Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Millionaire tech entrepreneur opens up about 'vicious beatings he suffered at hands of his ex-girlfriend'

A San Francisco tech entrepreneur has opened up about the shocking beatings he allegedly suffered at the hands of his ex-girlfriend in an effort to make the subject of domestic abuse against men less taboo.

Ben Way, 33, claims, in an article published online Tuesday, that he was punched in the jaw, bitten, scratched, stabbed in the foot with a stiletto and struck in the genitals during the attacks.

Some nights, he told MailOnline, he even 'hid the knives' in the apartment the couple shared for fear his partner would take things further.

The British-born dot com millionaire met his younger ex, who MailOnline is not identifying, after he moved to Silicon Valley from the UK three years ago.

The couple were inseparable for about a year, and Way says he is still madly in love the woman who allegedly abused him.

'It was a very loving relationship most of the time, and that is what makes it so difficult,' he told MailOnline.

But he says things started to fall apart a few months back and after he requested some space his girlfriend clung on even more and then 'snapped.'  (more...)

Vatican hires world's leading pro-homosexual corporations as advisors

EY! magazine posts pictures of nude men in compromising positions
In their efforts to bring "transparency" and "efficiency" and "financial reform" to the Government of the Vatican City State (the "Governatorato"), Vatican officials have managed to completely ignore the lack of moral credentials of the mega firms they have hired to carry out these tasks including the world's top pro-lesbian, "gay," bisexual, transgender (LGBT) consulting firm of Ernst & Young, now formally known as EY.  Nor, apparently, did Ernst & Young officers volunteer this information before signing their formal contract with the Vatican to seal their lucrative consultation deal. Nor, apparently, did the leaders of the Homosexual Collective Internationale feel constrained to publicly denounce this well-advertised, but incredulous business arrangement between the alleged "homophobic" Roman Catholic Church and the London-based corporate giant of Ernst & Young, the world's most "gay friendly" employer. So permit me to do the honors.  (more...)

Young Catholics Not Welcome at the University of Notre Dame

Officials at the University of Notre Dame revoke permission for pro-marriage table, tell young Catholics to “cease and desist” promoting natural marriage on campus.

This student wanted people to throw TFP
fliers in his trash bin without reading them.
Sound Bend, Indiana: April 29, 2014 -- Young volunteers with Tradition Family Property Student Action were ordered to “cease and desist” promoting traditional marriage at the University of Notre Dame on Friday, April 25.

“Permission to have a table had been granted through an officially recognized on-campus student group,” said TFP Student Action director John Ritchie.  “But that permission was revoked for some odd reason.  Police officers arrived soon after we started giving out pro-family literature and cut the event short, informing us that we were no longer welcome to talk to students about the importance of preserving the sanctity of marriage between 1 man and 1 woman, which fully agrees with 2,000 years of Catholic teaching,” Ritchie explained.

The TFP handout, 10 Reasons Why Same-Sex “Marriage” is Harmful and Must Be Opposed, was being warmly received by students and faculty members alike. However, several pro-homosexual students ripped up the flier, shouted obscenities, and expressed their desire to deprive the pro-true marriage volunteers of their right to free speech.  (more...)

Former Pride Toronto official faces sex assault, drugging charges

Former Pride Toronto co-chair Luka Amona
A former co-chair of Pride Toronto is on trial for allegedly drugging and sexually assaulting a young man in August 2012.

Luka Amona, 38, who stepped down from Pride Toronto’s board days after being charged in September 2012, pleaded not guilty to both counts at the start of the judge-alone trial Monday.

In his opening statement, Crown prosecutor Fred Bartley alleged that Amona forced a now 22-year-old man to have anal intercourse at his apartment after a Pride volunteer appreciation party they both attended.

The man, whose identity is protected by a publication ban, testified he and Amona began a purely physical relationship at the end of May 2012.

He broke it off on the weekend of the Pride Parade at the end of June after he found out Amona was also seeing someone in Montreal.  (more...)

The Rise of Aggressive Emotivism

In a recent case in North Carolina, a sweet faced and intellectually accomplished nun came to a Catholic high school to address the students about human sexuality. We don’t have the text of sister’s talk, but from the outrage expressed she not only criticized homosexual actions, but was down on divorce and sexual sin.

The mother of one student reported her son’s comments, “We had the worst assembly today, we tried to leave but were made to sit down. There are students in this school who are openly gay and some who are not out yet. Obviously, they felt bullied.” A petition organized by students stated, “We resent the fact that a school wide assembly became a stage to blast the issue of homosexuality after Pope Francis said in an interview this past fall that ‘we can not insist only on issues related to abortion, gay marriage and the use of contraceptives methods.’ ” Other students and parents were “outraged” and “in tears.” A meeting between parents and school administrators was held in which the wild emotions over the issue continued.

While high emotion often accompanies hot topics like sex in schools what we are seeing in the current moral debate in America is more than a typical emotional reaction to sex education. Instead of this being an emotional element in a heated debate, the debate seemed to consist of nothing but heated emotions. This is not emotion about morality this is emotion instead of morality, and there is a philosophical term for it: Boo-hurrah morality.  (more...)

Shocking Number Of Canadian University Grads Are Functionally Illiterate

About a quarter of Canadian university graduates are functionally illiterate, according to recent data.

A study that evaluates adult literacy, math, and problem-solving skills has found that 27 per cent of Canadians with at least a bachelor's degree don't have the basic literacy skills to function in society.

The Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) study uses five levels to assess respondents' proficiency in literacy and numeracy, and set Level 3 as the minimum skill set needed to cope with daily life.

Six per cent of Canadian grads were found to function at Level 1 or below. Tasks at this level involve reading short, simple texts to find one piece of information, and understanding very basic vocabulary.

And the overall stats for numeracy were even worse than literacy, with 31 per cent functioning at less than Level 3.  (more...)

Public school board defends student’s ‘pink day’ poster championing polygamy

TORONTO, Ontario, April 30, 2014 ( – The Toronto District School Board (TDSB) is defending an allegedly student-created poster that appears to celebrate polygamy as part of the school’s “Pink Day” promoting diversity.

Titled "King Eddie Pink Day 2014," the poster includes two sets of trademark circular symbols that indicate either male or female. Each set linked together has three symbols, one-male-with-two-females and one-female-with-two-males.

“Same Love,” the poster, allegedly taped to the wall of King Edward Public School, states.

The poster, created April 9, appeared on Twitter earlier this week and was highlighted on Socialist Studies’ blog. It was re-tweeted by the TDSB. The tweet was “favorited” by the TDSB Continuing and International Education office, TDSB grade 3 teacher Sharon Moskovitz, teacher Vanessa Plourde, Liberal Party organizer Adam Exton, and left-leaning TDSB Ward 9 candidate Liz Jackson.  (more...)

Audacious Homeschool Teacher Course Released

Throughout history, parents, in most cases, have proven themselves to be the best possible teachers for their children. Until a child's spirit is broken by schooling, their drive to learn is insatiable and most often parents need only provide guidance and access to learning materials to help their children educate themselves. With this precept in mind, the Home Learning Association (HLA) partnered with the Home School Institute to organize and create an instructional “Homeschool Teacher Course” for homeschooling parents. It's a 5-disc DVD set available online for free to HLA members.

This innovative, no-nonsense course contains hundreds of video clips extracted from presentations by some of the world's leading homeschool and education experts as well as other child development professionals. It explores methods of helping children teach themselves and guides parents through the learning process. It offers facts about and support for the homeschooling environment and shows how this environment benefits the children, the parents, and society as a whole.  (more...)

Taxpayers on hook for CFS agencies’ questionable trips

This photo shows the April 2012 trip to Anaheim, CA
Thousands of dollars spent on trips to Los Angeles, Las Vegas and Cancun by government children's service agencies to learn about insurance plans has the Southern Authority and its partner agencies under fire for wasting taxpayers' money.

Documents obtained by the Sun include photos which allegedly show Children and Family Service workers from across Canada attending seminars in these locations. According to a freedom of information request, those workers included employees from the Southern Authority from 2010-12, costing taxpayers $5,300.

The trips are hosted by Life Benefit Solutions, a Winnipeg-based insurance broker.

"We're talking about tax dollars that are meant for helping kids, not for sending bureaucrats on unnecessary trips," said Colin Craig, Prairies director of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation.  (more...)

Week-Long Homosexual Activist Training Event for Toronto Students

From May 5 to May 9, 100 students across Toronto will be missing school to participate in the Jer's Vision GSA Forum.  This event is referred to by the organizers as a training event; in other words, the focus is activism.  The event has the support of Ontario's Catholic teachers' union (OECTA has been promoting Jer's Vision quite a bit on social media recently) and unsurprisingly, the support of the TDSB.

This week-long event is not unique; the organization Jer's Vision travels around Canada organizing these conferences.

Where does their money come from?  A good chunk of it comes from the government.  "Platinum sponsors" of Jer's Vision include the CBC and the Public Health Agency of Canada.  "Gold sponsors" include the City of Vancouver, the Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario, Ryerson University, and the University of Ottawa.  Jer's Vision also lists the TDSB, as well as many homosexual and far left organizations as "community partners.  (more...)

York Catholic Board Protests Union Pride March

Pedophilia: Don't be Fooled

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Audit finds issues with Toronto trustee expenses

Toronto trustees like to have their say in the boardroom, but they do a lot of talking outside of it as well — racking up thousands of dollars worth of calls to and from the Virgin Islands, Panama, Cuba, Greece and Mexico.

A detailed internal audit of Toronto District School Board trustees found numerous examples when they were, mostly without question, reimbursed for unauthorized or dubious expenses, including conference costs six days after the end of a three-day conference, $100 for alcohol and a $250 parking violation — issued for either blocking a fire route or a fire hydrant.

Trustee John Hastings, chair of the audit committee, said he could not explain the claims but wants the board to move quickly to address spending.  (more...)

Teacher faces sex abuse charge

A Caesar Rodney middle school teacher surrendered Monday to face charges of sexually abusing a 13-year-old student, Dover police said.

Stephanie L. Seabury, 22, of the Woodmill Apartments, in the1300 block of S. Farmview Drive in Dover, is an English teacher at Fifer Middle School in Camden, Cpl. Mark Hoffman said.

She was charged with one count of sexual abuse of a child by a person in a position of trust or authority.

District officials say Seabury has been suspended with pay in March.

According to court records, the 13-year-old boy told authorities March 12 that he had had a sexual relationship with the teacher with "several planned meetings" at her home.  (more...)

CAS vows to appeal ruling of ‘bad faith’

The London-Middlesex Children’s Aid Society (CAS) will appeal court decisions in which it was slammed for acting “in bad faith” during a marathon custody battle and was billed $1.4 million for court costs.

The agency also stands by its decision to seek child protection from the father of three children — a decision that was dismissed by a judge after an unprecedented 154-day divorce and custody battle trial that was spread over three years — executive director Jane Fitzgerald said Monday.

“We don’t make these decisions lightly and we take into consideration the opinions of other professionals and in this case we did so,” said Fitzgerald, referring to consultations with police, women’s groups and school officials.

“We stand by our decision to seek a child protection application in this matter.”

Last week, Superior Court Justice John Harper slapped the CAS with a $1.4-million court bill and had harsh words for the agency, saying it failed to properly investigate a mother’s version of events in a divorce and custody battle, even when three children tried to alert authorities of the woman’s violence, alcoholism and manipulation.  (more...)

Former Elgin State Rep Faces Child Porn Charges

Former Illinois State Rep. Keith Farnham was charged Monday with possession of child pornography.

According to a criminal complaint filed in U.S. District Court in Chicago, two child pornography videos were found on a computer seized from his Elgin office in March.

Farnham, 66, has not been arrested, but is expected to appear in court Wednesday to answer to the charges.

Farnham resigned from his position on March 19 citing health issues, a day after winning the primary running unopposed.

Federal investigators searched Farnham's office on March 19 and confiscated several computers and electronic storage devices which they say contained child porn images, including a computer labeled "Property of the State of Illinois House of Representatives."  (more...)

Monday, April 28, 2014

The homosexual movement’s push for adult-child sex

April 28, 2014 ( - Shocking allegations by former child actor Michael Egan against openly “gay” “X-Men” director and producer Bryan Singer have stunned Hollywood into relative silence. I say “relative silence” because, unless he’s a Catholic priest, the relativist left’s false narrative is that a “gay” man is always the victim and never the victimizer.

Nonetheless, this latest episode has once again shined the spotlight on the long-established link between the homosexual lifestyle/movement and pedophilia – a link that, despite “progressive” denials to the contrary, is hiding in plain sight.

Egan has filed suit against Singer and several other high-profile Hollywood figures for homosexually assaulting him and other boys repeatedly at several “‘infamous‘ coke and twink pool parties” back when Egan was 15 and Singer was 32. (In the “LGBT” vernacular “twinks,” also called “chicken,” are highly sought-after underage boys used for sex by adult “gay” men.)

Egan’s claims eerily mirror those of former child actor Corey Feldman who similarly alleged last year that such homosexual abuse is rampant, even systemic, in Hollywood.

But are these allegations really that shocking? Regrettably, the overwhelming weight of the evidence indicates that the abuse runs rampant well beyond just Hollywood.  (more...)

Scholars Disappointed in Aquinas College (Tenn.) Statement on Sr. Jane Laurel

A number of current and past Board of Directors members of the Society of Catholic Social Scientists wrote an open letter to Sister Mary Sarah Galbraith, president of Aquinas College in Nashville, Tenn., expressing their disappointment regarding her recent statement following a lecture given by one of the community’s religious sisters at a Catholic high school.

Sister Jane Dominic Laurel, who has served as an assistant professor of theology at Aquinas College, delivered a lecture entitled “Masculinity and Femininity: Difference and Gift” at a Catholic high school in North Carolina on March 21, as was reported.

The talk, which was not recorded, sparked controversy and online reactions which took issue with the content of Sr. Jane’s presentation.  After a meeting was held on April 2 between school administrators and parents, many of whom reportedly opposed Sr. Jane’s talk, Bishop Peter Jugis of the Diocese of Charlotte said that he was shocked to hear about the lack of charity and respect at the meeting. For more information, read “What Really Happened at Charlotte Catholic HS” by Austin Ruse at Crisis Magazine.

On April 4, Sr. Mary Sarah Galbraith released a statement in which it was announced that Sr. Jane cancelled all speaking engagements and was preparing to take a sabbatical from teaching.

Now, an open letter laments the way the Aquinas president responded to the situation.  The letter argues that those who objected to Sr. Jane’s talk were primarily motivated by their opposition to Church teaching on human sexuality—which they took out on Sr. Jane.  (more...)

What Really Happened at Charlotte Catholic HS

What, my ostrich-feathered Knights of Columbus friends?

11 new suspects and independent review into how paedophile Liberal MP Cyril Smith’s sex abuse was 'swept under the carpet'

Police have today revealed they are chasing up to 11 new suspects linked to sex abuse by former Liberal MP Cyril Smith.

Greater Manchester Police has said it will also review evidence of claims that Smith was subject to a top-level cover-up spanning 35 years, including by MI5 agents.

It came as the Liberal Democrats came under further pressure over their former MP after even his family called for an independent inquiry into allegations he had abused boys.

Police are already investigating allegations of historic sex abuse by Smith in Rochdale, where he was an MP for 20 years.

But it has today announced that it is looking into claims that abuse may have been swept under the carpet by officials and politicians in Rochdale Council between 1961 and 1995.

The review will be carried out by a QC, with any evidence of criminality then passed to the police, who say they are 'trying to trace' others who may have abused children or helped hide it.  (more...)

Lecturers and students 'appalled' by 'creepy' site

A tech entrepreneur has come under fire after creating a website that encourages lecturers to have sex with their university students.

Tom Thurlow, 23, from Gloucestershire, created to help students meet like-minded others for casual sex.

Since its opening in September 2012, the site has attracted thousands of users, with 2,000 students signing up per day in its first few months.

'And of these horny students, three fifths (61 per cent) confessed to indulging in "flirtatious behaviour" with the lecturer in question.

'To put it simply, there are students in vast numbers who want to get it on with the person who stands in front of the blackboard.  (more...)

Max Clifford found guilty of eight counts of indecent assault

Max Clifford's wife Jo was fighting back tears today after learning of her husband's convictions.

The former PA was visibly distraught at her Cotswold cottage in the picturesque village of Broadway as friends and relatives arrived to comfort her.

It has been rumoured that she plans to divorce her husband of four years, and she has been conspicuously absent from his trial.

Earlier today, Clifford was found guilty of a string of indecent assaults on teenage girls over a period of nearly 20 years.

The 71-year-old became the first person to be convicted under the high profile Operation Yewtree sex crime investigation at Southwark Crown Court.  (more...)

Beacon of Darkness

Scottish Nationalist Party leader Alex Salmond has promised an independent Scotland will be a ‘progressive beacon’ if it wins the ‘Yes’ vote in September. Sixty-eight-year old children’s rights campaigner Robert Green is currently enjoying an advance taste of what this actually means.

Here is Robert’s story, according to various sources:

On 12th February 2014, Grampian Police - a Scottish force - arrested Robert at his home in Warrington - which is in England - and took their prisoner to Scotland. Scots police do not normally have jurisdiction in Warrington. Five days after his arrest he was told what he was being charged with. It is alleged he had broken a non-harassment order. There appears to be no such order. For the last few weeks Robert has been held in Perth prison.
Here is his website:

The saga began several years ago when Robert Green took up the case of Hollie Greig. Hollie has Down’s Syndrome. She had made serious allegations of repeated sexual abuse while a child living in Aberdeen.  She said the main culprits were family members, but she also claimed there was a far wider ring. This comprised Scots who were in positions of authority and influence, including a senior police officer, social workers, a head teacher and a judge. Hollie named seven other children as fellow victims of ritual abuse by this paedophile ring.  (more...)

Queen: Paedophiles to be treated like terrorists in new crackdown

Paedophiles will be given the same treatment as terrorists under a crackdown on child abuse to be included in the Queen's Speech.

David Cameron said that he wanted to close a loophole that allows sexual predators to create and possess ‘manuals’ giving tips on how to identify victims, groom them and evade capture.

In future, they will face the same kind of sanctions as extremists who download guides to bomb-making.

The issue came to light after GCHQ and the National Crime Agency found online examples of the guides in the chaotic part of cyberspace known as the ‘dark web’ or 'deep web'. This is where tens of trillions of pages that most people have never seen are stored. They include everything from statistics to the illegal sale of human body parts.

The Prime Minister told The Sunday Times: ‘It's completely unacceptable that there is a loophole in the law which allows paedophiles to write and distribute these disgusting documents.  (more...)


Sunday, April 27, 2014

Woman Arrested On Bestiality Charges After Looking For Horse On Craigslist

An Arizona woman has been arrested on bestiality charges after allegedly trying to arrange sex with a horse via Craigslist.

The woman, who's described as transgender and who the police report is legally known as Donald Waelde, 22, posted this ad on the Missed Connections section of Phoenix Craigslist on April 8:
"I am 22 years old and I want to play with a male Horse. Simple as that. If you have access to a Male horse, and can allow me access to a male horse, then contact me please ;) I will do something in return.
Waelde's ad caught the eye of another Craigslist visitor who reported it to the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office  (more...)

OHL billet and friend to NHL stars accused of sex crimes against two boys

OTTAWA — The longest-serving hockey billet in OHL history, who has personal relationships with former NHL hockey stars the world over, is being prosecuted for alleged sex crimes against two boys, the Citizen has learned.

Neil Joynt, 73, was quietly arrested in Kingston last fall on charges of indecent assault and sexual assault against two boys, both athletes at the time.

The retired gym teacher and former OHL billet for 33 years hasn’t told his hockey-star friends about the case, not even his longtime fishing buddy, Eric Lindros, a star-power forward in the 1990s. He befriended Lindros after younger brother Brett Lindros lived with him before getting drafted to the NHL. Lindros visits Joynt a couple times a year, including Christmas holidays, according to Joynt.

Joynt told the Citizen in an exclusive interview he fears the child-sex charges — which he says are false — will rock Canada’s hockey world.  (more...)

Reluctant witnesses a challenge in Durham sex slavery cases

DURHAM -- Crown attorneys pursuing human trafficking cases deal with challenges, including reluctant witnesses and relatively untested laws, says one prosecutor.

Prosecutors and police must gain the trust of traumatized victims, then rely on courts to hand down appropriate sentences for crimes of human exploitation, said JulieAnn Barrett, an assistant Crown attorney in Durham Region.

“They are challenging prosecutions,” she said. “They’re complicated. There’s usually been a lot of police resources and investigative time put into them for good reason. We’re dealing with vulnerable young women, so that’s a challenge in and of itself sometimes.”

There have been relatively few human trafficking charges prosecuted in Durham Region, but that’s likely to change as police aggressively pursue pimps who exploit victims, typically young women in their teens and early 20s. Durham cops say human trafficking is a burgeoning issue here, and that the problem is getting worse.  (more...)

Friday, April 25, 2014

NDP and Liberals accused of not caring about children of divorce

Maurice Vellacott
OTTAWA – Maurice Vellacott (MP Saskatoon-Wanuskewin) accuses the Liberal Party of Canada and the New Democratic Party of Canada of not caring about Canada’s children of divorce in light of their continued opposition to Bill C-560. Bill C-560 introduced by Vellacott, would mandate a rebuttable presumption in favour of equal shared parenting for children whose parents are divorcing.

The Bill, which would amend Canada’s Federal Divorce Act, is currently in the midst of second reading in Parliament. Debate on second reading continues on May 7, 2014, after which a vote will be held to determine if it would move forward and be studied by the Parliamentary Committee on Justice and Human Rights.

The concerns expressed by the Justice critics for the Liberal Party and the New Democratic Party during the first hour of parliamentary debate on Bill C-560, have been fully addressed and answered in a document titled “Myths and Facts Concerning Bill C-560”, which was distributed to all 309 MPs. A copy of this document has been posted on the website of the Canadian Equal Parenting Council.

. Vellacott states, “The issues raised by my colleagues from the Liberal and New Democratic parties are founded on misapprehensions as to the actual content and effect of Bill C-560 and reflect a lack of understanding of the critical need to address Canada’s broken family court system. Litigating over children as spoils of war in divorce is not working.”  (more...)

New Paper Exposes Hidden Agenda of the Sex Ed Establishment

NEW YORK, April 25 (C-FAM) Reporters called one program “x-rated.” Another was dubbed “kindergarten sex ed.” A World Health Organization version led to a spectacular defeat in the European Parliament. UN delegates reject it as an assault on their culture.

Comprehensive sexuality education often goes unchallenged – until people discover what it teaches. Now a new paper explains the politics behind the curricula and why so many people are upset.

A team of experts led by Professor Jokin de Irala found the self-described “evidence-based” comprehensive sexuality education to be riddled with ideology and opinions masquerading as facts. And outright disrespect for parents, with one program declaring sexual autonomy an “entitlement” that “strengthens the individual against intrusions by the family or society.”

"The Politics of ‘Comprehensive Sexuality Education'" looks at the tactics of what the authors call the Sex Education Establishment, a collection of powerful organizations such as the UN Population Fund, the World Health Organization, USAID and Planned Parenthood.   (more...)

Predator in the classroom

A paedophile teacher drugged and molested up to 60 boys as young as ten at a British private school after four decades spent abusing children around the globe.

William Vahey, 64, plied them with sleeping pills before carrying out his sickening attacks during class trips abroad, it emerged last night.

The married teacher appeared to have an ‘immaculate record’ when he started work at the elite Southbank International School in 2009. In reality, he had covered up a child sex conviction and spent 40 years abusing ‘hundreds’ of youngsters in nine countries.

Vahey committed suicide at a motel in the US last month – just days after confessing. The FBI had been poised to investigate a USB memory stick containing graphic images of 90 children who appeared to be asleep or unconscious while they were assaulted during field trips dating back to 2008.

The photos featured between 50 and 60 pupils at Southbank International in central London, where American-born Vahey taught ten to 16-year-olds history and geography and led trips to destinations such as Nepal and Venezuela.

Last night, distraught parents at the prestigious school favoured by foreign executives feared they may never know whether their children were abused because the victims had been secretly fed sedatives beforehand.  (more...)

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Ontario law society votes against accrediting B.C. Christian university

TORONTO – Graduates of a planned law school at a Christian university in British Columbia that forbids sexual intimacy outside heterosexual marriage cannot practise in Ontario, that province’s law society decided Thursday.

Many members of the Law Society of Upper Canada’s board of directors condemned the policy as “abhorrent,” though several said they would still vote in favour of allowing graduates to practise in Ontario. Ultimately there were 28 votes against accreditation to 21 in favour.

Trinity Western University, which plans to open a law school in the fall of 2016, requires students to abide by a covenant that includes requiring them to abstain from gossip, obscene language, prejudice, harassment, lying, cheating, stealing, pornography, drunkenness and sexual intimacy “that violates the sacredness of marriage between a man and a woman.”

Students can face discipline for violating the covenant, either on or off campus, according to the school’s student handbook.

University president Bob Kuhn appealed to the Law Society of Upper Canada to avoid penalizing his students for their beliefs as it would signal to millions of Canadians with religious views that they are “not welcome in the public marketplace,” he said.  (more...)

Suffer the Little Children

Who ya calling a sissy? Oh... ya...

The boards and the bees

Ironically, in a country with a past prime minister who famously preened about the state having “no place in the bedrooms of the nation,” the schoolroom is becoming a seminar for the boudoir. Ministries of education across the country are refashioning grade school curricula according to the postulates of tendentious, pseudo-scientific ideologies of identity. The radical politics of sexual education have become the norm for all grades in schools across Canada.

Is abortion simply “something the woman decides to do with the help of a doctor,” something which “has little chance” of causing “health problems in the future?” Is masturbation just “something that people of all ages and genders may choose to do?” And is “sex” a category which is based only on the body while gender is something based only on the brain? According to the resources provided to teachers by the Toronto Public Health board, they are – and this example is just one of any number which could be adduced to indict the ideological agenda of our so-called “educators.”  (more...)

The Feds promote gender diversity and homosexuality in sex ed

Despite education being a provincial responsibility, the Canadian federal government has issued guidelines on how to structure a sex education program. The latest 2008 update of Canadian Guidelines for Sexual Health Education, published by the Public Health Agency, which reports to the minister of health, is intended to be a “framework” for drafting curricula for Canadians of all ages, including children and youth.

The Canadian Guidelines warns that educators should be careful when defining “sexual health,” as the phrase may be misunderstood to express approval or disapproval of specific behaviours or individuals under the guise of “medical truth.” As well, the guideline states, an ideal curriculum meets the needs of all minorities, including homosexuals. In fact, sex education should promote “critical thinking and reflection about gender identities and gender-role stereotyping. It recognizes the dynamic nature of gender roles, power and privilege and the impact of gender-related issues in society.” It also “challenges the broader and often invisible dynamics of society that privilege certain groups (e.g., heterosexuals).”  (more...)


“My teacher said the Catholic Church has changed its teaching about masturbation. They say it’s healthy now.”

A sweet high school girl said this to me after hearing a chastity talk at her school. She wasn’t trying to get a laugh from her classmates. She was genuinely confused.

My little sister came home from school one day with a similar story. Her religion teacher had told his class about the time he and his 3-year old daughter saw a same-sex couple at the mall and he took the opportunity to teach his daughter that same-sex unions are good.

The problem is not simply a few rogue teachers. Actually at this point, the “rogue” teachers are the ones who do present the truth.

I’ve personally talked with teachers who have been reprimanded for bringing students to the March for Life, for presenting authentic Church teaching about sexuality, and for even having too many Christian posters on the walls of their religion classrooms.  (more...)

On Gay Adoption, S.E. Cupp is Out to Lunch

S.E. Cupp is one of the latest media figures to make a pitch on gay marriage and adoption.  As is often the case, she throws out so many canards in this cocktail of insipidness, one scarcely knows where to begin.
I will say conservatives have got to move on gay marriage....[and] on gay adoption. If abortion is the abhorrent option – and I believe it is – then adoption by any two loving people has got to be the better option.
First of all, the latest estimates indicate that somewhere between 12-15% of heterosexual couples struggle with infertility.  Currently many of these viable homes, rather than adopting, are being steered to the artificial reproduction market and contributing to the 1.5% (and rising) of live American births tied to in vitro technology.  The alternative to abortion is obviously to get more of these viable straight couples to avoid sperm-banking or surrogacy, and to consider adopting instead.

Anyone who’s lost a birth parent to death, divorce, or a tragedy knows that a kid feels the absence of a father or mother.  This is square one for adoptees, orphans, children of divorce, or children of same-sex couples – someone was there when you were born, and now he or she is not there.  That person is a very real human being, tied to you by flesh and blood.  A kid mourns the missing person, thinks about him, longs to reconnect with him.  It hurts to be cut off from a mother or father.  I was cut off from my dad because he divorced my lesbian mother; I was reared by two women.  (more...)


Jesuit University Ethics Prof. Writes ‘Civil Same-Sex Marriage: A Catholic Affirmation’

Lisa Fullam, a professor of moral theology at Santa Clara University’s Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley, recently published an article titled “Civil Same-Sex Marriage: A Catholic Affirmation” on the blog of the dissident group New Ways Ministry.

In the piece, Fullam offers “reasons Catholics might advocate civil same-sex marriage.”
In this essay, I have offered a case for a Catholic affirmation of civil same-sex marriage. Magisterial opposition to same-sex marriage centers on the question of gay couples’ capacity for reproduction, which is read through the lens of John Paul II’s Theology of the Body, according to which reproduction reveals a deeper truth about men and women. However, those insights lack scientific and experiential support, and are far from universally acknowledged. Reproductive capacity is not absolutely required even for marriage within the Church, nor has it been required of civil marriages by the Church…  (more...)

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Ex-teacher pleads guilty to sex charges

TIMMINS - A former elementary school teacher who committed an “abhorrent” breach of trust through her sexual conduct with four students has been sentenced to seven months in jail.

In addition to jail, Kim Gervais, 37, received two years of probation after pleading guilty in Timmins Superior Court of Justice on Wednesday to three counts of sexual interference and one count of inviting for a sexual purpose.

The students involved were boys, ages 12 to 13 at the time of the offenses.

Gervais was their teacher at École catholique Anicet-Morin.

The offenses involving sexual contact were committed at her residence.  (more...)

Why the Surprise and Shock?

How can any of this be news?

The latest rebellion:

TDSB attempt to force budget failed: Trustee

The Toronto District School Board may have to reopen its budget after “smoke and mirrors” used to paint the province into a corner politically failed, a board trustee says.

When trustees and staff forged ahead with budget plans ahead of schedule in early 2014, they did so hoping to force the province to back up their first balanced budget in the TDSB’s 16-year history or risk looking like the spoiler, Sam Sotiropoulos said.

But news of multimillion-dollar grant cuts show the plan backfired and staffing reductions could be on the horizon as a result, he said.  (more...)

A great place to start cutting:

Playlist: Christina Hoff Sommers


  1. Ban Bossy: Does it have the facts straight?
  2. Why There Are Fewer Female Math Teachers
  3. The gender wage gap uses bogus statistics
  4. The gender wage gap is a myth
  5. Meet the feminists your professors never told you about
  6. Why Aren't There More Female Scientists?
  7. School has become too hostile to boys
  8. Is masculine culture toxic for boys?
  9. What schools can do to help boys succeed

Durham police battle increase in human trafficking

DURHAM -- Durham police are grappling with what they describe as a growing incidence of young women being forced into the sex trade.

Human trafficking is on the rise in Durham, as evidenced by the results of recent blitzes targeting activity in motels along the Hwy. 401 corridor, said Sergeant Ron Kapuscinski.

“The results have spoken for themselves,” he said of investigations that have led to the arrests of several suspected pimps on human trafficking charges. “Our service has identified it as a significant issue.”

Last spring, Sgt. Kapuscinski led a team of officers in Project Spencer, which confirmed the existence of human trafficking in Whitby and led to the conviction of a 33-year-old man accused of exploiting two women, aged 21 and 23. This was the region’s first human trafficking conviction.

That was followed up by a similar initiative this past fall dubbed Project Armstrong, which led to the arrest of nine individuals. They are facing more than 80 charges including human trafficking, firearms-related offences and drug possession.  (more...)

There’s ‘bad blood’ between sexually abusive teacher’s husband and one of her accusers

SHERWOOD, Ore. – It’s bad enough when a student claims he was sexually abused by a teacher.

It’s even more inexcusable when he finds himself at odds with the teacher’s husband, who also happens to be a local police officer.

Denise Keesee, 39, a former teacher at Sherwood High School, was sentenced earlier this week to a month in jail and five years of probation for sexually abusing a 16-year-old male student, according to a report from

She was originally accused of having sexual contact multiple times with two boys who were students at the high school between 2005 And 2009, the report said. She eventually accepted a plea agreement in which she admitted to two counts of abuse involving one victim.

But the disturbing story doesn’t end there. There was more than one Keesee working at Sherwood High School. The teacher’s husband, Adam Keesee, is a local police officer who was formerly assigned to the high school as a resource officer.  (more...)

More coverage:

Catholic parents start petition against OECTA participation at gay pride parade

Can't say this enough:

TORONTO - At least 1,000 Ontarians are calling on the province's Catholic school trustees to demand the Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association abandon its decision to have representation at the World Pride Parade.

On April 18 Teresa Pierre, president of Parents As First Educators (PAFE), started an online petition to put pressure on the Catholic trustees to push back against the union. During the Easter weekend the petition, which Pierre said came as a response to a Catholic Register article highlighting the union's decision, garnered more than 1,000 names.

The World Pride Parade is to be held in Toronto on June 29. The annual parade, part of the Pride festivities, is known for blatant public nudity and sexually explicit messages.

“This event is inconsistent with what the Church teaches about homosexuality,” wrote Pierre.

So far no Catholic trustees have publicly gone against OECTA's decision, which came out of the union's Annual General Meeting early this year. The Ontario Catholic School Trustees' Association (OCSTA) also is not weighing in on the union's decision.  (more...)

Social Conservatives Betrayed Again

The waters couldn't have been muddied any more thoroughly. Is that the intent here?

Time for a reprisal of:

Give Teresa your support, despite the betrayal and sabotage:

Catholicism: Scandalous in Every Age

“Christ Cleansing the Temple” painted by Luca Giordano
A few weeks ago, a Catholic priest caused quite a stir in one of our local diocesan high schools. He spoke the truth about sex. Pause here to sigh, and to wish that our heresies were more interesting.

Some of the parents and students objected. They did not say, “The priest presented the truth in a way that made it less likely that the audience would accept it. We are worried that the Church’s teachings did not appear in the best light. We need to do some considerable work right now, lest the students go on to reject what they do not understand.” No one said anything of the sort. It was clear that they objected to what the priest had said, rather than how he said it. Not one of the parents crying out for the principal’s head troubled to suggest any way in which the Church’s teachings might be presented with more effective power. They objected not to the strategy, but to the battle. They do not want the Church to win. They want the Church to surrender.  (more...)

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

World Pride: parents’ group wants Catholic teachers to withdraw from parade

Why WON'T Clegg launch inquiry into Cyril Smith cover-up?

Liberal MP Cyril Smith (centre) with former Liberal
party leaders Jeremy Thorpe, left, and David Steel
Pressure mounted on Nick Clegg to hold an independent inquiry into the Cyril Smith paedophilia scandal last night as Paddy Ashdown became the fourth Liberal Democrat leader to deny knowledge of the abuse.

Opposition MPs accused the Deputy Prime Minister of putting up a smokescreen by claiming he knew nothing of Smith’s vile activities because they occurred before his party existed in its current form.

Lord Ashdown, who led the Lib Dems from 1988 to 1999, yesterday insisted he did not know of the 29stone late Liberal MP’s serial abuse of boys while he was at Westminster.

Ashdown was elected to Parliament in 1983 and retired in 2001. Smith served as Liberal and later Lib Dem member for Rochdale from 1972 to 1992.

This meant they would have been part of a small group of Liberal or Lib Dem MPs for nine years.

Lord Ashdown told the Daily Mail: ‘You ask whether I was aware of allegations about Cyril Smith during the time you refer to. The answer is no.’  (more...)

Fort McMurray teacher’s assistant charged with child exploitation

Russell Hancock
A Fort McMurray teacher’s assistant is facing 10 child exploitation charges, including making child pornography and sexual assault.

The 35-year-old man, a Fort McMurray Public School District employee, was arrested April 19 following an investigation by Alberta Law Enforcement Response Teams.

The man is alleged to have committed multiple sexual offences against two Fort McMurray elementary-age students within the past 10 months. Police did not say if boys or girls were victimized.

Investigators do not believe the offences occurred at the school or in his role as a teacher’s assistant.

Russell Hancock is being held in custody and is scheduled to appear in Edmonton provincial court April 28  (more...)

More coverage:

Toronto Cardinal criticizes Catholic teacher’s union decision to march in Pride parade

TORONTO, April 22, 2014 ( – Toronto Cardinal Thomas Collins has criticized the Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association (OECTA) after it announced last month it would march in Toronto’s WorldPride parade this summer.

The decision, he said, shows OECTA’s “inadequate and mistaken understanding of their faith.”

“OECTA, however, is not the Catholic teachers; it is a union,” he said in a statement provided to the Catholic Register last week. “Its competence is limited to collective bargaining, and the services any union provides to its members. When it goes beyond those areas, it can easily go wrong, as it has in the decision of the OECTA delegates to participate in this event.”

Collins is a member of the Vatican’s Congregation for Catholic Education as well as the president of the Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Ontario. Joining him in opposing OECTA’s decision was Bishop Gerard Bergie of St. Catharines, chair of the Ontario Catholic bishops’ education committee.  (more...)

Adverts telling Jimmy Savile's victims how to claim up to £60,000 in compensation are published

Jimmy Savile's abuse victims have been instructed how to claim up to £60,000 in compensation in a newspaper advert published today.

About 140 people have told police they were attacked by the DJ in hospitals or on BBC premises before he died in October 2011, aged 84.

In February the High Court agreed a compensation scheme worth around £3million and victims will be able to make claims against Savile's estate, the BBC and the NHS.

But nobody will receive more than £60,000 and should apply for cash by the start of June.

The adverts appear in today's Times and Daily Mirror newspapers, as well as some local newspapers, and warn alleged victims they must apply for compensation in the next six weeks.

High Court judge Mr Justice Sales sanctioned the scheme after agreement between NatWest, the executor of Savile's estate, lawyers representing Savile's alleged victims, the NHS and the BBC.  (more...)

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