Wednesday, April 16, 2014

English teacher who simulated orgasm for students gets a letter of reprimand, short employment probation

MIAMI – Why is organized labor such a bad fit for America’s public schools? Because teachers unions frequently intervene and save the jobs of their members who clearly should be fired.

A perfect example is Christine Jane Kirchner, a language arts teacher at Coral Reef High School in Florida’s Miami-Dade school district.

Over the course of the 2012-13 school year, Kirchner committed the following acts in the presence of her students, according to a complaint from the state Department of Education:

Discussed topics like sex, virginity and masturbation; simulated a sexual orgasm; and massaged students in her language arts class. All of the above reportedly made several students feel “uncomfortable or embarrassed.”

Most reasonable people would agree that Kirchner should have been fired and never allowed to teach again.

But Kirchner is a member of the Florida Education Association, the state’s largest teachers union. She is also an executive board member of the United Teachers of Dade, her local union.  (more...)

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