Tuesday, April 14, 2015

My Child My Choice: When will Wynne's Liberal government listen?

At Queen's Park earlier today another rally took place with thousands of parents protesting the sex education curriculum proposed by Kathleen Wynne's Liberal government for this coming school year 2015-16. No longer can the premier or Minister Sandals or anybody in her government say that this is just a fringe group that is homophobic. When some of the speakers asked the premier to apologize for that inaccurate remark, the crowd cheered and applauded. There were some 5,000 parents from different cultural backgrounds demanding that their parental rights be respected and the curriculum dropped or the Premier should resign. There were various groups from the Muslim, Punjabi, Chinese and Christian communities.

There were speakers from a number of organizations standing for parental rights: Parents as First Educators, Campaign Life Coalition, My Child My Choice and the Parental Rights in Education Defense Fund. Monte McNaughton who recently dropped out of the PC leadership spoke in defence of parental rights and a wider consultation process. Patrick Brown who could not be there and is running for the PC leadership sent a message of support for parents and their right to have a say in the proposed curriculum. Sam Sotiropolous who moderated the event read the statement sent by Mr. Brown. There was on MPP who had the courage to be present and speak in support of the protesting parents: Jack MacLaren from Carleton-Mississippi Mills.  (more...)

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