Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Week-Long Homosexual Activist Training Event for Toronto Students

From May 5 to May 9, 100 students across Toronto will be missing school to participate in the Jer's Vision GSA Forum.  This event is referred to by the organizers as a training event; in other words, the focus is activism.  The event has the support of Ontario's Catholic teachers' union (OECTA has been promoting Jer's Vision quite a bit on social media recently) and unsurprisingly, the support of the TDSB.

This week-long event is not unique; the organization Jer's Vision travels around Canada organizing these conferences.

Where does their money come from?  A good chunk of it comes from the government.  "Platinum sponsors" of Jer's Vision include the CBC and the Public Health Agency of Canada.  "Gold sponsors" include the City of Vancouver, the Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario, Ryerson University, and the University of Ottawa.  Jer's Vision also lists the TDSB, as well as many homosexual and far left organizations as "community partners.  (more...)

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