Friday, October 29, 2021

Harvard's Nazi Professor


Harvard Nazi Toronto Jordan Peterson psychiatry mind control brainwashing cults gurus demagogues academia

Nowadays, Dr. Jordan B. Peterson is fond of telling his undergraduates and alt-right followers that they are Nazis. Period. This insistent message is charitably interpreted as a warning about the dark side of human nature, but Peterson means it as a suggestion. However, when he taught at Harvard (1993–1998), his neo-Nazi signaling was more covert and sophisticated. In lessons that he claimed were meant to unearth the reasons why ordinary people would participate in genocide, he taught his students about the authoritarian personality (which he characterized as Satanic) before urging them to adopt said personality and participate in something that would offset life’s terrible unfairness, i.e. another Holocaust. You see, by engaging in the sort of revenge that spurred John Milton's Satan to assault Heaven, Peterson counselled, all that pent up bitterness, resentment, and pride could be channeled to make things right again. 

Jordan Peterson is a schizophrenic, neo-Nazi, and public menace, and he must be stopped. That he could teach pro-Nazi ideology at Harvard—without anyone seeming to notice—is astonishing. The university should apologize for having exposed learners to classes in National Socialism, but due to corruption and a lack of intelligence, this will probably never happen. 

Jordan Peterson is Canada's foremost neo-Nazi organizer. He has called Hitler "brilliant," "a master of speech," and "an organizational genius." He has also branded Hitler a "hero," "a master of dark fire," and claims the Fuhrer was "not... particularly pathological." He has praised and defended other Nazis, including the war criminals Adolf Eichmann and Wilhelm Trapp. He has labeled members of a Nazi death squad "decent guys," and he has relayed "a joke" about Jews being gassed to death. Peterson has come to the rescue of Canada's most notorious neo-Nazi, Ernst Zundel, and has vilified the Canadian government for prosecuting Zundel. He consorts with known Canadian-neo-Nazis, like Faith Goldy and Lauren Southern, yet the media is asleep at the wheel and his followers think (or pretend) that he's a self-help guru. I repeat: he is a Nazi, one supported by Penguin Publishing, the University of Toronto, and Harvard. 

This video is in support of The Devil and His Due: How Jordan Peterson Plagiarizes Adolf Hitler.


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