Tuesday, April 15, 2014

American pro-family activist LaBarbera arrested in Canada

REGINA, Saskatchewan, April 14, 2014 (LifeSiteNews.com) - A prominent U.S. pro-family activist who was detained by the Canadian Border Services Agency before being allowed into Canada on appeal was arrested late Monday on the campus of the University of Regina.  Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality was arrested along with Canadian pro-family activist Bill Whatcott.

The pair were at the university with a poster depicting a child killed by abortion and a sign saying "sodomy is a sin."  A video of the incident shows that at first Whatcott was asked to leave the campus by campus security, who were accompanied by police. Whatcott responded that he had won two court cases on freedom of speech. “I do believe I have a charter right to speak here," he said.

Whatcott said that they would have to remove him from campus, because in addition to his charter right, he said, “I believe I have a moral responsibility to share the Gospel with these students.” He added, “I believe this university would not be as rich as it could be if it did not allow me to stay here and speak.”

Just before he was arrested Whatcott said to the guard, “I respect you but I’m not going to obey that order because it’s unjust and it’s illegal.”  (more...)

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