Friday, July 26, 2024

Jewish National Fund revoked by Canada Revenue Agency


Canada Revenue Agency Jewish National Fund CRA JNF tax exempt charity status revocation politics occupation military settlers colonialism displacement ethnic cleansing

In a win for those against apartheid and genocide, the Canada Revenue Agency is reportedly revoking the charitable status of the Jewish National Fund of Canada. Author Gabor Maté, Rabbi David Mivasair, Wesam Ahmad from Al Haq,  Professor Miles Howe and lawyer Shane Martinez will discuss this move that is likely to spur significant controversy at an online press conference today at 12 EST (Friday, July 26).

According to a statement JNF Canada released Thursday, the CRA has announced it will revoke the century-old organization’s charitable status. The reason reportedly given is its “support for military infrastructure in Israel” despite CRA charity guidelines stating clearly that “supporting the armed forces of another country is not” charitable.

In 2017 Rabbi Mivasair and three others filed a detailed complaint to the CRA and Minister of National Revenue over the JNF, which has had many Prime Ministers speak at its events. After an audit, the CRA required JNF Canada to adopt a series of measures it failed to comply with.

“While the Canada Revenue Agency has been too slow in applying its rules towards the Jewish National Fund of Canada, the CRA should be applauded for finally taking action against this powerful organization”, said Karen Rodman of Just Peace Advocates.

The Jewish National Fund of Canada is one of many Israel-focused charities that have violated CRA rules. Over the past 18 months detailed complaints have been submitted to the CRA asking it to investigate a dozen other Israel-focused charities.

In recent weeks there’s been significant campaigning on Israel-focused charities. At the start of last month Gabor Maté, Yann Martel, Linda McQuaig, Roger Waters, Monia Mazigh, Desmond Cole, Libby Davies and others signed “Stop Subsidizing Genocide”. The public letter  points out that “200+ registered Canadian charities funnel a quarter billion dollars a year to projects in Israel. Many of these groups finance projects that support the Israeli military, racist organizations and West Bank settlements in contravention of Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) rules.”

In another challenge to Canada’s most significant contribution to Palestinian dispossession, NDP revenue critic Niki Ashton hosted a June 13  press conference at the parliamentary press gallery calling “on the Liberal government to investigate Canadian charities that allegedly funneled taxpayer money in support of Israeli military operations and illegal settlements in Palestine.” She also sponsored a parliamentary petition on the subject and sent a letter to Revenue Minister Marie-Claude Bibeau demanding the government investigate charities funding Israeli military operations in Gaza and illegal Israeli settlements.

Last Friday Le Devoir and La Tribune reported on a press conference held outside Minister Bibeau’s riding office in Sherbrooke calling on her to take action on the matter. The revenue minister was also asked about the subject at a press conference on Tuesday.

Zionist mayor in Canada gets permission to build his militia


Canada Zionism fascism police constables thugs repression politics protest dissent

Israel supporters have become a leading fascist force in Canada. As this author has detailed repeatedly in recent months, they’ve pushed to restrict civil liberties, dismantle democratic organizations and increase policing to suppress the movement against Israel’s holocaust in Gaza.

One of the most anti-Palestinian voices in the Liberal caucus Marco Mendicino recently called for “protective zones” around MP offices. According to the former public safety minister’s plan, anyone who harasses or intimidates people within 50 to 100 metres of constituency offices would be subject to harsher criminal penalties. Far from any parliamentarian’s office, Mendicino promoted banning anti-genocide rallies on a Toronto highway overpass during the winter.

The mayor of one of the wealthiest municipalities in Québec has been another of the most vocal prominent Zionist fascists in recent months. Hampstead mayor Jeremy Levi has repeatedly called for arresting and deporting peaceful protesters and in a troubling escalation was recently granted the power to build a sort of municipal militia.

On X, Levi recently retweeted a post noting, “stop this nonsense and deport”. It showed people engaged in the democratic process under the statement “Pro Hamas supporters taking over the streets in Downtown Toronto. They are calling for an intifada which means indiscriminate terrorism.”

In another post, the mayor of the inner Montreal suburb called to imprison a man photographed at a Montreal mall with a shirt that seemed to celebrate the October 7 operation. “This is a blatant glorification of hate and violence, and this man must face charges immediately!”, wrote the mayor of the most Jewish municipality in the country.  (more...)

Zionist mayor in Canada gets permission to build his militia

Big win for Palestine: JNF charity status revoked


Canada tax exemption charity Jewish National Fund racism exclusion revocation status CRA occupation colonialism military Israel

Score a significant victory against apartheid, genocide and Canada’s most significant contribution to Palestinian dispossession. The powerful Jewish National Fund of Canada has reportedly had its charitable status revoked.

Under pressure from Independent Jewish Voices (IJV) and others the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) instigated an audit of the JNF in 2018. JNF Canada was eventually forced to differentiate itself from its parent organization in Israel and to stop “co-mingling” its funds with that organization. JNF Canada was also instructed to stop assisting projects in the illegally occupied West Bank and initiatives supporting the Israeli military. But, apparently it failed to fulfill the Revenue Agency’s requests and now the CRA has rescinded its ability to grant donors tax credits.

Revoking JNF Canada’s charitable status has been long in the making and has come at some cost for many individuals. Born in a West Bank village demolished to make way for the JNF’s Canada Park, Ismail Zayid has been complaining to the CRA about its charitable status for four decades. For years Lebanese Canadian Ron Saba has been “writing to various Canadian government departments and officials, corporations, and media to” denounce what he calls the “racist JNF tax fraud”. During the Liberal Party convention in 2006 Saba was widely smeared for drawing attention to leadership candidate Bob Rae’s ties to the JNF. Saba put in multiple Access to Information requests regarding the JNF, demonstrating government spying of its critics and long-standing knowledge of the organization’s dubious practices. Under the headline “Event you may want to monitor,” Foreign Affairs spokesperson Caitlin Workman sent the CRA a communication about a 2011 IJV event in Ottawa stating: “author of the Black Book of Canadian Foreign Policy, Yves Engler, will give a talk on Canada and the Jewish National Fund.” At the Green Party convention in 2016 Corey Levine pushed a resolution to revoke the JNF’s charitable status because it practices “institutional discrimination against non-Jewish citizens of Israel.” The effort brought the issue into the mainstream though she, IJV and the entire Green Party were smeared as “hard core Jew haters” for even considering the resolution.  (more...)

Big win for Palestine: JNF charity status revoked

Israeli Settlers Are the World’s Worst Neighbors w/ Mohammed el-Kurd


Israel settlers colonialism apartheid Zionism racism white supremacy Netanyahu US Congress Washington D.C. Gaza genocide ovations applause protests demonstrations dissent oppression politics Israel lobby

Useful Idiots rise up

DC Police Deploy Pepper Spray Against Netanyahu Protests As Congress Kisses the Ring


US Congress Washington D.C. Netanyahu Paris Olympics protests war crimes Gaza genocide complicity ICJ ICC rulings apartheid genocide ethnic cleansing oppression colonialism racism white supremacy atrocities Israel lobby Zionism hypocrisy cynicism

Israel is participating at the Olympics in Paris while Russia is banned, despite killing at least 80% fewer civilians in Ukraine than the Israeli state has killed in Gaza. 

Even the United States has prosecuted its own for War Crimes. Impunity for Israel. Enforcement of international law for everyone else. 

No clearer was this hypocrisy demonstrated than on Wednesday, July 24th, when Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, a man with a pending ICC arrest warrant for crimes against humanity, addressed Congress in order to shore up support for his political survival and request more weapons for his “war” against Hamas. 

Join us tonight on State of Play as we dissect this Historic speech and discuss the protests that took place outside.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Sports Media Complicity in Genocide


sports IOC FIFA media Gaza genocide journalists Palestine solidarity censorship silence

Derek is joined by Leyla Hamed, a sports journalist and Editor in Chief at the The Athletic FC. As one of the very few pro-Palestinian advocates in sports media, I can’t think of many folks better than Leyla to talk about media complicity in this ongoing genocide and the role that sports media should be taking in putting pressure on sporting organizations like the IOC and FIFA to enact its policies when considering banning Israel from membership in those organizations and participation in international sporting events.

‘This war criminal should not have come to US’ | Protesters speak on Netanyahu’s visit


Netanyahu US Congress Washington D.C. protests demonstrations police violence Gaza genocide complicity impunity war crimes justice

As Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was met with applause inside the hallowed halls of Congress, outside the public's sentiment was headlined with banners of war crimes and charges of genocide…

Journalist Manila Chan was on scene in Washington DC.

Israeli Spy Unit stealth capture of mind control in the West


Israel Unit 8200 Cyberwell censorship psychological warfare brainwashing foreign influence CyberWell intelligence mind control stealth

On yesterday’s news program I covered the emergence of yet another Unit 8200 spin-off running a censorship campaign to silence pro-Palestine, anti-genocide voices on META platforms. I include an article actually in The Guardian which is a little teeth gritting for me to promote due to The Guardian’s generally hideous bias and protection of power in the UK (especially on Syria). However the authors of the article Lee Fang and Jack Poulson did write a follow-up article published on Substack which contains a lot more detail on CyberWell - the 8200-linked organisation I talk about.


Pro-Israel Group Censoring Social Media Led by Former Israeli Intelligence Officers

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Netanyahu protest live


US Congress Netanyahu Washington D.C. Palestine solidarity protests Gaza genocide war crimes police politics independent media

The Grayzone's Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate do Washington D.C.

Why Did Divestment Negotiations at McGill Fail?


Canada McGill University student activism protest encampment administration police private security crackdown intimidation coercion threats bad faith foot dragging stalling

While the McGill administration has painted the encampment’s demands as unreasonable, pro-Palestinian protesters are adamant that more can be done to make divestment happen faster.

On July 10 at 4:30 a.m., protesters at the pro-Palestinian encampment on McGill campus woke up to a wall of riot cops and private security officers hired by McGill administration surrounding the entire perimeter of the school.  

Over the course of 10 hours, the officers worked to get protesters out of the area and dismantle the encampment. An encampment member who was present throughout the day said the officers were using intimidation tactics to coerce the protesters and the students into leaving the camp, like threatening to arrest them.

“The private security officers had a canine unit, and they kept telling the protesters at the camp that if they did not leave, they would get arrested. And they also told the protesters that things will get violent if they do not leave,” said the SPHR spokesperson who wished to remain anonymous. 

The grounds where the encampment stood for over two months were reduced to a pile of wooden pallets, banners and signs on the ground, and tents ripped apart. 

After an incident like this, it would be hard to believe that the McGill administration intends to meet the demands of the encampment, or to divest from Israeli companies that are fueling the genocide happening in Gaza. Yet, a member of the McGill administration says the divestment process is underway.

But places like McGill work like molasses, explains the administration member who wished to remain anonymous.  (more...)

Why Did Divestment Negotiations at McGill Fail?

War Criminal to Address U.S. Congress


war crimes Netanyahu US Congress complicity protests politics accountability Israel lobby Gaza genocide ethnic cleansing oppression racism white supremacy atrocities impunity

War criminal Netanyahu will be cheered lustily by war hawks of both parties when he addresses the U.S. Congress today.  He also hopes to have separate meetings with Biden, Harris and Trump.  Will any of them, or any member of Congress, have the guts and morality to tell Netanyahu to stop the killing, or all funds from the U.S. will be cut off?

Pink Floyd's Roger Waters unveils 15-minute NEW SONG


politics activism music Roger Waters Pink Floyd Palestine solidarity Zionism anti-semitism deceit misinformation Raytheon arms industry military normalization dehumanization tenderness banality

“It's not easy. We all of us wake up in the morning and burst into tears, and then think ‘All right pull yourself together you big lunk. There's work to be done.’ And we think what can I do today to make a difference? However tiny it is, what can I do today that is not standing by, silent and indifferent? What can I do?”

Roger Waters TAKES ON Piers Morgan


Roger Waters music Palestine solidarity Zionism Judaism politics UK Labour Party Israel Holocaust Gaza genocide

“Is the revolution around the corner? I effing hope so!”

Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters returns to Useful Idiots as bold and funny as ever, with takes on the UK’s new “self-serving Nazi” Prime Minister Keir Starmer, the meaninglessness of the Trump assassination attempt, the real devastation happening everyday in Gaza, Julian Assange, and so much more.

Roger laments that our leaders are “Joe Biden, who thinks he rules the world” and “Keir Starmer, who's a self-serving, career Nazi. They would do anything, tell any lie, adopt any position that can give them power and influence.”

Waters asks what would have happened if the assassination attempt on Trump had been successful: “Nothing. There'd be another puppet there instead. It doesn't make any difference.”

Which is why Roger believes working hard to get these people, Trump and Biden, out of office is so important. “You have an opportunity now to take part in the existential battle for the human soul that Aaron and Katie and I and millions, billions of people all over the world are engaged in. Because we care about right and wrong and we care about human rights and we care about our brothers and sisters.”

And if we don’t? “We are heading towards World War Three very, very fast.”

Last week, Aaron appeared on Piers Morgan in a debate with two very angry Zionists. The week before, Roger debated Piers himself. The two trade stories of the frustrating environment and how blatant lies (beheaded babies, evidence-less sexual assault of Israeli women), and propaganda (the covering up of Israel’s mass violence of its own people on October 7th) are being shoved down our throats.

“People on this issue just repeat again and again claims that have been debunked. They've been doing it since Joseph Goebbels and Herman Goering suggested it in the late 1930s. The bigger the lie you tell, the better it is. You just have to keep repeating it.”

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Americans protest Netanyahu visit to Washington


Israel Netanyahu Washington D.C. US Congress protests demonstrations dissent politics war crimes

Israeli Prime Minister has arrived in Washington in hopes of conducting talks with the US leadership. Citizens refused to welcome Netanyahu as they protested near the US. Congress, waving Palestinian flags and holding banners describing him as a war criminal.

Gabor Maté's Anti-Zionist Awakening


Holocaust Judaism Zionism awakening Hungary Canada Palestine white supremacy colonialism oppression dehumanization

This is part two of a never-before publicly streamed interview with Dr. Gabor Maté about how Gabor Maté survived the Holocaust and unlearned Zionism.

ICJ Advisory Opinion on Israel: with Michael Lynk


Canada ICJ ruling apartheid Israel occupation racism ethnic cleansing Palestine settlements annexations crimes against humanity segregation discrimination United Nations justice

On July 19th 2024 the ICJ court released its decision regarding Israel’s illegal occupation of the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem. It concluded in its ruling that Israel’s continued presence in the occupied territory is illegal and must end as soon as possible. It included Israel’s prolonged occupation, it’s settlement expansion, continuous annexation of the territory, its apartheid policies, as well as providing full reparations, restitution and compensation including the return of all the land and the evacuation of its settlements. Additionally, the ruling said that all states, including Canada, are under obligation to cooperate with the UN in bringing an end to the occupation, and are not to render any assistance in maintaining the situation created by Israel’s illegal presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. 

Here to give us clarity on the ICJ ruling, its importance and significance, what to expect in how Canada would react, is Canadian legal academic, and associate professor at University of Western Ontario, professor Michael Lynk. He was the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the 1967 occupied Palestinian Territories.

Former UN Special Rapporteur: ICJ advisory opinion confirms Israel is committing apartheid


ICJ ruling Israel apartheid World Court United Nations occupation crimes against humanity genocide lawlessness

On July 22, 2024, Dimitri Lascaris spoke with Professor Emeritus Michael Lynk about an Advisory Opinion issued on July 19 by the International Court of Justice (ICJ). 

From 2016 to 2022, Professor Lynk served as the Special Rapporteur of the UN Human Rights Council for the human rights situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

As Prof. Lynk explains, the ICJ concluded in its Advisory Opinion that Israel's occupation of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) is illegal and must be ended as rapidly as possible. He also interprets the ICJ's opinion as confirmation of allegations by numerous human rights experts that Israel is committing the crime against humanity of apartheid.

Finally, Lascaris and Prof. Lynk discussed the question of whether Israel is committing genocide in the Gaza Strip, in contravention of the Genocide Convention.

Media Ignores World Court Ruling Against Israeli Apartheid


Israel ICJ ruling apartheid occupation illegal mainstream media distortion misdirection Palestine human rights

We discuss in detail what Friday's historic ruling against Israel being an apartheid state and what this means going forward with International Human Rights Lawyer Kristen Zornada @kristenzeta .

The pessimism regarding the efficacy and enforcement of international law and the notion of a “rules-based order” is understandable, yet all hope is not lost. 

We, of course, would never expect the mainstream media to report on the historic and unprecedented ruling of the International Court of Justice against Israel’s Apartheid and illegal occupation of Palestinian Lands. 

Prime Minister Netanyahu has made the torching of the Oslo Accords his career talking point. Now the Oslo Accords ARE torched, just not in the way he wanted them to be. 

Israel is no longer in a position to condescend to allow the Palestinians a right to self-determination, they are now compelled to without condition, according to the highest legal authority on Earth.

Monday, July 22, 2024

In order for Canada to confront Israeli occupation, it must confront itself


Canada Palestine solidarity ICJ ruling justice Gaza genocide lawlessness complicity crimes against humanity starvation arms trade occupation colonialism Zionism

International Court of Justice ruling makes Canadian support of Israel illegal

In a landmark decision on Friday, the International Court of Justice ruled by a majority that the Israeli presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT) is unlawful and that Israel must end the occupation “as rapidly as possible.” Israel must also cease all new settlement activity, remove all settlers from the occupied territories and pay reparations for all damages incurred from acts which have taken place within the OPT since 1967.

Importantly for Canada, the Court also ruled that “all States are under an obligation not to recognize as legal the situation arising from the unlawful presence of the State of Israel in the [OPT] and not to render aid or assistance in maintaining the situation created by the continued presence of the State of Israel in the [OPT].”

This is a crushing moral and rhetorical blow to the Canadian government and its indefensible support for Israel as it continues to carry out a campaign of genocide against the Palestinian people.

As the Israeli regime continues its brutal campaign of collective punishment of Palestinians, the scale and tempo of both war crimes and crimes against humanity which are being committed are difficult for the human mind to fully comprehend.

Famine conditions are spreading across the Gaza Strip, as the flow of humanitarian aid has been deliberately reduced in order to starve the population. According to the latest figures, “96 percent of the population is facing acute food insecurity at crisis level or higher (IPC Category 3+), with almost half a million people in catastrophic conditions (IPC Category 5).” The destruction of crops, farms, as well as nearly all of Gaza’s small fleet of fishing boats, means that Palestinians have no independent food systems upon which they can rely for subsistence.  (more...)

In order for Canada to confront Israeli occupation, it must confront itself

Canada's complicity in Israel's genocide of Palestinians in Gaza


Canada Gaza genocide complicity Zionism military recruitment charities NGOs ethnic cleansing oppression war crime justice racism white supremacy arms supply

I spoke with prolific Canadian journalist and author Yves Engler about Canada's unconditional support to Israel, even, or especially, as Israel has slaughtered up to nearly 200, 000 Palestinians in Gaza (Lancet), or potentially double that number (Gilbert).

Yves lays out Canada's long history of support to Israel, including during the ongoing Israeli genocide of Gaza, and including over 7 decades ago with Canadian pilots participating in the Zionists' ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

He talks about Canada's arms to Israel, and providing components to the fighter planes which bomb Gaza now, and about the Canadians fighting in the Israeli army, and those being recruited by various charities and organizations in Canada.

Important information you won't hear on legacy media.

How Israeli Intelligence Front Censors Social Media


censorship Zionism Israel intelligence CyberWell social media Meta information warfare Gaza genocide

On July 10th, it was announced social media giant Meta would broaden the scope of its censorship and suppression of content related to the Gaza genocide. Under the new policy, Facebook and Instagram posts containing “derogatory or threatening references to ‘Zionists’ in cases where the term is used to refer to Jews or Israelis” will be proscribed. A welter of Zionist lobby organizations - many of which aggressively lobbied Meta to adopt these changes - cheered the move. Emboldened, the same entities are now calling for all social media platforms to follow suit.

The Times of Israel noted that “nearly 150 advocacy groups and experts provided input that led to Meta’s policy update.” This prominently included Tel Aviv-based CyberWell, mundanely described by the outlet as “a nonprofit that has been documenting the swell of online antisemitism and Holocaust denial since Hamas’s October 7th attack on Israel and the subsequent war in Gaza.” These malign activities have had a devastating impact on what Western audiences see and hear about the Gaza genocide on their social media feeds.

In January, CyberWell published an extensive report on how it was seeking to censor many prominent X accounts that expressed doubts about the official narrative of October 7th, including the widely disseminated, repeatedly proven-to-be-false libel Hamas fighters beheaded dozens of infants. Users in the firing line included popular anonymous Zei Squirrel, Al Jazeera, The Grayzone chief Max Blumenthal, and famous rapper Lowkey, of MintPress News. CyberWell claimed their wholly legitimate skepticism was comparable to Holocaust denial.  (more...)

How Israeli Intelligence Front Censors Social Media

Apartheid-Free Zones and the Boycott/Shame List


boycott divest sanction apartheid Israel genocide ethnic cleansing oppression racism white supremacy Canada business complicity

At the Canadian BDS Coalition, one of the questions we receive most frequently is: “Which products and businesses should we boycott? Which businesses should we support, if we want to support Palestinian rights and liberation?”

Of course, the campaign for boycott, divestment and sanctions isn’t just about individual consumer choices — it’s about building collective power and challenging Israeli apartheid through cultural boycott, academic boycott and military embargo, in addition to the economic boycott of Israeli products and products produced by corporations profiting from the occupation. However, there are some key companies and products that are the targets of national and global boycott campaigns that we highlight on our “List of Shame.” This list also highlights Canadian companies that profit from occupation or that donate to, support and market occupation products. We view this list as a helpful tool to help individuals decide how to direct their shopping — but also for local Palestine solidarity groups, labour unions, social justice campaigners and others to find intersections around corporate complicity and determine local targets for campaigning.

Of course, we also want to highlight the businesses, organizations, labour unions, social enterprises and others that are committed to having apartheid-free spaces, Apartheid-Free Zones. These are businesses or organizations or community spaces that have committed to support the three principles of the BDS campaign, namely that Israel must meet its obligation to recognize the Palestinian people’s inalienable right to self-determination and fully comply with the precepts of international law  (more...)

Apartheid-Free Zones and the Boycott/Shame List

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Palestinian Christians challenge the World Council of Churches on Gaza


World Council of Churches Palestinian Christians Gaza genocide equivocation moral impotence cowardice lukewarmness

Palestinian Christians are criticizing a World Council of Churches statement for ignoring the context of the October 7 attacks and refusing to call out the unfolding Gaza genocide.

The Palestinian Christians are losing patience. In June, the Executive Committee of the World Council of Churches (WCC) meeting in Bogota, Colombia published a “Statement on the Escalating Crisis in Gaza.” In response, the Board of Kairos Palestine, a Christian Palestinian movement, released an “Open Letter to the World Council of Church’s Executive Committee.”  It begins respectfully: “We trust that the statement was issued with great concern and with the urgent need to terminate the atrocious crimes in Gaza.” And on the surface, the WCC statement appears to take full account of the horrific suffering of Gaza and Israel’s responsibility for its egregiously disproportionate response to the October 7 attack. It appeals to international law and stresses the urgency to put an end to the carnage. 

But the Palestinians see what is missing. They feel what is missing. “As Palestinians, as Christians and as your partners,” the Open Letter continues, “we would like to bring to your attention the following points.” They do not mince words, getting to the heart of the matter in their first point:  

We believe that the title “Escalating Crisis in Gaza” is neither accurate, nor adequate. The protracted “crisis” is a result of 8 months of Israel’s incessant large-scale military aggression which amounts to acts of genocide, prior to which Gaza has been strangled by a 17-year blockade that forced 2.3 million people to become aid-dependent and extremely vulnerable to famine and starvation…Not only is the term genocide absent from the title, it is marginalized in the body of the statement instead of being the essence of what the statement is condemning. It cannot be acceptable that crimes of such scale, committed deliberately over 8 months, be narrowed down to a “crisis.” 

The Palestinians then proceed directly to place the October 7 Hamas attack in context, shifting the framework from “humanitarian crisis” and “human rights” to Israel’s longstanding, systemic denial of Palestinian peoplehood.

We deplore that the Statement fails to mention Israel’s 7-decades settler colonial regime, apartheid and prolonged occupation with total impunity as the root cause and the context that laid the grounds for the events of 7 October and the ensuing genocide against the Palestinians in Gaza and the grave escalation of Israel’s atrocities in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

It is shocking that it was necessary to call the WCC to account for this failure. The world church body has decades of direct involvement with Palestine to its credit, with missions and programs on the ground addressing the consequences of Israel’s ongoing project of dispossession and ethnic cleansing. Is it possible that the members of the WCC Executive Committee do not see the root cause of Palestinian resistance, especially in the case of the almost two-decades-long siege of Gaza?  (more...)

Palestinian Christians challenge the World Council of Churches on Gaza

Israel and wiping lipstick from the pig


ICJ ruling Israel occupation crime justice Palestine solidarity Yemen heroism history righteousness United Nations reparations restitution international law

ICJ verdict: Highest court rules Palestine resistance is legitimate, Israel’s claim of self-defence is not. It’s a pivotal moment in Palestine’s history, says attorney Lamis Deek

Happy Meal? I can’t think of anything less likely to make me happy


Adidas boycott Bella Hadid Israel Gaza genocide Palestine solidarity occupation ICJ ruling illegal settlers Olympics ethnic cleansing Nazi oppression Hillary Clinton apartheid justics

Ciao Bella Hadid and boycott Adidas. George declares war on the three stripes. Yemen, with the poorest people on the planet and the bravest. Hillary Clinton and the shower curtain

Israeli soldiers tell story of savage cruelty in Gaza - one given blessing by the West


Israel IDF Gaza genocide savagery cruelty barbarity Western indifference Zionism atrocities war crimes against humanity lawlessness complicity collusion collaboration hypocrisy cynicism

Women and children are being targeted intentionally, say Israeli whistleblowers. From ground troops to commanders, the rules of war have been shredded

They just keep coming. On the weekend, Israel launched another devastating air strike on Gaza, killing at least 90 Palestinians and wounding hundreds more, including women, children and rescue workers. 

Once again, Israel targeted refugees displaced by its earlier bombs, turning an area it had formally declared a “safe zone” into a killing field. 

And once more, western powers shrugged their shoulders. They were too busy accusing Russia of war crimes to have time to worry about the far worse war crimes being inflicted on Gaza by their Israeli ally - with weapons they supplied. 

The atrocity committed at al-Mawasi camp, packed with 80,000 civilians, had the usual Israeli cover story - one rolled out to reassure western publics that their leaders are not the utter hypocrites they appear to be for supporting what the World Court has described as a “plausible genocide”. 

Israel said it was trying to hit two Hamas leaders - one of them Mohammed Deif, head of the group’s military wing - although Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu seemed uncertain as to whether the strike was successful.

No one in the western media appeared to wonder why the pair preferred to make themselves a target in an overcrowded, makeshift refugee camp, where they were at huge risk of being betrayed by an Israeli informant, rather than sheltering in Hamas’s extensive tunnel network. 

Or why Israel deemed it necessary to fire a multitude of massive bombs and missiles to take out two individuals. Is that Israel’s new, expansive redefinition of a “targeted assassination”? 

Or why its pilots and drone operators continued the strikes to hit emergency rescue crews dealing with the initial destruction. Was there intelligence that Deif was not just hiding in the camp, but had hung around to dig out survivors, too? 

Or how killing and maiming hundreds of civilians in an attempt to hit two Hamas fighters could ever possibly satisfy the most basic principles of international law. “Proportion” and “distinction” require armies to weigh the military advantage of an attack against the expected toll on civilian life.  (more...)

Israeli soldiers tell story of savage cruelty in Gaza - one given blessing by the West

Elites Creating New Cult Religion for Top-Down Control


oligarchy cults Blavatsky Theosophy United Nations Luciferianism Esolen drugs New Age UFOs cults human potential neofeudalism

David Gosselin discusses his new writings on how the Western occult oligarchy is creating a new spiritual eco-system and cult religion to better manage their populations and maintain top-down control. A lot of talking points include the UFO phenomenon and aliens or alien gnosis, so-called lost civilizations, psychedelics, and so forth. They are attempting to re-imagine Western civilization's image of man. Pop culture (e.g. X-Men) is really the exoteric version of the esoteric, a typical feature of the mystery cults and schools. The idea is that through bioengineering and the technological transformation of man's body he is going to reach higher spiritual transcendence. The UFO "disclosure" movement is a sort of false flag operation and theosophist jargon such as "Christ Consciousness" is their selling point to re-pattern society. This alchemical tradition depends on people not knowing how their tricks work, once that is demystified, their magic and spells become useless.

Lyndon Larouche Christian economy anti-fascism republicanism independence politics Workers Party American System emancipation accountability

Saturday, July 20, 2024

‘Arrest Netanyahu!’: Thousands to Surround the Capitol When He Visits Congress


arrest Netanyahu Congress Washington D.C. protests ceasefire red line warrant ICC Gaza genocide crimes against humanity Palestine solidarity

Despite the request for a warrant to arrest Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu from the International Criminal Court, the US Congress has invited him to Washington to address a joint session on July 24. Activists with the Shut It Down for Palestine Coalition will be mobilizing against his visit, which they say is a bold-faced betrayal of the will of the majority of Americans who demand a ceasefire. Layan Fuleihan, Education Director at The People’s Forum and part of the coalition, joins the show to explain why supporters of Palestine must take action.

Choosing war over Canadians’ security


Canada NATO military spending corruption foreign policy waste politics colonialism economy war imperialism aggression

At the 75 anniversary NATO summit in Washington DC last week Justin Trudeau acceded to US, media and arms industry pressure to commit even more public resources to the military. Researcher and activist Tamara Lorincz joins Talking Foreign Policy: an internationalist perspective on Canadian foreign policy to discuss Canada’s plan to spend 2% of GDP on its military, her participation in the NATO counter summit and countries that don’t have militaries.

Universities, police spread ‘jaw-dropping’ misinformation about encampments


Canada misinformation Palestine solidarity administration police repression encampments universities mendacity violence

Internal emails, leaked recordings, and interviews at six universities reveal a pattern of misinformation targeting pro-Palestinian student encampments before and after crackdowns

As Katy Anderson drove home from campus that night, she kept checking over her shoulder. Each time she made a turn—six times in total, she remembers counting—two police vans trailing behind her turned as well. 

“They followed me all the way until I reached my parking lot at the back alley of my apartment building,” said Anderson, a journalist and PhD student at the University of Calgary. 

Earlier that night, she was among several students and community members injured in a police crackdown that, at the behest of the University of Calgary, dismantled a pro-Palestine encampment set up the same day on the campus.

Anderson suffered a concussion, having been hit over the head with police shields, as well as being kicked, pepper sprayed, and stunned by a flash bang grenade that landed next to her. 

The day after, U of Calgary president Ed McCauley wrote in a statement that “the police report no injuries.” 

Three weeks later, Calgary Police Chief Mark Neufeld told a police commission hearing that he still couldn’t answer questions about injuries that night. The Alberta Serious Incident Response Team—made up of police and “civilian investigators”—was investigating, he said, whether “social media accounts and reporting of serious injury…are, in fact, accurate.”

While the raid in Calgary was one of the most dramatic, the whirlwind of unfounded allegations and police violence that student protestors experienced there played out similarly across the country. It was part of a pattern in responses to encampments, according to interviews The Breach conducted with more than 20 students and organizers from six pro-Palestine encampments.  (more...)

Universities, police spread ‘jaw-dropping’ misinformation about encampments

Companies Ask Court To Keep Their Israel Export Details Secret


Canada military exports Israel Gaza genocide complicity technology secrecy activism

At least four companies have revealed they hold permits that have allowed military goods to be exported to Israel since October 7.

At least four companies have asked to participate in a lawsuit about Canadian weapons exports to Israel — and by doing so, revealed that they hold permits that have allowed military goods to be exported to that state since its assault on Gaza began in October. 

Lawyers for TTM Technologies, General Dynamics Land Systems-Canada, GeoSpectrum Technologies and Excelitas sent letters to either the federal court registrar or Canadian Lawyers for International Human Rights (CLAIHR) in June and July. The companies asked for orders to keep details of their export permits confidential or stated their intention or potential intention to seek such orders. 

The letters, which are publicly available through the court, relate to CLAIHR’s lawsuit against the federal government. The lawsuit alleges that Canada is violating its obligations under international law by sending military goods to Israel and seeks a court order to stop the issuing of export permits for such goods.

The letter from General Dynamic references documents “related to the issuance of export permits [...] since October 9, 2023,” which is the first public admission by a Canadian manufacturer that it has received new permits to export military goods to Israel since October 7.  (more...)

Companies Ask Court To Keep Their Israel Export Details Secret

Russiagate cheerleaders, spy agency links: what you need to know about CrowdStrike, the firm behind the global IT outage


Crowdstrike IT Russiagate outage cybersecurity crash sanctions technology

A leading name in cybersecurity, Crowdstrike was deeply involved in the ‘Russiagate’ hoax

Before a faulty software update dragged the company’s name into global headlines on Friday, Crowdstrike had a long history of involvement with US intelligence agencies, and played a key role in the ‘Russiagate’ hoax.

Crowdstrike released a defective update to its cloud-based security software on Friday that left an array of users around the world – including banks, airlines, media outlets, and government agencies – unable to use their IT systems. 

The company issued a fix within several hours of the problem being identified, but thousands of flights remained canceled or delayed into Friday afternoon, while hospitals, police departments, and businesses continued to report issues getting back online.

Founded by its CEO George Kurtz and former CTO Dmitri Alperovitch in 2011, Crowdstrike released its flagship Falcon platform two years later. Falcon monitors clients’ computers or servers for attacks, relays details of incoming threats to the company via a cloud-based monitoring service, and can then block or trace the attack.  (more...)

Russiagate cheerleaders, spy agency links: what you need to know about CrowdStrike, the firm behind the global IT outage

2024 UK General Election: 141 Fabians Elected—What Is Fabianism?


UK general election Fabians ideology misanthropy elitism depopulation oligarchic socialism oligarchy social control fascism oppression green agenda austerity

The Fabian Society (on X): The Fabian Society’s post

“141 Fabians elected!

From every corner of the country, brilliant Fabians will be shaping the future of the left in parliament. We can't wait to work with you all!

To all Fabians who stood yesterday, whether elected or not, you are the backbone of our movement. Your commitment to our shared values makes us stronger.”

Friday, July 19, 2024

Shirion Collective exposed


Mossad Israel intimidation Shirion Collective Palestine solidarity targeting doxxing harassment spam smears slander calumny deceit vileness

In today’s show, we will be discussing the increasingly desperate measures Israel is taken via its assets to counter the growing support for the Palestinian cause around the world.

Canada Must Support ICJ Decision on Israel’s Illegal Occupation


ICJ ruling Canada justice Palestine politics collusion complicity sanctions lawlessness land sales illegal occupation reparations

Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) is urging the Canadian government to support today’s breakthrough advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and help bring an end to Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestine. In a groundbreaking decision, the ICJ concluded that Israel’s continued presence in the occupied Palestinian territory (OPT) is illegal and must end as rapidly as possible. CJPME urges Canada to issue sanctions on Israeli leaders in response to its illegal practices, and to support any further efforts by the United Nations to force Israel’s compliance with international law.

 “Today’s ruling by the ICJ is an unequivocal declaration that Israel’s continued presence as an occupying power in the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem is illegal, that it must end, and that Israel owes reparations to the Palestinian people,” said Michael Bueckert, Vice President of CJPME. “Regrettably, Canada has previously attempted to discourage the ICJ from providing an opinion on this matter, showing how it favours Israel with a double standard when it comes to the application of international law. Following today’s ruling, we hope to see Canada finally give its full support for the ICJ and help bring a rapid end to Israel’s illegal occupation,” added Bueckert.

The ICJ concluded in its advisory opinion that Israel’s prolonged occupation, settlement expansion, annexation of territory, and apartheid policies have made its continued presence in the OPT illegal (including the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza), and asserted that Israel is obliged to bring an end to the occupation as rapidly as possible. The ICJ determined that many of Israel’s actions “amount to the annexation of large parts of the occupied territory” in breach of the prohibition on acquiring territory by force, and amounting to the prolonged deprivation of the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination. The ICJ concluded that Israel is obliged to provide full reparation, restitution, and compensation, including the return of all land and the evacuation of all settlements. The ICJ said that all states, including Canada, are under obligation to cooperate with the UN in bringing an end to the occupation, and are not to render any aid or assistance in maintaining the situation created by Israel’s illegal presence in the OPT.  (more...)

Canada Must Support ICJ Decision on Israel’s Illegal Occupation

World Court says Israel’s presence in Palestinian territories is illegal


ICJ ruling Israel Palestinian territories illegal occupation United Nations justice Zionism World Court

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has ruled that Israel’s continued presence in the occupied Palestinian territory is illegal and that it should come to an end “as rapidly as possible”.

David Wallace, Brad Mitchell, Rod Diplock- Leaked emails from the Church of Crime


David Wallace Plymouth Christian Church Brethren Canada crime corruption politics business conspiracy Conservative Party cults Miller Thomson

In this documentary style podcast we discuss preachers, pedophiles, private investigators, lawyers and liars, criminals, and crooked cops, big business, bibles, black eyes and bribery, and lots and lots of money. 

Welcome to the strange Jekyll and Hyde world of the “Universal  Elderhood” Elderhood” of the Plymouth Brethren Christian Church, whose revered priests and leaders, Brothers Brad Mitchell and Rod Diplock, preach the Gospel of Christ Jesus by day, and transform like werewolves into “Frestey” and “Westwind” to hunt opposers by night. Meet Mick “Stranger Things” Strange, the foul-mouthed priest of Oz, and his lackey “Prince of Darkness” Keith Prince who bankrolls their dark ops from Tillsonburg town.

Meet Gerald Chipeur, KC, Counsel to the Conservative Party of Canada, and the PBCC, who preaches in the temples of the 7th Day Adventist Church, administers Justice in the law courts of Alberta, and procures and pays criminals $5000 a time to sign false affidavits for his clients.

“Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence” - and extraordinary evidence is exactly what we give you - a score or more of emails, recordings and text messages between the PBCC priesthood, and their operatives from the underworld, extracted from the famous Klondike papers and published here for the first time. 

And our special guest today? No less than David Wallace, political ratf@cker turned whistleblower, without whom Richard would probably be dead, and “Get-a-Life” would never have been conceived.

And there’s more…so much more…but watch, listen, and see with your own eyes the damning evidence from the Cult of Corruption – Bruce D Hales’ Plymouth Brethren Christian Church.

Israel's Unit 8200 & Silicon Valley


Google Israel Unit 8200 Silicon Valley Zionism espionage influence Palestine solidarity resistance boycott divestment technology cloud ethnics

Greg stoker is joined by Paul Biggar CEO of Tech for Palestine to discuss Israel's flagging Tech economy. 

The elite military intelligence unit 8200 serves as a pipeline to entrepreneurship in the Israeli tech sector and is generally seen as a great benefit to the country's tech economy, which comprises 20% of its annual GDP. 

Google is poised to buy the cloud-based cyber security firm, Wiz, which was founded by four former members of unit 8200. The Israeli media has just spent two entire news cycles lauding this potential deal as an indicator of the strength and resilience of the nation's economy.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Donald Trump’s UNHINGED Zionism


Trump Christian Zionism politics influence Israel extremism corruption cults

Journalist Michael Tracey Joins Katie to discuss Trump's position on Israel.

Praying For Armageddon


Praying for Armageddon Israel Evangelicals Christian Zionism fundamentalism Trump extremism bible studies fanaticism

While much of the world struggles to keep the planet going, a frighteningly large group of American fundamentalist Christians are working to promote the apocalypse. The evangelical movement is convinced that they will be saved when Jesus appears in the state of Israel on horseback and, with a sword raised to heaven, kills the infidels so that the blood reaches the horses’ bridles. Natural fires, corona, wars and crises are evidence that the time is nigh. But for the prophecies to be realized, the state of Israel has to grow stronger, so they provide huge financial support and are so far inside the White House that they help influence US foreign policy.

Who are the PBCC


Plymouth Brethren Canada Klondike Papers cults trauma social control politics business PBCC corruption Conservative Party Steven Harper vaccination

An introduction to the Plymouth Brethren Christian Church (PBCC), formerly known as the Exclusive Brethren, and the trail of trauma it's left behind. We begin to dive into the fears of leaving and how the outside world was not what we were told it was.

Richard Marsh takes us through his role in the Klondike Papers and leads us into a heated discussion on politics and the PBCC. The PBCC will not allow its members to vote, and claim to have no interest in politics. Indeed, as a registered charity, they  cannot legally engage in political campaigns. We peel back the veneer of lies to show how the PBCC  has become by far the most influential cult in Canadian politics, using its members to give targeted donations to political causes on demand, and how they were intimately connected with Stephen Harper's election campaigns. We also give you a heads up on Jesse Brown's new podcast series "Ratf*cker" which will be a fruitful romp through the legendary "Klondike papers" leading on to the even darker crimes committed in Maple Creek.