Tuesday, May 31, 2022

International Health Regulations to be restructured under new World Health Organization 'instrument'


WHA Geneva WHO Tedros IHR sovereignty health unaccountability

At the annual World Health Assembly (WHA) in Geneva, Switzerland, the World Health Organization (WHO) had a lengthy agenda.

A topic of high priority was the discussion around proposed amendments to International Health Regulations (IHR).

The proposed changes are outlined in Document A75/18 titled Strengthening WHO preparedness for and response to health emergencies with the sub header Proposal for amendments to the International Health Regulations.

The amendments would give the WHO, namely Director General Tedros, sweeping powers to declare a global health threat without consultation by the member state. There was concerning language, too, around perceived versus actual threats of international concern. If adopted, these amendments would leave public health responses to the WHO and no longer at the request of the state party.

It appears to be managed by the Working Group on Pandemic Preparedness (WGPR), as evidenced by Tedros’ opening remarks where he essentially thanked the WGPR for their “establishment of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body for a new WHO accord on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response.”

Viewing the presentations live, co-chair of the WGPR, Colin McIff, mentions the INB (Intergovernmental Negotiating Body) as a “new instrument.” The other co-chair Grata Werdaningtyas notes that the WGPR is being entirely restructured into the Working Group on International Health Regulations (WGIHR) whose talks will resume in November.

As reported by the Epoch Times, various African regions objected to the amendments forcing further discussions to be moved to November. It appears that Brazil was among those who threatened to leave the WHO entirely if the health amendments passed.

The Degradation of Medical Education


doctors medicine education academia degradation menticide incompetence irrationality authoritarianism elitism pseudoscience

By now, the consequences of heavy-handed lockdown policies have become self-evident. Even the most pious Covidians have begun to admit that lockdowns were not the answer. The collateral damage spans everything from food shortages to childhood suicide. However, the quality of medical education has not received as much attention.

Coincidentally, the drawn-out scream that is this blog started with an exploration of how we arrived at the problems currently plaguing medicine.

While you read this, remember the quality of your experiences with the healthcare industry prior to 2020, for better or for worse.

Before we explore the changes specifically affecting medical training, let us recap the consequences of lockdowns on the general population—as they also apply to people who happen to be in the medical field.

  • Social isolation—leading to a whole host of consequences
  • Increased anxiety and depression
  • Increased alcohol and drug abuse
  • Loss of income & livelihood
  • Lost follow-up for a variety of medical conditions
  • Loss of friends or family to widespread malpractice

You may think that medical students & trainees may be more resilient (or have access to greater support) in the face of psychological stress or uncertainty. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Even before 2020, medical professionals suffered from some of the highest rates of burnout and suicidality. Additionally, the practice of coddling young adults within the confines of the college campus have also made tremendous inroads into medical education.  (more...)

The Degradation of Medical Education

Covid has torn apart our social fabric


COVID coronavirus totalitarianism paranoia Canada authoritarianism derangement lockdowns mandates social disintegration alienation atomization despair suicide addiction sadism

Over the past two years, Canadians have suffered through some of the strictest lockdowns in North America. While some restrictions have been lifted, many Canadians are trapped in Covid purgatory. Unvaccinated Canadians aren’t able to board a plane or a train, many have lost their livelihood and the federal government refuses to lift travel mandates that have caused chaos at Canada’s airports.

While Canadians continue to feel the chilling effects of heavy-handed government measures, the elites remain maddeningly out of touch with the concerns and anxieties of Canadians.

How did we get here? What can be done to rebuild our civil society?

On today’s episode of The Candice Malcolm show, Candice is joined by Dr. Matt Strauss, the acting Medical Officer of Health for the Haldimand-Norfolk region in Ontario. Candice and Dr. Strauss discuss the unreported stories of the pandemic in Canada, the unintended consequences of the government’s lockdowns and pushing back against the lockdown authoritarians.

Forgotten History: the Ludlow Massacre & the Pr Machine


Rockefeller CF&I coal mines unions strike breakers National Guard Ivey Lee public relations social engineering corporations exploitation Ludlow Massacre history immigration

The 108th anniversary of this event just happened last month. Always feels strange how a century can go by and little details slip through the cracks, forgotten. We thought we knew this story... but then we had to go and dig.

Monday, May 30, 2022

The Nova Scotia Mass Shooting - May 29 2022


Canada RCMP Nova Scotia corruption deception deflection diversion cover-up incompetence crime

Paul Palango and Jordan Bonaparte discuss recent developments related to the Nova Scotia Mass Shooting. 

The legacy media is not telling the truth about the “unmarked graves”

aboriginal first nations indian residential schools education fake news mainstream media deflection social control

It’s been one year since the Kamloops Indian Band made a shocking allegation — that it had “discovered” 215 unmarked graves that belong to children who had attended the local residential school. 

This allegation set off a whirlwind of events: exaggerated headlines, erroneous claims of mass graves, accusations of genocide, international shame and contrition, more discoveries from other bands, genuine remorse and sadness from all Canadians and eager progressives competing over who could use the most hyperbolic anti-Canadian rhetoric.

But is any of this true? Has any of the claims been verified, corroborated or confirmed? 

On today’s episode of the Candice Malcolm Show, Candice is joined by professor Tom Flanagan who has been diligently researching this topic for much of his career. His recent research is in direct conflict with the media narrative, and he maintains his position that the story of the unmarked graves is “the greatest fake news story in Canadian history.” 

Dr. Flanagan breaks down all the facts of the case, explains everything we know about the school — including the fact that most of the teachers were First Nations — and discusses how this narrative got so removed from the truth. You won’t see a conversation like this anywhere else in the Canadian media.

Minions of the New World Order


minions New World Order NWO WEF World Economic Forum Young Leaders Rhodes Scholars imperialism sham democracy infiltration fifth column Fabians Round Table CFR Chatham House feudalism slavery Venice London Amsterdam Rome

Author and journalist Matthew Ehret joins the show to chat with Liberty Man about the evolution of the New World Order empire in modern history. They discuss some of the front men of the globalist cabal and the methods they use to steer civil society towards their ultimate and final revolution.

Sunday, May 29, 2022

CSIS and the Round Table Origins of the Five Eyes


CSIS Round Table Canada CSE Five Eyes oligarchy New World Order Rhodes Scholars globalism geopolitics

This month the Task Force on National Security at the University of Ottawa published a white paper which lays out a plan for a major re-organization of Canada’s intelligence agencies to better deal with the “intense global instability when the security of Canada and other liberal democracies is under growing threat.”

Upon looking at those who participated in the crafting of this “discussion” paper, which includes several former CSIS directors, advisors to Prime Ministers and high level civil servants, it can quickly be seen that this is no benign academic exercise, but represents a top-down policy intention. The authors of the report reference the changes to Canada’s security architecture based upon the threat of Russian aggression, Chinese subversion to the western order, domestic terrorism with a focus on the “loss of confidence in government resulting in the spread of conspiracy theories and misinformation.

The prescriptions call for obvious expansions of the authority of Canada’s primary intelligence agency (CSIS), and greater coordination with the international Five Eyes with a focus on the guiding framework of the July 2, 2021 UK white paper ‘Global Britain in a Competitive Age’.

Before deciding whether or not CSIS powers or the Five Eyes should be expanded within the context of the global instability now unfolding, it is worth asking ‘What is the Canadian Communication Security Establishment exactly, and from where did the Five Eyes arise over the course of the previous century?”

To properly answer this with a full appreciation into the historic forces at play, it is vital to jump back in time to the founder of the Rhodes Scholar program that birthed the Chrystia Freeland phenomenon in our modern age (Freeland after all a leading Rhodes Scholar and it would do us well to fully understand what that means). This exercise will take us to Cecil Rhodes, Governor of Rhodesia, father of systemic colonial rape of Africa and all around degenerate.  (more...)

The Ugly Truth of UFOs


menticide MKULTRA oligarchy pseudoscience psychological operations sabotage academia education deindustrialization neofeudalism mass hysteria social control fascism

What are they? Where did they come from? Why do powerful figures within the Five Eyes Intelligence Community and Military Industrial Complex seem to be driving the past 60 years of alien disclosure operations. What does all of this have to do with Tavistock, MK Ultra and the use of social engineering that grew out of the early days of the Cold War? 

Is it possible that this entire social experiment is a distraction designed to destroy an entire population's ability to think through causes and solutions to the oncoming existential crises like nuclear war, imperialism and a controlled disintegration of the system which Great Reset architects are drooling over?


The Pentagon’s New UFO Disclosures: 75 Years of MK Ultra Psy Ops

Saturday, May 28, 2022

Countering the Iron Law of Oligarchy & Their Limited Hangouts


oligarchy tyranny organized crime corruption resistance discernment limited hangouts academia geopolitics globalists co-option fifth column infiltration social control

Professor Darrell Hamamoto discusses the "iron law of oligarchy" and how the establishment hijacks and co-opts organic movements and ideas and then produces synthetic heroes (e.g. J.D. Vance). Part of the reformation of oligarchy is to continually identify talent that can be part of the oligarchy. The people who study us know there's grassroots resentment so they concoct limited hangouts. But the iron law of oligarchy is not so iron. He calls his method of counter-politics "smut justice" which means being alert and using discernment to call out false heroes before they gain traction and attacking the fissures in the iron oligarchic system.

The World Economic Forum in Calgary? Likely in a city near you as well!


WEF World Economic Forum Great Reset municipal Global Shapers youth fifth column Klaus Schwab globalism

Personally founded by Klaus Schwab, The Global Shapers Community is a World Economic Forum initiative comprised of 500 hubs in 500 cities.

In Toronto:

Global Shapers Community Toronto Hub


The World Economic Forum’s Plot to Murder Detroit

Friday, May 27, 2022

WHO assembly turns into anti-Russian squabble-fest


WHO health UN Russia Ukraine deception EU geopolitics Nazi

The Russian Federation exercised their right of reply to say things that directly contradict the mainstream narrative about the Ukrainian conflict.

Did Corona come from a US bioweapons lab in Ukraine?


coronavirus biolabs Ukraine research bioweapons biowarfare military

On April 13, 2022, British investigative website The Exposé published evidence that the Covid-19 virus originated in US bioweapons laboratories.

The authors first noticed an entry on the US government website USA Spending. This referred to a grant from the Ministry of Defense for an explicitly designated “Covid-19 research” project in Kiev on November 12, 2019. However, the world only became aware of the disease two days into 2020, and the virus was allegedly only named on February 11, 2020.

“The sub-contract was awarded 12 November 2019, at least one month before the alleged emergence of the novel Coronavirus, and three months before it was officially dubbed Covid-19, the award for Covid-19 research should come as a shock to everyone,” the authors highlighted.

As early as 2012, according to USA Spending, the ministry had begun to generously support the American company Black & Veatch Special Projects Corp for a “Program to Reduce Biological Risks in Ukraine“. The money was used in over 100 sub-projects and some of the funds were explicitly forwarded “to Kiev” for setting up laboratories – one of the recipients seven years later was the aforementioned COVID project of the US company Labyrinth Global Health Inc.

As early as 2009, its boss Karen Saylors worked on a Coronavirus program of the US government agency USAID alongside the organization EcoHealth Alliance (EHA). In early 2020 EHA was one of the most important protagonists of the global Covid system. It also became Labyrinth’s primary partner in the new Kiev project – as did the company Metabiota of Nathan Wolfe, who was previously the lead virologist at the US Department of Defense.

Wolfe, incidentally was one of the “Young Global Leaders” of the so-called World Economic Forum, closely associated with global schemes to bring about a Great Reset.  (more...)

Did Corona come from a US bioweapons lab in Ukraine?

Russophobia: Anti-Russian sentiment in Europe surges


Europe Russia Russophobia hate xenophobia bigotry discrimination dehumanization propaganda social engineering division exclusion alienation racism rejection

Shortly after Russia's military operation in Ukraine began, many ethnic Russians around the world sensed a surge in hostility towards them. A wave of Russophobia is being fanned by mainstream media and Western politicians. Just speaking in Russian can be enough to attract harassment and discrimination.

Some Russians report being fired from their jobs, just because of their nationality. They may be denied apartment rental or forcibly evicted without notice. Some have even been threatened with physical violence. Russian embassies are being vandalised. There are reports of bank accounts being closed without explanation, others have said that even their children, who were born in Europe, are being targeted at school.

Experts recommend ignoring the social media haters and reporting any threats of violence to the police, but enduring the onslaught still takes its toll psychologically.

Several Russian emigrants talk about violations of their rights and the atmosphere in which they now live. How are Russians coping with hostility and intolerance?

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Bombshell: Sixty Years After Her Death, New Evidence Suggests Marilyn Monroe Was Murdered by Bobby Kennedy and LAPD Covered Up Murder


Bobby Kennedy Marilyn Monroe murder poison crime FBI agents politics Hollywood cover-up murder corruption police books

Marilyn Monroe was Hollywood’s most marketable and dazzling star during the 1950s and early 1960s. On August 4, 1962, her life came to a premature and tragic end at the age of 36.

According to the official story, Marilyn committed suicide by swallowing too many barbiturates. She was depressed because she had been dumped by Robert Kennedy—and before that John.

At 8:00 p.m., Marilyn allegedly retreated to her room and closed the door. Seven hours later, her housekeeper, Eunice Murray, saw that the light was still on in her room and grew worried. She called Marilyn’s psychiatrist, Dr. Ralph Greenson, who came to her home in Brentwood, peered through Marilyn’s bedroom window, and saw her lying face down on her bed.

Greenson then allegedly took a poker from the fireplace, smashed the window and climbed into Monroe’s room. After seeing her dead body, he proclaimed “we’ve lost her.”

At 4:25 a.m. the police were called and Marilyn was taken to a Santa Monica hospital (St. John’s Hospital) where she was pronounced dead.

The Coroner, Dr. Theodore J. Curphey, ruled Marilyn’s death a suicide and no further police investigation was undertaken.

A new Netflix documentary, The Mystery of Marilyn Monroe: The Unheard Tapes, and a book published by former LAPD officer Mike Rothmiller and Douglas Thompson, Bombshell: The Night Bobby Kennedy Killed Marilyn Monroe (London: Ad Lib Publishers, 2021), puncture the official narrative about Monroe’s death, detail corruption in the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) and expose liberal icon Robert Kennedy as a murderer.  (more...)

Bombshell: Sixty Years After Her Death, New Evidence Suggests Marilyn Monroe Was Murdered by Bobby Kennedy and LAPD Covered Up Murder

A Brief History of Domestic Terrorism: From Cointel Pro to 9/11 and Beyond


Domestic Terrorism COINTELPRO 9/11 strategy of tension terrorism Gladio FBI RCMP Canada assassination fear porn propaganda trauma

Since a new wave of ‘domestic terror attacks’ have erupted over the past two weeks both in Buffalo and now more recently in Texas, the citizens of the USA and trans-Atlantic community more broadly are being whipped up into a frenzy of fear and confusion over the causes of ‘domestic terror’ which can only be remedied by increased dictatorial powers of the population.

As has often been the trend in our post-9/11 age, such highly publicized atrocities have tended to carry in their wake ever expanded state powers to surveille, censor and manipulate the confused and fearful population who lacks an ability to discern the true causes of the horrifying events framed for their consumption on mainstream media.

Before acquiescing to greater tyrannical powers to those agencies controlling western governments in exchange for promised security, it were wise to evaluate how and why terrorism – domestic or otherwise – has tended to arise over the past century.

If, in the course of conducting this evaluation, we find that terrorism is truly a “naturally occurring phenomenon”, then perhaps we might conclude alongside many eminent figures of the intelligence community and Big Tech, that new pre-emptive legislation targeting the rise of a new conservative-minded domestic terrorist movement is somehow necessary. Maybe the censoring of free speech, and the surveillance of millions of Americans by the Five Eyes is a necessary evil for the sake of the greater good.

However, if it is revealed that the thing we call “terrorism”, is something other than a naturally occurring, self-organized phenomenon, but rather something which only exists due to vast support from western political agencies, then a very different conclusion must be arrived at which may be disturbing for some.  (more...)

A Brief History of Domestic Terrorism: From Cointel Pro to 9/11 and Beyond

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Butcher Of Lyon: The Manhunt For Notorious Gestapo Chief Klaus Barbie


Klaus Barbie Nazi ratlines terrorism fascist international Bolivia France Lyons capture fugitive crimes against humanity Gestapo

The story of how Klaus Barbie was pursued through South America and brought to justice by married Nazi Hunters Serge and Beate Klarsfeld. The Gestapo chief known as the "Butcher of Lyon" committed horrific crimes against humanity.

The Nova Scotia Mass Shooting - Jordan, Paul, and Adam book launch


Canada Nova Scotia mass shooting RCMP journalism books corruption cover-up deflection deception obstruction

A shocking exposé of the deadliest killing spree in Canadian history, and how police tragically failed its victims and survivors.

As news broke of a killer rampaging across the tiny community of Portapique, Nova Scotia, late on April 18, 2020, details were oddly hard to come by. Who was the killer? Why was he not apprehended? What were police doing? How many were dead? And why was the gunman still on the loose the next morning and killing again? The RCMP was largely silent then, and continued to obscure the actions of denturist Gabriel Wortman after an officer shot and killed him at a gas station during a chance encounter.

Though retired as an investigative journalist and author, Paul Palango spent much of his career reporting on Canada's troubled national police force. Watching the RCMP stumble through the Portapique massacre, only a few hours from his Nova Scotia home, Palango knew the story behind the headlines was more complicated and damning than anyone was willing to admit. With the COVID-19 lockdown sealing off the Maritimes, no journalist in the province knew the RCMP better than Palango did. Within a month, he was back in print and on the radio, peeling away the layers of this murderous episode as only he could, and unearthing the collision of failure and malfeasance that cost a quiet community 22 innocent lives.

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

The Long Tradition of London-Wall Street Sponsorship of Nazis


London Wall Street bankers Nazi ratlines death squads terrorism assassination Ukraine disinformation narrative control cover-up Gladio strategy of tension

There is a reason why the usual plodding, bumbling and tone-deaf Biden administration moved with such speed to "pause" the installation of the absurdly-named "Disinformation Governance Board" (DGB) as a censorship agency run by the Department of Homeland Security -- and it is not the fear of widespread ridicule which was aimed at their choice for director, Nina Jankowicz.  The whole point of setting up this operation was to use censorship to protect a dirty little secret, which was endangered by the clumsiness of the roll-out of the agency, which is the century-long deployment by the City of London-Wall Street run security, intelligence and diplomatic networks of a "Nazi international" to run dirty operations in service of their geopolitical goals.

Chief among these goals today is to use Ukraine, and the Nazis in the Ukrainian security and defense agencies, as a battering ram, to inflict maximum damage on Russia, in combination with sanctions and economic warfare -- to "bleed Russia dry", according to prominent intelligence analyst Scott Ritter.  Included in this operation is the intent to break up the emerging Eurasian economic and military alliance between Russia and China, and to prevent its extension into Europe, especially Germany. 

Jankowicz's problem for them is not that just that she was accurately characterized by Glenn Greenwald as "a despotic imbecile -- a cartoon figure spouting non-stop lies."  The Biden administration has numerous such "despotic" figures who routinely traffic in hypocritical lies to defend their policies, including Secretary of State Blinken and Spokeswoman Jen Psaki.  The deeper problem with her is that she is an interface between British and U.S. intelligence circles which use "disinformation" to hide their sponsorship of Nazis.  Jankowicz is part of a network of "cluster leaders" deployed under the U.K. Institute for Statecraft and its sub-agency, the Integrity Initiative (II).  Under the slogan "Defending Democracy Against Disinformation", the II was exposed in 2018-19 by former British ambassador and human rights campaigner Craig Murray as a disinformation spreader, with promotion of Russophobia its main goal.

Among its funders are the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office, NATO, the U.S. State Department and Facebook.  Following Murray's exposure, the II was shut down, but the Institute for Statecraft continues its work.  (more...)

The Long Tradition of London-Wall Street Sponsorship of Nazis

Monday, May 23, 2022

Volhynia. No statute of limitations | Remembering murder of Poles by Ukrainian fascists in WWII


Poland Ukraine Volhynia massacre ethnic cleansing Nazi OUN-B Bandera genocide crimes against humanity historical revisionism

The Volhynia Massacres, the mass murder of Poles by Ukrainian nationalists, took place in 1943. Ukrainian nationalists killed over 60,000 people, including women, children and the elderly. On ‘Volhynian Bloody Sunday’, the peak of massacres, they burned 99 Polish villages in Western Ukraine.

During the massacres, the Ukrainian nationalists chopped heads with axes, nailed people to trees, ripped out tongues, stabbed people in the eyes and cut babies from the womb. The massacres in Volhynia were led by Stepan Bandera, head of OUN (Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists), and Roman Shukhevich, who oversaw the murders. They wanted to erase all non-Ukrainians from that part of the country. Ukrainians praised Stepan Bandera, named him a national hero and erected statues. In 2013 Poland determined the Massacre of Volhynia as genocide. At the time, the initiative was labelled anti-Ukrainian by the Ukrainian authorities. However, the leadership and some historians in Ukraine suggested the Volhynia Massacres were territorial disputes between peasants. Is history being rewritten?

The German Paedo-Files


Germany pedophilia crime corruption SDP doctors foster care Helmut Kentler abuse pedophile ring oligarchy politics cover-up

Marco and Sven were put into the care of a convicted paedophile in Berlin in the 1980s. They unwittingly became part of a social experiment by psychology professor Helmut Kentler, who believed sexual contact between grown men and children was harmless. The two boys survived years of sexual abuse, as Berlin authorities condoned Kentler’s scheme for decades. RT Documentary speaks to Marco and Sven about life with a paedophile foster father and the trauma he inflicted on them.

00:00 - Helmut Kentler’s paedophilia experiment

1:50 - Marco and Sven, adopted by paedophile foster father

3:49 - ‘A natural pedagogical talent’

6:00 - When Marco and Sven realised their life wasn’t normal

6:55 - The role of the SPD ruling party in the experiment

8:20 - Those responsible still hold their positions

11:20 - The Berlin Senate’s response to RT

11:51 - Living with childhood trauma

Sunday, May 22, 2022

High Tech Cobra's Stare


mesmerism hypnosis frequency pulsating light menticide depatterning

You REALLY Won't Believe What The UK Govt Are Doing Now!

Zelenskyy Is A Rotary Club Brother


Zelensky Ukraine freemasonry Rotary Club cults corruption occult proxy war geopolitics globalism fascism conspiracy

Like all the rest of them

Canada’s Foreign Military Training Operations Are Unscrupulous Power Plays


Canada military training imperialism power projection geopolitics Ukraine Nazi NATO

Canada’s pretense of being a champion of peace and mediation conceals the aim of its foreign military training operations. These operations are not instances of bighearted largesse — they are strategic, geopolitical power projections.

US military training has long been controversial. Exhibit A for this controversy is the US military’s School of the Americas, the infamous “counterinsurgency” training site, responsible for instructing Latin American military personnel in the arts of torture and dirty war techniques in the 1980s. After years of protest over its training of death squads and tyrants, the school changed its name to the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation in an attempt to evade public hostility. It is widely understood among peace and anti-imperialist activists that military training is an important part of US global power projection.

In Canada, however, there is little discussion of the politics that shape international military training. The war in Ukraine may change that, specifically Canada’s involvement in Operation Unifier — a connection that directly links Canadian tax payers to violence in the Donbas region.

CTV, the Walrus, the Canadian Press, Le Journal de Montréal, and Radio Canada have all published recent stories on Operation Unifier. A recent front-page Wall Street Journal article, headlined “NATO Training Retooled Ukrainian Army,” focused on the central role played by Canadian military trainers. This increased media scrutiny should be the spear tip of greater public engagement with the issue. Canada presents itself as an avatar of peacekeeping and mediation. Canadian military adventurism — dressed up as obliging training assistance — requires oversight and democratic accountability.

Between April 2015 and Russia’s illegal invasion on February 24 of this year, 200 Canadian troops — rotated every six months — trained 33,346 Ukrainian soldiers as part of Operation Unifier. Canadian taxpayers spent $890 million on a training mission that began after Ukraine’s military largely collapsed amidst the violence unleashed by the ouster of elected president Viktor Yanukovych in 2014. Ottawa supported the three-months-long protest against Yanukovych — who opposed Ukraine joining NATO — a president who won elections the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe called “an impressive display of democracy.” During the uprising, Ottawa adopted new sanctions against the county, Foreign Minister John Baird attended an anti-government rally in Kiev, and activists were given safe haven in the Canadian embassy for a week.

Alongside US and UK troops, Canadian soldiers worked with Ukrainian soldiers on tactics, command structures, explosive-device disposal, and sniper training. In 2019, Yanukovych’s successor, former Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko, dubbed former Canadian defense minister Jason Kenney “the godfather of the modern Ukrainian army” for his role in instigating Operation Unifier.  (more...)

Canada’s Foreign Military Training Operations Are Unscrupulous Power Plays

Did Russia Really Capture Canadian General in Mariupol?


General Trevor Cadieux Canada military Ukraine Azovstal Mariupol biolabs capture mercenaries scandal

Since the end of April 2022, information about the detention of senior NATO general Trevor Cadieux at Azovstal has been circulating on the Internet. Unfortunately, there is no confirmed information about this at this time. The Russian power structures have not yet officially reported it. Nevertheless, there is quite serious evidence to substantiate this information.

General Trevor Cadieux of the Canadian Armed Forces has a long service record. He graduated from the Royal Military College of Canada in 1995 and joined the 3rd Canadian Regular and Reserve Strathcona Division. In 1997, he participated in combat operations in Bosnia. In 2002, he served in Kandahar. He then led a group of troops in Jordan. And in 2017, he became head of the 3rd Canadian Division, where he once began serving.

The Ottawa Citizen reported that Lieutenant General Trevor Cadier was supposed to take command of the Canadian Army last September, but that was canceled after a sex scandal erupted around him. A former female member of the army accused him of violence. At the same time, it became known that Cadier had left Canada despite the fact that the investigation was still ongoing.

“Canadian media are reporting that “former” Army commander Lieutenant General Trevor Cadieux is in Ukraine, having been absent since February. It is speculated that he may be surrounded in Mariupol,” the Ukraine.ru channel reported on April 24.

Trevor Cadier did appear on Ukrainian territory, which there is a lot of evidences of, and then suddenly disappeared from sight. He is not in Kiev and is not listed among the dead. As Ottawa Citizen concludes, the NATO general is currently in the catacombs of the Azovstal plant in Mariupol together with Nazis from Azov and several hundred foreign mercenaries.

In addition, there is information that the general was in charge of Biological Laboratory No. 1, where they allegedly worked with deadly viruses. Now Cadieux is already in Moscow, where he will stand trial.  (more...)

Did Russia Really Capture Canadian General in Mariupol?

Saturday, May 21, 2022

New Age Voodoo & Shamans At Davos World Economic Forum 2022


WEF World Economic Forum Great Reset psychedelics shamanism Davos New Age witchcraft invocations New Normal

They're coming to take you awayyyyyyyyy....

Nazi Veterans Created Illegal Army


Nazi Germany secret army Gladio BND Schnez-Truppe unaccountability NATO CIA fascism lawlessness cold war

For nearly six decades, the 321-page file lay unnoticed in the archives of the BND, Germany's foreign intelligence agency -- but now its contents have revealed a new chapter of German postwar history that is as spectacular as it is mysterious.

The previously secret documents reveal the existence of a coalition of approximately 2,000 former officers -- veterans of the Nazi-era Wehrmacht and the Waffen-SS -- who decided to put together an army in postwar Germany in 1949. They made their preparations without a mandate from the German government, without the knowledge of the parliament and, the documents show, by circumventing Allied occupation forces.

The goal of the retired officers: to defend nascent West Germany against Eastern aggression in the early stages of the Cold War and, on the domestic front, deploy against the Communists in the event of a civil war. It collected information about left-wing politicians like Social Democrat (SPD) Fritz Erler, a key player in reforming the party after World War II, and spied on students like Joachim Peckert, who later became a senior official at the West German Embassy in Moscow during the 1970s.

The new discovery was brought about by a coincidence. Historian Agilolf Kesselring found the documents -- which belonged to the Gehlen Organization, the predecessor to the current foreign intelligence agency -- while working for an Independent Historical Commission hired by the BND to investigate its early history. Similar commissions have been hired by a number of German authorities in recent years, including the Finance and Foreign Ministries to create an accurate record of once hushed-up legacies.

Kesselring uncovered the documents, which were given the strange title of "Insurances," while trying to determine the number of workers employed by the BND.

Instead of insurance papers, Kesselring stumbled upon what can now be considered the most significant discovery of the Independent Historical Commission. The study he wrote based on the discovery was released this week.  (more...)

Nazi Veterans Created Illegal Army



Friday, May 20, 2022

Sleepwalking Into Fascism: Why CIA/NATO’s Foreign Policy Has Been Consistent for the Past 77 years


CIA NATO Nazi war criminals proxy war Ukraine fascism Gladio terrorism assassination Gehlen Germany

Bertrand Russell discussed in his book “The Impact of Science on Society” (1952) that the subject which “will be of most importance politically is mass psychology,” that is, the lens in which an individual views “reality” and “truth.” Russell is very clear, such “convictions” are not generated by the individual themselves but rather are to be shaped by the State.

Of course, individuals are not encouraged to think about an absolute truth or reality, rather they are encouraged to think on a much smaller scale, on individual “facts,” for this is much easier to control and shape and also limits “problematic” thinking such as the ponderance on cause and effect.

Russell, in his “Impact of Science on Society,” goes on to talk about how one could program a society to think snow is black rather than white:

“First, that the influence of home is obstructive. Second, that not much can be done unless indoctrination begins before the age of ten. Third, that verses set to music and repeatedly intoned are very effective. Fourth, that the opinion that snow is white must be held to show a morbid taste for eccentricity. But I anticipate. It is for future scientists to make these maxims precise and discover exactly how much it costs per head to make children believe that snow is black, and how much less it would cost to make them believe it is dark gray.”

This is of course a program for the most ambitious “reframing” of “reality,” however, as we see today, we do not need to start before the age of ten for other sorts of “reframing,” and nowhere does this seem to be the most successful and effective with any age group than the West’s “foreign” policy.

For snow is something that we see and experience regularly. It is much more difficult to “reframe” something familiar, however, something that is “foreign” has always been a rather blurred and undefined concept for millennia, and thus is a much easier candidate for the State to “reframe” as our collective “reality,” our collective “existential fear.” And thus, for most of history, our understanding of who is our “friend” and who is our “foe” has rarely been determined by the people themselves but rather their governing structure.

Such a governing structure is free to determine for us what is “truth” vs “falsehood” what is “fact” vs “fiction,” because the people, despite all the abuse and exploitation from such a governing force still look to this very thing to protect and shield them from the frightful “unknown.”

Better the Devil you know? In this case, ignorance is most certainly not bliss…

However, the “facts” emboldened by the State have shown themselves to not be so “fact-based” after all, thus we now commonly see from the angels of justice; the flawless, omnipotent, and anonymous “fact-checkers” that “truth” is becoming increasingly not a matter of “right” or “wrong” but rather, about semantics, priorities and what one chooses to emphasize.

For instance, the very real neo-Nazi problem in Ukraine, has now been “reframed” by the media to either 1) acknowledge that there are indeed actual neo-Nazis in Ukraine but that they are also nationalists and thus fighting for all of Ukraine, 2) to claim that they are “reformed” neo-Nazis that have apparently been domesticated and are now respectable defenders of Ukraine, 3) Ukraine has a Jewish President and thus such a thing is somehow fundamentally impossible.

The thing is, we have heard this story before, 77 years ago…  (more...)

Sleepwalking Into Fascism: Why CIA/NATO’s Foreign Policy Has Been Consistent for the Past 77 years

The Ugly Truth of Sweden and Finland's Nazi Problem


Sweden Finland NATO European Union Nazi occult freemasonry Hellfire Club Luciferianism depopulation eugenics Arianism white supremacy slavery oligarchy WWII Ukraine collaboration

Matthew Ehret unpacks the ugly story behind Finland's Nazi past, it's 1919-2020 official Swastika air force logo, the occult roots of the Thule Society via a Luciferian outgrowth of Mme. Blavatsky's Theosophy and much more.

Ontario docs asked to track unvaccinated patients


Ontario Health Canada vaccines coercion pressure family doctors surveillance finks lists corruption bribery confidentiality

Rebel News has confirmed that Ontario Health produced a document asking primary care providers to track unvaccinated patients and conduct outreach to further entice them to receive the COVID-19 injectables.

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Hugo's Rotary Research


Rotary Club freemasonry corruption oligarchy conspiracy fifth column

The dots connect in disconcerting ways.

Barbara Marx Hubbard: Godmother of Transhumanism and Synthetic Spirituality


Barbara Marx Hubbard Buckminster Fuller New Age IONS noetic transhumanism gnosticism Pierre Teilhard de Chardin New Normal

In 2016, the Global Future Councils of the World Economic Forum (WEF) posted a video entitled “8 Predictions for the World in 2030,” which infamously forecasted a technocratic New World Order in which “[y]ou’ll own nothing. And you’ll be happy.” It doesn’t take a stretch of the imagination to ponder how WEF oligarchs plan to roll out “sustainable development” policies which will ration consumer goods in a global “sharing economy” that employs transient “gig” workers who will be rendered into propertyless serfs under a techno-communitarian rendition of neo-feudalism. But how will the globalist technocrats of the WEF sway the virtual peasant class to be happy with their permanent state of digitally indentured servitude?

Enter New Age guru Barbara Marx Hubbard and her endorsement of the HeartMath Institute’s Global Coherence Initiative, which is propagating transhumanist neurofeedback wearables across the planet in order to digitally synchronize humanity’s collective heart rhythms and brainwaves into electronically induced states of synthetic spiritual bliss. With Hubbard’s transhumanist blessings, HeartMath’s global neurotech network is primed to lull plebs and proles into happy compliance with the “New Normal” of the Fourth Industrial Revolution’s techno-feudal “stakeholder” economy.

In this first installment of my series on Hubbard’s legacy contributions to the post-humanist religion and techno-fascist economy of the neo-eugenic Fourth Industrial Revolution, I will historicize how Rockefeller philanthropies bankrolled Hubbard’s Foundation for Conscious Evolution in order to digitally engineer humankind into a new transhuman species baptized in the name of tech-Gnostic “Christ Consciousness”. Furthermore, I will expose how Hubbard collaborated with globalists at the World Business Academy, corporatists at Singularity University, and Eupsychian human potential psychologists in connection with the Esalen Institute in order to establish a techno-communitarian spiritualism that worships transhumanist evolution controlled by Big Tech companies which dominate the stakeholder economy of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Finally, I will document how Hubbard advanced the globalization of HeartMath Institute’s transhumanist biofeedback wearables which can neuro-technologically mesmerize the precariat into virtual states of happy subservience to the “New Normal”.

In the coming installments of this series, I will reveal how Hubbard’s transhumanist mission to steer “conscious evolution” is steeped in Malthusian-eugenic population control. Additionally, I will unveil how Hubbard’s transhumanist allies from the World Future Society, the Human Potential Movement, and the Foundation for Conscious Evolution are entangled with networks of alleged pedophiles and sexual abuse cults.  (more...)

Barbara Marx Hubbard: Godmother of Transhumanism and Synthetic Spirituality

Shots, lies and videotape


Canada RCMP Nova Scotia mass shooting incompetence cover-up deflection deceit corruption crime arrogance unaccountability

A brief snippet of video aired by the CBC last month, seemingly as an afterthought, only bolsters the case that the Mass Casualty Commission and the RCMP have been playing serious games with evidence.

    First aired in a report by Kayla Hounsell on the April 14 edition of The National and rebroadcast the following day, her story focuses on the inquiry testimony of Constables Craig Hubley and Ben MacLeod who — at least according to the official story — found themselves gassing up next to Nova Scotia’s most wanted man “completely by chance” on the morning of April 19, 2020.

 In Hounsell’s story, viewers hear a clip from Hubley’s inquiry testimony, describing how he had closely studied a photograph of Gabriel Wortman that morning and committed it to memory.

   “It would turn out to be very important. Critical,” Hounsell intones.

   “Hubley and his colleague ran into the gunman at a gas station, completely by chance.”

At this point, viewers are treated to a 3.5 second clip of an unmarked RCMP vehicle whizzing by several empty gasoline bays and pulling up right next to Wortman, who was sitting at the pump in his final murder victim’s grey Mazda 3, a vehicle police supposedly didn’t know he was driving.

   Hounsell makes no comment in her report about the video or its origins. This, despite the fact that the words we’re hearing and the pictures we’re seeing are so mismatched that using the theme from Benny Hill as background music would have been only marginally more off-putting.

   A retired firefighter who had the presence of mind to record the CBC National broadcast and contact Frank agrees.

   “The first time I saw that CBC story, I recognized that there was something wrong because the video didn’t fit with the evidence,” he says.

   “It was only a few seconds but as soon as I saw it I realized that it told a completely different story than the one the public was getting from the MCC and (Serious Incident Response Team). Thank God, I recorded it because I couldn’t find it again on the CBC website… My wife and I went looking for it and found it on YouTube.”  (more...)

Shots, lies and videotape

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

UK Column: Col. Richard Black on Ukraine


Ukraine propaganda human shields false flags NATO profiteering oligarchs cold war

Mike Robinson speaks to Col. Richard Black about the Ukraine conflict and its parallels with Syria.

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Governing bodies unconcerned about widely shared, flawed data on COVID transmission


University of Toronto Ontario science table experts fraud coronavirus vaccines publication peer review pseudoscience corruption politics conflict of interest Fisman misconduct

Will this paper on vaccinated vs. unvaccinated transmission remain published as is? Rebel News investigates.

Are parents' rights over their children now at risk in Quebec?


family parental rights children Quebec legislation over-reach fascism authoritarianism

With new legislation passing through the national assembly, parents in Quebec are worried about losing power over their children to the state.

Nazis Are Actually Fine Now, According to the Southern Poverty Law Center and Anti-Defamation League


Azov Battalion Ukraine Nazi SPLC ADL extremism outrage Trump Biden proxy war hypocrisy Banderites Bandera OUN-B white supremacy

If you happened to be alive during the years of 2016 to 2020, you can probably recall the routine issuance of frantic bulletins that “Nazis” were suddenly on the march in the US. Not just that some ludicrous, ragtag group of self-identified Nazis could be occasionally spotted in the wild — which had always been a somewhat regular, albeit freakish occurrence. Rather, the idea was that full-bore ideological “Nazism” had surged as a genuinely formidable political force, and everyone needed to be extremely terrified of this.

Principally responsible for the alleged outbreak of pro-Nazi fervor, or so the prevailing theory went, was Donald Trump. He had either tacitly or deliberately fueled the Nazis’ rise, because associating himself with Nazis would definitely be a huge boon to his electoral fortunes. MSNBC anchor Joy Reid encapsulated this view when she warned in 2017 that “resurgent Neo-Nazism” had gripped the US under Trump’s rule. Reams of academic articles were published on the subject, wondering whether Trump was the new “American Führer”; it was a commonly-held belief that “Literal Nazis” had taken power. (As opposed to figurative Nazis). Evidence for the theory ranged from the individual emotional turmoil experienced by journalists, to Twitter trolls with cartoon frogs as their profile pictures, to allusive suggestions — including by former apparatchiks of the National Security State — that the existence of immigrant detention centers was proof a Nazi regime had seized the reins of state.

This fearful narrative was propelled by episodes which may now appear somewhat farcical in hindsight, but at the time were taken deadly seriously. One example was an alleged spate of anti-semitic hate crimes that occurred in 2017 — a series of “bomb threat” phone calls were placed to Jewish Community Centers. Even before any details had surfaced about the identity of the suspects, an outfit called the “Anne Frank Center” hysterically attributed personal responsibility for the incidents to Trump. Fans of dark humor were no doubt thrilled when it later emerged that the bomb threats had in fact been called in by a teenager in Israel, as well as a deranged former Intercept journalist — and not some MAGA-hat guy sitting in a corrugated shack in the backwoods of Arkansas. (The “Anne Frank Center” was being run at the time by a hardcore partisan Democratic operative in New Jersey, whom I personally met years ago when he was running a pro-LGBT group. Let’s just say the individual is a tad… excitable. Still, this individual’s bombastic anti-Trump screeds were credulously portrayed by media outlets as carrying the solemn moral weight of the fabled Holocaust victim.)

And so the ever-present specter of Actual Nazis running rampant, taking their direction from Führer Trump, loomed large over the American political scene. This understandably generated lots of fear and stress, most of which tended to be conveniently funneled into boosting the political prospects of Democrats. Even figures as milquetoast as former Maryland governor and 2016 presidential candidate Martin O’Malley, hardly anyone’s idea of an envelope-pushing thinker, proclaimed that the conditions in the US circa 2017 were reminiscent of the conditions in Germany circa 1933. Thus, all responsible citizens were obligated to heed the call for unshakeable “Resistance.” O’Malley typified the trend whereby standard-fare Democrats became incredibly radicalized in their style of rhetoric, even if their policy prescriptions remained relatively static. Always top of the agenda for ambitious liberals was to compete amongst themselves for who could express their Trump-related anxieties in the most apocalyptic terms. Which, of course, included the belief that Trump was governing on behalf of Nazis and/or was himself a Nazi.

The frenzy arguably culminated with the notorious 2017 Charlottesville incident, when a woman was killed in a vehicle collision by someone understood to be a Nazi. Subsequently, Trump was accused of having confirmed his Nazi-enabling intentions when he was seen to have equivocated in his denunciation of the offending Nazis. It was this incident, in fact, that Joe Biden said compelled him to seek the presidency in 2020 — spurring his mission to ensure the Nazi-backed Trump would be denied a second term.  (more...)

Nazis Are Actually Fine Now, According to the Southern Poverty Law Center and Anti-Defamation League

Military flew surveillance aircraft over convoy, contrary to orders


Canada freedom convoy Ottawa military surveillance aircraft cover-up denial unaccountability fascism mandates

The Canadian military flew surveillance planes over Freedom Convoy protests in Ottawa this February, skirting an official directive that it was not to do so.

A Jan. 27 directive by the Department of National Defence (DND) stated that Canadian Armed Forces equipment and personnel were to avoid the protest and that Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) planes were not to fly in the airspace directly above the demonstrations. 

In an apparent effort to get around the rules, military leaders reportedly used a private defence contractor’s military plane to conduct operations. 

“The amplifications provided by the RCAF through this directive did not apply to these training activities, which were contracted outside of the RCAF,” said National Defence Spokesperson Dan Le Bouthillier. 

“(The directive) was issued to reduce the risk of generating a false perception of CAF (Canadian Armed Forces) activities, personnel and presence being associated with the domestic event at the time.”  (more...)

Military flew surveillance aircraft over convoy, contrary to orders

The Nova Scotia Mass Shooting - May 15 2022


Canada RCMP Nova Scotia mass shooting cover-up spin deflection deceit cult power couples corruption crime denial

Paul Palango and Jordan Bonaparte discuss recent developments related to the Nova Scotia Mass Shooting.

Monday, May 16, 2022

Latest Great Reset fantasy: Ban food photography!


food porn internet Germany politics Green Party photographs conservation energy ecofascism Great Reset

Last week, German Minister Volker Wissing (FDP) made a typical political mistake: Rules for thee but not for me. In order to reduce the "energy consumption" of advancing digitalisation, Wissing seriously recommended that Germans refrain from frequently posting photos of food on the internet. Then his Instagram posts surfaced.

Unsurprisingly, the downright moronic recommendation promptly turned into an own goal, and Wissing’s plan was met with scorn and ridicule. In the meantime, the minister has had to row back.

The minister of digitalisation’s new idea, which is entirely in the spirit of Agenda 2030 or the Great Reset, was proposed at a G7 meeting, which was about “reducing the ecological footprint in digitalisation”.

In order to reduce the ecological footprint in digitalisation, the G7 countries should pay more attention to aspects of sustainability in the future. “We must not repeat the mistake we made in industrialisation of putting sustainability on the back burner,” said Federal Digital Minister Volker Wissing (FDP) at the end of a meeting of G7 ministers in Düsseldorf last week. Instead, he said, issues such as recycling hardware, protecting raw materials or reducing energy consumption must be considered.

The net phenomenon known as “food porn” – the staging of visually attractive meals and then sharing them with one’s own net community – has repeatedly provoked academic and journalistic interest and led to the elaboration of depth-psychological explanatory approaches.

However, no one has yet come up with the bizarre idea of linking this fad with energy waste.  (more...)

Latest Great Reset fantasy: Ban food photography!

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