Monday, May 31, 2021

The Cover-Up Continues: The Truth About Bill Gates, Microsoft, and Jeffrey Epstein


Bill Gates Jeffrey Epstein Microsoft divorce technology sex trafficking CIA Mossad blackmail crime corruption mainstream media cover-up

In early May, the announcement that Bill and Melinda Gates would be divorcing after twenty-seven years of marriage shocked both those that praise and those that loathe the “philanthropic” power couple.

Less than a week after the initial announcement of the divorce, on May 7, the Daily Beast reported that Melinda Gates had allegedly been “deeply troubled” by Bill Gates’s relationship with child sex trafficker and intelligence asset Jeffrey Epstein. The report suggested that Melinda was a major reason for her husband’s decision to distance himself from Epstein around 2014 because of her discomfort with Epstein after they both met him in 2013. That previously unreported meeting had taken place at Epstein’s mansion on New York’s Upper East Side.

The Daily Beast also revealed that the details of the Gates’s divorce had been decided several weeks prior to the official announcement. Then, on May 9, the Wall Street Journal published a report suggesting that the plans for divorce went back even farther, with Melinda having consulted divorce lawyers in 2019. Allegedly, that consultation was made after details of Bill Gates’s relationship with Jeffrey Epstein had gained considerable mainstream media attention, including from the New York Times.

While mainstream media outlets apparently agree that Jeffrey Epstein was a likely factor in the Gates’s recently announced split up, what these same outlets refuse to cover is the real extent of the Bill Gates–Jeffrey Epstein relationship. Indeed, the mainstream narrative holds that Gates’s ties to Epstein began in 2011, despite the evidence pointing to their relationship beginning decades earlier.

This blanket refusal to honestly report on the Gates-Epstein ties likely is due to Gates’s outsized role in current events, both in terms of global health policy as it relates to COVID-19 and in his being a major promoter and funder of controversial technocratic “solutions” to a slew of societal problems. What is more likely, however, is that the nature of the relationship between Gates and Epstein before 2011 is even more scandalous than what transpired later, and it may have major implications not just for Gates but for Microsoft as a company and for some of its former top executives.

This particular cover-up is part of an obvious tendency of mainstream media to ignore the clear influence that both Epstein and members of the Maxwell family wielded—and, arguably, continue to wield—in Silicon Valley. Indeed, the individuals who founded tech giants such as Google, LinkedIn, Facebook, Microsoft, Tesla, and Amazon all have connections with Jeffrey Epstein, some closer than others.  (more...)

The Cover-Up Continues: The Truth About Bill Gates, Microsoft, and Jeffrey Epstein

The True Origins Of The Green Movement And It's Direct Link To The British Crown

 eugenics green movement Prince Philip malthusianism darwinism  British Crown

What your allegiance to the Queen entails

Cyber Hacks, White Powders Scares & Vaccine Tracking, It's All Come To Pass


pandemic coronavirus COVID cyber hack white powder vaccines surveillance medicine science healthcare

Whitney Webb, here to discuss the many different angles of this technocratic coup and the many different reports and estimations made that have since come to pass.

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Archaeology horror: Historians' chilling Nazi death camp discovery on British soil exposed


Nazi death camp Alderney war crimes genocide eugenics history archaeology

The camp is located in Alderney – one of the Channel Islands part of the Bailiwick of Guernsey – and was unknown even to World War 2 researchers. As the conflict came to a close, small German camps on the island were dismantled and later sunk into the earth. But archaeologists have reconstructed Lager Sylt camp, one of the Nazi camps on the island, and retold the story of its brutal history in the journal Antiquity published this week. Author of the study Caroline Sturdy Colls – an archaeologist with expertise in Holocaust sites and author of the journal – told of how she had initiailly not heard of the camps.

She said that evidence for the crimes committed at Lager Sylt had been “physically and metaphorically buried”.

Mrs Sturdy Colls said: “As a British citizen and a researcher, I hadn’t heard about the atrocities perpetrated on Alderney during World War II until I was doing my Ph.D. research.

“I had a wider awareness of the fact that the Germans occupied the Channel Islands, but not really that they built those camps.”

In her attempts to unearth the old camps, Mrs Sturdy Colls faced resistance from local authorities.

One point of tension was a documentary about the camps called 'Adolf Island'.  (more...)

Archaeology horror: Historians' chilling Nazi death camp discovery on British soil exposed


Horrors Of Nazi Concentration Camp On British Soil Revealed By Archaeologists


The Nazi Past of US Geopolitics


Nazi ideology geopolitics imperialism Darwinism Aryanism pseudo-intellectualism military genocide

Geopolitics is the linking of political power to geographic space. Perhaps Zbigniew Brzezinski’s Grand Chessboard remains one of its best abstract representations. It’s not only the USA that has geopolitical goals; many other countries, like the UK, France, Russia and Germany, also developed distinct geopolitical ideas. In nineteenth century Germany, geopolitics included imperialist expansion based on a biological conception of geography.

Germany’s geopolitics was turbo-charged in 1923 when a German general, geographer, politician, professor and teacher of top-ranking Nazi, Rudolf Hess, founded the Zeitschrift für Geopolitik (Journal for Geopolitics). During the 1920s, the journal’s editor Karl Haushofer had been a student of Rudolf Hess. In 1933, he became Adolf Hitler’s Deputy Führer until his infamous flight to Scotland in 1941. The goal was to convince none other than the wartime prime minister Winston Churchill to join Nazi-Germany’s invasion of the Soviet-Union. The effort failed, of course.

Karl Haushofer might not be the inventor of term Lebensraum (living space) but he certainly was the one who shaped the term into a strategic plan and introduced the idea to Adolf Hitler. The relatively uneducated Hitler (who was born Adolf Schicklgruber in Austria’s rural hinterland) never attended university, never completed the typical German apprenticeship, never received any military training beyond being a relatively inconsequential foot-soldier during the Great War I (WWI).

In short, Hitler was utterly incapable of grasping the intellectual depth of the rather abstract concept of geopolitics. To understand the basics of geopolitics Hitler needed a clever associate like Rudolf Hess, whom Hitler called “mein Hesserl,” as well as his other adviser Karl Haushofer, “the general” as he was usually called. Unlike Adolf Hitler who had been merely a little message boy at the relatively safe regimental headquarter, Haushofer was the one who moved up the ranks during WWI to become a Major General – a rank in which Haushofer would never have as much as recognized the existence of the little dogsbody named Adolf.  (more...)

The Nazi Past of US Geopolitics

Gruesome discovery of 500 bodies of mostly women and children in mass grave at former Nazi concentration camp


Nazi genocide war crimes eugenics barbarism camps history Germany

A mass grave of hundreds of women and children has been unearthed at a former Nazi concentration camp in Russia.

The remains of 500 victims have been found, many showing gunshot wounds and evidence of torture. Other inmates are believed to have died from malnutrition and disease.

Some 64 state investigators and search volunteers are currently working at the site, which was part of Dulag-191 in Voronezh region.

Harrowing video footage shows excavators unearthing skulls and body parts in an area occupied by Hitler's forces during the Second World War.

'The estimated death toll is about 500 people,' said Mikhail Segodin, head of the Don search volunteer squad. 'The main contingent of the camp was made up of women and children'

Archives suggest that overall 8,500 people perished at Dulag-191, a German transit camp set up in Russian territory.  (more...)

Gruesome discovery of 500 bodies of mostly women and children in mass grave at former Nazi concentration camp

Friday, May 28, 2021

Prejudices of the Oligarchy


genocide environmentalism ecofascism geopolitics oligarchy depopulation economics

Webster Tarpley's Historical Analysis of Environmental, Economic, and Geopolitical Genocide

The British Monarchy: Insanity and Feudalism


Windsor Hanover Saxe-Coburg and Gotha Britain oligarchy inbreeding feudalism insanity

Webster G. Tarpley on The Alex Jones Show - April 29, 2011

oligarchy media Nazi feudalism Royals corruption insanity propaganda

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Longtime Ottawa catholic school teacher accused of sexual assault facing 45 new charges


Rick Watkins Ottawa abuse education misconduct pedophilia rape crime

OTTAWA -- Ottawa police have laid dozens of new charges against a longtime Ottawa Catholic School Board teacher who was recently accused of sexual assault.

Rick Watkins, a.k.a. Rick Despatie, was charged with three counts each of sexual assault, sexual interference and sexual exploitation of a young person on April 20. Investigators said they were concerned there may have been additional victims and asked for more information.

Watkins, 57, was a teacher at St. Matthew High School for more than 25 years, the OCSB told CTV News Ottawa. He was suspended March 9, when the allegations first came forward.

On Wednesday, Ottawa police said other alleged incidents involving 14 youth under the age of 14 were reported to police since charges were first announced. Police say these alleged incidents happened while Watkins was employed as a teacher with the OCSB between 2004 and 2021.

He is now facing 45 additional charges, including 13 counts of sexual assault, 13 counts of sexual interference, 11 counts of criminal harassment, six counts of voyeurism, one count of assault and one count of assault with a weapon.

He is now facing a total of 54 charges in connection with 16 alleged victims under 14 years old.  (more...)

Longtime Ottawa catholic school teacher accused of sexual assault facing 45 new charges


Former Ottawa teacher faces 45 more sex-related charges involving minors

Ottawa teacher charged with sexually assaulting student

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

How The British Empire Brainwashed The World


This speech by Anton Chaitkin recorded in 1994 reveals in greater detail how England was overthrown by banksters and Britain became the centralized hub for crime syndicates, slavery, spiritual manipulation, and world domination. 

Chaitkin is an co editor of Executive Intelligence Review and a member of the Lyndon LaRouche political movement.

Some of the high points mentioned are:

  • How Hollywood was set up by Aleister Crowley and the Golden Dawn.
  • How many "anti" organizations are actually the perpetrators of what they speak against. 
  • The exact caretakers of slavery in the U.S. and abroad that continues until this very day.
  • How the so-called Jews bought Palestine.
  • Black bag jobs of the British Imperialist and how that has effected society. 
  • MK-Ultra and mass mind manipulation.
  • The connection between the Nazis and the Mafia.
  • What the bootleggers, slave traders, and pirates do today.
  • The corruption of modern science for malevolent means.
  • The origins of the music industry and the slave master relationship between its performers and originators. 
  • Las Vegas and the rise of an entertainment based culture for hire. 
  • The origins of "accepted" Freemasonry and its charter for the King.

British Empire oligarchy brainwashing cults Satanism Process Church End Times

Independent body needed to investigate teachers: Canadian Centre for Child Protection


abuse crime education misconduct pedophilia rape denial accountability Ottawa

In the wake of two high-profile cases involving teachers in eastern Ontario accused of sexual crimes against students — one charged, the other convicted — parents and other advocates are calling for better oversight to protect children, including an independent body to investigate complaints.

Rick Despatie of Ottawa, also known as Rick Watkins, is awaiting trial on nine counts of sexual offences against children, while another teacher, Jeff Peters, is serving a three-and-a-half-year prison sentence for two sex-related convictions involving his former students at a high school in Perth, Ont. 

Though unrelated, in both cases multiple former students and their parents told CBC News they had complained to school administrators years before any charges were laid.

CBC isn't aware of any reprimands stemming from those earlier complaints, and parents worry their concerns were dismissed or ignored. 

Part of the issue lies with school principals, who aren't always objective when it comes to investigating their own teachers, according to the Canadian Centre for Child Protection.  (more...)

Independent body needed to investigate teachers: Canadian Centre for Child Protection

Dr Reiner Fuellmich and Nuremberg 2


James Delingpole talks to German-American lawyer Dr Reiner Fuellmich about Nuremberg 2 and why those involved in the Coronavirus scare should be tried for crimes against humanity.

coronavirus fraud profiteering crimes against humanity brainwashing pseudoscience lockdowns technofascism

Metaphysical Doubts Concerning the Existence of Modern Ukraine, a 1918 Creation of the German General Staff


Ukraine Potemkin Village Germany Russia fascism colonialism Ottomans
The founding fathers of modern Ukraine: Field Marshal Paul von Hindenburg (left)
and General Erich Ludendorff (right), who ruled Germany in the name of the
German General Staff in 1917-1918

News reports on the reaction in Kiev to the reunification of the Crimean peninsula with Russia have included the idea that some Ukrainians resent the failure of the United States or the western European powers to intervene militarily against Russia in favor of the new Kiev fascist government. At the same time, it appears that Ukrainian military units have uniformly refused to fight for their borders, their bases, their headquarters, or other strategic assets under their control. Much of the Ukrainian army and navy located in the Crimea has chosen rather to become part of the Russian forces. Repeated attempts by the Yatsenyuk government in Kiev to call up reservists or otherwise to mobilize manpower for military purposes have met with a very meager response.

What can we make of a country which refuses to fight for itself, and at the same time, expects foreign countries to pull its chestnuts out of the fire? The reasons may lie in the historical genesis of modern Ukraine, which is a nation called into being during World War I, not by a popular movement of its own people, but rather by the German military leadership, and then propped up in recent years by the United States and the European Union.

International attention has lately been much focused on Ukraine, but world publics know very little of the history involved. The country located on the Pontic step (the flatlands north of the Black Sea) currently calling itself Ukraine has only existed for 23 years, since the failure of the August 1991 KGB-inspired coup in Moscow. Before that, to find something that corresponds to modern Ukraine, we must go back to the Kievan Rus late in the first millennium of the Common Era. This was a state set up by Vikings (called Varangians) along the Dnieper River, which was the main inland waterway between Scandinavia in the north and the Byzantine Empire in the South. It was here that grand Duke Vladimir converted to Orthodox Christianity in the year 988, thus establishing a religious tradition which continues to be decisive in Russian history down to the present day. But Vladimir’s state did not call itself Ukraine, considering itself rather the leading state of Russia, which the Latin West sometimes called Ruthenia.  (more...)

Metaphysical Doubts Concerning the Existence of Modern Ukraine, a 1918 Creation of the German General Staff

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Oligarchy: The Cancer in Human History


Webster Tarpley gives a class on 2,000 years of rule by Oligarchy, both its headquarters, which has existed within the empires of Babylon (the magi), Greece (the Cult of Apollo at Delphi) , Rome, Byzantium, Venice, and its current London (the Square Mile) location, plus its modus operandi of usury, genocide, slavery, monetarism, racism, and aristocratic feudalism.

oligarchy magi empire delphi corruption slavery usury metastasis espionage Rome Byzantium Venice Amsterdam London

Monday, May 24, 2021

British Empire History


Happy Victoria Day, if that's possible

monarchy Queen Victoria Hanover Saxe-Coburg and Gotha Britain


King Edward VII of Great Britain: Evil Demiurge of the Triple Entente and World War I


Elite's Plan for Global Extermination


In this autumn of 2015, humanity is being subjected to an unprecedented mass brainwashing campaign in the name of pessimism and the renunciation of a better standard of living for oneself and one’s children. This campaign is advancing under the banner of climate change, global warming, overpopulation, industrial pollution, and general historical and cultural pessimism. Unfortunately, Pope Francis and the Vatican bureaucracy are playing a deplorable role by supporting this campaign, which is touted in the current pope’s first encyclical entitled “Laudato Sii.” The Roman Catholic bishops of much of the world have demanded the phasing out of all fossil fuels, including coal and oil, a reckless, irresponsible, and potentially lethal recommendation for the poor of the planet whom Francis says he is trying to help.

The controlled media of much of the world are laboring hard to create a pessimistic block universe, a new prisonhouse of the human mind. The problem is obviously that only the increased application of science, technology, and modern industry – including production facilities on the moon and other planets and in interplanetary space – can provide significant improvements in the standard of living, longevity, and quality of life of billions of poor people across the globe. But if every proposal for modern production, including modern energy production, is immediately dismissed with the slogans of climate change, then the situation of mankind is a blind alley, and thus truly tragic.

Fortunately for all of us, although there has been some global warming lately, it seems to have stopped about 15 years ago. In addition, whatever warming has occurred is far more likely to be attributable to solar activity than to the carbon emissions of which the climate charlatans prate.

To be a climate scientist is almost automatically to be a charlatan. Climate science is not a real discipline, like history, philosophy, mathematics, geology, astronomy, meteorology, and others. All of these disciplines maintain an open mind as to where scientific inquiry will take them. But climate science is automatically bound hand and foot to a specific conclusion – anthropogenic global warming caused by carbon emissions, which must be fought by wholesale deindustrialization and the introduction of anti-economic and backward technologies like windmills and solar cells.  (more...)

Climate Freaks in Hysterical Push at Paris Climate Change/Global Warming Circus

economy history environmentalism ecofascism depopulation genocide eugenics oligarchy politics deindustrialization

Saturday, May 22, 2021

The Bush Family, Wall St., Eugenics, Darwinism, and Fascism


A 2 hour lecture given by historian Anton Chaitkin author of the Unauthorized Biography of George Bush, Dope Inc., and Treason In America, July 20, 1991 on the Bush family, Wall St., the House of Morgan, the Harrimans, the British Empire, Darwinism, Eugenics, Race science, the creation of Nazi Germany, and the financial leaders that put Hitler into power.

Bush Nazi Wall St. eugenics darwinism fascism profiteering war treason banking finance complicity


The Bush Family's British Fascism

AI and the War on Agriculture


Whitney Webb is joined by Christian Westbrook of the Ice Age Farmer broadcast to discuss the underreported yet massive supply chain crisis and how the Davos elite plan to capitalize on that chaos to usher in AI-driven supply chains, especially as it relates agriculture.

AI CRISPR technocracy genomics agriculture technology

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Skull and Bones: The Racist Nightmare at Yale


George Bush Harriman Skull and Bones oligarchy British Empire colonialism

The U.S. Navy delivered George Bush back home for good on Christmas Eve, 1944; the war in the Pacific raged on over the next half year, with Allied forces taking Southeast Asia, the Netherlands East Indies (Indonesia), and islands such as Iwo Jima and Okinawa.

Barbara Pierce quit Smith College in her sophomore year to marry George. Prescott and Mother Bush gave a splendid prenuptial dinner at the Greenwich Field Club. The wedding took place January 6, 1945, in the Rye, New York Presbyterian Church, as the U.S. Third Fleet bombarded the main Philippine island of Luzon in preparation for invasion. Afterwards there was a glamorous reception for 300 at Apawamis Country Club. The newlyweds honeymooned at The Cloisters, a five-star hotel on Sea Island, Georgia, with swimming, tennis and golf.

George’s next assignment was to train pilots at Norfolk, Virginia Naval Air Station. “George’s duty … was light. As for other young marrieds, whose husbands were between warzone tours, this was kind of an extended (and paid) honeymoon.”

Japan surrendered in August. That fall, George and Barbara Bush moved to New Haven where Bush entered Yale University. He and Barbara moved into an apartment at 37 Hillhouse Avenue, across the street from Yale President Charles Seymour.

College life was good to George, what he saw of it. A college career usually occupies four years. But we know that George Bush is a rapidly moving man. Thus he was pleased with the special arrangement made for veterans, by which Yale allowed him to get his degree after attending classes for only two and a half years.

Bush and his friends remember it all fondly, as representatives of the Fashionable Set  (more...)

Skull and Bones: The Racist Nightmare at Yale

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Bayer's History is a Hard Pill to Swallow


Bayer Auschwitz pharmaceuticals negligence harms fatalities crime


Britain’s ‘Invisible’ Empire unleashes the dogs of war


Britain oligarchy subversion military church opium trade colonialism imperialism slavery usury freemasonry

Over the past three years, EIR has produced two blockbuster studies of the dominant evil power on this planet, the British Commonwealth/Empire, and many supporting elements of documentation. We have exposed the major battlelines in the global strategic battle before us all, between the British Imperial System, and the system of sovereign nation-states, of which the United States is the leading example. In this issue of EIR, we unravel a new set of secrets of the Empire, exposing the way in which the British Crown is using private networks—in the military, the church, and business—to carry out its objective of destroying the nation-state, and thus, to maintain its power into what it hopes will be a New Dark Age.

To get the picture, you have to start from the top down. At the top, you find the British monarchy and Privy Council, positioned as the primus inter pares of the 3-5,000 families that comprise the inner core of the Club of the Isles. While the Queen herself, contrary to myth, exercises her royal prerogative over the nations of the Commonwealth, and a network of companies, the broader grouping of families runs a set of cartels which functions as a modern-day British East India Company.

For much of the 250 years following its chartering in 1600, the East India Company served as the leading instrument of the British imperium, governing India as “private” territory, employing its own private mercenary armies, and presiding over the Opium War policy against China. The “Company” was administered by a board of stockholders, who reported to a three-man “secret committee,” who, in turn, represented the combined interests of the British Crown and the leading City of London financial interests. When circumstances required, “Company” figures, typified by the late-eighteenth-century Earl of Shelburne, would even take up posts in the British government, to ensure that the interests of the British oligarchy were always served, with hands-on precision. Shelburne held positions, first, as Colonial Secretary, and then, as prime minister, during the negotiation of the Treaty of Paris, which formally ended the American War of Independence. The presence, today, of Sir David Simon, chairman of British Petroleum and governor of the Bank of England, in the Tony Blair cabinet, is a contemporary example of the same phenomenon.  (more...)

Britain’s ‘Invisible’ Empire unleashes the dogs of war

The Promise Keepers cult and homoerotic brainwashing


Pentecostal Charismatic psychological operation psyop brainwashing homosexuality Promise Keepers Religious Right freemasonry Anglican militias

These days, when an army of men stands in a football stadium, or on the Washington mall, chanting Jesus slogans, weeping, each man hugging the next man and purging his sin in front of a giant video altar, they are in general unaware of who it is that has amassed this army and brought them there. The Promise Keepers cult is an American-based project of “utopian” military and related religious and political operatives, associated with British imperial strategy and the George Bush machine. We will detail here some of the key personnel,. and the New Age sexual brainwashing they used to manufacture the movement.

This exposure is essential, because the project has been consistently boosted by the “mainstream” media with no investigative journalism to find out what was really going on. ABC News anointed Promise Keepers founder/front-man Bill McCartney, a former University of Colorado football coach, as their “Person of the Week” in February 1996. The Eastern Establishment press lavishly promoted the October 1997 rally in Washington. D.C., ending with a cover story in Time magazine. Press coverage of criticism from feminists, lesbians, and atheists only served to promote the project.

The Promise Keepers experiment was begun on 70 Colorado men in 1990. About 4000 turned out to rallies in 1991. As attendance grew to 22,000 in 1992, the project leaders arranged for the writing of a bizarre book intended to mold the emotions and self-conception of their now-growing mass following. Masculine Journey was written for the Promise Keepers by Lt Col. Robert Hicks, a military expert in religious terrorism. It was published in 1993 under the supervision of Hicks’s Air Force colleague, Gen. Jerry White. a specialist in military mobilization, military police, and electronic security. General White is the longtime chairman of a military ministry group, “The Navigators.” whose NaviPress published the book, and a companion study guide for Promise Keepers (PK) psychological trainers.

Hicks’s book was distributed to every one of the 50.000 men who assembled for the first PK mass rally, held at the University of Colorado’s Folsom Field. This free distribution was unique, since PK usually charges its men high prices for group clothing items, worship accessories, and commercial aids to male bonding.

Promise Keepers then mass-marketed Masculine Journey, and its study guide, through 1994, when about 275,000 people came to PK rallies, and 1995, when attendance hit 725,000.

By 1995, the Hicks book had come under increasing criticism. Promise Keepers stopped publicly selling the book, but they continued to endorse it for their inductees, who buy it from NavIpress.  (more...)

The Promise Keepers cult and homoerotic brainwashing


Who is wagging your neighbor's tongue? The militias and Pentecostalism

Secret Epistemological Warfare: First, They Came For The Intelligencia


"Stalin put it very succinctly in a telegram to Hitler, sent in December 1939, in which he wrote that “the friendship between the peoples of the Soviet Union and Germany” had been “cemented in blood”. He might have added that the blood in question was Polish."

1939: When Poland was torn to pieces

Harvard pseudoscience fraud education dumbing down degradation decapitation

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Newsweek blows lid off American 60,000-person strong “secret army”


secret army clandestine operations espionage accountability Gladio surveillance state signature reduction military

An intensive two-year investigation by Newsweek that involved 600 resumes and 1,000 job postings, dozens of Freedom of Information Act requests, and scores of interviews with participants and defense decision-makers, discovered that the American military is running a massive 60,000-person strong secret army, many working under masked identities and in low profile, but all part of a broad program called “signature reduction.” According to Newsweek, Congress has never even held a hearing on the subject despite this secret army challenging U.S. laws, the Geneva Conventions, the code of military conduct and basic accountability.

The report discovered that as part of this secret operation, so-called “shadow warriors” operate globally, including in Pakistan and West Africa, but even behind enemy lines in North Korea and Iran. Newsweek described their actions as “nefarious operations [that] the United States decries when Russian and Chinese spies do the same.”

This is a significant shift in narrative. Traditionally Western media portrayed the U.S. as an innocent victim of overseas espionage emanating mostly from Russia and China. Despite the mountains of evidence that existed before this report, this is a rare public acknowledgement that the U.S. has secret operations being performed on a massive scale.

U.S. spying methods are so advanced that there are even various biometrics defeat systems used in the fake passports of these American operatives, some physical and some electronic. One such program, "Vault 7", was exposed by Wikileaks in early 2017 and revealed over 8,000 classified CIA tools used in the covert world of electronic spying and hacking, called ExpressLane. U.S. intelligence embeds malware into foreign biometrics and watchlist systems, allowing American cyber spies to steal foreign data.

One coder working for Wikileaks in Berlin, hesitant to use his real name because of fear of indictment to the U.S., explained that: “Imagine for a moment that someone is going through passport control. NSA or the CIA is tasked to corrupt – change - the data on the day the covert asset goes through. And then switch it back. It's not impossible.”  (more...)

Newsweek blows lid off American 60,000-person strong “secret army”


Exclusive: Inside the Military's Secret Undercover Army

How Popular Opinion Is Controlled


The well washed mind

oligarchy education brainwashing groupthink conformity Venice political correctness popular opinion

Tavistock mass murderers are brainwashing your children


Tavistock brainwashing social control education indoctrination British Empire imperialism colonialism slavery oligarchy

In a quiet suburb of London, sits a complex of buildings known as the Tavistock Center, devoted to the "study" of what are called "human relations." From this relatively obscure location, an invisible army of social engineers, psychiatrists, psychoanalysts, psychological warfare experts, and brainwashers has been spawned and is deployed, which is responsible for much of the evil that has been done in the world over the last several decades. This network is behind the mass slaughters of the Bosnian and Croatian peoples in the Balkans (see EIR, Feb. 12, 1993). It was also responsible for the drug-rock-sex counterculture. And for more than last half-century, Tavistock and its global network have been behind the so-called educational reform movement whose conscious aim has been to destroy the minds of children and to tum them into docile slaves, incapable of creative and independent thought.

Founded in 1921, the Tavistock Clinic, as it was then known, has served as the psychological warfare arm of the British monarchy and has benefitted from the patronage of that monarchy and allied oligarchical networks. It has always enjoyed a close working relationship with the highest circles of Freemasonry: The current chairman of the center's board of directors is Queen Elizabeth II's cousin, the Duke of Kent, who is Grand Master of the United Grand "Mother Lodge."

Like its patrons, Tavistock and its operatives are committed to destroying western Judeo-Christian civilization. At the center of its decades-long fight is its battle to wipe out the view of man as born in the image of the Creator, in the unique sense that each individual is endowed with the potential for creative reason. The "paradigm shift" that Tavistock seeks would reduce all men to beasts, easily controllable by the oligarchy and their anointed psychological shock troops, deployed through the extended Tavistock network.  (more...)

Tavistock mass murderers are brainwashing your children

Monday, May 17, 2021

Biden and His Banderite Buddies


Moss Robeson is an independent researcher and writer whose work focuses on the Ukrainian diaspora in the U.S. His writings are collected at


Ukrainian ultranationalist lobby flaunts influence over Biden, blocks top Russia expert’s appointment

Ukraine Bandera lobby OUN-B Nazi collaborators cold war WACL diaspora

How Prince Philip's Environmentalists Commit Genocide


Prince Philip's Alliance for Religion and Conservation (ARC) hailed Pope Francis's climate change encyclical, as "something very extraordinary in the journey to link religions with conservation and conservation with religions." Catholics make up one-sixth of the world's populations, 1.2 billion people, and the Pope is urging them "to make real changes in their lifestyles, energy consumption, and moral and spiritual priorities," the ARC stated on June 18; the encyclical "goes far beyond climate change and is a beautiful, deeply considered document taking us back to why everything exists and our human place within it, rather than our place outside it."

Prince Philip set out to take over the world's major religions for his Satanic Green policy 29 years ago, with the September 1986, founding of the "WWF Religion and Conservation Network," at a special conference held in Assisi, Italy to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the founding of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).   (more...)

Prince Philip Makes Genocide into a Religion

environmentalism eugenics depopulation population control imperialism Prince Philip WWF colonialism

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Who We Fight


oligarchism cold war British Empire imperialism slavery usury financialization secret police CIA colonialism

In this dramatic, three-part series, the untold story of the not-so-subtle British Empire subversion of an Allied victory over the Axis powers is documented. We re-feature this story not only to amend the historical record, but to demonstrate to our fellow Americans how the U.S. has been duped into defending and promoting British geopolitics, including pitting the U.S. and Russia against one another, since before World War II even ended, to the present day. 

Friday, May 14, 2021

Freemasonry - Treason & the Deconstruction Of America


freemasonry treason confederacy slavery usury conspiracy Albert Pike luciferianism satanism KKK

One of the more interesting fights that the LaRouche movement has taken on, was the attempt at evicting the statue of Albert Pike from Judiciary Square in Washington DC. Pike, a confederate officer in the Civil War and Scottish Rite Freemason leader (Southern Jurisdiction) worked with the opium and slave merchant families of Boston and British anarchist organizer Giuseppe Mazzini in launching the Knights of the Golden Circle (KGC) to organize for session and after the Civil War, to terrorize and murder people involved in Reconstruction in the South. The speakers on the panel were Lyndon LaRouche with a tape recorded message from federal prison on the subject of why C. Fred Kleinknecht, 33°, Past Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite Southern Jurisdiction was publicly attacking LaRouche over the issue of defending the statue. Historian Anton Chaitkin gave a lecture on the nature of the British Empires assault on Europe and America through anarchist leader Giuseppe Mazzini and his terrorist cells (Young Germany, Young Italy, Young America, Young France, B'nai B'rith, etc.), Albert Pike, the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, and the KGC/KKK. Ex member Kushro Ghandi read Mark Calney's transcript on his research into D. W. Griffith, the film "The Birth of a Nation", Hollywood, and the KKK. With the endorsement of Confederate groupie President Woodrow Wilson, approximately 4--5 million men were recruited to the KKK through the film which gave birth to Hollywood as an instrument of cultural warfare along with the pushing of Eugenics which was then discussed by Michael Minnicino and his lecture on the Frankfurt School, Tavistock, Theodor Adorno, the Radio Project, and post modern deconstruction in art, music, politics, & architecture.

The speakers on the concluding section of the panel were Jeff Steinberg and former member Kathleen Klenetsky. Steinberg detailed the economic paradigm shift following Richard Nixons destruction of the Bretton Woods system into Roman empire style spectator sports, & entertainment as a way of organized crime groups to both launder drug money profits, and carry out Aldous Huxley's direction of mental enslavement. Klenetsky discussed the people involved in the push then for what today is known as Obamacare. A revival of a murderous Malthusian extermination policy for the "useless eaters" that became notorious during the Nazi regime of Adolf Hitler and brought back from the dead by Wall St vampires such as Peter Peterson, political types like Colorado Governor Richard Lamm, and murderers like Jack Kevorkian. The question and answer period covered such questions to the panel on the New School, how to deal with fundamentalist fools, how TV brainwashes people, how polls lie, how drug money is laundered through sporting events, BCCI and education, the .01% tax on derivatives, and a complaint about our attack on the Rainbow Coalition.

Thursday, May 13, 2021

'It's insanity': Canadian pastor jailed for holding church service compares gov't actions to communist China


church police pastor Christian arrest Calgary Alberta Canada lockdown restrictions

A Canadian pastor who was briefly jailed for violating public health orders by holding church services amind ongoing lockdown restrictions has compared his situation to those living in Hong Kong, where Christians are routinely persecuted for meeting for worship. 

In an interview with Newsmax hours after his release from jail Monday night, Artur Pawlowski, pastor of Street Church in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, said, “I just woke up in Hong Kong a few days ago. I mean, I thought I emigrated to our beloved Canada, but I am in Hong Kong, full force.”

“It’s insanity — arresting pastor[s], shutting down churches. Craziness,” Pawlowski added, The Epoch Times reports.

Pawlowski and his brother, Dawid Pawlowski, were arrested Saturday for holding an “illegal” in-person gathering as per COVID-19 restrictions set by a new court order. The two were released Monday night. 

“Earlier today, police arrested two organizers of a church service who were in violation of a new court order obtained by Alberta Health Services (AHS) in relation to mandatory compliance of public health orders for gatherings,” said the Calgary Police Service in a statement on Saturday.  (more...)

'It's insanity': Canadian pastor jailed for holding church service compares gov't actions to communist China

Cold War Pawns: Ukraine, the OUN-B, and the Atlantic Council


Ukraine, Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists-Bandera, OUN-B, Bandera Lobby, Banderites, Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations, ABN, World Anti-Communist League, WACL, Lev Dobriansky, Paula Dobriansky, Michael Carpenter, Biden Administration, Petro Poroshenko, Volodymyr Zelensky, CIA, Victoria Nuland, Robert Kagan, Russian hawks, Russiagate, witch hunt, Atlantic Council, Herman Pirchner, American Foreign Policy Council, Council for National Policy, CNP, Nord Stream II, natural gas politics, Russian military build-up, NATO, NATO military exercises, NATO expansion, disinformation, World War III, cults, fanaticism

Hundreds in Ukraine attend marches celebrating Nazi SS soldiers

Ukraine OUN-B Biden Bandera Atlantic Council cold war Svoboda diaspora NATO WACL

Pictures of a Ukrainian Dream

Outrage grows over alleged party for sex-offender teacher


abuse Catholic crime education misconduct pedophilia rape negligence

Ire and condemnation have continued in reaction to news of an alleged going-away party for Jeff Peters, a former Perth high school teacher convicted of sexual assault.

Students, former students, and community members have expressed their dismay at how the school and school board have handled the situation.

Peters, a former teacher with St. John Catholic High School, pleaded guilty on April 29 to sexual assault of one student and sexual exploitation of a second student. The former teacher was charged in 2019 and was still a teacher when the offences took place.

Peters was sentenced to three and a half years in prison. He is also barred from owning a firearm for 10 years, and his name will be on the sex offender registry list for 20 years.

In the aftermath of his guilty plea, rumours of an alleged gathering that included Peters and current teachers at the school, reportedly held before Peters entered his guilty plea, began to appear on social media.

While sources who spoke with The Recorder and Times say they had second-hand knowledge of a gathering, the CBC reported Tuesday it had spoken to two people in attendance. The two men told the CBC six people, including two teachers, were at the outdoor gathering.  (more...)

Outrage grows over alleged party for sex-offender teacher


Students plan 'logout' over alleged party for convicted teacher

Historical Parallels with Vera Sharav and Dr. Andrew Kaufman


Dr. Kaufman and Holocaust Survivor Vera Sharav discuss the common subversion of the health system in WW II era Germany and the covid great reset.

To visit Dr. Kaufman:

To visit Vera Sharav:

Nazi human experimentation bioethics medicine doctors crime healthcare COVID conflict of interest corruption

Lord Palmerston’s Multicultural Human Zoo


British Empire Lord Palmerston imperialism slavery opium colonialism freemasonry occult

Speaking from the vantage point of Lord Palmerston’s British Empire circa 1850, Schiller Institute U.S. President Webster Tarpley chaired the panel on “Lord Palmerston’s Multicultural Zoo” at the Schiller Institute’s conference on Feb. 20. Tarpley served as tour guide through the centuries, and as the “choral” backdrop to the historical drama, introducing each of the seven speakers in turn and concluding the panel. What follows is Tarpley’s introduction. Subtitles have been added.

I am now standing in the shadow of the Houses of Parliament in the part of London called Westminster. It is the year of grace 1850. Around me lies Victorian London, the London of Dickens and Thackeray, of John Stuart Mill and Thomas Carlyle. This capital city is now the center of the greatest colonial empire the world has ever known, shortly to embrace between one-fifth and one-fourth of the total population and land area of the Earth. Although in theory there are still empires ruled by the French, the Spanish, the Portuguese, the Dutch, the Belgians, and the Danes, all of these, in this year of 1850, are but the satellites of the British Empire. Britain is the mistress of the seas, the empire upon which the sun never sets. It is the new Rome on the banks of the Thames.

The empress is Queen Victoria, who is largely occupied with Prince Albert in her business of breeding new litters of Saxe- Coburg- Gotha to take over the royal houses of Europe. A quarter- century from now Victoria will be made empress of India to reward her for so much breeding. But for all of Victoria’s wealth and power, Britain is not really a monarchy; it is an oligarchy on the Venetian model, and the most powerful leader of the British oligarchy in these times, between 1830 and the end of the American Civil War, is Lord Palmerston.

Henry Temple, the third Viscount Palmerston. Palmerston is the man the others – the Russells, Disraelis, and Gladstones – simply cannot match. Palmerston was first a Tory, then a Whig, always a disciple of Jeremy Bentham, and for 35 years there is scarcely a cabinet without Palmerston as foreign secretary or prime minister. In London they call him Lord Cupid, a Regency buck always on the lookout for a new mistress, perfectly at home in a ménage à trois. On the continent they call him Lord Firebrand. The schoolboys of Vienna sing that if the devil has a son, that son is Lord Palmerston. “Pam” is an occultist who loves Satanism and seances. And here, between Big Ben and the Foreign Office, are the haunts of this nineteenth- century devil, Lord Palmerston, old Pam.  (more...)

Lord Palmerston’s Multicultural Human Zoo

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Open a Royal Commission of Inquiry on our COVID-19 Response


Randy Hillier, MPP & Derek Sloan, MP

Dough Ford Ontario Canada Royal Commission COVID-19 politics medicine pharmaceuticals lockdowns masking accountability

Defending Children's Rights - Post Press Conference Interview


Watch our video interview with CRC co-operational Director, and legal expert (lawyer) in the area of children's rights.

Amina Sherazee discusses the rights and best interests of the child, including how governments and society at large have completely failed our children.

In fact, it has caused more suffering to them under these emergency measures.

children education school mind control abuse lockdowns fear

How the Venetian System Was Transplanted Into England


Venice Britain subversion corruption oligarchy history epistemological warfare

The oligarchical system of Great Britain is not an autochthonous product of English or British history. It represents rather the tradition of the Babylonians, Romans, Byzantines, and Venetians which has been transplanted into the British Isles through a series of upheavals. The status of Britain as the nation foutué of modern history is due in particular to the sixteenth and seventeenth century metastasis into England and Scotland of the Venetian oligarchy along with its philosophy, political forms, family fortunes, and imperial geopolitics. The victory of the Venetian party in England between 1509 and 1715 built in turn upon a pre-existing foundation of Byzantine and Venetian influence.

NOBLE VENETIAN: …pray tell us what other prerogatives the King [of England] enjoys in the government; for otherwise, I who am a Venetian, may be apt to think that our Doge, who is called our prince, may have as much power as yours.

—Henry Neville, Plato Redivivus, 1681

One of the best governments in English history was that of King Alfred the Great, who ruled from 871 to 899. Alfred pursued a policy of literacy, education, and nation-building, and stands as a founder of Old English literature. The Byzantine Empire saw in Alfred a flare-up of the Platonic Christian humanism of the Irish monks and Alcuin of York, the principal adviser to Charlemagne a century earlier. Byzantium accordingly incited Vikings and Varangians, who had been defeated by Alfred the Great, to renew their attacks on England.

Then, in 1066, two armies converged on England. The first was the Norwegian army of King Harold Hardrada (“the pitiless”), a Byzantine general who had served as the commander of the Imperial Guard in Constantinople. Harold Hardrada was killed by the English at Stamford Bridge in 1066. But in that same year the weakened English forces were defeated at Hastings by William of Normandy (“the Conqueror”). Thus began the Norman Yoke, imposed by Norman oligarchs and a century of Norman kings.

The next dynasty, the Plantagenets, featured such figures as Richard I Lionheart, a flamboyant homosexual who avidly participated in the Venetian- sponsored Crusades in the eastern Mediterranean. The Magna Carta extorted from Richard’s successor King John in 1215 had nothing to do with political liberties in the modern sense, but protected the license of marauding feudal barons against the central monarchy. The enforcement machinery of the Magna Carta permitted the barons lawfully to wage war upon the King in case their grievances were not settled. Since civil war and private warfare were by far the greatest curses of society at that time, England was held hostage to parasitical feudal overlords that a more centralized (or “absolute”) monarchy might have mitigated. The barons, whose sociopathic prerogatives were anchored in the Magna Carta by a license for civil war, were easily the most reactionary element in English society, and were susceptible to easy manipulation by Venice, which had now conquered Byzantium and was approaching the apogee of its power.

Venetian influence in England was mediated by banking. Venetian oligarchs were a guiding force among the Lombard bankers who carried out the “great shearing” of England which led to the bankruptcy of the English King Henry III, who, during the 1250’s, repudiated his debts and went bankrupt. The bankruptcy was followed by a large- scale civil war.  (more...)

How the Venetian System Was Transplanted Into England


Venice’s War Against Western Civilization

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

For Victory Day: It’s Time to Think About Finally Winning WWII


Nazi war Bush Harriman banks finance treason collaboration Hitler

76 years ago Germany surrendered to allied forces finally ending the ravages of the Second World War.

Today, as the world celebrates the 76th anniversary of this victory, why not think very seriously about finally winning that war once and for all?

If you’re confused by this statement, then you might want to sit down and take a deep breath before reading on. Within the next 12 minutes, you will likely discover a disturbing fact which may frighten you a little bit: The allies never actually won World War II…

Now please don’t get me wrong. I am eternally thankful for the immortal souls who gave their lives to put down the fascist machine during those bleak years… but the fact is that a certain something wasn’t resolved on the 9th of May, 1945 which has a lot to do with the slow re-emergence of a new form of fascism during the second half of the 20th century and the renewed danger of a global dictatorship which the world faces again today.

It is my contention that it is only when we find the courage to really look at this problem with sober eyes, that we will be able to truly honor our courageous forebears who devoted their lives to winning a peace for their children, grandchildren and humanity more broadly.  (more...)

For Victory Day: It’s Time to Think About Finally Winning WWII

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