Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Charities Are Paying Student Journalists For ‘Pro-Israel Content’


HonestReporting Canada campus media Zionism charities bribery propaganda mills journalism harassment narrative control universities academia

HonestReporting Canada’s campus media fellowship offers $1,000 to students, including journalists, to advocate for Israel.

Zionist charities in Canada are paying student journalists to write and share “pro-Israel content.”

In 2022, HonestReporting Canada (HRC) and Hasbara Canada founded the Canadian Campus Media Program. The program, now operated by HRC and Allied Voices for Israel (AVI), consists of post-secondary students being paid $1,000 for six months of participation, with the expectation that they: 

  • “Monitor their local campus media”;
  • “Respond to problematic coverage, whether by filing complaints or submitting counter letters to the editor and rebuttal op-eds”;
  • “Proactively submit opinion commentaries and press releases to steer the conversation about Israel, following with the adage that the best defense is a strong offense”;
  • “Create and share pro-Israel content on social media and report antisemitic/anti-Israel content.”

The program has had two cohorts thus far (23 students at 14 universities in 2023 and 26 students at 13 universities in 2024) and current participants include at least three students that are in or have completed journalism programs, at Concordia, Carleton, and Dalhousie. 

Program participants have had success in getting their work published.  (more...)

Charities Are Paying Student Journalists For ‘Pro-Israel Content’

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