Wednesday, September 30, 2020

The Great Canadian Mafia War Hit List


Mafia Mob war hit list crime Canada violence murder gangsters

Tremors of a pending mob revolution were felt in the mid-2000s, by the end of the decade, however, the underworld in Canada was in an all-out gangland shooting war that would reach biblical proportions in subsequent years. The conflict started in Montreal, Quebec surrounding unrest in the Rizzuto mob empire and eventually moved to Ontario, first hitting Toronto and then Hamilton. Bodies piled up, a series of murders that has since touched Europe and Mexico and shows no signs of slowing down.

The Great Canadian Mafia War Murder Timeline (2005-present)

August 11, 2005 – Montreal mobster Johnny Bertolo, a racketeer, builder and construction union rep aligned with Rizzuto crime family power, Raynald Desjardins, is killed as he left his gym after a falling out with Vito Rizzuto. The Bertolo murder is believed to have started the bad blood between Desjardins and Rizzuto.

August 30, 2006 – Rizzuto crime family enforcer Domenico Macri is killed in a drive-by shooting as he sat at a traffic light in downtown Montreal.

September 7, 2007 – Montreal mob figure Frank Velenosi, a main lieutenant of Rizzuto crime family underboss, Francesco (Compare Frank) Arcadi, is found stabbed to death in the trunk of his car.  (more...)

The Great Canadian Mafia War Hit List

Monday, September 28, 2020

New Pentagon-Google Partnership Suggests AI Will Soon Be Used to Diagnose Covid-19


CIA Google COVID-19 pharmaceuticals Silicon Valley Pentagon military healthcare medicine Google

At the beginning of September, Google Cloud announced that it had won a project from the Pentagon’s relatively new Defense Innovation Unit (DIU) to “prototype an AI-enabled digital pathology solution at select DoD [Department of Defense] facilities.” This prototype, per a Google Cloud press release, combines “augmented reality telescopes” with “AI-enabled” cancer detection tools that will allegedly improve the accuracy of “predictive cancer diagnoses.” It is the second DIU contract Google has won this year, with the first being related to combatting “cyber threats.”

The initial implementation of this Pentagon-funded, Google-created “digital pathology solution” will take place “at select Defense Health Agency (DHA) treatment facilities and Veterans Affairs hospitals in the United States,” and the program includes “future plans to expand across the broader U.S. Military Health System,” according to Google. 

The initiative is part of a larger DIU-led program called “Predictive Health” that is also partnered with the joint AI effort of the US military and US intelligence community, the Joint Artificial Intelligence Center, and JAIC’s “Warfighter Health” initiative. The JAIC, which is currently led by a former Silicon Valley executive, is providing much of the funding for Predictive Health, while its related “Warfighter Health” initiative more broadly seeks “to field AI solutions that are aimed at transforming military health care.”

In addition to its stated goal of improving the accuracy of cancer diagnoses, the implementation of this Google-DIU AI-driven medical diagnosis tool aims to show “frontline health practitioners” that such tools “can improve the lives” of US troops, according to Google executives. As Mike Daniels, vice president of Global Public Sector at Google Cloud, noted in a statement, Google is “partnering with DIU to provide our machine learning and artificial intelligence technology to help frontline healthcare practitioners learn about capabilities that can improve the lives of our military men and women and their families.” Google also stated that the use of their tool at military health facilities would also “lower overall healthcare costs.”

The Google-DIU effort to outsource human doctor decision-making to a tailor-made artificial intelligence algorithm is, for now, only focused on the diagnosis of cancers. However, last Thursday, less than two weeks after winning the DIU contract, Google announced that it was donating $8.5 million to several organizations to advance the development and use of AI  “for monitoring and forecasting” Covid-19. That money is part of a larger $100 million donation from Google for financing “solutions” to Covid-19 that was announced in May.  (more...)

New Pentagon-Google Partnership Suggests AI Will Soon Be Used to Diagnose Covid-19

Facts and Fascism

"This book names the most powerful forces in Europe which organized the Fascist and Nazi parties and movement, the powerful American forces which own, control and subsidize native Fascism, and the spokesmen, radio orators, writers and other agents of reaction in America." Facts and Fascism is the definitive account and source book on Fascism in the United States after the First World War and on into the Second. No doubt every subsequent work on this explosive topic owes a great debt to this original research. By crusading investigative journalist George Seldes, the book is in three parts: 1) The Big Money and Big Profits in Fascism, 2) Native Fascist Forces, and 3) Our Press as a Fascist Force. The first part reveals the backing of U.S. and British big business behind the rise of Fascism and militarism, with chapters on Germany, Italy, Japan, and Spain, the Nazi cartels and the National Association of Manufacturers. The author was a reporter in Italy in the early 20's as Fascism got its start, and wrote a full-length, critical portrait of Mussolini. In "Native Fascist Forces," Seldes first tells the story of the botched putsch by J. P. Morgan and the American Legion against FDR in 1934 - surely one of the most hushed-up episodes in US history. Next Seldes dissects the Ford empire's support for Nazism and its repressive, even murderous labor practices, and Nazi apologists like Lindbergh, Father Coughlin and the Reader's Digest. The third part explores and deplores acts of treason by war-profiteering heavy industry and by the major newspaper chains. He exposes their habit of faking news for their political agenda, going back to the 1850's in support of black slavery, and white servitude - that is, with attacks on labor and social justice. The last chapter discusses profiteering from a different form of slavery, the tobacco addiction. Among the appendices is one on the definition of Fascism, and data on Who Owns America - thirteen plutocratic families.

corporations fascism George Seldes books journalism history independent media

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Money laundering, oligarchs, terrorists: How corrupt are the banks?

Are banks helping criminals, oligarchs and terrorists to launder money? That’s what the so-called FinCen leaks allege. How do the charges stack up? Our guests: Daniel Drepper (BuzzFeed News), Vendeline von Bredow (Economist), Matthew Karnitschnig (Politico)

FinCEN money laundering banks conflict of interest leaks crime corruption

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Tricky Dickie Mountbottom out of the closet

 A major figure behind his nephew Philip's marriage to Queen Elizabeth II and instrumental in the royal family taking the Mountbatten name, Dickie Mountbatten's career included being Supreme Allied Commander of South East Asia during World War Two and the last Viceroy of India. 

Once the richest woman in Britain and a playgirl who enjoyed numerous affairs, Edwina Mountbatten emerged from World War Two as a magnetic and talented charity worker loved around the world. 

From the prize-winning and best-selling historian Andrew Lownie comes a nuanced portrayal of two very unusual people and their complex marriage to mark the 40th anniversary of Lord Mountbatten's assassination by the IRA. 

From British high society and the South of France to the battlefields of Burma and the Viceroy's House, this is a rich and filmic story whose characters include all the key figures of the Second World War. From Churchill and Montgomery to Roosevelt and Eisenhower; the Royal Family, including the Duke of Windsor, George VI, the Queen, Prince Philip and Prince Charles; to Charlie Chaplin, Noel Coward, Salvador Dali, George Gershwin, Grace Kelly and Merle Oberon.

Mountbatten books biography abuse boys crime pedophilia homosexuality rape Royals Kincora


Lord Mountbatten: The Grandfather of All Royal British Sex Scandals

Friday, September 25, 2020

Lord Mountbatten: The Grandfather of All Royal British Sex Scandals


books Mountbatten boys abuse pedophilia crime Kincora cover-up Royals rape child prostitution

Prince Andrew’s alleged sexual crimes, bad as they are, are nothing but smokescreen to distract attention of the public from the problem that never goes away: the legacy of Lord Mountbatten, a gigantic figure in the Windsor dynasty, and the center of the most troubling allegations of sexual crimes against children.

This could well be the breaking point of British society with the Royals – and that’s why Andrew is at once a problem – for raising awareness of Royal misconduct – and a patsy, for taking the public fall after other family members have credibly been accused of doing much, much worse.

In 2019, Andrew Lownie, the author of a book on Lord Mountbatten, denounced the secrecy that continues to surround the child sex abuse allegations concerning the murdered royal, at a time when the public is demanding greater openness over such claims, as in the allegations about Prince Andrew.

“Why do we never hear the same demands for disclosure about the cover-up of Lord Mountbatten’s death and the involvement of the state in suppressing the [reporting on] trafficking and sexual exploitation of young boys from London and [Belfast’s] Kincora House?”

Lownie’s best-selling book on Lord Mountbatten features interviews with several men who claim to have been trafficked from Belfast, as young boys, to Mountbatten’s castle in County Sligo, in August 1977.

He added: “Mountbatten and many, many others in Northern Ireland and the UK, in the past, had sex with young boys and girls going right back to the 1970s, and earlier”, wrote Lownie.

“That was all swept under the carpet while the rich and powerful sheltered under the protection of the state. Surely the Mountbatten affair should be ruled by exactly the same decisions on disclosure [as Andrew’s]?”  (more...)

Lord Mountbatten: The Grandfather of All Royal British Sex Scandals

books Mountbatten abuse boys crime pedophilia rape child prostitution Royals

Deutsche Bank Money Laundering Scandal Could Create Greatest Economic Crisis in History


Deutsche Bank money laundering corruption crime leak FinCEN finance banks

Deutsche Bank, along with several of the world’s biggest commercial banks, are embroiled in a global money laundering scandal that spans over two decades, as documents leaked to BuzzFeed show the movement of $2 Trillion in illicit cash through the Western banking establishment.

The cache of Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) detailing years of potentially illegal banking transactions were shared with 108 news organizations in 88 countries, according to the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ). These records are a requirement for any financial institution that engages in dollar-denominated transactions anywhere in the world and are filed with the Treasury Department’s intelligence unit, the Financial Crimes and Enforcement Network or FinCEN.

The more than 2,100 SARs released to the press are considered “historical” documents by the implicated banks, who responded with their usual Pontius Pilate routine when reached for comment by the media and washed their hands of the matter by claiming to have fulfilled their legal obligation before the U.S. Treasury “as part of our partnership with regulators and law enforcement to protect the global financial system,” as a Deutsche Bank statement puts it.

The Trump-linked German bank is, by far, the most beset by the suspicious activity records totaling well over half of the $2 Trillion-dollar sum the FinCEN Files trace, with approximately $1.3 Trillion of it moving through the scandal-plagued financial institution. Most of the press coverage in the U.S., so far, has focused on the ties to Russian oligarchs and assorted narratives that are hovering over election-year American political discourse. Deutsche Bank’s central role, nevertheless, betrays a far greater problem as the bank’s potential collapse could send the financial world into a tailspin and result in the greatest economic crisis in history.  (more...)

Deutsche Bank Money Laundering Scandal Could Create Greatest Economic Crisis in History


Trump’s $300 Million Potential Conflict Of Interest With Deutsche Bank

Coalition calls to end snow-washing and urges feds for improved transparency in wake of FinCEN Files


Canada money laundering snow-washing finance crime shell companies banks dirty money

OTTAWA – A coalition of organizations is urging the federal government to crack down on financial crime after Canadian banks, shell companies, and individuals were identified in a global investigation into suspicious financial activity.

The FinCEN Files investigation by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists and BuzzFeed News found Western banks helped trillions in dirty or suspicious money flow across borders. Between 2000-2017, suspicious activity reports referenced individuals from more than 170 jurisdictions. Canada ranked 7th among countries where individuals were flagged for suspicious financial activity.

“Canada has a reputation as a safe country with a robust economy, but our weak transparency laws have made us a haven for bad actors and complicit in all sorts of illicit global activity from drug trafficking to terrorist financing,” said Sasha Caldera, beneficial ownership transparency campaign manager with Publish What You Pay Canada, one of the coalition members.

Radio-Canada’s Enquête investigated Canadian shell corporations flagged in the FinCEN files for receiving millions in suspicious transactions. Journalists traced front companies incorporated in New Brunswick and Alberta, with no legitimate business activity or beneficial owner in Canada, to Russia and alleged illicit activities ranging from insurance fraud to illegal fishing.  (more...)

Coalition calls to end snow-washing and urges feds for improved transparency in wake of FinCEN Files


End Snow-Washing

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Far-right infiltration of Canada's military poses a serious threat, says Winnipeg reporter


journalism military Canada white supremacy hate racism xenophobia violence crime infiltration

It's a story fit for a spy movie.

For one long month in 2019, Winnipeg Free Press reporter Ryan Thorpe went undercover, posing as a white nationalist in an attempt to earn the trust and acceptance of the neo-Nazi group The Base. Through his investigation, he exposed Patrik Mathews, a Canadian soldier involved with the group.

"They're armed, they're organized, and they're filled with hate," he said in a video for the newspaper's website. "And they're here in Winnipeg looking to recruit young white men for a race war."

Thorpe's investigation started off from a tip the paper received about white nationalist recruitment posters popping up in Winnipeg. 

After discussing with fellow team members, Thorpe decided that the only way to get a sense of what this group was up to was to reach out as someone while posing as a white nationalist.  (more...)

Far-right infiltration of Canada's military poses a serious threat, says Winnipeg reporter


Army commander vows to issue special order to weed out extremists in the ranks

Investigating the Radical Right’s Presence in the Military

In Aftermath of Rexdale Mosque Shooting, Calls for Action Needed to Dismantle White Supremacist Groups in Canada


extremism white supremacy violence crime hate racism xenophobia

On Saturday, a day after the suspect responsible for the killing of Mohamed-Aslim Zafis was apprehended, the National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM) stood with leaders of the Sikh, Jewish, and Christian community at the IMO in calling for the murder to be investigated as hate-motivated. Today, given the public confirmation of his links to a disturbing strand of white supremacy and neo-Nazism, and while more investigation is further required, NCCM is calling on the federal government to take immediate action in dismantling white supremacist groups.

"When the Quebec City Mosque attack happened, many of us prayed that this would be the last time we lost community members to Islamophobia and hate. We were wrong," said Mustafa Farooq, CEO of NCCM. "As the number of alt-right and neo-Nazi groups grow in Canada, we now know that without action today, it will simply be a matter of time before the next attack.

When I saw Brother Mohamed on the ground outside the mosque, that was the last time that anyone in Canada should have to see such a sight. That's why we're calling for immediate action."  (more...)


Technofascim, eugenics, vaccination, and the new normal

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny and guest Constitutional Lawyer Rocco Galati discussion and commentary on current world events.

technofascism eugenics sterilization vaccination social engineering population control technofascism

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

NXIVM: Human potential for stupidity

This week we dive into the secretive sex cult, NXIVM:  their mind-control techniques, comparisons to Scientology, blackmail of powerful people, as well as child trafficking.  Don't miss this important recap plus updates on NXIVM.

NXIVM Keith Raniere Nazi holocaust denier Bronfmann cults sex trafficking


Nxivm Leader Keith Raniere Was Holocaust Denier – Claimed Top Members Were Former Nazis

Today In Celebrity Sex Slavery

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

The Spider's Web: Fascist Survival and Collaborators

We speak to Gerrard Williams about his upcoming book project "The Spider's Web" about the survival of the Nazi apparatus after World War II. Also covered are how some of the United States Intelligence Agencies helped to assist some of the Nazis escape and helped promote and even collaborated with them after the war. We then ,move on to discuss how this hidden history has affected us today.

Nazi ratlines cold war Martin Bormann Die Spinne
Yes, Miss Moneypenny, there really is a Spectre


Grey Wolf: The Escape of Adolf Hitler

Wikileaks Documents Suggest That Wernher Von Braun Tried To Warn Us About A Fake Alien Invasion

Challenging the coronavirus coups in Canada and Ireland

Roundtable Discussion with Guests : 

Rocco Galati, Constitutional Lawyer and Dr. Dolores Cahill Phd.

Rocco Galati Canada pandemic COVID-19 lockdown medicine healthcare censorship technofascism mainstream media politics

Monday, September 21, 2020

Roy Cohn, Donald Trump, Process Church and The Swamp

 Ed Opperman interviews Steven Snider better known as Recluse from the website. They cover the interesting history of Resorts International, Donald Trump, Roy Cohen, The Process Church of Final Judgment connections.

Roy Cohn Donald Trump Atlantic City money laundering casinos mob

Grey Wolf: The Escape of Adolf Hitler

 When Truman asked Stalin in 1945 whether Hitler was dead, Stalin replied bluntly, “No.” As late as 1952, Eisenhower declared: “We have been unable to unearth one bit of tangible evidence of Hitler's death.” What really happened?

Simon Dunstan and Gerrard Williams have compiled extensive evidence--some recently declassified--that Hitler actually fled Berlin and took refuge in a remote Nazi enclave in Argentina. The recent discovery that the famous “Hitler's skull” in Moscow is female, as well as newly uncovered documents, provide powerful proof for their case. Dunstan and Williams cite people, places, and dates in over 500 detailed notes that identify the plan's escape route, vehicles, aircraft, U-boats, and hideouts. Among the details: the CIA's possible involvement and Hitler's life in Patagonia--including his two daughters.

Adolf Hitler escape Argentina CIA Nazi history books

Sunday, September 20, 2020

The CIA Book Publishing Operations


CIA publishing subversion corruption books ideology technofascism

If America is the world’s living myth, then the CIA is America’s myth.

–Don DeLillo

One of the alternative press’s most significant scoops of the 1960s was Sol Stern’s February 1967 Ramparts magazine’s exposé revealing that the Central Intelligence Agency had long secretly funded and controlled the National Student Association (NSA). The story was significant because it revealed the NSA was a CIA front, but its greater significance came with the many derivative investigative journalistic pieces published in the months that followed. This later wave of stories used Stern’s methods of tracing CIA funding fronts to reveal a hidden world of CIA infiltrations of organizations. Once Ramparts published the names of the funding fronts the CIA had used, others followed Stern’s methods and in the months that followed, dozens of news stories revealed CIA front operations. These ranged from the funding of labor unions, judicial organizations, professional associations, to publishers and organizations like the International Conference of the Boy Scouts Movement.

The basic building blocks of Stern’s methods for tracing CIA fronts had been available to the public for three years, following revelations in 1964 when some of these CIA fronts were first accidentally exposed by Congressman Wright Patman during congressional hearings searching for communist infiltrations of American foundations. In these hearings Patman questioned an IRS employee about irregularities in several foundations, and his sworn public testimony was that the Kaplan Fund was being used by the CIA to fund projects and individuals of interest to the Agency. Patman learned from the CIA the names of eight nonprofits that funded the Kaplan Fund: The Gotham Foundation, Michigan Fund, Andrew Hamilton Fund, Borden Trust, The Price Fund, The Edsel Fund, The Beacon Fund, The Kentfield Fund. Though there was some brief news coverage of these disclosures, there was no real effort to trace what happened to the CIA funds passing through these CIA fronts and pass-throughs until Stern’s Ramparts exposé.

It was during Ramparts 1967 revelatory aftermath that the world first learned that the CIA covertly funded the publication of books, when a February 1967 New York Times story revealed that Praeger Press had published an unidentified number of books “at the CIA’s suggestion.” News reports soon revealed the CIA had secretly published other books with other presses.  (more...)

The CIA Book Publishing Operations


Finks: How the CIA tricked the world’s best writers

How the CIA Helped Shape the Creative Writing Scene in America

Friday, September 18, 2020

Suspect In Fatal Stabbing Outside Toronto Mosque Appears To Follow Hitler-Worshipping Satanist Movement


O9A Nazi hate racism xenophobia occult white supremacy violence crime

The man suspected of killing 58-year-old Mohamed-Aslim Zafis while he was minding the door at his mosque has been arrested by police.

The Toronto Police Service say they have arrested 34-year-old Guilherme “William” Von Neutegem of Toronto and charged him with first-degree murder. 

According to NewsTalk1010, "police say the killing appears to be random, with no motive and no known relationship between the victim and the suspect."

However, his social media accounts suggest he was a neo-Nazi occultist. 

Searches of people databases show there is only one Toronto resident with that name, and the social media accounts associated with it are connected to a variety of known racist and Nazi-inspired occult movements, including the Order of the 9 Angles (O9A). 

The Order of the 9 Angles is a neo-Nazi death cult and it's believers are told to carry out murders to establish a satanic empire. Its training manual says, “to cull humans is to be the ONA." They worship Hitler because of the Nazi's affair with the occult, and because they believe the Holocaust was Hitler's attempt to establish their satanic empire.  (more...)

Suspect In Fatal Stabbing Outside Toronto Mosque Appears To Follow Hitler-Worshipping Satanist Movement


Irish Diaspora, Neo-Paganism, Order of Nine Angles, Leaderless Resistance, and the Smiley Face Killers

Masking and your Rights

The issue(s) of masking under the Covid-measures and your statutory rights with respect to masking.

mask constitutional rights COVID exemptions

The war against Polish culture


Poland culture war restitution art genocide looting Nazi history

During the Second World War, hundreds of thousands of Polish works of art, volumes and archives, fell victim to looting or were destroyed forever. Many prominent Polish museum workers and people of culture, as well as museum employees, paid the highest price – the price of their own lives – while attempting to protect national heritage. Despite 80 years passing since the outbreak of the war, Poland has not ceased the search for and retrieval of stolen cultural property. 

The targeted and precise actions taken by the Germans on September 1, 1939, and later by the Russians after September 17, 1939, led to the elimination of cultural achievements and the Polish elite. In the German concentration camp Mauthausen, thousands of Polish artists, architects, journalists, writers, poets, musicians, composers, social and political activists, university professors and students were imprisoned. About 30,000 of them were murdered. 

German and Soviet crimes were targeted against the Polish intelligentsia, Polish culture, identity, independence; in a word, Poland. In November 1939, the German SS troops carried out Sonderaktion Krakau. Cracow scholars were deceptively gathered at the Collegium Novum of the Jagiellonian University in order to be transported to concentration camps. Among the victims of the crime in Palmyra – executions carried out between December 1939 and July 1941 – there were also representatives of the Polish political, intellectual and cultural elite. Fifty prominent Polish scholars, professors from Lviv, their relatives and co-workers were murdered in July 1941. We cannot forget about the many outstanding Polish artists who died fighting in the ranks of the Home Army during the Warsaw Uprising or even as a result of military operations carried out by the occupiers. Among the 6 million Polish victims of the war, including 3 million Polish Jews, a great number of representatives of the Polish intelligentsia were murdered, among others a third of the Polish elite.  (more...)

The war against Polish culture


World War II looting of Poland

The plunder of Poland

Objects Lost As A Result Of The Second World War

Thursday, September 17, 2020

“Worldview Warfare” and The Science of Coercion


William Donovan psychological operations worldview warfare social control military Nazi OSS

The phrase “psychological warfare” is reported to have first entered English in 1941 as a translated mutation of the Nazi term Weltanschauungskrieg (literally, worldview warfare), meaning the purportedly scientific application of propaganda, terror, and state pressure as a means of securing an ideological victory over one’s enemies.  William “Wild Bill” Donovan, then director of the newly established U.S. intelligence agency Office of Strategic Services (OSS), viewed an understanding of Nazi psychological tactics as a vital source of ideas for “Americanized” versions of many of the same stratagems. Use of the new term quickly became widespread throughout the U.S. intelligence community. For Donovan psychological warfare was destined to become a full arm of the U.S. military, equal in status to the army, navy, and air force. 

Donovan was among the first in the United States to articulate a more or less unified theory of psychological warfare. As he saw it, the “engineering of consent” techniques used in peacetime propaganda campaigns could be quite effectively adapted to open warfare. Pro-Allied propaganda was essential to reorganizing the U.S. economy for war and for creating public support at home for intervention in Europe, Donovan believed. Fifth-column movements could be employed abroad as sources of intelligence and as morale-builders for populations under Axis control. He saw “special operations — meaning sabotage, subversion, commando raids, and guerrilla movements — as useful for softening up targets prior to conventional military assaults. “Donovan’s concept of psychological warfare was all-encompassing,” writes Colonel Alfred Paddock, who has specialized in this subject for the U.S. Army War College. “Donovan’s visionary dream was to unify these functions in support of conventional (military) unit operations, thereby forging a ‘new instrument of war.'”  (more...)

“Worldview Warfare” and The Science of Coercion

sociology psychological warfare social control worldview warfare

Lucifer’s Reign: The Role of Operation Gladio in the Subversion of Latin America


Operation Gladio P2 Lodge Roberto Calvi Vatican Bank Catholic Latin America stay-behinds Nazi terrorism money laundering

Italian authorities were on the trail of Roberto Calvi and the Banco Ambrosiano’s irregular activities, oblivious to the incredible chasm of corruption, blood and terrorism that lay open just behind him. Founded in 1896, the bank had cultivated a pristine reputation as a model of integrity and independent governance, thanks to its policy of restricting the total amount of stock any single entity could own in the institution to 5%. Calvi had created a web of shell companies with myriad subsidiaries to get around these limitations, and by such means attained 16% control of the bank on behalf of the Vatican.

When the scandal broke all over the Italian press, the Pope himself was implicated in a conspiracy so large and dark, that even the most audacious spy novelists would balk at the premise. A wide-ranging Masonic fraternity called P2, comprising hundreds of powerful government figures and mobsters, was exposed as a central mover in the multi-billion-dollar scandal. Even high-ranking Vatican officials were part of the fraternity – a violation of Church tenets.

Banco Ambrosiano’s long-established good name had been tarnished beyond recovery, but the Milan-based institution’s role barely scratched the surface of a far bigger and much more sinister reality emanating from the deep recesses of post-World War II America; a burgeoning superpower intent on asserting itself on the rest of the world, bleeding from the shores of the Mediterranean all the way to Latin America.

Dubbed “God’s Banker”, Calvi was in charge of laundering billions of dollars generated through world-wide heroin trade networks established years earlier by the CIA and its precursor agency, the OSS. Allen Dulles, future Director of the CIA, and his spy mentor “Wild” Bill Donovan, devised a plan at the conclusion of World War II to prevent – as claimed – a Soviet invasion of Europe. The concept revolved around recruiting Nazi officers and other extreme right wing elements to form so-called “stay-behind” units throughout the old continent, stationed clandestinely in several countries ready to act on a moment’s notice. They called the operation “Gladio”, and though the awaited red invasion never materialized, the services of the covert militias, who stashed CIA-provided armaments in thousands of secret locations, were requisitioned on multiple occasions as the need to quash left-leaning movements arose.  (more...)

Lucifer’s Reign: The Role of Operation Gladio in the Subversion of Latin America

TDY and War Trafficking

 Doug Valentine talks about his latest book, “TDY” based on a story told to him by a veteran of the Vietnam war who was sent on a covert mission related to the CIA and military involvement in trafficking... 

From the book description: 

“This novel by Douglas Valentine, author of the nonfiction bestseller The CIA as Organized Crime, is based on a true story, one told to him by a Vietnam veteran, and barely, yet grippingly, fictionalized here.

“In early 1967, a bored, adventurous photojournalist on an Air Force base in Texas is offered a Temporary Duty (TDY) assignment somewhere overseas. The mission is steeped in secrecy, but Pete is promised a large bonus and hazardous duty pay.  The mission that unfolds is terrifying beyond anything Pete ever imagined.”

Here’s what Oliver Stone said about the book: “I read it in suspense and found the last revelations after the mission even more disturbing.”

drug trafficking CIA Special Forces Laos China Vietnam war crime corruption

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Unification Church, Sun Myung Moon, Moonies, Asian People's Anti-Communist League

 World Anti-Communist League, WACL series, We've Read the Documents, Unification Church, Sun Myung Moon, Moonies, Asian People's Anti-Communist League, Syngman Rhee, Walter Propheta, American Orthodox Catholic Church, wandering bishops, Peter Levenda, William Buckley, Blessed Child, Washington Times, Koreagate, Richard Viguerie, Council for National Policy, Jerry Falwell, Moral Majority, God and Freedom Banquet, cults, Moonie defector

books cult Unification Church Christian Right Nazi Ukraine Korea Georgetown University

cults Unification Church married clergy Emmanuel Milingo anti-communism
Unified Moonies

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Army commander vows to issue special order to weed out extremists in the ranks


military hate racism xenophobia white supremacy Canada infiltration

The commander of the Canadian army says he plans to issue a special order that will give individual army units across the country "explicit direction" on how to deal with soldiers suspected of hateful conduct and extremism.

Lt.-Gen. Wayne Eyre told CBC News he also will reinforce the message personally by convening a meeting of all commanding officers and regimental sergeants major — 450 mid-level leaders — to discuss the problem of far-right infiltration of the military.

The action comes after a CBC News investigation of a Canadian Ranger unit uncovered how Erik Myggland, a British Columbia reservist who openly supported two far-right groups, was allowed to continue serving even after he had been identified by military counterintelligence and interviewed as a potential threat.

The directive also comes as prosecutors in the U.S. pursue firearms charges against former Canadian army reservist Patrik Mathews, who is accused of recruiting for a white-supremacist organization in the States.

One anti-racism organization, The Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center, said it is pleased to see such steps being taken — but questions whether the navy, the air force and other branches of the military are prepared to follow suit.

Eyre, who acknowledged last week that the army has a growing problem of right-wing extremism, also reiterated his determination to "crush" hateful ideology and acts in the ranks.  (more...)

Army commander vows to issue special order to weed out extremists in the ranks

Dr. Strangelove’s Spoon Benders: How the U.S. Military Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb


psychic abilities human potential New Age morality mind control military weaponization
Inspiring foreign cultures with our morality

It is the belief held by top officials within the U.S. military industrial complex that their ideology of appropriate morality is to prevail and that one must use these mind-over-matter techniques to achieve the ultimate goal, “the power to manipulate reality”, that global dominance can be achieved without wiping out the world.

“MindWar must be strategic in emphasis, with tactical applications playing a reinforcing, supplementary role. In its strategic context, MindWar must reach out to friends, enemies, and neutrals alike across the globe…through the media possessed by the United States which have the capabilities to reach virtually all people on the face of the Earth…State of the art developments in satellite communication, video recording techniques, and laser and optical transmission of broadcasts make possible a penetration of the minds of the world such as would have been inconceivable just a few years ago. Like the sword of Excalibur, we have but to reach out and seize this tool; and it can transform the world for us if we have the courage and integrity to enhance civilization with it. If we do not accept Excalibur, then we relinquish our ability to inspire foreign cultures with our morality. If they can then desire moralities unsatisfactory to us, we have no choice but to fight them on a more brutish level.”

– “From PSYOP to MindWar: The Psychology of Victory” by Col. Paul Vallely and Maj. Michael Aquino, a document written to increase the influence of the “spoon-benders” in the U.S. military.

On Sept 4th, an unprecedented show of force aimed at Russia occurred, with U.S. Air Force B-52H Stratofortress bombers flying from the UK to Ukraine airspace. After arriving in Ukraine airspace they orbited for an extended period right at the edge of the Ukraine-Russian border.

These B-52H bombers are capable of carrying nuclear weapons.

In addition, a number of U.S. and UK aerial intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) assets were operating in the area at the time, including a RC-135V/W spy plane, a RAF Airseeker and a RAF Sentinel R1 radar jet.  (more...)

Dr. Strangelove’s Spoon Benders: How the U.S. Military Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb

Monday, September 14, 2020

Ecstasy, Israeli Art Students & the Mossad


ecstasy Mossad espionage telecommunications drug trafficking

Robbie Martin of Media Roots Radio guides the listener through the history of the infamous 'Israeli Art Student' spy ring that was identified by the DEA in an official leaked document from 2000 and how this spy ring crosses over with the illicit global MDMA/Ecstasy trade, the 9/11 hijackers in Florida and possibly dozens of Mossad cut-out operations operating inside the United States.

In the episode we provide an exclusive report from co-founder Emanuel Sferios about his own encounter with the Israeli spy ring in 1999.

Additional documentation, video clips and pointers were provided by researchers Jon Gold and DJ Thermal Detonator.

COVID-911: From Homeland Security to Biosecurity

9/11, as we were told repeatedly in the days, weeks, and months after the attack, was the day that changed everything. And now a new event has come along to once again throw the world into chaos. But whereas the post-9/11 era introduced America to the concept of homeland security, the COVID-19 era is introducing the world to an altogether more abstract concept: biosecurity. This is the story of the COVID-911 security state.

COVID-19 9/11 security state social control technocracy fascism surveillance

Introducing Rocco Galati and the Constitutional Rights Centre

 The Constitutional Rights Centre Inc. ("CRC"), incorporated in November, 2004, with several dozen Court cases under its belt and direction, including at the Supreme Court of Canada, comes out of self-isolation to announce the launch of its website and other social media platforms.

justice,politics,constitution Rocco Galati

Vatican II and CIA Propaganda

T. S. Flanders talks to author David Wemhoff about his book, John Courtney Murray, Time/Life and the American Proposition: How the CIA's Doctrinal Warfare Program Changed the Catholic Church. We discuss the connections between John Courtney Murray's ideas about America, the CIA's psychological warfare program through media like Time magazine, and its influence on the Catholic Church via Vatican II.

Catholic CIA Doctrinal Warfare infiltration social engineering media propaganda psychological operations

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Job Opportunity: Choir Boys, Criminals, Tools, and Fools


George Bush William Colby CIA
The CIA cult

Today I’m going to offer some thoughts building on ideas from Addiction and Control, where I speculated on how addiction may be used by exploitative organizations such as the ‘intelligence community’ to control its members.

When William Egan Colby decided to publish his autobiography in 1978, he made this rather extraordinary claim:

…I remembered a talk I had with Donovan [William Donovan, OSS head] several years before. I had asked him how you get young paratroopers to behave like choir boys on Saturday night after spending six days learning to be aggressive, devious and heroic. He answered that he didn’t know, but nevertheless it just had to be done. It would be many years before I would have to develop a better answer than Donovan’s.

Colby claims something remarkable in this quote, he claims he developed a system of control for his subordinates that involves them leading a double life: six days doing “devious” work, one evening acting like a “choir boy”. I believe Colby was saying that he found a way to make his subordinates reliably present an ethical face to the outside world, while in reality they spent most of their time being unethical.  (more...)

William Colby's System of Control


"When the CIA goes to church, it doesn't go to pray."

The CIA’s “Phoenix Program” in Vietnam and the “War on Terror”

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Behind the Iran Contra Affair

The Iran--Contra affair, also referred to as Irangate, Contragate or the Iran--Contra scandal, was a political scandal in the United States that came to light in November 1986. During the Reagan administration, senior administration officials secretly facilitated the sale of arms to Iran, the subject of an arms embargo. Some U.S. officials also hoped that the arms sales would secure the release of several hostages and allow U.S. intelligence agencies to fund the Nicaraguan Contras. Under the Boland Amendment, further funding of the Contras by the government had been prohibited by Congress.

The scandal began as an operation to free the seven American hostages being held in Lebanon by a group with Iranian ties connected to the Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution. It was planned that Israel would ship weapons to Iran, and then the United States would resupply Israel and receive the Israeli payment. The Iranian recipients promised to do everything in their power to achieve the release of the U.S. hostages. The plan deteriorated into an arms-for-hostages scheme, in which members of the executive branch sold weapons to Iran in exchange for the release of the American hostages. Large modifications to the plan were devised by Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North of the National Security Council in late 1985, in which a portion of the proceeds from the weapon sales was diverted to fund anti-Sandinista and anti-communist rebels, or Contras, in Nicaragua.

While President Ronald Reagan was a supporter of the Contra cause, the evidence is disputed as to whether he authorized the diversion of the money raised by the Iranian arms sales to the Contras. Handwritten notes taken by Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger on December 7, 1985, indicate that Reagan was aware of potential hostage transfers with Iran, as well as the sale of Hawk and TOW missiles to "moderate elements" within that country. Weinberger wrote that Reagan said "he could answer to charges of illegality but couldn't answer to the charge that 'big strong President Reagan passed up a chance to free the hostages'". After the weapon sales were revealed in November 1986, Reagan appeared on national television and stated that the weapons transfers had indeed occurred, but that the United States did not trade arms for hostages. The investigation was impeded when large volumes of documents relating to the scandal were destroyed or withheld from investigators by Reagan administration officials. On March 4, 1987, Reagan returned to the airwaves in a nationally televised address, taking full responsibility for any actions that he was unaware of, and admitting that "what began as a strategic opening to Iran deteriorated, in its implementation, into trading arms for hostages".

Several investigations ensued, including those by the U.S. Congress and the three-person, Reagan-appointed Tower Commission. Neither found any evidence that President Reagan himself knew of the extent of the multiple programs. Ultimately the sale of weapons to Iran was not deemed a criminal offense but charges were brought against five individuals for their support of the Contras. Those charges, however, were later dropped because the administration refused to declassify certain documents. The indicted conspirators faced various lesser charges instead. In the end, fourteen administration officials were indicted, including then-Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger. Eleven convictions resulted, some of which were vacated on appeal. The rest of those indicted or convicted were all pardoned in the final days of the presidency of George H. W. Bush, who had been vice-president at the time of the affair.

Iran Contras Ronald Reagan covert action CIA paramilitary drug trafficking terrorism assassination

Thursday, September 10, 2020

CIA-Linked NGOs "Protecting Kids"

 Down and down and down the rabbit hole...

CIA NGOs child trafficking social control prostitution blackmail brownstone crime corruption conflict of interest

Toronto police charge high school teacher with sexually assaulting 2 students

Toronto arts education crime abuse misconduct pedophilia rape

 TORONTO – A Toronto high school teacher has been charged after police say he sexually assaulted two female students.

Police say the incidents took place between 2015 and last year, and involved a teacher and students at Rosedale Heights School of the Arts.

They say David Field, 56, is charged with two counts each of sexual assault and sexual exploitation.

He is due in court on Nov. 18.

Police say he has worked at the school since 2004, and previously worked at Don Mills Collegiate and Georges Vanier Secondary School.

Police said they are concerned there may be more victims.  (more...)

Toronto police charge high school teacher with sexually assaulting 2 students

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Ashton Kutcher's CIA Linked NGO


Ashton Kutcher’s NGO Supplies Police with ‘Free’ CIA-linked Surveillance Tool to ‘Protect Kids’

Ashton Kutcher CIA NGO sex trafficking child abuse surveillance politics conflict of interest Silicon Valley

The Cult of QAnon, The New Age, Pentecostalism, and Going Nuts

 Lawyer, author and researcher Constance Cumbey joins us to delve deeper into the counterculture and New Age movements, this time our focus will be Q-anon. 

Constance began her research on these topics in 1981 and has spent nearly 40 years devoted to her investigation, exposing a leftist plot to overthrow Christian civilization, creating a post-Christian and socialist world.

Marilyn Ferguson’s book “Aquarian Conspiracy” described a powerful network of anti-Christian organizations and personalities promoting radical cultural and social programs in the United States and around the world to bring about this change through the “expansion of consciousness".

QAnon New Age Pentecostalism politics religion cults violence


The Counterculture and the New Age Movement

Ashton Kutcher’s NGO Supplies Police with ‘Free’ CIA-linked Surveillance Tool to ‘Protect Kids’


Ashton Kutcher technology sex trafficking software Silicon Valley NGO CIA surveillance

As calls for dramatic reforms of U.S. police departments have swept the country in recent months, several of Silicon Valley’s largest companies have tried to salvage their image by asserting that they will no longer sell their facial recognition software to police departments. Among these companies is Amazon, which decided to place a one-year pause on the sale of its software “Rekognition” to U.S. police departments in early June. 

At the time the moratorium was announced, The New York Times noted that “the announcement was a striking change for Amazon…” due to the fact that, “more than other big technology companies, Amazon has resisted calls to slow its deployment.” Amazon’s resistance to the widespread adoption of its facial recognition software gained notoriety after a study found that Rekognition falsely tied 28 members of Congress, most of whom were politicians of color, to mugshots, causing critics to accuse Amazon’s product of both racial bias and inaccuracy.

However, what The Times and other outlets failed to pick up on, then and now, is the fact that Amazon’s Rekognition is still being supplied to U.S. police, despite its official moratorium. Indeed, U.S. law enforcement agencies are still being offered Amazon’s facial recognition software by a NGO partnered with Amazon that was created by actor Ashton Kutcher, who frequently co-invests with Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos.

That NGO, called “Thorn,” continues to supply the controversial software to law enforcement agencies around the country under the guise of helping police “combat child trafficking.” Thorn’s role in supplying such software to law enforcement despite moratoriums is also notable because its founder Ashton Kutcher has publicly and “tearfully” supported Black Lives Matter amid the recent protests that provoked Amazon’s moratorium on sales of Rekognition to police in the first place. In addition, Kutcher is also a major investor, alongside Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, in a company that supplies AI-powered software to law enforcement agencies, further undermining Kutcher’s professed support for ending racial inequities in policing. 

Yet, further investigation into Thorn casts even greater doubt on its professed altruistic objectives, given the organization’s ties to CIA cut-outs, Wall Street banks and another “anti-child trafficking” organization that was launched by Hillary Clinton and Cherie Blair, the wife of former U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair.  (more...)

Ashton Kutcher’s NGO Supplies Police with ‘Free’ CIA-linked Surveillance Tool to ‘Protect Kids’


Society of Saturn

Ashton Kutcher technology sex trafficking software Silicon Valley NGO CIA surveillance

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