Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Another Catholic school embroiled in battle over Church teaching on sexuality

Fr. Rocky Hoffman
WAKEFIELD, RI, April 16, 2014 ( – Another controversy has erupted at a Roman Catholic school after students and parents reacted with outrage to Church teaching on sexuality as presented at a school assembly.

Father Francis “Rocky” Hoffman spoke to students at The Prout School in Wakefield, Rhode Island on April 4.  During the course of his talk, he apparently made comments critical of homosexuality and divorce that some students found offensive.

The Diocese of Providence’s spokesman on the issue has seemed to agree with Hoffman’s critics. But Catholic observers suggest the controversy is part of a growing tendency to uproar against Catholics for simply professing Church teaching on marriage and homosexuality.

LifeSiteNews attempted to reach Bishop Thomas Tobin, a bishop known for his strong defense of Church teaching on life and family, to clarify the diocese’s position, but was unsuccessful as of press time.  (more...)

Another Catholic school embroiled in battle over Church teaching on sexuality

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