Friday, December 31, 2021

NGO provided evidence Germany sponsored the COVID-19 biological warfare attack to obtain $350 billion annually for the insolvent UN and its Sustainable Development Goals


Germany COVID biological warfare UN Sustainable Development WHO insolvency

Above screenshot provides material evidence that Germany sponsored the COVID-19 biological warfare attack against Canada, the US, Europe and the World. German Chancellor Angela Merkel Pledged 600 Million Euros January 31, 2020 (day the UK formally left Germany’s EU) to fund the COVID-19 biological warfare attack. The website where the screenshot was taken provides you with Germany’s motive for sponsoring such a heinous attack against the civilian populations of the World.

The World was informed January 31, 2020 why Germany sponsored the COVID-19 biological warfare attack and why the WHO and its coconspirators Justin Trudeau, Chrystia Freeland, the World Economic Forum, Germany, Event 201 players and US President Joe Biden will continue claiming that COVID-19 is still active for years to come.

The primary objective of the coordinated and unlawful (crimes against humanity, treason, medical fraud, falsifying medical records and death certificates ..) COVID-19 biological warfare attack is to obtain $billions ($350 billion annually) for the insolvent UN.  (more...)

NGO provided evidence Germany sponsored the COVID-19 biological warfare attack to obtain $350 billion annually for the insolvent UN and its Sustainable Development Goals

biological warfare Germany WHO UN Sustainable Development Goals crimes against humanity depopulation

Thursday, December 30, 2021



Cell movie horror predictive programming apocalypse zombies phones violence

For aspiring artist Clayton "Clay" Riddell, catching a big break has never been his strong suit, and only put undue stress on himself and family. Sick of teaching art instead of making it, he's finally seeing his dreams come true. As he finalizes a big deal in the city of Boston, Clay prepares for a new life ahead, completely free of financial burden and marital woes and the opportunity to start anew as a man established. But that's all about to change on one October afternoon, when at one single moment, everyone answers their cell phone, inevitably changing the face of humanity forever. The Pulse as it will be known, reverberates through every cell phone in the world, causing a deadly chain reaction of events. Users suddenly become ultra-violent, homicidal maniacs and begin attacking anyone within proximity. Now all Clay can do, is band together with other survivors and prepare for a new world ahead where society is no more, and replaced by homicidal creatures, who are only beginning to transform into something far worse. But for Clay, the worst is yet to come as he makes the trek across a world changed and into his Maine home, to a wife and son he hasn't been able to reach after the cataclysmic events that followed.

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

The Secret History of International Fascism III: Pedos, Cults, and Secret Armies


International Fascism Nazi pedophiles cults stay behinds Gladio Operation Condor Argentina Peron

Fascism, populism, Juan Peron, Argentina, Eva Peron,  Peronism, Otto Skorzeny, Huey Long, the assassination of Huey Long, the assassination of Admiral Darlan, JFK assassination, Le Cercle, stay-behinds, secret armies, Gladio, La Cagoule, strategy of tension, le guerre revolutionaire, Italy, Years of Lead, Belgium, "Bloody 80s," Marc Dutroux, Prince Bernhard, Dutroux affair, VIP pedophile rings, Colonia Dignidad, Operation Condor, 1968, Los Tecos, dirty wars, AAA, CAL, drug cartels, Medellin cartel, Guadalajara cartel, Sinaloa cartel, Cali Cartel, fundamentalist Mormonism, LeBarons, LeBaronism, Colonia LeBaron, Mitt Romney, Allred family, Ted Bundy, serial killers, Adolfo Constanzo, Santeria, The Finders, Kenneth Grant, Chicago, Florida, Louisiana, Latin America, Americas, Hand of Death, Henry Lee Lucas, White Eagle Underground


The Secret History of International Fascism Part I

The Secret History of International Fascism Part II

The COVID-19 “Vaccine” and the Nuremberg Code. Crimes Against Humanity, Genocide


Nuremberg Code Crimes Against Humanity Genocide COVID pharmaceuticals Pfizer depopulation Club of Rome

The mRNA vaccine is “experimental’ and unapproved. Since December 2020, it has resulted in a worldwide upward trend in deaths and injuries.

Numerous scientific studies confirm the nature of the Covid-19 mRNA vaccine which is being imposed on all humanity.

The stated objective is to enforce the Worldwide vaccination of 7.9 billion people in more than 190 countries, to be followed by the imposition of a digitized “vaccine passport”.  

Needless to say this is a multi-billion dollar operation for Big Pharma. In a bitter irony, Pfizer which is playing a dominant role in marketing the vaccine at the level of the entire planet, has a criminal record with the US Department of Justice (for more details see below). 

The national health authorities cannot say: we did not know. Nor can they say that the objective is “to save lives”. This is a killer vaccine. And they know it.  (more...)

The COVID-19 “Vaccine” and the Nuremberg Code. Crimes Against Humanity, Genocide


Stop the Covid Holocaust! Open Letter

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Anna De Buisseret: Every Lawyer I’ve Spoken To Says This Is Crimes Against Humanity


Anna De Buisseret constitution lawyer lawlessness crimes against humanity Nuremberg human rights

Anna De Buisseret gives an update on the legal situation and the work being done by lawyers around the world; talks about the growing interaction between the veteran network and the local communities; and warns lawyers and serving military that they will be held personally and criminally liable if they know what’s going on and refuse to speak up: “Silence is a war crime”.

I Am The Last Surviving Prosecutor of the Nuremberg Trials


Nuremberg Germany genocide war crimes trials Ferencz history

The Story of Benjamin Ferencz, the last living prosecutor of the Nuremberg trials. Just in his twenties - after landing on the beaches of Normandy, fighting in the Battle of the Buldge, and liberating various Nazi concentration camps - Ben became responsible for prosecuting members of the Einsatzgruppen death units, responsible for the deaths of over one million innocent people during the Nazi invasion of Russia.

Monday, December 27, 2021

Covid and the rise of Sadism


sadism mental illness psychiatry COVID fear hysteria cruelty biofascism

Dr Mark McDonald has a practice in Los Angeles and a frequent media guest. He is board-certified in both child & adolescent and adult psychiatry, with extensive additional training in adult psychoanalysis.

Mark specialises in the evaluation and treatment of young people with mental illness and over the past decade of post-graduate training, has supervised and taught medical students, residents, and fellows in multiple disciplines of medicine, psychiatry, and therapy.

Ongoing hysteria and a climate of fear promoted by Government and mainstream media have had a devastating impact on many of us, which may be difficult to reverse, even in the medium term.

Sunday, December 26, 2021

The Sinister Convergence of Klaus Schwab’s “Great Reset” with the Vatican and “Liberation Theology”


Klaus Schwab great reset liberation theology helder camara Brazil Nazi communist bishop Catholic

Amid the 2020 global covid lockdowns and economic dislocations it has caused, Klaus Schwab, a previously low-profile founder of a Swiss-based business forum, emerged on the world stage calling for what he called a Great Reset of the entire world economy, using the pandemic as driver.

He even published a book in July 2020 outlining his blueprint. It has been rightly called a technocratic society with global top-down central planning. Schwab uses global warming fears and the plight of the world’s poor to justify what is in effect a plan for global totalitarianism where, as the Davos website puts it, nobody will own anything.

What is not well-known is the fact that the inspiration for Schwab’s dystopian plans comes from a Catholic bishop whom he met in Brazil in the 1970’s. That bishop links Schwab’s vast globalist network with the powerful political influence of the present Pope Francis.

Far from a traditional Catholic priest, this bishop was known as the “Red Bishop” and endorsed Castro’s Cuba model, as well as the Mao Cultural Revolution in which millions of Chinese were killed or destroyed in a purge of the enemies of Mao. His name was Archbishop Dom Helder Camara of Brazil, the leading early figure spreading the Church movement known as “Liberation Theology” during the 1960s and 1970s.  (more...)

The Sinister Convergence of Klaus Schwab’s “Great Reset” with the Vatican and “Liberation Theology”


Helder Câmara: a lifetime of working against the Church from the inside. - And they want to beatify him?...

Is Your Clergyman or Congressman a Moonie Sex-Cultist?


Moonies Unification Church politicians clergy sex cults Christian Zionism corruption crime drug trafficking money laundering

Is your priest, your minister, your imam, or your rabbi, a Moonie? Is your U.S. Congressman or Senator a Moonie? Do you know the answer? Your future and the future of this entire nation may rest on the answers to those questions—and what you choose to do about it if the answers to any of them are "yes."

Here's why: The Unification Church of Reverend Sun Myung Moon, otherwise known as the Moonies, is the biggest single source of corruption and perversion in the United States today. The Moonies, through scores of front groups, are spreading literally billions of dollars a year in offshore laundered money—some of it almost certainly derived from the sales of illegal drugs and weapons—to buy off American politicians, religious leaders, former civil rights activists, and other constituency leaders. The dirty money is frequently followed by sexual favors from an army of young women—all brainwashed into Moon's bizarre sexual rituals.

Among the most well-known Senators and Congressmen who have been bought off by Moon's dirty money: Sen. Joseph Lieberman (D-Conn.), Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Pa.), and Rep. Dan Burton (R-Ind.).

If you thought the Iran-Contra affair or the so-called "Chinagate" scandal was a big deal, you will be shocked to learn about "Moongate," the scandal that the entire American Establishment media has systematically covered up.  (more...)

Is Your Clergyman or Congressman a Moonie Sex-Cultist?


Moongate: Bigger Than Chinagate, Koreagate

Moonies Are Target Too Big To Be Missed

Democrats Now Venture To the Dark Side of the Moon

Friday, December 24, 2021

Global Coronavirus Policy: For How Long Will We Be Held Hostage To Pharma?


pharmaceuticals Bayer COVID lockdowns vaccine passports coercion compliance biofascism globalism

More evidence is emerging that global coronavirus policy isn’t based on protecting people’s health. The Dutch government recently fired its State Secretary for Economic Affairs after she criticized the country’s ‘coronavirus access pass’, or ‘vaccine passport’. This could be seen as confirmation that any failure to follow government decree could potentially cost you your vote, your freedom of speech, or your income. Will this pandemic go down in history as an episode in which the pharma industry tried to take humankind hostage?

The international political landscape is in turmoil. After several countries demanded a coronavirus passport for entry to public places, on September 25th it became the Netherlands’ turn. In response, State Secretary Mona Keijzer said that, in view of the country’s high vaccination rate, it was ‘inexplicable’ that people should have to show a coronavirus pass, as proof they had been vaccinated or tested, in order to gain admission to a café or restaurant. Her dismissal was the consequence of this statement.

Keijzer said: ‘If you have ended up in a society where you have to be afraid of each other unless you can show some evidence, then you have to scratch your head and ask yourself: do we want to go this way?’ The dismissal of Keijzer for daring to criticize a COVID-19 policy measure signals that it is apparently safer to stay quiet, since speaking out threatens the political elite.

Discrimination, based on having a coronavirus admission pass, is the result. This pandemic seems to be less about public health than about social control, imposed by a small group of financial investors, politicians, and the pharma industry.  (more...)

Global Coronavirus Policy: For How Long Will We Be Held Hostage To Pharma?


Learning from History

pharmaceuticals Bayer COVID lockdowns vaccine passports coercion compliance biofascism globalism

Day 3: Wet’suwet’en land defenders occupy drill pad site, anticipate fourth RCMP raid


indeginous ancestral lands Canada land defenders Coastal GasLink Royal Bank of Canada RCMP sovereignty violence colonialism lawlessness betrayal hypocrisy racism

...The Tyee reports: “One month after dozens of arrests, supporters of Wet’suwet’en Hereditary Chiefs have reoccupied a worksite on the Coastal GasLink pipeline route in the nation’s territory. The group announced Sunday they had returned to occupy Coyote Camp and block access to a strategic pipeline worksite.”

“Wet’suwet’en Hereditary Chief Na’Moks said today he visited the site on Sunday after Coastal GasLink security had been asked to leave.”

“He added that a tiny home, school bus and wall tents removed from the camp during the arrests had been returned and are now occupied.”

That article also notes: “Na’Moks said there was no Coastal GasLink security or RCMP at the site during his visit… He said no work was underway at the site, although it appeared site preparation had continued since the arrests a month ago.”

There may be 10-12 land defenders at the site now.

The CBC article on this adds: “[Gidimt’en Checkpoint media coordinator Jennifer] Wickham said the people who re-occupied the area Sunday are not the same ones who were arrested in November.”

Those arrested on November 18-19 will be in court on February 14, 2022.

And the Canadian Press reports: “The RCMP say they are investigating allegations that protesters threatened security officials, set off flares and damaged vehicles at a drill site for the Coastal GasLink pipeline in northern British Columbia.”

Wickham questions this account and says: “We have heard false testimony from the RCMP before about us.” She also says that the land defenders at Coyote Camp are anticipating another police action “against unarmed Indigenous people.”  (more...)

Day 3: Wet’suwet’en land defenders occupy drill pad site, anticipate fourth RCMP raid


One Month after Arrests, Wet’suwet’en Return to Block Pipeline

‘Dangerous precedent’: pipelines, land defenders and the colonial policing of Indigenous nationhood

Wet’suwet’en hereditary chief takes fight against Coastal GasLink all the way to the banks

A 'lingering evil': From residential schools to murdered women

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

The Club of Rome attempt to take over the Vatican


Pope John Paul II assassination Club of Rome depopulation population control oligarchy Venice banks Catholic Jesuits

On Dec. 27 of last year , at 1 2: 10 p.m. , Pope John Paul II met in the Roman jail of Rebibbia the man who, two-and-a-half years earlier, had attempted and almost succeeded in assassinating him, Ali Agca. That encounter signaled a shift in Vatican policy; it was clear, among the most watchful circles, that it was no pastoral visit of the Pope to Agca: To the prisoners of Rebibbia, the Pope had brought a new year's gift, the message of the International Day of Peace , an appeal to overcome the politics of force and hegemonic blocs, and the relaunching of East -West dialogue. For this he had wanted to meet Ali Agca and renew his pardon to him. It was said that the Pope had dispatched a dove from the cell of his would be assassin, toward the Kremlin. In effect, the Pope had already expressed his pardon to the Turk, several times and in a definitive manner . The meeting at Rebibbia could have but one meaning, expressed by the victim in person, who at the same time is the highest authority of the Catholic Church: that the Vatican was dropping the "Bulgarian Connection."

The meeting had been preceded by certain suspicious and very significant events in the development of the trials of the key figures in the "Bulgarian Connection" to the attempted assassination: The Syrian Arsan, at the center of the crossroads of arms smuggling between Bulgaria, Italy, and the Middle East, a key pawn in the investigations, had suddenly died, and a similar fate seems to have overtaken the Turk Bekir Celerik, an adventurer based in Sofia, and an important component of the Bulgarian Track. With Sergei Antonov, the employee of Bulgarian Airlines and Agca's suspected accomplice, released from jail and house arrest, nothing remained of the Bulgarian Connection.

The face of John Paul II in the few photographs released from his meeting with Agca shows a person marked by profound anguish. What has happened to the Pope? Analyzing the three years of his pontificate, we have asked ourselves what have been the causes which have transformed the doctrinally solid Pope of the Laborem Exercens and the Familiaris Consortio into a hostage of the policy of the Curia and the religious orders.  (more...)

The Club of Rome attempt to take over the Vatican

Catholic Jesuit Francis Argentina

Praxis: The Institute For Policy Studies' Canadian Extension


Praxis Canada subversion Rockefeller Toronto fascism financialization conspiracy

A now-defunct venture, Praxis Corporation, has achieved notoriety throughout Canada in recent weeks in connection with illegal break-ins into its Toronto headquarters in 1972, alleged to have been performed under the auspices of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). In turn, federal Supplies and Services Minister Jean-Pierre Goyer, who was Solicitor General in charge of overseeing RCMP activities at the time of the break-ins, is being attacked in the Canadian Parliament for having circulated documents to the federal cabinet during the early 1970s warning of the subversive nature of Praxis and affiliated networks, some of whom extended "into official government circles. Gouer is also being accused of having been complicit in the Praxis break-ins and of acting to suppress an investigation of same subsequent to their occurrence.

A preliminary investigation of the actual nature of the Praxis Corp. network reveals it to be the centerpiece in a broad-based, largely Rockefeller-inspired, conspiracy directed at all phases of the Canadian policy making process. Information on Praxis and associated networks gathered in Canada and gridded against the extensively documented activities of the terrorist controllers at the U.S.-based Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) both in North America and in Europe show the Praxis Corp. to be an IPS-Canadian front organization. This identification, matched in turn against known official Rockefeller policy options for Canada, allows the efficient assemblage of the complete profile of Rockefeller and allied network agencies of subversion directed at Canadian national sovereignty. Forthcoming articles will document this profile extending from the highest international round table circles into the networks operating within established institutions and outside of such institutions as "countergangs."

In the interim, as we can only suggest that former Solicitor General Goyer be questioned, not for initiating an investigation into Praxis, but for so far withholding the full nature of the Praxis network from the Canadian public.

What is Praxis?

Praxis is Canada's Institute for Policy Studies. It coordinates a machine which succeeded in establishing strongholds of Rockefeller policy influence within the institutions of Canadian federal and provincial government, universities, major political parties, press and other media, as well as achieving the establishment of synthetic political creations such as the 7,000-member Committee for an Independent Canada. This machine, together with interfaced terrorist networks, is Rockefeller's base for promoting policies of zero growth, energy conservation, deindustrialization, drug decriminalization, and corporatist restructuring of government and financial institutions against the interests of the Canadian population.  (more...)

Praxis: The Institute For Policy Studies' Canadian Extension


The Russell Sage Foundation: 70 Years Of Monetarist Subversion

If one wishes to look deeper into the University of Toronto connection, I suggest one begin with New College, Honey Sherman's alma mater:

Justin Trudeau’s Canada Elections Act violation primary motive for homicides of Barry and Honey Sherman

Praxis Corporation Toronto financialization fascism neocolonialism imperialism subversion Canada sovereignty subjugation Rockefeller

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Ontario MPP Randy Hillier – “Unless We Rise, Canada Will Fall”


Randy Hillier Ontario Canada politics parliament vaccine mandates pandemic lockdowns biofascism lies fear mongering

Interview with Ontario MPP Randy Hillier. He speaks to the need to rise up and peacefully resist over-reaching pandemic measures.

Here is the enemy that we face:

Fauci History, Family Crest & Coats of Arms

Anthony Fauci Venice oligarchy cancer corruption puppet master lawlessness pandemic COVID vaccines lockdowns

Nova Scotia Rampage: Non-investigation agreements?


Canada RCMP deception Nova Scotia Rampage police Portapic murder arson conflict of interest non-disclosure agreements cover-up

Paul Palango and Jordan Bonaparte discuss recent developments related to the Nova Scotia shooting and arson rampage.

Sleydo' Molly Wickham on RCMP Invasion


RCMP lawlessness violence Canada police Coastal GasLink pipeline Indigenous ancestral lands sovereignty defenders

Sleydo' Molly Wickham, spokesperson for Gidimt'en clan at Coyote camp, details RCMP violent arrests and detentions of Wet'suwet'en peoples and other land defenders. RCMP - whose pensions are invested in Coastal GasLink pipeline (via TC Energy) - act like private security for CGL & breach human rights of Wet'suwet'en.

Monday, December 20, 2021

Did the Children Cry? Hitler’s War Against Jewish and Polish Children, 1939-45


Nazi crimes against humanity children genocide war crimes Poland Germany invasion deportation concentration camps Germanization resistance hiding survivors

In this, Lukas’ seventh book, he traces the devastating effects of the Nazi regime on Polish and Jewish children during the years 1939 to 1945. Creating a time-line of military tactics, he outlines seven categories, detailing the losses and effects of each. They are Invasion, Deportation, Concentration Camps, Germanization, Resistance, Hiding, and the War and Child Survivors. In each, we meet rescuers and informants, heroes and criminals, survivors and victims.

Of perhaps greatest interest to Catholic readers is the chapter on hiding in which Lukas emphasizes the role played by clergy, religious and the laity. In it he writes, “The Catholic Church played a critical role in aiding unfortunate people, including Jews, during the war.” Lukas related several instances where priests, monks and nuns hid children in the robes of their cassocks and habits to aid in their escape. Baptism and the hiding of children in convents and churches were also mentioned as methods of protection. Also noted are the tremendous losses suffered by clergy and religious, 50 percent in some places, 20 percent in others.

Those orders of women religious singled out for their heroic efforts include the Sisters of Charity (Grey Sisters), the Felician Sisters, the Ursulines, Little Servant Sisters of the Immaculate Conception, Franciscan Sisters of the Family of Mary and the Order of St. Elizabeth. Lukas quotes a distinguished Jewish historian, Szymon Datner, on the efforts of Polish Catholic nuns, as such: “In my research I have found only one case of help being refused. No other sector was so ready to help those persecuted by the Germans, including the Jews….this attitude, unanimous and general, deserves recognition and respect.”

Not to be forgotten were the efforts of individuals, no doubt with the support of many behind them. Ranking Polish clergymen, such as Archbishop Adam Sapieha of Krakow, Bishop Karol Niemira and canon Roman Archutowski, led the way by urging clergy to help the Jews. Others followed their lead, including Fr. Maximilian Kolbe, future Pope John Paul II, Karol Wojtyla, the Home of Father Boduen, and many other individuals and groups too numerous to name here but which are included in Lukas’ account.  (more...)

Did the Children Cry? Hitler’s War Against Jewish and Polish Children, 1939-45

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Poland: the only Ally to lose World War II


Poland war Home Army history books treache ry betrayal Churchill Stalin Hitler genocide occupation

Poland has been much in the news recently as the impoverishment caused by combined looting of the Eastern European nations by the Soviet war mobilization, perestroika, and usurious Western financial centers have caused explosions of revolt in these captive nations approaching 1956 levels. Will the fraud of Gorbachov's glasnost now collapse as Soviet tanks again move in to crush the revolt? One certainly sees in Poland a spirit of freedom which has never been crushed by Russia over centuries of oppression or by the combined genocidal assaults of Hitler and Stalin during World War II.

Richard C. Lukas, in Forgotten Holocaust. amply proves his thesis that the Nazi holocaust in Poland in 1939 was aimed not only at the Jewish population, as much of current historiography would have one believe, but also at the nation of Poland as a whole. He also exposes as fraudulent the accusations against the Polish exile government in London and the underground Home Army. of complicity in anti-Semitism. The Polish government, in fact, often acted alone against the murder of Polish Jews, while the United States and Britain did nothing.

What makes the book more useful in the current world crisis. however, is its documentation of the Soviet role in the "forgotten holocaust. " The September 1939 Nazi invasion of Poland, followed two weeks later by the Soviet invasion from the East, crushed the Polish h1oY. divided Poland along the Hitler-Stalin Pact Curzon LiI1e. and began a partnership to destroy the nation of Poland forever and exterminate its national leadership and culture. The author documents in part, but does not draw the conclusions, that this partnership to murder Poland was a fundamental shared interest of Russia and Nazi Germany which continued even after the German invasion of Russia in June 1941. This is not surprising. considering the common roots of the Nazi and Bolshevik movements, put into power to destroy Western Judeo-Christian civilization by barbaric Russian and Western oligarchies.

Poland had been, from the late 14th century through the Renaissance and after, a bastion in defense of West ern Judeo-Christian culture against the barbarism from the East. As one of the most culturally advanced nations in the world, Poland had acted as an important arm of Cardinal Nicolaus of Cusa's grand design for Christianizing the East through the Council of Florence. The shared hatred for Poland by the Nazis and Bolsheviks was expressed in the satanic rage against Christianity and the Renaissance b)"the 19th-century idols of these totalitarian movements, Friedrich Nietzsche and Fyodor Dostoevsky. It was not just the geographical existence of Poland which stood in the way of Hitler and Stalin, but the cultural existence of Poland which had to be razed to the ground, if either a Third Reich or a Muscovite "Third Rome" were to rule the world.  (more...)

Poland: the only Ally to lose World War II

They Want To Turn You Into A ROUTER?


CORONA COVID vaccines graphene oxide nanotechnology enslavement surveillance social control

On the most recent program of La Quinta Columna, a 2015 research related to a routing and nanonetwork system called "CORONA" was commented.

The details of this research are being reviewed by researchers who are decoding the nanotechnology included in the vaccination vials, including Mik Andersen, the author of the Corona2Inspect blog.

Link 1 -

Link 2 -

Evil princesses, their temples, and haircuts: Samson and Delilah


Samson Delilah seduction irrationality lust menticide enslavement subjugation

Though his people, the Israelites, are enslaved by the Philistines, Samson (Victor Mature), strongest man of the tribe of Dan, falls in love with the Philistine Semadar (Dame Angela Lansbury), whom he wins by virtue of a contest of strength. But Semadar betrays him, and Samson engages in a fight with her real love, Ahtur (Henry Wilcoxon), and his soldiers. Semadar is killed, and her sister Delilah (Hedy Lamarr), who had loved Samson in silence, now vows vengeance against him. She plans to seduce Samson into revealing the secret of his strength and then to betray him to the Philistine leader, The Saran of Gaza (George Sanders).

Saturday, December 18, 2021

UK Scientist Reveals Bombshell Data Analysis: Tracks Batches Of Pfizer, Moderna and Janssen, Finds "..Some Batches Are 50 Times Worse Than Others"


COVID vaccines Pfizer Moderna Janssen harms batches variability pharmaceuticals formulations

App "How Bad Is My Batch?" Allows People To Input Batch Code And See How Many Deaths, Disabilities and Illnesses Associated With That Batch "1 in 200 Lots Contain Deadly Ingredients"

I was told about the work of Craig Paardekooper by my friend of many years, PhD bio-chemist Dr. Dave Rasnick a few days ago; Today came this email from Dave, clarifying his shocking findings:

I’m following the very important work of Craig Paardekooper at Kingston University London...

Three of his conclusions:

  • The companies purposely manufactured non-uniform formulations of their vaccines while representing to the public that all COVID-19 vaccines from a given manufacturer were uniform in their formulation.
  • Over 20,000 different batches (lots) of Pfizer, Moderna, J & J injections total. 
  • 1 in 200 lots contain deadly ingredients. He urged me to watch a series of videos, in which he lays out the unthinkable.   (more...)

UK Scientist Reveals Bombshell Data Analysis: Tracks Batches Of Pfizer, Moderna and Janssen, Finds "..Some Batches Are 50 Times Worse Than Others"

How Bad is My Batch: Are some batches more toxic than others?

Time to Arrest Covid Tyrants: Notice: Public Officials Are Committing Felony Crimes

COVID illegal vaccine mandates sovereignty resistance accountability tyranny biofascism

Will there ever be any real accountability for all the suffering our leaders have imposed on ordinary people in the past two years? Yes. There will. Read the word of God, and you’ll know this to be true. Karen Kingston is back with us again. This time, she wants to offer our listeners her guide for making a criminal complaint against state and local politicians who are power-tripping by exploiting Covid-19 to issue illegal mandates against American citizens.

Download Karen's mandate document here:


Synarchism: The Fascist Roots Of the Wolfowitz Cabal


Nazi Communism fascism Synarchism Hitler neoconservatives totalitarianism neofeudalism enslavement European Union Napoleon Venice oligarchy freemasonry

In 1922, Count Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi launched the Pan European Union, at a founding convention in Vienna, attended by more than 6,000 delegates. Railing against the "Bolshevist menace" in Russia, the Venetian Count called for the dissolution of all the nation-states of Western Europe and the erection of a single, European feudal state, modeled on the Roman and Napoleonic empires. "There are Europeans," Coudenhove-Kalergi warned, who are "naïve enough to believe that the opposition between the Soviet Union and Europe can be bridged by the inclusion of the Soviet Union in the United States of Europe. These Europeans need only to glance at the map to persuade themselves that the Soviet Union in its immensity can, with the help of the [Communist] Third International, very quickly prevail over little Europe. To receive this Trojan horse into the European union would lead to perpetual civil war and the extermination of European culture. So long, therefore, as there is any will to survive subsisting in Europe, the idea of linking the Soviet Union with Pan Europe must be rejected. It would be nothing less than the suicide of Europe."

Elsewhere, Coudenhove-Kalergi echoed the contemporaneous writings of British Fabian Roundtable devotees H.G. Wells and Lord Bertrand Russell, declaring: "This eternal war can end only with the constitution of a world republic.... The only way left to save the peace seems to be a politic of peaceful strength, on the model of the Roman Empire, that succeeded in having the longest period of peace in the west thanks to the supremacy of his legions."

The launching of the Pan European Union was bankrolled by the Venetian-rooted European banking family, the Warburgs. Max Warburg, scion of the German branch of the family, gave Coudenhove-Kalergi 60,000 gold marks to hold the founding convention. Even more revealing, the first mass rally of the Pan European Union in Berlin, at the Reichstag, was addressed by Hjalmar Schacht, later the Reichsbank head, Economics Minister and chief architect of the Hitler coup. A decade later, in October 1932, Schacht delivered a major address before another PanEuropa event, in which he assured Coudenhove-Kalergi and the others, "In three months, Hitler will be in power.... Hitler will create PanEuropa. Only Hitler can create PanEuropa."

According to historical documents, Italy's Fascist dictator Benito Mussolini was initially skeptical about the PanEuropa idea, but was "won over" to the scheme, following a meeting with Coudenhove-Kalergi, during which, in the Count's words, "I gave him a complete harvest of Nietzsche's quotes for the United States of Europe.... My visit represented a shift in the behavior of Mussolini towards PanEuropa. His opposition disappeared."

At the founding congress of the Pan European Union in Vienna, the backdrop behind the podium was adorned with portraits of the movement's leading intellectual icons: Immanuel Kant, Napoleon Bonaparte, Giuseppe Mazzini, and Friedrich Nietzsche.  (more...)

Synarchism: The Fascist Roots Of the Wolfowitz Cabal


Dick Cheney Has a French Connection — To Fascism

The Mexico Case: The Fascist Philosophy That Created Synarchism

Friday, December 17, 2021

Healthcare for Everyone!


Stonethrow telemedicine human rights nondiscrimination Canada healthcare parallel systems

Join your hosts Norbert and Roman for a visit with Yehuda Goldberg, Founder of Stone Throw, healthcare for everyone! Learn about Stone Throw virtual telehealth services and employment opportunities! For more information, visit

Stone Throw Mission:

“Our experienced medical professionals put your healing needs first. We are proud to provide a high quality level of customer service, medical experience, and commitment to health and wellness to all our patients. Our goal is to make you feel better as quickly as possible. Just like David and Goliath, we are throwing a stone at the broken healthcare system, so you can be properly cared for. Our Healthcare For Everyone approach, offers healthcare on demand and full family medical care.”

Who Will Be Brave in Huxley’s New World?


Aldous Huxley Brave New World drugs Tavistock Institute LSD MKULTRA counter culture social engineering

No wonder that the Tavistock Institute and the CIA became involved in looking at the effects of LSD and how to influence and control the mind. 

“ ‘Science?’….’Yes,’ Mustapha Mond was saying, ‘that’s another item in the cost of stability. It isn’t only art that’s incompatible with happiness; it’s also science. Science is dangerous; we have to keep it most carefully chained and muzzled…I’m interested in truth, I like science. But truth’s a menace, science is a public danger. As dangerous as it’s been beneficent. It has given us the stablest equilibrium in history…But we can’t allow science to undo its own good work. That’s why we so carefully limit the scope of its researchers…We don’t allow it to deal with any but the most immediate problems of the moment. All other enquiries are most sedulously discouraged…Our Ford himself did a great deal to shift the emphasis from truth and beauty to comfort and happiness…[but] People still went on talking about truth and beauty as though they were the sovereign goods. Right up to the time of the Nine Years’ War. That made them change their tune all right. What’s the point of truth or beauty or knowledge when the anthrax bombs are popping all around you? That was when science first began to be controlled – after the Nine Years’ War. People were ready to have even their appetites controlled then. Anything for a quiet life. We’ve gone on controlling ever since. It hasn’t been very good for truth, of course. But it’s been very good for happiness. One can’t have something for nothing. Happiness has got to be paid for. You’re paying for it, Mr. Watson – paying because you happen to be too much interested in beauty. I was too much interested in truth; I paid too.’ “

Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World

Where does one start in discussing the famed fiction novel of Huxley? Although most agree that there is a definite brilliance to the piece, most are also confused as to what was Huxley’s intention in writing the extremely influential dystopic vision. Was it meant to be taken as an exhortation? An inevitable prophecy? Or rather…was it meant as an Open Conspiracy?  (more...)

Who Will Be Brave in Huxley’s New World


Part II: The War on Science and the 20th Century Descent of Man

Part III: The Origins of the Counterculture Movement: A Gathering of Anarchists, Occultists and Psychoanalysts for a New Age

Part IV: Huxley’s Ultimate Revolution: The Battle for Your Mind and the Relativity of Madness

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Identifying False Post-WWII Narratives


Churchill Dulles Gehlen false narrative cold war CIA Germany Russia

What if everything you've ever been taught about the causes of the Cold War were a lie? What if leading Nazis like Reinhardt Gehlen (chief of Nazi intelligence) and his entire network were reconstituted in West Germany by leading figures running the CIA? What if these same agencies also created a nihilistic cult of ugliness in literature, film, painting and music in order to destroy the deeper German cultural heritage of Bach, Beethoven, Schiller, Lessing and Mendelsohn in order to enslave society both in Germany and more broadly?

In this Rising Tide Foundation lecture, Irene Eckert takes us through this history in detail starting with the untimely death of Franklin Roosevelt and the destruction of his anti-imperial post-WW2 vision.

London’s policy of ‘Africanization’: The next target is Brazil


Brazil British Empire banks mining imperialism neocolonialism Pentecostalism looting cults drugs terrorism

The British Empire is on an offensive across the continent of Ibero-America of a scope unseen in 100 years, whose objective is to “Africanize” the southern half of the Western Hemisphere. Should it succeed, this assault would have consequences as catastrophic for the United States, as for the targetted nations themselves.

The British attack is under way on every front: They are seizing control of Ibero-America’s banks; they are invading its mines; they are redrawing national boundaries; they have spawned irrationalist religious sects of every imaginable stripe; and they have launched Jacobin hordes of narco-terrorists to destroy all aspects of national institutional life in the region. In short, the British are embarked on a policy of annihilating the very existence of the nation-state and the culture which sustains it, and of massively depopulating the region.

This is precisely what the House of Windsor has already done to the Great Lakes region of Africa, and beyond.

In all essentials, London’s policy is being executed in Ibero-America by the same cast of characters as in Africa, as we document here: It is the same mining companies, the same banks, the same British lords and ladies, the same private security companies, the same Pentecostalist and charismatic sects, and the same international terrorist networks steeped in the nihilism of Martin Heidegger, Jean Paul Sartre, and Frantz Fanon. The British policy will predictably have the same genocidal consequences in Ibero-America that it is having in Africa, only in this case, it will be on the U.S.’ very doorstep, and with the added, deadly feature that Ibero-America is the world’s premier drug-producing region, a crime against humanity which is also under London’s control.

The particular, immediate target of attack—and the one whose planned disintegration will have the gravest strategic consequences—is the nation of Brazil.  (more...)

London’s policy of ‘Africanization’: The next target is Brazil


British banks establish death grip over Ibero-America

British cartels break up Brazil’s CVRD, target continent’s raw materials

Dark side of Hollywood's favourite religion


Pentecostal cults drugs mind control brainwashing freemasonry colonialism imperialism servility compliance mesmerism millennialism hysteria eugenics

The recognisable face of Western Pentecostalism in modern days comes in the form of the Hillsong - a worldwide chain of churches attended by the likes of Justin Bieber and various Kardashian-Jenners. 

'It has been called Australia's most powerful brand, a money machine, and even a cult', writes Hardy.

Other A-listers who have been spotted attending the church in the past, according to reports, include; Hailey Baldwin, Chris Pratt, Selena Gomez, Vanessa Hudgens, Nick Jonas and Hailee Steinfeld. 

Since the movement was founded in 1983, with 45 people gathered at a school hall in Western Sydney, Hillsong has 150,000 weekly worshippers and locations in thirty countries on six continents.  

It was founded by Brian Houston, an Australian pastor and evangelist, with his wife Bobbie and was originally known as the Hills Christian Life Centre. 

Houston and other pastors of the church are biblical literalists, however stay away from the controversial bible-bashing rhetoric and spread their message in way that appears to be benevolent. 

'Instead of delivering a thundering sermon against gay marriage, a Hillsong preacher is more likely to tell you that you must love yourself first and then find love—albeit with the coda that you should find love in the way God tells us to in the Bible', Hardy explains. 

Within three years Hillsong hosted its first worship music conference and in 1988 the church's self-titled group released their debut album, Spirit and Truth.  

Hillsong has become one of the most successful music brands in the world today with an estimated 50 million people around the world sing their songs each week.  (more...)

Dark side of Hollywood's favourite religion: New book reveals how Pentecostalism, which counts Justin Bieber among its followers, can involve brutal exorcisms and drinking poison to prove devotion to God

World Council for Health has issued a cease and desist notice and declaration on the 15 December to halt the experimental ‘vaccines’.


vaccines human experiments COVID WCH declaration healthcare doctors

Dr Tess Lawrie, a spokeswoman for the WCH, a coalition of around 100 international organizations explains what it means in this short video.

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Forty Years On: Lessons from Poland’s Lockdown


Poland lockdown martial law totalitarianism tyranny resistance parallel society

On December 13th 1981, Poland entered a state of Martial Law that would last for two years. Two years into our own “new normal”, an eyewitness to both sees repeating patterns.

Early evening, on the Saturday of 12 December 1981, I walked across my local park in Warsaw to meet up with a new friend Iza to see the film ‘Hair’ which had been screened in Poland since 1980.

It was cold and it was starting to snow.  We were both eighteen, both in the last year of secondary school. Over two hours later, after an exhilarating experience of unforgettable music, themes of resistance to the Vietnam war, issues of racial justice, peace, love and youth and the spirit of freedom we left the cinema to a still night, by now covered by over a foot of snow.

We walked slowly through the park, talking excitingly about the film, relishing the spirit of freedom, fresh snow was creaking under our winter boots, the trees and bushes now bore heavy glittery load. Iza and I planned to meet up soon again. A magical quiet Saturday night in a country gripped by an economic disaster and political turmoil.

Like many of my friends I woke up on that fateful Sunday morning disappointed that my favourite satirical radio programme (60 Minutes per Hour) was not on. In fact, nothing, as I remember was on the radio except sombre classical music.

The same was pumped from one of only two TV channels, followed by an even more sombre prime minister General Jaruzelski in his military uniform reading out his announcement of the imposition of martial law.  In Polish, the phrase is ‘stan wojenny’, which translates as state of war.  That sounded serious.  A war.  Against whom?  (more...)

Forty Years On: Lessons from Poland’s Lockdown

Cape Breton land developer charged with extortion


Germany Canada Nova Scotia Cape Breton Nazi ratline immigration extortion crime

For two decades, Frank Eckhardt has worked to build a rural, self-sustaining utopia in the wooded hills of Cape Breton, and encouraged other German-speaking immigrants to quit the mother country and join him.

But according to the Nova Scotia RMCP, Mr. Eckhardt may have taken things too far with some of his clients who he helped start a new life in Canada.

Mr. Eckhardt, 56, was arrested last week and charged with extortion, after a falling out with a pair of German nationals who moved to Cape Breton on temporary work visas in December, 2020. The RCMP became involved following a rental dispute connected to a gym the pair were running in a leased space in St. Peters, a village near the Bras d’Or Lake.

It’s alleged Mr. Eckhardt threatened to report the couple to immigration officials and have them deported after they attempted to end their lease with him, unless they gave him “money or property,” according to the RCMP.

“They’re here on temporary work visas, so if they can’t make income, they lose that work visa and it makes it very complicated to try to stay in the country,” said Corporal Chris Marshall of the Nova Scotia RCMP, who added police are also trying to speak to other former clients who may have since returned to Europe.  (more...)

Cape Breton land developer charged with extortion


German couple buys land in Cape Breton, gets Nazi material too

The Jones cult and the Mau Mau model


Jim Jones Jonestown British Guyana Kenya Mau Mau massacre terrorism MKULTRA Anglican drugs mind control brainwashing terrorism MI6 SOE colonialism imperialism oligarchy Peoples Temple cults

Law enforcement officers and private public interest groups investigating the terrorist potentialities of the mass suicide in Guyana must make themselves familiar with the essential features of the two-sided Mau Mau operation of British intelligence services in Africa. The orchestrated gang and countergang deployment of the main Jones group and the so-called "defectors" group conforms in every essential detail of pedigrees and deployments to the gang-countergang operation which the British ran in the Kenyan Mau Mau operation.

The writings of Brigadier Frank Kitson of British intelligence provide the law enforcement officer with all but one crucial fact one needs to know to cope with the dangers posed by the so-called "Jones defectors" group. Kitson merely omits to mention that the original Mau Mau group was created by British intelligence; the rest of the tale as given by Kitson is close to the truth on essentials.

We outline the basic features of the British Mau Mau operation first. Then. we indicate the crucial points of agreement defined by superimposing the Jones follower-defector deployment pattern on the Mau Mau model.

The Mau Mau operation

The basic elements of the British intelligence services' Mau Mau gang-countergang operation in Kenya are as follows:

1. Creation of the gang: The original Mau Mau cult, under the titular leadership of London-trained "radical" Kenyan nationalist Jomo Kenyatta, was created by the British intelligence service as an Anglican Jesuit operation coordinated by the British Psychological Warfare Division at the Tavistock Institute (Sussex University).  (more...)

The Jones cult and the Mau Mau model


To Understand the Crisis in Kenya, Know the British Empire

O Come All Ye Vaccinated Faithful


Church of England COVID vaccine passports exclusion Durham Cathedral compliance coercion biofascism tyranny

Durham Cathedral is demanding Covid passes from worshippers – in defiance of official Church of England guidance. 

Those attending Christmas services will need to show proof either that they are vaccinated, have tested negative within the previous 48 hours or have recovered from the virus. 

The move has sparked anger amid claims that it is 'profoundly at odds' with the spirit of the festive season. 

In its Covid guidance, the Church says it has 'a clear policy of encouraging people to be vaccinated, but, other than in very exceptional circumstances, [it is opposed] to limiting access to church services or organisations on the basis of vaccine certification'.

It adds: 'Such an approach would run contrary to the principle of the Church being a home and a refuge for all.' 

But authorities at the 928-year-old cathedral – which is the seat of the Bishop of Durham, Paul Butler – said they have 'taken a cautious approach to the Covid-19 restrictions from the start of the pandemic and we're continuing to keep measures in place to minimise risk and reduce the pressure on our NHS services'.  (more...)

O Come All Ye Vaccinated Faithful: Durham Cathedral is demanding Covid passes from worshippers in defiance of official Church of England guidance

Monday, December 13, 2021

Poland vs. European Union: A Battle of Political Sovereignty


EU Poland sovereignty history communism independence republicanism

Across the pond, Poland and the European Union find themselves deadlocked over a question about judicial primacy. In early October, Poland’s Constitutional Tribunal sparked controversy when it ruled that EU law does not supersede national legislation.

At stake in the EU-Poland legal dispute, was Poland’s decision in 2018 to rein in its judiciary and establish a disciplinary chamber to remove judges. Before these reforms were undertaken, the Polish judiciary was largely viewed as corrupt and inefficient, possessing vestigial features of the previous Communist order, when Poland was a member of the Warsaw Pact. What initially started out as a mundane domestic reform soon transformed into an international controversy.

The European Court of Justice (ECJ) took exception to Poland’s reforms and ruled that EU law takes precedence over Polish law. The ECJ’s ruling did not deter Poland, though. Back in March, Polish prime minister Mateusz Morawiecki brought the case before the Polish Constitutional Tribunal, subsequently leading to the Polish tribunal’s controversial ruling in October. Following the October ruling, the EU commission had choice words for Poland’s superior court and reaffirmed its EU-law-über-alles stance.

Possessed by a universalist spirit, the EU ramped up the pressure on Poland by slapping it with a daily fine of €1 million euros (slightly over $1.1 million) until the Law and Justice (PiS, Prawo i Sprawiedliwość) government modifies its judicial legislation to align with EU standards.

The Poles remain intransigent. They know what is at stake. Having gone through a series of partitions in the late eighteenth century in addition to being placed under the Soviet Union’s thumb via the Warsaw Pact in the twentieth century, Poles’ skepticism toward supranational entities and hostile external actors is justified. The former Soviet satellite will not compromise on its sovereignty both as a matter of principle and national identity.  (more...)

Poland vs. European Union: A Battle of Political Sovereignty

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