldon Kennedy, who was a victim of James’ abuse, told Global News when police investigated his case they believed there were “70 to 100 more possible victims.”

“I wasn’t surprised to see another victim but what goes through my mind when I hear this, is I hope the individual is doing alright,” Kennedy said. “One of the myths out there is that when somebody tells their story is that it’s all over. When the reality is that’s it’s just the beginning and things become quite vulnerable from that point forward.”  (more...)


Monday, May 25, 2015

Boyluv OK for teachers? Saskatchewan teacher found not guilty of sexually exploiting teenage boy

A Saskatoon judge says it was "bad judgment" for a substitute teacher to have sex with a former high school student – but the relationship was not criminal.

Erin Osmond, now 29, was found not guilty of two counts of sexual exploitation in connection with the relationship she had with a 16-year-old boy in 2013 in the Watrous area. Justice Grant Currie read out his written decision Monday in Queen’s Bench Court of Saskatoon.

“Once she ceased to be his teacher, it was (the complainant) who controlled their relationship. This was not difficult for him to do because Ms. Osmond had become so pliant that she offered almost no resistance to his suggestions,” Currie wrote.

“Nor had Ms. Osmond groomed (the complainant) for a sexual relationship. Their close relationship while she was his teacher was something that she fell into through her own weakness and bad judgment.”  (more...)

More coeverage:

Green light for gals n gays?

Parents Protest Sexualization Of Children

(WINDSOR, ON) – Windsor parents gathered at Charles Clark Square on Saturday to continue their opposition of the Ontario Liberal government’s plan to implement a new sex education curriculum in September. Over 200 persons from all walks of life assembled to listen to seven speakers who raised issues with the proposed educational program.

This fall, the government intends on introducing a revamped sex ed curriculum for grades 1 through 8. Many in Windsor, and the province as a whole, have taken exception to the new subject matter.

The new curriculum advances the age at which various topics are discussed in class. Students will receive instruction in anatomy, including reproductive organs, in grade 1 while gender identity will be addressed in grade 3. Teachers instructing grad 5 students will cover the reproductive system, intercourse, and menstruation.

At the root of the demonstrations against the Liberal’s remodelling of the sex ed curriculum are certain rumours that are circulating within the community. These rumours include that the curriculum causes gender confusion in grade 1 by listing six genders and 52 sexual orientations, that children will be exposed to pornography, and that children should ignore parents as educators, to name just a few.  (more...)

Peterborough parents raise concerns over sex ed changes with MPP Jeff Leal

Peterborough group ‘Concerned Parents of Peterborough’ met Friday (May 22) outside of MPP Jeff Leal’s office to protest the proposed changes to Ontario’s sex-ed curriculum. Protestors displayed placards that read, “Parents are first educators, not politicians!” and “Protect the innocence of children”.

Group members say that this curriculum is not appropriate material for elementary-aged children.

This curriculum will be teaching graphic lessons on sexual body parts starting in Grade 1.  (more...)

Verdict expected in sexual exploitation trial

A substitute high school teacher who admits having sex with her former student could learn today whether the relationship was illegal.

Justice Grant Currie is scheduled to release his verdict in the Saskatoon Queen's Bench Court trial of Erin Osmond, who was charged with two counts of sexual exploitation after a then-16-year-old complainant told RCMP he had sex with her on four occasions between March and April of 2013.

The charge of sexual exploitation requires the Crown to prove the accused held a position of trust or authority toward a young person aged 16 to 18. The complainant's identity is protected by a publication ban.

Crown and defence lawyers argued over whether or not Osmond, now 29, was still in a position of trust or authority over the teen boy during the physical relationship, because the substitute teacher was no longer working at their Watrous high school when the sex took place.  (more...)

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Don Hale on Child Abuse, Cover-ups, Police Investigations, Special Branch and More

Don Hale OBE, investigative journalist, winner of numerous awards and best selling author leads us through a thirty year journey of child abuse, cover-ups and complicity. First broadcast on Soundart Radio May 20th 2015 with host Matthew Jee.

Jesus Christ Superstar: Anti-Christ?

Slater and Gordon Lawyers have received details of serious allegations of abuse at St John’s School in Leatherhead, Surrey.

The allegations concern a former music teacher, Malcolm Henderson, who taught at St John’s in the mid-1970s. It is also thought that Henderson taught at other leading schools in South West London throughout his career.

It is understood that the alleged victim of abuse by Henderson reported the matter to the police in 2012, and that allegations were about to be put to Henderson when he died suddenly.

Henderson is thought to have worked closely with Alan Doggett, former Head of Music at St Paul’s School in Barnes, London.

Alan Doggett committed suicide in 1978, only hours after appearing at West London Magistrates Court, charged with the indecent assault of a 10-year-old boy.

Both Henderson and Doggett worked together on the production of the Jesus Christ Superstar album, released in 1970. (more...)

‘Let kids be kids': Protestors rally against sex education curriculum

Some Windsor parents and their supporters are still fighting the provincial government over a new sex education curriculum set to be implemented in September 2015.

Over a hundred parents and their supporters opposed to the new curriculum demonstrated at Charles Clark Square on Saturday, giving speeches and holding signs telling the provincial government to”let kids be kids.”

Framing the issue around a parent’s right to educate their kids about sex, seven different speakers denounced the provincial government’s plans for sex education.  (more...)

More coverage:

Paedophile Mason ran lodge set up for GCHQ

Arrivals at the new GCHQ established the lodge
Keith Harding, former membership secretary of the Paedophile Information Exchange (Pie) was made Worshipful Master of the Mercurius Lodge in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, in 2011.

The child molester, who died last summer, presided over ceremonies and rituals from an ornate throne.

Harding was convicted of an indecent assault against four children aged eight and nine in 1958 and classified a Schedule-1 offender, which meant the offence remained on his criminal record all his life.

His name was also on a list of about 400 Pie members seized by police in 1984, the year the organisation disbanded.

The Sunday Express revealed earlier this month how Harding met MPs Cyril Smith and Leon Brittan in the 1980s when he ran a north London antiques store.

Thirty-five years ago he appeared alongside paedophile television presenter Jimmy Savile in a Christmas special of Jim’ll Fix It.

The lodge boasts of its Government Communications Headquarters heritage on its website.

A source close to Harding revealed: “The Mercurius Lodge is known as the Spies Lodge because it was set up by GCHQ and over the years many intelligence officers have become members.

“These are people trained to find out sensitive information and yet none of them had any idea of Keith’s background and past convictions.

“They even voted him the highest honour by making him Worshipful Master.

“Keith felt the Freemasons were somewhere he finally belonged, he called them his “brotherhood”.  (more...)

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