Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Public school board defends student’s ‘pink day’ poster championing polygamy

TORONTO, Ontario, April 30, 2014 ( – The Toronto District School Board (TDSB) is defending an allegedly student-created poster that appears to celebrate polygamy as part of the school’s “Pink Day” promoting diversity.

Titled "King Eddie Pink Day 2014," the poster includes two sets of trademark circular symbols that indicate either male or female. Each set linked together has three symbols, one-male-with-two-females and one-female-with-two-males.

“Same Love,” the poster, allegedly taped to the wall of King Edward Public School, states.

The poster, created April 9, appeared on Twitter earlier this week and was highlighted on Socialist Studies’ blog. It was re-tweeted by the TDSB. The tweet was “favorited” by the TDSB Continuing and International Education office, TDSB grade 3 teacher Sharon Moskovitz, teacher Vanessa Plourde, Liberal Party organizer Adam Exton, and left-leaning TDSB Ward 9 candidate Liz Jackson.  (more...)

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