Thursday, April 24, 2014

Jesuit University Ethics Prof. Writes ‘Civil Same-Sex Marriage: A Catholic Affirmation’

Lisa Fullam, a professor of moral theology at Santa Clara University’s Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley, recently published an article titled “Civil Same-Sex Marriage: A Catholic Affirmation” on the blog of the dissident group New Ways Ministry.

In the piece, Fullam offers “reasons Catholics might advocate civil same-sex marriage.”
In this essay, I have offered a case for a Catholic affirmation of civil same-sex marriage. Magisterial opposition to same-sex marriage centers on the question of gay couples’ capacity for reproduction, which is read through the lens of John Paul II’s Theology of the Body, according to which reproduction reveals a deeper truth about men and women. However, those insights lack scientific and experiential support, and are far from universally acknowledged. Reproductive capacity is not absolutely required even for marriage within the Church, nor has it been required of civil marriages by the Church…  (more...)

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